
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for self-harmers to relate to each other, ask questions, and build up a community.

A subreddit for self-harmers to relate to each other, ask questions, and build up a community. Giving instructions on methods of self-harm is not allowed on this subreddit.

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I want to go to a psych ward

A couple months ago I had this idea in my brain to cut so badly that I end up in a psych ward to get away and i haven’t done it yet but I want to get away I want to die

I made a rule to myself to get help if I can’t control my cutting and I think I’m getting closer to getting that bad to be put in a psych ward cause I’ve started cutting almost daily again I’ve stopped talking to friends I’ve lost hope and just do nothing essentially all day long

15:07 UTC


i’m 25 and still wanna self harm

i’m 25 married work in hospital administration and still have severe mental health struggles that nobody seems to understand. the only way i know to let out my frustration is on myself but my last therapist called me immature for self harming and compared it to a child throwing a tantrum to get their parents attention. needless to say nobody seems equipped to help ppl like us. have u learned ways to cope with thoughts of self harm?

1 Comment
15:05 UTC


Feeling yappy😂

I played ddlc for awhile. Sayori and Yuri s exp really hit hard on me haha...

Worked really hard on an essay and got my marks yesterday, a pass,equivalent to when I didn't give shit about them. Shitty cuz I ve been on a good steak of distinction to further my studies. Fought with my partner. Almost got in a car crash. Lost my figure to binge eating, gaining 20lbs. Procrastinated on my 10k word thesis which I should've completed today. Felt that what happened today was due to my decisions. A failure.

Honestly, I feel like giving up on life again. LIKE even my body wants to shut down, to sleep... And not wake up.

I keep imagining my cuts... Imagine the skin sliced open, blood gushing. I kept imaging how easy it would be to hit one vital chord... How easy it would be to leave everything behind. And the cut. So pretty...

Yet I want to keep clean... I want to keep my promise made to the people around me.... Does anyone feel the same way?

It's really hard... I'm really glad to have joined the community tho. I do feel less alone. Finally people to relate to at times like this.

Just wanted to Yap and express my gratitude. ❤️‍🔥thank you for reading...

14:59 UTC


Feeling bad on my birthday

So today's my birthday, and I was having a nice time with my family eating and talking. Then we kinda got into a discussion, and my mom got mad. Anyway, she is not mad anymore, but I feel like I don't deserve anything nice now, even if it's my birthday. Idk, I don't even want to go to my favourite restaurant anymore because I feel like I don't deserve it for being an asshole earlier. All I want is to go to my bathroom and cut myself, but I'm at my brother's home.

Man... I wish for this day to end already, I'm too embarrassed to keep seeing my family today and I don't know how to deal with this feeling. I just want to be alone.

14:42 UTC


30 days clean

YWTATQYQYAY yay YAY this is epic chat 🔥🔥 if i overload my tiny brain with WAY too much to the point that i never have time to sh i will STAY clean 🔥🔥

13:56 UTC


tingling sensation in arms when I think of hurting myself

everytime i get impulses to hurt myself like self harm I get this feeling in my arms and get even worse when I feel anxiety or just experienced something terrible. it kinda just makes me cut even more because of how unbearable because it feels like something is crawling underneath my skin. is this caused/correlated to something?

1 Comment
13:54 UTC


This is so cool

(Sorry for any language mistakes but English is not my first language)

Yesterday I cut myself until I bled for the first time (before that I just scratched the surface of my skin with a knife) and it was so cool! I love the sight of my own blood, I literally felt like dazai osamu (And regarding scars, I think they should heal and if not, it will be also okay because they are pretty :) )

13:48 UTC


Does cutting in a new area make anyone else inflamed lol

Recently did a few cuts on my torso… it was far softer than arms or even thighs so it was a little difficult for me to get to the depth I liked (I don’t cut very deep so I think this is fine) But I noticed that the moment I cut it looked and felt pretty inflamed and itchy, I remember when I first tried cutting on my thigh as well that’s what happened, though I’ve done it a few more times on my thigh and I haven’t had the same reaction. Does anyone else get this or is it just me

13:41 UTC


Is this normal?

Medium fat cut two weeks ago that should have got sutures and I hid from everyone instead. It seemed to be healing normally, but I've noticed in the last few days that it's just consistently kind of damp, not blood but maybe plasma, and I'm not sure if it's healing or just sitting there like that. No inflammation, redness or heat. It's like the edges are starting to heal but the centre, the deepest part, is just kind of hanging out doing nothing, and not properly scabbing over. It's not bandaged at all, though I am wearing long sleeves to cover it, so I would have thought it would scab properly. It did for a while but I disturbed it; now it seems to be only trying to scab at the edges, not the middle. So yeah, is this normal? Thanks.

13:19 UTC


I want to cut to get out of the military

Hey guys we have mandatory milatery service over here and i honestly cant take it anymore...im not here to vent but im having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis

Anyways point is If ill cut myself it'll proof that im too mentally ill for the military and it should get me out but i dont want to acedently get myself addicted to cutting/actually hurt myself

Is there any way i can do it safely and fake it without accidentally ruining my life

12:58 UTC


How did yall tell your lived ones?

