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    Sorry for doing here


    Today, I find myself writing these words with a heart full of pain, desperation, and a small, fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, someone out there can help me save my daughter. My little girl is fighting for her life. She has a severe heart condition, one that affects not only her body but also our spirits. The doctors have made it clear: she urgently needs surgery in order to survive. This surgery is her only chance at a normal life, to grow, to play, to smile… to simply be a child. The pain of seeing my daughter go through so many tests, sometimes not even understanding what’s happening to her, is indescribable. As a mother, my heart breaks every time I see her in pain, every time I feel like time is running out and the solution depends on something beyond my control: the funds needed for the surgery. The cost of the operation is incredibly high, and I don’t have the resources to cover it. So today, I’m humbly asking for your help. My daughter needs this surgery to survive. All I can do is trust in the kindness of others, in the collective strength that can change the fate of a life. Any donation, no matter how small, will be a beacon of hope. Every contribution is a chance for my daughter to have a second chance at life, to move forward, to keep growing, to keep fighting, to keep smiling. There are no words that can fully express what I feel, but I promise you that with every bit of help we receive, you will be saving a life. You will be giving my daughter the chance to chase her dreams, to run, to laugh, to live. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for listening. Thank you for giving me the chance to save her.

    01:24 UTC


    Considering no contact with Chinese dad

    This year I'm considering a very hard decision, and that is to cut ties with my unhealthy father.

    For background, I'm half-Chinese, half-American, and since my dad mostly worked, I was primarily raised by my American mother the first 12 years of my life. After my parents split up, I chose to stay with my dad because my mom and sister moved in with my grandmother and had to share space, and I wanted to have my own bedroom for privacy. My dad's mother was very verbally abusive and often upset my mother, and while my dad was married to her, he mostly spent time around American people. After his mom passed away and the divorce was finalized (right around the same time), he only started hanging around Chinese people, forced me to go to the same Chinese church as him where I did not fit in at all, and even enrolled me in Chinese school, threatening that if I quit, I wouldn't have any friends (which wasn't true because I had American friends at regular school).

    Then, during his second marriage to a Taiwanese woman, practiacally her whole family moved into our house with us (it was a big house so it could accomodate everyone and I still had my own room). I did not get along with them, there was a lot of verbal abuse, and anytime there were arguments between be and the family, my dad would side with them and even called my mom to vent about me, and often succeeded in making her think I was causing trouble there. The only reason I didn't move out sooner (i.e. college, first decade of adulthood) is because of finances, and moving to my mom's house wasn't an option. Fast forward years later, his second wife bailed on him and due to a really jacked up situation, one of her brothers and his family still stayed in the house until he finally kicked them out as the house was under foreclosure. This was also during a period where I was looking to relocate halfway across the US and stopped all social interaction in the city I was living with at the time. Up until that time, my dad stayed out of my social life, but when he saw I was staying at home on the weekend playing video games (while saving money!), he forced me to start meeting some of his Chinese buddies, even though I told him I wasn't interested. He even tried to hook me up with one of his girlfriend's admins, saying we could be pen pals while I suspect his ulterior motive was to get me to marry a Chinese woman (as was his goal since I was in high school). He left me alone after I protested and withdrew, and I thought it would end after I moved away and got married. I was wrong.

    After I moved halfway across the country and got married, he tried to introduce me to a Chinese young adult who "wanted to meet me". I refused but he said to pray about it (fortunately he never followed through). Years later, when he started dating someone he is currently looking to marry, I had to seek counseling because of triggers that were coming up. I tried talking with him about my discomfort about him being pushy about Chinese culture on me, and how my negative experience at the Chinese church and with his second marriage only made me even more uncomfortable. His response was that I shouldn't feel that way, and that the Chinese people he now hangs out with are different, as if to shrug off my vulnerability.

