
Photograph via snooOG

Hello and welcome to GayChristians!

This subreddit exists to provide a place for gay Christians to come and discuss topics that are specific to us. It is a place of love, respect, community and acceptance.

We seek to provide a place for Christians to come and ask questions, seek help or clarification and discuss topics. Whether you are out and proud, still in the closet, fully understand your sexuality or are just beginning to figure things out - this place is here for you.

Hello and welcome to GayChristians!

This subreddit exists to provide a place for all queer Christians to come and discuss topics that are specific to us. It is a place of love, respect, community and acceptance. Even if you do not identify as gay, ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!

We seek to provide a place for Christians to come and ask questions, seek help or clarification and discuss topics. Whether you are out and proud, still in the closet, fully understand your sexuality or are just beginning to figure things out - this place is here for you.

If you are wondering about how LGBT people navigate the intersection of their faith and sexuality, especially with regard to the so-called "clobber verses", check out this wonderful post explaining it.

If you are looking for a Church where you will be welcomed and affirmed, and never questioned about your sexuality, find the one closest to you.

We have an official Discord server for the subreddit and for all queer Christians! Join us!


  • All are welcome.

  • This is a place of love, support & acceptance - no hate posts will be tolerated.

  • Active participation is encouraged, but please be respectful.

  • Any questions, please contact the mod team.

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Does anyone have some time? I need help reconciling "unclean" in Scripture! (Romans 1:24-27 and Ephesians 5:3-5)

While careful reading of Romans 1-4 reveals that all of the "stuff" Paul says in Romans 1:18-32 is essentially used to describe how Gentiles break the Law of Moses (that's a post for another day), by the end of Romans he argues that believers in Christ do not have to follow the Law anyway.

like in Romans, Ephesians also uses the word "unclean" without a definition. In the context of Ephesians 4-5, it probably refers to ill intentions like lying, stealing, greediness, etc. However, it could be assumed to mean the same as in Romans (sexually) although there is nothing in the text itself to necessitate that it indicates homosexuality.

Has anyone dealt with this before? (fyi: I'm using the KJV)

21:02 UTC


"we are what he has made us" Ephesians 2:10 šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ āœļø #RainbowingTheBible

08:47 UTC


I feel exhausted wondering if I'm a real Christain or not.

This is sort of a follow up post to this one https://www.reddit.com/r/GayChristians/comments/1clnuza/im_queer_and_im_terrified_god_hates_me_should_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

This post is sort of a vent. I always feel flooded with the different views on homosexuality and the church. Some people claim it is an abomination and those who are believe that LGBTQ+ and Christianity and faith can intersect are not truly saved.

I always feel like my existence is always being constantly argued if it is valid or not, and it's extremely exhausting to see such strong condemnation from the church for people who claim to be gay and Christian.

My fear that God does not accept me has been seriously keeping me from talking to God. I almost feel like my the validity of my experiences is always being tossed around by the church.

some people seriously claim that they are "true Christians" and that you can only be a true Christian if you are not queer and / or push down your queer identities for the sake of "following God and not twisting the Bible for your own desires"

So many anti-lgbt Christians will quote verses in the Bible that say like "Jesus loves the sinners but doesn't condone their sin" Im starting to feel very annoyed with people like that.

Some people will still say that same sex attraction is a demon, and some people say that they're "ex gays" despite still having attractions for people of the same gender. They will say that their identity is "in christ". it doesn't make sense at all. If someone has SSA then they are gay, even if they change their behavior.

i feel like my life is the victim of highs and lows, listening to people who claim I am demonized, and sinful and disobedient to Christ. The more I listen to Christians like that, the more I doubt that the homophobic God is the God of the Bible.

Sorry that was just me venting.

00:29 UTC


My anti LGBT brother just can't stop talking crap about Catholics.

For the past few months, he has been debating catholic friends, catholic strangers in podcasts, and bringing it up to me and our siblings about how "wrong" Catholics are. Hell I think he even brought it up to our parents and total strangers at work! My brother is OBSESSED!