During middle school, I self harmed a lot. I stopped at the start of high school and had to tell everyone. I was clean for 2 years. I relapsed 1 year ago and ever since I couldn't find it in me to stop again. I feel like I should tell some of my loved ones. I just don't want to have to deal with their reactions because I don't want to see their disappointment. The worst is I don't know how to explain to them that I am not planning on stopping.

How did you guys tell your loved ones ?

1 Comment
12:49 UTC


How do I know if a wound is infected?

I have a 2nd degree burn wound, I think it has been about 4 days or so, I don't remember. I accidentally popped the blister and the wound is kind of green-ish.

1 Comment
12:40 UTC


Relapsed because I'm lonely and splitting.

I felt rejected after a really good date night even though I know the reason they needed to go to bed early was perfectly reasonable and had nothing to do with me personally. But being rational doesn't make my feelings any less intense or logical and I'm splitting so fucking bad right now.

I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM SO MUCH even though they are my best friend and they are the only person who loves me.

I said good night pleasantly enough but I was screaming internally. When I was alone again I grabbed the closest kitchen knife and cut my leg three times. Two superficial hesitation cuts but the final was a styro. It always ends like this. I felt good almost all of today. Today was meant to be a good day and I wrecked it.

Tomorrow I'll feel ok again. Tomorrow or the next day they'll notice I'm not showing my bare legs again and ask me why and I'll start crying and they'll know.

1 Comment
12:35 UTC


What excuse do I give for my scars

I have these 5 scars on my legs that I don’t cover up. They’re all together, in straight lines, they basically stack on top of each other. I don’t cover them because they’re not like my arms that’s covered in scars. So when people ask what should I say? Because they’re not thin straight lines they’re pretty thick.

12:35 UTC


Self harm “smell”

Does anyone else notice that fresh cuts have a certain smell? The smell is metallic and bodily, but it doesn’t stink. It’s oddly comforting.

12:20 UTC


My dad just doesn't get it

12:05 UTC


Has anyone ever had a bad experience with sex/hooking up due to scars?

11:55 UTC


How long does it take for scars to fade

I have scars on my lower arm and where I live it's getting hotter so what do I do.😐

11:55 UTC


Pls anyone talk to me


11:55 UTC


scars reappear in the cold.

everytime i’m in the cold, every. single. scar comes back up… i then have to hide them somehow (some is on my hands) how do i get rid of this if i can?

11:54 UTC


i can’t stop and i crave the feeling

i don’t know what to do, I don’t necessarily want to do it and every time I do I regret it but I just crave the pain over and over again and I dont know how to stop it

any advice?

11:37 UTC


how to hide fresh cuts at my (bartending) job?

i have to roll up my sleeves or they get all wet, and it’s impossible to hide my wrists. i’ve thought of buying a compression wrap for my wrist to have an excuse but i’m not sure if it will hurt more or bring more attention to it or what. does anyone else in the service industry have any tips?

edit: to be clear i have not relapsed yet. i came very close several times in the last few hours but i’ve been trying to stay strong.

11:33 UTC


i relapsed after over more than a year

i relapsed after being clean for so long and the owrst part was nothing exactly made me relapse i just did i feel so stupid and horrible

11:07 UTC



My bf likes to joke about my cuts and ngl I find the jokes kinda funny. But it's a reminder to me and how it makes me more tempted to grab the vodka and cut.

1 Comment
11:02 UTC


Warning people

Not looking for sympathy or anything just genuinely wondering how to warn people that I have semi-new cuts on my thigh. Not that I purposely go off showing them around but I have relapsed over the past 2 weeks and I feel I'm going to end up sleeping with someone, this requiring me to take off clothes and potentially expose what I've done is freaking me out. I do want to go through with it with him but I feel I'd need to warn him first just so he's not totally alarmed yk?

10:55 UTC


Is this normal?

I was in my bathroom self-harming and I begun to feel really hot and dizzy. I was confused and starting to get worried so I stood up, took my pants and jumper off so that I was just in a bra and my bike shorts and it was getting worse.

My ears started to ring and I was getting more and more worried. I quickly picked everything up, not bothering to hide it and opened the bathroom door to make my way to my room but I only made it a few steps until my vision went really blurry and it felt like I was about to collapse.

I dropped my razor but I couldn't see anything so I quickly bent down to try and find it but I was so hot and dizzy I had to sit down and close my eyes. I finally felt a bit better so I picked up the razor and got up.

I'm now in my room, I have a headache and I feel horrible.

Is this normal? It's only my fourth time self-harming.

10:42 UTC


drinking then sh

I’m so tired

09:53 UTC


Is this healing normal?

I made some very thin shallow scratches on my outer forearm two or three days ago. It looks like a bruise or dark purple-blue patches of skin are discolored around some of them. Any ideas what this could be.

09:50 UTC


lightheaded and dizzy

so i just did it yk and it was fine there was a "normal" amount of blood not too much or anything but now i'm really lightheaded and dizzy and my arm feels kinda weird and this has never happend before and i didn't go deeper than normal so does anyone know why this could be

1 Comment
09:36 UTC


Want to chop my legs off

Ngl I got a demon telling me to walk of a cliff. The only way to beat this is to chop my legs off or atleast ankles. Is there a way to ignore this demon. Cuz im thinking bout chopping my legs off then burning them on a cooker to stop the bleeding

09:31 UTC

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