
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.

Submission Rules

Not A Confession

All submissions must be a confession!

  • A confession is an admission of an illegal or immoral action you have intentionally committed that others are not aware of. It cannot be a thought, dream, opinion, kink, etc. Innocent mistakes or accidents are not intentionally committed. You cannot confess the misdeeds of other people. You MUST express regret for your actions in your post.

  • Your confession must be an act you committed.

  • If your submission does not contain a confession it will be removed.

  • An unpopular opinion is not a confession.

  • Regardless of whatever unpopular opinion you hold, it doesn't classify here as a confession. You haven't done anything wrong, so to speak, so it isn't technically a confession. Better subreddits for this would be /r/offmychest, /r/TrueOffMyChest, /r/rant, or in some cases, /r/relationships.
  • Your sexual exploration is not a confession; it's a part of finding out who you are.

    • /r/confession is not a place for submissions that read like pornography. Despite our confessional theme, we don't find consensual sexual exploits sinful. /r/gonewildstories would be a better place to share.  

    Be Specific

    All confessions must be titled specifically!

    • Your title must relay a brief idea of what wrongdoing you have committed. Submissions with vague titles will be removed.

    We receive a lot of meta-confessions that lump a lot of confessions into one, and a lot of submissions with titles that hardly relate to the confessions within. These kinds of posts don't take the subreddit in the direction we want it to go—it dilutes the content and leads to far more submissions that read like creative writing rather than the thoughts of real people.

    Ideally, your title is a TL;DR of your post.

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    Helping one another also means that we do not encourage bad behavior.

    We will not accept posts that:

    • 2a) encourage rape/rape culture;

    • 2b) sexualise minors;

    • 2c) are racist; or

    • 2d) otherwise promote abusive or hateful behavior.

    No Relationship Related Posts

    /r/confession is not the place to seek relationship advice.

    • Even if your submission contains a confession, relationship-based confessions will be removed. /r/relationships, /r/offmychest, or /r/self would be better places to share. We reserve the right to remove any posts referencing relationships, not just those seeking relationship advice.

    No Pedophilia Type Posts

    At this time, this subreddit does not accept pedophile-type confessions, even if the user is seeking help and/or working on their situation.

    • In the past these types of confessions have been a fine line between acceptable and sexualizing minors. We recommend you seek out sources such as:

    • http://www.virped.org/ (18+ Only);
    • A counselor that can effectively aid you; or
    • Another subreddit like /r/self, or /r/offmychest. However, we do not know their stance or moderation policy on pedophile-type posts.

    Unfortunately, We are not well versed in the help that may be available. Hopefully this is a starting point for you.

    Limited Context

    We do not accept posts with limited context.

    • Confessing only the barest of snippets or most cryptic of details isn't the purpose of this sub. Understanding what you're confessing shouldn't be like pulling teeth, context is important.


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    • You may report spammy posts, but commenting solely to try to discredit the experience an OP has claimed to have is at best nonconstructive and at worst genuinely hurtful. Please message the moderators so they may decide if it should be taken down instead.

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    Je suis hypocondriaque, ça me gâche la vie, au secours !

    Nouvelle utilisatrice de Reddit, je lance cette bouteille à la mer pour recevoir vos conseils.

    Je suis hypocondriaque. Je ne suis pas diagnostiquée, mais j'ai tout les symptômes et ça me gâche la vie. En même temps, je n'ai pas l'impression que mes inquiétudes et mon comportement soient complètement irrationnels vu le monde dans lequel nous vivons.

    Pour ce qui est de mes symptômes, j'ai évidemment le classique s'imaginer un cancer du poumon dès que je tousse, un cancer du cerveau dès que j'ai mal au crâne, et ainsi de suite. Mais ce qui me gâche le plus la vie, c'est que j'ai peur d'absolument tout ce qui m'entoure. Je vis dans une ville polluée, donc j'ai constamment peur d'avoir une infection des poumons. J'ai cuisiné pendant un petit moment dans des poêles PFOA et avec des ustensiles en plastique, donc j'ai peur d'être empoisonnée. J'ai eu des moisissures dans mon appartement, donc j'ai peur d'avoir une fibrose.

    Je fais des crises tellement intenses que je me prépare souvent psychologiquement à ce que le médecin m'annonce que je vais mourir, je me demande comment je vais l'annoncer à mes proches, etc etc.

