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  • u/Orikrin1998 (they/any) — I'm Eowyn, a 1998-born autistic creature from France. I'm into learning languages, conlanging, mapmaking, and making music. I have a blog about linguistics, I love writing, linguistics, sociology, cats, and online communities moderation and management! Yeah, I'm a bit all over the place. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • u/Deeb4905 (she/her) — I'm Deeb, a French hermit & language lover. I'm also a Computer Science student, and that's a pretty much exhaustive description of me I think? When I'm not doing those things, I'm either watching random shows/streamers, sleeping or staring at a wall.

  • u/loveableRogue07 (he/him) — Bonjour-hi, everyone. My name is Jeremy. I am a proud Francophile who has had the pleasure of living in France and Senegal. I hope to do more future travel in the Francophonie. My favorite sports are 🏈 and 🏒.

  • u/YummyTerror8259 (he/him) — I'm Evan, aka YummyTerror8259. It was my randomly generated name from Xbox, and I liked it so I still use it. I'm a married man with 3 small kids, and am a full time piano technician. I'm fascinated by language, especially French and German, due to my strong Swiss and German heritage. I'm excited to be part of the growing community of r/French, and I also mod at r/KidsAreFuckingStupid and r/memesforparents.


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How to say “first kiss”?

Google translate and deepl both say “baiser” but I feel like that can’t be right given its more common meaning.

23:24 UTC


The imparfait right?

So I’m reading this WEBTOON for part of my French practice and I keep coming across the « imparfait « ( or at least I think it is ) and but I’m not sure if it is. For example:

je savais ça ne sentait pas bon- I knew it didn’t smell good

Why is « sentait » in the imperfect tense? I’m just confused because the imparfait is a past tense that is used to show that something was happening in the past, but not at a specific time or with an end date.

So needs helps with this, would help a lot, thank you

22:22 UTC


Can someone help me understand why correct answer is "j'en ai" here?

I really thought the correct answer here would be "j'en ai trop", but the reported solution is "j'en ai." Even the explanation seems to me to indicate it should be "j'en ai trop":

Most generally, en replaces nouns introduced by the preposition de, often in expressions of quantity, such as the idiomatic beaucoup de, trop de, etc... or the partitive article du, de la, des. The expression of quantity (beaucoup, trop, etc...) must be repeated at the end of the sentence.

Am I correct that the solution here is actually wrong, or is there something I'm not understanding?


1 Comment
17:09 UTC


Who is the poet of that poem? Is it really Victor Hugo's?

“Au cas où l’âge actuel de l’œil à pleurer?Lèvres rire, les gens ne pleurent pas? Devrait être regarder le beau aimer? peau laide une belle âme, ne lie pas le cœur? désir; Est est de rester loin de manquer? Ont aspiraient près, hicran inaudible? vol; l’argent, est de voler des biens? Felicity voler, le vol ne fonctionne pas? Est-ce que les roses flétrissement des branches pour être brisées? Il ne se fane pas alors qu’un Rosebud rose sur rose branches? Armes pour tuer, devrait-il être le poignard? liens de cheveux, les yeux d’armes, sourire, ne conduisent pas?”

1 Comment
17:56 UTC


How to say “good enough”?

Hey guys, first post. So I speak French comfortably enough, my girlfriend and her dad are French and I speak with them sometimes just for fun/practice. Her grandpa is coming to visit us next weekend too and he only speaks French so that’ll be fun. Anyway, I was wondering if there was a French counterpart to the phrase “good enough” in English. Is it just simply “assez bien”, or is there something more popular to say? Thanks!

Edit: just realized I didn’t give context, my bad. I meant to identify this phrase to say like “meh whatever, good enough”. I was writing and said “good enough” to my handwriting.

21:11 UTC


What is your method for learning French?

Hey y'all!

I hope this post doesn't add to the pile of other "Best Ways to Learn French" questions, but maybe that it adds a little something more.

I've been learning French for close to a year now with varying degrees of commitment . I started with Duolingo and enjoyed it until it got a bit repetitive. I then decided to see if I can wing learning from more than one source of content, whether it is InnerFrench or Journal en Français Facile or reading native newsletters. So far it has been really fun and encouraging, even if it means spending lots of time translating new words/phrases. So far, I'd guess my reading/listening comprehension is at a B1 level while speaking is probably closer to A2 (I am planning to start incorporating speaking soon).

What happened recently is that I started feeling like my learning was a bit unstructured. I took sometime to play around with Duolingo and realized that it actually is a good general resource that slowly introduces new vocab, grammar, and useful phrases and incorporates some spaced repetition to learn new information. The big downside is that it does it too slowly in my opinion and can make learning feel a bit like a slog. And other courses seem limited in scope or depth.

