Photograph via snooOG

We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts.

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Before Posting

Frequently Asked Questions

Essential Viewing

30 Essential Ideas You Should Know About ADHD

  • Length: 2:54:25
    Excellent introductory lecture on ADHD: what it is, how it affects those who have it, how to treat it to treat, and the potential consequences of not treating it. It is split into segments for easy watching. By Dr. Russell Barkley.

International Consensus Statement on ADHD

  • Barkley et al, 2002

The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions About The Disorder

  • Faraone et al, 2021


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What should i do

Its 12am and ive taken my medicine (70mg vyvanse) 10-11 hours ago, Even if my medicine is about to stop working soon i know i wouldn’t be tired and i have no idea what to do.

I hate forcing myself to sleep and i dont wanna close my eyes for 2 hours and still be awake, i also had an holiday so my sleep schedule is really messed up.

Should i just stay up all night then take my medicine again in the morning ? i need to wake up at 7 and I think ill only feel tired around 4-6am so i dont think its even worth sleeping What should i do??

1 Comment
20:58 UTC


Is ADHD an “excuse” for violent behavior?

I don’t have ADHD, but my older sister (33F) does. She was diagnosed a couple years ago. She thinks she made some breakthrough discovery because she read more into ADHD/ADD, figured she had it because she has problems staying focused on things, gets bored easily, loses things, etc., and got diagnosed.

My sister has never held a full time job, only works one day a week right now because she can’t afford childcare, but also says doesn’t want to work more because of her ADHD. She gets bored, and work is boring. She also “freaks out” a lot. If someone makes her mad, sometimes she’ll turn physical and throw things or try to hit the person.

She was so happy because she figured getting on medicine would help her because she never knew why “she was the way she was.” Well, fast forward to now, it’s been 2-3 years and she’s the exact same.

She says “due to her ADHD she has a really hard time with emotional regulation when things get to be too stressful or if she gets sensory overload.”

Everyone I know with ADHD, I really can’t tell they have it. But my sister talks about it all the time and uses it to dismiss her behaviors. Is ADHD a reason/excuse to be violent?

20:57 UTC


Can't focus on anything to do with a computer

Can't focus or cope or deal with anything involving a computer/laptop. It doesn't help I have a slow ass laptop but anything with a computer is unbelievably stressful and frustrating to the point I just don't use it.This sucks because I would like to start a YT channel but don't have the brain power/patience. Evan typing this is stressful I cannot fathom how others write massive posts. Anyone else relate or can help please ?

1 Comment
20:57 UTC


Hyper fixation or obsession?

tl;dr: My overall point is that I don't wanna invalidate anyone and be more educated on the matter, whether I'm going through hyper fixation, obsession or special interest

I once got super into Rick and Morty and re-watch 7 season three times, and according to my friend I wouldn't get out of bed so they had to come check up on me to see if I was fine. I didn't remember it being that bad but damn. Anyhow and the only thing I drew was Rick and Morty related.

(And now I'm in the same boat but w/ Undertale, almost the only thing I watch are dubbed comics and the only thing I draw is UT related)

Now my main question is was that hyper-fixation or obsession? 'Cause I've seen people on TikTok w/ ADHD or autism say that they're sick of people calling everything a 'hyper-fixation' when it's just a special interest and I don't wanna go around saying "I had a hyper fixation on (blank) one time!" when it wasn't or something.

I'm not sure if I have ADHD (my friend has said I show signs of it but I know that ain't enough) but since hyper-fixation is common in people with ADHD I decided to come here and ask.

20:56 UTC


Adderall made me exhausted, trying vyvanse. Experiences?

I was prescribed 10mg of Adderall XR two weeks ago to start, recently diagnosed with combined adhd.

~ first time taking it, it made me feel extremely calm for 30 minutes followed by an extreme exhaustion.

