
Photograph via //r/conlangs

This subreddit is focused on the discussion of conlangs, tools, and activities to aid you in the construction of your own conlang, and creating a community environment where we can all enjoy conlanging together

Welcome to /r/conlangs! This subreddit is focused on the discussion of constructed languages (conlangs), tools and activities to aid you in the construction of your own conlang, and creating a community environment where we can all enjoy conlanging together.

While this subreddit is not restricted to accomplished conlangers, a certain level of expertise is expected. We recommend that you lurk for a while to learn the basics.

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Community Guidelines

Due to space issues, an abbreviated list is shown in the sidebar only. For a more detailed explanation, please see the full version here.

Encouraged Posts

If your post falls into one of these categories, then you may post them directly:

  1. Detailed descriptions of parts of your conlang
  2. Interesting activities and translation challenges
  3. Showcases of major achievements
  4. Open-ended questions and discussions about conlanging
  5. Useful resources such as tutorial videos
  6. If you have an idea for a post that isn't listed here but that you think would be a good contribution to the subreddit, please message the mods beforehand to let us know.

Please follow these rules and all times and report posts and comments violating them:

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Be civil at all times toward all users, regardless of their sex, sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture, language, or race. Don't escalate arguments or insult or abuse other users during disagreements. Do not discriminate, stereotype, or erase other users or identities. Violations may result in a swift ban.

2. Topic

All posts must be on topic and relevant to conlanging.

2a. Discouraged posts

  • Memes and low effort humour: We would much rather top-level posts be reserved for discussion of and about conlangs and conlanging. As such, memes are a better fit for r/conlangscirclejerk.
  • Phoneme inventories: In order to receive actionable feedback, you will need to give us more than just an inventory of phonemes for your language, such as information about allophony, morphophonology and/or phonotactics.
  • Requests for resources & tech support Requests for resources, tools, or help with specific software are to be posted in our Small Discussions thread, always stickied at the top of the front page of the subreddit.

2b. Script & orthography posts

While we encourage you to share the writing systems you make for your conlangs, we would like the focus to remain on the languages themselves. As such, posts about scripts/writing systems alone will be removed, as r/Neography is a more fitting place for them.

Posts may still contain images of or details about a conscript (fictional writing system), but the post must have enough content to merit being a front-page post even if the script were not included.

2c. Translations

Translations make for excellent content to showcase your language and its mechanisms. However, we ask that such content always feature:

  • the text in the conlang;
  • a transcription of the text to IPA (phonemic or phonetic);
  • the text translated into English;
  • a gloss of the text, and/or an explanation of the features of the language.

2d. Cross & crown

This subreddit is not the place for political or religious debate. Political content is not allowed, unless it is set in a fictional world and has no ties to recent real-world politics.

Translations of religious or political texts are fine as long as the focus is clearly on the conlanging element. The moderators reserve the right to remove political or religious posts that are too incendiary, include open proselytizing, or handle issues that are otherwise too sensitive for the subreddit.

2e. Adult & shocking content

Adult or shocking content has to be signaled by a special flair.
Porn and gore are forbidden on the subreddit, but we understand the need to form vocabulary for those topics.

Moderators can remove shocking content at their discretion.

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Before asking a question on the subreddit, be it in the Small Discussions thread or as its own post, try typing it (or its keywords) into a search engine to see if you get an answer.

3b. Small Discussions threads

The Small Discussions thread is for requests for resources or advice, as well as any questions too small for a full post. It is always found stickied to the top of our frontpage!

When in doubt about whether your post has enough content for a standalone thread, feel free to always post in Small Discussions. You can also ask us directly if you're unsure.

3c. Context, goals & content

When asking for feedback and criticism, do your best to provide us with as much meta-information about your conlang:

  • Why are you creating it/what for?
  • What are your goals?
  • What do you currently like/dislike about the content you are providing in the post?
  • What sort of feedback do you primarily want to get?

Also, please try and review the formatting of your post (or comment!) preferably before, but optionally after, posting it.

4. Titles & Flairs

Make your titles clear and indicative of the contents of the post.

Do not title your post:

  • "my conlang": give us the name of the language or a description of it
  • "Introduction to Gahansre" or "Fġãse, a polysynthetic language" are fine titles
  • "Help!": tell us what you need help with
  • "Thoughts?": it's uninformative
  • Links are not allowed in titles.

    Please also flair your post with the appropriate flair.

    5. Activities

    Content related to activities should be posted in that activity's thread, unless the content goes far beyond the boundaries of the activity (for example, if you have made a speedlang out of your translations from an activity thread).

    If posts of a repetitive nature arise from multiple members, the moderators reserve the right to remove all related content starting from the creation of a Megathread for it.

