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Online gaming friend only plays with me when he's single and horny

I play a very popular online game and have many, many friends I play it with. I do get harassed by men a lot in this game, so I guess I'm kind of used to it? Except this one guy I play with sometimes is...strange.

He only plays with me if he's single. And he only plays with women who play a support role. It's really weird.

Anyways, the other day I decided to invite him to a game. The very first thing he said to me, as we haven't spoken in months, is "Are you still taken?" in my dms. I saw it and didn't acknowledge it. Since I ignored him, he then demanded in the game chat that I answer his question. I also didn't acknowledge him saying this and just continued with the game. It obviously messed with his mental cause he was playing way shittier than he normally does and it was like he didn't want to talk to me.

He also tends to project his kinks onto how we play the game, I guess is the way to say it...? Like... he demands that women he plays with pick certain support characters to... exert some sort of control? It's very strange and he's tried getting sexual with me in dms out of nowhere with control exertion as the kink theme.

But also, just in general, can I just like... can I play the fucking game with men without them trying to get in a relationship with me or get some sexual favor out of me? It happens when I play with men all the time. Women never pull this bullshit. Even just because of my username, I get sexually harassed in game lobbies from random men that got queued into my lobby.

Just leave me the fuck alone and let me play. Me existing in the same space as you is not an invitation to have sex. My existence is not a fucking romantic gesture either ffs.

1 Comment
01:31 UTC


Heavy bleeding, question

Hello everyone this is jy first post here. I have a question.

For the longest time I had remembered I had this weird loop around my vaginal opening. It was loose and was holding itself from one small spot.

Usually it didn't disturb me during intercourse, but this time it broke and I was bleeding heavily. There's no way it was a hymen since it was like a roll of skin and it was loose, but now it's separated into two parts.

Does anyone knows what it might be?will the skin that is now ripped just fall off? I know I should have went to the doctor, yet because I'd heavy medical trauma from childhood I didn't want it checked out till it's actually in the way.

01:20 UTC


I've been on my period for 40 days.

I'm 16. I went on birth control when I was 12 because my periods were lasting 2 weeks. My family doctor said hormonal birth control would help "balance it out". So, I took it for 4 years. But it only made everything worse.

I got off birth control 10 months ago. Since then, I don't get a period for 3 months and then get it, and I bleed for 35-40 days. It almost feels like my period takes over a month to "catch up." I went to my doctor the first time this happened, and she told me to give my hormones time to adjust.

I'm tired of the symptoms I get from birth control. But I'm also tired of going through two boxes of pads every time I get my period. It's been 6 months since I last saw my doctor about this. All she did last time was prescribe me some iron pills.

The only other thing I'm experiencing is weight gain. Other than that and the cursed cycles, I would be fine. Should I give my body more time to adjust? I don't know what else the doctor can do. But I do plan on going again if nothing changes in the next 2 months. I don't really know what to do anymore. Has anyone else experienced this?

(I just wanted to put this out there. I have nothing against birth control. It's a blessing to so many people, but it just didn't work out for me.)

01:13 UTC


Whats the big deal with vibrators?!

After many years of mastrubating and the influence of social media and porn, I decided to buy a vibrator. And well it is not going as planned. The best way to summ it up would be to say it is to "aggresive"?

I do get to the point where I am close, but after that point even the lowest level is to much, almost painfull. Like very uncomfotable? Am I doing something wrong?

Anybody else have an issue like this?

00:22 UTC


I’m convinced guys don’t like it when women don’t need them to “provide”

My sister and I are very close.

I’ve worked hard and have been very lucky. I doing pretty well financially. I provide for my sister. This has caused a lot of friction with some of her exes.

