
Photograph via snooOG

Redditors helping active Redditors ranging from financial assistance and wishlist fulfillment to advice, support, contest votes, and surveys. This is a subreddit of regular people who can help with short term support.

Our Mission:

Redditors helping redditors ranging from financial assistance and wishlist fulfillment to advice, support, contest votes, and surveys. This is a subreddit of regular people who can help with short term support.

For assistance with general reddit issues, you're looking for r/help.

The Basics:

  • Never delete a request or offer entry for any reason, including those removed by moderators for ineligibility.

  • Do not send any unsolicited messages to any users asking for assistance.

  • Please wait 72 hours between unfulfilled requests and 30 days between fulfilled requests.

  • You must have a comment karma score of at least 400 to make a request.

  • You must have regular reddit activity for requests, particularly in the previous 60 days.

  • Please register before making a request.

  • No requests for loans, referrals, video games, or anything that is illegal or a violation of terms of service.

  • Make sure your post has all applicable information. Posts with little information or links with no text body may be removed.

  • Do not include any personal information in your post like cashapp tags, paypal emails, etc. You may include a crowdfund link or Amazon wishlist.

  • Always be civil and respectful to other users and keep any personal judgments to yourself. Concerns about a user or their post/comments should be directed to modmail.


Required Reading:

Subreddit Information:



r/Assistance utilizes the Universal Scammer List. If you have been added by another sub to this list, please resolve the ban with the originating subreddit.


307,565 Subscribers


Need $200 for rent

I’m $200 short on rent . Check was short this week from having to take off work for my kids appointments . I don’t expect anybody to give me the whole thing but something would help and would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been doing everything I can to make sure me and my kids keep this apartment . This is the only place we have to go. So I would really be grateful for any help. I have proof of everything also. I have cash app , zelle and Apple Pay .

20:08 UTC


Offer 50 gbp or usd Amazon wishlist food items

Not entirely sure I can purchase for Amazon outside the uk, but can certainly give it a go. After receiving the rest of my mums savings I’m doing some charitable actions as a way of giving back to society.

Offer of around £50 (or 50 usd or 50 euros) to anyone who has an Amazon wish list and this will be food items only.

19:29 UTC


Sedation price for wisdom teeth removal is too much

I know this is a long shot but I would really appreciate any help to cover sedation to get my wisdom teeth removed. They’ve been bugging me bad lately and one in particular is broken and causing some extreme discomfort. I have all 4 and they all need to go and it’s easier and cheaper to do it all at once. My insurance will cover the extractions completely but not the sedation which is $199.00. My bottom 2 wisdom teeth have grown in side ways and will require “a bit of surgery” and “sedation will make things more comfortable” said by the oral surgeon. After all my expenses this month I don’t have much left over and this broken tooth has suddenly started hurting and I need it gone. I’m worried about infection and increased pain the longer I wait. The expense just came out of the blue and so did the tooth sensitivity.

17:02 UTC


Please help us get back on our feet after losing everything.

Here is our crowdfunding


Please any help would be appreciated our whole life has been taken from us and we are drowning.

15:53 UTC


Need $170 as a woman living in her car

I’m a college student living in my car and my car battery unexpectedly had to be replaced this morning which ran me about $300. I had a small small amount of money saved to help, but even with that I ended up having to use my hair appointment money. It may sound silly, but having my hair braided while I’m homeless as a black women is essential. It keeps my hair clean, protects my hair, saves me so much time (doing my natural hair can take a while and requires more frequent washing since I would be using products daily), and it allows me to look presentable everyday to keep my jobs.

I am requesting this money for my hair appointment, but was scared people would find it silly if I put it in the header.

15:29 UTC


Need New Tires

My wife and I have been falling further and further into a deep hole financially due to costs rising and my wife is having trouble finding a job since she’s been a stay at home mom for the last year and a half. It’s been very difficult and we’re finally at a point where we really have no way to pay for the things we need and are unable to get help from family and friends.

