
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.

Submission Rules

Not A Confession

All submissions must be a confession!

  • A confession is an admission of an illegal or immoral action you have intentionally committed that others are not aware of. It cannot be a thought, dream, opinion, kink, etc. Innocent mistakes or accidents are not intentionally committed. You cannot confess the misdeeds of other people. You MUST express regret for your actions in your post.

  • Your confession must be an act you committed.

  • If your submission does not contain a confession it will be removed.

  • An unpopular opinion is not a confession.

  • Regardless of whatever unpopular opinion you hold, it doesn't classify here as a confession. You haven't done anything wrong, so to speak, so it isn't technically a confession. Better subreddits for this would be /r/offmychest, /r/TrueOffMyChest, /r/rant, or in some cases, /r/relationships.
  • Your sexual exploration is not a confession; it's a part of finding out who you are.

    • /r/confession is not a place for submissions that read like pornography. Despite our confessional theme, we don't find consensual sexual exploits sinful. /r/gonewildstories would be a better place to share.  

    Be Specific

    All confessions must be titled specifically!

    • Your title must relay a brief idea of what wrongdoing you have committed. Submissions with vague titles will be removed.

    We receive a lot of meta-confessions that lump a lot of confessions into one, and a lot of submissions with titles that hardly relate to the confessions within. These kinds of posts don't take the subreddit in the direction we want it to go—it dilutes the content and leads to far more submissions that read like creative writing rather than the thoughts of real people.

    Ideally, your title is a TL;DR of your post.

    Do Not Encourage Bad Behavior

    Helping one another also means that we do not encourage bad behavior.

    We will not accept posts that:

    • 2a) encourage rape/rape culture;

    • 2b) sexualise minors;

    • 2c) are racist; or

    • 2d) otherwise promote abusive or hateful behavior.

    No Relationship Related Posts

    /r/confession is not the place to seek relationship advice.

    • Even if your submission contains a confession, relationship-based confessions will be removed. /r/relationships, /r/offmychest, or /r/self would be better places to share. We reserve the right to remove any posts referencing relationships, not just those seeking relationship advice.

    No Pedophilia Type Posts

    At this time, this subreddit does not accept pedophile-type confessions, even if the user is seeking help and/or working on their situation.

    • In the past these types of confessions have been a fine line between acceptable and sexualizing minors. We recommend you seek out sources such as:

    • http://www.virped.org/ (18+ Only);
    • A counselor that can effectively aid you; or
    • Another subreddit like /r/self, or /r/offmychest. However, we do not know their stance or moderation policy on pedophile-type posts.

    Unfortunately, We are not well versed in the help that may be available. Hopefully this is a starting point for you.

    Limited Context

    We do not accept posts with limited context.

    • Confessing only the barest of snippets or most cryptic of details isn't the purpose of this sub. Understanding what you're confessing shouldn't be like pulling teeth, context is important.


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    • There are plenty of subs around Reddit to discuss your political views.


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    • If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.

    No False Post Accusations

    Accusations of fake posts are not allowed.

    • If you're posting on /r/confession, chances are you're not in the best frame of mind to be fielding attacks on your credibility by the vast and uncaring anonymous internet. We instituted this rule to better protect our submitters and provide a more constructive rather than detractive environment.

    • You may report spammy posts, but commenting solely to try to discredit the experience an OP has claimed to have is at best nonconstructive and at worst genuinely hurtful. Please message the moderators so they may decide if it should be taken down instead.

    • This extends to any harassment of OP.

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    • There are many subreddits for us to fool around. This is a place for us to stay on topic. Comments and replies should be of substance and contribute to the conversation.


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    2. Remove the offending portion of your post or comment,

    3. Message the moderators to have the post or comment approved (skip to this step if the removal was in error).

    We abide by a three strike system here. Three rule violations will result in at least a three day ban.

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    • Message the moderators with a case as to why your ban should be reversed. This should be based on the information in the first step. (If the ban was in error, skip to this step)

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    Message the moderators, we don't bite (often).

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    I took the blame for stealing her stickerbook and I had to earn money and pay for the book even though I never destroyed it.

