
Photograph via snooOG

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Post of the Month

Month: July

Post: 30624 ⬆️ | I laced my braid with thumbtacks as a self defense tactic

By: u/marshmallowcakes

On: Jun 17, 2023

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I feel horrible we told my SIL about my pregnancy

I'm very early in my pregnancy, only 5 weeks 4 days. My husband wanted to tell his mom so badly and I told him I'm fine with it but he knows if he tells his mom, who lives with 2 of his sisters who will surely overhear, the rest of the family will be pissed if we don't tell them too.

I originally wanted to wait until 3 months or so, and still plan to wait to tell my family, friends and work.

He knows how his family is, the dynamic is a little toxic and at the same time, a bit... Enmeshed. Clannish. Idk the correct word here.

We told his mom, and the rest of the family and told his sister... I'm afraid we've hurt her feelings in a way. She went through a miscarriage a year ago, she really wants another baby. Her oldest is in kindergarten and they've been trying to have a baby, lost their baby and now haven't been able to get pregnant again.

The first things she said was, "oh wow, that's good. I've been trying again after my miscarriage but no luck" and the conversation turned into me giving her suggestions (ovulation sticks to track irregular cycles) and comforting her. Then she ends the conversation with a quick, I'm really happy for you congratulations. We'll talk soon" and we hang up.

Maybe we shouldn't have told her. I feel like we are damned if we do, damned if we don't situation.

She asked me to make her a teddy bear (I crochet a little, she saw the one I made for my BIL and his wife's new baby and asked me to make her one...) should I make her a set and include one of a tiny bear with wings? I want to help her but idk how.

12:35 UTC


AI is killing my only passion in life

18m. Music has always been a big part of my life. Ever since I picked up the guitar when I was 11, I was talented. Not just because my fingers were long, but my rhythm and understanding of music was just way better than the average person. Anyway, timeskip a bit, life got shit. Like really shit. I was depressed for a long time for reasons I will not share. During that time, I had no social life, no hobbies, no purpose or meaning in my life. I just didn’t want to exist for a while. The only thing that picked me up from that state was music. Specifically, when I picked up the bass. (Some months ago). I had a lot of fun playing basslines I liked, and I started listening to music a lot more in general. I found a genre I’m passionate about. I started messing around with recording music. My creativity flourished. I was starting to make actual songs with bass, guitar, and a beat that I made all by myself. It was nothing crazy, but I was finally starting to feel like I had something I’m passionate about. Something that made me special. Some kind of significance I held. But recently, with the creation of some AI music generators, anyone can make songs with AI. In seconds, they can make a whole song of any genre for free. Even the sound of guitars aren’t safe. This fucking crushed me. Obviously, the AI songs right now usually suck, but it’s not the dogshit from a year ago. It’s actual music. It terrifies me. Soon, what significance will my shitty manually made music have over AI generated music? Whats the point of composing and playing an entire song when someone in the future will be able to write a short prompt and create a song of (roughly) the same quality? I was thinking about releasing my music at some point, but I just dont see the point anymore. Maybe I’m overreacting, but I feel like a part of myself kinda died. I don’t feel like I hold any significance anymore. A part of me wants to let go of music completely and just find something else, but I don’t know where to go. I enjoy playing music and everything, but I wanna show it to the world, not just play it for myself. I just don’t see the point of that anymore.

12:29 UTC


Two years ago, when my wife had a cancer scare, she encouraged me, should I outlive her, to basically become a sugar daddy.

We are both in our 40s and live a relatively affluent lifestyle. Our combined income puts us in the top 3% of Americans. We've been together since our late teens. She's the only woman I've ever been with, but she was with a few guys before me.

We never talked about my lack of experiences compared to her, until two years ago, when she found a lump. It turned out to be nothing. But, in those weeks between finding it and getting the results, we had some heart-to-heart discussions about what I would do if she were to die.

I'd be a rich widower, that's for sure. She has a multi-million dollar life insurance plan from her employer, and we also have several million in our combined retirement plans already. I wouldn't need to work again.

So my wife suggested, half-jokingly, half-seriously, that, once the kids are moved out, that I find myself some young women and pay them to be with me, so I can have some "experiences." She basically described me becoming a sugar daddy, with her blessing.

12:16 UTC


Doctors need to just start automatically prescribing antifungals with antibiotics.

Women understand.

12:15 UTC


I'm a gold digger

I am in my mid 20s and engaged to a well-off man in his 40s, and as my title says, I'm a gold digger. I grew up extremely neglected emotionally and sometimes physically. My parents would abandon me to take care of all of my younger siblings after I turned 12, for up to a week at a time so they could go on vacation, leaving me to feed, bathe, clothe and raise 4 kids under 6 alone for 2ish months of the year until I left home at 18, and I still did most of the parenting when they were around.

