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I'm making my first film next month, but I could use some help.

Hello everyone. I have been hard at work for the last 3 years on my first ever film project, and I am finally going to get to film it soon. It will be a roughly 20 minute short film, however, there is an issue that's come up with storyboarding.

while everything is already all set, I need some help doing a revision of the SB based on what I already have, as I want to ensure the film comes out how I want it to. We are working with a small budget and only one camera, so I need help conveying a shot list for some shots that would have to be shot after the fact.

1 Comment
22:20 UTC


Searching for vfx trailer using AI

Hey group, I’m searching for a fake movie trailer that was created using AI. It was about a vfx worker using AI, it had Elon musk in it, executive calling for impossible render yesterday, it was funny.

Any help ?

20:46 UTC


Generalist and also compositor

Guys I have been watching reels of people that are generalist but also compositors, and I would like to know if that’s suitable, because when I think about what I wanna do in the VFX I have always love to do an entire shot, being able to model, texture and light everything, but also comp all of this assets into real life footage. And if I only choose to do one thing it would be doing the compositing.

So yesterday I was watching some demo reels in YouTube and I found some called “Generalist/Compositing reel” and was the kind of stuff I was thinking about, I mean, in those reels they were modeling, texturing and lighting their own assets and compositing them into real life footage. So the questions are: It is suitable to do this in a demo reel? Or is it better just to focus in generalist or in comp? Does it show more skill to model your own stuff and then do comp and add them into your reel? With this reel should I be able to land a only compositor position or it’s more generalist or I can be kind of both? Should I have two demo reels? One being generalist/comp and another one only compositing?

That’s it :)

17:46 UTC


Looking for someone to give me a lesson/help me with a project on mari. (paid)


I'm looking for someone who's experienced with mari and maya Vray to help me out with a project. I'm a total beginner and keep running into issues.

I'm doing textures for an object and I need to make a glossiness map for it and a reflection map so I could render it in Vray, but I'm lost and don't even know what to google.

I'm in a hurry and would need help today.

Thank you :)

13:31 UTC


What Should I do right now if I want to pursue a career in VFX

I am 15. and have been making videos for 4 years although there has been a dramatic increase in the quality and editing of the videos also I took a year break from VFX but recently got back into it. I recently realized my favorite part of making videos isn't making the story or writing but it is editing the videos and I've been doing some research on VFX artists and am thinking of doing it for a living when I'm older so I'm posting this to ask is there any tips anyone has about getting work or anything I could do right now to solidify getting a career in the field. P.S I use blender, After effects, Premiere pro and Photoshop mostly if you have any recommendations on software that would be great too thanks.

06:45 UTC


tech animation/ rigger job interview for games industry? (Mid level)

is 45k uk too much to ask?

05:17 UTC


AI that kicks out components or mattes separately?

Sooooo yeah I said AI.

Anywho's if and when I need to use this stuff on a project, are any of these AI services thinking about kicking the output out in a way where we can tweak it later?

00:47 UTC


Re-aging in Nuke

What do you guys think about Disney's FRAN model does anybody know about it and how to use it in nuke?

1 Comment
23:20 UTC


Updated projection mapping scene, would appreciate some feedback.

Hey guys, here's the little scene!


I added some simple changes based on feedback I got last time, would love it if I could get any more feedback of what stands out.

Thank you!

21:49 UTC


Unreal vs Blender for Green Screen + Mocap work

Hello everyone! So I'm working on a short film which involves a lot of green screen footage and set design. I'd also like to use MetaHumans or something along those lines to sort of create a mixed-style look of green screen footage and Metahumans interacting in 3D environments. The Metahumans (or whatever else that is similar) will probably be animated using facial and body mocap and maybe some mixamo animations. To that end, what should I use to accomplish this? Unreal Engine or Blender 3D? I know that Blender 3D uses emissive planes for green screen footage which cast shadows in the environment and gets relit somewhat by the environment lighting as well. Is it the same for Unreal Engine? And what's the easier workflow considering I'll need 3D characters, their facial mocaps, body mocaps, and 3D environments all made and integratd properly, albeit low quality is somewhat acceptable. Appreciate any input. Thank you in advance!

21:02 UTC


How we made a real-time Reactive Music Video

20:40 UTC


Anyone have news from production/filming side?

Was wondering if there’s any update on filming of shows/movies in uptick! ? Especially with the iatse deals goin through i did hear its supposed to ramp up in coming months! I know we are at the lowest right now but only way to go from here is up! Hopefully 🤞

12:01 UTC


Ideal configuration of a system for mid to high level of cg/deep compositing??

I am planning to build a system for freelance work as well as skill development but before proceeding I am curious to know What should be the ideal configuration of the system for mid to high-level CG/Deep compositing compositing.

06:13 UTC


How many films have you watched in the cinema this year?

I just realised it's been one year since I've been to the cinema at all (Barbenheimer). I haven't had any streaming subscriptions for a year either.