~ two weeks later, I feel nothing from it anymore and it literally makes me pass out at night. I cannot stay up past 11 even if I wake up later. /:

Today, the dr was a bit surprised to hear adderall caused such exhaustion in me. And tomorrow I start Vyvanse 40mg.

How did vyvanse react with you after trying adderall? Did it get better or worse?

I’m just looking for some guidance on what to expect. ):

20:43 UTC


Making an ADHD podcast, need help coming up with a cool name!

Hello, fellow ADHDers, my friend and I are making an ADHD podcast and we need help coming up with a name! I definitely want it to sound ADHD related, the only things I've thought of so far are already taken, like Sera-tune-in (Seratonin).

My friend and I are both females and both have severe ADHD, meaning it greatly affects our day-to-day life. Whatever name we decide to go with, we will definitely give your reddit username a shout-out (Unless you're not okay with that), I will update everyone when we start it!

It will be about ADHD of course, day-to-day struggles, the good and the bad, funny things about it, and advice, we would love to even read people's stories to share and give advice on!

What name can you think of that's both ADHD-related and catches your eye?

Big thanks to everyone in advance!

1 Comment
20:38 UTC


Diagnosed with ADHD as a child, how do I go about seeking medication as a 29 year old? (In the UK)

Long story short, I was diagnosed with ADHD in school when I was young, about 6/7. I was incredibly hyperactive as a child as I’m sure most people in this sub were. Fast forward to teenage / adult hood, the hyperactivity settled down, but I’ve massively struggled with anxiety, panic attacks, racing thoughts, mood swings etc. I have a job that requires me to be pretty focused and pay attention to detail whilst sitting at a desk so I’m not worried about the hyperactivity anymore, but in the last 6 years I’ve lost both my parents and come out of a 4 year relationship which I thought was going to be the forever one. Since this, my mood swings, anxiety etc has been pretty aggressive. I’ve been seeing a therapist for the last year which has massively helped but sometimes I can’t help but wonder if it might be exacerbated by something else, in my case, ADHD.

So my question is, if I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, how do I go about looking into medication / generally opening up communications on this with the NHS? Does anyone have this sort of experience with the NHS?

1 Comment
20:37 UTC


Jealousy and cheating

Have you ever been CONVINCED 100% (or strongly suspected) that your long term partner has been cheating on you, only to later discover they weren’t and in retrospect, you were connecting false dots in an almost delusional way?

Have you ever had the opposite, where you felt completely safe (or pretty safe) and trusting of your partner only to find out they cheated?

So curious to hear your experiences and how it played out for you.

20:37 UTC


The most effective strategy to not miss meds that I hate with a burning passion

I figured I should share the strategy my therapist gave me regarding not missing my meds. She pointed me to an app called Alarmy, which lets you set alarms that won't stop until you complete a "mission." The mission options include stuff like doing math, shaking the phone a number of times, or taking a photo of some object. The mission I use is scanning a QR/Barcode, specifically the one on my meds bottle. The alarm can be snoozed a couple of times which pushes it off for 30 minutes (in case I'm out running errands or something), but I can't fully stop the alarm until I am physically holding the bottle.

I can't describe how much I hate the alarm itself, I despise the rigidity of being forced to take the action of going to the bottle at a highly specific time, but I can't deny how incredibly effective the approach itself is. I haven't missed a single dose in almost a month. So be it I suppose, if this is the price of never accidentally missing my meds I'll happily pay it indefinitely haha.

20:27 UTC


Adhd…social anxiety and emotional dysregulation

Going for my assessment soon, I feel everyday my symptoms are getting worse. My social anxiety is crippling and it makes me feel so awkward around people. Afterwards I beat myself up so bad about this but i genuinely can’t help it. I get so overwhelmed with a lot of people. Really struggling with my emotional dysregulation also. Some days it gets so unbearable that I just think I would be better not being here.

I know medication is not a quick fix….but has anyone who has had my symptoms felt medication eased them slightly? Some days I wonder if I am also autistic. These are only 2 of many symptoms I have. But these 2 I find hardest.

