
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is intended for people to talk about ways they have been able to cope with life's stressors, people to request ways to cope, and lists of tools, exercises, and interventions to help cope. Coping skills, techniques, and strategies.

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This is a sub dedicated to helping people cope with life's difficulties. Sometimes shit gets thrown at you and you find yourself frozen and not able to dodge it. Hopefully this sub can provide the shit-dodging tools necessary for you to maintain good mental health. Feel free to post any coping techniques that you have found to work for you. If you need help coping, feel free to ask for help.

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Mental help

I feel overwhelmed and can't do anything about that it's already 2 weeks I can't sleep well ,eat and study. Today I had a exam (I passed it well 3/4) I came home at 12pm and I haven't done anything but laing till now (18:09) I don't know how to cope with this. I overthink about past actions about the war, current political hard situation, my friends suicide I can't get over this. And every time when everything goes a little bit better something happens that makes me feel even worse. Please If you know how to cope with this help me go through ths.

1 Comment
14:13 UTC


help me find better strategies when i’m in my ptsd episode

tw: sexual assault

i’m really struggling , therapy isn’t helping. i’ve been clinically diagnosed with PTSD that are tied to different instances of me being sexually assaulted. i am struggling to find my normal and the last time this happened to me was a year ago. i recently had to get a pelvic exam and ultrasound due to what i think might be endo.

i am beyond broken

i need to find ways to help me cope and feel better because i can’t keep doing this. i’m losing it

1 Comment
07:08 UTC


Thoughts on metaphor meaning.

1 Comment
05:46 UTC


Best Friend Advice? :-(

Back story

I (23F) met my best friend (24F) in 2019. We immediately were like sisters and we did everything together. We had boys the same age and they were best friends too.

She got a boyfriend in December of 2022. She told me he didn't like me because she told him that we made out on my 21st birthday (I was obliterated)

We started hanging out less. When we did, it couldn't be at our houses. One time we took our kids to the park and he was blowing her up the entire time. Asking why her location wasn't on. We then went to get ice cream and he was at home crying.

I obviously confronted her multiple times and she reassured me. In December of 2022, we were planning on meeting up to exchange Christmas presents. Then one day, she fell off the face of the planet. Blocked me on everything.

Her son's birthday is in May. So May of 2023, I texted her wishing him a happy birthday and that I missed and loved them. She responded thanking me, and at the end said she loves me too. It gave me a lot of hope that maybe we can rekindle our friendship. I was wrong. That was the last time I've heard from her.

I don't know why but I am so hurt. I'm grieving someone who isn't dead. I hope that she will come back in my life. I know I probably seem like a pushover. I'd drop whatever I was doing if she called me right now. I have friends now, and I love and care about them. But, I can never feel that level of friendship like I did with her.

They're engaged, set to get married in September. I feel like it all moved so fast in their relationship, but it's not my business.

Is it possible that she will ever come back in my life? I hate seeming desperate and clingy. I KNOW that if someone blocks you, they don't want to talk to you. But this just feels different. I've been to therapy, and she told me to write her a letter and burn it. Didn't help. Lol

1 Comment
21:58 UTC


Place where you can vent out your feelings

Vent Anonymously Here

Use this if you want to vent your feelings and you feel like you have no one to talk to. Remember to please be respectful.

Also if you're going through something, please don't give up!!

1 Comment
17:32 UTC


Struggling with a family member that has an alcohol problem

1 Comment
14:10 UTC


I am so lost.

They took my dads car, I mean were homeless, 3 adults in a hotel. Car repossessed, the car value less than 20k that I know. It was a Chevy Spark. I lost my cat last week had to put him down, and we have been homeless for well over 8 months closing in on a year for my Dad and Uncle. I turned 20 in January I am nearly 3k in debt, and I have nothing left, we've been in this hotel for months trying to get on track and living in the car when we needed to but now we don't have the backup at all.

1 Comment
12:41 UTC


help?????? the name app is SILCOO, pls help

1 Comment
08:33 UTC


Dealing with an alcoholic

1 Comment
04:34 UTC


What to do lolz

I currently flunked a test, well, I just didn’t like how the score turned out and felt disappointed, so because of that I feel guilty and do not have the energy to eat food. I legit threw up everything I ate since it feels like I don’t deserve to eat anything.

14:14 UTC


My best friends girlfriend kissed me. I feel horrendously guilty. What do I do? Will she ever forgive me?

