We are an ALL AGES community that is SFW ONLY. Normalizing female body hair. Please read and follow the community rules before participating.
If you don't remove your body hair, or you’re thinking about growing it out, come feel normal and accepted inside r/razorfree!
Show off your regular daily activities while showing off your hairy legs! We are normalizing body hair, one post at a time.
"Men's" deodorant is usually clear and gel-like, while "women's" is white and powdery. The clear gel is meant to work around armpit hair, while the white powdery sticks are designed to stick to shaved skin and prevent chafing. I finally switched to "men's" antiperspirant and deodorant after not shaving for a few months and the difference is night and day. Even women's clinical strength antiperspirant doesn't cut it with armpit hair.
Today I had an appointment to be filmed walking and jogging barefoot, with my own every day shoes, my own athletics shoes, plus shoes the biomechanics specialis brought me to try (3 pairs with different kinds of support). I was filmed on a treadmill 5 times overall, plus the scanned my feet.
The video material will be used for an internal training session. I got the treatment (90 min, 500+ bucks) for free. In return I give permission for it to be used in training. My doctor and my physio therapist from the same doctors office (sports and back specialist centre) will know it's me, but no one else.
I did it in tiny shorts and a sports bra plus lots of dots (stickers all over my knees, soles, shins, feet, knees), haha.
I went in and just did it, with a very average body and body hair all over.
I'm a tiny Indian-born, Swiss woman who could probably lose 5 kilos, but I'm still slim/average. But I'm no model!
I'm 40, I'm "solo for life", I'm not sexually active anymore, I don't care what men think of me physically, I'm at peace and content with who I am, I embrace aging.
But still: it was so weird to go there hairy, all unshaved. It took a conscious effort to just do it, knowing I would be filmed and the materials would be seen by 15+ people.
My adoptive mother never shaved and I still felt weird not shaving. Maybe because I was young in the 90s/2000s. It all came up this morning. I still didn't shave. But I was close, not gonna lie...
In hindsight I'm just surprised how ingrained the feeling of having to shave still is.
When doing medical stuff like this, going to the thermal spa, when hanging out in summer: I have to remind myself that it's a non-issue, it's ok to go unshaven!
At home/alone I love not shaving anynore and never think about it twice. My body-heat/warmth/cooling issues have vanished since I stopped shaving, I hated shaving, I had awful razor burn too, so happy to not having to shave anymore.
But the programming is going so hard! I was so close to making a quip about why I don't shave (aka "forgive the unshaved legs, I don't shave anymore, razor burn."). I didn't explain. The biomechanics person (a young woman) was also unfazed, super kind and didn't give me, my hair or figure a second look. She's seen the elderly, amputees, all kinds of people. She was truly professional!
I feel like today was important for my embracing of not shaving anymore (I only lightly trim my armpit hair for comfort, if needed).
Anyone else with similar experiences? I was genuinely surprised how all over the place my feelings were today...
I feel like it's becoming a little more normalized in certain areas of the internet to not be totally bare down there, but a lot of the people i see talking about it also say they trim and groom down there.
Ive thought about it. Just to make it a little more uniform in some places if that makes sense. But I'm worried if I trim it with scissors that will make the ends more rough and pointy.
I'm still trying to figure out what I like best without that decision being effected by societal standards.
What are your thoughts? Please feel free to share your opinions if you feel comfortable.
Have you ever come across body hair in art? I don't mean contemporary art, I mean art from past centuries. I only know about The Origin of the World and The Woman in the Waves, both paintings are by Courbet.
If you know any paintings or sculptures, share pls! Any culture, not only white/European.
This subreddit is deeply rooted in feminism. As such, we are staunchly anti-fascist. Due to the recent actions of Elon Musk, the CEO of twitter/X, the moderators have agreed to ban links in order to prevent the flow of traffic from here to there.
Thank you!
-Razorfree mods
I remembered some ask here sometimes about how to get used to having leg hair in public so I wanted to share something i have found helpful in my journey. Like in the photo stockings or leggings that are lacey or fishnets. I personally have found them at times to give me the benefit of breezyness and partial exposure allowing myself and others to get used to hair gradually. I wore them more some years ago and past years didnt so much as I was much more used to my own hair but am just for fun fashion looking forward to going back sometimes. I currently don't have any but also floral patterned lace ones are great. Where I am at its currently too cold but was just thinking about this so throwing it in here for others.
Is it me or are more women starting to grow and keep more pubic hair? I have seen from other pages and from chatting with friends more women seem to be keeping and enjoying pubic hair. However, I don’t see the same when it comes to armpit hair? Why do you think that is? I recently made the decision to start growing my armpit hair, and I am so happy my husband is fully supportive of my decision . I would love to hear from others on this topic.
The girl was posting about a beauty standard she doesn’t care about. One of them was that she doesn’t shave down there. People completely lost their minds to the point where she had to mute the conversation and then restrict comments to only people that she follows.
The comments that always bother me are the ones where people talk about how body hair on a woman is unclean, unhygienic, unsanitary yet the men can run around like Chewbacca and it’s OK.
Also, do they think that women who keep their body hair don’t take showers and use soap?
