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She definitely has a lot of the covert narc traits. This one, though, is the weirdest for me. I think I've experienced this before with other bosses:
In my second month at work I realized that much of what she says simply isn't correct. Yet she says it with great confidence. We're engineers and this quirk really throws a wrench into my workflow.
For example, I go down blind alleys when I try to find a document she says to look at. Then I come back to her and she switches without pause, "It's not a document, it's in an email that got sent out before you started here." [Great. I just wasted 30 minutes.] Lots of wasted time and conversations I can't follow because they just don't make sense.
Now, though, after a lot more time on the job, this constant flow of untruths / incorrect statements / lies (?) is affecting me in a new way. I'm "on the outs" at the company. And she's become aggressive and dismissive with me. Every time we're in a meeting she tries to make a case that I'm disobeying instructions in some way. And to support this assertion…she coughs up "facts" that just aren't true.
I'm now calling her on it—ever since I caught on to how she operates. But it's freaky and bizarre as hell. I don't know how others cope. Team morale is pretty bad, though. Only the golden child employee really speaks up. Everyone else stays quiet. It could be because that's the safest thing to do.
I used to work for my ex narc boss for years before he was eventually couldn't hide his behaviour or the fact he was a complete grifter anymore. The senior management couldn't fire him, so transferred into another job with less responsibility where he couldn't do any real damage.
This was a couple of years ago, but now due to a twist of fate and his ability to sell himself to super high level bosses there's a chance he may end up my direct manager again in a few months time.
A weight really lifted when that guy left before and we were able to claw back some work/life balance.
I always found a way to make it work, but looking back it was at great cost. Everyone in my team teetering on burnout for years. It's crazy the things we used to tolerate and I think we all aged twice as fast whilst working with him.
We have good dialogue with the management who might have to make this happen, and they're fully aware of our concerns. Despite that though there's a good chance (Maybe 50/50) that it'll happen.
What would you do?
My job is a good one and I've been there a a long time; but despite that I am considering handing in my resignation if this goes ahead even if I didn't have another job lined up. I know that sounds really dramatic, but i don't think I could or should try dealing with that again, and any lifestyle changes needed to avoid it seem justified.
It's my second-to-last week at my current employer and I already had my exit interview. I don't know why they do it so early in the exit process. All the questions made me laugh on the inside. Like I really care about what they can improve. I know of plenty of people who have exited before me who had similar issues and they weren't resolved when they left, so what can I possibly say to get through to the powers-that-be? Nothing. I actually said at some point that I'm sorry I'm not elaborating, there's just been so much from Day 1 that I'm tired and done, just DONE.
The kicker was when the HR rep aked for my best and worst experiences working at my employer. My best was working from home for the first time ever. My worst? Yeah, that was when I had a meeting with my manager and she vented about me and the rest of my team and I wound up crying at the end. Did I tell anyone about that meeting? Oh yeah, HR. Was I satisfied with the results of the HR conversation? NO. That manager drama this year was the final straw for me leaving - how the drama played out and then how HR handled (or, did not handle) it.
And then the HR rep asked about my experience at the employer and referred to it as a "family." OH HELL NO. I kinda went off on that and how family is toxic, if you want to appeal to younger generations as a potential employer, you do not use that as a term to describe the employer. FUCK FAMILY. But that would explain a lot, if anyone at this place thinks of this group of people as family. (Like, the white boomer uncle who still does so much work in handwriting and his handwriting sucks, but hey, that's just Uncle Joe, that's how he's always done it and that's how he always will because no one made him change with the times.)
Note: I spoke with the mods and was told I would be fine in the group even though I'm not dealing with a narc manager as an employee. I have seen their toxic management of their employees and have experienced the negatives from it. I'm posting because I need to regain my focus through talking about what happened. I have PTSD from previous narc and disability abuses and the event outlined below triggered it and harmed me in other ways. Also, I would like to know if anyone has dealt with the same as an employee or not and what you did to free yourself.
I'm dealing with a narc or toxic manager in a residential setting. I've lived here a couple of years, but only because I've been stuck after dealing with health issues exacerbated by public emergencies and primarily this manager's toxic behaviors, which have adversely impacted my savings and ability to move. This person knows my situation. I believe they see me as an easy target.
