
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome! This is a community meant for a discussion of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and related issues. Active participation is encouraged.

Welcome! This is a community meant for a discussion of Schizophrenia and schizophrenia related issues (including psychotic symptoms in general, Schizoid, Schizotypal, and Paranoid Personality Disorders). Feel free to post, discuss, or just lurk. There is no judgement in this place: we are here for each other. Please refrain from self-diagnosis, diagnosing others, or advising specific medical treatments.

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Official Discord. This channel provides a space for people with schizophrenia to talk about many things. It is not integrated in the discussions here and it's rules are tailored to the discord experience. Be aware that material here may contain political views, religious views, and some material not safe for work.

Want to spread understanding and awareness? Consider #TheRealSchizophrenia.


Nobody is judged here for having symptoms of schizophrenia, so please do not feel embarrassed or afraid to post: being able to interact with others while one is having a tough time is very important.

However, the following rules will be enforced strictly:

  1. Do not use hate speech or attack others.

  2. Do not encourage suicide, self harm, or illegal or harmful activity.

  3. Do not encourage delusions. This includes reinforcing shared delusions.

  4. Do not contraindicate prescribed medical treatments. This includes advice to cease medication on one's own or to take drugs without a prescription.

  5. Do not perpetuate stigma. This includes any grossly misleading or offensive statements about people with schizophrenia.

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the universe

Altenaitve therapy to one of the most common themes of hallucinations, science.

here is my most recent attempt to explain the universe. First off the aether. I believe in the aether because of Femto camera experiment that proves it. The aether is analogous to a sheet of graph paper. All phenomena and everything that exists can be represented on this grid. The grid of the local universe is stable presumably from gravity fields of distant super nuclei that keep the grid at a constant. The graph represents temperature, where smaller grid pattern is hotter, and wider grid pattern is cold. The balloon atom has a magnetic field that comes from its core, no electron, everything can be represented by the temperature grid of the aether. In the core of the earth the balloon atoms are side by side and dense to the point that there radiating properties convert to insulation properties. So gravity is an effect of the core having 100% insulation until it reaches a temperature where it starts to radiate as a whole, then regains its insulation properties etc.. This puts a wave in the field. When the earth's gravity field passes through the aether's, it's the same effect as an energy wave passing by the earth, and heat is produced in the core from movement through the universe alone. The core acting as one also spins the whole planet as partial radiation of the heat of movement and the sun's heat. When heat passes around the balloon atom, it retracts the magnetic/gravity field back into the core of the balloon atom, but because heat is in wave form, a temperature gradients is created and the balloon atom finds equilibrium with the wave by spinning into and out of its way. Spin is essential to creating the magnetic field impression on the gravity field. North and south are universal because of the attraction of likewise spin say in molecular chains, vs counter wise spin which would cause a repulsion. The balloon shape to the atom comes from the core of the nuclei, which are like tiny planets, attract toward a new center during fusion, change shape and surface area pressure, and release heat. Fusion is like welding where as gravity and magnetic bonds in molecule's are much weaker.

21:30 UTC


For the unmedicated, how do you deal with psychosis?


21:25 UTC


What really grinds my gears...

I had a challenging but promising future when I was a teenager. It looked like I could escape poverty and make a name. I just needed to work hard.

And then one day fear ran through me and I was never alone again.

What really gets me down isn't so much the struggle of life with this illness but all the things it robbed me of. All those opportunities passed me by and while others get a, "you can do it if you work hard", I get a silent understanding that stress will break me

I tried medication. I'm on antidepressants and things but no antipsychotics. I'm only now getting to a place where I can manage diabetes without medication and have been losing 1-2 lbs a month. My function with meds improved but my body took the trade

However with or without meds, I know that I can't do things like other people. I can't work a job, I can't really get married (financially complicated), I'm probably not going to produce art like I used to. My motivation to simply shower some days is practically non existent

I feel doomed to live a life where I feel like I'm in a lower caste society, less than human, treated as children or demented and misunderstood

I don't have the batteries for this. I find myself wanting to lay down a lot. I know it's the depression.

I'm clinging onto the hope that a brighter happier day will come along and I won't feel so useless

21:11 UTC


Is mild schizophrenia at thing?


I've struggled most of my life wondering what is wrong with me.