This got me thinking, what is the most effective way to learning french? Is it to have one central course to follow and progress with, and supplement it with additional learning of grammar (things like the Progressive book series), listening practice (podcasts, videos, shows), reading (articles, books), etc. Essentially this is a scenario where the supplemental resource orbit and supplement the main course. Or, is the best way to just juggle the different resources without having a "main" course to follow - simply focus on a little bit of everything every day and work on your weak areas?

This is obviously a very subjective question, but I'd like to hear your opinions! And if you do use a course, what is it? Is there something as thorough as Duolingo, but a bit more mature and allows one to jump around to different topics yet still encapsulates a lot of material?

19:51 UTC


Hi! Need tips on progressing to B2.

Hallo! I took my TCF tout public a few months ago and managed to scrape by a middle of the road B1 in it. I was rather weak on the grammar structures and listening, but good on all the others. However, after taking it, I honestly have been sorta stationary in my French progress, may it be for lack of effort on my part (school got in my way). I still read Francophone media and can understand debates and radio and all of that good stuff, but I really do wanna progress, and this desire has been catalysed by me going to an (English-speaking) university in Montréal, and seeing that I will be there for a while, I do want to improve my French, if not for daily use, just as a point of personal improvement.

So far, I have completed my IB French ab initio course, been reading France24/Le Monde, writing whatever few assignments I had been given over the last two school years (took me about a year and two months to get to B1), listening to RFI when I can, and talking to a friend group of mine on the occasion in French. I bought a few grammar books as well, but honestly, I haven’t done them as much as I should have, nor have I read specifically French literature.

Right now, I perceive my writing as the weakest link, catalysed by my rather elementary hold in grammar structures, followed by listening. I am decent at speaking (although I still do search for words regularly, something I have to improve) & I believe, good at textual comprehension. Is there any more I should add? Are there any other approaches I should consider in stepping my way up to B2 (my ambition is to eventually reach a C1, but a B2 is what I think might be achievable by December?)? I plan to take French classes while in Montréal but that is still a few months away and I can’t really be spending money on online courses right about now.

Thanks in advance!

19:32 UTC


Are there homphone confusions among French speakers?

Like in English people use the wrong their,they're,there. You're,your

In spanish people confuse hay/ay/ahi. Haber,a ver,

Is there an equivalent in french?

17:23 UTC


Need help with these forms

I understand the past/present/future but not sure about the other forms. Can someone please translate? Thanks.

I swim or I am swimming - Je nage

I swam - J’ai nagé

I was swimming - Je nageais

I will swim - Je nagerai

I have been swimming -

I have swum -

17:22 UTC


'ce que j'aimerais c'est tomber amoureux avec un homme gentil et compréhensif' does this sound right?

I have my French gcse speaking exam in 2 weeks, and for the question "Est-ce que tu veux te marier à l'avenir?" this is my opening line. I'm not sure if it makes sense, though. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

17:03 UTC


mots-techniques pour la C2 niveau de l'examen d'aptittudes françaises, DELF.

Hi, salut.

Est-ce que c'est possible que il y a une liste des mots-techniques pour la C2 niveau de l'examen d'aptittudes françaises, DELF ? Si il y a pas une liste pour la C2 niveau, la niveau à plus près d'il doit être magnifique. Theoretiquement dans elle doit être les vèrbes reflexive. Merçi beaucoup, Reddit family.

16:46 UTC


Why is "grosseur" pronounced with /o/ and not /ɔ/? Are both pronounciations valid?

16:32 UTC


Problems with french

Hello everyone, So as the title says, in your opinion, what are the problems that French learners faces at the begginer stage. And thanks in advance.

16:19 UTC


Quelle est cette phrase que ma prof de français ne cesse de répéter?

Je suis au Canada et ma prof est Franco-Ontarienne mais j'avais entendu le mot avec les Québecois aussi. Ça semble comme "l'an" ou plus proche du mot anglais "law." Je crois que la phrase est similaire de "n'est pas" ou peut-être un mot de remplissage (comme le mot "like" en anglais) mais je suis pas sûr.

Par example: il est possible que les cours soit annulé pour l'année prochaine [LA PHRASE].

Que signifie cette phrase?? Merci d'avance! :)

15:58 UTC


What does "J'arrive en chef" mean?

I was listening to a french song my friend recommended (Bottega by Eva) and it goes like:

"Qui m'a demandé? Lui, je le connais pas J'ai mis la robe Dior, et les Bottega Veneta J'arrive en chef, ils m'appellent Eva Mendoza J'arrive en chef, j'arrive en chef"

What does she mean by that? Is it slang?