I was waiting in line recently to complete a financial transaction with them in the lobby. They went from super nice with the person before me to using me as a verbal punching bag until more people showed up. It was a front-facing customer service moment in which it's their job to provide a specific service that I asked them to do during the office hours when it's done. People before and after me received assistance without experiencing the same abuse. Since this manager can't retain staff to do this job, which is normally handled by a subordinate, they're stuck doing it and can't complete other management tasks easily or quickly. That said, they were again pleasant with the person in front of me. As I was leaving, they were pleasant with the person after me too.
The lobby was empty, which I believe is another reason I had this experience. They have previously done non-verbal things too with people present. They asked if I could come back at a different time and seemingly tried to get pity from me about a managerial task they needed to complete. When I said I couldn't for health and work reasons, they blew up, complained about how fed up they were with having to answer to the building's residents and asked paraphrasing "what about my needs?" They kept repeating the same words and phrases over and over and talking over me. When I kept saying that I really couldn't comply with what they wanted, they went off further, asked why I didn't tell them earlier, and threatened that if they chose not to do it then I'd just have to come back tomorrow.
When employees showed up because of the yelling and other residents for their own needs, this person switched to asking me if I realized they were me doing me a favor and then went through with the transaction. Of course, it would have been completed a long time ago had they not gone off. During, as two employees separately tried to distract and calm this person, they then tried to claim the printer didn't work and I'd "just have to come back tomorrow" and kept repeating that phrase. Since everything else went through and the printer worked just fine a few minutes before, I gray rocked and said it was okay and I'd confirm online. A little later, the two employees brought me the receipts anyway, said they were asked to apologize on this person's behalf, and explained that it was stress-related and not me. I don't know if the manager really asked them to or if this was something they decided to do or an attempt to regain control and triangulate, but I didn't complain for fear of retaliation. I thanked them.
This was not the first time I've dealt with similar from this person. They've manipulated and seemingly targeted me by using my health issues against me. They've used their employees to triangulate before and cause conflict. I stopped asking for certain maintenance services because of the drama and disruptions.
Their actions could put me into the hospital or even kill me, and they're aware. I've lost thousands of dollars of income from incidents, although this is the first time they've blown up so spectacularly and openly. In the past, it's been more little things that eventually escalated to smear campaigning and covert-style manipulations.
All that said, I realized a few hours after it happened that earlier in the day one staff member was thanking me profusely in the lobby for helping them with something personal. So, I also wonder if this blow up was a retaliation because the manager wasn't receiving all the attention, praise or pity. Instead, the other employee received pleasantness and pity from me and I received praise. I recall that the manager seemed distracted while helping another resident because they kept trying to hear and were focused on our conversation.
I apologize for the length of this post. Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Edited for clarity and length.
My boss of about 6 months has been investigated for harassment and workplace violence recently. I did not initiate the complaint, but I was interviewed for it and based on the questions being asked and the incidents raised in the investigation conversation, I could tell it was someone on my team of 3 who report to the same boss. All 3 of us agree that the boss is seriously lacking in people skills, team building, communication, managing people and relationships. She feeds off conflict, chaos and drama, I know of at least 2 other complaints about her to HR that have happened in the past 6 months.
Last week she and her boss announced that she will be "working on an intensive special project" and will not be managing our day to day work for the next few weeks. Her boss who is supposedly stepping in has been traveling and unreachable for more than a week now. The original boss has been quiet and ignoring all 3 of us, not engaging by email or teams.
Today my coworker who I believe started the original complaint, tells me she got a NEW investigation interview request from HR about a new instance of events that she may have been witness to. I'm freaking out that my crazy boss has fabricated some insane stories and filed some sort of grievance against me and the new investigation is about that. I was not invited to do a call about this new investigation and I'm just having a very bad feeling that my boss is trying to get revenge on me because she thinks I filed a complaint against her. I'm not even sure why I'm posting here but I feel I had to get this off my chest.
I've done nothing wrong and my work performance has been great. My boss has said untrue things about me to this other coworker in the past. I'm afraid of people who have lost touch with reality like this person. What if she makes up stories and it taints my reputation even though there's no proof I've done anything wrong? What if I lose my job over this? Why can't this person just focus on bettering herself and her life, why put so much effort into fabricating lies about other people?