    Through all of this, I am thankfully still a follower of Jesus Christ and have had my own independent walk with Him. I'm now at a point where I don't think he will ever respect me as an adult and will probably always try to be pushy about getting integrated into Chinese culture, so I am considering going no contact with him. This wouldn't be my first time going NC because I went NC with my mom for a year after the separation before reconciling with her due to my own immature emotions, and I don't perceive her as toxic at all. Since the beginning of the year I have not said anything to him, and have not officiated anything, so things are still in the air. I've decided that on future visits to my hometown for holidays I will continue to see my mom's side of the family (where all my siblings are) but will not make any plans to see my dad, and I am also considering not going to his wedding. Only one of my siblings is also his daughter, as my other 2 siblings came through my stepdad, so she is the only other person who would be affected if anything.

    I guess I'm still trying to consider what are some healthy boundaries, and what it looks like to stop seeing him when I'm in town, possibly not going to the wedding, and to stop sending Father's Day/birthday cards or receiving them. And I want to honor God in all of this, not do anything rash out of anger or resentment.

    1 Comment
    00:37 UTC


    I’ve been getting closer to GOD but why am I thinking like this?

    I saw news about the helicopter that crashed the airplane and went to the comment section A lot people blamed GOD. AND most felt BAD because there was mostly children inside. And I’ve been thinking what if this is a last punishment from GOD because we did some bad stuff in heaven and he gave some of us some years to enjoy before we go to hell? And the only way Christianity is still alive is to prevent and get a second chance TO ETERNAL I don’t want to think that way but that’s all I’ve been thinking about and now I’m giving my self a panick attack😞

    1 Comment
    00:47 UTC


    I was bullied at church

    When I was a child, my mother struggled with poverty and lacked support for her physical disability. On my sixth birthday, she started sending me on a bus every Sunday to attend a Methodist church. It didn't take long before my hand-me-down clothes and outdated sneakers made me a target for bullying. The one place I never expected to feel out of place was happening every Sunday. These kids were second- and third-generation members of that church and they got preferential treatment.

    At a certain age, we advanced to what they called “intermediate studies,” and that’s when the bullying escalated. They told me the reason I didn’t have family money was because God didn’t have a future for me.

    I remember the exact day I stopped going to church. The kids told the bus driver that I had gone home sick. It wasn’t true. My mother had no backup plan. She had to spend $18 on a taxi to come get me, and though I didn’t understand it at the time, that night for dinner, she didn’t eat. She said her stomach was sick. Now I know that the taxi fare meant she couldn’t afford to eat that night. After that, I never looked back.

    I leaned into every piece of scripture that told me it was okay to pray alone in my room; that I didn’t need a church to be a Christian. I explored the idea of spirituality versus religion. It wasn’t until 15 years later that my late mother, who was in respite care at the time, asked me to start attending the small Catholic Mass in the basement. And do you know what I felt? I felt fear. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. When it came time for communion, I gave a nervous smile and passed on the offering.

    Then I went through extensive therapy with a doctor who was once an ordained minister. His advice was this: "Where would we be if fear stopped us from doing things? We don't jump out of planes because it feels good. We do it for the thrill of making our fears feel tiny, even if only for a few fleeting minutes."

    So, here I am. A grown adult who is absolutely terrified of churches. I believe in talking to spirits, and intercessory prayers are important to me. I’m a real mixed bag of Christian beliefs. What advice would you offer someone in my situation? What are your beliefs about being in the church versus more personal, individual exchanges?

    1 Comment
    01:23 UTC


    Why am I scared of going to heaven?

    When I was 12 years old my best friend died unexpectedly, she was sick and nobody noticed until it was too late. She got admitted into the hospital December 24th and passed away the next day. I was devastated and I was angry at everyone and everything, I was specially angry at God for allowing that to happen. I was angry for a long time until I understood that everything has a purpose, even if we don’t understand it then. Still, I was then and am still battling with depression, it’s been hard. I started attending youth events at church and one time, when I was 14, someone talked at church about the second coming of Christ. I was so scared, I am still scared. I don’t want to live anymore here on earth, I couldn’t imagine living forever with Christ, but the tribulation scared me even more. I don’t want to be left behind but I’m scared of going to heaven and living forever. I wish we just ceased to exist in death.

    01:21 UTC


    My testimony

    While I can't deny this experience has left me with me scratching my head, I also can't deny that it was quite an experience nonetheless. I'm gonna get a whole lot of backlash I'm sure, there's gonna be a whole lot of disagreement, but I know what I felt, and experienced. It's the making sense of it, that I struggle with. It's gonna be a long post, so you were warned.

