
Photograph via snooOG

/r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. It is also a place to discuss the language at large.

New visitors, please read the FAQ: /r/German/wiki/faq

This is a community for students of German and discussions pertaining to the German language.

Check our Wiki for materials, tips, and the FAQ before posting.

Feel free to contribute materials, questions, tips, guides and anything else to our Wiki!

Additional Resources

If you need something translated or transcribed, ask for it over at /r/translator.

If you'd like to know how you sound speaking in German you can ask /r/judgemyaccent.

Both German-language subreddits and subreddits for learners of German can be found in the DACH wiki.

/r/Kurrent focuses on Kurrentschrift and Sütterlinschrift.

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Blue For non-natives and learners only. Pick a flair according to your level.

Gold If you have a German/linguistics degree, request this special flair from the mods (no proof needed).

Make sure to edit your flair so it also contains some info about your region (natives) or your native language (learners).

Posting rules:

No Off-Topic Posts: Submissions which are not about the German language are not permitted. We are a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. It is also a place to discuss the language at large and we welcome submissions that elaborate on the reasons why we're interested in the German language.

No Low-Effort Homework Requests: Please do not post homework requests with no signs of effort - we are happy to make corrections and suggestions, but we won't do the work for you. So you have to have done some work already for us to critique. This also include images of text from text books, classwork, or exams. If you wish to ask about school work you need to submit them as a self-text posts.

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No Translation Requests: This community is focused on learning German. Please post unrelated translation requests to /r/translator. Please be aware that /r/translator has specific formatting requirements for submissions, so check their rules before submitting anything there.

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331,758 Subscribers


What's going with "den ein" in "Es gibt aber auch den ein oder anderen..."?

Here it is in context:

Tatsache ist, dass Alkohol in Deutschland und generell in Europa und in vielen Ländern der Welt etwas ganz Normales ist, ein Bestandteil der Kultur ist und für viele Menschen ein Teil ihres Lebens darstellt. Es gibt aber auch den ein oder anderen, der sich vielleicht fragt, ob ein Leben ohne Alkohol, komplett ohne Alkohol, vielleicht nicht auch möglich wäre.

I'm used to seeing either "den" or "ein," but not "den ein." Would it be like saying in English, "the one or the other"? For example, "I tried on two shirts but cared for neither the one nor the other." This can be said in English, but sounds slightly awkward and it would be more typical to say, "neither one nor the other." Many thanks.

22:16 UTC


Helfen Deutsch zu üben

Hallo! Ich hätte gerne einen Freund, mit dem ich Deutsch üben kann. Ich habe das B1-Zertifikat ermittelt. Ich würde es gerne auf WhatsApp machen, weil ich mehr reden muss. Ich bin eine 33-jährige Mexikanerin.

Ich kann Ihnen mit Englisch und Spanisch helfen.

15:52 UTC


Hi guys:) do you have any German series recommendations? I’ve watched Dark but it was a bit too strange for me so I just thought I should ask. I’m trying to improve my listening skills for the German exam I’m gonna take. Thanks :)

1 Comment
16:48 UTC


Best Techniques??

I've been learning german for years now and I'm improving but very slowly. I need better and faster ways. Any ideas would be appreciated !!

21:50 UTC


Personal Prononem

Hello, i have a question. I have been learning the personal pronouns and I found that the personal prononem of die Übung is sie. I am very confused, die übung is a thing right and the personal pronoun of a thing is es. So why is the personal pronoun of die Übung is „sie“. Thank you so much

1 Comment
21:45 UTC


Sagt der/die Richtige

How would you translate this saying into English?

21:16 UTC


Buch: Weihmachten mit dem kleenen Punkern (unfamiliar vocab)

I realize this book is almost older than I am, but I've come across some confusing language I cant find info on. Apologies for the lack of umlauts.

It goes like this: Mochte ma wissen, wieso der liebe Gott den Menschen keen Pelz furn Winter jermacht hat. Letzte Nach ha'ick ma fast den Arsch abjecfrorn...Haaaaatschiiiiech...

What is this "ma" in the two different cases? And I've got no idea what "ha'ick" or the last two words can possibly be. Is this some regional thing? Cannot find anything on it.

(also uh...this isn't a kids book, is it...)

20:31 UTC


Kurze (eigentlich nicht) Lesekorrektur

Denken Sie bietet Technische Informatik besser Arbeitsmöglichkeiten als Informatik?

Wenn man Technische Informatik absolviert, müsste man sich nicht nur mit "Software" beschäftigen, sondern man kann vielleicht als Ingenieur in Automobil-/Flugzeugunternehmens arbeiten. Ist es korrekt, das zu behaupten? Auf r/Studium  sehe ich immer Menschen, die über Arbeitsmarkt beschwert. Deshalb denke ich, dass es für die Zukunft besser sein kann, Technische Informatik zu studieren. Aber hat die TI Absolvierende Mangel an Software? Wäre es zum Beispiel schwieriger, wenn man im Software Bereich arbeiten möchte?

