
Photograph via snooOG

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Being in a relationship where everything works fine with the exception of sexual intimacy due to mental issues is exhausting.

This is more like a venting than anything.

I left a long relationship of over 10 years and stayed single for a while. During this time I went on a phase of knowing lots of people and took my time to enjoy my single life.

When I met my current partner, she was everything I was looking for. Charming, intelligent, confident, lovely and we had an intense sexual chemistry that I hadn't experienced before.

We got together, and moved in together. Everything was fine until after about one year into the relationship, she fell into a deep depression due to life circumstances. The depression triggered other issues such as OCD, and due to this and the medication, her libido went to zero.

We stopped having sex. For the longest time I did everything I could to take her out of that hole and through our love and not giving up on each other she started therapy and she's feeling much better. The depression is gone, but the OCD is still there and the medication puts it in check.

We went one year without sex, at least she didn't become cold towards me and we still have tons of physical intimacy.

The sex started again slowly, she's doing her best to improve but the medication is awful and we felt as if we were having sex for the first time. The chemistry that we had is mostly gone and I've been fighting myself to improve this.

We now have sex maybe once a month, sometimes a bit more depending on her mood.

She's on the path to recovery, she's feeling guilty about the situation. I understand that it's also hurting her not having libido at the moment and she breaks down crying when I talk about this issue. It's an issue that is now affecting other aspects of our relationship, mostly due to irrational ressement from my part and me trying to protect myself from hurting my feelings even further.

I never thought I would be in a situation like this, but I do believe that we can overcome this. Many people tend to tell me to break up because of this, I won't but I know that it's hard for both of us being in this situation.

I mean, if breaking up with someone because they are going through a bad period in their lives while I'm in a relationship. This can happen anytime, I don't throw away people just because they are doing unwell.

11:02 UTC


i love you sinus medication

i don't know how normal people do stuff while being sick. i can't even sleep. modern science is my best friend. there's really no reason to post this but it's stupid in the morning and i wanted to express this relief to someone

1 Comment
10:48 UTC


I need help

Hello I am 21 year old who want to go to university next year and I don't know how to compartmentalise things.i have so many question and when I google it I have more .so any one who have experienced this .can I tell me what is credit is ot an hour or marks in us system . What is it .and how can I pass the first year how many marks is it to pass and hiw many exam will there be and what are assignment if I do it do I get marks I really need help I'd you know about this please tell me I graduate when I am 16 i take a few years off and now that I am going back to university I realised how clueless I am

10:35 UTC


I didn't realize how awful casual bigotism/antisemitism is until I randomly talked about an event that happened in a DnD session. I had been so used to hearing it every day from my parents.

My parents are tankies. They're deeply xenophobic, hate the US and EU, root for Putin and would rather watch the Ukrainians burn and express this views openly at the table each day. They think that trans and lesbians are the same thing and refuse to be educated otherwise. Each day they talk about how capitalism brought censorship to our country, that they feel being watched and unsafe to express how they feel. They will always give at least a passing mention when a Black person shows up on TV, normally a negative one. They are weirdly enough planning to vote for the alt right party, mainly because it upholds their deeply xenophobic views.

Anyway, sometime ago, I joined an online DnD group and had been playing with the people for two months or so, not really having gotten to know ourselves. Just "professionally" meeting to play the game. It was as it happens that one of the players was late and we ended up in a random discussion and them it occurred.

Something must have swayed the subject to politics, when someone out of no where and fairly off-topic said: "You know, Hitler had a point." People at the table just went wtf. I joined in, but at a emotional level I was tuned out. It was for me just another Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. When have I not heard my parents root against a tennis player, for example, just because they were Jew. Or bring attention to anyone who looked remotely Jewish on TV. My parents disliked most nationalities who they believe controlled the world. Besides the Chinese. They love the Chinese.

Anyhow, I commented about on this incident on reddit yesterday. I mean I reddit and that's what redditors do, they post. And someone commented saying he hoped I told them "wtf?". It was only then a light bulb hit my head. I never agreed with my parents, but I just thought that being like them was something that some people just were. You just had to accept it. It's not like you can change it. Idk.