One guy was upset my sister was never impressed with the gifts he got her. He would get her expensive jewelry and bags, and of course my sister would express gratitude and be thankful. When she went out with him she would make an effort to wear it or bring the bag, but outside of that she never used it because it wasnt to her taste. She did however use the bags that I got her all the time, because I know her and got things she loves. Apparently the guy got upset over her reaction because she wasn’t over the moon happy with his gifts and fawning over him. He even got mad at me because he said I “spoiled” her so now she’s “ungrateful”. I just care enough to get her things she likes. He just got her “popular” or “trending” things, and thought that just because it’s expensive it’s enough. They didn’t last long.

Another time she came to me out of the blue to get out of the lease she had with her BF at the time. Of course I did it for her, no questions asked. Of course the BF didn’t like that. He said that I was “enabling” her to make “bad decisions” and if I didn’t “stick my nose in” she would be more incentivized to talk and work with it out with him. Basically he was counting on her not having the money to move out and so being basically forced to stay. If he really wanted her to stay it should be on the strength of his character and not because she can’t afford to leave.

And then recently, my sister was talking to the guy she’s currently seeing about having a “go bag” ready just in case. She thinks it’s not a bad idea. The guy disagrees because he thinks it just means you’re not fully committed to the relationship. Then he made a comment that he likes that she doesn’t have one. She pointed out that she doesn’t need one because she has me. The only important document she has in her house is her passport, and it’s not that difficult to replace. She could walk out at any time with nothing on her and have a nicer place to stay and clothes to wear and food to eat. He admitted he never thought of it that way and was uncomfortable.

I’m glad that I am privileged enough to be able to be that sort of safety net for her, so that she’s never impressed by a guy’s money or financial status. She’ll never be financially dependent on any guy. While that makes a lot of guys uncomfortable, I’m happy.

00:20 UTC


Period late, Opinions???

Okay so I had unprotected sex on my last “ovulation” day, according to my period app, but then I got my period later at the end of my cycle. Now it’s my next cycle and I’m worried because it says I’m four days late or on the 35th day of my cycle. The longest my cycle has ever lasted is 39 and 37 days. Also, I did drink mugwort tea a couple of days before my last period was supposed to start. It is also important to note that I have been smoking and drinking the past month and have been stressed out due to finals recently.

00:14 UTC


Trying to put myself out there in a new city. Came back from an event to find my period leaking on my pants.

Being a woman feels exhausting sometimes, I haven't had a noticably embarrassing period mishap since my teens. The stain wasn't terrible but definitely noticeable, I rode back in someone's car and praying it didn't transfer to their seats.

Desperately needing comfort now.

00:01 UTC


what is the best all female company that makes solid objects or machines or tengible things?

cant answer when challenged need help

23:57 UTC



23:41 UTC


My young female employee had something horrible happen to her

Trigger warning: sexual assault

I’m a 35 year old woman who has a 21 year old woman (Annie: fake name) on my team. I adore her - she’s intelligent, funny, curious and kind. We get along like a house on fire and have a great relationship.

Annie told me something in our weekly catch up today and I need advice on what to do. She was off work last week for a little holiday in another city. While she was there, her drink was spiked and she was raped.

Annie hasn’t told anyone except for me and her best friend. She hasn’t told her parents.

When she told me, I just kept saying it wasn’t her fault. I told her that I would support her whatever she chose to do - whether she wanted to report it or put it past her. I also recommended she take an STD test.

I haven’t told anyone else. It’s not my place to say anything.

I’m trying to support her as best as I can. I’ve told her to take as much time off as she needs, I’ve shared my experience, and I keep telling her to remember that she didn’t do anything to deserve this.

I know it’s kinda weird because I’m her manager at work but I’m wondering - did I handle this ok? Is there anything else I can do to support her? I can’t stop thinking about it.

23:24 UTC


Brown blood, red blood and then nothing...

My period is supposed to start tomorrow and I had noticed brown spotting, then some red before nothing...

I'm freaking out because I had sex a while back, with a condom on and the guy finished outside of me. I saw him put it on correctly so it can't be precum.