I am being eaten away by guilt and this is really affecting my mental health so I just need some advice on how to get over this or what I should do/ if I should really feel so guilty! Also apologies if this ends up being a really big rant!

So, me, 3 of my friends and one of their girlfriends went on a night out. I will use fake names just for privacy sake. My 3 friends are called Claire, Nicole and Haley. Haley's girlfriend is called Jess.

Pretty late in the night we are all at this club. I am very very drunk at this point and I'm pretty sure everybody else was. I kept blacking out and only really have very little recollection of the time in this club. Nicole was feeling sick and tired at this point so she sat down in a booth. Haley has gone to the bar. Me, Claire and Jess are dancing together. Claire then went and sat down with Nicole in the booth as she said she felt as though Jess was pushing her aside and trying to dance with just me. Jess then kissed me. As I was incredibly drunk and blacking out I didn't really have much awareness of the situation to be honest. I just thought it was a silly drunken friendly kiss so I kissed back at first. I don't remember much more. I just remember thinking this has gone on too long and then pulling away and saying no Haley is over there. I then laughed, as did Jess, and we ran over to the bar to Haley. I immediately forgot about the whole thing.

The next morning, Claire and Nicole asked me if I remembered kissing Jess. I initially said no as I didn't have very much recollection of the whole night but then bits of the situation gradually came back to me. I messaged Haley explaining that I vaguely remember kissing Jess but it was only a silly drunken friendly kiss nothing more. She said this is fine it was just a joke don't worry about it. Claire and Nicole then messaged Haley insisting that this didn't look like a friendly kiss to them, as we were apparently snogging for 'quite a long time'. This has obviously caused Haley to become suspicious of the situation and she now seems to think there is potential Jess was 'cheating' on her with me.

I keep explaining that whatever Jess' intentions were, I absolutely did not kiss her first and I was the one who pulled away and said no. My intentions were not romantic and I 100% believed this to be a silly drunken friendly thing. I do not go around romantically kissing anyone to be honest, nevermind my friends' partners. I have apologised that maybe it went on too long, but this would only be because I was incredibly drunk and didn't really know what was going on. I am assuming this is why it looked like a 'snog' to Nicole and Claire.

I am being absolutely destroyed and eaten up inside by the guilt of this and it's all I can think about. I hate that this has happened and that it has been made out to be this big thing when I really don't think it was at all. It definitely wasn't from my perspective either, and I highly doubt it was anything more than a silly joke to Jess too. Haley and Jess are now arguing as Haley feels as though she has been cheated on and that we 'got off' with each other. I am so uncomfortable knowing that I am involved in this argument and I feel like a horrendously horrible person and that everyone now hates me and thinks I will go around kissing peoples partners.

Should I feel guilty for this? Have I done something terribly wrong? How do I move on and make my friend see that I did not romantically kiss her girlfriend and would never ever intend to hurt her like this? I really don't know what to do or how to move forward. I don't think I particularly did anything wrong but I'm still torturing myself because of it.

1 Comment
10:11 UTC


Embarrassed from father’s actions

So basically I’m in a very hard family situation. I am from a small city, where I grew up with mom and father. As long as I can remember my father has always been a very shitty father and last ten years he started to drink very heavily. My mom got divorced but they stayed in the same house. As I grew up I moved out to bigger city, where I have a good job, girlfriend and apartment but they stayed and lived together in the same house although he is a drunk, unemployed etc. during these years we called multiple times to police because his drinking got out of hand and he got aggressive. he is acting basically like a homeless man, wondering around the city drunk, asking for money, sometimes getting aggressive to strangers, doing humiliating things in the city and recently I found his TikTok account where he puts different kinds of humiliating drunk videos that has gotten several thousands of views and followers and some people from my small city even films him drunk and posts online. My main concern that I can’t get over is that I still have friends in my hometown and I’m really embarrassed of my father, his actions and my surname and I don’t know how to cope with this… Recently we went to the court and got restraining and he had to move out from home and now I don’t even know where he stays, if he is actually homeless but I really don’t care we just had to deal with this situation. How can I cope with this situation knowing that he is humiliating himself and my family in my hometown? I am scared and embarrassed if my friends from my old city that I still keep in touch finds and sees him. I am even embarrassed to talk with my girlfriend all about this situation.

1 Comment
03:45 UTC


Could someone tell me where this is "Promoting Piracy"?