    Vous allez sûrement me conseiller d'aller voir un.e psy, mais le problème est que je n'en ai pas les moyens. De plus, j'ai souvent besoin de "rassurage" immédiat, et je ne pourrai évidemment pas appeler la psy à 3h du matin quand je serai en pleine crise. En plus, je sais exactement d'où me vient cette psychose. (négligence médicale de la part de mes parents dans l'enfance, si bien qu'à l'âge adulte j'ai dû moi-même rattraper d'un coup tous mes vaccins, aller chez le dentiste pour la première fois en 15 ans, etc.)

    J'imagine que vous ne pourrez pas faire grand chose pour moi, mais si vous avez quelques mots rassurants, je prends.

    1 Comment
    20:32 UTC


    In high school I got my friends mom pregnant part 2

    Ok, so my phone is exploding, part 2 as requested. First for everyone saying it’s a fake story, it’s not lol. It happened in the 90’s. I can’t post in /sluttyconfessions because I didn’t follow the “rules” and got kicked.

    Part 2

    After being pushed and laid on my back on the bed, her name is Cheryl, started trying unbuckle my belt. I remember her struggling with it and me nervous as hell. I helped undo it, and she zipped down my jeans and starts sucking me. I honestly remember this being the best bj I have ever gotten in my life. Probably because she was like 40 and had lots of experience lol.

    I was hard quickly and she removed her bottoms and sat on me. Keep in mind not one word was spoken during this time. She rode me slow at first then rough with the rocking.

    I know I didn’t last long, but It was the onsite extreme sex I ever had up to that point in life. When I started to cum in her, she knew and pushed all her weigh down on me when I was cumming.

    When we were finished she got up put her pants back on, then told me to be quiet and took me the couch to sleep lol.

    I didn’t sleep much that night but in the morning I had a friend pick me up. I didn’t speak of it to anyone. Not even my guy friends.

    If interested there is a part 3 let me know if you want to hear out the end.

    20:31 UTC


    I Crave a Motherly Connection, but Not with My Mom

    I’ve never had a great relationship with my mother. She and my father were always there for me in a practical sense—they provided for my needs—but emotionally and spiritually, I was left to figure things out on my own. I don’t villainize them for it; they were young parents doing the best they knew how.

    As a child, I was always more of a daddy’s girl, but I was also afraid of my mom. We fought a lot as I got older, and when I was a kid, I even resented her to the point of wishing she would disappear. She used to beat me for things like having messy handwriting or being too hyperactive. I still remember the day she tore out an entire notebook and made me rewrite everything neatly. Those experiences shaped a lot of my early interactions, and I found myself naturally gravitating toward male friendships, especially since I went to a predominantly male high school.

    At the time, it felt normal, but as I grew older, I started craving deeper connections with other women. I realized that most of my male friendships had an expiration date—eventually, many of them would develop feelings for me, and that wasn’t what I wanted. I started longing for something more stable, a real sense of sisterhood and female companionship.

    Now, at 22, I’ve been doing a lot of healing, and a part of me deeply craves motherly affection and that warm, nurturing “girlhood” experience with an older woman. But I’ve accepted that I won’t get that from my own mom—she’s emotionally unavailable, and even the thought of seeking it from her makes me feel embarrassed.

    Instead, I’d love to befriend an older, kind-hearted woman who could offer that guidance, support, and affection in a way that feels natural. I don’t know if that’s strange, but I just want to heal, and I think having that kind of connection would help.

    Has anyone else ever felt this way? And if so, how did you navigate it?

    20:22 UTC


    I walked. Away from everything, and everyone. All because of a breakup

    I’m 23 years old, and in September 2024, I went through one of the most painful experiences of my life—the end of my first and only relationship. We had known each other since we were kids, together for what felt like forever. But the truth was, the relationship was built on lies. She cheated on me—not once, not twice, but over and over again.

    I knew about it. From guys at school to sleeping with her boss, I was aware of it all. And yet, I stayed. I forgave her every time, convincing myself that she’d change. I never confronted her. Instead, I swallowed the pain and kept pretending things were fine. But then, in September, I found out she had done it again—this time with her next-door neighbor.

    That was it. I couldn’t take it anymore. But I still couldn’t bring myself to face her. Instead, I just left. I moved out, cut all ties, and now I’m planning to leave the country.

    I live alone now, spending most of my time in the dark. The weight of it all has consumed me. I barely eat, barely sleep, barely exist. I don’t know if this feeling will ever go away.