    13 years ago, I met a woman, that I'm still with to this day. I love her deeply, we've built a life together, we are financially intertwined, we have a home, we are faithful and committed to each other. I was not a Christian when she and I met, neither was she, and she still is not.

    2 years ago, I decided to start taking God seriously, and thats when it all began. At first it was sweet, and then it turned bitter. He woke me up to the fact that I was living in sin, I felt a heavy conviction, that I fought constantly because it was so painful, and I didn't want to lose the love of my life.

    I sat down to talk with her about getting married, and she didn't want to, she doesn't believe in marriage or see the practicality of it. We have all the qualities of a marriage, commitment, fidelity, leaving the home, joining together in one flesh, etc. But in my heart, I felt like I was living in sin. I was bawling my eyes out wanting to obey and live rightly, but I loved her so much and it felt so wrong to let her go.

    I looked for every loop hole, asking different pastors ( who had different answers BTW, some thought we were married, others didnt) hoping we would at least be common law but we don't fit the criteria, making post after post on reddit asking different opinions, and they were all across the board. I even proposed to her publicly, 6 months into the relationship in front of family, to which she said yes, but it just never happened. So, because the pain was too great, I sought therapy, gave up on Christianity, used Buddhism as a coping method to give my mind peace, and the pain went away eventually.

    In the midst of all that, I was trying to get deep into Buddhism, and get away from all the pain I experienced, but I kept feeling the pull. It was like Jesus had me on a leash, and kept yanking me, calling me to come back. My life actually began to fall apart little by little.

    Before I started taking God seriously, my life was fine. But, after I turned away, and went to Buddhism, my relationship started falling apart, she wanted to leave me, I got hypertension, I was having all kinds of mental problems and health problems, I had to be put on meds, etc It's like He was just breaking me and breaking me, until I would finally listen.

    So, fast forward 2 years later to today, I decide to listen and give it another shot. I was numb at first but decided to push forward, and no surprise the conviction and pain came back. At this point, I decided enough was enough, I was going to stand firm and put God first, repent, and so I had a talk with her.

    I told her that we need to start thinking about separating, but the situation is extremely complex, as I don't have the heart to leave her alone with the stress of all these bills, the mortgage, not to mention she has depression and suicidal ideation, and depends on me for a lot of things. It broke my heart the way she was looking at me when I told her this, and so we settled on no sex.

    The next day, I went to Jesus, and fully repented of my sins, asked Him to forgive me for everything, for turning away, for living in sin, I told Him I had absolutely no intention of having sex with her ever again, and to become the Lord of my life. The pain and conviction never left me, despite doing that.

    The same pain, the same conviction, the same breaking me down constantly that He seemed to be doing, the torture would not go away. I asked Him what do you want from me? I repented, why am I still going through this?

    So, I dug my heels in, and began researching. How the process works for someone seeking Christ and salvation. I talked to different pastors, research on the interner, used AI to help me analyze what was going on, I watched all kinds of videos. Then a light bulb went off, and I asked Him, are she and I married in your eyes?

    I came to find, based on my experience, that it was because I wasn't putting Him first. I was putting the relationship above Him, I was too hyperfocused on how to fix the sin, that I didn't trust Him enough to get me through it, and the moment that realization came the conviction lifted, and a warm sense of peace washed over me. I was home alone, crying in the chair, and I said Lord please forgive me of my sins, and become the Master of my life, all that I have and am are yours, please take complete control.

    That sense of peace has remained since, and I am trying to tread very carefully. I said Lord, if Im wrong about this please convict me, tell me I'm wrong, the conviction has not come back. Ironically, I'm having periods of doubt, and everytime I do, is when I feel conviction.

    I realize this is a rather unorthodox way of solving this particular problem, and no one should go this route at all, but I also know God is above formal ceremonies and the laws of man and paperwork. I've heard and known Him to grant mercy to complex situations, and while I do question this experience, I also have to throw my hands up and say I honestly don't know what's going on here, and have to logically assume He has granted me mercy and recognition, now that my primary focus is on Him, until He says otherwise.