It's only gotten worse lately, since he woke me up today in the morning to talk about some Catholics he was arguing with online. I looked at him like he was crazy because this was definitely not something I wanted to wake up hearing! It's even crazier to me because last night I overheard him talking about Catholics to our sister. He needs a new hobby!

He does this because he genuinely believes that Catholics are not following the Bible correctly. Now I won't go further into that, but ultimately I don't like his reasoning.

I just don't understand the judgement. You can say ANY Christian or denomination is going about following the Bible the wrong way, but I just don't understand the constant need to become so obsessed and talk about it everywhere.

Istg he has an addiction to debunking Catholics. I just don't understand the passion. Shouldn't he be more passionate about helping the poor and needy (as Jesus wants us to be) and not so focused on who is "right" or "wrong"? He is devoting his time and effort in the wrong direction.

23:42 UTC


Even if you think being gay is a sin, we're literally all sinners

Like they need to stop saying gay people live sinful lives when in reality all of us do. I understand that there's the whole "love the sinner, hate the sin" approach but a lot of times they act like they're super holy and aren't guilty of anything.

11:57 UTC


Remember there is room for you! The Kingdom of Heaven is for everyone.

11:51 UTC


i love how this song healed my little gay christian heart

i really love how this conan gray song healed my soul..

1 Comment
08:29 UTC


God told me to preach to homeless today at downtown. Then had me call my church brothers, which then God used to have a sister have God tell her about my hatred for my fatherā€¦.and Right now me and my Father made up. And The Church has been stirred to reach downtown and help pray, feed the homeless.

Iā€¦ā€¦Manā€¦.God told me earlier today to go to downtown hartford, CT. I was scared cuz last time He had me do alot of awesome but scary stuff.

And today He did it again and though scared I went. And so throughout Bushnell Park was homeless, who I first ran away from interacting with. But God ultimately lead me back to them and lead me. And I prayed for many homeless and shared Jesus and heard their stories. I met a women cursing at me and Jesus but God gave me peace and I said empowered by God,ā€ Jesus loves you, you have purpose You do not have to keep that anger.ā€

Long story short, God put a thought in my head to call my church brother David. And He called other leaders and such which stirred tje church to be motivated to go do Godā€™s will and walk with Holy Spirit. But God had them pick me up after all of this and God used David and a sister named Brittany to minister to me.

God through her revealed a true secret I tried avoiding. I hated my Father. Past tense, because We just MADE UP!! And heā€™s proud of meā€™ and ā€¦..wowā€¦.All I thought God was gonna do was have me reach 1 person. Its like He used me to reach so many. I even met Church people at downtown after asking God to let me meet people also obeying Him and fighting to save souls!

05:26 UTC


Homosexuality and Christianity: A Defence to Depend On.

Hello everyone. I have been around here reading and ā€¦ well legit lurking ngl ā€¦ and I mode one long comment a while ago that made a difference to someone. I have noticed a lot of posts here where people are conflicted and donā€™t know what to do. Obviously Iā€™d love if I could catch each and the everyone one of these and personalize my response for each. But I am not a full time redditor. So I am going to post the essential parts of that comment here. This is a long, but thoughtfully established argument on why Christianity is completely compatible with homosexuality. If youā€™re conflicted, check here first:

At 17, I was at a place many of us may recognize - I knew I was gay, and I ā€œknewā€ it was wrong. How wrong I was. I had been brought up Baptist, knew I was gay from a young age, and didn't quite buy into it being a sin or not being a sin. I was smarter than your average 7 year old having been tested and told I had a grad studentā€™s brain in a second graderā€™s body. And my very homophobic pastor loved some anti gay clobber verse sermons.

