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This is simply a subreddit dedicated to venting. Had a bad day? Tell reddit about it. Share your stress with us. This is a community where people can give you advice, and take some of that weight off your shoulders. Here it's perfectly fine to complain!
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Do you feel like hurting yourself
If so, reach out for help. You are not alone.
I can't post images here but this is the conversation -
"So, is this it, or...? And you're not a bitch by the way, I hope you know that."
"no i am
i go on Tinder to lead men on and fuck with their emotions
You like toying with people. You don't feel bad about that?"
"nope definitely not"
"Is this a complex you're comfortable with having?"
"oh for sure"
There's a lot more. Later said she was joking. When I told her before I wasn't comfortable with her degrading me verbally (called me stupid 20 mins into our first call) and it went past jokes and teasing, she said "I literally want to die, I don't care what I do. Life's not that serious." Then she said I was too sweet for her and she pushed me away because she didn't want to hurt me. Then said this. All over the place. I went off on her but didn't take any low blows, I basically told her people have feelings and life isn't a game and to not treat people like this. And if you can't help yourself, do it to people that deserve it, not people that are genuinely nice to you with no motive other than natural appreciation for you as a person and friend.
We held hands at the movie and she leaned her head on me. I was touching her arm and she grabbed my other hand and held it, like she initiated that. In the car she got weird and told me I couldn't stay, because she doesn't like being touched but just did it anyway (??? She initiated the second hand..). She had been insulting me and doing a lot of put downs (we spent 9 hours on the phone collectively) but after we got back and hung out for a while she said some shit way out of pocket, for example "did I shatter your little ego?" and tbh made fun of my financial situation, and other stuff. I just let it slide. Then she brought up making out, like she said she felt the urge to for a minute, and I asked her if she wanted to (I was comfortable with this but nothing beyond kissing), she hesitated for a few minutes, faked an emergency from a friend and kicked me out.
The hotel was $100. She gave me $40. It actually wasn't so bad - it was a "hick town" (her words not mind) of 2k people, I walked into the hotel and I looked super.. different carrying in my guitar but I was clearly upset - the front desk guy tried to cheer me up, so he kinda peer pressured me in a good way and had me perform for their little Thanksgiving night party. It was my first ever gig I got tipped for, so I made up the money + got free drinks all night, like 6 beers and 6 shots. Was a really good time.
By the way, can't blame her too much. I think she has schizophrenia. She kept telling me about how her and her family are mediums and have powers, and how she has a spirit cat. She told me over the phone and felt her spirit cat touching her. She also took a picture of my ID and my face and send it to God knows who. She threw away her soda at the theater because she was afraid I may have drugged it. She's on meds though.
ANYWAY that's my first and last time doing anything like that. I just wanted to say fuck it and have some fun and make some memories and I did. But never doing anything like this and tbh I'm deleting Tinder. I know this sounds bad but my trust in dating women nowadays (not my trust IN women) just took a serious hit. I'm just gonna chill by myself and focus on school for awhile.
Thanks for reading. And be careful. Don't be like me. This was stupid.
i failed school, i have no friends, no close relationships with family, my ex boyfriend left me and treated me like shit, i never leave my house, i hate my body etc. i envy people who were born into rich families, people who don’t have parents who suffer with mental illness and health issues. i only have 1 sibling that doesn’t live with me so im constantly alone. i have no friends so i don’t talk to anyone all day, whenever i try to talk to my parents my dad usually gives no reply and my mum will get angry over something random and yell at me. it gets draining, i feel so useless sometimes and i just don’t wanna be here anymore. but i can’t do anything about it due my religion. all i want is someone who will love and care about me and wont leave me. i wont to go out with friends and have fun. i want to gossip about boys and go shopping with my friends. i just want to be happy. but i’m broke, stupid and clearly i mean nothing to anyone with is why i always stay quiet.
Has anyone here been affected by the round up yard spray?
I'm starting to think that's how my dog got sick a few years back. Been hearing lots of similar stories.
Do you ever just think about something small and then it spirals into you thinking about the past, present and the future 🥴 wait that sentence lowkey gave scrooge
I’m Back once again, Venting to someone else.
I am sick of people calling me a Nightmare and and An Excuse for Autism. I went to a School where people with Autism or other People with Disabilities go find jobs. And you want they do?
They Treat us like we’re in Kindergarten, I’m done being babied by some Teacher who think I Don’t remember Math or Social Skills.
I Quit going there On May, I just don’t want to Go back anymore, It’s Making me Anxious and Pissing me off at the same time and force us to Play and not take a break.
What kind of social interaction is that?
I can’t draw because I have to do assignments? Nope. I can’t have fun.
It’s so dumb. I sometimes hate when People w/ Autism or other issues get upset because they got Bullied and got babied.
