
Photograph via snooOG


Transphobia . . . is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards transsexualism and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity . . . Whether intentional or not, transphobia can have severe consequences for the target of the negative attitude.” source


Transphobia . . . is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards transsexualism and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity . . . Whether intentional or not, transphobia can have severe consequences for the target of the negative attitude.” source

The purpose of the Transphobia Project is to help trans people (and our allies) respond to transphobia on Reddit and elsewhere. We connect people who are affected by transphobia with people who express transphobia.

Why? Because the effects of transphobia are catastrophic:

A staggering 41% of [trans people] reported attempting suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population, with rates rising for those who lost a job due to bias (55%), were harassed/bullied in school (51%), had low household income, or were the victim of physical assault (61%) or sexual assault (64%). source

We are organized because we are fighting for our lives, and because otherwise we are overwhelmed: both numerically and emotionally. We need each other.

If you feel for whatever reason that you are unable to offer an effective response to a particular instance of transphobia, that's ok -- just post a link. That's why we're here.

If you're not certain that what you're posting is “truly” transphobic, * that's ok too.* The closest cases are where our voices are most likely to have a positive impact.

Experience has shown that our most effective responses to transphobia are usually:

  • polite (without equivocating),

  • informative (often with citations), and

  • humanizing

So please, try to be cool.

We are not a "downvote brigade." We ask and expect people to exercise the same “redditquette” that they exercise elsewhere. Our goal is to enlighten, not to antagonize.

We've gathered some helpful resources here

For more on transphobia and related issues, also see:



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Exposing the Cass Report

Puberty blockers, referenced above, do what it says on the tin. They don’t cause any changes of their own, but for as long as they’re taken they mute the signalling hormone the brain uses to tell the body to produce sex hormones (e.g., oestrogen and optionally progesteronemeans breast development, softer skin, and curves. Semi-anecdotally, many trans people — me included, for the record — find that HRT has another effect: it stops us feeling like amorphous putrefying masses passing painfully through an incomprehensible howling void. Why does it do this? Fucked if I know. Whips though.

There’s also social transition. This is non-medical: it’s stuff like changing how you dress, cutting or growing out your hair, changing your pronouns, changing your name. While way easier to explain, it’s an equally important part of transition.

Regardless, whether social or medical, when it comes to transition, the Cass Review has nothing kind to say about any of it.

It finds that the evidence base for the safety and effectiveness of either puberty blockers or HRT is insufficient. It also highlights the suggestion that there are high rates of regret. It therefore recommends that young trans girls should only be given puberty blockers on a case-by-case basis, and trans boys, who “masculinise well” should not be given them at all. It does not let them access HRT earlier to compensate - on the contrary, it says “the option” to prescribe HRT “is available” from 16 but orders that there must be a “clear clinical rationale” — simply being trans and wanting to transition doesn’t count.

One might think that since social transition is non-medical, a medical service would not have a lot to say about it. Bzzt. Wrongo, bitch. The Cass Review decides it can intervene because it says social transition “may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning or longer-term outcomes”.

It finds that “the majority of children who had socially transitioned went on to progress to medical interventions”. Rather than consider the obvious explanation — kids who socially transition are probably trans — it instead asserts that “social transition may have solidified the gender incongruence,” i.e., that letting kids socially transition probably makes them trans. On that basis, it recommends that kids should not be allowed more than “partial social transition”. In the sense the Cass Review uses it, this means that they should be allowed to change their hair and maybe how they dress, but should not be allowed to change their name or pronouns — i.e., they should not be able to actually ask people to treat them as the gender they are.

It’s pretty remarkable that Cass was able to reach these conclusions. It’s remarkable because it flies in the face of everything else we know. Puberty blockers are safe and reversible. HRT is not fully reversible — that’s kind of the point! — but it is safe. The number of kids who choose to stop either once they’ve started them is low. As the Final Report itself admits, the number who do so because they no longer want to be on them is lower. The number of people who regret them is lower than that.

Speaking objectively, and with absolutely all due respect, the Cass Review is a crock of shit.

See more here: https://heterosexualnonsense.substack.com/p/explainer-cass-reviewed?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

00:54 UTC


How can i stop my internalized transphobia?

I 14F would like to think im a good person who is well rounded fair and has a steong understanding of emotions and morals But for some reason i feel the need to almost protect or gatekeep my woman/girl hood? Like no man or somone who was once a man will ever understand it and i know its bad i know trans woman are just trying to live how they want and that's fine i hope their happy! I'll use their pronouns but some part of me thinks "you'll never really understand being a girl though" and i don't like that about me why am i so protective of a shared experience and especially ethel cain her music connects to me so much but for some sick reason i almost dont let myself listen to it because shes trans shes trans and somehow feels what i feel? Does anyone have and input?

02:38 UTC


Call me crazy but i’m 99% sure this video is transphobic.

So I was told about this channel called “Tomorrow’s teachings” and at first I thought it was a funny satire of Dhar Mann but oh god I was so wrong. Just watch it and tell me what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFY4Ja8gnV0

1 Comment
19:51 UTC


r/dankmeme IS DEAD

WE DID IT GANG! Like I said Im not trans but that sub disgusted even me and im glad its dead.

15:02 UTC


Do NOT open r/dankmeme y'all.

Im not even trans and it pisses me off

20:38 UTC


Do Transphobic Puns exist? TW: transphobia

Before we start: Trans Rights

When I was debating on asking this question on Reddit, I was initially going to ask if there were any 'good' transphobic pun. After a few days of brainstorming I couldn't think of a single transphobic pun. There were ones where the punchline was the F slur, but the set up was aimed specifically for people who use that word as a means of being unapologetically gay in a way that breaks from traditional monetization, rather than transphobes

This might be a factor of transphobes not being creative, but it's such a weird realization that there is nothing funny about this. Not just in a Serious Topic kind of way, but more so that you can make jokes about anything in a positive or negative light and you could have some form of humor attached to it. I'm not going to give examples, but it's funny jokes told by a bad person. Except in this situation, the only 'joke' the bad person has to offer is 'You know how a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl? Hahaha'. That's not even observational humor, that's just an observation from the point of view of said bad person

Tldr: Are there any transphobic puns at all regardless of quality?

1 Comment
13:12 UTC


Compiled and cited statistics about the struggles of trans people in the United States

20:02 UTC


Casual transphobia in an episode of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives

In S8 E4 "Triple D Goes Tailgatin'" of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives, at about 3 or 4 mins in, Rick Larson name's his dish the "Lady boy Thai noodle salad". Who even names a dish that!

06:08 UTC


Is this transphobic?

My dad and I were talking about J.K. Rowling's tweets.

All I heard was that they were transphobic in some way, I never saw the actual tweets.

Now, my dad brings up how apparently there was a Trans female boxer who smashed the skull of a biological female boxer.

Then, he jumps to how Trans women aren't real women?

Apparently, he has a Trans coworker who tells her classes about how she's trans (and my dad tacked on the she's apparently a "trans activist" or smth.)

I don't know if my perception of this is warped due to my parents, as my perception of other things has been warped as well while I grew up.


08:06 UTC


[TW] Transphobic facebook post

16:14 UTC


A song reply to transphobes

Hi enby peeps! I'm Eyemèr, a non-binary trans queer musician from Belgium. The past year I dealt with a lot of online transphobia, like many of us did. I Just wanted to share with you my new song I wrote about receiving hate just for being transgender/queer. I hope it can empower someone out there 🙂 ♡


15:14 UTC


Shape shifters think transphobia is a joke...

02:07 UTC

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