1 Comment
18:42 UTC


My brother almost stabbed me today

I'm going to try to keep this as concise as possible. Me(20M) got nearly stabbed by my older brother (24M) today. He's been a lowlife and a burden on my parents his entire adult life. We're a decent family. I absolutely love all my family members but he's always been a burden on all of us. He failed in high school. Took baad college choices and now has nothing to do. To top all of this off he's got a good amount of debt and my dad is working hard to pay off his debt for him. My dad has started incorporating him into our family buisness recently. When he's asked to be responsible he jokes around and says stuff like I'm older and I get all the inheritance. Stuff along those lines. I'm on the other hand working hard for my career. I haven't taken a dime from my parents since I turned 16 and they love me and praise me alot for this. Cut forward to today. He got back home and started being ungrateful about how he's not being given enough money for his "expenses" as he's working in dad's buisness now. I tell him that he's clearing off your debt and that's the reason. He starts acting annoying and says things about dad which make my blood boil. In a split second of anger I throw my shoe at him and tell him to apologise for what he said. He rushed out of the room. I thought he'd get a slipper or something to hit me back. Instead he came back with a kitchen knife and swinged it around me a couple of times asking me to apologise. He cut me on my finger. Our grandmother intevrened and calmed him down. I lost my shit and was extremely pissed off and told him right then and there we're never gonna speak again. Now he tried to make conversation since then and I'm not having it. Please tell me honestly AITA?

18:29 UTC


TW: what if i made someone feel su*cidal and attempt?

I am 18 years old (F). I am struggling with Real event ocd. Today I remembered how bad person that i was when i was in highschool. There was this girl who I will call B .I used to talk but things got complicated and a situation happened (I'm still not sure of what happened) so I kind of told our other classmates what she was saying. There was this particular girl which I will call her C. C used to really bother me, she would act really mean. I would talk about C with B. Then after some time C and I've become friends and I really loved her. However B still talked behind her back but I didnt participate in it since C was my friend now, I told B that I didnt think that way etc. Then one day I learned that B told someone what I've been saying behind their back. Im still not sure about this event because B says she didnt say much but there is not much possibility of the other person knowing it without B telling them. So I got mad because it caused me some problems, I told about some of our classmates what she was saying about them. I didnt know that C was going to talk to her about it but she did that. My close friend kind of git into an argument with B. Everything become really complicated and in the end B changed her class. this all happened 2 and half years agom Today when I remembered all that I feel really bad and guilty. B and I used to talk about our mental health also, I was in really fucked up head space, I was self harming. I was attempting suicide, I was really suicidal. B also said couple of times that she wantd to die. Now that I'm thinking about all thede stuff I know I broke her heart and hurtedbher really much. But what bothers me most is what if I wanted her feel more suicidal? What if she wanted to kill herslef because of me? What if she attempted something like that? She came to school the day after when this event hallened but that still doesnt mean maybe she didnt attempt something. I honestly cant live myself with this. This whole situation is really messed up. I am really a horrible person. i feel so guilty about all that. i honestly dont know how to continue my life with that.

1 Comment
13:35 UTC



1 Comment
11:54 UTC


advice for coping with effects of accidentally going cold turkey on meds? (NB: not looking for medical advice, just general support and tips)

pretty self explanatory. i'm a dumbass and i forgot to pick up my prescription for my meds - i have to wait until tonight or tomorrow night to finally take them again.
for context (without getting too specific bc i know that isn't appropriate for this sub) i'm supposed to take one SSRI and one antipsychotic nightly. this is day 2 unmedicated, and last night was the worst sleep i've had in years - i kept waking up from insane, frightening, exhausting dreams and only got 3 hours sleep. this isn't the first time i've been forced to go cold turkey in between prescriptions, but i'm worried it'll be the longest i'm without meds and since i switched prescriptions a bit ago, i'm not too sure how I'll react this time around.
i have to be on campus all week, and a friend's dinner this evening. currently i'm struggling with nausea mostly, which is less than ideal as a severe emetophobe. the nausea (and the potential that i might puke on campus) is just making me much more anxious.
the only advice i can find online about sudden SSRI/antipsychotic withdrawal is not to do it 💀 there's very little advice on how to actually cope with when it does happen
ik i need to get better at picking up my meds regularly - even though adhd makes it really hard, picking up my meds at the same time every month is something i really need to prioritise. i have a lot of shame surrounding telling people when this happens, so none of my family or friends know right now.
i'd be super grateful for any practical advice to help tie me over until then - in terms of coping with nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety or any other potential side effects
hope everybody's having a great day <3

1 Comment
08:28 UTC


Help me, I want to kill myself.