I’m American so I use American grades in this post, sorry if telling my age at certain times is hard because of that. I (19F) consider myself pretty smart, and have been told I’m smart since I can remember. School came easy for me, not that I was ever a genius or anything, but enough above average that I was the ‘smart kid’. That basically means I got first in the kahoots and occasionally corrected the teacher. I never really tried, studying wasn’t necessary and I didn’t care about grades enough to put in extra effort as long as I got a passing grade. In high-school my grades dropped, I went from an A student, to a B student, to D+ on harder classes because I just couldn’t get myself to put in any effort. Now I’m in my freshman year of college, and I’m doing a bit better, but I’m still really struggling to even submit assignments. When I do submit them, they’re usually 100%, but that can’t counteract the 5+ assignments I just don’t do. I’m dreading joining the workforce in the career I’m in because I know it’ll take more effort and energy than I have, but it’s my passion and I have no other real plans. I don’t know how to fix this inability to complete my work. I see the people I grew up with, succeed and go on to do the things they always said they wanted to accomplish, and I’m falling behind. I don’t want to do nothing with my life; and I’m scared that’s what I’m doing.
My mother in law has the stomach flu and decided to tell me to come over and gave me hugs and shit...
I have a horrible immune system, I'm chronically ill, what the fuck?
Most of the guys I have date, have only likes me cuz of my looks or my body. I want boyfriend who honestly love me for my personality, Most of my ex boyfriends will always talk about them being horny and they will never ever talking how the day have been, they will mostly tell me shut up whenever they hear my speech ( I have speech problem I tend to stutter a lot and people hate it ) Honestly how do people find actually true love,
I'm generally a very positive person and still will continue to be in my personal life, because I've figured out what's important in my own life and what isn't worth spending more than 5 minutes thinking about, but it just feels like it's becoming more and more often I'll hear of something thats happened or someone has done and each time I lose a little more faith in humanity.
Between looking for a dog to adopt and reading all of the insanely sad stories, hearing from a friend that his best friend basically stole his wife from him, learning about someone I thought was a friend turning out to be a pedophile, etc.
It's everywhere, bad people are everywhere. It's exhausting sometimes.
I'll just continue to make new friends and expand my current relationships in hopes that even a small portion of them turn out to be NOT terrible lol
EDIT: I still have a lot of faith in people in general, it's just been an exhausting year. We do what we can with what we have, so please if you read this, try to be the best version of you that you can. We need more of that in this world!
I had a falling out with two of my friends (we are all aged 19-18) about something minor, literally a miss communication where one of my friends, D thought I was talking about them to one of our other friends when I wasn’t and the other friend admitted to lying about it. We didn’t talk for a week ish but for about a month things seemed alright, we were talking again and I began to think our friendship would return to normal. It didn’t, randomly after the month past literally out of no where D said that they didn’t think we were compatible to be friends anymore and they just don’t get the same feelings from me anymore, and said it was the same situation for one of our other friends, E. E and I never really fell out, but E got quiet with me around the time D and I stopped talking, I didn’t think much of it cause even though we were all friends I always assumed E and D to be the closer ones out of us three. It made me upset but I had tried for a month to get things to work when it felt like minimal effort from E and D’s ends and I realised I can’t force them to like me so I let it end there. Despite this, for the first few weeks despite it being awkward we still communicated when we had to, however as the months went on the pair began to get hostile with me, refusing to speak to me or acknowledge me, blocking me from their private accounts, not viewing my stories ect even though we had barely communicated in that time. During this I became close with E’s brother and someone who I’ll name M, and whenever E saw me talking to their brother or M they would all of a sudden (after not speaking to me in anyway) tell me I’m too chatty or giggly and I need to shut up. Fair enough if we were being obnoxious but we weren’t?? Also why break this big no contact thing to try and belittle me every time I try to speak to my friends? E’s brother has said that the situation is too stupid to be a reason for him to stop talking to me because of his sibling’s problem. I genuinely cannot make out their behaviour at all and what it means, I really did care about them and it’s crazy to think about how they are acting lately.
I have a prescription for a specialty medication, my health insurance approved it but I can’t get it filled. I’ve been waiting over a month. My health insurance wants their own pharmacy to provide it. Ok Np. Their pharmacy sat on the prescription for weeks! Before bouncing it back to my doctor on the evening before thanksgiving.., really??? So anyway I’ve now I can’t get in touch with my doctor. I’ve been on the phone all day with my insurance, specialty pharmacy, doctor office (not dr because they are MIA) and an emergency number for my dr office. I WILL PAY OUT OF POCKET at this point but not a single one of the health care providers will help to send the script somewhere that I can get it filled!!! Why is there such incompetence and complacency and essential fucking of the patient???!!! There. I vented.