Everything is transactional to me and I can't ever see myself being with somebody for the merits of their personality. I did everything right and I was left to fend for myself, I got good grades, was a dutiful daughter and it got me nothing. Now I need to take care of me. All of my siblings are going to have their college paid for, I did not, they're all taken care of, now I just want somebody to take care of me.

My parents are angry at my choice of fiance, they wanted me to be "normal" and be with somebody my own age and in my own tax bracket. I don't care. I have an arrangement with my fiance; he can sleep with whoever he wants as long as he gets STI tested, and in exchange, he'll take care of all of my finances, and we will have two children, after which he will pay for me to get a voluntary hysterectomy. I won't have to work and will only have to do the cooking, as a housekeeper will complete the cleaning.

It's eat or be eaten, kill or be killed out in the world. I don't plan on being a sheep when the wolf comes, but rather the fox that slinks back into the hole as the farm falls apart. I have been selfless for too long, it's time for me to think about me.

12:11 UTC


I kissed a man who has a girlfriend. And he’s not going to tell her.

I (26f) ran into a very loved, very old friend (30m) of mine over the weekend. We hadn’t seen each other in years as we live in different countries now and it was incredible to see each other again.

I was drinking and he invited me to spend the night in his parent’s spare bedroom, who I’ve also known since I was small, instead of catching a taxi home by myself. This isn’t unusual, he’s stayed with my parents before and vice versa. He also invited me in front of our whole friend group so I didn’t pick up any questionable intentions.

We got back home and sat in the bedroom chatting for hours, catching up on life and love and then, he kissed me. And I kissed him back and it turned into a very passionate make out before we came back down to earth and realised the line we’d crossed. I think it was a mixture of curiosity and booze and nostalgia and asshole behavior.

He’s made up his mind that he’s not going to tell her, and I guess that’s his burden to bear. We’re both going back home to our relevant countries and have no intentions of running off into the sunset together. I think the best thing I can do is leave it behind me and be grateful it didn’t go further than a kiss but fuck, I feel awful.

12:01 UTC


I’m having nightmares from driving

I got my car maybe 2 or so weeks ago and I’m pretty confident driving it but when I stop and think back, I’m fucking terrified. I genuinely feel great driving it but as soon as the engine is off, I feel a sense of dread. I’m scared. I’m having nightmares about crashing it or how fast things are changing for me. I just need a sense of stability and peace.

12:01 UTC


My ex girlfriend cheated on me and now I want to get back together.

You didn’t misread the title.

The first few months of dating her were honestly like my first time eating ice cream, I was addicted. She was kind, funny, and the BEST looking woman I’ve ever seen to this day.

But then shit went downhill.

She was more distant, smiled less when she was around me, and for the life of her she could no longer look me in the eye.

One day she ended up heading to the bathroom with her phone open on snap and so I snooped.

To this day it’s been the worst mistake of my life.

I confronted her and after crying screaming and a lot of obscenities we split and yet I am still head over heels. I hate her for what she did and I want nothing more to knee the bastard she cheated on me with but a part of me just can’t help but miss her and want to go back to watching cartoons on a bed full of stuffies, just holding each other.

Am I cooked?

1 Comment
11:58 UTC


I still hate my bfs ex with a passion.. I keep trying to find stuff on her.

throw away acc bc i cant get myself tg

i am 20F, and i’m still not over anything with my boyfriend’s ex. they do not speak, haven’t in years and yet the thought of her frustrates me. she tried to ruin our relationship several times by trying to contact him in the past, and acted like they were dating when they weren’t. also i will be very honest, i have been cheated on before so it’s also hard for me to let anything go because i’ll always be worrying.

but what makes it worse is i know she stalks me constantly too. it got to the point now that i’m trying to find where she works, how close she lives, anything i can find. really it’s to make sure i don’t run into her. backstory on that is i just moved in with my boyfriend, i lived somewhere else but now i live with him in a WAY smaller city. they went to the same HS and i HAVE seen her one time in the mall. so i get nervous ill see her again anytime, idk if ill be upset or if ill try to go after her/start something or vice versa.

i wish i didnt have the worries of “im going to see her” because it messes with me. i get nervous abt my bf going anywhere without me (he doesn’t anyway bc he doesn’t want me to be by myself) because i worry they’ll run into eachother and she’ll try something. she has seen and watched my fb (her family was showing up on my suggested)

also to add on more - she’s stalked me long before me and my boyfriend dated, because him and i used to be friends and she was always INSANELY jealous of me to the point she would make new accs to watch my stories then block me.

i really wish i can just find all her accounts and everything about her so i can just block her and not have to think of her as much. and i will ask, does anyone have tips to restrain myself incase i do ever see her in person? bc my bf will prob have to hold me back

11:44 UTC


I've become dumber since being sexually assaulted and it's ruining my life

trigger warning: sexual assault

It's been over two years. I feel so dumb. I can't do uni work like I used to, when I try to write anything it feels so forced and like the words aren't sitting right together. I've loved writing my entire life and I feel like I can't even write an introduction paragraph for an essay anymore, let alone anything actually creative.