Always struggled with normal functioning 'hours' always been a 'night owl' person. Sleepwalking a lot and sleep talking as a kid.

18- I started having parasomnia 'hallucinations' of spidera crawling for my face or webs that I could move my hand through when am waking up. After a few minutes they'd disappear...

24-25 I seemed to have a psycosis episode I thought due to being sexually assaulted and because I was finally diagnosed with ADHD and put on a stimulant medication. 50 mg of Vyvanse.

Over a 8 month period it was like mania, I became delusional feeling like I knew the 'truth' became hypersexual and started doing dangerous and ridiculous things. Went through 3 jobs and from 3 sexual partners to like 18. Then it 'ended' though I do not know when it switched. I moved from where I was and at some point I looked back and was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!' and it was clear I was suffering from grandiose delusions.

I have ADHD like problems and weird mood swings that never seemed to fit any cycle. Motivation issues, times when I would become extremely withdrawn and have difficulty communicating and feeling extremely irritable or 'blank' and apathetic. I tried to find something that made sense to help. ADHD stuck, but bipolar/pmdd? These things offered potential solutions that never resolved. I get bouts of irrational paranoia about things like if I'm staying home alone I tend to blockade myself in my room.

I have frequent hypnogogic dreams where I see shadows and half waking trance speak to them during the night. I feel sometimes like I say and do odd things which seem normal at the time but not normal in hindsight or have weird bouts of hypomania where I'm really 'sure' of things which I do not trust...

I have other random minor bouts of paranoia about things going missing.

I'm now early 30's two young children and a husband. Recently I have had two instances of 'audiotory hallucinations' that have been very minor (both instances my husband speaking to me just repeating my name sounding as clear as day like he was trying to get my attention, only he wasn't speaking to me and doing something else somewhere else in the room). I told him about this during one and the 'voice' kept repeating for a time over his speaking to me and eventually stopped. Even that doesn't strike me as a schizophrenia type hallucintion but I don't know.

I tend to either get top much sleep and feel almost hung over mentally and I find I have a very hard time orienting myself day to day functioning... Ever since my mania episode I have been afraid of it happening again and ruining the life I've built, and I've warned my husband to be aware of certain things to have me hospitalized if need be.

20:43 UTC


New member, partly diagnosed

Hi! I thought I'd introduce myself after some posting. I kinda joined yesterday or of the sort and I have been having "non-organic psychosis" for a while as a diagnose. I don't like to call it schizophrenia but it's in the same spectrum to be honest. I haven't talked to a psychologist to get a diagnosis (over here the psychologist are the ones that sets it in printing).

I'm a female, soon to be 37, is having mild to no symptoms daily. But I know I'm not completely back to normal but like 99% recovered for sure. I do get fatigue faster since I got these symptoms even with medication but being able to function for 10h before I need to crash in bed is still considered a huge win for me. Especially considering where I came from mentally.

Prior schizophrenic episodes I was a project manger in IT, I had a career and was well liked. Then the mental issues started to pile up. Fast forward I had crashed my old life and now living a new life. Just started studying to become a nurse and is working part time as caretaker for seniors.

Hopefully I get to know all of you. Although I did notice I can become triggered by seeing drawings and reading certain stories but I'll try to avoid those posts.

1 Comment
20:12 UTC


Diagnosed BPD & BD.. How far is schiz?

23F, Finally came to realization about my manic episodes and Rage and starting to learn more. Typical life of party when people are around(mirroring )but I rather be alone and I’ve been looking into isolation and how it causes Psychosis.. Any tips or advice. Motivation and kind words are welcomed. I’ve been wondering wtf was wrong with me for years?

1 Comment
19:53 UTC


Anyone have experience with risperdone?

I know this medication stops the distribution of dopamine but man, I’ve been so depressed/angry. 😔 they put me on it mainly for my mania because that’s what typically happens with me. Sometimes I have small symptoms of paranoid thoughts, delusions etc but not too often. I feel better OFF this medication. Do I need to try something new?

19:51 UTC


Does medication help delusions?