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    You are free to promote conlanging-relevant external content as long as it is free to access. If what you wish to advertise requires users to pay for it or requires signing up for it a specific service you must ask the mods before posting it.

    You can advertise a conlanging community in a post, but posts consisting solely of a link to a community will be removed. Please provide enough content for the post to stand on its own as well.

    7. Collaborations

    Collaboration posts must be flaired appropriately, and must abide by the following:

    • you must describe the project as thoroughly as possible, with the set rules and your expectations;
    • you must organise the collaboration somewhere else than this subreddit: it can be your own subreddit, a discord server, a forum, whatever you like.

    Any collaboration post breaking one of these two rules will be removed.

    8. Commissions

    All commission requests are subject to approval by the moderation team.

    While we welcome and encourage people to hire conlangers to create languages for their projects, we have established a few guidelines for it.

    All posts seeking to hire conlangers must contain:

    • a description of the project;
    • a description of the result, and the amount of work, that you expect;
    • a clear price for the work expected, following the minimum amounts advised by the Language Creation Society

    9. Appeals

    In order to appeal a removal or ban, you can contact the moderators via modmail, which lets all mods see the message.
    Appeals are typically reviewed by a different mod than the one who executed the removal/ban.

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    Keeyapain Conlang Showcase


    I did a thing...

    Went and made a conlang showcase video for my weird little language that I made for the sake of it

    08:43 UTC



    Although there are multiple versions of this prayer sung in Lalosta and Movoal (or Movosta), this is how it has been translated into the language spoken by the Lal people. It is a prayer and call that is generally said by people gathering together in the evening and in peaceful times. Praise for Akayer and remembrance for Tusar.

    Tım, epa Akayer!

    Tey fele; kay vesetro las, tefremke kay kayratro las, kay tefe feren yavefetor.

    Tey kafa; kay kes tef toras fereney tevetro las dala alav, feren dever tos mafator.

    Tey sayran; kay avat tefev teyef tas vafatro las teyefe, feren mafator.

    Tım, epa Akayer!

    Kay yokusa satro las kale as, feren eretefetor.

    Eren fereney acer eleye, kay avat tef as feren otuvapafator.

    Xan enfaye, xan ankaya, kay avat tef as feren otuvapafator.

    Tım, epa Akayer!

    Tım, en pametsey uey! Tım, en Tusar!

    Kaya tas murar alaya, feren lorusafa.


    That supreme Akayer!

    This morning; We drank your water, which you purified and filled our well with.

    This afternoon; We ate fruit from the trees we watered with your sweet water.

    Tonight; We ate the fish we caught from your bitter water.

    That supreme Akayer!

    We farmed on the land you raised.

    We washed our born children in your bitter water.

    We washed our dead mother and dead father in your bitter water.

    That supreme Akayer!

    That respected first human being! That honorable Tusar!

    I curse those who tear you apart.

    /b ʧ d ɸ g ɟ k c l ɫ m n p ɾ s ʃ t β j/ 
    /a e ɛ i o œ u y/
    /b=b c=ʧ d=d f=ɸ g=g g=ɟ k=k k=c l=l l=ɫ m=m n=n p=p r=ɾ s=s x=ʃ t=t v=β y=j/ 
    /a=a e=e e=ɛ ı=i o=o o=oe=œ u=u u=ue=y/
    (a → a, ɛ, e)(e → a, ɛ, e)(ɛ → a, ɛ, e)(i → a, ɛ, e, i)(o → u, a)(œ → y, e)(u → u, a)(y → y, e)      
    tım      epa     Akayer
    That.VOC supreme Akayer
    tey      fele    ka+y      vese+tro las    tefrem+ke kay       kayra+tro las kay       tef+e     feren yave+f+etor.
    This.DET morning 2.SG+POSS purify.Inf+PAST well+Dat  2.SG+POSS fill.INF+PAST 2.SG+POSS water+Acc 1.PL  drinf.INf+V+PAST
    tey      kafa ka+y       kes   tef   toras feren+ey  teve+tro las   dala ala+v  feren dever tos ma+f+ator.
    This.DET noon 2.SG+POSS  sweat water with  1.PL+POSS water.INF+PAST tree PL+ABL 1.PL  fruit     eat.INF+V+PAST
    tey      sayran  ka+y      avat   tefe+v    teyef tas vafa+tro las teyef+e  feren ma+f+ator.
    This.DET evening 2.SG+POSS bitter water+ABL fish.INF+PAST          fish+ACC 1.PL  eat.INF+V+PAST
    tım      epa     Akayer 
    That.VOC supreme Akayer
    ka+y      yokusa    sa+tro las    kale as  feren erete+f+etor
    2.SG+Poss raise.INF make.INF+PAST land LOC 1.PL  farm.INF+V+PAST
    ere+n        feren+ey  acer ele+ye kay       avat   tef   as  feren otuvapa+f+ator
    born.INF+ADJ 1.PL+POSS kid  PL+ACC 2.SG+POSS bitter water LOC 1.PL  wash.INF+V+PAST
    xa+n        enfa+ye    xa+n        anka+ya    kay       avat   tef   as  feren otuvapa+f+ator
    die.INF+ADJ mother+ACC die.INF+ADJ father+ACC 2.SG+POSS bitter water LOC 1.PL  wash.INF+V+PAST
    tim      epa     Akayer
    That.VOC supreme Akayer
    tım,     en            pametsey uey   tım      en            Tusar
    That.VOC respected.ADJ first    human That.VOC respected.ADJ Tusar
    Ka+ya tas mura+r          ala+ya feren lorusa+f+a
    2.SG+ACC  tear.INF+person PL+ACC 1.PL  curse+V+PRES
    01:45 UTC