I used to be able to procrastinate and complete assignments at the very last minute and get A's, or at least B+'s. I could so easily bullshit an essay or do an exam when I hadn't watched any of the lectures.

But then it happened. And I feel like I can't do anything since. Like half of my brain is gone and I can't retrieve it. I understood the first year, like it sucked so bad but I was more concerned with making it out alive, with actually going forward with living to see another day. And then it got less worse and last year I was just left with the realisation that my brain isn't all there. I'm not the same person, I don't think the same, I don't feel the same and I don't have the same brain power or bandwidth up there to do what I used to do.

And so I went to therapy which has helped but I'm still left with feeling like I'm dumb. I've failed probably 3 classes, very lately withdrawn 3, scrapped by the others with C grades (except one where it was an easier class, something I was interested in and the lecturer was very understanding and lenient on my late submissions and her marking so I got an A, but even that was like pulling teeth).

I'm always asking for extensions, submitting things late even if I have an extension, not attending lectures, sitting in the few lectures I do attend feeling like everything is going over my head and I can't do anything but wonder why everybody else seems to understand but I can't, I can't wrap my head around the complexities or how the skills and techniques come easily to everybody else.

I told my therapist last week that I felt I've gotten dumber. She said that's normal and it takes time, with processing everything that happened. But it's been two years!!! I don't know. Lately I feel like I've seen more guys that look like the guy who assaulted me and it fucks me up everytime. I get nervous and I feel sick and want to cry and feel on the verge of a panic attack and I get irrational and start planning my exit and every single time, it is never him but it drives me insane. I don't know if that's a coincidence or somehow my brain has found yet another thing to get hung up on or triggered by.

I hate it so much. I wish I was how I used to be. It feels like my life is on hold, like I'm a prisoner to what happened and I can't move forward because I've lost half my brain.

I don't really care anymore. Like normally I'd be anxious and that anxiety would give me some productivity to do my assignment due tomorrow but instead I'm drinking, posting here, having emailed my lecturer asking for an extension, and I haven't even started it. I don't even understand what we're meant to be doing. But I'm supposed to graduate in less than two months. I just don't seem to care anymore.

If it matters, I've scored very highly on PTSD questionnaires and PTSD is listed in my medical file under my conditions. I already had pre exisiting, long time anxiety and depression, which has been made obviously significantly worse. Anddd I scored highly on a pre-diagnostic ADHD assessment from my uni's disability sector so that's probably having an impact, I read trauma and PTSD can make ADHD worse. I just hate this so much I want my life back

11:33 UTC


Might have to have brain surgery and relieved that it means a break from work.

Ironically I work at the same hospital and adore my doctors and coworkers. I’m not nervous at the idea of surgery. Plus the department I’d be in while staying at the hospital adores me and I love them too.

It’d mean at least a few weeks away from work and at home with my cats and lots of sleep. It’d be summer and warm and things would be so less stressful.

I don’t have much of a life outside of work and school. I’m too burnt out from those to do much else and I’m limited with little money and no car.

I’m just tired. I can’t afford an actual vacation so the best I could do is surgery. I’m not saying brain surgery is a lovely vacation but not having work 50+ hours a week plus school would be nice.

Can’t tell anyone I’m hoping I need minor surgery. But I am.

11:29 UTC


Taking pictures of cat

I’m getting paranoid and scared of my cat dying and leaving so I’ve been aggressivly taking soooo many random pictures of him throughout the day 😭 he’s a big floof

11:26 UTC


My entire class was groomed

When I was in 4th grade, around 9 or 10, we had a guy studying to become a teacher that was teaching us some classes. He was 32 at the time and actually really nice. He often would hug you or touched your shoulders but nothing overtly sexual at first. But then he would walk by and “accidentally” touch your ass, waist or thighs. Then he literally walked up behind my friend to hug her and placed his hands on her chest. He touched all 20 girls in that class in some way. Ass, boobs, waist, thighs, shoulders that’s what he touched. He would hug you, which wasn’t that bad, other teachers could also hug you every now and then but he was lingering to long, he was holding on for to long. We told the guys in our class but they all loved him and that he wouldn’t do that. After awhile we told teachers but they didn’t believe us. It went to the point where we went to the principal and nothing was ever done about it, and he stopped being our teacher bc the time he had to “practice” was over. Worst thing is that he is now a legitimate teacher who works around young girls. I’ve been wanting to get this of my chest for some time now and finally did. I don’t know if this goes against the rules or not but I’ll find out

11:23 UTC


I’m annoyed at my husbands family for dumping the family pets on us

Me and my husband, both 30, ended up with all 3 of his family cats. They are/were all 15yr+. One died so we have 2 still.