i dont want to have sex with my boyfriend, im not his type, i dont have the body he wants (chubby with big boobs, not bone thin with a giant ass) and im tired of getting non stop rejected
i mean what man comes home from work and turns down a blowjob? a man who doesnt like the woman offering thats who
but let me offer to watch porn with him and hes game, because 'its easier to get in the mood'
well fuck you and your stupid dick, im sorry i make it so hard to get in the mood by buying lingerie, and dressing up, and trying new things and buying toys, im so so fucking sorry honey, you must be miserable
we wont have sex or do anything sexual for a week or more at a time but if i offer to watch porn and masturbate together the answer is always yes, if i ask without porn? the answers no because hes too tired to be interested
well fuck you, im sorry i cant get you in the mood, maybe you should go find the petite blonde hair blue eyes big ass bimbo of your dreams and leave your ugly fat black girlfriend alone okay? how about that? go date someone you can be in the mood for more often than once a fucking fortnite you fucking doorknob
i wish he preferred me, its hard accepting it, and sometimes i get hateful and upset and need to let it out (like i just did lol) but im working on accepting it, i should be glad im 'accepted' it just makes me sad sometimes
it sounds sad but id probably cry if a guy got a boner from just looking at me at this point lol
we're probably going to end up having sex because as much as i dont want to, i really do, i just hope i dont have to spend 20 minutes playing with a soft dick, what a way to call someone ugly huh?
im having a great time
So me (m34) and my spouse (f25) want to have our wedding in an different country, a neighboring country to be specific. It's my spouses home country and the biggest reason we want to have it there is, because as a wedding gift from my mother in law is going to provide the food and a place where to hold the wedding reception and beds for people who might be staying overnight. We are not going to a church, since neither of us belong to it. To make it easier for the guests to come we have decided to include a request of instead guest buying us wedding presents and such they could use this money instead on tickets to the country, tickets cost around 100 euro,s and for people who don't have the money we are willing to buy the tickets to them, so they could make it.
BUT. Things haven't gone as smoothly with my family, my sister to be precise. She is against the idea and flat out said we need to have two receptions one in the other country and another in my childhood home, where she dwells. the reasoning for this is "who is going to take care of the animals"( 1 dog and 2 cats), "who's going to take care of the house, while we are there", "your mother has a bad back, she can't travel", this kind of arguments. I've said to them, that if they are afraid of flying or traveling I will personally come help them. Buy tickets for them and extra extra ticket form myself, take them to the airport hop on the airplane and drive them to the wedding reception, so I'll be there from beginning to end. We can figure out some sort of arrangement with the animals, someone probably could take care of them for couple of day and the cats would be fine okay anywways, since during summer they can be out in the forest weeks at a time, before coming home. She still demands that we should have it at home. Either we have one big reception at our home, or two for the spouses side- and another for my side of the family. a wedding where the families don't even meet.. I don't know, if it's me, but it just feel ludicrous to have two, when we literally have the place and food provided for us in one location, or the fact that she is making such huge demand regarding OUR wedding. Every time i try to bring this up my sister becomes really defensive and heated about it and we just end the conversation while she is crying.
I would love to take them both to the country of my spouse and show them around, show them something else other than the house they live in. I would love to travel with my mother while I and she still can. I understand my mothers health issues (back problems) and i don't take them lightly, if push comes to shove we can have the reception at home, if SHE can't make the trip, but I don't seem to be able to even talk to her about it, before my sister butts in on the conversation, so honestly I even don't know where my mother stands on the issue. We are honestly thinking about just saying to our sister that "if you can't make it, then tough titties, at least we tried".
This whole situation is so frustrating and is stressing and eating me up.
Ok rant over.
I’m 19M and I honestly feel like I’m not at all suited for this world and I’m completely screwed for the future. I have been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and dyspraxia (motor skills problem - on the milder side for me), but I also find myself matching the symptoms of 4 other conditions including Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome, Auditory Processing Disorder, Developmental Language Disorder and Level 1 (mild autism). There are so many things I struggle with that I don’t think I’ll be able to explain on this post.
I am in 2nd year med school but I am unable to understand and learn a single thing in lectures so I have to do it all outside in my own time where I end up procrastinating massively. I therefore am behind most of the time and feel like a massive idiot in front of my peers. I don’t think I’m good at anything because it feels like other people are just able to learn everything very quickly and I’m just lagging behind like a fool due to my developmental issues. I am the single worst person when it comes to socialising because people speak too fast in group conversations for me to understand and I can only come up with shorter boring responses due to my cognitive problems. My mind is literally blank half the time and I can’t come up with ideas or things to talk about - so I come across as aloof and uninteresting. I can’t even explain in words how lonely I feel because I don’t have that many friends and have never been in a relationship either. I’m also a massive daydreamer, slow at doing tasks, generally pretty unmotivated and suffer from mental fatigue as a result of my cognitive problems. I also have pretty severe social anxiety and have had bad depression due to this for around 8 months.