Long story short, indoctrination mostly successful although I had my doubts. So back to me at 17 - I had two options ā€¦ and coming out didnā€™t seem like one - the girl I was best friends with for 6 years or the guy I was best friends with since forever. I more than "pass" for straight, but as selfish safety, I kept her close to ward off suspicions ... All the while telling her I wasn't ready for physicality until marriage while then doing so with guys on the side ... That WAS a sin. None of what I was doing at 17 had love - and love is the transformative power that makes a difference. Homosexual relationships, homosexual love is perfectly alright as long as there is love at its core. Iā€™ll explain why this matters.

THIS IS LONG - there is a TL; DR at the bottom, but I'll sum it up here quickly - youā€™re good with God as long as you do it all with love.

Look at it from this perspective - what is aChristian? A follower of Christ. I follow what Christ said. Christ said a few things important about this, while never mentioning homosexuality directly. The verses that do deal with homosexuality directly (the oh so lovely 'clobber verses' that That was the Old Testament. The New Testament rules about homosexuality are not from Christ - at least 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were written by Paul - and he was problematic as far as his views.

Combining Christianity and homosexuality is a hot debate, we all know it. It centres on key Biblical verses (the 'clobber verses' mainly) and comparing Old and New Testament teachings. But as for being Christian and gay, living in a loving gay relationship, in a state of grace, and reaching heaven: 10000% affirming yes. You can hang your hat on:

  1. The Greatest Commandment
  2. The Fulfillment of the Law
  3. The New Covenant
  4. Christā€™s Fulfilment of the New Covenant

Greatest Commandment/Fulfilment of the Law:

Look at the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke are synoptic as they share a narrative and tell similar stories). Jesus summarizes the law the Greatest Commandment: to love God with all oneā€™s heart, soul, and mind - and to love oneā€™s neighbour as oneself (Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-28). That one commandment (and gotta admit, that's why it's the greatest) captures the entire essence of Mosaic Law and the Prophets - emphasizing love as the foundation of all the laws.

Now a lot of people get tripped up by Jesus saying He has not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill them (Matthew 5:17-20), Fulfilling the law is complex, but basically Jesus is completing the purpose and intent of the Old Testament laws through his life, teachings, and most important His sacrificial death. This fulfilment isn't simply a continuation of the law, but its transformation (through love and His sacrifice on the Cross) that brings the ultimate purpose of the Old Testament Law to fruition. So that brings us to:

The New Covenant and Christā€™s Fulfilment of It:

So, we find the New Covenant first prophesized in the Old Testamentā€™s Jeremiah 31:27-36 we see it fulfilled in the New Testamentā€™s Hebrews 10:1-20. It presents a shift from the old covenant's (Mosaic/Old Testament law, although there were like 3 covenants to be fair) adherence to the law externally (with burnt offerings and sacrifices) towards an internal transformation of our hearts (see here for an indepth view of this). The New Covenant promises us that God will write on the hearts of believers His laws and that His believers will know him intimately. This internalization of the law is shown by a relationship with God that is based on forgiveness and grace, rather than on ritualistic observance of the law. Hebrews 10 explains that the old covenant's sacrifices were insufficient, repetitive needing perfection. But God made us, and we are imperfect! Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, once and for all, fulfils the sacrificial requirement making all the old sacrifice systems obsolete! Christ performed a single, perfect sacrifice in His death that enables us believers to live in a new way - guided by The Holy Spirit.

So, What Does All This Mean About Christianity and Homosexuality?

You need to understand that when discussing homosexuality and Christianity, itā€™s vital to consider the broader biblical narrative and the transformative power of Christ's fulfilment of the law. Yes, the New Testament (specifically Paul and his devotees) has something to say about homosexuality, but where does it mention the modern concept of sexual orientation...Oh yeah, it doesn't, because it is modern, and the Bible is ancient. Being gay is a relatively recent human understanding (great article here). So why does the Bible mention it...Oh Paul...Paul, Paul, Paul...Such a complex man. You need to understand something about Paul - he was an apocalyptic Jew who was viewing Greco-Roman world thru the lens of his old-covenant Jewish beliefs. I won't get into the fact that he was single, advised people it's better to marry than lust if male, if female and single or widowed itā€™s better to remain that way, and everything else ā€¦ keep in mind that we have one sided conversations here. All of Paulā€™s letters are just that - letters to the Churches in each area (Rome, Corinth, etc). We have Paulā€™s answer to the letter sent from each church ā€¦ we donā€™t have the letter he was answering. What was the context? Could there be sarcasm? We just donā€™t know!