5 years ago his 2 brothers, mum and 3 family cats all lived together. Me and my husband were dating at the time, now married. The 2 brothers moved interstate then his mum moved in with her partner so just my husband and the cats were at the house. No one took any cats with them. Then his mum wanted to sell the house, fair enough so me and my now husband started looking for a place. We asked about the cats and it was suggested we give them to other family but we didn’t want to seperate them so we took them on… we couldn’t find a rental because we had so many cats so we bought a house. It wasn’t an easy thing to do we had to pull money from everywhere and it was really stressful because we were about to have no where to live. This was about 4 years ago and it worked out.

One of the cats has just had a $500 vet visit and I wanted to ask his brothers/mum for money cause they are their cats too!! But my husband said it wouldn’t go down well so I didn’t. I think it’s bull shit we ended up with all the cats. AND the 2 brothers now have their own cats and his mum has about 10 on her rural property.

I love the cats, their sweet and have been in my husbands family for a long time but I’m really annoyed because senior cats can be expensive. I wish I was firmer at the time and said we couldn’t take all 3 but it’s too late now they are used to us and the house. Even if his brothers or mum took one each I don’t want them to have to move houses and be separated at 15 years old.

11:21 UTC


I'm the best man to someone I don't particularly like at times

Me (22m) will soon be the best man at my friend's (21nb) wedding. I sometimes feel as though I don't like them very much at all. They had very good reason to make me their best man. We spend a lot of time together and have fond memories. I think that's why I'm still here. Outside of our group of friends I have maybe one other friend and none of us are particularly close. If I didn't spend time with them, I wouldn't spend time with anyone. We've bonded over mutual hobbies before and that's generally been the social lubricant. Other times I've tried to open up and have a closer, truer friendship, but they just want to have fun and never talk about anything other than surface level stuff. I suffer from a lack of friends and admittedly a lack of emotional coping skills that would help me be more independent. The main issue with this friend of mine is different values I think. They're very open about some extreme beliefs that I don't follow, things about ethics and the like. A few times when they have made comments about their idea of me it became very clear that they don't have a very real idea of me at all. If I was more vocal about these differences, it would make them close off the friendship. I'm not entirely sure why I don't just let that happen, but being the best man is putting some pressure on me to stay. They are very giving at times and genuinely appreciative of my company and nobody else is really like that. They will always be making plans for exciting things to do in the future and remember little details about me as well. I almost feel as though I'm living a lie because they don't know about these differences, they've expressed hatred for people like me (which is just about everyone who isn't extremely chronically online). I think their fiance also might've been more normal, but they're so agreeable that they've developed the same extreme views as my friend. They've talked about being borderline abusive to past partners. I've known them for several years now and they used to be a much worse person as well, but generally they're enjoyable to be around now. There is a disconnect between my memories of how they used to act and now in my mind because I can remember some awful things they did. It makes it hard for me to respect them, and I think they might lie quite a bit to me as well. All I've done is not express my views because our interactions are so surface level anyway. We talk about the wedding now, and I'm genuinely very excited for it. At the same time, I don't know how long I'd stay friends with them after the wedding takes place, and that makes me feel dishonest about being the best man. I engage in a lot of self improvement content these days. I keep hearing over and over how we're the average of the friends we spend the most time with. I sometimes wonder if this friend of mine and all our mutuals are holding me back. I have a drive, and they seem to have none. They just want to stay the same for the rest of our lives. I wish I could have some adult friends that I stay friends with all my life and my deep fear is that as I get older and older it'll all just be boring small talk and no real friendships outside of my family. But this group sort of keeps me in the same spot. Depression has been a bitch for me, no motivation for doing anything, and they're just... Ok with that. I'd feel guilty if I left town because they would still want to do something to maintain the friendship, but if I'm gone then I don't really want to put in the effort to keep in touch with someone I'm not sure I ultimately respect. I've been trying to stay completely sober and it's been so hard around them. From the way things are right now our interactions would change quite a bit if I put my foot down and set boundaries for my sobriety and I guess that just makes me uncomfortable. I respect them enough to enjoy their company. I respect them enough that I think their best man should be a true friend and I'm not sure I'm the one for the job. I want to be a different person than what I am around them, and I'm slowly starting to become them. There really is nobody else they want more than me to be their best man. This whole thing doesn't seem like a problem right now, but when I think of the future and who I want to be, I feel that I may be being deceptive if I take the path of least resistance, the one that I'm taking now. A year from now, five years from now, I don't want to be doing the same things, but they make plans like we've got this lifelong friendship going on. All our surface level interactions are great, but deep down I think we're almost opposites.