I’m worried that in the future I will be unable to graduate, form friendships and relationships and manage my daily life i.e. hygiene, finances, shopping etc. I honestly feel like an alien in society and the worst part is that nobody cares about these neurodevelopmental conditions and considers them to be nothing serious. I feel so fed up of being like this and want things to change desperately.
Tw: This contains mention of cp
Today my uncle got caught with cp and the police went to his house but the thing is how do i go on with this? my mom’s birthday is today and it’s gonna be absolutely terrible for her. he was my only uncle and i know i should hate him for it but he was my only uncle i’ve ever had i don’t know what to do it feels so unreal why did it have to be him why man.
Recently, I’ve entered a new stage in my life in school where I need to start revising more and focusing on my education. I have always taken school seriously and I’ve always been smart, but recently I’ve been feeling overall hopeless about my future and I often find myself thinking there is no point in a good future as you’re just constantly working toward nothing. I also constantly doubt my intelligence and worry about failing tests. I know logically I’m just being pessimistic : there are loads of things to look forward to and I am smart, but sometimes I can’t convince myself of that. Also recently, I’ve been finding myself wanting to cry for no reason a lot more often, especially at school, including today. I have no clue why, but I suddenly got overwhelmed and needed to cry. I felt better after, but it was still unexpected. On top of this, I feel like nobody likes me. Emphasis on feel because I know that I’m loved, but I think I’m always annoying people and that I’m obnoxious. I’m basically certain I’m not depressed, I think I maybe just am finding it hard to adjust to the sudden work load. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling like this.
Just to add, I’ve only really been experiencing this for I think a bit over a month now? Maybe a bit less. I’ve always struggled with insecurities, everyone does, but they seem more prominent and normally they’re over self-image, not my future.
I work with e-commerce so had a crazy few days with Cyber 5, working on the weekend and such. Today I went to the movies, by myself, for a cool down. Went to watch Wicked and there were about 10 people in the room.
5 of them were a family: an adult woman and 4 children, not sure if they were all hers. Kids were around 8-12 yo. About 30min in, children were bored and started going up and down the stairs. Then they decided to run at the space in front of the screen. Then they decided to kick a bottle of water like it was soccer. All the time giggling and talking loud. The woman did absolutely NOTHING to keep them quiet.
I tried my best to ignore it, but got tired of it and ended up leaving the room and complaining to a staff member that it was impossible to watch the movie because of the kids. The employee went into the room and talked to the woman, asking them to be quiet.
They stayed in their seats until the end of the movie, but did not stop talking and I could feel the woman shooting me a deadly glare. At the end of the movie, kids went down the stairs but the woman stayed in her seat. As I passed by the children, this MF 12 year old says: hey lady, we’re watching Moana tomorrow, wanna join us?
Not only were they incredibly disrespectful, but they wanna paint me as the villain because I dared to complain!!!
I just wanted to watch a freaking movie and let go of the stress I had been feeling. Ended up leaving angrier and upset because they were making fun of me.
I know it's normal to feel different from others, to feel lonely even if your surrounded by people, but I don't know. It's been years like I've felt like this, and that's what I don't know if it's normal. I don't know if what I'm going through is normal.
I'm angry all the time. I snap at the smallest of things, and I hate it, I do, I don't want to be angry but I am. I don't know why I'm so angry, and when I'm angry I just want to sob, and I'm just angry and sad and upset, and frustrated, and this happens every single day. It's frustrating, and i don't know. I am tired constantly. I never feel truly well rested; the best I feel if after like four hours of sleep and I know teenagers need about 9-10 hours of sleep. I have never gotten that much sleep; okay, maybe I have but I definitely haven't in a long time. It's just impossible for me to get the needed amount of sleep, and then with work and these classes for schools, and everything else with my family it's stressful and I'm just tired and in pain.
Can hormones cause pains? Phsycial pains. Like, the pain that usually pushed aside and lables as growing pains even though there's just that constant aching everywhere in your body, in muscles, that hasn't gone away in years, that sometimes gets so bad you can barely walk or stand properly?
Most days I feel so disconnected from everyone. I don't have anyone close to me besides one single person: and this person I consider family despite us not being blood related. She is the greatest friend I could ever ask for, and yet, I can't help but sometimes get so angry at her over seemingly nothing. (I have talked to her about this, because I know it's important to communicate and stuff). I don't know why. I don't know why even simple human contact and socializing makes me so angry and frustrated: it's all puzzling, everything about life is one big game of chess and spoiler alert, I don't know how to play chess.