For me it says something about the state of films and TV, but maybe I'm just getting old. I'm wondering what you think

17:48 UTC


First time projection mapping, need feedback

Hey guys, I'm learning about projection mapping and i found this cool chernobyl control room picture that I wanted to use to learn the workflow.

I used fspy to align the camera, very basic modeling. Here's the link:


I just learned how to project from camera and then created separate textures projecting from that.

I have a few questions if that's okay.

How far do you normally push the models in these cases? Based on requirements?

I used a lot of clone stamp, what other techniques can I use besides normal texturing? Is this a "good enough" sort of technique?

What's the criterion for separating a good projection mapping from a bad one?

What can I do to improve this? What would I need to do so I can use it in an environment artist portfolio?

Would really appreciate any feedback!

12:06 UTC


Best tutorial for simple 3D model/animation compositing into still live action footage?

I'm currently working on a feature film and am thinking of incorporating some CGI into several scenes. I'm using Blender and Davinci Resolve, and would love some recommendations on YouTube tutorials on how to add a simple 3D animated model into a still-frame live-action footage. The best example I could think of is the spaceship scene in Memoria (picture reference atttached)—I want to achieve something similar, except I do not need to make the object surface reflect the environment a la Memoria. What I'm working with is a wide shot of a city, framed similarly to the picture, and I want to add a floating translucent creature drifting from left to right of the frame. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!


1 Comment
11:24 UTC


3D Tracking / Match Move / ??? / Dumb Question

I work kind of tangental to VFX, more on the coding / shader / real-time production side of things, but I've always wondered about this...

Say you have a shot of a person, moving camera & person - talking and doing stuff. No photogrammetry or anything was taken on set.

What's the, or a, pipeline for then taking that footage and coming out with a textured photo-realistic 3D model, so you can then keep the performance and move a virtual camera around etc?

Is it a case of:

  1. Track / match move the camera
  2. Build out the scene in 3D
  3. Take a humanoid rig and sculpt it to match the actor as closely as possible (???)
  4. Project the textures back onto the model? Use those textures to "create" the textures as a reference to create those textures that weren't present in the original footage?
  5. Some kind of FACS style blend shape based facial retargeting for mouth and eye movements?
  6. And you do all this on a frame-by-frame basis?

Just asking out of curiosity really, have sent off footage before and had a photorealistic 3D asset returned so we can go further with VFX and get alternative camera moves etc. Just wondered how these wizards do it. Seems like an insane amount of work.

Forget roto / background / lighting the model etc, I get all of that.

So if anyone has any ideas about pipelines, tricks, resources to learn more about this, would love to hear about it!

10:22 UTC


Cafe explosion

Hope this post is okay, scoured the Wiki and sister sub...

I'm a recently-graduated MFA with zero money (in fact, quite a bit of negative money) and a ton of time. I'm writing a short that ends with a cafe bomb, and I was hoping that you kind folks could maybe point me in the right direction tutorial-wise. I'm fairly tech-savvy and have been poking around Houdini for a bit with no issues.

What I'm thinking for the shot is:

  • locked off
  • at night
  • on a completely empty street
  • no characters on screen whatsoever

...though I'm working on embracing my limitations and am definitely down to tweak as needed, beggars/choosers and all that.

Of course hiring an actual VFX artist is top of the list of wants, but that is unlikely to be a thing.

Inspiration is - unsurprisingly - the famous cafe bomb scene in Children of Men (but way, way simpler).

02:32 UTC


Why don't people light green screens with umbrellas?

I always wondered, why aren't umbrellas from both sides used for lighting green screens and then two softboxes for your face/body? I am new into green screens and effects, and I have 2 umbrellas and 2 softboxes (were included in the starter kit/set). I see a lot of people using LED lights, which is probably space-efficient, but since umbrellas were included in the set, I wonder how else I can use them. I have a very small studio with a limited budget for learning all of this, so do umbrellas have any other use when shooting a video with a green screens? Thank you.

01:59 UTC


Does anyone know any good CFX Resources/Courses (Hair Sim)

I have a background in video games, but am currently very interested in learning the VFX workflow for hair and cloth sims.
If anyone could kindly point me to some specific resources/courses/documentation about hair simulation, it would be greatly appreciated! I am a bit lost about the workflow and would love to know where to go to achieve a decent hair simulation.
At the moment I am the most comfortable with Maya and Xgen, so any flow that combines these tools (like Xgen groom guides and Houdini simulation) would be a great starting point for me, so I can focus on learning one step at a time.

22:35 UTC


Polycam quality drop off? Any recommendations on substitute?

