
Photograph via snooOG

Hydroponics is the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, perlite, hydroton, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil.

The Hydroponics Reddit

Hydroponics - a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics can come from an array of different sources; these can include but are not limited to byproduct from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients.

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Windowed grow tent

Hi folks, I'm looking for recommendations on a grow tent. My intended use is overwintering orchids in Scotland. So I'm looking for decently insulated, waterproof, and most importantly (and this is where I'm struggling) large clear windows, so I can see what's going on inside.

The largest base size I can deal with is also about 120cm x 60cm.

Others ideas also welcome!

23:17 UTC


Mineral wool and other substrate food safety

I was looking into mineral wool (rock wool) as a growing substrate since I've seen that posted by other people. I was concerned because having used it in construction I was fairly certain it had additives that were potentially unhealthy. It turns out they use binders and oils during the manufacturing. I assume there is a hydroponic version available with no additives? Where do you buy this and what brands should I search for? (I'm in Canada)

Does anyone have a link to a good primer on substrate selection/optimization? I prefer exhaustive detailed dives rather than "the basics". I assume mineral wool as a growing substrate is not ideal for every type of plant so I'd like a starting point to start a personal database. My current assumption is that beneficial microbes are encouraged by optimal substrate design and that the substrate selection choice will therefore affect plant growth/productivity. Ultimately I'm interested in even tiny differences and efficiencies between different food crops.

18:47 UTC


Learning about Hydroponic

hello friends, I want to put my first hydroponic crop, I want to put 6 plants, my question is, what do I need for this? I have thought of making the pots myself with some buckets, as I have seen I need to communicate all and prepare another bucket only with water, I would need an oxygen pump and something else ? thanks to all.

14:10 UTC


Help- White Mold?

I've had my aquaponic setup for a few months or so and its been doing fairly well so far. This is my first time doing an aquaponic setup, so I know I've definitely made some mistakes. These spores(?) have popped up and I don't know how to handle it. The plants seem to be doing alright besides the apparent mold. Any advice? I have the uruq setup and I use the recommended ratio of the provided nutrients with spring water.

07:44 UTC


Chemistry and health and PVC

Everyone gets caught up on Food Safe and Food Grade (and some people figure out the difference between the two) but the real question is, PVC is safe for drinking water (it is plenty of places use certified PVC for potable water) BUT how does it perform once nutrient solutions are in contact with it. Last I checked Food Grade/Food Safe checks for intended usage, i.e. not above a certain temp, or with a ph range. Do we know the nuts wont react and pull substances from the PVC (Food Grade or not?)

The concern being that drinking water does not cause any leeching, what about when used in the presence of nutrient solutions.

FWIW, I feel that the risk is small, but can anyone provide data, or peer reviewed science? Everyone makes a big deal of NSF, Food Safe, Food Grade yet fail to understand these certifications aren’t done in the in the context of our (industrial) use case (hydroponic chemicals….)

06:38 UTC


What size PVC pipe and net cups do you think bro is using here? They're cape gooseberries btw

03:55 UTC


Haters & Watercress!

For all you haters I’m back. Harvesting watercress for my CSA program. Tomorrow I will be back doing pretty dress up videos, so get ready.

17:12 UTC


1 Month of growing Basil in my 3D printed hydroponic tower

12:02 UTC


Bell pepper and lettuce/herbs in same container?

Is there an EC that works for both bell pepper and lettuce/herbs in the same DWC container?

11:46 UTC


T.A DryPart Grow/Bloom

Has anyone used T.A. DryPart Grow 1-part nutrient*?* How's your experience? Or what can be inferred from the nutrient list?

Should I buy T.A. DryPart Bloom or go with Masterblend for fruiting and flowing plants? I am growing tomatoes and strawberrys.

Edit: Seems like these are rebranding of  Maxigro and Maxibloom, so if you have experience with that please share it.



08:52 UTC


Can a solar powered self watering system be charged enough in an indoor grow tent?

I’ve read LED can charge solar just not efficiently. Is it possible? If the grow light will already be on, wouldn’t it be cost effective to have them run the pumps?

02:31 UTC


MaxiGro Feeding Amounts

I have been doing an Aerogarden type setup for 5 months with good results. Attempting to switch from the liquid 2 part fertilizer to MaxiGro. This is mostly for greens and some herbs, i.e. lettuce, chard, Thai basil.

I was using 5g A and 5g B to 1 liter room temp tap water.

