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Training AI for Rotoscoping using 3d Gaussian Splatting, 3d Video Tracking, and 3d Software

Inexperienced newbie here. As I searched online for rotoscoping tools that utilize AI, I was surprised to find many (including nuke) perform tasks subpar to what humans can achieve while still requiring hard effort especially for a novice like me.

This got me thinking about why hasn't anyone combined AI technologies to create a script that creates 3d replicas of objects (using gaussian splatting in Polycam), tracks the subjects with simulated 3d replicas (Blender), and then creates a mask based off the 2d view of the mixed dimensional output (Script instructions).

Possible benefits

  • No webbing of mask when script is used for simpler shapes and silhouettes
  • One click rotoscoping tool that accurately separates subject from background based on splat/depth data

Possible limitations

Dynamic shapes

  • Unless the 3d replica (gaussian splat) is able follow deformation of the subjects, transforming shapes
    • If distinguished parts of subjects are separated, trained AI models will have more accuracy
  • Gaussian Splatting needs multiple angles to create an accurate 3d model
    • If multiple angles are captured, shape deformation may be able to be tracked, keyed, and used.

Possible iterations

  • Input key phrases so AI knows to create a replica that is within the limits of said parts (body, shirt, pants, shoes).

I'm probably not the first to think of this and may be overlooking majors flaws in my methodology, but think this could have potential if someone hasn't tried/done this already. Either way is consumer AI advanced enough to make this a possibility? Are there any AI algorithms already rotoscoping good enough to where this wouldn't be necessary? Was typing this a waste of time?

04:28 UTC


Montreal VFX/Animation Ex-Pats - Where'd you leave to and how’s it going?

Hey everyone,

Leaving the Montreal VFX/animation scene can be tough, but sometimes a change of scenery is just what you need. Between politics, language, healthcare and now tax cuts, I’m just curious to know about the alternatives. For those who've moved on from Montreal's VFX studios, I'm curious to hear where you landed and how your experience has been!

  • Which city did you move to and why?
  • How's the VFX/animation scene there compared to Montreal?
  • Any advice for Montrealers considering a move elsewhere?

Hoping to hear from folks who have taken the leap!

01:04 UTC


Best demo reels you've seen?

I'm at that point where it's time to get started on my very first demo, what are some of the things that most impressed you in someone's personal reel? For context, I'll be focusing on 3D scanning and digital twins but I'm curious what really blew you off your feet

20:01 UTC


Question for Hiring Managers - Expression of Interest?

Hello! Was just curious about "Expression of Interest" postings.

What is the purpose of these? A job presumably doesn't exist, or there would be an actual job posting. When a job does exist, there will be a posting for it.

What purpose does "Expression of Interest" serve? Have you ever hired anyone from this group rather than posting a job? Once a job is posted, do you ever go back through the "Expression of Interest" applicants from a few months ago, or do you just look at those who apply for the actual job?

I see these popping up again, and always ignore them. Just wondering if they have any real value? Thanks!

19:35 UTC


Library App for 3D Artists

Hello VFX community,

As a 3D Generalist, I've discovered a growing passion for programming. Over time, I've been developing a library app aimed at making local resources more accessible for 3D artists. I've felt the necessity to incorporate the functionalities and options available in online libraries into our existing resources. However, to ensure that the app is on the right path, I need your feedback.

If you're interested, please feel free to join the open beta. There's a free version available, and I would greatly appreciate all your feedback!


1 Comment
16:41 UTC


I'm just a Millennial comp artist, so this is where my brain goes for half a second whenever the CG department talks about 'Doing something in Unreal'.

15:41 UTC


Lumière - Unreal Engine 5.4

15:06 UTC


How should someone price their works based on their country wages.

For this my faculty has prefered to see fiverr or any other freelance site and compare the gig you get to the prices available their. But the problem is it becomes really confusing because there are people who charges $$ for a work and for same some one goes $$$. So any easy method to cost your work. So ref am an Junior FX Artist and mainly take motion graphics work based in India.

15:03 UTC


Is anyone familiar with splice for music samples? is there a familiar site for VFX?

Like a library of VFX that can be used on a subscription that i can download vfx stock footage from that is very organized and diverse.

It doesnt have to be one site, but the more diverse the library the better.

1 Comment
12:59 UTC


Is it possible to learn online and teach myself?

Hello, new to the sub, I'm an intermediate 3D generalist with experience in Blender. Is it possible for me to learn industry level VFX? I'm unsure of where to even begin since I'm not familiar with the workflow. If it's possible could anyone share some resources?

12:30 UTC


Budget render machine questions?

Yesterday I was gifted a pretty okay mobo and CPU (i7-6850k) with 64gbs ram. Not up there enough for any decent CPU rendering, but it got me thinking about saving to flesh out the gpus on it to get a second machine working for rendering.