Ugh. Tell me it's gonna be ok. I don't want to deal with unnecessary drama.
So, I’ve worked for this narcissist for over three years. I’m in a specialized industry (higher education) and have been actively interviewing to get out of this industry and out of this role reporting to the narcissist- with no success. I’ve tried EVERYTHING.
Anyway- I was flying to a conference last Monday and I got a text from the boss that a poster needs to be put up all over the campus. I told her I’d get my students to do it- but they were busy. She sends an email to me and coworker with itemized list, including the poster (she never sends email - she hates them- i.e., they’re the only record of her words out there!!). Then she sends an email a lot a staff meeting the next day and tells me I can log in…to discuss office furniture.
I will go DAYs without hearing from her normally. And she never emails with tasks. So, this was highly alarming to me. She checked in again two days later to ask about the posters. I’m still at the conference and I’m taking time away from it to chase down my students and get these darn posters hung up. I’m attending a conference….
What is going on here??? Is this some kind of control thing?? I’m so tired of this. Everything feels like a mind game and if it’s not - I feel like I make it one because I’m so messed up in the head. Any solidarity would help 😩
Hi all. I recently resigned from a horrible narc boss a few months ago and definitely dealing with some post stress from the whole experience. I was invited back for a third interview for a job I’m interested in. The first two interviews were great and went perfectly. The third interview wasn’t as great (I was nervous and rambled way too much) and I felt really bad once it was over. I feel anxious and worried that it didn’t go perfect which is such an unrealistic expectation for myself but something I had to strive for in my old job if I didn’t want to get in trouble. It sucks dealing with the aftermath of my experience I wish all the anxiety and feelings stayed with my old job when I left.
I worked for 10 months for two absolutely awful narcissists before moving to another department to get away from them. After I left I used my work’s reporting system and spilled ALL the tea and now they are restructuring my old dept and taking away all the direct reports to them. I can’t believe someone listened to me, and I hope the people in my old job will be much happier for it.
I’m planning on leaving soon so I’m wondering if there are phrases or things that trigger narcs. I don’t want to leave without saying SOMETHING. She has bullied me for almost a year now and made the job I used to love miserable and I’m so over it.
For context: I’ve definitely had a narcissistic boss before, if not multiple times. I was strung along in one position and outright pummeled by narcissistic insults in another. I acknowledge this might influence how I am feeling.
The pattern recognition: I started a job roughly six months ago. I noticed, from the outset, that my boss liked me a little too much - very adoring, complimentary, telling me that others in the office like me. I would say it was flattering and nice to be appreciated, but it was honestly too much. I know I’m a talented individual, but had not really done anything in the position yet to indicate I was worthy of that kind of praise. To me, it felt a bit like love bombing.
She also made it seem like she does things very differently than other supervisors (even compared to her own supervisor). She expects people who are sick to take time off and not work. She talks about how important it is that people do not get burned out. She is okay with WFH situations, just as long as it’s not on a Friday. Yet, at every turn, she does not do the things she preaches. While she does stay “away” when she’s sick, she is still working. I’ve honestly never seen someone who is this addicted to working. In addition to constant working, she makes comments about people taking advantage of days off for sickness - saying they are milking it. She also often takes WFH days out of nowhere and on Fridays.
Nevertheless, I abide by her rules. My WFH days are Wednesdays. I take time when I’m sick. I also leave at exactly 5:00 when my work day ends. I do not express interest in working more because I worry if I give an inch, she will take a mile. She has not complained or pushed it… yet. But definitely makes comments about others who do what I do right in front of me.
Lately, I’ve noticed she nitpicks my work now. Whereas she preaches letting people do their jobs and getting out of the way, the comments she makes on my work are entirely subjective and not related to the actual meat of our work (we are in a creative field). I’ve also noted that she will assign me jobs without a lot of direction because she’s busy and needs to pass it off to me, but then when I try to accomplish it on my own… it always comes back with how I’ve done it wrong. 😅 Even on jobs where she gives me direct communication and guidance, I will do what she asks and then when she doesn’t like it, she says she never said that.
I feel the need to say: I’m not new to my career and feel I know and understand quality work. I’ve been a manager before and am trying to make sure that I’m not comparing her to my performance as a manager. But already I’m seeing things I would never do to people on my team.
