SRSFeminism is a place for feminists to talk about feminism and social issues. Sick of MRAs appropriating every comment thread about feminism? Then you might be home!
SRSFeminism is a place for feminists to talk about feminism and social issues. Sick of MRAs appropriating every comment thread about feminism? Then you might be home!
This space is for people already somewhat versed in feminism; it doesn't matter what gender you are.
For a list of feminist blogs and sites, please go here.
1. Posts that are bigoted, creepy, misogynistic, transphobic, unsettling, racist, homophobic, or just reeking of unexamined, toxic privilege will probably result in a ban.
2. Please do not link to hate groups like /r/whiterights or /r/mensrights; take screenshots instead if you'd like to include content from hate group subreddits in your discussions
3. Concern trolls and MRAs not welcome. Snowflakes will also be tossed.
Bitch Magazine: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Feminism But Were Afraid to Ask
Sherryl Kleinman: Why Sexist Language Matters
Derailing For Dummies (original link does not work, stay on that page rather than clicking the "updated link")
How many women have been censored after making posts regarding violence against women? Another woman's account has been suspended when she outed a white male for sending her a pic of an Asian woman being murdered. This has to stop.
Police brag about having sex while on duty. This should be illegal but it's not. Why does our legal system protect these creeps? #policetoo #celesteguap
seen on Fetlife, an adult kink website that normalizes rape, pedophilia and murder
I posted about an incident where creepy guys at the mall were getting girl's/women's numbers to scam/blitz them with nudes, etc. The post was later taken down by the moderator of AskSF. Guess it's run by creeps. :(
Witnessed rape and murder by creeps on Fetlife. Problem is, cops are on Fetlife too and they support the criminals. Cops told criminals everything and threatened to put a hold on me/arrest me.
I also witnessed sex trafficking/rape in my building, only for the cops to laugh at me, protect the sex traffickers and threaten to arrest me.
I got video, audio and photos of all of this.
Doctors, lawyers, mental health professionals, child care teachers are all on Fetlife.
How do I out these creeps?
Media does whatever cops say. Nobody else seems to care.
I have the names of all the suspects, including the sex traffickers in San Francisco who also bought a house in Medford and had a business there. These crimes happened in the Bay Area but happen all over the place: Ashland, OR, Medford, OR, Lake Tahoe, Chico, CA, etc.
It's a clear case of corruption.
How do I stop it?
There once was a man who wasn’t a man, had a mindset so fem and a very different plan. She loved all the small things with such great joy, and admired the world like she did as a boy. She knew something was wrong, she didn’t quite fit in, like her heart was too big for the cavity within. Frustration and envy was most of her diet, though it kept her thin so she stayed real quiet. Pain and fear so obvious of an uncertain fate. Forgotten and vulnerable like food left on a plate. The monsters unite for the greater good in their minds. We know this now that the devil is time. The water is dirty the love pushed aside. The youth can’t even look you in the eyes. Refusal to coexist is the daily grind. They ran their narrative all over her mind! If man represents acknowledgment and worth, then why do women run this world from birth? She felt so happy to understand now, that the world is full of people trying to break you down. So it wasn’t just her, it was everyone around. Insecurities so loud as if they had a sound. People only see what you show them it seems. It’s a shame, though she was happy she could see.
💕 Averill 4.21.24