I'm a freelancer generalist and I feel like I waste a lot of time rendering as it puts my workstation out of practical use when its going.

I have a few thoughts and wanted to get the advice of people who know rendering tech better than me.

Firstly, if I splashed and grabbed a 3090 for the second pc, that would obviously be fine for most rendering tasks (provided I'm willing to wait a bit), however my current GPU is a 3080 ti, so would it not make more sense to get a second 3080ti, and put it in my current machine. Saving a cost on other parts for a second PC.

Is dual GPU still viable for rendering (Arnold, Vray, karma etc.) or am I better off running a single, beefier card.

Another thing I was thinking was filling the second PC with 2 GTX titans, which is more cost efficient than a 3090, but theyre old, I can't find much as to how a dual Titan setup compares to a single 3090 at all.

Thoughts? opinions? Is GPU rendering even practical enough yet to warrant a dedicated GPU rendering machine?

07:54 UTC


Why are clients are a.... Stupid

So I made a post regarding a freelance work I got https://www.reddit.com/r/Houdini/comments/1ch9dov/how_much_time_should_be_needed_to_make_such_a/

The client wanted 18 seconds of video and was providing glasses asset but asked me to make it in one day. I thought to give it try because I really needed that project. So I made a basic animation layout https://streamable.com/8z22f6 in half a day which the client liked. Now it was turn of BG and Shading so I asked him for sometime as the time he gave ran out. So I woke whole night to make BG and do shading and till 6 AM it was all done and because he wanted smooth and slow motion I have to do it 60 fps. Now the only thing remaining was RENDER so he asked me how much time will it need and how many frames I said only 900 around are remaining it could have been done in 4-5 hours. He just directly said he don't want it and asked me to cancel the project I felt so bad and angry that I didn't even reply I just don't know what to do he pissed me off.

Later in evening he messaged me is the render done and now I was just confused what was happening I told him you said you don't want it now you say where is render. He said just give me FBX and all. I didn't gave it as I think he'll take it and not pay me.

I don't know if I was wrong or stupid but I got my lesson.

17:56 UTC


If you had to leave the industry, what would you do?

Hey all,

Amid trying to look for a new position and simply having nothing to apply for, I’ve been thinking, if I had to leave the industry what would I do with the knowledge I have or with a short course that could give me a certificate into something more stable?

I can’t keep living of short contracts and constant uncertainty. I hate being one of these people who keep propagating doom and gloom on this group, but I got into VFX/Animation expecting a hardcore working world, but never a uncertain filled one.

It is also very sad that I’ve been starting to consider this. Because I love what I do and I’m sure I’ll be miserable doing anything else. But one can’t live out of love… we need money unfortunately.

So I ask you: considering you’re horrible with math, what would you do apart from vfx/animation and that you would be able to transition to in the shortest amount of time?

16:56 UTC


How do you guys work your way up with such cheap equipment when starting out?

Obviously even before wanting to be involved in the vfx I knew it was very expensive hobby to do and I just wanted to ask how did you guys manage? On my laptop (which I know already isn’t the best for vfx as people have told me numerous times a Pc is better) there certain things I can’t do because it ends up crashing💀. Even when saving a file cache and having to do it numerous times to see if got the correct effect is very long and isn’t really an efficient workflow. Is there anyways you guys made cheap change online that allowed you to save up over a period of time to purchase better equipment. I’m still a kid(Young teen) so I don’t have an income that I can take a percentage of money out of and save it. Nowadays it seems hard to make any sort of change as teenager unless done illegally which I prefer not to do. To be fair though the laptop I have right now is alright,this made me consider if it was the laptop or something I potentially downloaded or did on the laptop that is causing problems,for now I guess it’s just the constant pausing, freezing and crashing which makes it a pain to work with but I was wondering if selling it was an option after saving up a decent amount of money. The specs are: processor-12th gen intel i7 12700H 14 cores(I’m pretty sure this is good) It used to have 16 ram but I was able to persuade my mum to buy 64gb ram. The Gpu is GeForce RTX 3050 Ti laptop

15:40 UTC


London Studios - Salary/Rate nose dive?

Has anyone noticed an absolute salary/rate nose dive over the last 6 months? I fully understand this is due to supply and demand due to lack of work, but as work comes back I can't help but notice how many of my friends are getting lowballed by both large, medium and small studios. Many whom are now struggling even after being unemployed for months.

08:50 UTC


Any Filipino here who got a vfx opportunity/work abroad?

Been a motion graphic/vfx artist for a decade and opportunities here in my country is almost non existent (either they will lowball u or u really need good connection to big people/companies) :( want to study abroad to further my skills but its just so expensive especially coming from a third world country. Any advice and leads (for job opps) is highly appreciated.

