A place for those of us that broke free from abusive parents.
This subreddit is exclusively about No Contact (NC)!!! Before posting or commenting, read all of this sidebar text and take note of our rules explained in this link! (click here)
Tell us your story! We take anything you say seriously and we don't judge.
Never think your story is "not that bad". Victims of parental abuse often feel that way because they grew up learning that "it's normal" from parents that were supposed to be their role model. It's not normal!
Similarly, when commenting assume that "No Contact" is a necessity for the poster. Nobody breaks contact with their parents on a whim or out of spite!
Ask us anything, we are all going through much the same things that you're coping with.
It does not matter why you choose to be parentless, whether it's because of narcissistic abuse, sexual abuse, addicted parents, or whatever other reason, even if you can't find a label for it. You don't have to justify your decision to anybody.
If you want to talk about it, we'll listen.
If you want advice, we'll do our best to give it to you.
NO low effort posts (3 sentences and a go ahead for advice is a low effort post).
If you're new to reddit, please read this first!!! (click this link)
Try not to mix in serious issues that don't have anything to do with going No Contact. We're about No Contact, we're not about validating your every move or opinion, your sexual identity, your life choices, pro or anti drug debates or whatever else. It's not a judgement either way, it's simply off topic. Off topic content may be removed silently.
This is meant to be a place of peaceful reflection and discussion on the hardest decision you've had to make in your life. You know there's no going back on this painful decision without risking the destruction of your peace of mind or ending up holding the pieces of your life once more.
General trigger warning: some of the content in here may contain triggers for those that are not in a position to leave their abusive home or break contact (or for those that don't want to).
We strongly encourage you to read our primary ally /r/raisedbynarcissists instead if this is the situation you are currently living in!!
Speak your mind, ask anything and respect people's choice to live their lives without their parents!
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Collection of misc. links
Hi all and thank you for all being here to help each other heal from dark and often violent pasts.
Since posting a picture of my new pet I have been shocked by the negativity of probably just one or at most a handful of posters that seemed at the very least utterly confused and malcontent.
In this post I commented with a stark warning that we will not allow malcontents and negativity towards our members, including our moderators. While this post was raw and blunt, I did mean every word I said in said comment.
Since then, somebody saw fit to randomly start reporting and downvoting posts. I have clearly expressed that this is something we can not tolerate in hopes that this one person or few persons would come to their senses. Apparently this did not happen.
As a result we have closed down the subreddit for any new submissions and created a more private subreddit where you can safely tell your story. This subreddit is not visible to anybody and is thus safe from snooping parents, closet narcissists and other ill willed individuals.
To all our positive, healing and contributing members I apologize for the inconvenience this causes. Please use the "message the moderators" button in the sidebar to apply for access to our new subreddit. We will process these applications as fast as we can.
New posts, comments and votes are closed down in /r/parentlessbychoice as of this moment.
I'm sad but also unsurprised that this turned out to be an eventual necessity. I hope all you good people will apply for access to our new and private forum here on reddit. On the upside, nobody anonymous will be able to read any posts or comments there so you will be much safer from parents or other stalkers reading your posts or comments or voting on them.
I hope we can continue to be a place of healing from our specific scars.
Peace and love from your subreddit founder and co-mod.