Our only vehicle (we had two other ones over the course of the last 2 years and they both broke down with blown head gasket on one and a cracked motor on the other) needs 2 tires because one is completely unable to hold air due to a sidewall crack and the other has basically zero tread. We’ve found the cheapest possible options in the town over but have no money to get them and no money to pay for my neighbor to tow it there.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated! God bless y’all!

1 Comment
15:22 UTC


Badly need to get my car legal again

Hello kind people of Reddit! I'm trying to get myself out of a situation where my car isn't legal to drive. I have been unable to get it inspected due to funds and other work that needs to be done on it beforehand. I was told that my car can't have the check engine light on for the inspection and I know it needs a bit of work. Every time I try to save up, something happens to the car (such as a part failing or a tire needing replaced) and I'm back to square one again. It's a nearly 20 year old car but it's all I have to get around. I've already been pulled over once because of the needed inspection as my state is a bit strict about it. Luckily got off with a warning but it's definitely put a renewed sense of "Get it done" in me. What I'm asking for is help in getting my car to at least a legal point if not totally fixed. I called a mechanic about the check engine after getting the code scanned at Autozone and was told that if it's the fuel pump, it could be upwards of $500 including part and labor depending on where my tank is. I don't currently know what all I'd need for inspection. The car runs, isn't too rusted. It has problems that need fixed but I don't know what they look for on inspection. Thank you to everyone regardless of if you can help or not!

1 Comment
14:19 UTC


RULE UPDATE: Amazon Wishlists are now capped at a total of $150USD!

Hi everyone,

Effective immediately we are now placing a $150 USD maximum dollar limit on all Amazon wishlists. This means the total of your list cannot exceed $150 USD.

There has been a recent trend of lists being excessive in terms of price and the variety of items, and because our subreddit is not meant to equip you for a zombie apocalypse we feel it is reasonable to put some limits on how long a wishlist can be.

Amazon wishlists (for the purposes of our subreddit) are only meant to be a stepping stone to get you back on the path to self-reliance. We feel placing this limit will encourage our users to prioritize their needs and what is most important.

A reminder that your wishlist should be limited to essential and primary needs and be tailored specifically for r/Assistance use. Video games and gift cards are not permitted on wishlists and we will continue to enforce this rule.

#What if I need items that cost more than $150? (ie. laptop for school, bike for commuting to work, etc).

For items that are costly such as the above examples, rather than ask a single person to take on that burden we highly suggest crowdfunding on a platform like GoFundMe! There are many advantages to this, not limited to being able to ask for a specific amount for the item you need and being able to share with friends and family who may be able to chip in or share it more widely. And of course you can share it here, too! ;)

14:17 UTC


Need somewhere between $100-150 to pay optimum/net bill & misc

Hey everyone, so I've been in my apartment little over a month now right?! And I kinda got Cocky about being more on top of myself, being able to make money as I need it, etc. and now here we are almost August and I'm not even able to find chanr lying around. My internet bill was due yday so I'm afraid of that getting shut off bc then I rly can't find gigs. My optimum bill is $65 After that I need miscellaneous things I always seem to forget at the store when I have my EBT and bread. Yk, garbage bags, paper towels, a mop head, kitchenware extra food etc.

If anyone could help a dude out id rly appreciate it. This is my first place to myself here at home and I'm mad that I'm seemingly fking up already. Anyways... thanks again and lmk plz

1 Comment
12:15 UTC


Gratitude for being heard

One of the rules for making requests here is that they’re made for short term help with urgent practical needs. Twice now, I’ve reached out and requested help and twice, I’ve been answered so swiftly, kindly, and generously. I’m deeply grateful for everything your help will make possible for me. I’m also grateful for the things donors might not be aware they’re giving, like the chance to be seen and heard and validated as a human being. My PTSD symptomatic brain tells me “I deserve nothing” combined with a heaping side of “HIDE! TRUST NO ONE!” This makes asking very challenging. So, to put my story out there into the ether and have it be read and understood and responded to by good-hearted strangers is probably what’s worth the most to me - just being heard and shown that kindness still exists. That’s invaluable. You are a positive force in the world and your efforts are doing more good than you know. I hope you let yourselves feel as good about that as you should. THANK YOU.