    I'm still seeking, I'm still learning, and am willing to do whatever He says. But to the best of my knowledge, this is the conclusion that I have come to. My faith is on Him, He is my Lord, and I know nothing else on the matter. Until He shows me differently, this is all I have to go on, to assume He sees me as her husband, and is telling me to stay committed and faithful to her, live as an example, and bring her to Him.

    I know there's gonna be a lot of differing opinions, and disagreement, but this was my experience, my journey thus far, and I'm still learning how to navigate it. Thank you for reading, nobody go this route it's not OK I do not condone it, it was filled with so much pain and heart ache, if you wanna get married do it the right way, don't rely on a testimony like this and think it's ok, its not. God bless.

    01:20 UTC


    For the first time I feel truly angry at God (pet loss)

    Before I start this I just want to say, I know not everyone understands what it’s like to lose a pet. Some people don’t see it as significant as it truly is, and has been in my life. Please no judgment as this has truly been the hardest grieving experience of my life.

    I lost my dog (8 years old) unexpectedly 5 weeks ago. I’m in college and my dog is my entire world. I always planned my work/class schedule around her to ensure she was fulfilled and happy. She was my pride and joy, my bestest friend. I even lived off campus my freshmen year just so I could bring her to school with me.

    Anyways, I really struggle making friends in general. I’ve met a ton of great people here and I have “surface level” friends through work and class, but I haven’t found “my people”. There’s no one here that I hang out with constantly or that ever invites me to stuff. I do have a best friend who I’m extremely close with but we go to school 5 hours apart so I don’t see often at all. I always have prayed to God about how lonely I’ve felt when it comes to friendships here at school. I try to be involved in things but no friendship has seemed to turn into anything more than class friends. I mean this was a CONSISTENT thing I prayed about, God knew how hurt I had been from previous friends and how lonely and out of place I felt without very many friends at school.

    But, no matter how lonely I felt I never felt truly alone because I had my dog, Sammie, by my side. She was in every moment of my solitude. When I prayed those tearful and lonely prayers, she laid with her head in my lap, comforting me. On the weekends instead of being around groups of friends like other kids my age, I went on long walks with Sammie and we did activities together.

    I fully expected to come back to school this semester with my girl. I never anticipated being here without her. And now, I’m 2 weeks into school and the loneliness is very much starting to settle in. I have a very busy schedule with classes and a job I love. I can usually distract myself until about 6-7pm and then my night time routine hits, and everything comes crashing down. My bed is so empty and my room is so eerily silent.

    To get to the point of the post….I found myself yelling at God for the first time ever tonight. I just do not understand why He would take Sammie away from me. He knows how lonely I feel, and how much I struggle with that loneliness. He’s heard the countless times I’ve asked for guidance and fruitful relationships in my life. Yet, He took away the one thing in my life that provided unconditional love and companionship in my life. I just truly don’t get it. All the times I’ve asked for help in this area yet He just added to the nightmare. I’ve lost all of my grandparents and a friend when I was younger, but never have I felt anger like this before towards Him. And in the back of my mind I feel shame for feeling this way towards Him but I’m struck with grief and loneliness every night over and over, I’m sick of it. I know dogs don’t live forever, I know that’s the deal, but I didn’t think I’d lose her like this.

    01:20 UTC


    Are those that commit suicide doomed to Hell?

    The mother of a friend of mine committed suicide after years of depression. I myself considered it, but there is an inherent fear of where my soul will go if I took the easy way out. So, is it true that those who commit suicide are forever damned?

    01:20 UTC


    Do you think Corey Comperatore lived out the gospel?

    Do you think Corey Comperatore lived out the gospel?

    1 Comment
    01:20 UTC


    Is it possible that God didn’t create everything?

    This might sound like a dumb question but hear me out before you answer. Is it possible that the bad things in life- like drugs, porn, prostitution, etc. were not created by God but are simply a result of the free will that God gave us?