20:08 UTC


Learning German

Hi, I commute for around two hours a day and would like an app or sound track that helps me practice my German during this time. I am around A2 level. I don’t want anything that requires a screen. Just to be able to listen. Any recommendations?

19:54 UTC


Tips for B1 in German

By July, I need to reach B1 level in German, but currently I am at A2.1-A2.2. Two months is a short term, but I hope I can make it. I would like to ask for some tips, since I don't want to miss anything important. Perhaps, there is some specific grammar rules that I am obligated to know to reach that level, or maybe you can tell me about your own experience achieving that level?

19:27 UTC


Can someone please explain this term - "Trümmer Truppe", I cannot find it in any dictionary.

Basically the title, thank you.

19:04 UTC


Wegen - dativ oder genitiv?

Apparently it is officially followed by Genitiv, however nowadays I encounter more cases where wegen is followed by Dativ. Is it legit? Or only when it's slang, meaning should remain genitiv in professional surroundings?

19:03 UTC


Das kriegt mich nicht mehr - Beispielsatz?

Would someone provide a scenario where this phrase can be applied?

19:00 UTC


Drowning in something / I can tell / Zebrastreifen

Hallo zusammen, ich hätte ein paar Fragen:

  1. wie sagt man "I'm drowning in something"? z.B. "I'm drowning in paperwork" "I'm drowning in debt", usw.

  2. Wie sagt man "I can tell" oder "It's hard to tell." z.B. wie das Lied "I can tell we're going to be friends" oder "It's hard to tell if that's her or not - she's wearing a mask and sunglasses."

  3. Sagt man "Ich überquere die Straße am Zebrastreifen" oder "Ich überquere die Straße auf dem Zebrastreifen" oder was ganz anderes (I'm crossing the street at the crosswalk)

16:46 UTC


Learning resources for forensics

Hi! I’m currently a forensic chemist in America and am a first generation American from German parents. This means I’m decent at conversational German but nothing more. It’s been a dream to maybe move to Germany one day but I’d like to actually be able to continue my line of work there. Does anyone know of any good resources for learning forensics/chemistry in German, but like also for moderate speakers?

14:22 UTC


..., dass ich X machen lassen muss / ..., dass ich X muss machen lassen

..., dass ich X machen lassen muss / ..., dass ich X muss machen lassen

Was ist richtig? Gibt es eine einfachere Alternative?

Dann, wie spricht man über Operationen?

Ich muss operiert werden. vs Ich muss eine OP machen lassen. Was klingt natürlich/idiomatisch?

In Wörterbüchern finde ich: sich einer OP unterziehen (müssen)

Danke euch.

14:10 UTC


Learning words by simply reading multiple example sentences.

Hello guys!

Recently i was wondering how i can learn these new German words effectively, and i came up with that just reading like 10 to 20 them with anki spaced repetition system would allow me to remember the effectively. My question is is it that effective or if someone of you had done something similar to this.


13:39 UTC


Should i choose Netzwerk or Nicos Weg or Vhslernen Portal For A2 ?

Hi Everyone Wie geht es Ihnen? I just completed my a1 Course. now i want to enroll in A2 , Now please suggest me which would be better ?

13:45 UTC


The word “hund” is used also as a insult?

Like a insult for someone who’s a cheater or a perverted?

13:44 UTC


Where and how do I get an A2 Certificate Australia?


I have a medical elective in Germany coming up in September which requires a Certificate showing at least A2 in German, and proof of it at least 2 months before I arrive in Germany.

My German is fine as I grew up speaking it and I have no complaints with having to sit an exam (I have grown up in Australia where I was born). Due to my nonchalance I have left it all quite late and now have had an issue appear that Goethe only do the exam in August this year. This does not meet my deadline.

I've looked into this further, learning about Telc and Goethe and TesDAF or whatever else there is. My issue is it seems that I just physically can not get this certificate in Australia until August? Even the German schools I've spoken to say they're happy for me to join their exam without the class but it must be at a facilitated online venue. To add a level of complexity to all this, I live in Darwin. There are no registered exam centres here that I can see for any German exams.

So my question really is SURELY there is another way to get an A2 certificate in Australia other than having to physically fly to Sydney in August and that's it? I even asked about the B1 and just sitting that instead but that is also in August. My German is fine, but I don't know how I would go in a B2 written exam and don't have the guts to pay $230 just to fail it.