I used to use Polycam for 3D scanning rooms, objects, I once did a whole house with it. Worked incredibly well. I always get high quality footage on my pocket 6k JUST in case, like if I actually need higher res textures I can use for reprojection etc, but I'd say 70% of the time the polycam scan gets me most of what I need with pretty minimal fixes. Haven't needed it for about 6-7 months though. This past project I've been on though... holy cow. I don't know what's happened, but NOTHING I'm scanning is working. It's reconstructing absolutely horrifically, the textures are basically non existent... it looks worse than my reality capture experiments from 5 years ago lol. Has this happened for anyone else? I'm looking into scanniverse and other options, as I always try to have a backup and fast option since the 6k->RC pipeline works well but can take awhile, any thoughts? Much appreciate anyone's insight they can offer!

20:33 UTC


Any Production people still out of work?

Hey everybody,

I worked in VFX as a coordinator for 4 1/2 years before the strikes happened. I got officially laid off in December and for 5 months couldnt find anything back in VFX and since then have taken another job in the meantime.

In the past 3 weeks most of my friends from Coordinating are back to their jobs at the same studio or landed a gig as a coordinator at another studio and I'm feeling like I'm either doing something wrong or am missing out?

Maybe its just luck or timing but I have a feeling I may be blackballed or am not doing enough to get back into it.

Any other vfx coordinators still out of work and feeling the same?

19:53 UTC


Remind Me - Name of this Comp/Matte Technique?

Please remind me. What is the name of the following comp/matte technique?

You have two identical motion control live action shots. Real sets. No green screen. The only difference between the two shots is one has the actor in frame doing their scene and the other is a clean plate.

The goal is to take advantage of the difference between these two shots to very cleanly separate/isolate just the actor from their background so you end up with separate layers. One with just the actor and the other with everything else. What is this technique called?

15:36 UTC


ZibraVDB Showcase — Car Accident Demo


VDB sequences enable users to create novel cinematic experiences for both games and virtual production projects, but they come with challenges: heavy asset size and costly volume rendering.

ZibraVDB addresses these issues by compressing OpenVDB files to fit into GPU memory and offering an efficient real-time renderer that scales from high-end to low-end GPUs.

In this case study, we used UE 5.4 and the ZibraVDB plugin to compress and render VDB sequences in real time. Initially optimized for mid-level GPUs like the 4070Ti (achieving 60 FPS in 2K), we further refined it for PS5-level GPUs, such as the AMD RX5700XT, showcasing ZibraVDB's capabilities for games. 

Initially, both effects were created in Embergen. However, we decided to recreate them in Houdini using the Axiom plugin by Theory Accelerated. Therefore, we achieved more precise simulation at lower grid size.

Read full text & watch demo: https://effects.zibra.ai/case-studies/zibravdb-showcase-car-accident-demo-real-time-vdb-rendering-for-games

15:33 UTC


Freelancing Help!

I am doing a 3D model of a footballer celebrating, but the clip only shows up to the footballers knees. When modelling this, I didn’t know it would be assumed that I had to include their shins & feet? Now I’m having to go back and forth to complete it, but I feel like saying this wasn’t included but it’s my first decent dive project as a freelancer! Please advise, have I made a rookie error here, should they expect what’s not been provided in the video?

13:23 UTC


I'm a Junior. I'm gonna fight for it.

Hi, sorry for this umpteenth post about the industry, but I'd like to contribute as a junior.

I graduated last year, in France, as a 3D animator, and with a substantial bank loan. I passed an animation test in September at a company, which then told me that "the next project would arrive in January 2024". I was really happy, especially after numerous unanswered applications. When January arrived, I learned that the project had been cancelled: in short, no more recruitments.

I managed to get a Visa for Canada, which was my hope of finding something there, and starting a new fulfilling life like many older generations have known.

It was with great joy that I left for Quebec, and with great joy that I discovered that at the same time, the Prime Minister was introducing a production tax credit, absolutely destroying the industry in Quebec, and totally closing himself off to discussion. Merci beaucoup !

Here I am in a new country, in debt, lonely and lost in my future and unsure of realizing my dream. And I feel sadly frustrated when I read the testimonials of people in my school who have been able to follow a normal path in this field, who have been able to socialize with artists, meet new people, network, gain experience. A path i'll not know, because of things outside of my control.

Retraining? We don't even know where. Absolutely every industry is clogged up right now and threatened by AI. We don't even know what else to specialize in anymore, that wouldn't be replaced, and stable. Manual labor, yeah. Not everyone can do it.

And on top of that, mids are starting to accept posts from juniors. Really ?

F/ck this industry, f/ck capitalism, f/ck AI.

But there's no way I'm giving up. I'm going to fight to the bitter end to realize my dream of creating my own animated series. We're the next generation of artists, and it's the studios' fault for not renewing their vision, and by wanting to use AI spitting out the same old sh*t! In this world where art is threatened and artists trampled underfoot, I hope my message can convince other budding artists and other juniors to fight for a restful path. We're in this together, and your story deserves to be heard.

10:09 UTC


Can we actually talk about the state of things? I’ve never see so many dire posts on LinkedIn

Painful to see how many people are struggling to stay afloat or might become homeless.

Can this sub actually acknowledge this nightmare or should we talk about Color spaces some more?

07:11 UTC

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