I only now realize how fucked up that mentality is.

10:27 UTC


Tied to obsession with looks


as the title says, i think im too obsessed with looks and i hate it. Always wondering wether i look acceptable or not because im insecure of specific features i have. Always checking im mirrors and afterwards i ALWAYS feel worse. As if nothing matters if i look "bad". I dont want to be this superficial person but im afraid ive had this problem for too long and its become a part of me. At this point i avoid mirrors or pictures of me at all times and i feel like im becoming a person but i cant keep living without ever looking in the mirror can i?

10:24 UTC


I Am Far Different From What People See Me As

This has been disgusting me from myself for a long while

The new people I met, people that I know for years, my previous girlfriend and even my close family, they all been seeing me as a content, matured, chill person with little to no anxiety with a total control over it, without a crumb of anger and even calling me cool for that kind of traits

But reality in my mind is far different from this perceived image of myself

I am actually a pretty insecure, anxious person to the point of having self harming thoughts and an occasional burst of rage to other people. I am just constantly oppressing and hiding it and trying to keep this kinda dark side of myself unseen, because of the anxiety that people I love will be disappointed by, scared of, or even disgusted by witnessing this dirt

I considered therapy for a while but in essence, I constantly feel ashamed of accepting it, I just want them to disappear and I properly integrate into my perceived self

I hate those times when I become an angry, selfish, and anxious person and I just feel like I got irreversible dirt on myself

Can anyone relate?

10:17 UTC


My parents hate that I have lost weight

When I was around 4 years old and it was my first day of school I was running across the school corridor and some of the kids of the local premises laughed at me, calling me fat hippo. It was when I realised that I was too fat . I ever lost the weight till last year when it was my first year of college and I was residing in the dormitory and due to hesitation and being i wouldn't come down to eat food due to which I last around 15 lbs in a month. When I visited my parents for the first time they were clearly surprised about my weight loss. After visiting them for the 2nd time they told me that I had to stop losing so much weight . At my lowest weight i weighed around 54 kg. Now I am back to 60 kg and tbh I have again started overeating to the point of not being able to stop. Everytime I try to skip a meal my parents get concerned

10:12 UTC


Burned out, depressed or done with this part of my life

I've been working customer service as a student in one from or another for 5 years now. The past 2 years I probably switched between 8 or 10 jobs, hoping that if I'm atleast selling something I personally like I won't be as bored and sick of this shit. But it's all the fucking same. Some stuck up boss who thinks you've no idea about life or business, god forbid you try to take time off to travel cause you're not allowed that, and god forbid you mention you're tired or sick, cause you get a "you're young, you can't be tired or sick". They tell you that while you're working two jobs and doing your masters. Sure, you can tell me that, while you have a highschool degree and daddy's money. The worst are the fucking customers.

I can't work in my feild as a student, I studied criminology and am now writing my masters, my focus is mainly on blood spatter analysis and organised crime. I do not give a shit about customer service jobs, it brings me 0 joy. I still do my job, I don't half ass shit, when we're pumping out orders faster than humanly possible I always make sure to cheer up my coworkers so it's a bit more bearable. But god do I not give a shit about customers anymore.

I have a resting bitch face, or should I say I look like I'm pissed off 24/7, so it doesn't help my case, I'm still nice to customers but the second someone gives me attitude or is rude I drop it like my life depends on it. I used to just be overly nice to rude customers so they felt bad, but that took too much energy. Then I became diplomatic, solved the issue in a minute. At this point I stare at them in silence and leave, if they have too much to say I just leave while they're talking. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for them to escalate the situation so I can throw my tray into their head. I could not give less of a shit about at least 10 people daily who decide to make my day worse, and it pisses me off when they're pissed off that I don't give a shit about them. I'm paid to serve you a drink, not be the target of your bad day, get a grip and fuck off.