I’m undiagnosed and just kind of waiting for my psych eval at the end of February. But I struggle with daily delusions like there are cameras watching me and just always feeling like someone is behind me watching. I also struggle a lot of thinking bugs are in my food and I’m just worried that if I do get a diagnosis and get put on meds for my delusions and stuff that it won’t help. I’ve been put on many medications that help with things like migraines/depression/adhd and stuff like that but after a while they just don’t do anything. So I guess I’m just hesitant that if I do get put on medications for my delusions and stuff that they won’t work or things won’t get better and I’ll just keep living everyday feeling like I’m being watch and someone is out to get me.

So I guess my question is just like…do the medications help with those delusions for anyone who experiences those ones? Like do they make them not as frequent or feel not as intense?

19:41 UTC


Did anyone have trouble making conversations and overcame it?

I am struggling with this right now. Like I have nothing to say during conversations

19:16 UTC


Online Friend

I have become convinced that an online friend, whom I have not met in person, is AI. He is very repetitive in his speech. I tried out one of the META AI chats out of curiosity and it was eerily similar to this "friend".

Could it be scanning and mimicking our chats? Or perhaps it is possible this person I've been talking to is actually a bot?

18:33 UTC


interactions with people - are they more honest and truthful than other people.

I find that schizophrenics are very honest, truthful and more empathic in conversation.

compared to most people who are obsessed with trying to make a point, look clever or impress people

18:12 UTC


Mood Swings

So do you yall like the mood swings goes like a roller coster

So mine is like there's this one time i was crying because of stress but then in and instance my face turn into the "flat effect" and it just when away like nothing happens and it other cases i was happy as ever but because of one word my mood change and i could happy but in an instant my face just turn dull

18:08 UTC


Struggling to work

I feel like an absolute POS. I haven’t worked in a month. I’ve been using PTO. Thankfully I still have my job. I worry of being fired. I’m trying to finish the day out and I’m thinking I’ll call off. I can’t handle this

17:22 UTC


Schizophrenia 🙌🌈

Schizophrenia is by far the most strange “disorder”. Unmedicated. I’ve completely mastered being fully observant of this whole thing and it’s just like why is this still happening? I’ve analyzed every single part of all of my hallucinations and “psychoticness” delusions etc. and have became a complete observer of it all and it’s still there. It’s just all absurd. I don’t believe in any of my delusions or hallucinations besides maybe for a split second but it’s always still there after that split second has past. Like okay whatever i have a feeling someone is standing outside of my door saying random shit that half of the time correlates with my thoughts, but I know that feeling isn’t real and that no one is actually there. Or that i know no one is inside of my head or telepathically communicating with me but I still have that sense and those implanted thoughts of someone else coming through. And why are there just random screams popping up here and there? I know it’s not real and no one is actually screaming but it just happens. Same with seeing patterns, faces etc. in random things especially seeing weird shit when i close my eyes or looking at something black for too long. It’s just annoying and pointless when there’s no true belief and complete observation. Complete peculiarity and strangeness with absurdness. I only enjoy how people morph into different figures in the corner of my eyes. Im also autistic.

1 Comment
17:02 UTC


Today I lost my voices. End of psycho episode?

So, today I went to extrasense with my parents and I lost my voices.

I had these voices since 21st of October and now I find it weird not having those voices with me.

I don't know what to do now. The thing is that I don't really remember what it was like not having voices and now I'm worried. I do wish having them back. I really hope I didn't cause trouble to the woman we went to.

16:56 UTC


No support system

I have no real support system. I don’t even know about therapy. I can’t find a therapist near me specializing in these issues. It’s a terrible feeling.

16:56 UTC


Is the feeling of awfuleness forever?

Ever since my psychosis I've just felt awful and it's been some time now and I do not know if I will ever feel good or atleast comfortable again. Sorry I just needed to vent this, hope you guys are holding up.

16:36 UTC



I’m new here. I don’t have an official diagnosis but I’m waiting for a psych eval at the end of February. My therapist thinks I’m likely to have schizophrenia or a delusional disorder because I deal with daily delusions and hallucinations for the past like five years or so and I have a small family history of schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder.

1 Comment
16:28 UTC


Is remission possible with schizoaffective disorder?

I feel like I will never go into remission because I’m schizoaffective.. to be honest I’m losing hope. Every time I think I’m getting better bipolar or schizophrenia symptoms come back worse than before. I’m medicated, I go to therapy, monthly psychiatrist appointments. What can I do to go into remission? My therapist told me that I can only do it with medication but even that doesn’t make it happen. Any advice? How was it for you?