I'm just nervous as hell right now. I want to be a mom but definitely not right now. No more sex from me (which happened due to a hypomanic episode). I have no other symptoms like throwing up or nausea, no tender breasts, nothing.

Help me, please :/

1 Comment
23:10 UTC


What if it were your daughter?

Men who are 30+ dating children (18/19 year olds) wouldn't be all "age is just a nUmBeR" if their 18-year-old daughter came home with her new 31-year-old boyfriend. I feel so sad for the young girls getting preyed upon by adults who should he protecting and preserving them.

23:04 UTC


Woman Only Utopia

Does anyone else ever dream of buying a large amount of land and just living amongst women in a commune? Everyone living there could contribute to the community. Some would be in trades, we have our own architects, carpenters, plumbers, welders, mechanics etc. We have gardeners, bakers, chefs, seamstresses. All women who contribute into making it a peaceful place. One where your home and food are covered as long as you contribute your time somewhere. That sounds so peaceful!

23:04 UTC


When i look inside my

what is a healthy vag supposed to look like inside??

When i look inside my vagina when i spread it apart i see meaty lump inside my vaginal opening. I see like a meaty lump in there.

22:46 UTC


Songs that aren’t triggers for survivors of stalking

It seems like every song I hear these days is about someone being obsessed with someone else, or two people being obsessed with each other. I’m a survivor of stalking, and still get messages frequently that say things like “I’ll be in love with you until my last breath” or “I’m your future husband.” These things are extremely triggering to hear and the very last thing I want to be reminded of in my everyday life is romantic obsession. I have a very hard time feeling safe and these little triggers don’t help. Can anyone recommend good music that isn’t romantic?

22:34 UTC


New girlfriend claiming she won

I recently found out my ex boyfriend was in another relationship, with a girl he had met only two weeks prior. It was pretty devastating, but I was able to see it as a silver lining because he had been so hot and cold with me for two years, that sometimes I wondered if he even considered our relationship as serious as I did.

As a woman who has been given warnings in the past, and being extremely emotional (let's be honest), I decided to also warn the new girlfriend. I sent her a message to say that this guy was in a relationship while dating her, leaving me blindsided, and to be careful.

She responded that multiple women have been harassing her and him, and that we're all "just jelly because I won 💁🏻‍♀️"

This is a vent post but also, why would someone react like that?

22:30 UTC


Is it endearing or problematic if your partner asks you to show less of your skin?

My long term partner becomes uneasy and asks me to button up one or more buttons on my blouse/wear less revealing cuts of my dress whenever we are out together, and I feel slightly uncomfortable with that. I have really small boobs, and none of the cuts are close to reveal nipples or show more than a side of them, so I didn’t feel like it’s exposing too much.

When talking about it, they claim that this is a sign of actually caring for me and showing their feelings, and that not having this preference from their side would be a sign of not having feelings for me. When I say that I am comfortable this way and don’t think it’s a big deal the way I am dressed the topic is dropped but it’s repeating again after a month or two. I feel confused and think that maybe I am in the wrong here?

Does asking your partner to cover up a bit a sign of affection or not?

22:28 UTC


Got catcalled “I love you”

I guess there’s more vulgar things to say lol. But very weird. And of course, completely unnecessary. Is this a common phrase they shout out?

1 Comment
22:23 UTC


He grabbed me and shook me.

Things haven’t been good for a long time. And I know where this all leads. I’ve been down this path before with violent men. My girlfriends can see the handprints up and down my left arm. I just don’t understand why I keep attracting this type of men into my life. He’s easily more than a 100 pounds than me and a foot taller. I’m in the midst of being diagnosed for maybe lupus, with fragile and painful joints. I know abuse begets abuse and it’s a cycle.

How strong do you have to be to be a man that lays hands on his girlfriend? How much stronger will I have to be to move past this? And everyone looks at me in this huge age gap relationship like I’m the monster and I’m taking advantage of him. I’m not a monster, I’m a fragile immunocompromised woman who came from devastating poverty in a relationship with a man 25 years older than me who has now crossed the line of being physical.