    When I was in 5th grade I had a best friend, she and I were literally inseparable.. one day thinking stupid thoughts we decided to steal the sticker book of a fellow classmate because hers was bigger and better with more stickers and better stickers than ours. I was the look out, she stole the book, I took 3 stickers she took the book home. The next day all hell broke loose in the classroom the girl was so extremely much more upset than I expected and I felt so bad. My bf felt bad too, the girl was affluent and I couldn’t understand but maybe it meant as much to her as my Barbie collection meant to me.. I told my bf we need to sneak the book back in her desk- but she had done a number on it by taking ( and ripping) stickers off , it looked horrible. I put the 3 I took back in as near as I could .. so now she’s the look out and I’m trying to get this big sticker book that was more like a large photo album back in her desk and my bf took off and I didn’t know and got caught.. I took the entire blame, I don’t know why.. a lot of classmates exiled me and shunned me because of it I was labeled a thief. Not a soul defended me, my bf ended up not even talking to me ..I never told it was her that took it, I knew about it which made me a part of it too, she destroyed it when I had to come all summer long to summer school and earn money to pay this girl what it was worth and I didn’t destroy it but I did keep my mouth shut. A few years later in junior high I had broken up with my boyfriend and this stickerbook girl started dating him and she spoke with me that one time in all the years following this incident the remainder of the years we went to school together .. small towns don’t forget.. never did anything near like that again .. ever.. but I never did speak up about who else was involved..

    07:46 UTC


    i made a whole new persona to some new friends and now im engaged to one.

    i met some friends in my last year of highschool when i transferred to another class. i thought it would be funny to make up a fake persona (race, ethnicity, age..) because usually once people graduate, they dont see their old friends again (atleast thats how it is where i live.) so, i told them im german-egyptian, that i was actually 14 (at the time i was 16) and i got bumped a grade. i also told them i was an orphan and my parents died in a tragic accident. time skip 6 years later, were all 21-23 and im getting engaged to one of those friends i lied to. now, how do i tell her shes known an entirely different woman this whole time?? i was born nowhere near germany. im only egyptian. my parents are well and living like theyre still young and they call me weekly.

    07:38 UTC


    Mi novio finalmente me trata como siempre quise, pero me siento agotada.

    Mi novio al fin me trata como siempre quise que lo hiciera pero me siento cansada.

    (Pondré algunos nombres falsos para mantener el anonimato de las personas involucradas).