I feel like no matter what job I try it's the same. I last a week and then feel like I'm going insane. If it's a job where there's not a lot of customers I'm bored and going insane, if it's a job where 5 hours in I'm almost dropping dead on the floor I'm happy, but end up with a lot of stress. It doesn't matter if I take time off, when I come back it's usually worse. My brain gets used to the depression of working, then it gets a break and when I come back I feel like I'm in agony. I have almost a year left untill I finish my masters and can actually go do the job I give a shit about. I have no idea how I'm gonna last through this year. At this point I'm scared this'll be my attitude working the job I want too.

09:48 UTC


Good job, love what i do, but i can't get over this thing that annoys me

Hey Reddit, I need advice

I am currently working in the journalism/infotainment industry, basically writing articles as a freelancer, but i end up working basically for one site with good cash. I work everyday except weekends, no long hours, but recently i started to feel tired, annoyed even.

I was thinking it could be burnout and i should take a week or two off, to reset my head, but when i think about it, i really do love what i do and problem, at least from my point of view, is not that i have overwhelming work, but it's certain topics, that is for me annoying and/or uninteresting.

I work for kind of small website and really do not have all that much say about how the site should be run, so i basically write about what boss wants. I recently found myself, that when i am on those annoying topics, my productivity goes way down. it is like working on those ruin my entire workflow and motivation.

Has anyone experienced something similar? how could i filter out or ignore this part of work, is there any kind of mindset that generally helps?

09:40 UTC


I'm loving how low my expectations are these days

I know it's only November,but I frickin hate Christmas so I'm giving you all a early fucking christmas présent so here's a fucking vent story.

I don't care if people made a promise they can't deliver. I'm used to disappointments considering how I'm surrounded by it. What I'm not loving is how people can't deliver their promises and spend an hour long lecture on how it's your fault. Oh no presents for me Santa Claus? That's alright I understand. But if you don't stop the sentence there that's when I start slapping the Ho ho Holly shit out of you. I'm perfectly fine with disappointments, it happens, but I do not need to hear about the rest of your insignificant story.

Happy fucking Thanksgiving all of you sorry bunches out there. Yes I'm frickin mad and I hope you're all enjoying your own lives out there

09:32 UTC


Very difficult decision for someone who is just 18 (TW: Mental health and self harm)

I (18F) am in my last year of school but have depression (yes I’m in therapy and yes I’m on antidepressants). Because of that I have missed a lot of school, so much in fact that if I’m not present constantly now I’ll fail this year. Recently I relapsed and started cutting myself again. I have been thinking about just leaving this year and focusing on my mental health. The thing is that because of other health issues I have 3 surgeries next years wich all have a long recovery period which means that I can’t redo my last school year next year but would have to wait two years. I would be 21 when I graduate then. (turning 19 in a couple month) I’m very torn between both sides and have compiled a small pro con list for leaving school and redoing it two years later.

pro: -my mental health might deteriorate further (if I stay) -I might harm myself more often (if I stay) -I would fail this year anyway if I miss just one day or one specific teacher is sick -not being able to stay home even when I’m not doing so good is a lot of pressure

con: -I would “throw away” one year of my life -I’m reliant on my parents for longer and it will take longer till I can move out (isn’t a problem but I feel a bit bad for it) -I would graduate in the same year as my little sister (she’s in a different school) -I went to so much stress this year already and it would have been all for nothing

I’m also planing on speaking with two teachers that I trust and with my parents about it, I just wanted to hear the thoughts of other people bc it’s often helpful to hear an outsiders perspective, so any advise and encouragement is welcome.

(I also hope this doesn’t violate the rules of this subreddit, my self harm isn’t in the center here and just a part of my problem)

09:18 UTC


Lose interest

I have a problem, I am 37, and as far as I can remember, when I find something challenging like solving a math problem or studying or playing a video game or a hobby like puzzles and such, I immediately devote all my time and power till it becomes as easy as breathing to me, then it became boring, and I start looking for a new thing, for example, I have taken a special interest in photography I have fought cameras and lenses and taken lessons, it was my passion for a while, I even worked as an event photographer for a while _beside my day job_ and I did well at it. It became easy, I do not do it professionally now but keep doing it as a hobby, I don't hate it now, but I do not have the same enthusiasm about it as I used to have.