What do I do?

1 Comment
21:46 UTC


i want to go into finance/business - how bad is it? be honest.

hi everyone! i'm currently a high schooler and i'm really considering some sort of job in finance or business- something more corporate i guess.

but i know these kinds of jobs and majors are notoriously sexist and misogynist. i wanted to ask here because i know you guys will give me better answers than the rest of reddit.

so, anyone who's been in one of these careers or even just a similar major- what have your experiences been like? and how did you cope with it? i would really appreciate some advice ❤️

19:51 UTC


please listen to your gut when it comes to your health because this happened to me

i’m 21f and i’ve been living with chronic pain for about 2 years now. i’ve gone to endocrinology, multiple gynecologists, urology and then to an endometriosis specialist. i dealt with pain when peeing or passing a BM, everyday chronic pelvic and back pain, heavy painful periods. i would say about november i noticed i started to develop minor stabbing pain that came and went on my right side that lasted from ovulation till the beginning of my period. i’m a hypochondriac so i immediately assumed it was appendicitis and did the whole google dive and diagnosed myself with chronic appendicitis because i had pain but no vomiting, fever, etc. months went on and i noticed a decrease in appetite and a noticeable loss of 15 pounds. i kept having the right sided pain during my period. i went back to my gyno and explained my new symptoms and got a referral to an endometriosis excision specialist which would definitely help address my period and pelvic pain but my gyno didn’t seem to care about my right sided pain. in fact, no health care provider seemed to either. i couldn’t even convince my family. at some point, the right sided pain became an everyday thing and i was constantly taking zofran to help chronic nausea. i started having to stay home more often and lay in bed. ibuprofen nor tylenol helped the pain. i spoke with the endometriosis specialist and we agreed to do an exploratory laparoscopy and excision of any endometriosis and a possible appendectomy. i was told there wouldn’t be an appendectomy unless something was very wrong with my appendix because insurance wouldn’t cover it. i got the surgery and it confirmed endometriosis! great, now i know what caused my menstrual pain and general everyday pain! shortly after waking up from anesthesia, my mom told me they removed my appendix and i immediately got emotional because i wasn’t crazy!!! i actually just got the pathology report back today and it confirmed appendicitis. i walked around for months with appendicitis because it wasn’t convincing enough for other people. trust your gut (literally) and never stop advocating for yourself and your female friends!

21:32 UTC


Gender affirming surgeries for ciswomen?

I hope this is okay to ask. I really don’t mean disrespect or anything but I was wondering if that’s a thing? I’m a ciswoman and look quite mannish in the mirror. Not in a good or cute or handsome way either— I’m a veritable ogre.

As is my body. I have wide, wide shoulders that really don’t look good at all. My breasts are awkwardly spaced, deformed, and far apart. I don’t feel like a woman. I am a woman, but I don’t look like one at all. I’ve gotten mistaken for a pre-transition transwoman before.

I don’t feel like a woman. I feel like I’m masquerading as one

I was just wondering, one, if I am gender dyphoric (i don’t know if that even applies to me) and two, what the options are for me. I know some transgender individuals can get surgeries covered by their insurance, but I doubt that applies to me, because it is the gender of my birth. I don’t know what to do otherwise

21:01 UTC


How do you avoid aggressive rapey psychos? What are the warning signs? I never want to date another freak

20:56 UTC


Straight women feel this way or I'm not straight after all? (F)

In 2020 during the pandemic, I started to question my sexuality, and during that time I started to notice some feelings I had for some women, for example: being nervous around me, blushing whenever they spoke to me, having fantasies in which they thought I was beautiful and funny, If there was one nearby I would try to do something to make her notice me, in a room with several people I could feel her presence, I couldn't stop looking at them. Is this attraction?? I've felt this all my life around some women, including a teacher when I was 14, i was very nervous around her, when she spoke to me I froze, and when a girl held my hand to dance and I was very nervous because I thought she was pretty, another girl on highschool, and a friend of mine, we where friends for four years and I've had those feeling all those years, and also some women I see on the street.