Most of all, I'm just confused. I want to know why I feel like this. I know hormones fuck up a lot of stuff, but is it just normal hormones? Am I not alone in this experience? I want it to be normal but I don't even feel normal. I'm not normal because I see everyone else around me seemingly so happy, and yes I know I have no idea what anyone else is going through but it sucks, it really sucks and it's angering and frustrating and stressful and upsetting that everyone else seems to be able to live where I'm just stuck.
My usual friends were just doing random stuff, they never really get to talk to me all excited, so I decided to give myself a shot and try to make some new friends on Roblox Voice Chat, practicing my confidence on general communication. As the hours passed, everyone either didn't knew how to chat -being heavenly silent-, either didn't want to chat at all.
I kept getting skipped away from people, and when I finally found someone who genuinely makes interesting questions, they were just speed running a conversation to end the chat as fast as possible. I know making friends on Roblox isn't the best strategy for social activities, but in the first time of this whole year, I didn't wanted to fill my mind with thousands of daily chores that resets everyday.
I just wanted a normal friend, someone to hear me, someone to give my precious little time to hear them talking about something they love, something they hate, something they want to share, their opinions, their... selves. No one that I have ever met that speaks English has ever acted like a real person. I wanted to practice English by having friends that speak that normally that but geez, how could EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. that I met just don't give a shit on enjoying the moment? Why are you in the game made just for if you're so sure that you're not going to die alone? Leave the shitty people who wants to have a decent friend in peace.
I'll receive my test result tomorrow, I'll need to get back to my studies hard as before, everything will be back to those tiring chores, no matter the amount of hobbies I get, I still feel like nothing's worth when nobody knows I'm real, I like to see people being themselves, being real. Why is it so hard to have a friend? I'm not even asking to have a bestie or something, just a normal friend, that's a normal thing to have in life, right? Everyone has a friend who listens and cares for them, right? I can have fun at my 18s without having sex and getting drunk, right? Not only kids have fun...
I 29 F have a cousin 10M. We’re like brother and sister, since he was born I was always with him interacting and spending time going to school events and so on. As he’s gotten older the dynamic has shifted slightly. He doesn’t view me as an adult and granted that’s probably my fault for playing with him when I go to his house but it’s just him and his other cousin F 11 so they ask me to play with them. His mother and aunt constantly tell him “she’s an adult you need to listen to what she says” and he’ll say “no she’s not she’s a “teenager”. Like I get growing up and back talking but when I was younger I got disciplined. He’ll constantly break things and his mother will “punish” him. No phone or tablet, and hour later he’s on her phone, or she’ll say I’m not buying you anymore electronics because you break them. Then continues to buy more, waste your money I don’t care but you’re not teaching him a lesson if you continue to feed his bad behavior. One Christmas he asked me for a specific gift. I looked in 3 different stores for it because for one when my younger cousins ask me for something and their parents say they can have it I try my best to get it for them if it’s reasonable. I found it and I have it to him. He didn’t have it a day and he broke it. His mom and myself were both upset with him and voiced that. His response to that was “nobody told her to buy it for me” I was in complete shock at the disrespect. His behavior continues to get worse he has ADHD and I believe something else but I’m not sure and touches EVERYTHING. I absolutely hate for him to come to our house. From the moment he steps foot his hand is on something or he’s begging for food like he’s fucking starving. We had a pack of candy on the counter and I knew it because obviously it’s my house and he was playing in the kitchen I go to the living room and come back the candy is missing. I was like give me the candy he’s acting confused talking about “what?!?” “Ohh this?” And pulls it out of his pocket. It’s the constant lying that gets to me. I’ll have something around the house that’s mine and he’ll grab it and I’ll say “put it down that’s mine” and his response will be “no it’s not I’m asking your mom” like wtf why would I lie about something being mine in my own home? Then I’ll say something about “my house or my stuff” and he’ll respond “it’s not your house it’s your moms house” like sir it’s my house to I live and pay bills here too. He’s also banned from my room and bathroom because I don’t want him touching my personal things or stealing them and one time when he was like 7 he peed on my moms bathroom wall so that just ultimately banned him from ever using my bathroom. So the other day he goes “I took $1 off your dresser”. “I was like my room door was closed for a reason and I don’t even have small bills on my dresser I only have $20s so give me my money back now” and he goes “oh I was just joking”. Like that’s not something you joke about. Again with the constant lying. He’s been acting out in school recently, I told him if you get in trouble this week you won’t get anything for Christmas and I mean it. Tell me why he got in trouble not once but THREE times in one week. Like I’m not understanding is it just a boy being a boy or is it seriously something wrong with him?! Likes he’s constantly overstepping boundaries, pathological liar at the ripe age of 10, doesn’t listen to or respect adults, is a thief, own mother can’t discipline nor control him, acts out in school (I think I know the reason for this), and to top it off I think his grandfather hates him. Like don’t get me wrong I love my cousin and I enjoy our times together when he’s a decent human being but on the other hand the aversion I get when he does these things just really pisses me off and makes me wonder why his mom even gave birth to him knowing his dad had some issues and was on drugs. I honestly don’t even know how she got tied up with his father. She’s a very nice lady, very educated. So I’m just confused. But I digress I just needed to vent. Feel free to voice your opinions.