09:15 UTC


I was drugged in a bar last night by a random person.

I Went bar to have few drinks. talked with people, time goes by and suddenly I feel really good. I walked to toilet and watched myself in a mirror. Then I realized my pupils were like two plates. Dilated as fuck, I made decision walk back to my hotel. Drug really started to effect me during walk. Barely kept myself together starting dancing on empty roads. And yeah it was MDMA, I'm not a noobie for drugs but who the fuck thinks it's okay to spike other people's drinks with hard drugs?

09:00 UTC



I'm just sorry that I'm not good enough, sorry that I fucked everything up or at least that is how it seems Sorry that I'm clearly not the one you want, need and I can't give you what it is that you want anymore.

I'm strong but not really. I fight but it goes no where.

So I'm sorry I'll step back I'll stop.

1 Comment
08:32 UTC


Hi guys help me

Hi i never understood it

I have had a female friend for the last 1.5 yrs.in the first two months i let her know my feelings and we decided to date in aug 2023 After a week she decided to breakup Reason being she didnt want a relationship with anyone We then decided to be friends after that and were pretty close for around 4-5 months when things started going haywire a lot of misunderstandings ,fights made it difficult for us to be on a stable friendship for even a month consecutively after all that too and even asking her out two more times she still wanted to be friends and kept on making the effort to save the friendship..yet denying everytime that she didnt like me back The reason: she has never had a liking for anybody in her entire life We again decided to date this year in aug because we wanted to give this a chance because the friendship was not working out and we didnt want to loose each other and we even kissed two or three times Again after 10 days she overthought and overthought to end the relationship again this time giving the same reason of not wanting a relationship I just cant understand if she even liked me or not Because i feel u cant be after the same person for that long and still deny not liking them U cant kiss a person u dont like even if u r drunk Help me guys we currently are on no contact

08:31 UTC


What do people get out of being married?

Ever since I was little , most people I saw were extremely miserable in their marriage. I have yet to see one happy marriage where all the parties involved are content (can't say happy because nobody actually is). I am a stem major 20f living in central India where arranged marriages are very common. Last month one boy of my class asked me out and I truly felt nothing. Most of the girls of my college dream of being married, having children and everything else but I never did. I never had a bf or even a crush . I am the eldest daughter of my family and seeing my parents marriage I feel it's better for me to be alone . Infact most of the time , I like to be alone . Even spending the day sitting in a park reading a book makes me happier than spending time with anybody else