    01:18 UTC


    Standing up

    America is doing some wild stuff right now and I'm getting legitimately nervous. I have friends who are trans, previously gay, and who look at me and think why I don't judge them or treat them badly due to my religion. They got religious trauma from younger and think God hates them. I am slowly introducing the concepts of God loves all his creations, he may not like what they do. That every Christian is a sinner and furthermore that everyone is a sinner, the difference is accepting that your redemption is contingent on your belief and trust in God not deeds. Your relationship and love of God leads to you doing better. That gender doesn't even exist in the afterlife. That to get answer to questions that deep philosophylical nature is to pray and commune with the spirit. That being a Christian is not saying you are perfect.

    Now this post isn't about what to do about trying to win them over or anything. I honestly think in the upside down kingdom of God trans people are going to come before many of us that are self righteous. I just know if this government or maga people come to detain or hurt them I am going to snap... I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop myself from retaliate. I know they are good people, marginalized, and deserve to exist. I would not forgive myself not protecting what society treats the least among us. Pray for me.

    01:17 UTC


    Rant from an ex-christian

    I am 24 years old and grew up in a Protestant Christian family. During my childhood, I attended various denominations, such as the Assembly of God, Baptist, and Foursquare churches. However, when I was 14, I began questioning the existence of God and whether the religion I was raised in, along with the God I believed in, were truly real.

    Over time, I developed depression and religious obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), marked by an intense fear of condemnation. At first, I cried a lot and spent hours lying down, unable to react. Eventually, I started taking medication and undergoing therapy with a psychologist.

    Although I still fear condemnation to some extent, I no longer spend my time lying down and crying, though I’m not sure why. However, I have developed a deep resentment toward God. I have come to the conclusion that He is cruel because He has allowed—and continues to allow—me to go through so much suffering. I feel like I have lost precious years of education, both in school and college, because my troubled mind has made it impossible for me to focus. Moreover, I have not found anything that truly motivates me professionally.

    Today, I do not worship God, even though I believe in Him. In fact, I take pleasure in mocking Him and Christians. Even so, I fear Hell and believe that is where I am headed, because with all this hatred and blasphemy, I don't see how God could forgive me.

    I find no peace. For some time now, I have been experiencing an intense existential crisis because life seems meaningless to me—just suffering and pain, followed by even more suffering and pain after death. Many times, I feel like ending it all because I do not like this life or who I am. I constantly wonder why there is so much evil in the world. If God were truly good, He would not allow so many tragedies. In fact, if He were good, He would not have created anything at all, and then none of this would exist.

    I have countless questions about the Bible. I have tried to be an atheist, but I cannot stop believing in God. What prevents me from trusting Him are the many biblical passages I find absurd—such as those where God commands the killing of children. How can I accept that?

    Throughout my life, I have attempted suicide twice and have been hospitalized in psychiatric facilities four times. During my last hospitalization, I spent three months in treatment.

    I feel lost. I wish I could serve God and be a faithful believer who trusts without hesitation, but I simply cannot. I cannot believe without convincing answers.

    01:16 UTC


    ⭐️Is Christ God?

    ⭐️Is Christ God? Tongues are unable to express, imaginations are unable to depict, and minds are unable to understand and theorize about the nature, existence, and power of God.

    Because when man reaches the knowledge of the great heavenly secrets of God, he will become God himself, in image, spirit, and content, and this is impossible because our minds are limited and God is unlimited...

    The history of civilization tells us that the Greek King Crispus had asked one of the great philosophers to define for him who God is. The great philosopher fell into anxiety and confusion, then asked the king to give him several days so that he might stand on the shore of truth and knowledge, but he was disappointed and failed in his thinking and contemplation, and returned to the king to say to him: Excuse me, my lord...!

    Because the more I thought and delved into my search for the secret of God’s existence, the more I found myself helpless and deficient.

    The first fact: Some reasons that prove human weakness and helplessness :

    1- How can the limited be able to perceive the unlimited? (For example, a 5-liter water container is limited within the 5 liters, but a flowing river of water is unlimited with respect to the 5-liter container).

    Is it logical for the vessel to say, “I do not believe in the existence of the river because I do not comprehend it,” even though the meaning of the existence of the vessel is due to the river that fills it with water, and if the river and water did not exist, there would be no need for a vessel for water? Judge for yourself.