20:27 UTC


Non stimulant experiences

Would like to hear from other folks with ADHD - anyone here for whom stimulants did nothing for them? After which non-stimulants proved successful instead?

Was told by physician that non-stimulants need 30 days of continued use before seeing its effects. And if we need to discontinue, need another 30 to wear off - does this match the experience you had?

1 Comment
20:24 UTC


I developed an app to plan your day in a different way

Hey, I am a student developer who is really into productivity, and as a programmer, I don't want to spend any more screen time than necessary. So I developed an app to help me plan my day so I don't have to be stressed about many things the next day.

I think this community would benefit from my product. The app has a premium subscription because as a student I need to support myself somehow, but if somebody can't afford it I am always ready to give out some promo codes :)

LINK: https://apps.apple.com/si/app/flownote-to-do-list-planner/id1669330175

1 Comment
20:22 UTC


Might Fail my Class

I'm a senior in college and a class away from graduating. This is if I pass this class. It's an environmental economics class and economics really isn't my forte. My teacher is not a bad person he's very passionate about the subject and he's strict with rules. He expects communication and is open for questions.

I don't do well meeting and talking with teachers and my biggest problem isn't something I can ask him for help on. I can not for the life of me understand his accent. I've tried recording the classes and I can't understand a word and so I rely on myself in the end to scrape by.

Second problem assignment names and dates are not up to date in the course. I knew we had a 10 page paper and a presentation but the only thing I found anywhere was about the paper. Day of, I get to class and we needed to have a ten minute PowerPoint prepared too. I missed his announcement from a week ago stating this. I always miss so many things. Every teacher uses the program,( canvas for those who are familiar) and it's up tho them in where to list things and when. That alone makes it so hard to know if I've seen everything.

I bailed on presentation day because I panicked because I didn't have anything ready. I asked him if he would accept a narrated PowerPoint and he said no that he made announcements at the start of class and that I come in late and never asked if I missed anything.

He's a communication oriented person and I'm not. I already can't understand him so I'd feel even more embarrassed to talk with him outside of class.

My final exam is tomorrow if I do ok I'll pass with a C or C- so wish me luck I guess.

TLDR: I can't understand my professor and I keep missing notifications and assignments and it might cost me my grade. I hate the lack of a standardized use of Canvas and I miss so many important details. I'm not going to fail because I'm a bad student but because I made one too many silly mistakes...

20:20 UTC


Increasing my vyvanse dose without seeing my doctor?

Hi. I started taking vyvanse back in January at 10mg and after about 1-2 months, I increased to 20mg.

I still don’t feel like my ADHD symptoms are managed by it and have wanted to increase it. I still have a couple 10mg pills and have my prescribed 20mg pills. Would it be bad idea to take the equivalent of 30mg without alerting my doctor?

I plan to ask for a dose increase however I don’t want to end up paying for a months worth of 30mg if it’s not a good dose for me

20:19 UTC


Concerta Shortage

I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get a refill and they said that there's a shortage. I have AP testing next week so It's quite stressful how there's a shortage now of all times. The pharmacist did say I could ask my psychiatrist for Adderall instead, since it’s available, however, I don’t want to start a whole new medication especially this close to exams. Anyone else experiencing an issue with getting concerta lately?

20:15 UTC


How do you guys keep yourself from zoning out in conversations?

I only got my ADHD diagnosis last year (although I'd thought I had this for the last 2-3 years). I've always struggled with keeping my attention zoned in especially when I have to listen to someone else tell me a long story or narration.

And I always have to keep asking people to repeat parts so I'm still on track, but after getting my diagnosis I kinda felt relieved and realised that now that I and my circle of people know, it's ok for me to do my little thing of playing games on my phone to keep my attention going.

I play this candy crush sorta game coz it doesn't require a lot of brain just me doing things with my hands, so I sometimes start playing that when someone's been talking for a while and I know I'll zone out.