    The worst part? There was no real closure. I never told her I knew. She was always so sweet, always telling me how much she loved me and how she wanted to marry me. But I couldn’t keep pretending. I couldn’t stay with someone who could betray me so easily and act like nothing had ever happened.

    20:18 UTC


    In high school I got my friends mom pregnant part 1

    When I was in a senior grade in high school, I would hang out with this girl who was a known slut, but she wasn’t my type so I kept it no more than that. At the end of our school year she had a house party. There was weed and alcohol available.

    Here mom who was a single mom lived there and allowed the party. She didn’t interact much with any of us, just sorta let us be.

    Later on that night, I was drunk off Mike’s hard lemonade. I don’t remember the time, but I know most of us kids left at house. I remember looking in their fridge for food, and the girls mom walked into the kitchen, asking me what I was doing. I told her I was looking for water lol. She got me a glass, then asked if I was spending the night.

    I told her yes, because I wasn’t able to drive from drinking. She told me to follow her so she could show me where I could sleep. Basically showed me a couch and told me to Come with her to get a pillow and blanket.

    We ended up in her room, she told Me to grab a pillow of the bed and just the way we were standing when I reached out, I brushed my hand against her. I remember jump a bit and look at me, then she grabbed me and laid me on the bed on my back.

    Let me know if you want the rest for part 2

    20:03 UTC


    In high school I got my friends mom pregnant part 1

    When I was in a senior grade in high school, I would hang out with this girl who was a known slut, but she wasn’t my type so I kept it no more than that. At the end of our school year she had a house party. There was weed and alcohol available.

    Here mom who was a single mom lived there and allowed the party. She didn’t interact much with any of us, just sorta let us be.

    Later on that night, I was drunk off Mike’s hard lemonade. I don’t remember the time, but I know most of us kids left at house. I remember looking in their fridge for food, and the girls mom walked into the kitchen, asking me what I was doing. I told her I was looking for water lol. She got me a glass, then asked if I was spending the night.

    I told her yes, because I wasn’t able to drive from drinking. She told me to follow her so she could show me where I could sleep. Basically showed me a couch and told me to Come with her to get a pillow and blanket.

    We ended up in her room, she told Me to grab a pillow of the bed and just the way we were standing when I reached out, I brushed my hand against her. I remember jump a bit and look at me, then she grabbed me and laid me on the bed on my back.

    Let me know if you want the rest for part 2

    20:03 UTC


    I'm currently a PRISONER yes a real prisoner not a fake one

    I'm a prisoner and yes I know how can a prisoner have a phone? Well it's simple we smuggled it in now I've been locked up for about 3 years and got 7 more to go and before you ask I'm here for making guns and I mean actually make them now the reason for this post was to not only confess that I'm a prisoner but that I also wanna have a random girl to talk to regular chat nasty chat idc I just wanna chat away and meet people. So if anybody interested hit me up or something. Later on I might actually post my Snapchat here.

    18:54 UTC


    Tout va bien pour le meilleur des mondes, et je me dois de le dire surtout ici

    Voilà je me permets d’écrire un texte pour vous dire que tout va bien que je n’ai pas besoin de me plaindre. Ma vie est géniale ma femme, je l’aime, elle m’aime. Ça fait déjà presque six ans que nous sommes ensemble. J’ai deux chiens adorables une super maison, un super job que j’aime Une famille aimante, je suis plutôt à l’abri financièrement et voilà j’en ai marre parce que ça fait deux semaines que je lis des reddit tous les jours et j’ai du en lire un qui compte une bonne nouvelle, j’ai l’impression que le monde est peuplé de problème, et ça me fait mal au cœur. Donc voilà je partage un peu de bonheur avec vous. Merci de m’avoir lu. Bonne journée

    18:14 UTC


    Lying to,and stealing passes from my school as teenager

    TL;DR: We skipped class with stolen hall passes.

    Let me preface this with saying that 16 years later I still find this crazy funny!

    I was iny last year of high school (junior). For those in the know, this trick I'm about to tell you was not ucommon.

    One day I'm sitting in accounting class and a blonde named Miranda comes in during the middle of the class and goes, "Miranda B, you have been called to the front office. Please bring your things as you will not be returning to class."

    Miranda A. Sounds official, and she really was some sort of intern / office aide. She gives the teacher the note and I thought nothing of it.