Any suggestions? Am I just seriously misunderstanding and overcomplicating this or is it really just fly to Sydney and sit the exam is the only option? I have even contacted Berlin schools. Seriously out of ideas.

1 Comment
13:16 UTC


text review for intermediate level. thanks.

Jeden Tag lerne ich Deutsch ohne Pause. Ich möchte heute über Tiere reden. Ich hatte einen Vogel namens "Eis". Er lebt nur für eine Woche , ich denke.Es ist sehr kurz aber wir haben viele Erinnerungen.Er hatte einen Bruder namens " Sparkle" und er gehört meinem Zwilling. Sparkle lebt etwa zwei Jahre und es ist wieder sehr kurz weil die Zeit lauft sehr schnell ab wenn wir zusammen sind. Zuerst stirbt Eis und nach einem Jahr Sparkle .Manche sagen es gibt keinen Zweck, ein Tier zu haben, aber ich stimme nicht zu.Es gibt viele Gründe. Zum Beispiel kann man mit seinen Tieren spielen oder wandern gehen mit seinem Hund. Es gibt viele Forschungen im Internet, die zeigen: ein Tier zu haben, erhöht die Lebensqualität. So, nach all der Information denkst du noch gleich?

12:00 UTC


Using Mir/Dir or Mein/Dein with Verbs

So in Duolingo, I got to a lesson where they taught the verbs waschen, kämmen, putzen, and rasieren, all with a dative pronoun. "Ich wasche mir das Gesicht", "Du kannst dir die Beine rasieren", etc. However, in Google Translate, it uses a possessive determiner. "Ich sollte meine Haare kämmen", "Du putzt deine Zähne". So, are they both correct? Which way would be better to use normally?

11:18 UTC



Hey! I have been living in Munich for 2 years and my German level was C1, but now I don't feel like that. I forgot some grammar rules and need a bit practice. I am really strong at speaking, cause my lots of friends are also german, but I need to improve my general vocabulary and grammar, what can you offer as a language reminder ?

11:13 UTC


Disappointed about the Back to the Future title

I understand that “Zurück in die Zukunft” is the correct translation. But I just feel like it was a missed opportunity not to call the film something like “Zurück zur/zum Zukunft” even if required a little creative license.

Was that really a no go option?

Maybe this should be in the Shower Thoughts subreddit…


11:05 UTC


The German spoken in Belgium

Hello there everyone! I am from Belgium, and I was wondering if anyone here has some insight on the German spoken in the German speaking region of Belgium named Ostbelgien. I know that the standard used here is the same standard as in Germany, and that most folk speak standard German these days. However, I was wondering out of interest if someone here knows any unique speech patterns from Ostbelgien that someone can notice and identify with this part of the German speaking world. Such as specific words/slang, pronunciation,... Danke!

I'm not expecting anything crazy like the difference between "German German" (if you can call it that) and Swiss German. Just some interesting pointers :) Mainly because I'm from Belgium and thus would be practicing with German speakers from here^^

08:55 UTC


Präpositionen als Adverb

So I've just realized something. When i translate and check the uses of one of the präpositionen adverb (doesn't matter which) using google translate, it says "in bestimmten Verwendungen in getrennter Stellung" as the sixth usage and gives "da habe ich nicht mit gerechnet" as an example. I've asked my professor and he said that even he hadn't seen a usage like that. I couldn't find anything in internet either so I'm asking you guys. Can you actually separate it like that or is it just google translate being typical google translate and bullshitting around?

08:45 UTC


German word for when something fits pleasingly in the hand.

Help me out, I'm trying to remember a word my Berliner friend taught me, for when some object out in the world fits nicely in your hand and it pleases your hand. We were dancing at a party and I had my hand resting on the corner of a monitor speaker. It was just a really nice shape and my hand was happy there. My friend moved in next to me to talk to me and I asked if he could go to my other side as I didn't want to move my hand. He tried his hand too, smiled, and told me it was a handsomethingsomething. Another friend overheard and she came to test it out. We ended up having to arrange all of us so we could all rest a hand on a corner of the speaker.

08:06 UTC


Struggling with listening German A1

Hello can anyone recommend any simple cartoons/TV or web series that can help me with my listening skills. I am able to read and write simple terms taught in A1 but I'm really struggling with listening. I have also bought the book Netzwerk A1, but in the audio exercises, I sometimes feel I'm not able to understand anything.

04:46 UTC


How can I thank someone for coming to my wedding in German

My dear friends are flying across the world for my wedding, and I'd like to thank them in their native language. All I know from German is Ich liebe dich but I'm not sure if that's too romantic or could translate the same as "I love you guys" in a platonic sense. I'd like to say

"Thank you for coming to our wedding, I love you guys!"

Thanks for you help!

04:33 UTC

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