08:08 UTC


Falñimg for my bestie

Hi, this my first post on Reddit...so fun! So, about falling for our besties? Is it worth it telling them? Risking the friendship? I'll share my story and please, share yours. I would be so happy to read them! At the time i was 22 from a small town in Argentina. During the pandemic i moved back to my parents house to take care of them, at the time i thought "oh 2 weeks of college, sounds fun" how foolish of me right? Lol. So ive packed my little blue Hyundai and went home. As we know, that girl Covid came to world for a longer time than we tought, so i've spent a year and a half at my parents. Months later when bussiness started to opening up, ive started going to my old gym. Ive been doing crossfit there during summer break so i was comfortable there. One day i opened Tinder and i saw this, cute, tall and sweet looking guy (looked like the love child between Liam Payne and Asthon Kutcher) lets call him Freddie, we matched! Funny enough, i look up and he was right there in front of me (i swear my life is a movie sometimes.) So i tried to be cool and smiled at him and he smiled back, i continued with my day. Same night, he unmatched me and never heard from him, until a moths later. A friend at the time (who i will post about her sometime) managed to get him to meet me at the gym, ive been doing Crossfit for 3 years at the time and i was pretty good at it (im retired now) and Freddie wanted to try it out, so she walked me to him and introduce us and we made the classic akward i'll shake your hand meanwhile i'll kiss you on the cheek greeting. I was speachless, he was so cute and sweet and sexy at once, i immediatly fell for him that day. We started to hang out more and more, talked about our past, Taylor Swift, the gym, evend joked around having se, we really bonded honestly, later on he started and still calls me "my baby", so i fell for him so easily. One day, we went to the gym together, i went my bike and shorts...and then it got cold, really cold, and walking out he gave me his jacket all cute and worried for me...and i thought "oh this is real", i was convinced he liked me back. That night went straight to my friend's house to tell her everything that happened and we both genuinely thought he had a thing. The next two weeks i was on the clouds, happy thinking ive found the one, we hanged out all the time, he reacted to my ig stories, everything....until one day he said he met this "guy"(lets call him Christian). He was older and taller than me, and he was hooked for him!. He started dating him and telling me all the details, meanwhile i was falling apart. I remember one night i went to the last class of crossfit as we agreed at 9pm. Ive got there, and when i got out of my car i saw him walking out with this dude holding hands, my heart shattered. I called my friend crying and went to her house (such a good movie scene, right? lol). Fast forward in time, i've acted normal and ignored the guy he was dating while i saw them every week. Once Freddie's bday came up, ive decided to dress up nicely for him and for me, i guess to feel better about myself in some way, plus he always saw me wearing gym clothes and being sweaty. So, i've grabbed a light grey suit and a white basic shirt, i came late on purpose to the party just to make an entrance, desperate to get him to look at me (damn looked fine) At the time, our friends already knew i had a crush on him and the folks who didnt assumed we where together, so they were expecting me. So i get to the party, made my entrance and greeted everyone, came up to Freddie, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, wishing him a happy birthday a gave him his present (my plan worker, ive thought). And sitdown next to him, guess who was right in front of me, yeah that guy. I had a feeling he already knew what was i doing but, i kept doing my thing during the party until i went out for a smoke and this guy came up to smoke with me and talked about Freddie and how amazing he is (i basically said he is an angel and deserves to be treated right) and went back to the party. Around 6 am, the party ended and i took Freddie to his house, when we got there, he thanked me for the lyft...and being nice to the guy he was dating (he saw us talking). He said they were going for a serious relation ship and swear my heart broke that night. I went home and cried the whole weekend, then i accepted he only saw me as his best friend and nothing else. 3 years later, we live in different towns and still close, we both dated different people but for some reason, i still have feelings for him. Thanks for reading my little long story, have a nice day boysa!

07:48 UTC


Developed a weird fetish due to having a slutty sister

My sister who is three years older than me is known around our town as being a slut and very promiscuous. I used to get shit from guys in my school all the time because of her. She would very often sneak boys in our house when my parents left for work early in the morning. One summer, it was nearly 2 new guys a week. I could hear everything and once she even fucked a dude while I was in the room (she thought I was sleeping). I even started my first job in high school and to no one's surprise, one of my new coworkers was one of her past hookups.

This all caused me to develop a porn addiction, more specifically a sorta cuck porn addiction where the vids are centered on watching the sister get railed while the brother/father sit back helplessly. I feel gross but it's the only thing that turns me on now. I have a ton of memories of her being promiscuous and I can only really get off thinking about them and I hate it.

07:37 UTC


I had a fun interaction with a group of attractive women on the train and I still fondly think about it.

This is probably random and it's probably not that big of a deal, but it is to me.

I went to the anime NYC, which is a anime convention that took place in August.

I was taking the subway train home and I was wearing my cosplay. As I was entering, this group of women laughed and started clapping and cheering.

It was such a a funny and memorable interaction. They were a group of very attractive white women. I'm latino/Hispanic and I find white women extremely attractive. I dont know why but white ladies are just so hot. I think the skin color is very pretty and stuff. I guess I'm just into lighter skin.

I started talking to them and I said that I wanted to take uber instead because people look at me like I'm crazy and stare and they started laughing loudly.

When they left, one of them looked at me said they were very proud of me for making such a cool cosplay. They all got off together at the same time.

It's also a compliment I got from a hot woman.

They were probably coworkers or something. They seemed like good friends. Me and my friends joke that they were probably coworkers who go out and drink together and have ladies nights or something.

I still feel a sense of joy from that interaction. I wish I could see them again. I enjoyed the attention I got from that group and I genuinely liked their energy. They seem really nice and fun to be around. I usually don't even talk to people on trains because I don't like the environment and people on the subway trains are weird and miserable.