Tl;Dr a friend of mine that I often wonder whether they are truly a good friend or a person I respect has asked me to be their best man, and I feel very conflicted about the ramifications

1 Comment
10:58 UTC


I’d like to be closer to God

I’ve always… done things pretty biblically. Don’t know why although OCD usually comes with moral scrupulosity, right? I stopped going to therapy years ago but was diagnosed with OCD and psychosis. Never knew anything about God except that my family hated Christianity and Christians, so I turned to every other religion to try and find an answer or had long bouts of nothing matters and no god exists. Spent about 16 years doing it. I don’t feel agnostic, anymore.

Now that I’m at the point of my life where I do have faith, I want to sin more than ever. I’ve done an amazing job sheltering myself from some horrible experiences but my ex started to unravel that. Or, I allowed him by staying for the time that I did, I should say.

Sometimes I cry for the future I think I lost by choosing to stay with people who are definitely on a path thag never aligned with mine.

More than ever, I want to be wanted. I want to throw caution to the wind and sin like never before. I want to be adored, gosh darn it. I feel so guilty knowing that TO ME there is something that wants me to follow a certain morality for my own good and for others and I’m shitting all over it. I just feel so alone, why does this have to happen now???

How can I go most of my life not being a certain type of sinner but the moment I realize I believe in God, all I want is to divulge in a certain sin. I’m breaking my own heart, I’m crying typing this. Stupid big globs kind of dumb tears.

Please don’t tell me I’m wrong for choosing my religion, I spent my entire life choosing not to and now it’s time I change my pace for my own good. I sincerely don’t judge or care or ??? Have any place at all with what anyone does with their life I sincerely promise you I don’t care. This is just for me to let some of my shame off my chest. I don’t really have any friends that close. I especially don’t have any religious friends so.

I know to let this all go and trust the process but gosh wow. Ow, I bottle things up so I just? Idk I’ll delete this probably when I wake up I’m also sleep deprived lol. Sorry

Also edit: sorry if I have an attitude, I’m really scared I’ll be hated for being religious because all of my friends and family do. Please understand this is my first time ever opening a Bible and for ME it has sincerely helped with my psychosis and self esteem issues. That DOES NOT MEAN IM SAYING ITS FOR EVERYONE. SLAY.

10:36 UTC


This whole “bRo wE LivE iN a SimUlaTiOn” thing is first annoying and second just doesn’t make much of a difference, it’s just something boring people like to say.

If we are in a simulation or not doesn’t matter a second, you will still have to work your way through life, live , suffer, die and so on.

People use it so often and think they sound so cool but actually they probably can’t even explain what they mean, anyway this sounds like a rant and I apologise, it just annoys me to see people using terms and ideas so loose, thinking they sound cool.

1 Comment
10:34 UTC


I'm still a bit bothered by my partner spoiling my fav video game

This happened years ago, so there's nothing to do about it. I (30F) absolutely loved Horizon: Zero Dawn, so I was so excited for its sequel, Forbidden West. My partner "Sam" (29F) knew this. I happily shared my excitement with her, and she became excited for me.

Sam has a nephew, "Jack" (11/12M at the time). Jack's the only other gamer Sam knows, so she told him about HFW. The thing was that he was clearly uninterested. He was resistant, in fact. He played games like Fortnite, Roblox, and Sims. No hate on those games, but they paint a picture of what kind of games he was used to. HFW just wasn't appealing to him. But Sam went out of her way to convince him to play HFW, even without playing HZD first.

I know that I don't "own" HFW. It's not that I don't want anyone else to play the game ever, regardless of age and background. I don't control what Sam and Jack do either, and I know that they have a close bond. But it did bug me a little that Sam kept trying to rope Jack into all this. I can see how it was Sam's way of staying connected with Jack, who's growing up fast, and she wanted me and Jack to share a connection too (we've still connected through gaming without Sam's help). But I tried pointing out to her a few times that Jack just wasn't interested, but Sam thought that Jack simply needed to play it. I didn't argue. Maybe someday Jack will give HFW another try, but I don't think that warranted Sam's persistence at the time.

Release day. Both Jack and I got the game. I devoted many hours into finishing every side quest, listening to all dialogue, leveling up my skills, upgrading my gear, exploring the huge map... everything that the game was made for. Jack played the main quest, skipped over all dialogue, "finished" the game long before I did, and never touched it again. Sam kept trying to convince him to keep playing the game, and I even explained to Jack how there was a lot he skipped over. But he only wanted to get back to Fortnite.