    I have no clue if this already exists but I've always thought it was baseline criminal Rowling never put even a modicum of effort into a language for snakes.
    Then again her worldbuilding was bad anyways so I suppose it doesn't even matter.


    The phonetics are inspired by a TikToker who made a demon language entirely out of fricatives, and just ignore that /θ/ is mentioned twice in the alphabet.


    The two sample sentences I took directly from the movies: /Ssaija/ /ħasssi:/ /heθ/ and /Ssaija/ /ħasssi:/ /xeθ/. These are the same words Harry uses to try and stop the snake from attacking.
    Translated, they're: /Stop you must (past participle)/ and /Stop you must (absolute)/. The change of /h/ to /x/ changes any words to have an absolute tone to it, regardless of whether or not the word was an absolute to begin with (with absolutes always starting with /x/). This reflects the same tone of command Harry uses in the movies.
    I remember vaguely reading somewhere that Parsletongue should be VSO order, so I've just gone with that

    The number of (S)'s will also affect the word meaning ( /Ssaija/ does not mean the same as /Saija/)

    I don't know if I will go any farther then this since this was really just meant to cure my afterschool boredom, but yeah

    01:42 UTC


    How to handle sentences with inamate agents and patients.

    I'm considering a conlang with animate/inaminate genders, where inaminate nouns are NOT agents (have no volition). I've looked at a few languages as examples (Blackfoot, Georgian, Sumerian) but I cannot find any resources that explain how languages like these would handle a sentence where an inaminate noun is affecting another inaminate noun; ie. "the rock hit the house." I had considered "I threw the rock and it hit the house," but "it" still refers back to "the rock."

    Another sentence example I struggle with:

    "The wind blew through the trees."

    At least with "the rock hit the house" you could assume some kind of volition (someone probably threw the rock), but no one blows the wind. The earth turns, generating wind, but that is also caused by inaminate forces (agent).

    00:56 UTC


    When making new words for my conlang does each word need a IPA translation?

    19:21 UTC


    Help With Creating Tri-Consonantal Root System

    I'm trying to evolve a tri-consonantal root system (or something similar), but I feel like I'm struggling a bit to get the inflection to feel right. I'm not sure if the different forms are at the point where they would truly be considered tri-consonantal or if I've just made a language with a lot of non-standard marking. I'm including my sound changes and some samples, but keep in mind, I am still very early in the language's development, so I havent assigned anything meaning or grammar yet. Let me know what y'all think, and I'd love to get some advice on where to go/what to change

    Here are the sound changes I've decided to go with up to this point:

    • {a, ã, u, ũ} => {ə, ə̃, y, ỹ} when following vowel is i or ĩ, {{i, ĩ, u, ũ} => {e, ẽ, o, õ} when following vowel is a or ã. Vowels become nasalized when following vowel is nasal
    • Aspirated stops become fricatives, implosive stops become voiced stops, voiced stops become ejectives
    • Vowels are lost after resonants
    • {ɸ, θ} => {w, l} when intervocalic or word initial. Otherwise, {ɸ, θ} => {h, s}
    • Vowels followed by semivowels become diphthongs. e and o become diphthongs
    • Diphthongs become long vowels
    • l => w when adjacent to a labial consonant/rounded vowel, or when between consonants. Otherwise l => j
    • Vowels lost before stops, except for when between two stops
    • Vowels lost when word final
    • Semivowels metathesize: WC => CW
    • Nas/stop/fric become labialized when followed by w
    • {j, w} => {i, u} when between consonants or C_#. jV => Vː
    • Nasal vowels lose length
    • Clusters of 3 consonants broken up by inserting the previous vowel before the third consonant
    • Initial vowels metathesize with following consonant
    • Certain labialized consonants shift
    • n inserted between vowels

