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I have a 22 inch long aquarium and need to get a tank cover. Does anyone have any suggestions or places that they have purchased from?
Lady Corinthea judging me for not feeding her more. . . .
I have several small harbor freight single cylinder air compressors that are very very silent. The old pancake compressors used to scream and be loud these new ones are very silent. I imagine I could hook up a small silent air compressor into a larger tank and fill that up and have a couple regulators leaving the larger tank distributing the low PSI to the air stones. I'm not sure of the disadvantages of using a real air compressor. Is there any? I can't find any information on this whatsoever anywhere on the internet.
My second choice would be to use the piston air pump made by MEDO. It is not like the linear ones that have to have diaphragms replaced every year just like every other hunk of junk in my junk drawers around here. All 6 of the kedsum emergency pumps are shot all of the whisper all of the Tetra all of those linear diaphragm pumps, all wear out it's not a matter of if, but when! That's when your fish die.
If you use solar with some good batteries and inverter and two silent air compressors, one for backup, both plugged in, I think there wouldn't be a problem. These are made to handle back pressure. Please chime in if you have any thoughts on this or if you think it's worth me proceeding. Also if anything thing goes wrong those air compressors can be swapped out at a local harbor freight store for new. That's one purchase I would consider the warranty on 😂
I just love their relationship, always together, so cute.
my beautiful but old home doesn’t have a level floor or a right angle in it.
how does one best balance tanks? how can i protect from cracks?
i’ve heard that getting the waterline isn’t the best.
So I have an indoor pond that has a paradise fish and a platy, it’s basically a black tub that holds 20 gallons of water.
It has a lot of plants and a nice layer of duck weed.
But like are they dead? The snails and shrimp are going well
Over stocked?
Hello Guys, I just found this thing in my aquarium what is it?
I currently have an established tank, and im looking to start up another. I also have fake plants, gravel and ornaments in my current tank that im replacing with sand, live plants and driftwood.
I was thinking of getting the gravel out and placing the sand in both tanks, then getting media bags and putting half of the gravel in each, then will let them sit in both tanks to help pass on the helpful bio. Im also going to split the fake plants and ornaments between tanks to help pass on the bio from those too.
Can anyone advise what to do with my filter? Am i best keeping the this in the cycled tank, or am i ok putting this in the new tank, and put a new one in the old (hope im making sense!). Im cautious i dont want to remove too much of the items out of the established tank and have to cycle it again, but want to speed up the new tank as much as possible (my fish are stressed and need splitting up).
Any other tips/ advice would be appreciated.
For info, established tank is 94L tropical tank and the new is 65L. Filter is a cf2 (i think, has like x3 removable filters). If you need any other info just ask 👍🏼
I am trying to find a 20 gallon tank with no filter to buy for a pair of clownfish but NO PLACE HAS ANY IN THE UK?! someone please help me out
Does it look good enough? and if i should upgrade it, and change stuff, how so?
Switching from a 60G to a 120 (freshwater). Canister is rated for a 100; if the bio load is the same; do I need to upgrade filters immediately?
I recently had these snails boom out of nowhere, no new plants, fish or anything for months in my tank.
I had an established assassin snail colony taking care of the odd straggler but these ones appeared out of nowhere and the assassins dont seem to be limiting their numbers
Any advice where rhey came from , how to control and why my assassins dont eat them
Sooo, i've just had my first batch of eggs of something? I'm not sure of what tho
I do have a nerite snail, but i've had that one for over a year and never had this happen before. I have bronze corys and albino corys, and just added 6 venezuelan corys. I've NEVER had eggs before this (that i've noticed atleast), so I would assume its from the newer corys?
What would you think?
I have a filter on my tank that is way more powerful than it needs to be. I’m wondering if this means that I can keep animals that usually would need a larger tank size. For example a hillstream loach is recommended for a 20gal. But since I have a powerful filter, could it thrive in the 10gal? Thanks
Several clusters floating on top of surface. Are these eggs of some sort?
Beta community tank. We have several loaches in the tank and this is the only one that seems to swim back and forth so much. The others will occasionally swim higher but like to stay down lower at the bottom of the tank.