    Conocí a mi novio Kevin hace 3 años, desde el inició conectamos de maravilla, por lo que nos volvimos muy cercanos, el me daba algunas señales amorosas, por lo que decidí confesarle mis sentimientos y fue ahí donde empezaron los problemas, al principio el me rechazó y negó sentir algo por mí, me sentí devastada, pero lo superé porque su amistad era muy importante para mí, a los días el me dijo que me habia mentido y que en realidad si sentia algo, decidimos que saldríamos hasta descubrir si podiamos llegar a ser una pareja, sin embargo sus amigos le metieron algunas ideas malas a la cabeza y el terminó diciendome que se habia confundido y que en realidad el cariño que me tenia no era algo romántico, nuevamente fue muy doloroso para mí, por lo que esta vez decidí tomar un poco de distancia de el, pasaron 2 semanas y el llegó un poco ebrio a mi casa, se puso a llorar frente a mi y me pidio que lo perdonara, dijo que había actuado como un completo idiota y que me amaba, rogó por una oportunidad, la cual le di y en ese momento nos volvimos una pareja oficial, pero como era de esperar, nuevamente sus amigos intervinieron inventando le rumores falsos sobre mi y el creyó en ellos sin siquiera consultarlo conmigo, me envió un mensaje de texto rompiendo conmigo y dijo "no estar listo para una relación" con el tiempo veía sud actualizaciones en ig notando que siempre posteaba fotos y videos muy cariñosos con una de sus amigas llamada Raquel, ella solía decir que estaba enamorada de él, por lo que asumí que me terminó para estar con ella, poco después descubrí los rumores que sus amigos le habian inventado sobre y lo encaré por no haber confiado en mi a pedar de conocerme durante tanto tiempo, noté que el estaba bastante arrepentido pero simplemente ya estaba cansada, así que me alejé por completo, hasta que un dia el apareció en mi universidad y me pidió que habláramos, al principio me negué y lo ignoré, pero por su insistencia terminé aceptando, se disculpó por todo el daño que me habia hecho y queria una nueva oportunidad la cual no le di pero acepté volver a ser amigos y despues de notar un cambio real en el, finalmente nos volvimos pareja. Al inicio todo era perfecto, pero conforme avanzaba el tiempo, hablaba constantemente de su amiga Raquel y de como ella era la única que lo había hecho realmente feliz, de como se arrepentía de no haberle dado una oportunidad, lo cual me lastima a bastante, pero cuando intentaba hablarlo, siempre se hacía la víctima diciéndome que yo era una exagerada, que lo mejor sería romper y yo terminaba disculpándome con él, las peleas se volvieron constantes siendo el quien las iniciaba, llegó un punto en el que peleabamos incluso 4 veces por semana y siemore era lo mismo. Durante toda la relación siempre sentí que el ponía a todos sobre mi, me cancelaba planes para irse con sus amigos, había días en los que su trato hacia mi era horrible, me ignoraba se burlaba cuando le decía que lo amaba, rechaba mis besos y abrazos; hasta que llegó la gota que derramó el vaso, el tenía una amiga llamada Sarah la cual siempre lo besaba y abrazaba frente a mi, subia indirectas diciendo que le gustaba alguien que tenia pareja y un dia ella subió una historia en la que le dio un beso badtante cerca de los labios, inmediatamente hablé con el para que estableciera límites, pero se molestó al grado que comenzo a tratarme de la peor forma, el rompió conmigo sim importar mis suplicas para que se quedara. Durante el tiempo que estuvimos separados el continuo con su vida normal y Sarah le seguía tratando de la misma forma, mientras que yo me alejé de todo y me culpaba por la ruptura. Un día algo ebria le envié un mensaje bastante largo en el que le pedía volver a ser amigos y para mí sorpresa el aceptó, todo iba de maravilla hasta que tomamos la decisión de volver, ese día nos encontramos y cuando el fue al baño noté que Sarah le había enviado un mensaje, revisé la conversación y me di cuenta que ella y el se burlaban de mi constantemente por la forma en que me había tomado la ruptura, inmediatamente lo confronté y el se disculpó, prometió eliminar el contacto con Sarah, lo cual si hizo, pero después de un mes, las discusiones comenzaron de nuevo, solo que está vez, yo ya no me disculpaba con el y simplemente lo ignoraba hasta que se le pasara. Kevin confesó que el siempre sabía tener la culpa cuando discutíamos, pero que le gustaba manipularme para que fuera yo quien se disculpara, eso me rompió; nuevamente volvimos a tener problemas porque el se dejaba influenciar por sus amigos, dijo que se arrepentía de que fuéramos pareja y que el hubiera preferido tenerme solo como amigos, me harté de todo y le dije que queria terminar, el se sorprendió, ya que yo siempre le rogaba para que se quedara, pero ya estaba agotada mentalmente, el aceptó mi decisión. Quedamos en buenos terminos, solo que está vez me distancié de él, pero a diferencia de las otras veces, el estaba constantemente enviándome mensajes y algunas personas que teníamos en común, me contaron que se la pasaba llorando y extrañandome, me sentí bastante mal por el, ya que sabía perfectamente lo que era eso pero ya no haria nada al respecto. Un día nos encontramos casualmente en el mismo restaurante y me pidió hablar, accedí, dijo que estaba arrepentido por todo, que había actuado como un idiota y que no me merecía en absoluto, dijo que había llegado a odiarme por las cosas que sus amigos decias acerca de mi, pero que ahora se habia dado cuenta que era un imbécil, antes no me amaba pero que ahora estaba completamente enamorado de mi y que se sentia estupido por darse cuenta de ello hasta que me perdió, se disculpó por cada error que cometió y prometió que está vez todo sería diferente. Después de un mes finalmente volvimos a estar juntos (ya llevamos 8 meses desde que volvimos), ésta vez todo se sente diferente, no discutimos nunca, es bastante cariñoso conmigo, constantemente me dice cuánto me ama, planea citas, incluso si está ocupado se hace tiempo para estar conmigo, me pone en primer lugar, me llena de detalles lindos, me propuso matrimonio y acepté, es el quien esta organizando todo, hablo sobre querer formar una familia conmigo, se alejó de todos esos "amigos" que intentaba meterle ideas malas, en general, me da el trato que siempre quise recibir por parte de él, pero me siento mal, me siento triste, siento como si todo fuera falso, hace unos dias dijo que me notaba un tanto apagada y que ya no era tan cariñosa como antes, le dije que todo estaba bien y que simplemente estaba agotada por el trabajo, pero la realidad es que no me siento bien, lo amo, pero no sé que hscer con estos sentimientos que tengo ahora.

    06:21 UTC


    I am that girl who innocently insults people and doesn't realize it

    All my life I have hated those (typically middle aged) ladies who talk too much and say horrifically insulting things to others innocently. I am in my 20s and I am realizing that I am that person unfortunately. I can assure you that I am, on the inside, a very loving person. I hate passive aggressiveness, and appreciate frankness. I am genuinely happy to meet most people I do, and the ones I don't like, I just avoid. I don't backbite or gossip. I give people sincere advice when they ask for it, and many friends have told me I give them a comfortable older sister vibe so they feel comfortable asking me for advice. Maybe it's that I don't think through what I'm about to say and choose to speak impulsively rather than thoughtfully, but over the past few years, it's become more and more apparent to me that I am unintentionally kind of a b****. This isn't really a confession. It's a realization. And it makes me really sad.

    I try to give in charity, volunteer my time, offer a smile and kind words to neighbours, always bring my best self for family and friends, mind my own business, focus on self improvement, but mistakenly end up saying things that could be seen as passive aggressive insults. I don't really know how to be kinder. I don't know how to be more thoughtful when I'm speaking. Sure, starting out in a conversation, I can be mindful, but once that flow starts going, I'm just flowing with the conversation without thinking about what I'm saying. I struggle with valuing myself as it is and carry a lot of guilt in general, I don't know how to get past this. I kind of hate myself for being this way.