09:09 UTC


I am in desperate need of help buying supplies for my type 1 diabetes.

I am a type one diabetic. I have very expensive private health insurance, but unfortunately my supplies is still a financial strain. I want to pick up my insulin and CGMs tomorrow but I am $96 short. Any help would be appreciated. This community is amazing and I am so grateful to even be able to participate.

07:17 UTC


Got crashed into, now I'm behind financially

I was coming home from work with my pups. There was a four stop sign crossing and it was my turn to go as an SUV t-boned me who didn't stop. Aside from stress and some bruising my dogs are luckily okay. My car unfortunately was not. I had some insurance on the car but had to use my savings for the deductible. Unfortunately this put back on a lot and I keep sinking further.

I need help with a couple bills I've fallen back on having to use my mediocre paycheck on my main bills. My insurance (of course), my trash and one of my loans. I live alone and so I'm the sole bread winner with my dogs on a mediocre pay.

If anyone could help that would be awesome, I've been hoping I'd be able to catch up better but it's been a struggle. At the end of the day I am happy that my dogs didn't get hurt worse than they did.

05:08 UTC


Travel help, EOL vigil

Navy vet requesting help with fuel costs, lifelong friend is in hospital ICU. She's been my friend for 70 years.

She is in Seattle area. I am in Missouri. Trying to drive the 3200 km (2000 miles) distance.

My finances scuttled this month because both service dogs were poisoned. Attempts to save them were costly, yet neither one survived. I'm still broken over losing them. July is proving the be an exercise in vocabulary enrichment

Navy disability will arrive on 1 August, but that's too late. I'm 74 but still spry for an old gal, so I can sleep in the car and feast on PBJ and cookies. No money needed for hotels or drive thru. Just fuel.

I've never really known a time without her in my life. I have to say good bye.

Any help offered would be deeply appreciated.

04:49 UTC


Help with replacing school supplies

Request fulfilled

I am seeking a little help in replacing school supplies for my grandkids, on Monday we discovered a massive infestation in the kids room of bed bugs.

9 days ago the room was fine, not a trace anywhere and then suddenly my granddaughters bed was loaded. Sadly they were all over all of their toys, and clothes and their book bags had become a home to them as well.

We've had to throw everything out including their beds and the bunk bed frame.

The lowest price for professional help is $1400 and with school coming pretty fast, every extra cent is going to pay this down.

They go to a school where certain style clothing is required but if we can just at least get the bags and some starter supplies to get through the first couple months of school it'd be very much appreciated.

I do have an Amazon wishlist.

But I can't seem to link it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong there.

Anyway, thank you in advance for reading this 💖

I was able to link it in the comments

04:01 UTC


Kiddo had surgery in need of ice pops/medicine

Hi all,

Single mom of 4 here and struggling in this economy. My 5 year old child had their tonsils removed this week and I have run out of ice pops, jellos, pedilyte etc and over the counter medicines to help. My bank account is negative until I get paid next Friday. Which will keep accruing fees. I also need to pick up the prescription she was to start today but can’t because I don’t have any money to pay for the co-pay. I can show screenshots of the surgery date/bank account status etc. I would never ask if it wasn’t for my child. My account is negative $29.54. I didn’t attempt to apply for state benefits along with emergency benefits but was denied. I got soup for her from a local pantry. However ice pops/gatorade/pedialyte/and the pain medications are hard to come by.

If nothing else prayers are welcomed. Thank you.

