
Photograph via snooOG

Go ahead and ask Catholic priests on Reddit about things.

Welcome to /r/AskAPriest. Each of our moderators are verified Catholic priests in good standing who are ready to answer any questions you might have!

Nota bene: top-level comments are from verified priests only. If you post a top-level comment and are not a priest or the OP, it will be automatically removed.


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Priest didn't say "For" before "this is my body". Was the Mass still valid?

It also sounded like he didn't say "is" when saying "this is my blood". It kind of sounded like he said "this my blood". I may have just missheard though. However he was a priest from Uganda, though. So I'm sure God understood the language difference. But was the Mass valid?

19:20 UTC


Could priest contact me??

Could a priest contact me in a private chat. I need to talk to someone about my situation, and I would not like my privacy to be published, I would talk live with a priest, but there is no such person in my area. Thanks if you help me, even if you don't.

19:02 UTC


last rites given to prisoners facing execution

hi, this is for a research of sorts
but i was wondering what exactly kind of prayers were given to the prisoners before their execution (specifically around 1860s in wild west but i really dont expect the answer to be that specific)
thank you!

17:58 UTC


Protestant Bibles.

What should I do with all my protestant Bibles since my conversion to Catholocism?

17:39 UTC


Will doubt ever cease?

Spending years as an atheist, I find myself struggling with doubt. In church I don't consider doubt, I simply listen and pray. When I pray my rosary I feel a great sense of comfort. However, sometimes when reading scripture I'm moved, but sometimes even while reading I feel doubt. I feel doubt every day, along with faith and belief. I pray for faith and for doubt to fade from my mind. Faith has grown, but doubt is still present. Will my doubt ever go extinct? Or is this an unrealistic expectation?

04:55 UTC


What do you say during Eucharistic prayers when there is no pope, or bishop?

General Instructions on the Roman Missal, chapter 4, section 149:

"The Diocesan Bishop, or one who is equivalent to the Diocesan Bishop in law, must be mentioned by means of this formula: together with your servant N., our Pope, and N., our Bishop (or Vicar, Prelate, Prefect, Abbot)."

What happens when the bishop is dead, or the diocese is otherwise sede vacante? Do you just not name anybody?

03:13 UTC


Saints Who Were Resurrected At Jesus Death?

I am trying to understand the resurrection of the dead.

At the momemt when Jesus died on the cross, were most saints resurrected with their glorified bodies? If not did they have to die again? How did they go into heaven, with a body or soul? Did they have to live life again here on earth?

I thought only Jesus and Mary had glorified bodies in heaven, and all other souls in heaven or hell are waiting for the second coming to be resurrected into their bodies again in an incorruptible state?

Last question. When Moses amd Elijah appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration, were they spirits or did they have Glorified body?

I'm confused in the precise details and time lines on when we will all receive our glorified bodies?

02:27 UTC


Anointing of the Sick

So I was thinking about the sacraments and I’m wondering if Anointing of the Sick is only for patients who will soon die due to terminal illness/accident injuries and whatnot, or is it just in general for any person who is hospitalized or will have surgery?

00:30 UTC


I feel I pray wrong, do I address Father or son (or spirit) in prayer?

I pray first with The Father in mind then I kind of just start saying 'Jesus' and 'Lord' sometime further along so I guess then I'm praying to Jesus. It's all a bit confusing sometimes.

23:22 UTC


Visiting a Parish

Tomorrow, I have to be somewhere during my Parish’s Mass Time. I have done research, and a Parish very near me has an earlier Mass that I could attend. Should I take some proof of my Confirmation in order to receive the Eucharist at the new Parish? Or should I go up for just a blessing and do Spiritual Communion. I do not want to cause any concern in a Priest that does not know me.

22:21 UTC


Parting Gift for Priest?

My family and I found out that our associate pastor is being transferred to another parish.

We would like to give something to him to wish him well... Do any of you fathers have any tips?


1 Comment
21:44 UTC


Are Anglican Priests actual Priests?

Or are they basically just regular people.

21:42 UTC


Baptism advice

Hello, me and my partner want to baptise our child and would like some advice, some context, I am an Orthodox Christian and she is a Roman Catholic.

My question is, if our child is baptised as an orthodox would she still be able to attend Catholic Church and take part in catholic sacraments like first communion and confirmation? Or would she need to be baptised catholic?

Thank you in advance

19:02 UTC


Sign of the cross after communion?

We are discussing this question after our kids just received their first communion. One of our friends said he was recently told it is “not fitting” or “inappropriate” (not in an offensive way, though) to make the sign of the cross after receiving communion. He was not told why, just that it is not the right thing to do. All of us were surprised to learn this might not be the right thing to do. Can you please help us resolve this question? Thanks!