20:50 UTC


Finally, men are getting the point

I saw a post on TikTok that said “ if i had to choose between being alone with a woman or a lion, id choose the lion because at least the lion would leave scars and then people would believe me”

This is great news because now men can know why women are choosing the bear over them instead of getting angry for no reason

20:02 UTC


Is anyone else grossed out by beauty standards ?

The more I think about it , the more most modern beauty standards for women gross me out.
Looking as young as possible, having no signs of natural aging, no body hair , being thin etc.

Maybe im just crazy and overreacting , but i just think that it’s gross that woman are expected to look as young as possible in order to be considered „beautiful“ .

19:59 UTC


Would 8.5 inch penis hurt me during sex?

Would 8.5 inch penis hurt me during sex? I’m a small and petite woman. There’s this guy that’s really sweet and wants to go on dates but I’m scared his penis might destroy me 🤣 what do you guys think?

19:43 UTC


Are you sure?

I don’t think I can properly articulate how much I hate it when someone asks me if I’m sure. It’s usually men asking that, and I always feel like it’s an insult because I’m just a woman, and not intelligent enough to make my own decisions.

I’m a grown woman, and I know my own mind, and if I say “no thank you” or just “no” it’s a complete sentence and you are insulting me by questioning my decision.

It’s even worse when another woman asks me if I’m sure. Maybe it’s something you’ve heard your entire life, and you think you’re being polite, but I feel insulted.

Thanks for reading my rant.

19:39 UTC


Lying SO

I’m pretty sure my (32m) boyfriend lies to me (30f) regularly. I’ve caught him in lies before and he says he’s done it his whole life and knows it’s wrong but gets stuck and the lies just come out and he promises he won’t lie to me again. But I know he still keeps lying and I don’t know how to address it.

He mainly lies about his finances and I know they’re a big point of shame for him. They aren’t the craziest lies, but I’ve explained to him many times how unsafe this makes me feel in trusting him, especially since we live together and our lives are very intertwined. I mostly depend on him financially right now as I’m in school and we agreed that he could carry more of our expenses until I’m done. This was his idea and he was very reassuring that he felt this was best for us.

But he just keeps lying and I don’t know what to do. He’s in therapy and says he’ll bring this up but I don’t think he has.

Aside from the lying he’s honestly the perfect partner, but in the back of my mind I always wonder how much I can trust him and if he’s just trying to fool me into being with the person he presents himself as. I have personal issues with trust from past experiences, which he knows very well. I’m just not sure how to separate my paranoia from his deception.

Any advice?

19:15 UTC


Life goals for the next generation

Just thought this was funny and wanted to share. I’m visiting my sister and her family for the weekend. I’m the “fun” child-free aunt in my 40’s who does the arts and crafts projects.

I have a camper van that I’ve traveled extensively in, sometimes for 6-9months at a stretch, and the kids like camping with me. The older two girls both want a van now and argue about who gets mine when I die. (Which is both a compliment and a little creepy.)

Over lunch my middle niece (age 9) and her best friend told me about their plans to have a van, travel the world, then go live in the woods together. And they’re going to adopt a kid because “boys aren’t worth it”. 😂

Then they toured my van and decided they wanted more pink and purple. I told them this was my design and they can work on designing their own.

“Can we have bunk beds?” Sure!

I feel like at their age so much of my own childhood play was mimicking family life. It was cool to see kids imagining a life that didn’t center around boys or motherhood.

Hope you all are living the pink and purple vanlife of your dreams. And Happy Mothers Day, whatever variety of traditional or eccentric path you’ve chosen!

19:15 UTC

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