16:20 UTC


I’m new here

I was officially diagnosed and given some meds a month ago but I’ve been hearing and seeing things for over 2 years now. The voices I hear have eased up but they still like getting their say in. I’ll keep it vague cause I’m not entirely sure how things work here yet. That’s the bare bones of it and I hope everyone here stays safe.

1 Comment
16:19 UTC


Is this normal?

Is it normal to get "implanted thoughts" that I feel like are not my own that tell me to do things? Or implanted thoughts that I think come from a God or higher being, that only I can "hear" because I'm sent by this God Himself? I mean, I once saw a person made of mist running at me and then disappearing. But I don't think I'm schizophrenic. I was never diagnosed. I told my therapist that I did things because "this God planted thoughts in my head telling me to do them", and she told me she had a "theory" but that she is a psychotherapist and not a psychiatrist or psychologist so she can't diagnose me with anything. I think I just made her think I'm a schizophrenic by telling her that. I drew a few amateur drawings of what I experienced, like faces and "voices" which symbolize the thoughts telling me to do things, like shout at people, and a shield of faces around my head repelling fun things from my mind, causing an inability to feel enjoyment or entertainment, which is something I feel quite often. What is this? Is it normal, or am I just kinda tweaking? I don't want to claim to have or think I have a mental illness without a proper, professional diagnosis.

15:49 UTC


Almost 13 year old hearing voices

My son will be 13 in a couple of weeks, and disclosed to me he’s been hearing voices. We talked it through a bit, but he told me as he was falling asleep, and he had school this morning so the talks were brief/sleepy as I didn’t want to overwhelm him too much. He said the voices are not mean, at times they argue with each other but nothing mean towards him. He struggled to remember specific things, but said it’s stuff like “Give me my Apple!” He said it’s usually random stuff like them talking about their day. Other than that he said he will hear random songs. He said he heard a song from Moana recently. I told him I’m so glad he shared this with me, and asked him what caused him to do so now, he said because it’s gotten worse-more distracting with school work and sleep. I did a bit of reading and therefore reassured him it’s actually very common, and we will look into things.

I am honestly concerned for my baby and am open to any advice, information or experiences. Is it always schizophrenia? My brother has schizophrenia, but only after a lot of drug use. I am going to call his doctor but I don’t want him to just immediately prescribe my son medication, or frighten my son without truly looking into the cause. He does have a history of migraines… which I’ve read can cause auditory hallucinations?

I’m wondering if it’s a coping mechanism, as I feel my son does bottle up a lot of his feelings. I’m a single mom, we went through a lot with a break up recently, and I try so hard to encourage my son to know it’s alright to not be okay, but have worried he bottles up his feelings not wanting to “add more to my plate” or “stress me out.” I’ve noticed this as he’s gotten older. Which is absolutely not how I feel. I want to support him, I want him to be able to be a kid. Thank you for listening!

15:02 UTC


Is it possible to have both schizophrenia and schizoid personnality disorder?

So I saw a psychiatrist and she told me they can't diagnose both schizophrenia and szpd. Indeed, she told symptoms of szpd were mild symptoms of schizophrenia. What do you think about that? I saw a video of Tracey Marks where she says szpd can co occur with schizophrenia thats why I am mixed

14:53 UTC


aripiprazole and escitalopram combo?

Im starting finally antipsychotic, aripiprazole and i have escitalopram 20mg, i have OCD (bad symptoms) and psychotic symptoms/schizotypal, so i heard aripiprazole would help for psychotic symptoms and OCD. Do u anyone have experience about that med combo or does that new med aripiprazole w escitalopram help also OCD?

13:27 UTC


Olfactory hallucinations???

Everything smells fishy and rotten. Does anyone relate ? I feel like most ppl think of visual or auditory hallucinations (which I still experience), but the smells are surprisingly (almost) just as unpleasant

13:24 UTC


Voices Talking

Do your voices ever say that they're going to torture you? This is a safe space so you can like or leave a comment if so. Please do. I feel like I'm going crazy.

12:40 UTC


Least Sedating Meds?

What are the least sedating meds in your opinion? I'm currently on Abilify, and I can't take Invega.

12:15 UTC

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