I actually recorded myself on the train. You guys can DM me and I'll even show you the video.

07:04 UTC


I think I might be actually scared of women (24M)

I can't talk to women, not just ones I find attractive but all of them that are around my age. Every time I strike up a conversation with a woman I freeze, my mind goes blank and my anxiety goes up. I have tried dating but my inability to carry conversation makes it super hard.

Any time I talk to a woman I get this irational feeling in the back of my mind that I am either going to accidentally piss her off and get slapped, say something really stupid and embarrass myself or I will just be a nuisance in general. I hate being a problem, it's literally my number one most disliked thing.

The moment I realized this might be an actual phobia is when it dawned on me I hadn't had a genuine conversation with my only female coworker. She is super nice, I don't have anything against her at all, I just physically can't speak to her without the above happening

I'm not blaming women at all it's just my stupid brain and I don't know what to do.

06:46 UTC


i love ducks

i love ducks so much. ducks are delicious, cute and fluffy. i want to own a pet duck once i get my own place. i want to have so many ducks. i want to cuddle my ducks. hell, i love ducks so much.

06:34 UTC


I feel like my life is far from normal

I feel like my life is far from normal

TW: Abuse

I feel like my life isn’t normal, I have so many problems in my life that I feel like it’s just not normal and no one can relate to me.

Some background, I’m an engineer, I graduated in 2023 from a relatively good school and I currently live with my parents and work as an engineer in a small mom and pop type shop. Here’s a lost of all my traumas/problems (in chronological order).

  1. My dad was abusive to my older sister, my mom and I growing up. Like beating us for no reason.

  2. My dad neglected us when we got older. No first phone no first car no bus money no nothing. I started working at 13 to afford shoes and food and other necessities.

  3. We have always been poor. My mom and dad both work seasonal jobs and make minimum wage. Winters are hard since there’s practically zero income at our home. We just eat up any tiny savings we have during winters. I’m so anxious about money now because of it. And my parents make no effort to better themselves, even though we struggle so much. We rent a super cheap apartment that’s falling apart, and no me has the initiative to try to make some extra income to at least fix it up (broken windows, missing carpet, ripped up sofas). What bothers me most is my parents don’t care and will continue to live this way no matter what.

  4. My goal after graduating from college was to save up a good amount of money in order for me to move out. It’s hard to get a good paying job without some prior experience, so my goal is to live at home for 1.5 years. During that time I plan to save enough money in case anything happens, while also building experience to find a better job. I’ve been very frugal during this time, because I want to be in a good spot when I move out and never come back. That’s why I don’t want to spend money fixing up our shitty apartment, since I feel like that’s not my responsibility. I saved my parents tens of thousands of dollars by working since I was 13 and taking care of myself, so they should have it fixed right?

  5. My sister developed schizophrenia 2 years ago making her drop out of an Ivy League school. She won’t accept her illness no matter what, she won’t take any meds and insists she’s possessed. She’s not dangerous or anything, but it’s tough living with someone that’s praying 24/7 and blessing everything she touches and every room she goes into. I’ve tried to help her a million different ways but she never listens, no one can get through to her. I feel like no one cares what I have to say.

I’m probably coming across as entitled, maybe I could help out more but no one helped me. And in my mind, the more money I spend on my family the longer it’ll take me to move out. I’d rather save up as much as possible so I can afford to leave an never look back. I feel like all the people in my life make such stupid choices and their lives (and my life too) would be so much better if they just listened to me. I feel like no one cares about what I have to say.

1 Comment
06:20 UTC


I feel like I finally found happiness

Typing this post to state the title: it feels like just that. For the past 10-11 months, I've been speaking to this brilliant woman. Absolutely amazing. And...well, just yesterday we finally got together. I'm both ecstatic and almost lacking belief at the event. She's been so very positively receptive to my insecurities, appreciative of my effort, and as friends, we had previously been able to comfort and guide/support each other theough our traumas and issues. It feels quite surreal to have met someone who so intuitively understands me; I thought it'd never happen. I thought I'd never allow myself to love, or that I was even worthy of love. But she made me think otherwise. So...yeah, thank you for reading. I just kind of typed this cause I felt the need to outlet it somewhere.