But it's been recently brought to my attention that I've been doing that a lot in the past year (I'm assuming subconsciously I absolved myself of struggling to keep my attention after my diagnosis) and that sometimes it comes off as rude and like I don't care what the other person is saying.

(I was also a tad hurt because they're my sibling and they also have adhd and I only do this in front of people who I thought would understand so I'm sad that they don't. But then if they don't then who will.)

TLDR; But it's kinda the opposite, the more I care, the less I wanna zone out so the less likely I am to play the game on my phone. Fidget spinners and pop it's don't work for me it seems, so I wanted to ask what other people do to not zone out in convos?

20:13 UTC


Dealing with weight loss from meds

I am so frustrated right now, Ive been on what feels like everything single med for ADHD and all of them have made me lose weight so much. I hate it I don’t like being so skinny I want to gain weight so bad but I’m never hungry it feels like meds have permanently fucked with my appetite and I don’t know if it will ever be normal again.

1 Comment
20:10 UTC


Do you ever feel frustrated when you hyper-fixate on a media franchise/IP that has a very limited amount of content?

Sometimes I get hyper-fixated on things with a very limited amount of content, and I find myself being disappointed when I realize how little there is. Is it just me?

I know some folks get hyper-fixated on 300 season anime’s and I envy that so much, I wish I could choose what my brain can’t stop thinking about

20:08 UTC


Starting Vyvanse tomorrow

I was on Strattera for 4 months, at 20mg, I couldn’t tell if it was helping my ADHD or not, I felt like it wasn’t doing anything really, only my fidgeting slowed down a bit, but the side effects were bad, I was nauseous every morning, it would make me very tired and sleepy, and made my period irregular.

Today my doctor switched me to Vyvanse, but I’m scared, I’m only starting at 10mg for the first month which I read on Reddit that is nothing.. but I’m so iffy with medications, but I need it for school because I’m about to start a really hard program for 2 years and I can’t keep not paying attention, leaving studying and doing homework to the last minute and pulling an all nighter… I need to get my shit together. Do you guys have any tips for Vyvanse? I don’t want my body to depend on medication, I don’t want to become addicted… Is this something I take everyday or just a few times a week when I need it? I’ll update this post about how I feel midway through the month once I try it.

1 Comment
20:06 UTC


Anxious about ADHD assessment coming to an end

As the investigation into my ADHD comes to its conclusion, I find myself engulfed in a whirlwind of anxiety. Every passing moment feels like an eternity, each tick of the clock echoing my restless thoughts. The weight of uncertainty presses down on my chest, making it hard to breathe as I grapple with the looming verdict.

My therapist has told me one week ago that I meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, and also two weeks ago she told me that most likely this will lead to an ADHD diagnosis. That doesn't stop my anxious thoughts consuming me. I don't know how to feel, but after she told me I meet the diagnostic criteria I have had thoughts like "what if I don't meet them, and I'm just a failure" etc. It's been consuming me. Everyday that goes by I keep thinking about this and I don't know what to do.

The final meeting with my psychologist is on Friday. If I don't receive the diagnosis I feel like it would wreck me. In 3 days, I will know the answer, but that doesn't stop me from feeling immense anxiety and anguish about the final outcome. This process has halted my life.


1 Comment
20:06 UTC


Why is it harder to get into physical books than digital books?

I'm trying to severely reduce my internet consumption. I decided to get around to my backlog of like 300+ books and start reading again.

It's harder then I imagined it'd be.

I can read a 100k+ fanfic in a few days. I regularly binge 10k-30k fics for fun in the span of a hour or less.

Reading one chapter of a book is a chore though. I stop every few pages, need to change my music, need to do something else, put it down constantly, etc. It takes me a month to read a normal sized book. I am flabbergasted by people who can just sit and read a book in a few hours.

I've tried listening to all sorts of music, white noise, or just nothing period when reading. Nothing helps.