Thereā€™s also some subtext that may depending on your bent and personally interpretationsuggests Paul himself may have been struggling with sexuality and relating to women ... which may be why he is opinionated about women keeping quiet...I don't want to spark controversy beyond that and go off-topic. Just presenting all the arguments I have come across.

Paul saw what, to him, was uncontrolled lust and same-sex, opposite-sex, and just sex sex sex of the Greco-Roman world as abominable. The Greek word in the Bible for this is porneia and it appears about 25 times in the Greek New Testament. It simply means "illicit sexual activity" - but Paul just went ham on it! It went from illicit sexuality activity to include every sexual thing that wasn't OK by Paul's Jewish perspective and his view of the Greco-Roman world's sexual practice through the lens of his Jewish background.

That, and that primarily, is why the New Testament mentions homosexuality - Paul was brought up under the Old Covenant, and seeing the Greco-Roman world through than lens shaped his views.

Never in the New Testament is sexual orientation discussed qbecause it wasn't a concept until very recently (the past couple hundred years). The practices Paul saw did not have LOVE. The modern concept of a loving committed homosexual couple wasn't a thing in that world. Of course, Paul had a problem with it, but we went overboard! Plus, with everything I've said above, you can see how the Old Testament verses from Leviticus (18:22 / 20:13) no longer apply to Christians - in light of Christ's sacrificial death we understand we are no longer bound by the Old Testament law in its entirety.

This is going to sound sappy as all get out, but love is what makes the difference (hey - I guess Rowling [when she isn't being a bigoted TERF] was on to something about Voldemort not having or appreciating love and Harry's immense ability to love and be loved made all the difference ... oops, I switched to my other Bible ... let me switch back, but really the Potter books have so much Christian undertone, considering they are about witchcraft and wizardry - they portray love as a force that can overcome even the darkest magic ... kinda like how loving God and your neighbour can overcome the darkest forces of sin ... Back to theology).

TL; DR / Basically:

It is totally cool to be Christian and LGBTQ. You can even do that, live in grace, have a same-sex husband/wife/brosband/partner/w.e., kids, and a wonderful happy (and as one young formerly confused person put it) ā€œa beautiful relationship and life with a [same sex partner] as a [LGBTQ] yet faithful Christian [being] and still go to heaven at the end of it all.

Christ fulfilled the Old Testament law in a transformative way - it set up a new way for believers to relate to God and one another. This new relationship between God and believer is characterized by love - which is the Greatest Commandment, by the internal transformation of the heart promised by the New Covenant. The life in spirit enables believers to fulfil moral law through love, transcending the specific ordinances of the Old Testament. In this light, the essence of Christianity is not gonna be found in strict adherence to the letter of the old laws, but in the spirit of love and grace that pervades the teachings of Jesus Christ. Just don't pay too much attention to Paul - he had issues man.

Oh, in case you're wondering - I married my best male friend since childhood, made deep amends for the pain I caused to the girl who I basically used as a beard, and now have a beautiful, loving, committed and monogamous gay relationship with my husband of 10 years and our 3 amazing children*. You can live your dream too. If this is what your soul and your body are telling you want, if you do it with LOVE, God's gonna be fine with you. I say that as a theology minded reformed Baptist-turned-Atheist-turned-Affirming-Christian, as a person who four years ago led the charge in turning my church Affirming.

If you are so concerned about your relationship with God because of your homosexuality to have gotten to this line in the post without flaking on the rest, youā€™re likely someone who, IMHO, if you think and care about this this much to be concerned, are focused on having a beautiful relationship with a [same-sex/non-binary partner], and do it all with and in LOVE, you are good.

