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  1. A free area for the discussion of issues facing those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all other sexual or nonsexual orientations and/or gender identities. Post links to articles, self-posts, photographs, experiences and whatever else is important to your experience of queer life. We encourage you to treat others with respect, start and/or engage in robust discussion and interact with the community. The more we know each other, the better we'll get along.

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    Is it just me realizing i am actually gay? Need Advice..

    Hi, I'm a 25-year-old M and since many years I am very insecure and curious about my sexual orientation.

    It all started at the age of 13 when I began to have experiences with boys (I had already kissed girls back then, which I liked). But intimacy with a boy had a completely different appeal, and so I made my first (passive) sex attempt with one of my friends by that time and started to focus on the same gender.

    Around the same age, I also discovered that I had a feminine side and so I started to dress up and put on make-up in very small steps from time to time. All my fantasies began to develop strongly in this direction where i would be the passive girl getting topped by men, and straight porn pretty much disappeared from then on.
    All of this continued quietly and secretly until I had a three-year relationship with a girl from about 15/16 to 18/19, and it took almost two years before we had sex (the first time with a woman). Although I loved her, I was always afraid that I wouldn't be able to “perform” and that this would reveal that I was only interested in the same sex. Because of this, I actually had trouble “performing” from time to time, which only made my brooding worse. (My fantasies didn‘t stop during that time)
    Shortly after the breakup, I had sex with a boy for the first time (passively) which I really enjoyed. From then on I was very focused on men and also started fantasizing about romantic relationships with men.

    When I was about 21, I had a few nervous dates with women that ended in nothing but a lot of anxiety and subsequent actual “failure”.
    Another time (“successful”) sex with a woman where I was quite drunk (wich helped me not to overthink). I also had sex with a boy a second time, which I enjoyed again. My fantasies no longer involve women either.

    Is there a single person that sticks with the label biromantic-homosexual long-term.. or all eventually realized that they’re either bisexual or gay?

    I feel like i want to label myself..
    Am I just scared and therefore not in the mood for women? Or is it just me realizing i am actually gay?

    pleaseee help …

    07:47 UTC


    I can’t ignore it anymore, freaking out

    I don’t think I’m straight, there I admitted it, finally I can get it off my chest. Over the last couple of years I have been suppressing these feelings, hoping that they would just go away, they didn’t. I don’t know what I am. I’m a guy, and I’ve been repressing these feelings of finding other guys really attractive and wanting to kiss them. I find women attractive too but in a different way I think??? What am I??? What does this mean???? Part of me accepting it is that a friend of mine was watching this show “Heartstopper” which has a lot of openly queer characters (from what they told me when I asked) and it gave me the little push of courage I needed to finally address this. I don’t know if I would ever date a guy though, generally I struggle to think about who I would and wouldn’t date, and I’ve decided against romance in high school school for other reasons too.

    But what am I??? I feel so strange and scared??

    I have a ton of queer friends but still this seems so new and scary to me.

    I’ve realized now that ignoring them was just harming me and making me feel bad. In order to properly understand myself and grow as a person, I need to address them.

    00:04 UTC


    Anyone selling horse meat disco ticket in Atlanta for Friday? I need just one! 🪩

    23:42 UTC


    Need Support From The Community

    Hi, I’m Felix (not my real name for safety). I’m 15, living in Islamic republic of Pakistan, and I’m gay. Being LGBTQ+ here is not only unaccepted but can be dangerous, and I’ve been sexually assaulted multiple times now. I am living in fear of being harmed by my family or the people around me, and I’m desperately looking for a way out of this country. Every single time I step outside there are dangerous men chasing me and I can even disclose that to my family because I am scared they will execute my life as well! I have a really violent step dad who hits me a lot and I have to find a way out of this, I have found every way I can to get out o here in the past years of my life yet I am unable to do anything! My real dad was also a criminal and my mom go divorced because he tried to murder me when I was born, he is also criminal, if somebody can help me to step out of this country in any way possible please reach out i need urgent help, things are getting really dangerous, I live in a super small and under developed city here. I’ve finished my secondary high school, and I have 3 years of work experience in sales and logistics. I’ve tried finding scholarships or other opportunities to leave legally, but I haven’t had any success. If you know of any NGOs, organizations, or anyone that could help me escape safely, please reach out. I can’t continue living like this. I cant even count on any local NGOs as they are under cover trying to end the homosexuality themselves. Your help can save my life!