    Couple weeks later I'm in biology class and just so happens Miranda B. is also in there.

    The same story repeats where Miranda A. Comes into class and Miranda B. gathers her stuff as she "would not be returning to class".

    I got really curious. Somehow or another me and Miranda B. had been becoming friends. I say somehow because I never made friends easily and she was so pretty / bad ass.

    She confesses to me one day that Miranda A. had stolen a pad of pre stamped hall passes from the front of office where she worked. They would leave school for the rest of the day.

    The teachers either didn't have enough time to sign, or wanted to be lazy. So they would just stamp their signature on every pass to save time.

    So I got the idea to do the same. I stole a pad of the prestamped passes and would use them to stay in the library. I would skip class and chill in the library lol and read use the computer lab or my phone.

    The first day the librarian took my word at value that I had been sent there to do xyz. Mr. librarian was skeptical the second day I was in the library so I showed him the pass and he never questioned me again.

    It would help to say that I was in the readers club headed by said Librarian. The group was made up of all nerdy goody two shoes types. They weren't the lying type. So I guess he thought the same of me.

    Also there was one more practice that "efficient" teachers did that made no sense. Some teachers would give you a worksheet and put the answers at front for us to self check and grade when we're finished. Remember Miranda B.?

    She taught me that all you have to do to was go up the answer key take a picture and then fill in the answers. Maybe get one wrong to not raise any suspicion.

    Anyone else do something like this?

    1 Comment
    17:40 UTC


    Total a$$hole employer deserved to have his keys hidden

    I worked for a doctor who was a total jackass. In every sense of the word. He was horrible to his employees and his patients. He was the bottom of the barrel doctor. His appointments were filled because he was the only one with openings. He would talk shit about patients the second they left, he would talk shit about us (his staff, running all aspects of his business). He would openly insult us in front of each other. Horrible guy. One day, he was in a rush and left his keys on his desk. Odd thing is, I didn't even think about it. I took his keys. Threw then in a trash bin in another part of the building. He was soooooooooooo mad. He was mad. I've never told anyone that. Kinda can't believe I did it, kinda proud of myself.

    17:02 UTC


    Tell me I’m not alone in this, I need to now I’m not alone.

    Wrote this down as some sort of creative writing piece cuz I'm too scared to be upfront and too specific and it's one of the knly ways I know how to express myself. But please tell me I'm not alone:(

    I don’t know when it got worse. I wish I could point to a day, a moment, a single second where it all tipped. Maybe then I could sau, “See? That’s when it happened. That’s where it started.” But it wasn’t like that. It was slow Quiet. One thing after another until, suddenly, the weight was too much, and I couldn’t even tell what part of it was crushing me the most. Maye it started with her, the ache of knowing it all brought me. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe it started with the first loss. Or the second. Or maybe when I realised that people Don’t always stay, even when they promised to. Or maybe when I realised that sometimes, it’s not that they don’t want to stay—they just can’t. I don’t cry much anymore. Not they way I did that day. I think I used to believe sadness was loud, came in storms, broken voices, shaking hands. It’s just quiet. It sits with you in the empty spaces. Lingers in the moments between laughter, pauses between sentences, in the deep, aching breath you take before answering, “I’m fine.” I carry it with me. Everywhere. It sits in my chest, wraps around my ribs. Some days, it’s just there, heavy but bearable. Most days, unbearable. Some days I feel like I’m walking through the world with a weight so crushing that it’s a wonder I’m still standing, Some days, I wish I wasn’t. I think about that a lot. About how easy it would be just let it all go. About how nice it would be to just rest. I know I shouldn’t think like that. I know it’s not what they would want. But it’s hard not to, when the world feel this hollow, the weight keeps growing, when I keep loosing pieces of myself to things I can’t control. I miss them. I miss me. I miss the way things were before everything started to hurt. Hurt so much. And I didn’t know how to get any of it back. And I just sit here. Again. And I breathe. Not because I want to. But I have to. For now. I want to move forward, but I’m stuck. I’m depressed. Ashamed to even admit that. Depression is addictive. It's not that I want to feel like this - but there's something about the weight of it that becomes familiar and almost comforting in such a twisted away. The sadness, numbness, and the ache is predictable. I know it and I know how to live with it. And after a while, the idea of not feeling it, of stepping into something else, even if it's better, feels strange. Uncertain. Because what if I let go of this sadness and there's nothing left? What if I heal and realise I don’t know who I am without the hurt? What if things get better only for them to turn shittier, and I have to go through it all again? These feelings settle in like a shadow that never leaves, and after a while, you stop trying to push it away. Letting it sit with you and grow and become a part of you. I hate it and I WANT to be free of it, but that thought of stepping outside of it feels like stepping into an empty space that I really don't know how to fill in. That's what makes it addictive. Not the pain itself, but it's familiarity. A sort of cruel feelig of safety in knowing what to expect, even if that expectation is something awful. It isn't right, but it feels that way.