15:19 UTC


why it’s “ quel est votre numéro de téléphone “ not “ qu’est-ce que votre numéro de téléphone

when quel is used as predicative , can it always equals to qu’est ce que ? or it’s just set structure

15:03 UTC


Games To Play in French

Ive recently gotten into downloading some games from the App Store and quite like Episode atm. Are there any suggestions for cool/interesting games to play in French? Don’t mind any genre.

14:52 UTC


Question about ne...plus que

Hellooo, i skimed some responses but still feel confused... It remains an ambiguous expression to my concern. For instance:

Il ne mange plus que des fruits.

We have 2 ways to translate:

(1) He no longer eats anything but only fruit.

(2) He used to eat only fruit, but now he eats not only fruit ! He eats more than fruit he eats everything!

Why the second is wrong ?

MIllion thankssss in advance to anyone who'd like to help.

1 Comment
14:46 UTC


La semaine dernière !

La semaine dernière a probablement été la meilleure semaine pour moi en termes de mon apprentissage du français. J'ai fini de lire mon premier roman complètement en français (L'étranger de Camus) et j'ai réussi l'examen A2 de l'alliance française avec une note de 99/100!

J'ai commencé à apprendre le français à quelques amis (évidemment, les concepts de base) pour pratiquer et j'ai trouvé que c'est une façon incroyable de me contraindre à utiliser la langue et d'apprendre de nouvelles choses parce qu'ils ont toujours des questions que je n'arrive pas à répondre tout de suite et je dois donc me renseigner.

Je voulais seulement partager mes petits succès car je me sens pour la première fois capable de dire que je peux me débrouiller en parlant le français.

PS - Si j'ai des erreurs dans ce texte-ci, corrigez-moi, svp :)

13:31 UTC


Source for Bluey transcripts?

I'm looking for transcripts to of the French dubs of Bluey episodes.

As many of you may be aware, Bluey is a childrens animation show that once featured a French character speaking nonsense French. As a result, any HINT of "French" in a Bluey search will EXCLUSIVELY return results on that episode and character. I can not get around it!

I did find a Simpsons French transcript site rather easily, even among the "what does Bart speak in the French dub when he goes to France" pages, so I'm hoping there's a similar page hidden somewhere for Bluey. Otherwise, I'll probably have to spend money on an annual AI transcription service.

12:51 UTC


Does this make sense? Please help!

Tout d'abord, notre vol a été retardé et notre voyage a duré un jour alors qu'il aurait dû être plus court. De plus, j'ai attrapée un coup de soleil quand nous sommes allés à la plage!

I’m just checking this makes sense and doesn’t sound robotic

I’m a female and I’m hoping the verbs have the right feminine endings too? Thanks

12:29 UTC


Le résultat de C1 pour l'université

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis un étudiant Turc qui prépare pour dalf C1 qui aura lieu ce juin, en Istanbul, au l'institut Français.

Je suis étudiant de première et l'année prochaine je serai terminale mais j'ai décidé de postuler à la faculté de droit à Paris (Ça sera probablement Assas-Panthéon ou Panthéon Sorbonne) comme ma moyenne de notes est suffisante mais ce qui m'inquiéte est la note de C1. Je crois que je peux l'obtenir mais est-ce sa note est considerée importante dans le cas de droit? Je vous remercie par avance, tout est apprecié

12:27 UTC


“Laugh out loud” or @ “Lol”

What’s the french equivalent to LOL?

12:06 UTC


Comment comprendre « j'ai de quoi »

Prenant pour exemple cette phrase : « j'ai de quoi suppléer à ce qui manque. »

Je comprends ce qu'elle signifie mais ne comprends ni ce qu'est l'expression figée là-dedans, ni comment l'utiliser dans un circonstance donné.

10:51 UTC


What does 'se' mean?

When you want to let others know your name, you can use 'mon nom se...', right? So I thought 'se' means 'is', but 'is' in french is 'est'. So what does 'se' mean then?? I googled it but I couldn't catch up.

10:17 UTC


How does one pronounce @ in french

Like email address

09:27 UTC


Using Chose que in the beginning of a sentence?

1 Comment
08:41 UTC


What is the difference between these two hypothetical statements ?

What is the difference between :

  • Si tu as fait tes devoirs, tu peux sortir ce soir.
  • Si tu as fait tes devoirs, tu pourras sortir ce soir.

08:24 UTC


What is the difference between "n'importe qui" and "quiconque" ?

07:36 UTC


What is the difference between "clément" and "miséricordieux" or "clémence" and "miséricorde" ?

Would we ever use miséricordieux to describe a person normally?

07:36 UTC

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