03:38 UTC


Low income disabled senior VS heatwaves/smoke

Hello. I’m a low income disabled senior living on SSD/SSI in the Pacific Northwest, United States. I am isolated and alone without support, living in fairly remote rural area, 45 minutes from the nearest town and resources. I normally do alright and am well versed in self-advocating and making resources last. Due to a severe and long duration heatwave earlier this month, I was forced to leave my sweltering little cabin and flee to the coast to camp out of my SUV wherever I could during peak summer travel time. This necessitated spending money on gas, campground fees (even with my disabled discount pass), water, and food and my July budget took a huge hit. To be clear - this was a matter of survival, not a vacation.

Please go to third paragraph if you want to skip explanation<<<

The heatwave has subsided, but it remains a historically hot July. Now I’m contending with hazardous smoke from wildfires, too. I’m disabled by medical conditions as well as psychiatric, and it’s tough to handle the conditions. Official advice is to keep windows and doors closed and run AC on recirculate. I am not equipped this way and if the heat and/or smoke gets any worse, I’m going to have to escape again. What’s making all of this infinitely more difficult is the fact that I no longer have a water source at home. For 50 years this land has had an easement to run a spring line up through county owned forest land to gravity-feed water to the cisterns from a mountain spring. But the county sold the timber on the land the easement is on for a clearcut timber harvest. I was forced to dismantle and remove the spring line. The once full cisterns have now run dry. I saved every drop of rain I could, but now it’s gone too. So I’m forced for now to spend my very small SSD/SSI on water to drink and wash with. I’ve appealed to my county, the food banks, charities, and even my health insurance for water and no one can help.

So, after exhausting all other possible sources, I’ve decided to ask here. The most pressing needs are food, water, hygiene, and gas. I have an Amazon wishlist (please see profile) with the most affordable options I could find, though I’m not expecting the full list, don’t worry. The xl bathing wipes and no rinse shampoo caps are due to my lack of water and needing to maintain my hygiene. As far as water and gas, a gas gift card would work if they’re allowed here. $50 would be a gas fill and $100 would mean I could manage a round trip to escape the heat and smoke. Maybe I’d also be able to refill some water jugs at the service station - but not for drinking. I can buy filled 5 gallon jugs at Home Depot’s spring water exchange for approximately $1.38 a gallon. $13 for ten gallons. I have a PayPal account for any water or gas donations.

When Autumn comes and the rain returns, the wildfires will end and my little seasonal creek, which is dry as a bone now, will flow once again. This will allow me be to be able to be more self sufficient again and not need to ask strangers for help. Thanks for reading and for any help or encouraging words offered. I worry I am asking for too much, so please know that even a couple items form my wishlist would help a lot. I’ll be as responsive as possible to any comments, but please be aware I only have internet through my cell phone and reception can be spotty. ✌️

03:15 UTC


struggling with unemployment

i have currently been unemployed for almost 3 months and i have not gotten any call backs on the 30+ jobs i've applied to. i have $10 in my account once i deduct my rent (due on the 1). i am asking for funds for some groceries and cat food/litter. i truly don't know how this works but you can pm me and i appreciate anyone here and will try to help others. thank you so much

edit: THANK YOU thank you thank you to everyone that commented or privately messaged me!!!! here is my amazon list if anyone knows how to work these lol https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1JKRPDVR48L8X?ref_=wl_share

thank you so much everyone and may we all have proper financial times soon 🙏🏻🩷

23:50 UTC


Broke on leave after having baby

I had a baby in June and I'm broke now because my leave from work pay was abysmal (like $100/week) and I'm actually going back to work on Friday because if I don't I won't have money to pay rent next month. My partner/baby's dad currently cannot help much financially. He is working on it but obviously he can't make money poof out of nowhere. If someone could just venmo me some money for gas to get to work this weekend and for some baby supplies I would be so 🙏 grateful

23:32 UTC


Car broke down on the way home from a job interview - stranded at shop and need help with Uber/Lyft cost

FULFILLED Can’t post the attachment, however I am currently stranded in Gilbert, AZ and need to get home to Avondale/Tolleson/Phoenix border area of the valley. Car broke down and I am currently sitting in the shop to stay out of the heat. Shop does not offer shuttle and home is 45-50 miles away. Uber cost is currently $51, Lyft is $45, but I know these fluctuate. Do not get paid until tomorrow. Have no other way home as bus does not travel this far out. I have only about $20 in my account, so am in need of $25-$35 to get home before babysitter has to leave/shop closes and I have nowhere to go.