    16:51 UTC


    Exhausted, Drained, Empty, I Can’t Take It Any More.

    I’m too tired to really care anymore. You’ve Won. I Tap Out. ✌🏼

    16:28 UTC


    My close friend did something terrible and I can't do anything about it

    Growing up, my social circle was not very large and I only really had three or four friends who I would regularly hang out with. We all went to the same middle school and high school and would hang out like normal friends playing video games, going on bike rides etc. Three out of four of us, including myself, had good grades in school and were on track to go to good colleges. The other friend, let's call him "John" wasn't good when it came to academics so he dropped out of school when he was 16. The rest of us still maintained our friendship but our social circles expanded pushing John more and more to the fringes of that social group.

    Anyway, as high school went on, we saw John less and less and since we were pretty much his only friends, he became somewhat of a recluse. We still hung out with him but it wasn't a super regular occurrence like it had been when were 15-16. After we graduated, John and one of my other close friends were hanging out together and having a drink. By this point, John had started to develop some bad habits like doing drugs and day drinking, but this honestly did not affect my relationship with him too much. But I would come to learn that he had done something terrible. While they were drinking, John told my other friend that he had hooked up with a girl. Because she had been a virgin, he was bragging about how "inexperienced" she was and other things like that... It turned out she was 15 (Edit since people asked: He was 20 at the time) (and he knew this and was one of things he was proud of). My other friend was obviously disgusted and told me about the conversation after they had hung out. I was really shocked because I knew John wasn't exactly a goody-two shoes but this was a whole other level.

    In the wake of this discovery about John, I immediately cut him off and didn't associate with him anymore. A couple weeks after the incident, I was hanging out in a pub with a friend (not a part of the original group but who knew about John's wrongdoing) and John walks in with a buddy of his I had never seen before. He sat down at our table and started talking saying he hadn't seen me in a while and wanted to hang out. I looked at him and said pretty much nothing; we exchanged glances and it was clear he knew that I knew. An important detail is that, at the time, John (and his friend) was much bigger and stronger than me physically and occasionally had the tendency to act out a little bit. So I didn't say anything to his face about the incident for fear that he might just beat me up. After an extremely awkward silence, he got up and left and I haven't seen him since.

    That was two years ago. I feel really guilty about this whole situation because I want to do something about it but I know that I can't. What I know about his crime would just be hearsay and there's no use in telling other people because he's already a recluse and I'm still afraid he'll come after me if he knows I spread this around. When I visit home now, my parents ask me why I don't hang out with John anymore and I just say we "drifted apart" or something like that. I wouldn't want them to judge me for ever hanging out with such a scumbag. I feel powerless about this whole situation. I just hope he pulled himself together and isn't doing that anymore.

    15:43 UTC


    I prefer watching old movies over new ones, some friends judge me for it

    15:37 UTC


    I used to steal things at my local mall / supermarket

    I was 14 at that time and my school is really close to the mall like you can literally walk about 600 meter.My school start around 2 o'clock in the afternoon on friday so my friends and i would come early to go to the mall, we would order a taxi to take us to the mall because we are lazy enough to walk. So in the mall had a really big supermarket and we would go inside there and steal foods but not infront of the camera. There's one Friday that me and my friend was caught stealing and we were brought to this staff meeting room where they ask us about our parent phone number. But of course my friend wouldn't give their parent number so the staff called our school and one of our teacher came there. The teacher called our parent and tell them about us. When my parent came i saw my mom walking to me then slap me really hard in the face. My dad literally had to hold her after that or i would get kill tho. Luckily the store say to us no need to pay the fine and yeaa it still haunts me till this day ( sorry if my English is bad)

    1 Comment
    14:15 UTC


    Super glue money to floor, when I was in highschool

    When I was in highschool and I had a job at the mall. I working in a kiosk that sold sunglasses and sometime when my coworkers and I where board on the weekends, we would super glue Loonies and toonies (Canadian one and two dollar coin) to the floor in between our kiosk and another store. And we just watch people pass by and try to pick it up and the people would ask us for help to use our tools that we have at the kiosk to take up the coins and we refused, citing that it was to fix glasses. we can't be using it to take up glued coins off the floor and at the end of the day or normally if there was a crowd forming trying to get the coins up after the crowd passed, we just remove it. Shitty I know, we did this for at least a year and we would buy the super glue just for this. When your young you think dumbest things are fun, and as an adult it isn't funny.