With the MaxiGro, I am using 1.5 gpl. Is this a good amount? Also, should I also include the CalMag?

I have a PH meter and keep the PH around 5.8. I have a TDS meter but not EC.

I would also like to use this for my outdoor tomatoes in soil. Planning on starting at 6.5g per gallon. Applied every other week. Is that reasonable?

22:46 UTC


Rock dust

Living out here in the Mountain West there is an abundance of micro-nutrient rich rocks from the volcanoes and just general composition of the Rocky Mountains. I've been doing some research and it seems like you can 'activate' these rocks by specifically finding them in rivers which theoretically makes the the micronutrients bioavailable, plus things like adding the rocks and bacteria to your water reservoirs.

Also, it just makes sense to me that these particularly nutrient-rich rocks are upstream from some of the most agriculturally productive lands in North America (albeit small areas because of the mountains etc) and led to the rise of ancient civilizations accordingly.

Anyways, I digress. Has anyone here utilized volcanic rocks, micronutrient-rich rocks etc in their systems to supplement and/or replace chemical/artificial nutrients? Specifically, were you able to to find/buy rocks you know were rich in micronutrients, and incorporate them into your system and see noticeable benefits to your plants?

Obviously NPK isn't coming from these rocks but copper, iron, manganese etc etc can do theoretically.

20:17 UTC


Beginner Question: How do you adjust NPK?

Hello all,

I've been reading a lot of blogs and watching a lot of videos on youtube.

Question: How do you adjust the NPK?

  • For example, the General Hydroponics FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom all states the ratio on the label.
    • Flora Micro: 5 - 0 - 1

    • Flora Gro: 2 - 1 - 6

    • Flora Bloom: 0 - 5 - 4

I was reading a lettuce blog and it said something along the lines of: (Based on the video(s) I watched, the numbers below indicates percentages in the solution, right?)

  • Nitrogen: keep the nitrogen level at approximately 5.

  • Phosphorus: keep phosphorus levels between 15 and 20.

  • Potassium: potassium levels should be in a range from 20 to 40.

How do you match the recommended NPK levels when liquid/dry nutrients such as the General Hydroponic lines already comes with a set Nutrient percentage ratio?

I'm not sure if i'm asking this question correctly. Any tips on what to google for a proper answer would be appreciated.

18:21 UTC


I will be a true member of hydroponics(aeroponic tower) from now on🥹

Being such a creative aspect, easy to get in, low startup cost, this is a gem for a entrepreneur.

I am from India M20 left college at 19 coz I fell for trading options, thinking i was meant to be great. I failed miserably. Now getting in to hydroponic and want to be great in this with a research team you know like everyone I want thought way forward. Wish me luck.

I have some difficulty : But my aim is to become similar to agrotonomy(YouTube) i) can I grow multiple vegetables(cauliflower,cabbage) and leafy greens(spinach,lettuce) in same tower with modified nutrients (this is my experimental stage and agrotonomy uses same nutrient for all it vegetable , leafy green and fruit)? ii)it is monsoon season if a shed it with polyethylene on top but sideways are open will rain effect me ? iii) which is the best website for checking plants ppm(500scale) ? iv)shall I keep my water pump all day?

Thank you so much experienced fellow. I don’t know about bacteria, virus or any diseases. If someone could be my mentor in my early stage would help me a lot.

Once again thank you all lucky we were born in this era love you all

17:21 UTC


Best Online Spaces For Hydroponics?

I’m working on a website that consolidates a lot of the open-source control system info I’ve found online while building my own system. I want it to be a hub for hydroponic info/designs/ discussion that is separate from Reddit (I love this forum & have learned so much from it, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like newcomers get overwhelmed by all the different growing designs & all the “what’s wrong with my plants” posts). LEDGardener used to have a good one, but it’s defunct now.

I was thinking about starting a discord or something but thought I’d ask others first - do you guys have any online spaces besides this where hobbyists chat & share ideas? Otherwise I might make a site for open-source hardware & centralize some links like Kyle Gabriel’s project, GardenPi, Reef-Pi, etc. Thinking I’ll build it as a forum to allow people to upload posts to it with newer info/designs. Thanks!!

16:50 UTC


Hydroponic Onions

My deep barrel experiment.

15:55 UTC


Triacontanol spray

Is the powder as effective or have any ppm loss if it’s dissolved with water only and no polysorbate like boiled .5 cups of water and added the powder let cool reboiled another 2 times

15:25 UTC


Broccoli cultivation

14:59 UTC

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