    Here are some examples:

    subawa => sup'u, subawaj => sup'uːj, subawawə => sup'uːnu, subawaʃu => sup'uːʃ, jasubawa => syːp'u, wasubawa => hup'u, isubawa => sinup'u, kansubwa => kansup'

    nijaʃul => nʃyːnu, nijaʃulaj => nʃyːju, nijaʃulwə => nʃyːnunu, nijaʃulʃu => nʃyːʒʷ, janijaʃul => niʃyːnu, wanijaʃul => nʷʃyːnu, inijaʃul => niʃyːnu, kanijaʃul => kənʃyːnu

    nulita => ntʷə, nulitaj => ntʷeː, nulitawə => ntʷu, nulitaʃu => ntʷaʃ, janulita => nitʷ, wanulita => nʷutʷə, inulita => nitʷi, kanulita => kantʷa

    qũtũ => qũt, qũtũj => qũtỹ, qũtũwə => qũtũ, qũtũʃu => qũtũʃ, jaqũtũ => qyːt, waqũtũ => qʷũt, iqũtũ => qũt, kanqũtũ => kãnqũt

    1 Comment
    18:08 UTC


    Translation Activity: Starry's Quotes #42

    The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

    —Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

    Note: Spaceships, not boats, in case it’s not clear.

    17:02 UTC


    Gwak Ohlojilo, a conlang I helped make with 2 other people for a conlang jam and the first conlang of mine I actually like.

    Here's a link to the full grammar doc, but I'l also give a general overview

    General overview:
    (C)(l)V(V) / (C)# syllable structure

    Consonants follow into categories of plain, palatal, and labial

    Alternations between consonant categories exist in the grammar

    Heavy amounts of infixation metathesis as a repair strategy for inflected words

    Head directionality: strongly head initial

    Basic word order: VSO




    3 grammatical genders: animate, wet, and dry, but only rarely are 3 way distinctions made in inflection

    Verb like and noun like adjectives

    Noun like prepositions

    Note: the conlang jam had me write a paragraph long text for another group to translate but I'm omitting it so people don't translate it on their own here and spoil it. If you want you can ask me for the translation challenge in DM's

    1 Comment
    14:48 UTC


    Cool Features You've Added #182

    This is a weekly thread for people who have cool things they want to share from their languages, but don't want to make a whole post. It can also function as a resource for future conlangers who are looking for cool things to add!

    So, what cool things have you added (or do you plan to add soon)?

    I've also written up some brainstorming tips for conlang features if you'd like additional inspiration. Also here’s my article on using conlangs as a cognitive framework (can be useful for embedding your conculture into the language).

    13:43 UTC


    Popup dictionary for your own conlang

    Do you need a popup dictionary for your conlang? A popup dictionary is a tool that displays definitions, translations, etymologies, and other information without requiring you to navigate away from the page you are viewing. Basically, when you select a word on a page, a small popup window appears, providing useful information such as the word's meaning.

    I'm considering creating one, and I just wanted to find out if anyone actually needs this. I've recently published a tutorial on making an Esperanto popup dictionary and it was received very well here.

    Now, I'm thinking about making it possible for anyone to create a popup dictionary for their own conlang.

    Would this be useful to you? I’m looking to gather thoughts and gauge interest before moving forward with this idea. What features would be most helpful in such a tool? Are there any specific challenges you face with your conlang that a popup dictionary could help solve?

    13:33 UTC


    Best practices for storing conlang dictionaries

    I've noticed that many seem to rely on Google Sheets or Excel to manage their conlang dictionaries. This got me thinking why there seems to be a gap in dedicated software solutions for this purpose.

    From what I've seen, spreadsheets are so popular for this because there are few alternatives. I'm not convinced that spreadsheets are really the most efficient way to manage large and complex lexicons.

    So, I'm reaching out to gather some insights:

    1. Why do you think spreadsheets are so popular for storing conlang dictionaries?
    2. Have you encountered any issues or limitations using spreadsheets for your dictionaries?
    3. Can you recommend any software or strategies specifically tailored for conlang dictionary management?
    13:07 UTC


    How do you do an alveolar trill?

    All my life, I've never been able to, and recently I've been making a conlang and I really want to add an alveolar trill but I can't bloody pronounce it, I'm really angry, so, I went to yt, stupid, I have to rest my tongue, I dunno how to do that, its hard, I'm using my mouth all day everyday, I yap a lot, like, I don't struggle pronouncing any other trill sound, so, if anyone has tips to rest my tongue or learn how to pronounce it, please send :)

    11:01 UTC


    What makes some "fake" words sound fake.