It feels like it's been ages, but it hasnt. I want to forget her, forget she exists. She hates me now. And I cant bring myself to forget her. My life was best when she was in it, and it's felt hollow without her. She took a piece of me ill never get back, and my life has been forever changed. I dont know what to do. Deep down I still love her. But part of me wants to forget she ever existed. I've tried moving on so many times. I can't do it no matter how hard I try. She has 0 interest in me now and never wants to be part of my life again, so I'm forced to worship the few memories of her and I that aren't stained by the pain of her leaving. I'm so tired yall. It's not getting any easier and honestly as time goes on it's only getting harder to get out of bed and find a reason to want to keep going. She couldn't even give me the closure I needed, she got her own version of closure and dipped on me when I needed someone most. The thoughts got so bad not long ago that I wanted to end it all. Has my mental health gotten better since then? Some days it feels like it's been better, and some days I feel exactly like that. There's only a few small things keeping me tethered to the ground and reality at this point. And if they disappear I don't know that'll happen to me now that she's not here. I'm tired. Maybe she'll be there in my dreams. Probably not. I just want to be happy again. But I don't think I'll ever be as happy as I was during the time her and I shared ever again.
I have to keep that I'm dying from my adult kid. She can't handle anything. I need a clean room for treatment, she won't clean, i physicality can't. I'm taking my savings and going to stay somewhere safe.... no she's throwing a fit. I just cant
Not looking for advice or anything just angry at my situation. I'm midway through college in an extremely difficult major with hopes of getting into a medical program someday and was recently diagnosed with adhd. The medications are life changing but two years of breaking my back trying to beat my ADHD without any help has drained all of my energy. To top things off I recently broke up with a guy who I'm having to go to court against, and when I tried to blow off steam going clubbing I was groped. I tried so hard to push through everything and stay on top of my schoolwork - literally took an exam with my mom sitting outside to let me know if the judge had called me.
I can't do it anymore. I've blown off studying completely the past weekend - been hanging out with an amazing girl I met on her but I really should've been studying instead of getting drunk every night and having sleepovers. I tried to study yesterday but gave up after five hours, had too much alcohol and overslept every single class. I have three exams this week and it's finally hitting me that I'm not okay at all. I thought I could be tough and get through the semester but I'm not nearly as strong as I thought I was. I'm just angry and sad that I worked so hard for so long and I feel like a helpless bystander watching myself ruin it all.
I try to be the most supportive fiancé (basically husband, we call each other husband and wife, we’ve been together for 12+ years). I do everything I can for her. I listen to all her issues and when advice is warranted I give it, when it’s just a vent I try to respond so she knows I love her, care how she feels, and am there for her. The last few years I feel so unheard and not listened to. I can be in the middle of talking about something and she just starts talking like I wasn’t saying anything. Doesn’t ask me what I was talking about after she finishes. I’ll ask questions and get no answers and it’s like I said nothing. I’ve brought it up, and it’s like I didn’t fucking say anything of importance. I love her. I do. But I’m getting so tired of feeling like anything I say doesn’t matter. And anything. I do doesn’t matter unless it’s to help her. I’m so fucking stressed. I just want someone I can come home and talk about things with, we work opposite schedules. So half the week I only get an hour with her. And I feel so fucking tired. I feel like I’ve got no one to talk to. I don’t want to leave. But I don’t know if I can keep my sanity if I can’t even dependably vent some of my stresses. I don’t yell, I don’t go off on long rants. I don’t know what the fuck to do. I just want to share with someone who supposedly fucking cares and I don’t feel like that person is here. I’m diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I feel like this is just adding to it.
It’s just so god damn frustrating. It gets to the point where I wish I could just leave. If I’m going to come home and feel even more fucking stressed from being ignored, I might as well just live alone.
Fuck. Thank you for letting me vent. I’m so tired of feeling like no one gives a fuck.
i’m a lesbian, and have struggled with accepting it for so long. while my friend is queer and has a boyfriend right now and only has ever had. and in no way am i invalidating her. because woman aren’t as “easy” to come across compared to men. but i’m always told im doing essentially too much because im struggling with grasping the fact that i DONT like men.