Can accept Apple Pay, Venmo, or cashapp.

22:33 UTC


[Academic] Research Survey - 25 MORE PARTICIPANTS NEEDED (18+)

Hi Reddit Users 👋🏼

  • NOTE: I’ve had so much success recruiting participants from Reddit which is super exciting! I only need 25 more participants before we can start running our data analysis. *

I am currently completing my 4th Year Honours in Psychology at Deakin University. As part of my degree, I am completing a research thesis.

For my thesis, I am part of a group of student researchers who are seeking participants for an online study to better understand attitudes and beliefs about body weight and weight loss, and how body weight has potentially influenced interactions with health professionals.

The study is open to any adult (18 years or over), regardless of current or previous body weight.

The survey will take approximately 45-60 minutes.

Here is the link to the survey: https://researchsurveys.deakin.edu.au/jfe/form/SV_79bTq5YjKk6O5kG?Stu=NB

For those interested, thank you for your participation!

22:11 UTC


Need $30-50 for groceries

I take care of my disabled brother who has end stage heart failure. A couple months ago I was diagnosed with early stage heart failure. I have to pay out of pocket at the moment because I can only get Medicaid in this state if I have a kid, or I can get a different kind of Medicaid if I work 20hr a week every week, which I can’t do because I take care of my brother full time while also being disabled due to my back (latest SSI application is still pending one year later and five of the lawyers I called won’t take the case until I’ve been denied). Medicaid won’t recognize my caretaking unless I am getting paid to do it.

We have also applied for me to be paid as his caregiver but the office said that could take between 60 to 90 days to receive a verdict.

We have also applied for food stamps. In this state since I don’t work 20/hr a week I can only get them three months in a 12 month period and I have already used those 3 months - I think this was implemented by Kemp after Trump took office. My brother gets $14 of FS since he makes too much on SSI (he makes around $640 a month). That all goes to bills. We manage to have $100 a month at the moment for food and we live in a small town whose second grocery store burned down, so the other one has hiked up its prices massively. I can’t drive due to a suspected seizure so we have to accept rides to the closest store.

All of this to say that we still need help and could use any help in this range, if anyone is able.

Thank you everyone for everything, this community is awesome and has been great with the advice as well! As soon as I am able to be paid for my caretaking - and I’m hoping a second company not affiliated with Medicaid might assist with that - I will pay it forward. I wouldn’t have even known about this option without this community. Y’all have been a lifeline in our greatest times of need.

21:26 UTC


Poor and homeless need help for only food $50


I searched for this reddit because I am desperate. I signed up for the website and I will add here what I wrote. I can provide any additional details if needed. I really just want money for food.

I have been homeless since January 2024 but have been surviving. I did many different odd jobs using apps like wonolo and instawork. I did work there for a few months when I first became homeless but I was later removed from the app because of my background.

I have no felony and one misdemeanor charge. I can give you more details if you want.

Because of that reason I started finding ways to make money from my phone, credit to beermoney, because I had to pawn my laptop and sell all of my things. I specifically use two websites, I did use three but was banned from one a few days ago.

I use ...
Freecash - An app where you can play games on your phone, do surveys, and test apps
Cloud Research - A website to do surveys
Prolific - Website to do surveys

I found out about these websites from the subreddit beermoney. With these websites and apps I make around $500 a month (I can provide proof of this). I was recently banned from this website because I forgot my password and tried multiple to login and from different devices. I was banned shortly after. This website has a history of banning and not explaining what the ban is for. I did contact support through the website and also through reddit; you can actually check my reddit history to see that. I am able to provide proof of all the money I have made from the past three months.