I want to die, can anyone help me? I'm confused, I'm 22 years old, and I still don't know what I want to do, what to pursue, all motivation is gone. It gnaws at me every day, causing insomnia, and every night I ponder over my aimless life, and the only thing that comes to mind is to end it all. But I don't want to end my life like that. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to see a psychologist, so I've come online for help. I also can't talk about this with my loved ones because I'm a man, and no one expects weakness from me. If I say I'm depressed, everyone will just think I'm weak, but I'm not like that. I just don't have a goal, and I don't know how to find it. Reddit, I know you're a great force, please help me.

02:23 UTC


I get very scared/nervous of death and nosebleeds

Title, especially at night but even sometimes during the day

1 Comment
00:35 UTC


I don't know what is happening to my boyfriend

These past few days my boyfriend has been changing in a bad way and it's making me feel depressed... So my boyfriend of 9 months I have been together with him, we had no problem what so ever but my boyfriend said like 3 days ago that his uncle was dying and that I tried to be there for him and like 2 days ago, he was starting to feel upset at me and I was trying to be understandable that he would be like that but today and yesterday, he was starting to call me all kind of bad names that you wouldn't of imagining called your girlfriend.. It was starting to get to me and he knows that I hate the most is that :( I'm not sure what to do at all.. Please help me.

00:17 UTC


how do i make myself feel like i have purpose

reposting from another subreddit, cuz im kinda desperate lol

im 15 (high school sophomore) rn and dont really do anything. i get good grades in good classes and stuff but im not in any clubs at all any no clubs really interest me. at school, at least within my classes, im very extroverted and stuff and have a good group of friends i talk to at lunch and stuff. but when i get home i really just do nothing and feel empty constantly. i do nothing, i talk and hang out with no friends outside of school besides occassional texting (during which i realize i can often seem almost needy), and have no boyfriend or girlfriend. it feels like my life is already over-- i know how stupid that sounds because i know im 15 and people turn their life around when they are like 40 but i cant stop feeling like that for some reason. it feels like im wasting my high school years when i should be out making real good friends, partying, having sex, adventuring, discovering myself, living. but all i do is mope around most of the time and feel empty. i think this is really hitting hard rn cuz spring break just started and im pretty much doing jackshit.

its this constant emptiness feeling thats just always there. its not like i dont feel joy or anything i do feel joy and stuff a lot, like when im with my friends at school, or watching a show i like, but theres always that emptiness there. theres been times where im like bumping up and down down the street feeling like im on top of the world, and times where ive been legitimately on the verge of drowning myself in the same day, but the one constant in all of those moments is just that emptiness thats looming in the background

theres no one i feel i can safely open up to (hence this post), not even my family, and its not like my family is bad, my family is great and accepting of everything and even asks me sometimes if i wanna talk because ive been quiet lately but for some reason im always too scared too. maybe its cuz im autistic that its just so hard for me to open up, but it feels cheap blaming my autism for everything and using it as an excuse.

im also a trans girl and have known that for over half a year now but havent fully come out to anyone except people online and my therapist. ive told my parents and sister that i've had thoughts about it, but the way i worded it was very vague and as if it might just be a passing thought and thats it and the only reason i really told them is because i wanted to get a therapist. my parents and sister are all very accepting yet i still find it so hard to really come out officially and talk about it and i dont know why im just too scared.

all of this on top of each other has just kind of made me feel hopeless a lot these past few months to the point where multiple times ive seriously been thinking about just ending it all (i take antidepressants already but still feel like this, im probably gonna look to up the dosage). and i dont want to feel suicidal like that, obviously, i want to be happy and go out and do what i wanna do but i can never find the motivation to do it. i have vague aspirations in film and ive had ideas regarding that over the past few years of what i wanna create and do, but i never get up to doing any of it. sure im 15 now so not doing anything isn't that big of a deal, but what about in just a few years when i gotta go to college and get a career in film, what am i gonna have to show off for it? nothing. so i want to do something... yet even though that want is there, theres never any real motivation and i just end up sitting on my butt all day. i wouldnt be as upset with that if i was hanging out with a friends or a romantic parter instead, but i ain't doing that either. i know this is all so scattered but how do i get the motivation to do any of these things, even one? i know i kinda said my whole life story in this post and a lot of stuff that isnt needed for context but i just kinda ended up rambling about like most of my problems, sorry.