20:00 UTC


ADHD x life indoors: Is it agoraphobia, or just avoidance of overstimulation?

I'm interested to know if others here experience a strong sense of reluctance or resistance to leave the house. Even when I really have to go on an errand, or want to go do something outside, I will absolutely procrastinate on it as long as I can, every time.

My former therapist's written report described this as "a predominant behaviour reminiscent of agoraphobic tendencies", or something along those lines, and another has also picked up on it and called it a sign of social anxiety. But honestly, as far as I'm aware of my own consciousness, I do not really feel any fear, though something like maybe ...trepidation? Dread? Acute unwillingness? Inner conflict? I'm not sure I could call it an aversion.

I mean, at the same time, I love exploring nature or even urban environments, going on bike hikes, etc. But I rarely get a good-state kind of day where I feel ready enjoy that.

All I know is that it's somehow extremely hard to push myself out of that door. Being outside means exposure to pretty much unlimited amounts of unexpected multi-channel stimuli, so my newest hypothesis is that this could be an ADHD thing?

Does anybody relate?

1 Comment
19:59 UTC


Switched from Ritalin -> Adderall… Game changer!

I’ve been on Ritalin for about 2 weeks and recently decided to switch from Ritalin to Adderall(dextroamphetamine-amphetamine, 10mg) and OMG. I'm a 20yo male.

I’m only one the 2nd day and my brain feels so calm yet focused. I went to sleep in life 15 minutes when it usually takes me like 30min-1 hour.

I’ve been way more focused on the things that matter and less time on consuming useless content.

Also, I no longer feel the constant urge to make a joke or try to make a hostile comment towards somebody to try to get a reaction from them. I naturally feel more respectful.

I’ve been able to better articulate my wording and my tone when speaking. For the first time, I felt like I conveyed my point (logically and respectfully) across to my dad very well this morning and got a good reaction. 

I feel more optimistic in my abilities. I feel somewhat smarter(might be a placebo effect). I feel more secure in myself and my value as a person instead of feeling like a random human always struggling to do basic tasks. It feels amazing. 

I can’t believe I’ve missed out on this for majority of my childhood. I don’t know what “normal” feels like to people without ADHD but I’m feel like I’m experiencing it now. It’s like all of the good effects of coffee but BETTER and without the bad effects on my anxiety and sleep. 

Ritalin wasn’t bad but the stimulation felt inconsistent and I felt more nauseous and a loss of appetite from it than Adderall. I thought it was a mistake when my psychiatrist switched me to Adderall but wow I’m glad he did. Adderall is meant for me :D

19:58 UTC


Too burned out to even ask for help to pull me out of burnout

Late diagnosed ADHD at 36 - about 5 months ago. I’m a mom and an activist, my child has ADHD, my mom has ADHD, everyone needs my help.

Also I am most likely autistic which sometimes makes communication really hard, leads to energy-draining misunderstandings etc.

I’ve reached a point where I am so buried in tasks, and so burned out, I literally cannot even ask for help.

I seem to have very bad luck lately where I cannot complete even the simplest of tasks without a text, or call, or SOMETHING interrupting me, JUST one step away from completing the task.

And they are always DIFFICULT interruptions that require some kind of thought out answer, time sensitive reply, etc.

Then, I forget whatever it was I was doing before the interruption. The task never gets done.

This is all day every day, just going in circles of wasting energy and accomplishing nothing.

I am desperately treading water, teetering on the edge, just to not go into psychosis honestly. (But let’s face it- I’d never be able to get around to that, either! )

Husband is NT - he’s trying to understand and help, but it’s exhausting to have to constantly explain so much.

I have people who want to help. They have asked me what they can do.

But explaining “what” or “how” I need help is now an additional task that takes away energy and time I need to use on the existing mountain of tasks - thus setting me back even more and more, day after day.

What I need is for someone to just…help me. To just intuit what I need. Just come to my house, look around at literally everything, because it’s ALL filthy, and just DO stuff without talking to me or asking questions.

