
Photograph via snooOG

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-enriched water instead. This technique can involve various inert mediums like sand, gravel, or perlite to provide mechanical support for the plants.

The Hydroponics Reddit

Hydroponics - a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. The nutrients in hydroponics can come from an array of different sources; these can include but are not limited to byproduct from fish waste, duck manure, or normal nutrients.

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How many bubblemakers?

Hi folks, I want to try out a cannabis DWC setup: two containers with 2 plants each. Is it enough to put a bubbler in each container or does it have to be one per plant? I'm new to the whole hydro / aquarium game. Thanks a lot!

13:13 UTC


Are my seedlings doing well? Their stems look weak and the leaves are very thin

11:45 UTC


I’m looking for advice on how to keep my 25-liter tank fresh

Now they are more or less at the same temperature as the tent (tent size 90x60x90) about 25C,


  1. can 25C/30C be used?
  2. I am looking for a system that is not too cumbersome and which drastically lowers the temperature, which do you recommend?
09:45 UTC


Can I use DAP fertilizer in my homemade nutrient solution?

1 Comment
05:58 UTC


Cool pic of roots

I was changing out one of my tomato plants in my double bucket system. Neat how the roots spread out like that.

On a related note, what’s the beat way to clean the clay balls? Dry them off in an oven and clean them?

22:56 UTC


How well do stealth ro150s acctully work? And do u need a booster pump?

20:04 UTC


First batch ever

Hydro autoflower around week 6. Waiting for budding stage. Think it’ll be soon?

20:00 UTC


Transitioning from rise garden nutrients to something like Masterblend?

Hello! I’m very new at all of this so please be kind (and realistic). I love my Rise garden, the app functionality really helps me remember to take care of it and makes things easy. But the nutrients seem overpriced compared to off-brand. What’s stopping me from switching is that I don’t know how to correlate the new nutrients with the silly names Rise gives its formulae (“Sprout”, “Thrive”, “Blossom”). I also don’t know how much, say, Masterblend green mix would correlate to a teaspoon of Rise nutrients. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any chemists out there figured out what exactly is in these cryptically labeled bottles? Sprout is yellow liquid while Thrive is clear, for whatever that’s worth.

19:50 UTC


Kentia palm germination?

Do you think I could germinate a Kentia palm in my Aerogarden?

I have 6 seeds right now: soaked, scarified and wrapped in moss right now. I'm following the directions I was given, but it says it could take up to a year and it's just frustrating: what if I go a year and I was doing it wrong?

18:08 UTC


Unfortunately, one of the 16 seeds did not germinate successfully

35 day growth record of water spinach

17:15 UTC


Cheap EC sensor for Arduino?

I’m working on an automated feeding system for my small hydroponic setup. The issue is I cannot find a suitable EC/TDS sensor for the project. Available sensors cannot measure 2.5-2.7 mS/cm or expensive(65$). Is there any solution for this? Thanks

Note: I’m thinking about the cheap TDS meters and dismantling the whole thing and wire it to Arduino or using Turbidity sensor as a guidance device to measure the EC of the solution(assuming the hydroponic mixture has some kind of dissolved dye in it which can be used to correlate to proper EC). Seems stupid but I’m out of ideas.

12:56 UTC


Pothos that was in hydro recently transplanted to fishtank and now dying - any advice?

I also posted this to r/pothos but I think I may have better luck with advice here. Also, I should note that the fishtank does not have fish yet! It’s brand new and should be cycling.

Hydro Pothos in fishtank losing leaves like crazy - any ideas why?

I have a golden pothos that I bought this past March, and I’ve had it growing super well since then. I put it in water and mixed in some liquid fertilizer, then eventually moved it to a larger container with an air stone. It was growing like a weed and I was super happy with it. Last week I decided to move it to a new fishtank that I’m setting up, and also to separate out the smaller stems from the larger ones and put them in separate net pots(the larger ones were overcrowding the small ones, and they weren’t growing well because of a lack of sunlight). The tank looks great, and now they have more room to move around, but unfortunately I’ve had to pull off 4 yellow leaves from the larger plants this week, and another leaf is already turning yellow. :((

Here are the factors that I think could be relevant:

  • I used topfin water conditioner to remove the chloramines from the tap water before filling the tank - this is allegedly plant safe

  • I used all purpose/play sand from lowe’s - I throughly washed it first, and other fish keepers do and recommend this, so I doubt there would be an issue with it, but who knows

  • I added topfin quick start/bacteria to the water

  • I put in a flake of seachem marine fish shrimp flake, which I use for my saltwater tank, to produce ammonia. At the time, I didn’t think there would be enough salt content in one flake to matter, but now I am wondering if I was stupid, although the yellowing did start before I did this.

Another thing to note is that the roots are developing a weird, possibly bacterial or fungal, fuzzy translucent film on the ends (I know it’s normal for roots to have some fuzz on them - that is NOT what this is, and I can post pictures tomorrow).

The plant is getting more sunlight now than it was before, so I doubt it’s a lighting issue. It shouldn’t be getting so much that it’s killing it though. There is an airstone in the tank, and it’s directly under the roots, so oxygen should not be an issue. It also may or may not be relevant that all of the yellow leaves are centralized closer to the roots of the plant, while the leaves further from the roots/further down the stems are fine for now.

I really love my pothos and I do not want it to die! Please help if you have any idea what might be wrong! Thank you!

07:21 UTC


Quick question about elbows vs 1 inch pipe with an end cap.

Hey everyone- quick query. I am building my own hydrophonic system. Its on a triangular pod like structure. I am using a cylindrical PVC pipe with 3 inch diameter. question is in order for me to connect the upper pipe with lower one, all DIY videos show an end cap with a 1 inch connector pipe going in to the lower pipe. Anyone used two 90 degree 3 inch elbows instead ? Any pros and cons of one system vs the other. Where I live both alternatives roughly cost the same.


1 Comment
05:56 UTC


Take my money

I want to spend money on an indoor one. No ‘build your own’ saw a beautiful one at a place 2 years ago. Forgot the name.

Anybody have one they like as in it’s easy to clean etc? Looking to grow fresh herbs and vegetables like peppers

03:22 UTC


Help me save my plant

Hey everyone! I am new to hydroponics and growing. One of my plants is looking a bit rough and was hoping you guys could chime in at what you might think is the issue.

01:43 UTC


Need a Measurement For an AC Infinity 4x4 Please!!

01:42 UTC


Ebb-Flow Timer

I'm sure this question has been asked and answered many times, but I can't find it. I need a timer to cycle a water-pump 3 times a day. My Google-fu fails me. Please help a brother out.

23:55 UTC


How many 5 gallon hydroponic buckets can I fir in a 4x4 tent

Trying to figure out what would work best for my 4x4 tent

23:26 UTC


Any tips on germination in the fall?

Having trouble sprouting any seeds, tried mostly leafy vegetables lettuce, basil, kale. Tried every method I could find on youtube, got a few to germinate but didn’t grow any further than a tiny sprout out of the seed. I know it’s the wrong time for a seed to naturally germinate so wondering if there’s any trick to it, this time of year. Thanks.

I live in Southern BC, Canada btw. Average temp is 8C-15C and can be pretty damp. Day is getting shorter. But indoors I have a few T5 lights, heat mat, humidity dome, etc.

17:06 UTC

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