    Examples of statements I've made completely innocently that were offensive to others:

    1. Met an indigenous girl, I was fascinated by her culture and asked her permission to learn more about her culture from her. She was cool with it so I started asking more about their lifestyle, hunting, the foods they eat, etc. In the context of this, I asked her if igloos were a real thing. She responded normally, but later posted about me completely tearing me apart for daring to ask her something like that (about igloos specifically).

    2. Saw a friend being bombarded with verbal conversations on different topics with 4 different people at the same time and keeping up with them successfully. I popped in to ask him if he had ADHD because I found it amazing that he was able to do that. (In my mind, I saw it as a very valuable skill that he was able to keep up with so many conversations, and I thought it might be because he is able to maintain different streams of conversation - said as a compliment, if you're able to follow my train of thought)

    There have been so many of these kinds of instances in my life. It really sucks to be that person. I don't want to be seen as the person who is always hurting others with random hurtful statements. Any advice?

    04:53 UTC


    i stole from someones dollar general doordash order...

    so bacily i was at dollar general and i think what happened was we were at the checkout line and he (my uncle) says oh we need toilet paper so i run to the toilet paper isle and just grab one and run back and as im running back i realized i got the thin toilet paper and my mom and me hate the thin toilet paper so when i walked past this basket with stuff in it which i thought was like an abandon cart yk when someone leaves there cart because they dont want it no more. anyways i replaced the thin toilet paper with the on in the persons basket oops soo yeah i took someones toilet paper from their doordash order- (ALSO WE PAYED FOR IT I JUST MEANT THE PERSON THAT ORDERED THE BASKET OF STUFF WAS PROB LIKE HEY WHERES MY TOILET PAPER L0L)

    18:40 UTC


    I lied about my birthday over a dozen times to get discounts....

    Before I found a part time job I would use this technique to get a discount. Every time I eat out, I tell the waiter it's my birthday to get a free dessert or a discount. I've 'celebrated' dozens of birthdays lool.

    P.s i dont do it anymore

    18:12 UTC


    I faked my nationality and made a whole different personality to make friends…

    So I am in my first year of college, and before joining I was determined to actually make friends and be part of a friend group, considering I was alone most times during high school. The thing is I am Indian, like pure Indian except that I was brought up in another country. Currently I have so many friends and life is good. Problem is, they don’t know the real me. On the first day of orientation, some of the international students from our friend group were discussing about how much they detested Indians because of their lack of hygiene which is portrayed in instagram reels. As an Indian, I can guarantee myself that foreigners are the ones that film only the bad parts of the cities, post in social media and claim that this is what the whole of India looks like. We do have hygiene maintained, and most of our cities are pretty clean too. We are not surrounded by smelly sewers, dirt water or drains. Or else 1 billion people wouldn’t have been living there. Anyways, I decided to introduce myself with a different name and say that I am from Indiana(sounds pretty to close to the word “India”) and I also told them how I hate Indians and I hate eating traditional Indian dishes but loved Korean and Chinese cuisines like they do(so not true). I honestly felt a strong guilt, but I really want to fit in for once. It’s already been 8 months in college and all my friends are so amazing. Do you think i should tell them the truth or just wait for the next 3 years and 4 months?

    EDIT: it’s not just the international students in my friend group hate Indians…literally EVERY SINGLE international student that I know hate Indians. Also I am from the north side, Jammu, so like I don’t have the typical brown skin more of the fair side so maybe because of that they believed that I am from Indiana. Help a girl out thanks❤️

    14:08 UTC


    I accidently knocked someone's drink out of their hands and didn't do anything about it

    Some girl was walking either from or to the dance floor and I was walking adjacent to it and we collided and she dropped her drink. I didn't do anything about it and walked away. I don't know if she was drunk (it's safe to say she was considering the place we were at) and I was definitely drunk. She didn't confront me for some reason and I walked away.

    I feel terrible about it and wish I had offered her a new drink.

    09:31 UTC


    I let a kids pet beetle free in preschool because it was ugly

    When I was 4, in preschool, I showed up to class as usual, and a kid has a crowd around him. I go to see and a CRUSTY BEETLE was in the styrofoam cup he was holding. I was disgusted but whatever. Later, I find out that he left for a couple hours for swim practice and left the beetle in the cup on a picnic table. It was the perfect opportunity to unalive it! So I sneak up to the table and make sure nobody's watching. I open the cup and low and behold the beetles inside. I release the beetle and try crushing it with the cup a few times. It obviously didn’t work so I was sitting there wondering what to do. I let the beetle crawl away for a second before I get the bright idea to just let it go free. I put the cup back where it was and run off unnoticed. When he gets back, he starts yelling “WHERES MY BEETLE? WHERE IS IT!?” and I can’t hold it in anymore. I run away giggling and a crowd starts forming around him. Till this day no one knew it was me.