    14:06 UTC


    Four years later, I still pull work signs off this guys truck.

    This guy(him approx 50) did work on a home I(40) was building. I was the contractor/homeowner and he was a sub contractor. He said he needed the approximately $5k he would be owed once the job was complete because his 15 year old daughter needed oral surgery. I needed to wait about two months for something else to be done before he could complete his work. He knew this going in when he quoted the job. When the HOA wrap up portion was ready he demanded more money to complete the work on site in front of his brother. He was screaming while I calmly tried to reason with him. He stormed off. His brother embarrassedly mentions he’s done this in the past before leaving too.

    Now I still see him a few times a year. He lives and grew up within a mile from my new home. He has a sign with a bright color advertising his work on his truck so it’s very easy to spot even though he has gotten a newer different color truck. I have taken about 6 of these signs off his truck. I have followed him once spotted or noticed him in a gas station or parking lot. I wait and pull the sign off then park where I can watch him walk back up and look frustrated. I get so much joy out of this.

    Edit: This was early 2020. World shutting down as I’m trying to finish construction. I just had my third child and was managing my business with approximately 50 employees. To say I was exhausted was an understatement. I was taken advantage of and lied to and that’s a major trigger for me.

    Edit 2: Shit, I almost forgot. I came up with a phrase after bringing in other technicians a few times to fix his install. “Cheaper, easier, or both?” People were dumbfounded with why materials were used on this when they weren’t the correct ones. I spent around another $4,000.00 correcting the system. I would just say is it cheaper, easier, or both.

    13:22 UTC


    Pretty sure I lost yet another friend due to my blackout drunk antics

    Woke up with the vague feeling that I said something mean or embarrassing to my friend that may or may not have ended our friendship after I was secretly hammered on a “one cocktail in a fancy bar” type night out lmao. I have near to no memory of the second half of the night so I don’t even know what I did 🤦🏻‍♀️

    12:18 UTC


    I recently took a dump in retail fitting room and got away.

    Over the Christmas break, I did shopping at a busy retail centre.

    Toilets were way too busy, so I went to sports retail store immediately across. I grabbed a Nike t-shirt off the rack and proceeded to fitting room.

    I was desperate to take a dump, as such hovered my ass towards the floor in the private booth. it turned out to be of a sloppy nature which landed nicely / quietly on the carpeted floor. A large amount too. As such the Nike shirt came in handy to clean myself up / wipe ass thoroughly.

    I then placed it neatly over the feces to reduce the horrendous smell / increase time until discovery (ensure a clean exit from store).

    Being holidays, this store was also busy, lots of people.

    Id say a customer found the surprise before staff. It would have been an interesting reaction. And I wonder who cleaned it up.

    I do not do this regularly, last time prior to this was 10 years ago.

    10:34 UTC


    I Got Approved for Visitation .. and I’m honestly not sure if I wanna go🤦🏿‍♀️

    So my son’s father is in prison for two years. That may not seem like a lot of time for most but for me it seems like forever. This is his second rodeo and I’m not really sure what to think or how to think. I filled out unnecessary paperwork and literally it took about a month for me to get approved like I was so sure I wasn’t gonna get approved in the back of my head. I felt like I wasn’t gonna get approved, but I had no reason not to be approved. I never really realize how expensive it is not only for me to communicate with him. Everything in prison requires money from the visits to the phone calls to the commentary everything the crazy part is I wanted to go see him at First so bad but now that I have gotten relaxed in my own space with my son without his father, I’m not sure if I really wanna go. I think I may just be scared of what’s gonna happen when I get there. I’ve never been to a visitation before. Hell I’ve never really been in the situation like this before I mean the last time he was locked up he was in the county jail and I believe he stayed there for like almost a year never going to prison, but this time he’s going to prison I don’t wanna be the type of person that just walks away from somebody when they need you but at the same time in the back of my mind, I’m like if the shoe was on the other foot, would he stay and I already know the answer is no anyway I got approved for visitations today😒

    08:24 UTC


    Im smashing my phone tommorow morning… or emse i wont heal

    Every time i get a boner my dick BURNS … because of a genital friction burn the cuts reopen . And with the smart phone, something will inevitably pop up to cause me to get a boner and have to restart this long process again … its been a year living with this nightmare

    04:11 UTC


    That one time I lit a kid on fire.. just another day at school.