but she talks about how much she likes these guys she’s seeing and how she blushes and how much she enjoys sex or cares about them then rants about how she thinks she’s a lesbian sometimes cause woman are what makes her horny and sometimes it’s men that does and not woman.. which is a basic experience for someone queer. plus she constantly calls me a faggot like daily which i didn’t care for at first but it’s irritating when my friend group is talking about men and i bring up something off topic because i clearly can’t relate or add to that conversation. like if i don’t find a guy hot they’re talking about… i get called a faggot lol
or how much she rants about not being able to relate to other girls cause she’s ‘soooo gay’ when she has a boyfriend…. and our friend group talks about men…. and woman occasionally but it’s always about how bad they need to fuck a girl. which i get but also icky knowing they’re all dating rn.
i know i can fix this shit by speaking up but it’s such an awkward position cause it feels like im invalidating her but she also knows how much i struggle with accepting that i cant relate to her experiences.
ive never gone a day without having to talk about men between ANY of my friends. and some i just can’t tell im gay so i have to just nod and agree to the men they push me to date
Happy Tuesday, everyone. I'm mostly here to vent and give a word of warning. However, if there is hope for my issue, that would be nice too. I tried posting in r/Bestbuy but it was removed.
Let me set the scene: it’s December 2nd (yesterday), the post-Black-Friday-and-Cyber-Monday chaos is likely still in full swing, and I’m calling Best Buy customer service about an issue logging into my Best Buy account. What could possibly go wrong?
Spoiler: Everything.
I knew the wait might be long, but after navigating the automated system (and dutifully letting it know this was about my Best Buy account login), I was put on hold for about 10 minutes. No problem, I thought. It’s the season for patience, right?
First customer service rep: I explain my situation, they say it’s not their department, and transfer me. Cool. Another 10 minutes of waiting, serenaded by the soothing combo of Christmas music and endless reminders about Best Buy’s price-match guarantee.
Second rep: Once again, I explain my situation. Guess what? Another transfer. At this point, I’m starting to feel like a human pinball. Hold music, here we go again.
Third rep: I explain my situation for the THIRD time. Just as I’m starting to think we’re getting somewhere—click. Disconnected. I'm pretty sure they hung up. My phone shows we’ve now hit the 32-minute mark. Frustration!
I call back. The automated system and I are old friends by now. Another 10 minutes on hold, and I’m speaking to a fourth rep. This one at least explains why I’m being transferred and even gives me an estimated hold time. Finally, someone reasonable. It calms me down, but I’m still skeptical.
Enter the fifth and final rep. I explain (again) that my 2-step verification is locking me out. I had originally set it up using Microsoft Authenticator, but when I switched phones, the Best Buy account didn’t carry over in the app. I’ve tried everything: changing my password, searching for backup codes, clicking "Can’t get a security code?"—you name it.
I didn't panic. According to Best Buy’s 2-Step FAQ, what if I lose my backup codes and I can’t get in to my account?
Don’t panic. Call us at 1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289) and we’ll help.
A nice sentiment, but guess what their “help” amounted to? The only solution is to create a new account.
Really? That’s it? I’d also need to create a whole new email address because using my existing one could cause “issues.” Crazy!
So here I am, locked out of my account, reflecting on this two-step verification nightmare. Word of advice: don’t set up two-step verification with Best Buy. Sure, their FAQ gives you hope, but as my saga shows, it’s a hollow promise.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. If anyone has had a similar experience (or miraculously found a solution that isn’t starting over from scratch), let me know!
I'll start by saying that if this post doesn't fit in this subreddit the admins can remove it.
I'm getting really frustrated with my memory, I am a 19 year old male. Every evening my girlfriend and I tell about our days and during the day there's plenty of things I want to tell her. However when we start talking about our day I can't remember anything of that. I just remember the basics and I can see that she's saddened by the fact that I don't remember any tiny and fun things.
I've searched up reasons as to why my memory might be bad and I can check the box with bad sleep. I sleep about 5h a day when I'm working and maybe 7-10h during the weekend. Then there's other reasons such as stress and there's also a couple of things that might fall into that category, I haven't gotten my driving license yet and I've been at it for a little more than a year now. We also got economic problems at home, nothing I'll deep dive into. I'll just say that we are thinking twice and three times about how we spend every cent and that this winter will be a very cold one.
However I try not to think about it too much, or I can't remember any of it. My mom and I had a conversation about everything one night and unfortunately as soon as I left the room I had pretty much forgotten everything she said.
I've realized one thing, I can't keep my mind on one thing. I'm thinking of nothing and dozens things at the same time, my mind isn't organised the way it once was. My thoughts are all there but they're blurry and splattered everywhere, I don't know how to explain it. But it's kinda only like this when I've slowed down and relax, for example when I'm doing something about at work, I remember it to some point and do it. But I have to go back and forth to double and triple check so I'm doing right, this might also be because I'm very unsure if I'm doing something correctly and want to be 110% certain that I do right.
Coming up with what to say about this has honestly been really difficult because I don't know what to say. I'm very grateful if anyone have tips on how I can improve my memory, thanks in advance!
Sorry if this is long (like my string of mental illnesses)
Story 1.