1 Comment
23:37 UTC


Anonymous posts

Is there any place I can post artwork FULLY anonymously. I have a lot I want to say ...but I don't want my friends or family to ever see it. Mostly bc it'll be works about my struggles and depression..and some of it would be about them. Please if you guys know a place I can post safely...ty

1 Comment
14:29 UTC


Hey guys I need your help!

1 Comment
13:16 UTC


How to improve communication

I work part time at a cafe owned by a friend’s friend. I dont work everyday as i have sch (grad in may), and i have other commitments. To further build my experience and portfolio, i help the cafe do up some ig stories and posts. Thing is, she (owner) doesnt use some of them (essentially means i cant add them to my portfolio) and i dont know why. Recently told her i wanted to quit service and do social media instead. She said ok and will pay accordingly to the type of videos i send her. We didnt further discuss that.

I recently sent her a short video, told me abt revisions, so i sent her again. Been 2 weeks and she hasn’t posted it yet. But instead i saw a new ig reel being posted today. I did not make that video and i was not at work. So it seems like she will post what she likes, which dont seem fair to me, i get that she herself is busy but could as least tell me why.

As mentioned above, i dont have the time to work everyday, if i have the time to go down to the cafe and take videos during my off days, it might as well not be an off day. Sometimes i feel like this is just an excuse i make and that im not working hard enough. Since this is not the first time, I am lowkey starting to doubt myself. I could just be overthinking too. Shes generally a nice person, we have a small age gap, share some common interests at well. Plus i dont want to do or say anything that may ruin the friendship betwween her and my friend 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thats not all, sometimes when she compliments my work, i feel happy….relieved.. accepted. As though im seeking her approval 🫠 i get anxious when i send her my work and she replies hours later. Im trying so so hard not to feel like this. I feel so lost, especially since i need to find a full time job very soon so i really want to add stuff to my portfolio. Granted, yes i easily couldve asked her about all these (maybe i will when i have the courage😭😭) Communication skills is not my specialty and i have to improve, am just getting started on healing myself!

thanks for reading till the enddd. If u have suggestions on how i can overcome this, do lmk 🫶🏻

1 Comment
12:52 UTC


If anything bad happens to a character I like, I immediately feel awful for ages and my enjoyment of the book or show is completely ruined…

For a while now my enjoyment of most TV shows, books and movies has diminished due to me getting really attached to one or two characters and if anything bad happens to them that irks me off too much, then any joy I had for that series starts to leave me. I feel quite upset, and often end up abandoning said series before even being able to finish it even though the rest of the show is absolutely great. What’s even worse is that even if the character that is hurt gets better it still looms over me and I feel like there’s nothing I can do about it. How can I overcome this to enjoy the things that I love without fear of this happening again and again?

(Also if you’re curious about what sparked this again recently was with Lena from Ducktales 2017 when >!she had her physical form taken away by Magica!<)

1 Comment
01:59 UTC


I don't know what to do.

I have a problem with feeling inadequate, and someone has been helping me for a little over a year. But today I was talking to them about somthing they've been helping me with for the same amount of time, and told them that a post they had made yesterday asking for tips on how to make me feel better didn't have anything that would help me. So they got upset with me and went on this rant about how what they were doing didn't matter, that I was lying when I said they did help me a little. Now he doesn't want to help me anymore because he thinks it does nothing and he's the only one I trust to do it, what do I do?

1 Comment
20:13 UTC


Are there any options out there for my grandpa?

I (16 F) live with my dad, sister, and grandpa. \We are low income, and a year ago (Oct 2022) my grandpa came to live with us. I didn't know him very well, and he never tried to get to know me so it was a very uncomfortable living situation (and still is). He lives in our living room, his bed and closet being in full display when you walk to the kitchen/bathroom. It's extremely uncomfortable and he has no privacy. He stays at home all day and smokes weed constantly. When he first moved in with us, he kept having accidents and my dad had to clean up after him. He has multiple health issues and he still drives, even though he has been in multiple accidents. We have tried to get him into a home, but they will take all of his assets and he doesn't want to live in one.

Are there any other options? Im trying to be polite but living with a 72 year old man who I barely know is exhausting. My dad and sister are in agreement with me but its like there's nothing we can do. We're stuck with this leech who really needs more help and care than we can provide him, and I certainly am not helping the situation with my barely concealed resentment.

19:21 UTC

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