    Question's weird but didn't know how else to succinctly write it. In shows like Rick And Morty they have words like "Fleeb" "Glip glops" and "Plumbus." All of these words sound fake, they sound dumb and they're meant to. The point is for them to sound goofy and made up but to be taken seriously by the characters in the world.

    The question I have is why? Why do we hear these words and instantly think that it sounds dumb. None of these words have any more meaning than anything in Klingon or any other conlang (yes I know conlangs are far more in depth than just some throw away words.) But even compared to other shows where there isn't a full constructed language and only some words here and there, they sound real, they sound like they could be a real language of some other race. Any linguists in here who can answer this? Thanks in advance!

    05:39 UTC


    I used Zahs Llhw in a story, any feedback?

    This is an excerpt from The Battles of Gecynd, Deheudir and all places. In this excerpt, the sorcerer Ngywyd speaks to a goblin in the language Zahs Llhw.
    Literal gloss is in comments

    “Alûchs,” called Ngywyd to his High General, “go out and find me the Great Giant of Wightwudu. Take 30 skilled goblins with you and bring the giant back to me withing thirty days. If you don’t, I’ll kill you,” he paused, “no. I won’t kill you. You’ll only want to die.”

    Alûchs shuddered. “Chonffez, Ddun Osylch. Ddirh fu dduzal*,” he said, speaking in Zahs Llhw, the Dark Tongue of the Evil Beings. The sorcerer glared at the goblin disgustedly.

    “Oll ddw,” he said, “*îrfez och ddun ffw llahz**.”

    “Chonffez, chonffez***,” agreed Alûchs, and he scampered away to gather his troops.

    *“Certainly, Great Man. We will do it.”

    **“To you, I am more than a man.”

    ***"Certainly, certainly."

    03:06 UTC


    A new language from scratch, entirely in Minecraft? [Wawaland -- A Minecraft Natural Language Development Project]

    Ever thought of creating a language without the use of any external languages?

    English, Chinese, Toki Pona, whatever -- Using them to communicate ideas about the language, to borrow vocabulary, etc., entirely disallowed.

    Well, given that this is a conlanging subreddit, I wouldn't be surprised if it was done before but...

    What about doing it entirely within Minecraft? With other people?

    Teaching others from scratch using only the language itself,

    Using it to cooperate, effectively exchange ideas, build a society, with a completely new language that just began developing naturally on its own?

    It's been done before, actually! It's where I got my idea from: Clongcraft -- A Minecraft server that does this sort of stuff. It is a cool server and I'd also encourage you to check it out, but that's not what we're talking about here.

    Unfortunately, it did have 3 starting "proto-words" explained purely through visual language (gestures etc.), and it is confined to a survival server specifically made for the language to exist... (No offense to them of course :3)

    oooh fancy banner

    Now introducing... Wawaland! A thing I made inspired by Clongcraft, what I call a Minecraft Natural Language Development Project.

    As I've described above, we're (currently) a small group of people 'naturally developing' an entirely new language within the Minecraft world, and it's not just on a controlled, isolated server.We're doing it on public servers, where other people speak English and such, and we do plan to hopefully be able to expand to other servers in the future!

    Of course, expansionism is kinda fun, but also I do really want to spread this idea of naturally developing a new language from scratch, within and outside conlanging circles.

    The usage of all existing languages, besides our own (Wawalang, the exonym we use), is banned. Their writing systems and vocabulary cannot be used -- and this extends to Unicode characters! Any new words, grammar, orthography etc. that is created must evolve from the interactions between Wawalang speakers, and the Minecraft environment around them.

    Translating Wawalang to other languages, and vice-versa, is also banned. Teaching must be done only using Wawalang itself, and in-game gestures as well (Head movements, tapping blocks etc.) to help aid in learning.

    And of course, to be a bit more 'faithful' to the whole new language idea, Wawalang was formed entirely from scratch -- No proto-words, no pre-determined grammar, all of it was born from nothing.

    mysterious building

    We're currently on a Towny/survival server called "GrimurRP". It has a custom map, and you can make towns, nations, and it has a bunch of plugins that add stuff like seasons, factories, guns and much more~Most importantly, it's a server that encourages worldbuilding, and there are people who have made conlangs for their own nations, which is also why we've settled here!

    NOTICE: GrimurRP is unfortunately age restricted as 16+ in their rules, but don't worry!
    We have found another similar server (Alathra) that doesn't have such an age limit that we will be participating in later. In the meantime, teaching of Wawalang will be done in CreativeFun (a Minecraft creative server) for people who can't join GrimurRP.