    2- How can a creature understand the power of his greatest Creator? And how can a fallen sinner know His Holy Majesty…?

    The second truth is that my faith in God is based on His true holy word : The Word of God is God Himself, and my faith is firm and solid because it rests on a mighty, solid, heavenly rock.

    Here are some reasons that confirm my faith and support my certainty in Him and in His sublime and noble word.

    The Old Testament has been around for more than six thousand years, and the New Testament has been around for about two thousand years, and they have not changed. They have been translated into most of the world’s languages in all countries, times, and eras.

    For God Almighty said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” (Matthew 24:35) He also said, “If anyone adds to this book, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the book of life.” (Revelation 22:18-19).

    While I believe in the eternal and everlasting Word of God, I believe in the following logical proofs that Christ is the Word of God, the interpreter of His truth and the revealer of His image, and without Him we cannot see God.

    (Try to look at the sun with the naked eye, you won’t be able to. Wear special glasses to watch the sun so you can see it well, because your eyes are limited in their ability to see and they need a medium between them and the sun, otherwise they will burn.)

    The previous analogy helps us understand the relationship with God and Christ, as Christ is the mediator through whom we can see and know God. ✝️🕊👍

    1 Comment
    01:15 UTC


    Rant from an ex-christian

    I am 24 years old and grew up in a Protestant Christian family. During my childhood, I attended various denominations, such as the Assembly of God, Baptist, and Foursquare churches. However, when I was 14, I began questioning the existence of God and whether the religion I was raised in, along with the God I believed in, were truly real.

    Over time, I developed depression and religious obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), marked by an intense fear of condemnation. At first, I cried a lot and spent hours lying down, unable to react. Eventually, I started taking medication and undergoing therapy with a psychologist.

    Although I still fear condemnation to some extent, I no longer spend my time lying down and crying, though I’m not sure why. However, I have developed a deep resentment toward God. I have come to the conclusion that He is cruel because He has allowed—and continues to allow—me to go through so much suffering. I feel like I have lost precious years of education, both in school and college, because my troubled mind has made it impossible for me to focus. Moreover, I have not found anything that truly motivates me professionally.

    Today, I do not worship God, even though I believe in Him. In fact, I take pleasure in mocking Him and Christians. Even so, I fear Hell and believe that is where I am headed, because with all this hatred and blasphemy, I don't see how God could forgive me.

    I find no peace. For some time now, I have been experiencing an intense existential crisis because life seems meaningless to me—just suffering and pain, followed by even more suffering and pain after death. Many times, I feel like ending it all because I do not like this life or who I am. I constantly wonder why there is so much evil in the world. If God were truly good, He would not allow so many tragedies. In fact, if He were good, He would not have created anything at all, and then none of this would exist.

    I have countless questions about the Bible. I have tried to be an atheist, but I cannot stop believing in God. What prevents me from trusting Him are the many biblical passages I find absurd—such as those where God commands the killing of children. How can I accept that?

    Throughout my life, I have attempted suicide twice and have been hospitalized in psychiatric facilities four times. During my last hospitalization, I spent three months in treatment.

    I feel lost. I wish I could serve God and be a faithful believer who trusts without hesitation, but I simply cannot. I cannot believe without convincing answers.

    01:15 UTC


    Fearing the second coming

    I cannot wait for jesus to come back, but is anyone else just super afraid of the paranormal?

    like i am just so used to everything being regular and obeying the laws of physics, and then all of a sudden a spirit with burning eyes and a sword for a tongue descends down from heaven-

    I was on a plane last month and seeing just how high up in the sky we were, and then thinking about just how high up heaven is absolutely terrified me…

    I am just so scared to experience something supernatural/paranormal, especially the idea of the dimensions of heaven and earth meeting…

    The whole idea of the sky just ripping open and a whole bunch of spirits and angels are descending down is so terrifying, it’s too much for me, just a mere mortal, it hurts my head and my feet are shaking thinking about it…

    01:06 UTC


    What does this mean? "The laws of math only make sense in a biblical worldview."