Am I thinking along the right path that she might be a narcissistic manager?
Im dealing with a first-time manager who seems to have no idea how to manage their own emotions, let alone a team. I’m actively trying to get out of this situation, but something happened recently that made me lose a lot of respect for them.
Right before our program went live, the team hit a minor crisis. My relatively new coworker was handling it, and everything was under control. Out of nowhere, my manager said to me:
“X is handling it way better than you. If you were in X’s position, you would’ve broken down.”
This really caught me off guard. I’ve never broken down at work, so this felt like a completely baseless assumption on their part.
Honestly, I’m tired of the constant presumptions and unprofessional comments. It’s like they just say whatever’s on their mind without considering how it impacts others.
I’m not even sure how to bring this up or if it’s worth it. Any advice?
It’s been about two to three months since my supervisor abused me. Overall, I’m tired of it all. Lately, I’ve been doing my job and going home, and I have no choice but to speak to her because is supervisor and I have to report her no matter what. Every month she is required to have one on one touch points with everyone on my team and was the last one of course. She informed me that I need to be more engaged with activities more with the team. It’s not that I don’t want to, but she’s the main reason why I don’t want to participate in activities at all. She wants to make a good impression in front of everyone. I don’t fucking care of what she wants because after the way she spoken to me with her negative and toxic attitude, hard pass. She’ll keep saying “ if you do this, it will make us look bad.” Over and over again and again. My co-worker was manipulated by her kindness and became her ass-kisser of a golden child is a whole new different person. He even repeats the same things of what she says. My new manager above my supervisor is recently new to the district. She wanted us to introduce ourselves to her. I informed her of who I am and what I like, but the selfish ass thing that happened next was that my supervisor is going to be all nice and kind towards me and begin to say what I like and stuff to her. My plan is to befriend with my new manager and whenever we have a one on one touch point with her, I’m going to inform her about my supervisor and her TRUE colors. Hopefully, she can listen to me through my perspective, much better than my old manager that didn’t do anything to resolve the issue to begin with. My supervisor wants to be toxic bitch with her sidekick by her side and scapegoat people on the team out of nowhere. I’m not perfect and I sure as hell don’t want to be, but it doesn’t hurt to make a mistake out in public by higher ups. It’s okay to admit to being who you really are. If anyone has a disability or disorder that are struggling, seek help and talk it out with a therapist. Don’t bring that toxic/negative personality towards everyone in a work environment. She wants everything to come her way to be the perfect bitch of success, but everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay to admit that.
Any time people see a narc, they immediately start admiring them and their work and approaching them. Happened too often to not be a pattern. But when you ask them what ways they have to sell themselves, they will tell you "my work spoke for itself" or "I am not even charismatic". Meanwhile there are people like me who can sit and work and upskill themselves all day and still never get approached or acknowledged in team projects
My manager has always been very difficult to deal with. She nit picks everything. She doesn’t like the inflection and tone of my voice when giving presentations even though the presentations themselves are fine. She’s criticized my decision to not go to optional happy hours with coworkers during off sites. She needs to read every email I send to her boss, and will change things like “have a good week” to “have a good day”. She constantly oversteps her role and wants me to take the blame on her behalf when it blows up. She will give me projects, purposely or not I don’t know, where the business partner has specifically told us they do not find value in our partnership, and she forces me to continue the project anyway.
Recently, she got a new boss (M2), who is someone I’ve worked indirectly under in the past. M2 is somehow even worse than my manager. I won’t go into the details because that’s not the point, but as an example M2 put a previous manager of mine in the hospital from stress. Once my previous manager returned from medical leave, M2 forced her to resign. So, when I found out M2 was becoming my manager’s new manager, I had a conversation with my manager about furthering my career in other roles. As a note, my company sends managers notification whenever you apply to an internal role, so I needed to have this discussion with her.
Since that point, she’s been speed running my termination. I went from a positive mid-year review to being put on a coaching plan within a month. All of the examples of my “poor performance” were collected immediately following the conversation about furthering my career. The examples of poor performance were things like being unavailable because I had a doctor’s appointment, missing a deadline because I was out sick, and other general bullshit that is purely subjective and incredibly difficult to prove i.e. “not doing what’s best for our clients.”