    Our town in GrimurRP!

    At the moment, we've only been in what I'd consider to be an early stage of this project -- I can say that the language still has LOTS of potential in terms of development, and we're in a position where we'd really benefit from having a bunch of new people come in.

    ...And so begins the part where I invite you to join!~We have been at this for about a couple of months now, but we've decided that we want to start sort of a renaissance to the Wawaland project.We'll still maintain our foothold on the GrimurRP server and things won't be reset, but our Discord server will be revamped by the time this is posted, and more of us will be ready to accept new learners of Wawalang, and of course new people in general! (Possibly you!)

    Our Discord server is over --> here <--, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the server directly or in the comments! I'll try my best to respond as much as possible~

    Of course, even if you don't plan on being involved, if you know someone who'd be interested, please let them know! We'd be happy to see new faces and we hope to see you there as well!

    ---<== widdle "Possible FAQ" section ==>---
    Q) If Unicode/text is banned, how do you communicate in Wawalang?
    A) Wawalang is spoken through VC on Discord, and this is recommended since (at least I believe) it aids in learning and communication in general! There are channels in the Discord to write Wawalang, and in-game it is possible (with a texture pack and writing tool, both can be found in the Wawaland Discord!) to write Wawalang in chat.

    Q) Minecraft version?
    A) It depends on the server we're playing on -- Unfortunately, only Java Edition is allowed, and the exact version is 1.20.1+! (For GrimurRP)

    Q) Can I take personal notes while learning Wawalang?
    A) Absolutely! You can even write translations in other languages, and it's recommended as well. Just never, never show them to anyone else. Not even your pet bird. We know there's a government spy camera hidden in there.

    Q) Do you need prior experience in Wawalang?
    A) Nope! Well, not having prior knowledge is part of the experience, so don't worry about it, you'll learn the language fine, and we're willing to help you with that!

    Q) I'm nervous about my voice/don't have a mic/etc., is it still possible to participate?
    A) I can't say the experience will be entirely smooth, but you should still be able to communicate by non-voice means! ('text' etc.) Don't worry about your voice as well -- we're a very accepting community and we won't care about it (/pos), we're more than happy that you're joining in the fun with us!

    Q) How do you interact with other players outside of the Wawaland Project?
    A) Technical questions and small talk are allowed in non-Wawalang languages. However, stuff relating to trade, diplomacy, or pretty much whats considered to be 'actual interaction', will only be allowed in Wawalang. Though, some nations in the GrimurRP server have their own conlang, which are allowed to be used (not between Wawaland players), though there are some restrictions -- which you can find on the Discord!

    Q) Is "Wawalang" the word for Wawalang in Wawalang?
    A) No. This is purely an exonym, as well as Wawatown, Wawaland, Wawa etc. etc. We encourage that another name be used for these things within Wawalang.

    02:26 UTC


    Biweekly Telephone Game v3 (585)

    This is a game of borrowing and loaning words! To give our conlangs a more naturalistic flair, this game can help us get realistic loans into our language by giving us an artificial-ish "world" to pull words from!

    The Telephone Game will be posted every Monday and Friday, hopefully.


    1. Post a word in your language, with IPA and a definition.

    Note: try to show your word inflected, as it would appear in a typical sentence. This can be the source of many interesting borrowings in natlangs (like how so many Arabic words were borrowed with the definite article fossilized onto it! algebra, alcohol, etc.)

    1. Respond to a post by adapting the word to your language's phonology, and consider shifting the meaning of the word a bit!

    2. Sometimes, you may see an interesting phrase or construction in a language. Instead of adopting the word as a loan word, you are welcome to calque the phrase -- for example, taking skyscraper by using your language's native words for sky and scraper. If you do this, please label the post at the start as Calque so people don't get confused about your path of adopting/loaning.

    Last Time...

    Vokhetian by /u/GarlicRoyal7545

    Между - [ˈmʲɛ.ʐdʊ], [ˈmʲɛʐ.dʊ] Noun, m. anim. u-stem, irreg.;

    1. Someone who wants to help someone by eg.: warning/screaming at them, that they should be cautious but ends up making more damage than helping by distracting them.
    2. Look at the german verb "verschlimmbessern".

    A little Fun-Fact: one of the only 6 Words left from the Proto-Niemanic U-Declension in Vokhetian.



    Sorry for the delayed posts, on vacation. Have a great weekend!

    Peace, Love, & Conlanging ❤️

    02:21 UTC


    How would one go about making a sister language to English?