And for anyone who may be reading this who doesn't believe in that hope:

I hope you find this happiness someday. I, personally, know all too well how the world refuses to discriminate in it's bid to make us suffer. But...I think it's worth putting the effort it for whatever it may amount to. I hope you'll stay with us.

06:10 UTC


Am I wrong for not feeling bad about my would be abuser being seriously sick?

So, I am 28 female and when I was around 8 or so had the husband of one of my aunts try to touch me, thankfully it didn't go far, he once showed me his member and another time tried to touch my parts, as young as I was I didn't know what to do and just stopped visiting my aunt's house, I have always been shy so my parents just thought it was me preferring to be at home, I never said anything to anyone, I felt like if I told, my dad would do something that would get him arrested even if it was on my defense, shortly after I stopped visiting my aunt's house her husband had a stroke and it was really bad, for a while he couldn't even walk or talk, it's been a long time and he never fully recovered, part of his body is still partially paralized, while growing up I felt like he was getting his punishment, but at the same time tried not to think about it too much, he has recently become quite ill and is in hospital, when I got the news just in passing I just didn't feel much of anything, but my mind sometimes gets some stray thoughts: like do you really not care, it's been too long, your aunt and cousins will suffer if he dies.. so I don't really know if I'm wrong from just not really caring what happens to him.

Ps: I'm not really sure if this was the right place to post, I was just looking where I could write it so I could get it out of my head, if it shouldn't be here let me know and I'll delete

06:06 UTC


I’m so confused.

I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. My mental state is at an all time low and has been since 4-5 years. I’m having trouble studying and I have to repeat exams as I scored so less before. The thing is I’m not even interested in doing the course but the college is the best one out there and I don’t wanna lose that opportunity but at the same time I’m so uninterested. I don’t know. I cry every single day. I can’t focus. I constantly compare myself. It’s just hard idk. I failed one of my class. Now I’ll miss more of my classes. It’s as if things are good for me but are going downhill cause of fucking stupid and sad I am all the time. Not to mention lazy as well.

06:04 UTC


Realization of a modest lady

I’ve never been someone who is cozy with showing off any amount of cleavage, I’m a lover of crew necks and hoodies. It’s not that I have anything against it, I don’t see anything wrong with others doing it, but when I do, I feel so exposed.

To challenge myself, I chose a more revealing dress for a night out with some friends recently. I bought some inserts for the dress to make the ladies look more pronounced, took a deep breath, and left the house with no second outfit option in my bag so I was stuck with my decision all night.

Let me tell you… I thought I might experience some differences in how men treated me, no surprise there. But what I found was the majority of the women I came across looking below my eyes! Even double taking shamelessly at my rack, not giving a hoot if I noticed. DOUBLE TAKING! I could just chalk it up to there being an energy where I live, but we went out a few cities away from home and it only progressed! 😂

I was genuinely flattered. I didn’t get a single nasty look and surprisingly, men had their eyes trained most of the evening, though a large proportion of them were painfully sweet to me. Now I’m wondering… have women always been this bold? And are men just getting better at maintaining composure in the wild?

05:31 UTC


Can someone please reassure me that losing weight will help my dating life?

I’m a M25. I’ve been overweight my whole life, and it’s greatly affected my love life. By that I mean, I’ve never had one. I’ve never had a girlfriend and I’ve never been romantically intimate with anyone, including kissing. I know that overweight people can have dating success, but I’ve tried and I’m just not seen as a serious option. It’s only ever platonic. There are women in my life who tell me that I’m a catch and I’m going to make someone happy someday, but it’s hard to believe them when I’ve never been seen in a romantic light.

I desperately want to lose this weight. Desperately. I’m going to do everything I can to get this weight off in the next 6-12 months. I just need the motivation of a love life. It’s probably not the best motivation, but holy shit I don’t want anything more. I don’t care about being healthy, I honestly don’t. I just want to look better so I can find a significant other. I want to feel like a desired being, someone that is actually attractive to another human. I’ve never had that and I want it so badly.