She delivered the coaching plan, which is essentially a precursor to a PIP, a week after I applied to a new role. Then, three weeks go by where she makes no mention of my performance or the coaching plan. The hiring manager for the role I applied to reached out to her about my interest in the role, and surprise surprise, three days later she lets me know I’m still not meeting performance expectations and she plans to put me on a PIP, which will restrict me from accepting the role I applied to.
The kicker is because she’s been out of the office a lot recently, she logistically has only given me 8 business days to “show improvement” from the time the coaching plan was delivered to threatening the PIP. Our company doesn’t have specific guidelines for the performance management process, but the whole thing typically takes about a year. Mine has taken less than a month so far.
The double kicker is after she let me know I was going to be put on a PIP, I called my former coworker (who was laid off) to get his opinion on her since I knew he could be objective about it. SHE DID THE SAME THING TO HIM! Right down to the same language and tactics to manage him out. Only, she got lucky that we were doing lay offs around that time and she could recommend his name without having to go through the formal firing process.
So, I’ve accepted she is going to fire me as soon as she feasibly can, and I can’t go over her head because M2 is probably frothing at the mouth over this. But honestly, she can win this one. I can escape her, but she’ll always be trapped with herself.
I have a co-worker who I suspect might be a narcissist. From the moment he walks in, it’s like he’s demanding attention: he’ll slam the door, take loud sips from his water bottle, and then slam it down on the table. In meetings, he sighs dramatically, crosses his arms, and even stomps his feet, especially when someone else is speaking.
When he sharpens his pencil, he blows loudly on the tip each time. He’s also yelled twice over his own projects, and once he even yelled at me about the door being open or the A/C being off at night (though he later apologized for both).
Once, he invited me to a church gathering, and his prayer was focused on “help with pride.” He mentioned his skill comes from his faith and that it’s why he’s the best. I’m not sure if he’s genuinely seeking attention or if I’m reading into it, but it’s been frustrating. Earplugs only seem to make him louder.
I’m working on keeping calm, and I’m looking for another job, but that may take a while. Any tips on dealing with this?
Here in Australia where I live, it's illegal to fire someone without cause. It's called unfair dismissal.
To this day, I still kick myself for not taking advantage of my country's labor laws and taking them to court for what they did to me.
I was given a final warning back in July. No written prior and have never had any disciplinary issues in my 2years working with my company. I was ambushed by HR and my manager with the meeting and pressured into signing or losing my job. I had explanations and a witness to a conversation had with my manager about the issue. It was timecard related. After being scolded and attacked verbally I signed the warning. I have been treated very poorly since and my reputation in the company has been damaged. My quarter bonus was taken away 2 days before it ended and 50% off the next quarter. Then 25% off the next. My manager goes through my emails and watching what I do minute by minute. After six months I have absolutely had it and feel I need to defend this or quit. This final is brought up in every conversation I have with HR and I have had it! Should I dispute the write up and provide my evidence to tru and clear my name. Ideally I’d want the final to be removed from my record or at least have an end date so I am not always on a final if I continue my career there. Any advise would be appreciated
So I’ve been dealing with this for over 6 months now. Advice: never go to HR about a complaint especially regarding your shitty boss. I’ve been on edge since last week when I got fired during a random meeting to mediate issues I brought up with my boss. The owner stuck up for me so I am still working. My boss has been worse than ever. I cleaned off my desk today as I never know if I’m going to come in and not be able to login. I’m a great employee but HR and her have been looking for any reason. Should I just quit or wait till they fire me and file for wrongful termination. My coworker is not being treated the same way by the manager but doesn’t wanna speak up.
I had to write a message to my narc boss. She gave a vendor probably wrong information and most likely steered us on the wrong path. Ugh. In the past, she has accused me of being passive aggressive. But I make every effort not to be.
Anyhow, I told ChatGPT the issue and copy & pasted in the message I wrote. Here's what it told me. I love this thing:
Your message does a great job of remaining professional while seeking clarification. It is direct without sounding accusatory, and it provides context for your inquiry without assuming that your coworker is wrong. Here are a few things your message does well:
If you're looking for a slightly softer tone, you could consider adjusting one part:
Instead of saying, "Do you have a link to info about that?" which could be interpreted as doubting her credibility, you could say something like:
This phrasing opens the door for her to either provide evidence or reconsider without feeling like you're questioning her judgment.