Hi guys
I’m unable to upgrade one of my aquariums until I move house soon due to unstable floorboards after a water pipe leak which my landlord is refusing to fix because he is an a hole 😒
To keep my babies happy until then, Im trying various methods. One is plants which I’m relatively new to.
IN the tanks water: Amazon sword, Java fern, J Repens, Anubias Barteri Nana, Vallisneria spiralis & hairy grass I grew myself in a contained pot.
Just the roots submerged: lucky bamboo, variegated Pothos, monstera & recently; a red sweet potato & a bit of its butt.
Behavioural issues were noted in my Ranchu like more sleeping & laziness. Checked my params and all normal except 6.0 pH instead of usual 7.2-7.4.
This was first time ever testing KH/GH as recently purchased the kit to add to my API Master Kit. Results: KH: 3°dKH / 53.7ppm. GH: 11°dKH / 196.9ppm.
The prev happy Pothos has slowly started dying towards end of vine and although the sweet potato exploded touching the ceiling, some of the leaves are now yellowing/dying. Do I pull the sprigs off the potato and add them to the water? Am I doing something wrong?
Is any of these issues related and am I causing my fish babies any harm?
All of this was to help with nitrates as I cannot increase the size of my tank yet. I don’t have problems with ammonia ever, fully cycled tank for WELL over a year (my highest ammonia reading is only ever. 0.15 ppm but mostly 0). Only issue is slight nitrates (avg reading 5-10ppm b4 water change) and now KH-GH/pH
Also, the API GH and KH test results hella confuse me! Goldfish are in 2 result categories so what am I supposed take as my result? What should MY fish be??? Confused 😔
GH & KH Range 0º - 3º (0-50ppm) Discus, Arowana, Elephantnose, Neons, Cardinals, Live Plants
3º - 6º (50-100ppm) Most tropical fish including Angelfish, Cichlids, Tetras, Botia, Live Plants
6º - 11º (100-200ppm) Most tropical fish including Swordtails, Guppies, Mollies, Goldfish⬅️
8º - 12º (140-200 ppm) Marine fish and invertebrates
11º - 22º (200-400 ppm) Rift Lake Cichlids, Goldfish⬅️, Brackish Water Fish
FILTERS: All Pond Solutions 250L p/h Canister, 1 Sponge w/modified adaption for K1 media, 1 sponge w/leca inside, 1 Eheim internal hidden filter 100L p/h WATER CHANGES: Weekly 20% FOOD: 3x per day (various veg/worm/shrimp) O2: 2 diffusers
Hello all. I currently have 5 mountain minnows in an aquarium that is too small for them (5.5G). I was new to the hobby when I got them and uninformed. They are doing fine and are active, but I think I should upgrade to a bigger aquarium. The biggest I can reasonably get is a 17.7G. The 5.5G will be used for a betta, im thinking.
Anyways, since I already have the mountain minnows, and they like cold water, I want to add some other small, coldwater fish to the new tank.
My plan is to first, add 5 more mountain minnows to a total of 10 in the new aquarium. I want an open topped aquarium so I can have floating plants (all my floaters died in my current tank cause the lid held too much moisture).
What are some good fish to add to such a tank? I hear sunset platies like cold water and are pretty small, but they are jumpers which is dangerous with an open topped tank. Any recommendations?
I got a beautiful beta guy in this open terrarium setup, and he seems to be quite happy. Pretty easy to maintain, stays fairly clean and will probably throw a snail in there to help with algae. This has been my first fish and honestly I’m loving it. Now I’m starting to want something a bit nicer. The problem is have zero clue what I’m doing. Other than what I was told by the employee at pet mart. 😅 I’m hoping to find ideally a really cool, smaller setup that I don’t have to do much to.
The current setup I replace 20% of the water every week and a half and drop a few drops of the dechlorinater and feed him a pellet a day. I could do a bit more but I’d prefer something that isn’t too much work to take care of. Also to throw in I would say I care almost as much about the plants that could go inside it as the fish. If anyone had any suggestions it would be much appreciated. Some of the cube aquariums I’ve seen here look pretty awesome.