Sam once brought him over to play my game file since I had more skills and gear unlocked. I honestly didn't want to let him because I was still in my first playthrough. I didn't want Jack to stumble onto cutscenes and quests before I could. But Sam insisted that I let him try things out. Jack played for a bit but got confused by the controls. Eventually Sam finally saw how anxious I was and told Jack to give me back the controller, which he didn't hesitate from doing. He still didn't see the appeal.

Then one day, after Sam had spent time with Jack by herself, she came home and told me about what they did. Not unusual. I happily listened. Then she mentioned how they talked about HFW. Then the following convo happened:

Sam: "Did you meet [name of new major character] yet?"

Me: "No, and I don't wanna kn-"

Sam: "You know. [Name of new major character]? The [major plot point about the character]?"

Me: "NO... cuz I haven't gotten to that part yet, Sam."

She didn't realize what she had done until it was too late. I was actually upset. Sure, this spoiler didn't prevent me from playing and enjoying the rest of the game. But at the time, I didn't know how this info would play out in the story, if it was that important or not (turned out it was). I value storylines in games. And the fact that I had never been more excited for a game than I was for HFW... in that moment, I felt like Sam ruined it for me.

I don't often get upset like this, especially over inconsequential stuff like video games. But HFW was particularly important to me. Again, I don't "own" the game. I can't dictate who gets to know about it or who gets to play it. But I still feel this sense of possessiveness...? Like it wasn't my game, but it was my interest. I didn't ask for anyone else to be actively involved so that I could fully enjoy it. I wanted my own experience with the game. I felt like Sam, despite her good intentions, didn't let me have my own experience. She thought Jack and I had to experience this together, even though he didn't want to and I didn't want to force him into it (I might've felt differently if Jack had shown interest). And now, her attempts to involve Jack led to her spoiling the game for me.

At the time, I couldn't communicate any of this properly and I was just mad at Sam for a while. But she understood that she slipped up and apologized, and I can't expect anything more from her than that. We were still on speaking terms, but neither of us talked to each other about HFW anymore. Sam didn't want to accidentally spoil anything else, and I actually felt betrayed. Like I trusted Sam with a secret (not that I literally wanted HFW to be a secret) and she revealed it, even if it was to someone she trusted. I got over it and forgave Sam, but that probably wasn't until I finished the game after weeks upon weeks of gameplay. I've told Sam plenty about HFW by now, but I don't know if she intentionally doesn't react or if she actually doesn't have a reaction. Sam herself wasn't into Horizon, just excited for me to be excited about it.

This was years ago now. It rarely gets brought up and only when we happen to be talking about Horizon, though I'm sure I'll bring it up more often when Horizon 3 is announced. Sometimes I half jokingly, half seriously tell her she's "banned" from Horizon 3. She can know about it, but she can't know the details and she can't talk about it with anyone else. We both know I can't enforce that even if I was totally serious, but she knows that it represents how upset I was. She's not a huge gamer either so it's not hard for her to avoid gaming news.

Sooo that's it. Now that's off my chest.

10:30 UTC


Husband choke me

Few nights ago my husband and I were arguing about something so trivial. And he goes from slapping my arm to choking me and said i was being disrespectful to him. He has never done that before. It was only just either grabbing my arms, pretends as if he wants to punch me, or punch the wall.

I got so scared and i couldn’t breathe. And after few seconds he let go of me. I got so angry and emotional, i couldn’t believe he would actually do that to me.. and things just got escalated quickly between us to the point that he moved out and is staying it his parent’s house right now.

So now i dont know what to do.. im scared to meet him and discuss about this and he is probably just fed up with this relationship. We haven’t spoken to each other for like 3 nights..

10:29 UTC



I want to die I’m not happy with life anymore

10:15 UTC


I am going to be homeless thank God for everything help

29M IM sick internally and In my head. Live with gf and her mom. I am horrible lately my gf is pregnant but she doesn’t want me to be father in shambles crushed. So really they say I’m emotionally abusive and I must be they wouldn’t lie but not intentional I’m so sorry for being horrible. I developed epilepsy so I forgot big argument where I supposedly accused people of being ped*philes but no one forgives me because my meds were gone and it’s my fault but you can’t say sorry if you don’t remember.

Listen, if God came knocking on your door saying it was time would you listen? No home, parents hate me, siblings hate me. Now made to be abandoned father and going to lose my love.