I am feeling awful rn because people keep loving to comment on my body hair for no fucking reason
"I don't have problem with hair, but babe you have to shave" SHUT the fuck up, can you imagine this was a lesbian who told me this? A lesbian who was trying to flirt with me, apparently, because being told to shave is sooo fucking sexy obviously 🙄 /s
Listen IDC if you shave yourself, you can shave all fucking day! Just leave me the fuck out of it please, for once, please just shut the fuck up about shaving around me, for one day, for one HOUR, I am BEGGING you
It's not even like I'm against shaving myself, I just don't have the ENERGY because I'm DISABLED and it's not WORTH the smooth feeling for me... As nice as it is.
And also, this was all after she was giving me unsolicited health advice, because of fucking course. Yes I know I need to take care of my health, amazing observation, thank you /s god it felt less like being flirted with and more like being talked down to, FUCK.
I just don't understand what people's problem is 😭 it's not my fucking fault I'm this hairy, I didn't choose to have PCOS and be the ethnicity with the hairiest hair known to man, absolutely no fucking concern for whether I DON'T want to shave, who TF cares about your opinion? Fucking, pay for my waxing session then, U BITCH. Pay for my razors! My laser hair removal! My epilator and ipl! Pay for fucking all of it if it bothers you that fucking much oh my fucking god.
I HOPE you get a skin condition that makes you UNABLE to EVER shave EVER FUCKING AGAIN. SUFFER like me.
I'm doing a school project on how capitalism manifests in today's everyday life. And I added a section on how the beauty/fashion industry fosters insecurity in women for their natural features to sell hair removal products. So, in case any of you have pictures of some really repulsive ads (old or new) for hair removal that shame women's body hair, I would appreciate you putting them here 😅
Edit: Surprisingly, my teacher actually loved the project and was commented how evil those companies are. Yay!!
Been razor free since I was 17, so quite some years ago now. Last summer as I was sitting in the park, some strands of wheat (?) were peaking through my arm pits, reminding me of how beautiful and natural our body hair is 😊
So my amazing best friend is getting married in August and we were talking about bridesmaid dresses. She mentioned maybe getting short ones and I said “that would be good because it will be hot but I don’t want to shave…” She instantly replied “you don’t have to shave!” And it just warmed my cockles so much 🥹🥹🥹. It also made me laugh because this is literally the only scenario where I would even think about shaving. If my husband asked me to shave I would tell him to get fucked 😹😹😹. But thankfully both him and my bestie love me for me and don’t care at all that I choose to leave my body in its natural, fuzzy state 🩵💙💜
She only noticed yesterday, or maybe she noticed before and chose not to mention it. I had my arm up while holding my hair and she asked 'you don't shave your armpits now???', I just shrugged and told her no. I thought that was the end of it, the day continued on.
And today she ordered me to shave. She told me, before I showered, to use the shaver in that tone that's just an order, like I'll be somehow punished if I didn't.
I already haven't shaved my legs in 3 years. Why does she think she can order me around? Why is it always moms who do this?
TLDR: Haven't shaved legs in 3 years. Now not shaving pits. Mom sees and thinks she can order me to shave.
hey guyss im new here ! im nonbinary & 18 and realized that body hair gives me gender euphoria so i decided to grow out everything, i also have pretty bad lipedema so it's more convinient to not shave as i have mobility issues due to that.
my pubic hair is curly and pretty thick and long and it tangles up frequently, i'm autistic so its very overstimulating and kinda painful, i just wanted to ask if i could brush it out? has anyone done that before?
Outfit/fashion inspiration…was trying to put together a fit and recorded this video to see what I look like…
Idk how I feel about it but I noticed how hairy I am and wanted to share as inspiration. I think body hair gives me some personality…it’s so endearing now that I think of it.
It never fails omg
People tend to look at you like you’re an alien or like you’re trying to make a statement and plan a revolt lol
But you know what?
God made us this way and if our God-given body upsets people that much…then they got other problems.
And if you’re one of those people criticizing…imagine if we chose to clapback and criticize you with something you can’t just change instantly like your weight or your face…lol
Carry on ☺️
Just sharing my love for Aurora and her always very adamant display of her armpit hair 😆😆😆
I used to feel bad when family members or even strangers would comment on my body hair and societal norms around what a woman should be or do….
I’m here to share this proud moment because not only do I love my body hair, but I feel so feminine despite everyone else’s projections of what masculinity is.
You can be anything you want, hair doesn’t make you and shouldn’t break you.
I went to rock climbing and saw another woman with armpit hair! It was even longer than mine! Made me feel a lot more confident, I havent dared to wear anything that doesn't cover my armpits 💀
I love how much warmer in the winter I am with hairy legs. It's like wearing wool tights all the time.
My current armpit cleansing routine in shower is:
When I get out of the shower they still don’t smell good, so I apply deodorant, but it feels as if I am only masking the scent of leftover sweat and bacteria.
I am not an every day showerer (mostly because I have been going through mental health stuff lately) but back when I shaved more regularly, I never had an issue with my armpits smelling bad post shower before despite only showering 3-4 times a week
Any tips on cleansing regimen or how to make sure the sweat and bacteria don’t build up on the hair in my pits?
I've just been thinking about this recently and am irritated with the hypocrisy and ignorance that fuels this view. I've met with criticism about female body hair being unhygienic (totally false) but the same people won't flinch at long nails with thick paint that hide lots of dirt...