Your message is already professional and well-balanced, but these small tweaks could further reduce any perceived passive-aggressiveness.
So I recently discovered covert narcissism and I related to almost every one of the listed symptoms. But while I do seem to be a covert narcissist, I actually do usually genuinely care about people. I am worried about hurting people’s feelings and I do think I have empathy. But maybe it’s just sympathy and I don’t know. I think everyone has a few narcissistic tendencies and that’s normal but I don’t think normal people just casually check every box.
like he seems to constantly be doing things loudly in a way that hes doing them all for attention? like he cant just work it has to be in a way where he cant internalize anything? It would be like if i was trying to annoy someone or provoke them.
Theres a lot of people like this at my company and its really starting to get to me. like they need constant external validation. its like an act they put on
Upon returning from vacation, I'd already brought back a couple of souvenirs just for my manager (including box of chocolates especially for her) then put another couple of bags of snacks out in the communal office space for all my co-workers to share. So, can you guess what my narc manager did? 🤡
A narc will trash someone behind their back to you day in and day out, gossiping about that person and trying to convince you that you shouldn’t like them, either.
But the second that you say something about that person, sharing your own valid frustrations or even simply agreeing with what the narc has said, the narc will RUN to that person and tell them everything you said.
In this way, narcs use gossip as bait. They bait you in hopes that you’ll come out of character and engage in badmouthing, or even just expressing frustration, and they’ll use that information to paint YOU as the bad one, the mean one, the destructive one.
Meanwhile, you’ve never repeated anything that the narcissist has said, and you certainly have never tried to get them in trouble with it.
Never, ever trust a narcissist. They’re always and forever just looking for ways to bring you down.
Sorry for my cheesy hottake, but after Coraline was rereleased this year, I've started making comparisons to the story to my real life experience working for corporate companies.
Coraline is this fictional character that finds a fantasy world through a door, ran by her "other mother" who tries her best to make her feel comfortable as possible. But it's slowly revealed that it's all an illusion and a trap so the villain feast on her flesh and imprison her soul.
I feel like as an adult, Coraline can be interpreted a number of different ways to real life. Including narcissists trying to pull wool over your eyes.
Everytime I worked for a corporation, they always lovebomb and convince me I'm in a healthy working environment. Then a half year into the job, they basically reveal they're either a sweatshop, a gossip fest or both.
Coraline's other mother creating this fantasy world reminds me of how hard my companies tried to make me comfortable. And even the doll that looks like her that acts as a spyglass for the villain is sorta similar to a flying monkey.
What do you think?
…she resigned two months in because of HER Nboss 🫠 How f.cked am I?
My boss is a grade a narc. Everything in the book and then some - I didn't see it for the longest time.
I'm applying for jobs... but how do I get a reference? I've been here for 5+ years and all the prior ones have gone, passed away, lost contact.
Any tips on getting a reference for another job while working with a narc boss?
*also, it's just me and her. I do all her work... but she runs the company.
I, like many of you, am working on getting out of a bad working situation. But I can’t get out of it this week, it takes time. I will eventually get there.
However instead of simmering in my frustration and anger, everytime something negative happens at work I make myself do one “self care” task.
Here’s some examples:
Boss tells me that I’m not meeting the (unrealistic) deadlines on my projects, therefore I’m not trying enough. —> tonight’s facemask is sponsored by Deb. Thanks for the glowing skin Deb!
Shirley is snippy with me in asana and then tags my boss. Drink a full glass of water. Thanks for the hydration and helping me prevent kidney stones, Shirley!
Jeremy from HR refuses to acknowledge the significant pay gap between me and my male coworkers. Mop those floors! My house smells divine, thanks Jeremy!
Might be (definitely is) delusional but this way their negative actions are literally fueling me to take care of myself and improve! Suck on that, losers
Two of the most egotistical and narcissistic people I’ve ever met laid me off last week because I kept refusing to do more work when my pay has stayed the same for the last 3 years. Come to find they hired 5 people to do the jobs I used to do myself, they’re not able to meet production schedules and they’re having to work more hours than they’ve ever had before in the 6 years I worked there. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. If I wasn’t having panic attacks from not having a job, I’d be floating on air!