Don’t really know if I want advice or not. Just screaming into the void and no way out. Thanks for reading if you got this far

1 Comment
19:54 UTC


Is this "normal" ADHD behaviour?

This evening I said to my partner that we would play Sea of Theives after we played Fortnite with our daughter. When Fortnite was over my partner said "we can either play Sea of Theives or Far cry.

In my head I'm now set that she doesnt want to play Sea of Theives because she has brought forward a 2nd option and now I would rather just bite the bullet and play Far Cry as I believe it is her preferred choice.

She then said "oh its fine we can play Sea of Theives if you want" but in my mind that means she is settling for Sea of Theives and I'd rather just solo sloop later than get her to play a game she otherwise wouldn't prefer.

Is this a "normal" ADHD behaviour? I'm 29 years old and I still have ADHD moments like this where I'm not sure if I am just being an idiot or if its part of my ADHD and I'm just wired this way.

19:53 UTC


Is living alone better or worse when you have ADHD?

Another post I saw made me wonder how many ADHD people struggle to share a living space because other people (and their housekeeping habits) are just too distracting.

After I got a roommate, the stress has been unending because they are a constant distraction. Like, I can't stop thinking about them even though they're nice. Part of it could be from growing up with an abusive person I was scared of, but it still makes me wonder if it's just part of the ADHD for some people like me

1 Comment
19:49 UTC


Psychiatrist to pick up from where I am now

My PC has been great, 3 months for renewals. He has been prescribing my meds for the last 5 years with no problems.

I’m confident that I need to increase dosage on one of my meds. Since he isn’t in the Psychiatric field he prefers that I see a psychiatrist for dosage adjustments.

I need to do Telemedicine because there are no psych resources here-2500 population-ZERO. I don’t mind sending blood lab results in advance to establish patient status.

Can anyone recommend or advise on a referral source?

Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
19:42 UTC


How do I quit a phone addiction as someone with adhd.

I've gotten myself into a bit of a rut lately. I've been doom scrolling a lot on tick-tock and YouTube with the rare occasion watching whole videos since I'm pretty hyperfocused on diet and living a healthy lifestyle. I've noticed I don't do much anymore except stay inside with the rare occasions going outside since I've taken a year to have a break and get better in myself. I feel I've wasted it inside and on my phone or TV, and I feel I don't do much of anything except working out, and that's it. I feel I could be doing other stuff, but I don't feel motivated to do it. Like, if I tell myself, Oh, you know what? I'll reduce my time on my phone. It's a lot, then I don't do it. I'm not on medication. I did tell my sister and a few family members about it, and they think I should see my GP about it. I feel like I'm lazy and don't do much with life anymore, granted I'd like to get out more and do something else but I just don't know where to start.

Edit: I forgot to mention this but I find being outside a bit boring like it's not as stimulating as being on my phone or watching TV. I feel like I have to be constantly stimulated or it drives me up the wall.

19:13 UTC


How do you guys cope with your hobbies?

Do you guys struggle to do things you like too? I've always liked movies and tv shows, but i procrastinate even on that. The idea of having to find a movie burns me out real quickly, it's tiring. Well, that is valid for everything in my life, i've been playing the same games for 10 years. Music? I don't look for them, i'm more enjoying those who i listen to by chance.

I am not actively doing anything in my life. It's more like i am appreciating things that come to my bubble. I'm static

Does anyone relate?

19:05 UTC


Just spent 1 hour with my copy book open in front of me...….

And not a single word written. Not even the Date.

I've gotten up, made a coffee, sat back down, starred at the blank page, went outside for 10 secs for some fresh air, sat back down and still nothing.

I hate this, I want to do this but I cant. I haven't even picked up the pen yet, I've just been starring at it telling myself to pick it up yet nothing happens its like my controller died and I cant find any batteries.

How do I fix ME???

1 Comment
18:59 UTC

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