17:33 UTC


Why do people hate on vatican 2 And what are your thoughts?

07:43 UTC


Do I have to be in confession for the seal of the confessional?

I want to do as you guys have suggested and talk to my local priest but I don’t have any sins to confess at the moment as I just went to confession. Should I just approach them and ask for there time, I just need to be under the seal. Conversely could I just enter a confessional?

00:37 UTC


Was my Confession valid?



I did not start my Confession last week with "Forgive me Father (etc)" and did not say the Act of Contrition. Father did not tell me to do so and I forgot. (Full context below.)

Father did give me absolution as best as I could tell (in Spanish, of which I have minimal understanding) and he raised his right hand vertically and made the Sign of the Cross (up/down, right left) as he was absolving me.


Prior to driving 200 miles out of town for an event last Saturday, I searched for and was thrilled to find a church near the event that had a time for Confession late enough for me to make. As I would be in an area with a largely Hispanic population, similar to where I live, I checked the church's web site to see whether it offered a Mass in English so that I knew the priest could hear my Confession. Mass in English, check. Yay! Good to go.

Arriving at the church shortly before Confession time ended, I was greeted by an older gentleman and told him I was looking for Confession. He was wearing street clothes so I thought he was a "penitent wrangler," as I call them, as my former parish has.

He gestured towards the sacristy and then walked up to and into it. Confused, I guessed that he was leading me to a confessional that was past the sacristy (having to go through the sacristy to get to a confessional seemed bizzare). After a few steps, he pointed to a bench, and he sat down on it. I sat next to him, thinking he had waited towards the end of Confession time to have his Confession heard, too.

When he motioned for me to sit on a chair next to the bench, it hit me: HE was the priest.

In my many, many years of life, I have never had my Confession heard by a priest who wore absolutely no clerical garb, not even a stole - the sign of priestly authority - nothing to indicate that he was a priest, and this during a pre-determined, advertised time for this sacrament, in a church. That lack of association really messed with me. Add to this that anyone could have walked into the church and potentially heard my confession. Then, when I started talking, he realized I didn't speak Spanish, and, he said he didn't speak English, a frustration I'd tried to avoid.

I was so unnerved by the lack of clerical clothing and, to a lesser extent, the location, that I wanted to leave. As the priest was pleasant and appeared willing to offer the sacrament, I stayed. I just went into saying my sins, all the while still seriously wondering whether I was telling them to a priest or layman. (Fathers, please never underestimate the significance of wearing your clerics!) He gave me a penance that I understood and absolved me. Both he and I neglected or forgot the Act of Contrition. (There was a priest years ago at a local parish who did not ask for the Act of Contrition, and I don't remember the reason he gave for doing so.)

I went to a pew, said my penance, and left.

Should I re-confess my sins at my next Confession? Or was this one legit, even with the omissions, so that I can use last week as my last Confession?

Thanks in advance!

00:16 UTC


What Bible does the Catholic Church mostly use other than the Latin Bible?

12:51 UTC



Are we allowed to ask for less harsher penance if lets say, we already made up for our sins prior to the confession?

1 Comment
11:55 UTC


Are baptism classes for parents/godparents a requirement that each diocese insists on? Or is this something the USCCB decides? Or is this coming straight from the Vatican?

FWIW, I’m in the U.S. and this question was asked of me and I had no idea.

Additionally, just from looking on the Internet, some parishes also require proof of sacraments from all their old parishes (i.e. Sacrament of baptism, First Communion & Confirmation). Is that a requirement from some parishes? Per diocese? USCCB?

04:07 UTC


I have a rosary coming in the mail soon, can it be blessed?

I understand that as an unbaptized person, I can not partake in the sacraments, but I do not understand the difference between sacraments and sacramental. My question is the title, I don't want to go up to the Father or Deacon and look silly when turned away.

00:49 UTC


Marital Obligations

I'm very confused about "marital debt". Some people cite Thomas Aquinas and say it's mortal sin without a very grave reason. Some say you just have to have a legit reason and not deny them unreasonably. Thoughts?

00:31 UTC


Proper disposal of items?

Kinda detailed so thanks in advance for your patience.

I have several decks of tarot cards and oracle cards.

I want to emphasize that I don’t call on outside spirits or any entities other than God alone. I haven’t always prayed this prayer but I started to get spooked so I developed this prayer and now always begin readings with the following prayer, “Lord God, God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, please protect me from all other spirits and entities that are not You. I ask that You grant me wisdom, please reveal what information needs to be revealed and withhold what needs to be withheld. Amen.”