    07:33 UTC


    I had a hit and run in a Wal-Mart parking lot. With many witnesses

    I had to do long distance traveling after working a 12 hour night shift. After reaching my destination city, I worked out and showered. Even after this I still had time to kill, so I found a walmart and slept for 1.5 hr. Upon waking up, I had to use the washroom. I found a parking space relatively close to the Walmart entrance so I could quickly step in and out. Upon pulling into the space, I hit a new Cadillac SUV. People saw, told me I hit the car like I wasn't aware, and took photos of me and my car. I was going to wait for the owners to get out of Walmart and I did a 360 visual inspection of each car. I've never hit a car before after 8 years driving and idfk what came Upon me but I saw more people approaching our cars and I got spooked. All I could think in the moment was, I'm 3 hours away from home, it's a parking lot and insurance is vague on crashes in parking lots and I left. Afterwards, not even a minute after leaving I felt horrible and was shaky and even went onto a no exit street unintentionally. I didnt realize it was a dead end until i reached it. Is that a sign from the universe? That I fucked up and should turn around and go back? Kinda like, "there's no way out of this, dead end, go back now!". But I fucking didn't. I felt and feel brain dead, hours after. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. 20 mins after crashing into the car, I found a spot to calm down. I googled the consequences of my actions, too scared to be truthful with anyone in the world. If found guilty for leaving the scene, this is a hit and run and seriously illegal. My car has some serious damage to it, will cost a nice penny but I can't get over the idea of how I left the scene like that. Wtf

    23:38 UTC


    I stole 5 bucks worth of stuff at cvs i forgot my pin

    my card kept declining cuz i forgot my pin and i didnt have cash on me so i j took the shit out of the package cuz i could not be any more bothered and left the package back on the shelf, now im feeling the consequences. am i cooked?

    22:00 UTC


    I tried to change my hermit crab’s “outfit” when I was 5…

    When I was 5, I had a hermit crab who had a shell that was painted pink with a power puff girl on it, Blossom, to be exact. I had her for a while, and thought she may be tired of her “outfit” (shell), and decided I should change her into something else. I found a cute shell from a collection of sea shells I had, and decided that was the one for her night out on the town. Now getting her out of her outfit was the issue; I didn’t know what to do, and didn’t want to yank her out, but somehow thought breaking her out would be better. So, I got my hands on a hammer (don’t know how), took her out to the front porch, and smashed her shell open with it, trying to get her out to “change her”. My dad came out because he heard me screaming after I broke the shell open, and he screamed too, not knowing what to do, and what the fuck his daughter just did, lol. Long story short, I brutally murdered my hermit crab at the age of 5. This still haunts me to this day, and I feel so much guilt, 19 years later.. My dad, boyfriend and I are the only 3 that know about this, until now. R.I.P. Blossom. 🌸 🦀🐚

    15:31 UTC


    I accidentaly broke my 2yr old little sisters leg

    This happened about 13yrs ago, I was about 10 at the time and she was 2

    My whole family was at the mall where they had a playplace, my mom was shopping and my step-dad was supposed to be watching us. Well my little sister wanted to climb this small bridge thing they had there. The issue was the material it was made out of, slippery plastic-foam-cloth like film over it (I have no clue how to describe it). She couldn't climb it because she was so small and her socks made it too slippery for her, so trying to be a helpful big sister I picked her up to try to put her on the bridge (mind you, this bridge was maybe 3ft tall at its highest). Well then I FELL and I think I landed on her, I caught myself to some extent but obviously not enough. She started bawling her eyes out and my step dad ran over asking what happened. I told him I didn't know and that I thought I saw some kid run into her and knock her over. I lied because if I did tell the truth I would have been severely punished and berated despite it being an accident. They took her to the hospital, then came back to the mall to get the security footage of what happened. The whole time I'm quietly crying because I felt bad. Turns out the mall did not have working security cameras over the playplace area. I still feel bad about it but ultimately it was an accident. They still don't know to this day that it was my fault.

    12:26 UTC


    i shoplifted a spool of thread from walmart bc i didn’t wanna pay $4 for it.

    i feel kinda bad abt it bc i’ve never shoplifted anything before. that’s it. thank you for reading.

    05:15 UTC


    i’ve lied about my age on the internet for several years

    i met some people through the internet when i was about 16. i told them i was 18 at the time and that’s that, but im still friends with them today (currently 19) and they think im 2 years older than i am still.

    i’m constantly paranoid now, and feel like they’re going to target me if they find out my real age. i never lied to them out of malicious intent, i just wanted people to play games with. i know part of me is just being paranoid and they won’t likely target me (none of them have my real name) but i live under constant stress that they’ll find me.

    i regret not being honest.