    I thought of an idea where the Anglo-saxons also invaded Ireland and impose their language there, and this language would be similar to English like how Spanish is to Italian or Portuguese. I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t got a clue to making a conlang, and Idk how to go about making it sound unique and cool. I was wondering what y’all think and if you have any ideas.

    02:00 UTC


    Anyone here use FLEx/FieldWorks? In need of saved glosses

    I'm working on an automated gloss example tool and I need some save files that aren't mine that I can test with. If anyone has done any glossing in FLEx, at any level of detail, I'd appreciate a copy of the .flextext export of the gloss.

    Thanks! :D

    00:08 UTC


    Some Random Sentences To Translate

    If you want to make sure you have enough words for (probably) unforeseen sentences, here's some mostly random ones to try translating into your conlanguage :) It won't be every word you'll need, that'd take way too long, but it should hopefully help. The sentences should be pretty simple so it hopefully won't take too many words to translate with, unless your conlang just happens to take a lot of words for it. It does not have to be an exact or perfect translation, it just has to have the same meaning.

    I like seeing other people's conlangs so if you'd like you can comment some of your translations :) [the spoilered content is my version; I like sharing just as much as I like seeing other people's stuff]

    "I love playing games." >!"Inf kaori kriniceni fufu fieffercint."!<

    "He went over there." >!"Kis ofuniko fonito."!<

    "My friend looks really good today." >!"Into kaoki kuuskeli trusuh."!<

    "I saw a big dog." >!"Inf etki kuoski ekkersin strukun."!<

    "We should double-check." >!"Infer hufunei hrushin pokito."!<

    "Who was that?" >!"Stukiya?"!<

    "I passed by a child." >!"Inf etki riko harboro."!<

    "I like eating fish." >!"Inf finoki sachoit coi."!<

    "She kidnapped him." >!"Chi ket strutakrhu."!<

    "I don't believe you." >!"Inf ru dus jrugin."!<

    "It will be autumn soon." >!"Striseti benu ensenuli."!<

    "I'm allergic to that!" >!"Inf chut etka shinipo siu!"!<

    "Careful; It's sharp." >!"Hrushin; Syo lufu." / "Hrushin; Egginshino lufu."!<

    "It's too heavy." >!"Ishineko pushhafashu lufu."!<

    "Is it time for dessert?" >!"Etsu shinipo chandu senulirigo?"!<

    "I speak [language or conlanguage]." >!"Infurnik Yukino."!<

    "Do I have to do it again?" >!"Inf dus shushipo dus shinipo pokito?"!<

    "The carpenter is busy." >!"Etki crewinie sinikupo."!<

    "I went to see a doctor/physician." >!"Etki beneru inf fonito hrushin lichuo."!<

    "It's over." >!"Jifone lufu."!<

    "Hello, how are you today?" >!"Yumeden, skeli kefinru?"!<

    "I'm sorry" >!"Nisifu" (normal apology) / "Kurik" (polite/formal apology) / "Vivisune" (a more desparate apology)!<

    "Are you hungry?" >!"Ru chut chusio?"!<

    23:54 UTC


    made the mistake of not having organized documentation

    i made the majority of progress on my conlang on random sheets of loose paper while bored in class over the years. as such most of the language is forgotten and i have to rewrite my grammar (which i have been dreading for years.) a shame too because i love this language. how do you guys deal with this if at all?

    21:42 UTC


    SSSSS #1 - Introduction and “To ergative or not to ergative—that is the question”

    Introduction to Sündernsprung's Shitlang Scrubbing

    Hi y'all,

    in my last post, I shared my oldest conlang Proto-Nasiwa and that I wanted to revisit and rework it. Inspired be the different activities on here, I decided to split this up focused on different aspects where you can add any ideas you like and comment on the concepts presented. I call this Sündernsprung's Shitlang scrubbing (SSSSS)

    I try to upload these weekly-ish

    “To ergative or not to ergative—that is the question”

    For the first SSSSS will focus on noun morphology. To recap, this is how it worked in Proto-Nasiwa:

    Nouns could be pluralized by reduplicating the final syllable of the word and there were 4 case prefixes/clitics(?) These case were nominative, genitive, instrumental and locative. So the paradigm looks like this:

    fai-isaha (fish)NominativeGenitiveInstrumentalLocative

    If you were to look in the dictionary (previous post), you would see, that every noun is prefixed with fai- even in dictionary form. Furthermore the word fai is listed as meaning the.

    So I want the fai to still be a prominant feature, so I thought of some ways to get this feature in a more realistic and interesting way:

    1. fai as an ergative case prepositon

    This system immediately reminded me of the Japanese case postpositions. So I'm thinking of seperating these prefixes form the nouns and turn them into prepositional cases ( I know that case prefixes don't exist in natlangs but I think that this could work, if a bit strange).