The last time I worked for wonolo was about 1 month ago. I can show you proof of this as well. The only bill I have is my phone bill which is absolutely ridiculous. I have Verizon.

I've gotten food stamps before and am trying to get it again. Redditors have help me a lot by directing me to different apps and websites I can use to make money either from my phone or from my laptop.

I have never received monetary help from someone on Reddit, or anyone for that matter because I'm a man and am supposed to take care of myself. But I'm a bit desperate at the moment because I was banned from prolific.

I did request help from someone in my city at the beginning of the year when it was extremely cold and raining in my city. They made a post asking if anyone in the city needs winter clothes to keep warm. I did send that person a message but they never responded.

Because I was suddenly banned from prolific I am asking for emergency $50 for food

19:34 UTC


Disabled veteran in need of help, looking for $200 for food/fuel/laundry

Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read my post. I'm a disabled veteran in need of some assistance. The past few months have been rough. My sailboat, which was my home was broken into earlier this month while I was staying in my van at that time, thankfully. Some things were taken unfortunately. I no longer feel safe living aboard until I can get back on the anchor but I think I'm just going to sell my sailboat and concentrate on getting into a house/apartment. I'm tired of struggling to power my cooler and find places to shower. I just want somewhere stable to live. Sadly I don't qualify for any other programs..I've tried exhaustively.

Until I can get into a house or apartment, I am living out of my van. Sadly it got infested with bugs which I've been fighting to eradicate but they are in the vents and every crevice. I've bug bombed, sprayed, placed traps, window films and powders but they are still all over my van. Despite all that, my van is fairly comfortable. I have a small generator I use to power my air fryer or stovetop. My electric cooler died and I now use ice to keep my food cool. My cooler also basically killed the battery in my van and I'll need to replace that very soon. If I didn't have a portable jump pack, I'd of been stranded much earlier. I'm almost out of gas in my van. I do have a motorcycle I ride most places so that helps conserve fuel. I'll post my Amazon wish list but I could not add anything from Whole Foods as I don't have prime. I mainly shop at Walmart.

I'm asking for $200 today so I can survive until my next payday (VA disability). What will that be going to? I will use $50 for groceries $45 for fuel, $15 for laundry, $6 for ice for my cooler (should last a week) and the rest to find a cheap hotel room where I can get a shower. I would really enjoy a hot meal from my local Sonny's as that is one of the very few places I can eat safely due to numerous food allergies (gluten free, lactose and corn etc) and it's been a few days since I've had any proteins but I'm cool with just buying some hot dogs and cooking in my air fryer.

I truly appreciate any help and I wish you a blessed day.

Amazon food https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1RL759CBHSD1T?ref_=wl_share

My GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/Strongbow

18:06 UTC


Request and/or advice please!

Hello! I'm sorry in advance for formatting, but any help or advice would be so greatly appreciated!

Currently I'm unemployed, but my husband is not. I've had some health issues that have resolved for the most part, but I have one issue that requires money I don't have.

I can't afford to get snap on dentures. I'd like the permanent dentures, but, those cost double. I'd wear full plates (the "grandma" type dentures) if I could, but with autism and sensory issues, that's not in the cards for me. It also appear to be out of my cost range too (15k ish). We finally found a dentist that's kind and caring of my issues, and it's 30k to get the procedure done, and the only pay arrangement is more or less 4k a month taken out of your bank (by credit or debit card) or Care Credit, and I was only approved for $500.

I don't know what to do. I can't afford dental tourism, I can't get a loan from the bank, and I've only qualified for $500 from Care Credit, and less from Capitol One. I don't have a gofundme set up because well...I don't have anyone to give it to share with or know enough people who would share it. Should I set one up? Is there any help, or way to get the money needed for the procedure? Advice, tips, or money (if possible) would be a great help. Thank you so much!!! (Sidebar: a note showed up as I was checking the rules to make sure I'm not breaking any, so to be clear, I am NOT asking for a loan in this sub.)