    Go back 20 years now. Of course when you're a teenager you believe you're untouchable, I was no exception. I was an emo kid who hung out with all the other weird kids who didn't fit in anywhere. There were a few of us who really liked to watch stuff burn (we were big stoners). We would burn random stuff at our hangout across the street from the school. Garbage, paper, random crap, anything and everything was fair game. Where were the adults, and why did we never get in trouble you ask? Oh we had plenty of adults tell us to knock it off, but nothing ever serious happened to us (until a year later that is). It was just that lucky horseshoe I had up my ass I guess.

    So we all met up for lunch as usual. You know teenage boys always wanting to smell nice so AXE bodyspray was everywhere. We were shooting off fireballs with the can and a lighter when I had a wonderfully wicked curiosity cross my mind. 'Would this catch someone on fire?!' Yes people.. the answer is yes. I looked at John #1 (J1) and noticed his legs were the hairiest fucking things I'd ever seen in my life. I looked at John #2 (J2), (yes is was a John on John crime) and he must have read my mind because we didn't even need to exchange words before we both jumped up and chased J1 around the Plaza. J1 must have seen the look in my eyes because he was up with a slight headstart. J2 finally tackled J1 and held him down while I did a quick little spritzy flamey and wooooosh, the smell of burnt hair was instantaneous. Instant regret, even though my curiosity had 1000% been satisfied, we apologized and laughed it off. J1 had no burns or marks of any kind, just missing all his leg hair. So I'm not telling your teenage self to go light anyone on fire, but live a little.

    Looking back on it now of course a million things could have gone wrong. J1 still tried to sleep with me the following year and J2 was caught up in the ecstacy ring at school and ended up arrested and expelled. High school was a scary, crazy time and I'm so happy cell phones didn't have cameras back then like they do now. These memories can stay hidden in my brain until I can regale you wonderful people of Reddit. Any questions? I'm happy to try and answer what I can.

    03:12 UTC


    I go popey in my jenes for fun whnen im ridejng the bus

    Sometimes shenwhen I get rily hoarney I go in the bus with super tiht jenes and I just unlode its alwase smeley but its also verey verey satesfing

    01:49 UTC


    Romantic Frustrations (You'll Get A Kick Out Of This)

    Why am I the only one still thinking about what we had? Why do I lie here troubled while she skips happily through a field of flowers? She is one word, and it is the most telling; happy.

    Happy without me. Happy with her single life. Happy with her numerous male options for attention and affection. Happy and carrying on while I lie here feeling melancholic.

    Now, of course, I can attribute this feeling of sadness to my own personal decisions and afflictions. But it is also undeniably brought on by her.

    If only this was a perfect world and I could be everything she wants and we could just lie together happily. Like "Yes, my lover, come to your big strong man, and let's cuddle and release endorphins together." But I am far from perfect and I don't fulfill her every need. In her mind, her plethora of potential partners is necessary

    It almost feels pathetic. Here, I am using my gift of words and writing to express my brokenheartedness while she's out there in the real world, being happy and exploring life. All I got is a keyboard and a mind reflecting.

    But just last night, I had multiple women throwing themselves at me at the bar, and I even took one home. But I didn't have sex with her, and if I'm being honest, maybe I would feel better right now had I did. But in my drunken state, my dick wouldn't have been able to perform for shit. Plus, I have history with this woman, and let's just say the stigma of our failed escapades discourages sexual intercourse.

    All I did was cuddle with her. I rubbed her back and tried to make her feel okay. Granted, we were both without clothes, and at one point, I did finger her, but the both of us knew there was gonna be no sexual advances beyond that. I almost feel like a joke when it's said and done.