    I recently saw a post on another social media from a fairly well-known, yet controversial, Christian organization that claimed: "The laws of math only make sense in a biblical worldview." The comments are filled with critical people poking fun at the claim, and people genuinely confused, with no explanation anywhere. After some (admittedly light) Googling, I came up empty-handed in trying to figure out what this means...

    I'm not particularly interested in participating in a debate on whether or not this is correct, but I'm just trying to figure out what this could mean. If anyone could explain what they are trying to argue for or why, I would be most interested! Thanks!

    01:04 UTC


    I apologize if this post comes across as whiny or complaining, but why does it seem like life just gets worse and worse when you try to follow Christ?

    I’m not trying to be entitled, and I don’t even want to approach the relationship from a mindset of what Christ can do for me… I want to serve, maybe I don’t even know what that means but I do feel like I want to serve. It just seems like the more I devote myself to Christ, the more this world beats me down and isolates me. I know that we all take up our cross when we follow Christ and it is a challenge. But where is the peace that He promises? What can I do to access it. Lord I need some of that peace right now

    1 Comment
    00:56 UTC


    I molested my younger brother as a child

    As an 8-9 year old, i cant remember, I molested my younger brother. I thought for all this time it was a dream, as in a perverted dream, but a couple of months ago my brother told me of the incident, meaning I actually did all those things in reality. This has been eating me up inside and now I feel like killing myself. I'm Christian. I just cant see how I deserve anything other than my kitchen knife in my throat

    00:51 UTC


    GOD IS GOOD!!!!! (miracle)

    I was not feeling good and then i prayed to god to remove all the evil from me, after i said amen, i could not breath for a second or two and then my mouth came back to normal, but it was heating, after some time almost all the pain i was feeling was gone, but there was still a little bit. So i prayed again, and in the middle of the praying i was feeling dizzy and tired, i almost passed out, but then after i finished praying for the second time, i was feeling like 96% better. And then i prayed a third time because i was feeling something weird in my ear (it was unconfortable and hot) and then the ALL the pain was gone. I am now spreading this moment with other people, so people can be inspired and follow christ. HE IS GOOD! (edit: i was feeling something in my body that was like, a bunch of ants cralwing through my body, but then i prayed the fourth time, and now i am feeling perfect)

    1 Comment
    00:49 UTC


    Did Jesus heal any of you guys eating disorder

    00:47 UTC


    False prophets

    Hi, I am not really a Christian, but I have read the Bible and recently spoke with a Jehovah’s Witness. I argued that I find their past prophecies problematic, but he pointed out that Jonah was a prophet whose prophecy also did not come to pass, claiming it was conditional. Is this how Christians view this as well? Isn't it problematic that anyone could claim to be a prophet, since if their prophecy fails, they could simply say it was never meant to happen?

    00:45 UTC


    Trying to find faith

    I'm an born Irish roman catholic, amongst a religious family but if i'm completely honest I am atheist, I've heard of stories of people who didn't believe in God and prayed for a sign in their darkest moments and received one.

    I am extremely depressed and wish to find faith to live a happier life, how do I welcome him in? How do i find it? I want to have a higher being in my life for comfort and guidance the way people so passionately describe it!

    please help, thank you and bless you's all

    1 Comment
    00:45 UTC


    PLEASE pray for America

    I'm really really scared. ANOTHER plane crash just happened 😢😢😢😢 So many creepy and crazy things are happening

    00:35 UTC


    A few Questions

    Hello everyone, in the past week i have decided i wanted to get closer to god, i have been reading my bible and praying multiple times a day. the reason for this is because recently i was rejected by a girl and have been praying to have the relationship i once had with here back, and for the first few days i felt nothing and my prayers were not answered, then a couple days ago she reached out to me about a hockey game and it was a short conversation and then today another short conversation. also around the time of that occurring i began to feel gods presence in a stronger way aswell, i was wondering if this meant anything or not. i apologize if this is a weird thing to write about but i am semi new to this and have many questions.

    00:35 UTC


    How do you learn to pray.

    I have been Christian for a year now. And i still keep running out of words after 20 seconds...

    00:32 UTC

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