    19:53 UTC


    Where do bad rainbows go?

    To Prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.

    14:09 UTC


    Tinder needs to be more adaptable

    I'm a trans guy who is bisexual. Whenever I go on Tinder I am grateful for the option to select "everyone" as an option, but it feels very limited past there.

    I can definitely find some men that are cool, but all the women selections they try to show me are the most traditionally straight girls alive. Now I don't want to say anyone's appearance should dictate who they like or their sexual orientation, but I've found time and time again that they don't want someone who is trans and just want a cis relationship.

    I wish that tinder adjusted like Hinge to recognize sexual orientation and how that might be important in a relationship rather than just assuming everything that identifies as m/f is super cis and straight

    05:11 UTC


    open relationships

    i wanna see what yall think abt open relationships since i’ve seen a lot of heated comments on ig and tiktok abt it. what do you think in general and also for your own life

    06:00 UTC


    How to reverse look up info

    I’ve been talking with this guy on and off for over a year and he’s really sweet and sends me pics and talks to me only on google chat, he says his phone broke and can’t do video calls but we talked before and I’ve heard his voice. I really want to trust him, he’s been very kind and thoughtful. But a 2 red flags popped up making me wonder if he’s real. Once he asked for us to make a joint account together, I turned him down because of my health and finance issues and he seemed ok with it. Recently he’s been asking me to buy him Razor Gold card specifically. And I read they are used frequently by people scamming in foreign countries. We haven’t met since he’s from Florida and I’m in California. So I was wondering if anyone could show me how to do a reverse image search on the pics he sent me, and on the email he uses on google chat so we can talk. I was in a long abusive relationship and I want to trust this guy but I need to be careful I’ve been hurt and abused too many times.

    00:44 UTC


    Should i just say im bi with a preference for women?

    Im male and struggling with my sexuality. Let me explain im attracted to women. I love boobs but genitalia has never mattered to me. Ive come across the terms gynesexual and femsexual. I have 2 issues: 1 i dont want to split hairs with terminology and 2. I dont want to invade lgbt spaces and step on anyones toes. Thank you for reading.

    07:39 UTC


    Gay dating in dubai

    Hey everyone i hope you’re doing okay, i have moved to Dubai recently and since that time my life just stopped, i can’t meet with anyone and afraid to talk in public there many ways to get some horny people here and there but with no connection I am arab but where i came from i will not say it okay to be gay in public but also no one care what you do here dating apps are the worst any advice on that

    Update: I just want to explain something since i have received some racism dm and not a better comments, i just was asking advice on dating apps and it turned dramatically somehow anyway Staying in dubai isn’t that bad yes it’s heaven us but still okay i am not sure why people was attacking me anyway you made it even worse sorry for the frustration but you made defend my self for something I didn’t do

    16:59 UTC


    Graham Linehan Supports Experimenting on Trans Children

    1 Comment
    19:59 UTC


    Parents please stop telling your adult child or underage regardless of age that, it’s not right for them to polish their nails or get their nails done! Bc it is!