Am I being naive or will losing weight significantly help?

05:24 UTC


Is it true it is actually a good idea to let a 15 year old visit her mom who will be in jail for six months?

the charge is a check fraud charge and it is a six month sentence. My daughter she seems to be handling it fine. I told her right away about it and she reacted pretty calmly. I told her mom did the wrong thing and is rightfully serving her punishment. They have a good relationship. The main problem I have is she will see her mom in a jail jumpsuit and see guards and other inmates that could be intimidating. Is that ok for a 15 year old to see? Actually my daughter does not seem scared but instead seems excited and enthusiastic to visit. I’ve talked to some people and they actually say it is actually a good idea. That is surprising. Is this true?

05:05 UTC


I feel like I’ve lost the ability to love

I don’t know how it happened really. I remember when I was a child, the love I felt towards my parents, friends, just life in general. Even in my last relationship, I felt like I was so deeply in love with this girl that I would do anything to keep her. That ended about a year ago unfortunately. I turned 20 earlier this year and It feels like now I have a very hard time connecting with other people. It feels like I have no emotional connection to anyone in my life. I find it very difficult to attach strong feelings to people. I can’t remember the last time I ever even had a crush on someone. I have no desire for a romantic relationship but not because I explicitly don’t want one. It’s more so the fact that I can’t feel romantic feelings for anyone I interact with. Even when a girl is showing full interest, I just feel nothing towards her. Even my own parents I feel hardly anything towards, even though they’ve always treated me well. I don’t really know what to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind honestly because I have no idea why my brain works this way. I’m scared that I’ll be like this forever.

1 Comment
05:04 UTC


I am really not sure.

I’m 17F. About to turn 18 actually. I grew up the youngest of 7. Not having anyone to play with. No one showing me how I am supposed to react to things. How I’m supposed to feel about things. How to talk about my emotions. I grew up with an absent father. Emotionally unavailable mother. Parents who have never loved each other. A brother who only ever yelled, threw things and got angry. Sisters who chose to isolate themselves and only talk to each other about problems. I was never included in such things. Maybe because they thought I was too young. A year ago I guess now, my family kinda disowned my brother. He was too much and didn’t want help. I stayed. I wanted him to know he was loved by even just one person. He turned his back on me the second I expressed my feelings. Calling me names, brining awful things up about me. Even texted my mom who he hates, to try and get me in trouble. Because I voiced my feelings. Last month, my mom and dad had a falling out. They barely speak anymore. Even though they live in the same house. He was messaging his ex-wife for two months behind her back. They argue, that’s the only time they talk. Feels like I’m stuck in a home with strangers who just don’t get along. I moved from my favourite, most comfortable place to be closer to my other family. I had so many friends, felt so loved and cared for. Was always out. My grades were amazing too. I connected with family I didn’t before. Then we moved again. Two years here, not one new friend. I have an old friend I see about once a month. I’m not even upset about the no friends thing. I’m fine with it. My mom makes me feel so alone tho. Always making sure I know I have zero friends and no boyfriend. That I’m wasting my life. I don’t even go to in person school. Last year of high school, excited. I’ll be going to college next fall hopefully. I hope to make friends there. Sometimes I get all in my head tho. Thinking about how alone I am. How much I don’t have. How much I’m missing out. I wanna see a therapist. Talk about the things I’ve experienced. How I feel so much yet can’t express a single thing without crying. How I rather get hit by a car than tell my parents how I feel. Because if I did show any emotion, they would turn away. Say I’m dramatic. Say it’s my fault. That I’m fine. I don’t need a therapist or to feel alone, sad, angry or anything because I’ve done it to myself. So I guess this is really just me venting. Because I literally have no one. I couldn’t have anyone to help even if I wanted. Because I would be called a liar, dramatic and over exaggerating.

I hope to not mess my kid up. I hope to be the mom I needed. Show that emotion is ok. That talking about feelings is ok. Because I grew up hiding it all. To keep myself from showing any “weakness”.

1 Comment
04:52 UTC

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