Do I just sleep in alleys( I don’t have more than 7 days of medication left and lots of neuro and psych issues. I don’t want shelter I need to finish why everyone has to hate me I must go to police and lunge at them even taser would kill my

I learned so much over the years

10:14 UTC


I’m unsure if I’m being ghosted and it’s killing me inside

I’m in a position in my life where I’m extremely isolated. I recently cut off toxic family and moved far away from my hometown. My friends back home are either too busy to contact me (I usually have to text them) or have “outgrown” me. I can’t make friends with my coworkers because they’re much older than me and generally keep to themselves. Basically I’m alone and up until a month ago I was in contact with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend and I had known each other on Grindr then Snapchat for about 7 months before he decided to ask me if he wanted me to be his boyfriend. I said yes and for about 2 months things were great! Even before we became a couple, my then friend would text me every day, asking how I was. We would have long conversations almost every night and sometimes all day during the weekends. We would FaceTime each other during the weekends. He would let me vent and I would let him vent. He even sent me a few gifts. We both actively planned on seeing each other in person at some point. I’m not someone who easily trusts romantic relationships but this gave me hope. He seemed really invested in the relationship. He was always so supportive of me and cheered me on with the challenges I faced both last and this year. It was just so wonderful to be actually loved and appreciated by someone for once.

Slowly but surely, his work would creep in. Since he’s low rank in the military, I imagine that they’re working him death. At first, they made him work overtime and sometimes would call him into work unexpectedly, which would cancel our calls with each other. Eventually the call’s stopped. Though he would still reach out to me and I would help him get through work by texting him. We still texted but I was usually the only one to reach out.

Eventually he told me that he would have to take a year long work trip. He assured me that I was free to text him but that he wasn’t sure if he could respond as his phone access would be restricted.

After that conversation, I don’t hear from him for over a week. One day something told me to text him and so I texted him wishing him luck on his trip and that I love him. He clearly wasn’t expecting the text and thanked me for it. He told me that he was actually leaving that day, that hoped that I have a great day, and that he knows I’ll do great things throughout the next year.

It’s been a month and I have since sent two small texts to him and he hasn’t responded. I completely understand if he’s busy. And out of respect to him, I’ve refrained from calling him.

But if he barely has access to his phone, why his Snapscore increasing? The snapscore has been my only clue for this and I hope that it’s just my self doubt talking.

1 Comment
10:10 UTC


Now ex-gf gang banged by 3 of my cousins and everyone knew

Exactly what the above says, don’t know how to handle the level of humiliation and betrayal. 100% there’s a video out there everyone has seen. Spiralling in to severe depression

10:00 UTC


I got a thai massage for the massage and she started touching me

Im a 25 year old man in Thailand for some vacation. Long flights mess with my lower back. I had a free day so i decided to go to a thai massage place. Of course i’ve heard of happy ending massages but I’m not interested in that at all. And I assumed that was something you had to seek out in a thai massage place. But i was a little wary. I made sure to get the massage where I could keep all my clothes on and was very respectful and polite to the woman. She gave a good massage for about 30 mins and then had me flip over. She was massage my legs and sort of rubbing her body on my jimmy, intentionally or not. I was very relaxed and comfortable and got a MINOR boner. I tried to be adult about it and not worry as I assume a little chub isn’t the most uncommon thing during an hour long massage. But she immediately noticed, giggled and then grabbed my penis through my pants. I exclaimed a little and she let go. She asked if I wanted a hand job and I told her no, trying to be polite but firm. She then proceeded to grab me multiple times trying to convince me to say yes. In retrospect i should’ve been much firmer and perhaps hit her hands or something. But i felt awkward and didn’t want to overact. She eventually dropped it and continued with the massage. But near the end grabbed my penis again for a second, let go, and giggled.

I just feel terrible now. I didn’t want that to happen but i know i should’ve pushed harder against her. Idk just feels dirty and guilty as hell.

09:50 UTC


A guy I went on a date with girlfriend keeps harassing me

This girl found out her boyfriend was cheated on her with me about two weeks ago, she's been calling and texting me from no caller id and fake numbers since. I only went out with him once and blocked him once I found out about her but is still harassing me about it.

I will take accountability for my actions; when I found out about her, I did leak his number on Twitter for lying and wasting my time. I know I was wrong and her harassing me is probably my karma. But it's been two weeks now, the people who texted him moved on, I moved on but clearly she didn't.

In one of the texts messages I send to her I told her to either leave him, move on and leave me alone or to stay with me, leave me alone and let him continue to cheat in peace because regardless if I leaked his number or not, he lied to both of us but your anger is more towards me.

I thought I heard the last of her last week but she's back. I told her I know what school her boyfriend works at and that if she keeps harassing me I will call the school complaining about how his girlfriend is harassing me and he's letting it happen.