    Now what to do with fai? I thought of the marked nominative in IE langs and remembered that there is a theory that the marked nominative used to be an ergative case. So fai could be an ergative case preposition.

    The rest of the cases would have to be changed around a bit, but this would be in order either way.

    I'm torn however where the split where nom-acc and erg-abs appears would lie. Any ideas?

    2. fai as a definte article

    The other thing fai reminds me of, especially in the dictionary, is the Semitic articles like Arabic al- or Hebrew cha-. So maybe fai could turn into a definite article and the case system would get dissolved into just being prepostional phrases.

    3. fai as BOTH

    Now that I've presented the ideas I had, what about having it as BOTH? I've never seen something like this and I don't now if it makes sense but what if the ergativity split lies in definiteness? Definite nouns could take erg-abs morphology while indefinte nouns could take nom-acc morphology

    So what do you think? What idea did you like best? Do you have other ideas? What about the plural by final reduplication? Please comment your opinion! I would love to see what others think!


    What about the name? Should I keep the name or change it? I don't even know where the name comes from anymore, but there is the word fai-nasin in the original corpus which means tongue, but I'm unsure if there's any connection

    Until next time, stay save and have a beautiful day :)

    1 Comment
    16:56 UTC


    Which word or phrases from your conlangs would be misunderstood in english?

    The other day I was working on interjections and got a strange surprise when creating the word for "hail" in véktegål, which is "ꝟyk" [vi:k] and its etymology originates from the english word "big", meaning "of considerable importance or seriousness" amongst other meanings.

    ꝟyk ógk! ['vi:k 'ouk]
    hail the true one! ("ógk" means "person")
    ("big coke?", there's no word for that but "héftig" [he:ftik], meaning "medicine" or "drug")

    ꝟyk óg! ['vi:k o:k]
    hail the discovery/discoverment!
    (I won't say what I thought of it)

    ꝟyk knéigr! ['vi:k 'ni:a]
    hail them! (3rd pl. masc. subj./voc.)
    (Won't say this one either)

    This post is for humorous purposes, of course.

    Let's see what you got!

    16:05 UTC


    How Many Entries Are in Your Most Extensive Conlang's Dictionary?

    My largest conlang has 2437 dictionary entries, while my smallest has only 64. How many does yours have and how important is a large dictionary to you in your language creation?

    15:57 UTC


    What words should I include in my written caveman conlang?

    So I'm working on this conlang for my comic that'll take place in an alternative world through time, following an immortal. His and some closer tribes have a simplistic writing system. When the story starts there's only five words (food, good, bad, danger, safety), but as the story continues, my protagonists mom and the other tribes leaders make up more words. Once my protagonist becomes the tribal leader, there's more words. Once everyone recognizes my protagonist as immortal, there's a ton of words.

    The words I have so far are: the base 5, hunting, gathering, here, not here, God, soul, human, winter, summer/fall/spring, day, night, day of a year, month, season, chieftain, 1 and lastly, multiple/2.

    But I need some more words, as this is hundreds of years after the first five, just not the different animals they eat, because I'll use those that were around back then in our world and just need to research it.

    15:23 UTC


    Creating a sung language

    For the context, I was watching a documentary on some orthodox related stuff for my studies, and there was a short moment where a priest was singing something. Now I’m not a believer into any specific religion, but I really got touched by how it sounded, so I got interested in sung languages, and was thinking of creating one.

    So I was wondering is some of you had experience or advice on this topic? I’m open to any discussion so if you have any questions/comments/advice or anything else feel free to drop it <3

    03:44 UTC


    2045th Just Used 5 Minutes of Your Day

    #"Certainly, Kaming doesn't goddamn know syntax."

    Postverbal gwai in Cantonese: A syntactic approach to rhetorical questions (pg. 19; submitted by miacomet)

    Please provide at minimum a gloss of your sentence.

    Sentence submission form!

    Feel free to comment on other people's langs!

    00:37 UTC


    a'posteriori conlanging suggestions

    Okay, so I am really fascinated by these kinds of conlangs and have never really made one (or one that's gone anywhere) as most of my conlanging alley is for worldbuilding and fantasy/practical or experimental concepts.

    What language family would you think is the best for a beginner in this area of constructing languages? I'm probably likely to get that answer of "just do any, it's your choice" which is why I'll say this: I'm more looking for a language family/language you personally admire or think is great for a starter like me so i can dip my toes in the water to see how it feels, and then work from there.

    Honestly, I've been seeing these "anglo-langs" which are althistory projects that transform English into something more interesting or conventional; I've been really interested in those too as of right now.

    All comments are appreciated, thank you!

    00:27 UTC

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