    04:04 UTC


    I sabotaged my friend’s motorcycle in order to stop him from potentially hurting himself

    So my friend has always made those stupid jokes where he makes up scenarios in his head that he can run from the cops because motorcycles are difficult to catch. (In reality it’s because they don’t want to cause a crash so they’ll call off the chase most of the time.) I mean most people have made up those scenarios before so it’s really not that concerning. However he seemed very serious about this and he has a reputation for committing to an act he claims he will do, so it was somewhat concerning but still not enough to sabotage someone’s stuff. However when he bought a bike I asked him why in specific and he said he wanted to try and run from the cops. Now this kid has done some pretty idiotic things in the past but this is on a new level of stupidity. I wasn’t really sure whether or not he was joking however I work as an EMT and I have seen exactly what happens to people who try to run from the cops on bikes and I would never forgive myself if I was the one scraping his guts off of the road all because he wanted to do something he thought was “cool.” (Don’t ask me how committing a felony is cool but whatever.) So one time when he was out me and my friend pulled a stakeout and when the time was right we screwed around with the motor enough to the point where we thought it would be unable to drive. However turns out it wasn’t and he crashed on the highway… sorry buddy but he was completely fine, which is why you always wear a helmet. So I suppose task failed successfully. I suppose this is more of an am I the asshole thing but I think what I did was one of those wrong things for the right reason sort of things.

    03:56 UTC


    I touched a girls thigh a year ago and guilt overwhelms me, as it should.

    As the title says, I (12 at the time, 13 now) touched a girls thigh. I had a crush on her, and I for some reason thought that was an ok way of showing it. I know I should have just told her, I know I should have realized what I was doing. I hate myself for what I did. I had, and still have, thoughts about cutting off my hands to ensure it will never happen again. She’s traumatized because of me. I would do anything to repay her for what I did. I know I should have been a better friend to her, I should never have done what I did to her. I’m a monster.

    It wasn’t just that that I did, I also did some other questionable stuff during that time. I asked her if she had a snapchat on the first day of meeting, which was weird of me. Later on I asked if we could turn on snapmaps to see if we were close to eachother. And there was another time when I spammed the groupchat with borderline porn.

    I’ve honestly changed now, or at least I hope I have. I want to help anyone I can, I want to actually be a good friend. I want to be there for people. I want to be as nice a person I can be. I’m sorry.

    23:49 UTC


    I found someone’s debit card in an ATM. I didn’t tell anyone and no one at the gas station noticed.

    I used it to order myself 70$ worth of food, then threw it away.

    22:26 UTC


    I started a fight with a stranger last night. And miserably lost

    Throwaway for obvious reasons. I'm 21M and tend to get frustrated over small things pretty easily, especially when I drink tbh, which is essentially what happened last night.

    It was probably a little after 3 a.m., I was in the hallway of a nightclub waiting for my buddy to retrieve our jackets. There were maybe a dozen more people standing there, including some weird guy next to me. He kept looking at me, and for some reason kept moving closer. I'd look at my phone, look back, and he would be a few feet closer to me. Goofiest shit. This went on for maybe a minute, until the dude's shoulder was a few inches away from mine.

    I was just done with it, took a step away, then turned to face him and shoved him as hard as I could basically. Probably should've handled the situation differently. I'm not a very big guy, 5'9" ~140ish lbs, he clearly had a lot of mass on me. So, I was kindly greeted back with an uppercut to my chin. Quite disorienting but I landed a few solid punches as well. Took a kick in the upper stomach, doubled me over, got kneed in the face and I think it broke my nose or something. Once I got up he kicked the side of my left knee, and I swear to God it's like I felt an actual crunching sensation, followed by horrendous sharp pain. Got kicked in the torso/face a few more times while on the ground trying to figure out if my leg just got shattered or something.

    Dude split, security came to tell me to GTFO, then my buddy got back with the jackets and was very confused about what just happened. He had to help me to his place because I couldn't put weight on my left leg.

    Crashed on his couch, woke up a few hours ago with my shirt and the lower half of my face covered in blood, a chipped tooth, stiff neck and the literal inability to bend my knee. Feels even worse now that I'm sober. Like it's insanely stiff, but moving/bending it in any way causes overwhelming sharp pain. Not sure what that's all about.