I don't know what else to do. I'm over it, I'm tired about it. I know, I know "You leaked his number so don't complain" I don't care about leaking his number, at this point I want this girl to realize that her anger is at the wrong person. It's been two weeks. I didn't cheat on you, he did. You going so hard for a guy who doesn't care about you but I digress.

09:47 UTC


I'm 27f, I progress to slow and have no idea what to do with my life

Everything feels so out of control, I'm currently jobless lost my 4 year job (art related)in a video game company due to them closing and I'm currently on month 3 of finding a new job. I don't have many skills and I finished school as a bachelor of economy ( went there just to have a degree ). I'm generally not interested in anything and have little to no hobbies, no motivation to do anything, and been struggling with mental health since I was 15 ( mother died suddenly ). With what little money I made, I bought self help books, been to a therapist and tried applying things I read on the internet to make myself better and I did get a little bit better but I don't feel it's enough and I'm progressing too slow.

I want to support my aging dad and my brother who is currently a student but I feel so useless and not having control of my life while my peers have babies, start businesses and travel the world. I haven't really been anywhere outside of my country. I don't know if life and finding a job and existing is supposed to be this hard or if I'm depressed and /or have a genuine mental health problem or I'm just useless as a human being who can't succeed in anything. I feel it takes me twice as long to learn things even though my friend is telling me I learn really quick.

I dislike my face and body and I can't seem to lose fat no matter what I do, I been going to the gym for 3 years and I gained muscle and I'm pretty strong now ( benching 50kg, started with just the bar) but I still look big and fat.

I feel worthless, I just want to be in my room and play video games and not think about anything anymore.

09:39 UTC


[F53] I think I’m okay with being a younger man’s sexual fetish

I’ve been divorced for 4 years and celibate for the last 3 years. Since the divorce, I’ve moved to a new city, made new friends, and lost a lot of weight. I’ve been flirting with guys online and in real life, but have not been intimate with anyone.

Two weeks ago, I went to the lake with some friends and ended up chatting with my server [M24]. He was funny and flirty and was not subtle about his interest in me. Feeling daring (and a bit tipsy), I gave him my number.

We texted through the week and he mentioned his username on Reddit several times. I could tell he wanted me to look up his profile so I did. He had nudes and was obviously proud of his body and penis. Our texting grew more sexual and I eventually sent him some nudes. He came over this weekend and we had sex. He returned the next day and ended up spending the night. We plan on getting together again next weekend.

Our time together was amazing. The only thing that startled me is when he admitted that he has a fetish for significantly older women. I thought about this for a long time after he left. I told a friend and she scolded me for sleeping with him and urged me to stop. For the first time in a long time, I am going to disregard her opinion. I know I am being objectified and I know he is using me to gratify his sexual fantasies. At the same time, I think I am comfortable being that for him. I don’t feel diminished by his attraction and the pleasure and excitement he brings is joyful. His enthusiasm and passion makes me feel sexy and vibrant again.

Maybe I should feel guilty, but I don’t. I decided I’m not going to overthink things and just enjoy our time together, however long or short it may be. Not every relationship has to be deep or meaningful. Sometimes a fling is exactly what you need. So I refuse to feel ashamed.

09:31 UTC


Every goodbye ends with a bad note for me

Be it workplaces, school or random encounters with people, it’s a pattern at this point. Either I mess up royally or they do. I always have horrible luck meeting or dealing with people. I don’t know how I managed to make enemies from all of them or bring out the worst in people. Is that considered a skill, it’s a common theme now.

1 Comment
09:02 UTC


About my mom

So I just finished my lunch an hour ago and she saw eating candies ( I JUST ATE 2 OF THEM) and she said: “ You always eating junk food !!!” and threatens me that she won’t cook anymore and let me starve to death and I like: “ WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FCK” and I literally do nothing and she scold me just for fun. FUN ?. That’s not fcking fun at all. Yea I hate my mom since I was 9 because she was a literal KAREN. She always tell me that she is the boss and she always right. Hope that someone can tell me to cancel her fcking voice and annoying words.
P.S: She threatens me that I can’t live without her and think that I’m nothing to her. She loves 10 marks in exams ( bc I’m a Vietnamese) and she also threatens me that she will go away and leave me and my dad alone. I want to say that if she vanishes, that would be amazing bc I’m alone and no need to listen to her voice again. P.S: She also said that she hate me as f

1 Comment
08:55 UTC


No one cares

I want my pain to end so badly, I wanna scream for help, I wanna say how I feel but it doesn’t matter. I don’t matter. How I feel doesn’t matter. I just want it to end but that’s not an option. I have to stay I have to fight for those who matter to me even when I have never mattered as much to them… and as always, signing off with who fukkeen cares anyways.

08:43 UTC

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