    Yeah, it's not a secret that I usually have success with women. But, I hardly ever sleep with any of them. There are some that I've had sex with but if I'm being honest Im discouraged from making real sexual advances due to the fact I'm more skilled at jacking my own dick off than I am at fucking a chick. My history of sexual failures with women keeps me at bay like a motherfucker.

    That's another reason why I'm hung up on my ex. I'm free as a bird with her sexually and we know each other's bodies and go to town. I go to a place of ecstacy when I fuck her. I'm always in the mood for her.

    But, she's gone. Gone in another city and giving other men attention, not even peeking at the message I sent days ago, which she hasn't responded to. Just leaving me on seen, showing me I'm no #1 to her and hanging me out to dry. It all contributes to this melancholic feeling.

    To be double honest, I know why she hasn't cared to reply. It's because during her recent stay here, we didn't have fireworks in the bed like we usually do. I pushed out about 4 rounds, not lasting long and pounding her like she wanted me to. I didn't even feel that happy rush I usually get after some good sex. That is one shitty feeling.

    So yeah, here I lay typing all these romantic frustrations out and venting about my woes. My phone is full of messages from different females, but none from the girl I really want to hear from. I feel emptiness. I wish I could just find a bitch and fuck her brains out not caring about anything so I can feel better.

    Writing this out makes me realize the ridiculous things I'm focusing on at 27 years old. But shit, we're human. We worry about stupid shit naturally. This imperfect piece of writing shows my absurd central ideas.

    But yeah, just a Friday night where I'm feeling, meh I guess. If any human managed to read all of this somehow, shittttt leave a thought. Till next time, I guess.

    01:28 UTC


    I won't bleach your clothes, I'll take ONE shoe to every pair.

    Cutting clothes up, bleaching them ? Nah.. snatched up one shoe to every pair he had. He was pissssssed. Even took his friends too LOL. Ope! I just need to CHILL sometimes. Or he just needs to not LIIIIIEEEE.

    01:24 UTC


    I'm the one who hid the ducks at my office and confused the heck out of everyone (with a co-conspirator)

    This is a lighthearted one. Hope it's ok to post here.

    My place of employment recently moved location and this was my team's first week onsite at the new place. It's a generally kind of terrible place to work - bosses don't give a crap, everything is disorganized which makes getting projects out on time impossible sometimes (resulting in angry customers), employees who are horrible to others are never reprimanded, so on and so forth. My team has some pretty cool people though.

    The move has been stressful due to disorganization, and I felt that we could all use a little levity. I purchased a 220 pack of tiny plastic ducks and convinced my work bestie to help me hide all of them when we arrived onsite. Bathroom mirror? Duck. Paper clip tray? Duck buried in it. Seat of the forklift? Duck. You get the picture.

    Ofc the regular curmudgeons think it's dumb and a waste of time, but hearing the joyful statements from coworkers when they randomly find a duck has made this week a lot more bearable. It's also giving me so much joy to hear them all speculate who might be doing it. One coworker even said today "This is amazing! Whoever did this should get some sort of recognition. We all needed this this week."

    I'm planning on buying more mini figurines of different animals to start hiding next week. Let's see how long I can remain incognito.

    23:43 UTC


    I need to talk to someone please... is anyone willing to talk with me

    i need someone to give me reasons to feel valuable and continue on living

    21:28 UTC


    I took my bosses keys and made her be locked in her room

    To show how ridiculous it is to use a single set of keys for three different restaurants and kitchens, I purposefully left the lone set inside my boss's locked office, knowing she would need them. We've been having trouble locking up lately due to the inefficiency of the procedure. We usually leave late, it takes ages for everyone to secure their part, and the keys are always lost, so nobody ever knows where they are. Despite this, my supervisor says there is too much of a security risk and won't produce even one more copy. Although I can appreciate her worry, the truth is that we've lost the one set so frequently that on some nights we're unable to even lock up properly

    20:45 UTC


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    20:03 UTC


    I back stabbed my son and let him down and wasn't honest with him

    20 years ago, my son was married to his wife. They were an ordinary couple. One day, they came over to my house. His wife was being so touchy and extremely friendly to me. I found it weird. It's like she wanted something me that I wasn't giving to her. A few weeks later, my son went to a business trip. For the holidays, I invited his wife. We ended up doing things that we weren't supposed to do. She got pregnant and then miscarried. Had she not miscarried, it would have been so tragic, and I never was able to bring myself to tell him the truth about her pregnancy.. I guess this secret is gonna live and die with me.

    20:00 UTC

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