    I don’t have a dl atm which is my own fault, but I do my nails when she’s not home, bc i wanna go to go college & get my degree in cosmetically, it’s been a big dream of mine for years now. The problem I have is I’m not getting any support from her instead I’m being dragged down & I feel like bullied. She always tells me that “Men don’t do their nails”! Which I feel like is true but it’s also a personal preference type thing to. She’s always asking me “do you wanna be a girl” then when I was a lot younger she would always tell me “the next time you do your nails your going to wear a “tutu” or dress to school”. Which is why I came here to get that kind of support that I don’t get a home. I’m a closeted bisexual 💙💜🩷 I haven’t came out to anyone in my family except my oldest niece & friends. I just feel like not all parents but some parents need to step out of that old school mindset of man & women being married & the Bible & old school men talking men will always men & so on so forth. I was situation when I was younger when I had go church on Sundays but we all grown up now to young adults. But idk just a thought of being in that situation & having to deal with this is just outta totally pocket for me!

    12:25 UTC


    I’m confused about my sexuality

    I’m a 19 year old girl who has always identified as straight but now I’m starting to question myself. I have never been in a relationship before but have always believed I was straight. My first 3 crushes in high school were all girls but now that I look back I feel like I just thought they were really pretty. I don’t look at girls I think are pretty and say, “I would totally sleep with her” but I also don’t look at guys I like and think the same. I know that I would definitely have sexual and romantic relationships with guys but recently I feel like I could have them with girls too. Plus, I have recently been feeling really curious about how it will feel to kiss a girl (I feel much more comfortable thinking about kissing a girl than a guy but I would definitely still kiss a guy). I always thought that my high school crush phase was just a phase and would pass but here I am thinking of how it would feel to kiss a girl. My family is very against same-sex relationships so I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this.

    05:44 UTC


    More than a crush while in a relationship

    I’m (38) and in a LTR of 3 years. The relationship isn’t perfect and we’ve been going through a rough patch the last year. We’ve considered splitting a few times. I met someone that may be more than a crush even tho I don’t think he’s into me. Every time I see him or pictures with him on social, I can’t stop thinking about him. This has been going on for three weeks now. I thought it’d pass by now but it hasn’t. I’ve thought of him everyday since I met him. If I can have feelings like this towards another man is that fair to my boyfriend? Am I crushing on this guy because of something I don’t have in my current bf? I’m so confused.

    03:04 UTC


    Has anyone seen I Have to Die Every Night?

    Great series but nobody i know has watched it and i need to talk about it with someone.


    00:13 UTC


    Lesbian stylist/queer-coding specialist advice needed!

    Soooo, I suddenly came to this moment in my life, when I want to look lesbian as fuck. Like, I want my appearance to yell "EXTRA HOT LESBIAN" when I walk around a grossery store or take a bus. I want to be seen by other women.

    I am a lesbian and I always make sure I look elegant. I have my own style, that I came up with after years of experiments. And I do think, that I look like a lesbian. But some people don't think so. I am definately attractive and hot, but I want my identity to be seen visualy.

    I never really thought if my style communicated my identity before. I just made sure that my style suited my taste and avoided attracting annoying men's attention. And now I actually want it to communicate who I am to other women.

    It's not that simple though. There are some restrictions in my lifestyle that don't allow me to simply wear a rainbow flag as a jacket, wich I would if I could.

    1. I live in a country, where such symbolic is illegal and simply makes one a victim of violent attention.

    2. I work as a tour guide for women from religious arab countries. It will be safer for me to keep my personal life private on one hand. And it won't cause any problems for my client's families in viewing me as a professional and trustworthy person on the other.

    Queer-coding that I already have:

    • wavy mullet haircut with short sides, long at the back;

    • bought myself three flanel shirts to wear to my carpentry classes;

    • quite a bit of piercings, including a couple of helixes in my left ear (not sure if lesbians of 2024 use them as queer coding anymore) ;

    • a collection of dr.Martens boots.

    • about to join a gym with a friend to make sure my arms look as good as they are 😂

    All advice is welcome! Please, help me to intensify the lesbian part of my looks 🙂

    01:13 UTC


    I’m the gayest guy on the planet, but sometimes, depending on the woman’s biotype, I feel a bit excited about the idea of having sex with her, especially small and delicate women.

    Has this happened to anyone else here as well?

    15:34 UTC

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