When I was really young- like, 5 years old. I ran away from my house.
I have Object attachment disorder, which is characterized by an emotional attachment to one or multiple inanimate objects. This disorder can seriously mess with your day to day life...and it really messed with mine. (similar but not the same to this, I have hoarding disorder! But that's for another time)
One of my attachments was, to no surprise, my blue fuzzy iPad that I adored. If anyone tried to take it away, I would scratch, bite, etc. One time I almost broke my dad's toe from how hard I was trying to prevent him from taking it.
One day, it was time for bed, and as all parents do, my dad tried to take my iPad. I put up a fight, y'know, screaming, crying, scratching, but he eventually took it. My emotions absolutely snowballed. I put on some of my bunny slippers, ran down the stairs, opened the door to my house- and there. Fresh night air. My dad followed me, but I ran. He stayed in the driveway, telling me, 'IF YOU GO ANY FURTHER, I'M CALLING THE POLICE.'
I ran. He called the police. (did that surprise anyone? Lol) So I guess I was a runaway child for a couple hours.
I ran for hours. All the way from my house to the trees behind the public library, to the Walgreens in our town square. I'm pretty sure I ran some red lights (not sure how I didn't get run over), but eventually.......a police car caught up to me. She grabbed my wrist, and dragged me to her car, and I gave in. I was tired, I was sobbing, and I wanted my iPad.
I still remember the back of the car. Nets over the windows, bars in front of me separating me from the driver. I felt trapped. I didn't wanna go to jail.
She bright me home. I felt like I had more to do........
I was eventually found. Now, whenever I see a police car, or a policeman/woman, I have a complete panic attack. I shake, have trouble breathing, I sweat horribly, and I avoid all eye contact with anyone and everyone.
Story 2.
Fun fact: I really liked sugar as a kid! I would sneak downstairs and get just spoonfuls of sugar!
My parents found this out. And GUESS WHAT HAPPENED.
I would have to yell and stomp on the ground to go to the bathroom, get a snack, and even just....watch tv. (this is still a habit I do sometimes. That's how much it stuck with me. Because otherwise, I wouldn't get fed.)
My stepmother was an asshole btw. (Speaking of, I ain't ever heard an 'I love you', or felt a hug from her.)
One day, my dad was out, and my mom decided to watch the new trolls movie with my little brother! (Yaaayyy, favoritism.....) Of course, I was locked in my room! I wanted to watch, too. She rejected me. I had a tantrum. She locked me in there.
And she fucking forgot I was in there.
Long story short I wasn't fed that night. Now, I hoard food, because I'm subconsciously thinking its gonna be taken from me, or that I won't be fed, so I have to have something to eat.
(bonus short story: my stepmom sometimes spanked me with a belt if I was caught doing things I wasn't supposed to be doing. Lotsa bruises from that.)
And now I have major insecurities. I feel like this isn't worth whining over, especially since so many other people have it worse. I just feel like I'm complaining. I mean, I don't know if its normal. Maybe I'm venting about things that are perfectly fine? What they did was perfectly rational! I need some reassurance. Reassurance that what I'm venting about is fine. Reassurance that what they did was wrong. I want to feel better.
Maybe I never will feel better. Maybe I'm just ungrateful.
I dunno. I just wanted to share this. Maybe this isn't the right place. If it isn't..... I dunno what to do. I wanna cry. I want a hug. I want someone to understand. I want closure.
I turned 16 not too long ago, currently, I am still at my lowest. It has been like this for about 2 years, and that is because of not feeling like I’m making any progress in life.
I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life because I didn’t have and wasn’t born with the talent to do anything, the only thing I know is that I’ve been playing basketball for about 4 years and STILL, haven’t been making any progress in that.
So at one point when I was 14 I decided to start writing, inspired by my favorite artist, I tried my best to emulate them and find my style but I can’t, i also hate my voice. It doesn’t sound good, it’s unique but doesn’t sound appealing to me, their music when they were around my age, even younger, sounds a million times better than what I make
I hate waking up everyday knowing I could be better than what I am, but not knowing where how to start, I also hate that I don’t have the natural skill most do. It doesn’t feel like I’m good at anything I try.
I watched so many motivating videos, how to videos, and it doesn’t even last for long at all, I always find myself back at square one, depressed as hell.
My heart has this literal feeling that it could break at any moment, I put walls around myself unknowingly, pushing my friends away, it’s gotten to the point where my friends ask me if I’m okay.
And finally, I hate that my past has been so horrible, and many say that eventually everything will get better, but it’s been so long since I’ve been happy without having to act like it. I’m nowhere I want to be in life, I can envision myself in the future a million times better than I am now, but he seems so far away and I can’t reach him, I don’t know what to do.
I just need some guidance, how am I supposed to make it out of this crawlspace.