    So... that's my confession for tonight. Time to order Ubereats and rethink my conflict resolution skills, or whatever

    Edit: welp. Tried to walk normally, genuinely the worst fucking pain of my life. Kinda wobbly too. Tryna ice my knee to see if that works. Throbbing ache still, trying not to move too much cuz that feels like stabbing. Just pulled a gigantic blob of slimy blood from my nose, which temporarily distracted me from the knee thing at least. Y'all are right, I'm not a smart man

    19:33 UTC


    I've been lying about recycling our trash for 15 years

    I've been in an off-and-on relationship with some one for 15 years or so. Sometimes we've co-habitated, other times we've had our own places and just chose which house to stay at. Either way, taking out the trash and the recyclables has always been my responsibility. But the thing is, the general bin is always a few steps closer than the recyclable one. My partner takes their carbon footprint very seriously, and if they were to find out, it probably wouldn't be grounds for another breakup but I'd definitely be sleeping in the guest room for a bit. Anyway, I decided to take the extra few steps this morning and dispose of it properly, and I feel like I did a really good thing today. I think I'll keep it up

    19:26 UTC


    I broke a large glass door at the airport and nobody noticed

    I was the last person getting off of the plane and the wheels of my carry on got stuck in the gap between the plane and the floor of the loading bridge. I didn’t even bother looking behind me to pull it out because I was in a hurry, so I just yanked harder. Apparently I yanked too hard because once it was free I heard a large crack. I looked behind me and the back wheel had hit this very large glass door next to me. It was still in tact but very much shattered. I just maintained a completely neutral face, and calmly caught up with my boyfriend to catch our connecting flight. Nobody saw it happen, nobody went after me, and this is the first time I’ve acknowledged it in any way shape or form since it happened. That was around December, so I feel it’s been long enough to come clean

    16:04 UTC


    I faked having Epilepsy, but it turned out I actually did have Epilepsy.

    Weird one. When I was a kid, probably about 13 or so, I was awful in school. I had bad grades because I mucked about so much (I was diagnosed with ADHD) Eventually the teachers pulled me and my parents in and basically in short just said I was a shit show at school and they wanted to know why. I didn't want to tell my parents that it was because I spent all my time messing about, so I made up some bullshit about having spells where just blacked out and couldn't remember anything. I think I'd actually just seen an episode of casualty where someone was having absence seizures so I probably just thought that would fit. Looking back obviously I know this was a very wrong thing to do, but in a way it probably saved my life.

    My parents took me to the doctor about these "black outs" and I remember I was absolutely shitting it, because I knew my parents would be finding out I'd lied as soon as I got the tests. (they definitely knew I was lying already) But it turned out on the EEG I actually did have bursts of seizure activity when I hyperventilated. The MRI also showed something on the brain that is harmless, but that is a common feature in epilepsy patients. So when all these tests came back I was absolutely in shock, but I remember I was actually buzzing that I did have epilepsy because my parents wouldn't find out I lied. I was having black outs, I just didn't know I was having them and when I couldn't remember stuff I just put it down to the ADHD

    I got put on medication and got extra time in all my tests, so for 13 year old me having an epilepsy diagnosis was a big win. Now at 20, I know that it really is not a big win. Epilepsy is horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm lucky to only have focal seizures but even they are difficult to deal with. But anyway! Lucky me eh.

    10:49 UTC


    Going inside a women’s bathroom at a planet fitness gym

    During the summer of 2023 I signed up for the free summer planet fitness membership. I never been there before and wasn’t familiar with the layout. One time I went inside the bathroom and as soon as I went in I stood there confused for about 3 seconds and realized I was in the women’s bathroom. lol. Thankfully nobody was in the women’s bathroom when I walked in. My heart was racing and I left the bathroom immediately. The men and women bathroom were very close together. I walked out and thankfully everybody that was in the gym were busy so nobody saw me walk out or walk in the women bathroom(im a guy). The planet fitness is in downtown silver spring Md if anyone was curious.

    03:15 UTC


    I hit and ran a parked car, came back to give information but it was too late

    I scratched a parked bmw while picking up food for an ubereats delivery. The feeling of impact was barely noticeable but enough to make me check. I saw the scratch on the other car but didn’t see an equivalent scratch on my own car so in my rush and panic I told myself it must not have been me who did that and drove off (I think I would’ve left a note right there if I had a pen and paper and wasn’t in a rush, I had left notes before. It was stupid of me not to regardless). It was only as I was on my way to deliver the food that I realized how stupid of a decision that was and when I went to check, I noticed a scratch on my own car that might’ve lined up. I returned to the restaurant but they were already gone, so I left my information with them and told them to give it to them if they came back and asked. I feel horrible and I’m extremely paranoid that I’ll still be charged with a crime even after returning to leave the note because I don’t know if that’s enough. I guess all I can do now is wait.

    01:14 UTC


    i keep lying about the most unimportant things, i dunno why

    i dont know why i do it, i was talking to some friends this morning and we were talking about yoghurt, i said i didn't like it( i dont ) but then made up this whole backstory behind it, its pathetic. i just feel stupid yk?

    21:43 UTC


    I stole a kids banana at 7 because I didn’t have food

    Jip, took a kids banana at 7 because I was starving. The teacher punished me and made me feel like garbage. Can’t believe I remember this and nothing really else.