My readings are always accurate. I don’t use the cards to predict the future; I use them more as an introspective tool, to help make decisions, and sometimes to prepare for possible future outcomes but NOT fortune-telling. I also remind myself (and anyone I read for) that we all have free will and the future is subject to change so these cards cannot tell the future.

Most of these decks I bought brand new. One of the decks I’ve never even used yet. But my grandma used to use a tarot deck when she was young, and she gave it to me when she found out I had begun reading tarot. The thing is, that deck from my grandma has a strong “persona” if that makes sense. Its replies are always very sassy and I feel as though I’m being called out. It reminds me of an old woman (my grandma is still alive so I know it’s not her).

Fast forward to now. I haven’t done readings in probably 6 months to a year. I’m feeling convicted to get rid of that deck.

  1. How do I dispose of it?
  2. Do I need to get rid of all of the other decks?
  3. What about the unused one?
  4. I also sense there may be demonic energetic presences lingering in my home and/or attached to me because of this dabbling — but I’m not certain. How would I know/what would I do about it?

God bless 🙏🏼❤️

1 Comment
20:44 UTC


New job

I am really conflicted I have gotten a new job opportunity making roughly $10/hr more than I currently make. It would be a life changing amount for me and my family. I am a new convert from Easter and asked my sponsors about it since it is a 12hr 6:30 pm to 6:30 am shift every other weekend about my Sunday obligation they advised me to call my priest so I gave him a call and he said I would have to sacrifice and make it to mass and that he usually tells others that they need to look for other job opportunities. I’m confused because I thought there was a dispensation if you worked on Sunday?

14:31 UTC


Words of consecration

Hello Fathers, I just wanted to ask: what does it feel like to say the words of consecration? The SAME WORDS our Lord himself spoke!! And then to have His body at your fingertips!! Can’t imagine!!

06:05 UTC


Anointing of the sick

If a priest administers the sacrament of anointing of the sick to a dying person, does the person typically make a confession as well? I think I'm right in believing that the anointing grants pardon to the recipient, so I'm just curious how this works in a situation were death is close at hand.

04:22 UTC


How does the Church view confession and repentance for people with dementia?

I'm just wondering this. If someone has dementia can they have their confession heard or does the Church make somewhat of an exception for dementia patients?

1 Comment
03:14 UTC


Fathers, what do you like to do when you are not saying mass?

00:57 UTC


Please tell me my Protestant parishioners are not right about priests.

I am a Protestant Pastor.

I happen to believe that the Catholic Church is His first Church and He loves it Dearly.

I went during a time of penance to my local parish.

I explained to the Priest who I was, and that I knew he could not offer me absolution, but that as a Christian I would like to confess and if he would be willing pray a general blessing over me as I wrestle with my sin. I also asked if I could say contrition.

I was met with “why are you here?”

And I said “Because the Catholic Church is His first Church and He loves it dearly. I would like for an embodied person to hear me.”

I don’t know how to process. He was very nice. Very nice indeed. But began talking to me as if I were a completely secular person.

He asked me “Why do you feel bad for the things you do?” And I said “because the Holy Spirit convicts me.”

He then went on a tangent about how the body knows what’s not right and we all have a conscience.

He basically went full general revelation on me, as if that was all I had.

I just explained I’m a baptized Christian, and Protestant clergy.

I know that doesn’t bear much weight in one sense, but it certainly doesn’t make me a pagan who needs advice like “See! How your conscience convicts you even though you’re not a Christian?”

He didn’t let me say contrition.

I am constantly defending The Catholic Church to my Parishioners when they say, “they don’t believe we Protestants can’t be saved.” And the ridiculous vice-versa they spew.

My blessing over our Eucharist states “May we be granted (if it pleases You) even a measure of the grace contained within the Highest forms of the Holy Eucharist (ie Catholic Communion)

But an ordained priest essentially heard me profess a longstanding faith in the creed and then treated me like I wasn’t Christian in any sense just because I wasn’t a Catholic…

Is this a result of poor education among clergy? I might expect this from a legalistic Catholic parishioner who doesn’t believe we can be saved at all.

But surely this priest knows better?

23:32 UTC


Clerical Attire

Excluding vestments and habits, as those have a litany of rules governing their wear, how do you decide what clerical attire you wear? For instance, the cassock. Are there times you have to wear that instead of a shirt and pants? Occasionally I have seen priests wearing gray or even red clerical shirts with black pants; how is it decided to wear that instead of a black shirt? How do you decide if you’re going to wear the slip in collar versus the fully around the neck collar (for lack of a better way to differentiate the two)?

(The answer may very well be personal preference, but I figured it’s worth the ask)

20:02 UTC

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