17:40 UTC


Hospitalized after back injury and now drowning in bills. Any bit helps!

Hey everyone! First off, thank you for reading. These past two months have been exhausting. Asking for help like this is very hard for me, so I am asking for some mercy and grace,

I was injured in May of this past year, injuring my back and leading to hospitalization. I missed a lot of work due to it, and since my line of work was freelance I lost much needed income. Now medical bills are coming in, and as I try to solve things, I could use some help.

$5,000 would not only help with my medical bills, but ensure that my bills such as my phone, and car bills can stay caught up while I get a full-time job. In return, I am more than happy to work on creative projects with you! Whether its proofreading, lending my voice to a project, or helping you with a specific project, I want to ensure you know this won't go in vain. I just need help in these scary, uncertain times.

Thank you for reading! A share or a positive comment will go far for me in these scary times. I hope you are safe, wonderful, and loved. You deserve it. ❤️


16:21 UTC


Looking for a little help

My bank deposits were affected by the crowdstrike ordeal last week. Leaving me behind on a couple of bills. To top it off my car insurance has gone up.

I do work full time. I do pick up overtime when offered. I’m honestly just looking to stay afloat and pay my stuff and have a bit of extra for groceries. I hate asking for help as others are in need more. But I’d very much like to get ahead and help others in return when I can.


My go fund me link is above.

15:55 UTC


Offer to UK Amazon wish list

Offering £25 to someone in the uk only, on an Amazon wish list on food items.

08:51 UTC


[Academic] Study on Misinformation (Female Students, 18-24, in USA/Europe)

Hello community!

I am conducting a research study focused on misinformation and disinformation on the web, including fake videos. We are looking for female students aged 18-24, residing in the USA or Europe, who are concerned about these issues and are actively seeking more accurate information online.

Study Details: Who: Female students, 18-24 years old, in the USA or Europe

Why: Your participation will help us understand how individuals navigate misinformation online and seek accurate information.

How to Participate: Survey Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9BV5zHT5rx2zOY6OozQi7cCGFl5f3YclzP5bRyQs-AjrKjw/viewform?usp=sf_link

07:38 UTC


Infection still going and need a few things to get by

Hey everyone , I have been dealing with a bad UTI and kidney infection for over a month now. It has has a lot of complications as Im allergic to some medications they have given me, or reacting badly. It has caused me to continue to miss work and as a result I am still in pain and financially in pain. I have no money to buy food right now. I have left an amazon wishlist and yeah, it does have some junk cuz to be honest, im having a really a hard time. im pretty depressed and in pain and although i try to be healthier sometimes I can really find joy in food. I have no money to be able to do that right now. If you can consider helping I would sincerely appreciate it. Thank you


01:59 UTC


Phone bill help. Starting job next week

Hey guys! Umm, this is kind of wild when I think about it but umm I need help paying my $60 phone bill? My mom couldn’t help me because she paid rent early because she knows she gets her check on an off week so now she’s in overdraft and we’re just gonna have to figure out how to get groceries when we can but that’s not what this post is for. & since I haven’t had a job(applying crazy & finally landed a good one after being unemployed for 5 months and being denied unemployment by a racist prior boss) she’s been having to pay my portion of rent. I try my best to donate plasma or babysit for a few dollars; so I used my last $20 for a few groceries because I don’t want to be a burden to her. I literally will accept even $5 idc 😭. I tried to extend my payment with the company but I’ve done it for the last two months in order to scrape the money up on my own so they denied me the ability. Literally, once I start working it’ll be so much easier😫. I start my new job which is a teachers aide for early education and I’m soooooo stoked! I know that things will begin to look up for me again! Whether you can help or can’t, just thank you for even reading this.

01:09 UTC

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