    20:08 UTC


    Got a little tipsy during working hours and fell asleep in front of my computer

    This is so stupid but I just want to put it out there. I had a bottle to drink during office hours and ended up falling asleep in front of my laptop. Woke up a few minutes later head down on my laptop and ended up having keyboard marks on m forehead.

    14:41 UTC


    I stuck my used gum to a stranger's purse at a concert

    I went to a concert last night (my first concert) and it was so crowded I couldn’t move. Before I used my brain and used the wrapper in my pocket, I stuck my gum to the bottom of this girl's purse in front of me. After I did it, I remembered I still had the gum wrapper and tried to pull it off her bag but it was already stuck. I don’t know why I did it, maybe the chaotic atmosphere, but I would take it back if I could. I'm hoping she was able to get it off when she found it.

    04:42 UTC


    I used to get my little brother to sleep in bed with me

    Throwaway here

    I'm a dude and when I was between the ages 17-22, I used to get my little brother who was between the ages 5-10 to sleep next to me.

    It wouldn't be actual sleep, just light naps. He would come to me wanting something e.g the TV remote control. I would tell him he has to sleep beside me for a little if he wants it. He'd be reluctant and annoyed but would eventually agree

    So I would lie in my bed and he'd be next to me. I'd be on my side and he'd usually be on his back. Sometimes I'd try and be the big spoon and cuddle him. He'd lie there frustratingly waiting for the 'nap' to be over and constantly ask if it's enough. Sometimes when he tried to get up, I'd pull him closer

    I would then let him go and give him whatever he came to get. Idk why I ever did this. It was nothing sexual, I've never gotten aroused by it or anything. I just liked having him there close to me especially since he was so adorable.

    I'm sure he thought I was weird as hell. Looking back, that was fucking weird and I'm horrified that I ever did that. I feel like a p-phile even though I never touched him inappropriately or even thought of him in a sexual manner ever. I have also never been sexually attracted to kids or looked at child p***.

    Anyway, this was very infrequent. Just happened here and there. Probably like 6 times in total. I stopped eventually for some reason.

    I feel really bad for him that I ever did that. Am I a freak?

    Edit: Our relationship now is great. He comes to me whenever he has issues, wants somebody to talk to. He's my favorite family member and I'm his, going by his words.

    23:30 UTC


    I lied to my parents about applying for masters' programs and now its backfiring real bad (obviously)

    Note: I know lying is bad but please hear me out

    TRIGGER WARNING: anxiety, depression, sexual assault.

    So let's start from the beginning. To sum it up: I'm an Indian girl with brown parents who had high expectations of me while I grew up. Since I was younger the seed was planted for me to become a doctor, and that's all I strived for. The only problem was that I was diagnosed with depression at 14, 10 years ago. But no one took it seriously, not me either.

    The only subject I enjoyed in school was biology and maths, so I was like sure, I can become a doctor. My first mistake was I wasn't good at chemistry so I couldn't apply for UK medical schools. I also sucked at studying without external help so that should have been a sign. Still, managed to get A*AA in my A Levels.

    Things were all good until I transferred to UofT in 2020. Uh yeah, everything went downhill. I was doing a double major and a minor in life sciences, which sounds like "oh you're so smart" while saying it but I was struggling to say the least. Got really sick in 2021 while doing summer classes and MCAT prep, took months to recover and whoop back down again due to resurfacing sexual trauma. Basically, my mental health was splattered on the floor, I was so anxious I would burst into tears at anyone raising their voice in my vicinity, I could not meet any deadlines.

    I was desperately trying to salvage good grades without taking time off or another semester cause I was already a year "late". I genuinely was so burnt out I scraped the bottom of the barrel and graduated with a 2.0 GPA. Yeah, that's where I ended up. In 2023 I lied to my parents saying I applied for Masters' at UofT and said I just didn't get in.

    Went home from June to October 2023, my mental health declined even more due to my parents berating me (didn't know it was even possible?) and I took like 3-4 months to recover after coming back to Toronto. Mind you, I'm financially dependent on my parents. Have been applying for jobs but no luck as of yet.

    Uh but I repeated my mistake of telling my parents' that I applied for Masters. Again. This time all over Ontario and the US. But haha, my GPA and lack of work experience cause I was chasing med school led me nowhere. I was too scared so I didn't apply anywhere cause I won't get in anyway.

    Fast forward April 2024, of course my father is asking questions. He doesn't believe I applied anywhere (accurately) but now I'm screwed cause he's asking for evidence that I applied. Please give advice, and if you're telling me to just say the truth at least tell me how.

    Thanks, save me I'm pretty terrified. But I think telling the truth will also be freeing. I'm so exhausted.

    22:00 UTC

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