08:30 UTC


Motcha Pro 2024 [Need help]

I have added motcha pro 2024 recenlty, i can start motcha via this but cant get track data in AE. what to do


08:15 UTC


How accurate is the analytics on the free version of Vimeo?

Be honest with me, are the 0 views in the past 4 months of my demo reel video accurate? Has no recruiter watched my reel? I check the link before sending applications every time to make sure it works.

02:36 UTC


Match Moving + Photogrammetry workflow...I know just enough to be dangerous?


I've used PFTrack before to get good results. I loved the Photogrammetry model I could use in 3D Max. Fast forward I'm not longer at the studio that had PFTrack but I'm wanting to make more personal stuff like this in 3D


I saw Reality Capture and Meeshroom is free.

I'd like some advice on how I can get a camera track + photogrammetry from separate platforms to matchup in 3D, Using maybe free software or at least a cheap solution...but in the same breath Id like a nice experience with well documented tutorials so I can work out how to do things.

Regards Rueben

00:52 UTC


Salary expected in Australia for sr. Compositor

I'm planning to move from Delhi India to Australia for sr compositor. I have 10 years working experience in poonjabi n Bollywood n Hollywood movies as compositor. What salary is good if I move to aus. Can I negotiate salaries. Or what they say is final. What else can demand with salary. I have offer from a friend studio for 100aud/year. Is it enuff. I'm open to any city. Which city how much salary is ok..

21:06 UTC


What to do in post for the sodium vapor process?

Hi guys I have used after affects for some small things for years but am fairly beginner so bare with me. I figured some of you may have already seen this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQuIVsNzqDk showing a modern recreation of the sodium vapor process. I am wondering if anyone knows the actual steps needed to do the post production side in after effects. ( shown in resolve at 9:36)

20:02 UTC


3D object doesn't leave the frame - Blender help

Hi, I'm a VFX newbie, so thank you for your patience. I added a 3D bench to a video and motion-tracked it in Blender. It stays nicely in place until the camera moves away and the bench should disappear, but it just gets stuck in the corner of the frame and drags along. This bench will follow me forever.



Do you have any suggestions how to fix this? I am sure it's something obvious.


18:17 UTC


Hi, I am Shōgun VFX Supervisor Michael Cliett - AMA on Thursday, May 2nd at 12pm PT

Hey r/vfx! My name is Michael Cliett and I am the VFX Supervisor for FX's Shōgun*.* Please join me tomorrow, Thursday, May 2nd at 12pm PT for an AMA.

Verification photo: https://imgur.com/a/lDh4zFO

Through tireless research and meticulous attention to detail, my team and I recreated Sengoku-era Japan in breathtaking fashion, capturing its expansive vistas and intricate architecture. Shōgun was shot largely in British Columbia, but one could easily mistake the location for feudal Japan itself, as we introduced entire waterfalls and oceans to the Canadian landscape. I also served as second unit director on the show! You can follow me on Instagram at michaelcliett.

Feel free to start leaving your questions below; looking forward to chatting with you all!

16:33 UTC


What colorspace would I prep my plates in?

This is probably a dumb question but Im only an artist, not a vfx editor and colorspace is the most confusing thing to me.

So Im doing vfx for this short film, and the editor sent me this screenshot when I asked about the specs of the footage and what colorspace to use.

So would I write out my exrs from davinci as ARRI LogC4, and then read it into nuke with that same colorspace?

Also I have no idea what to put for color space tag and gamma tag in resolve on export

15:42 UTC


Studios in USA/Canada to work for from Europe?

Are there any studios from USA/Canada known to usually hire freelance FX Artists from Europe? And is it possible to work for these companies and charge them a standard american wage while living in Europe? Like the usual $8-10K/month for a senior would be gold for someone who even lives in London.

13:19 UTC


Juniors working with freelancers

I'm a junior lookdev artist whose just started working with freelancers more frequently on projects. It's all remote so it's a little unusual working with new people and I never really got a rundown on best practices when working with freelancers.

What I'd like to know is what sort of things can I be doing to help make communication better, and be as helpful as I can.

From a freelancer perspective, is there anything you really appreciate when working with/ communicating with staff artists (especially juniors)?

And additionally as a junior can I ask freelancers for feedback and advice? I was told at some point that freelancers aren't getting paid to train juniors and I don't want to bother them if they're busy. What would be the best way to go about asking for this?

12:57 UTC


Was this shot real or comped in screen?

So I am looking at a few commercials as a producer, and trying to figure out if the screens were comped in, or shot real.
To me it seems like all of them were comped in, but not the biggest expert to be able to figure out that.

Wanted to see what the community would be thinking about these links:






If someone can shed a bit lof light on these – would be much appreciated :).

11:27 UTC

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