subreddit for memes/jokes about CGI
/r/cgiMemes is subreddit created to separate memes from artworks. If you want to post your artwork please use
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So I had a point in the dream where I decided to visit my University induction event held partly at the computer labs with the PCs for work. For some reason my professor and a student we were talking with were randomly generated even though I knew him as a 2nd year.
We were discussing CG/3D related stuff and demonstrating using RTX Remix to rip a game scene (in this case a modded race map from Rocket League) and export it as USDC to import into Maya. It was 171k tris (yes somehow remembered the near exact value) and hence it would take a moment to import.
Once we opened up Maya and imported the USDC, the world literally stopped with the few dozen people in the room stuck in place as I was able to walk around just waiting for the import to complete. Once it did, sure enough everyone came back to life, nothing else notable happened but just wanna share this for how it feels waiting for 3D application stuff to process and you've got that aggravating AF 20-40 second moment of waiting that's not too short to not be bothered and not too long where you can do a few scrolls on Reddit/Twitter. Its literally one of my bane using these programs and my brain really said that.