</end argument>

So there you have it - my definitive argument for exactly how itā€™s ok to be gay in a Christian world, and more to the point to be a Gay Christian - without just saying ā€œitā€™s cool, Godā€™s fine with itā€. This is why it is fine.

01:09 UTC


What would you say to church leaders?

Hey all, Iā€™m in a really unique position at the moment. Recently, I attended a church youth activity where some pretty insensitive things were said about queer people by adult leaders. My church is non-affirming, but most of the members are not terribly homophobic and there are a few active youth who are queer. Which means, of course, that plenty of people (including me) were hurt by the comments made at this activity.

Since Iā€™m in a youth leadership position, Iā€™m close to the church leaders who were speaking at the time, and I told them about some of the pain their words caused (Iā€™m not publicly out, but this mightā€™ve been a tip-off). They actually said they were incredibly sorry and they hadnā€™t realized the impact of their words. In fact, they are now offering to meet with me so we can discuss how to apologize to our queer friends and discuss these issues with more empathy in the future.

Iā€™m so excited! I feel like this is an opportunity to do so much good for both my church community and my queer community. But I also feel very underqualified, and I donā€™t want to say the wrong thing and inaccurately represent the queer community to my church leaders.

What would you guys say, if you had the chance to teach non-affirming church leaders how to treat queer people better? Iā€™m not going to be able to convince them of anything drastic, but if there are things I could help them improve on (especially in regards to interacting with youth), I would be so excited to make a change. What should I address? Any tips on how to be respectful? Thanks guys!

18:59 UTC


I'm queer, and I'm terrified God hates me. Should I be afraid?

I've grown up in a homophobic Christian environment, and I've known I was queer since I was about age 11. The last few years I've been absolutely TERRIIFED that being queer is a sin, and I've tried so hard to stop being queer, but nothing ever works, no matter how hard I try. Should I be afraid of God? Or is it REALLY all right to be queer and Christian? I'm always afraid that people will call be "fake" and "deceived" if I were to ever come out to anyone as queer and CHRISTAIN. I've done research on why people believe that being queer and Christian is fine, and the arguments behind queer theology seems to be even stronger then anti - queer theology. Should I be afraid of what others think? Or should I accept myself?

I'd appreciate any advice / feedback!

EDIT: Thank you all for the very kind comments, they have really helped me feel better!

16:49 UTC


Revelation in my Life

Hello, been pretty frequent on here recently as this subreddit has been my saving grace. I've deconstructed quite a bit to a point where I'm able to discern different people's opinions around me about homosexuality. I've pretty much accepted I'm gay and desire to fight for the LGBTQ friends around me. However, I grew up and live in a very Christian environment, and this morning I felt the weight of what would likely happen if I was to come out. Just wanted to make this post as a cry for help on what to do lmao.

First of all, I live with a bunch of awesome, Christian roommates. One of them told me Jesus would say he didn't know them when they die and the other compared it to drunkards and believes it's very unnatural. Every single one of them would likely not feel comfortable with me if I came out and I would likely be kicked out of the house.

Second of all, I live in a college, awesome, and Christian community based on ministry. It's very hetero based and word travels very fast. One time someone was in a same-sex relation in the community and everyone had a bunch of problems with it and it was a "whole thing" (I quote my sister). I will likely be outcasted out of the community in some way shape or form.

Third, I lead a ministry with multiple others and get to share the joy of sharing the gospel to middle schoolers. However, there is a rule where if you come out as gay then you must stop leading. This happened to one of my leaders when I was in high school. I got really close with him but after it I never saw him again.

Fourth, my sister is also very involved with the faith and was really involved with this ministry and other ministry. She is VERY against being gay (in a "loving" "its just like when I lust" way) and has constantly tried to push me away from it. She recommended me "Gay Girl Good God" and wants me to seek Christian authority on it. She glorifies Christians who walked away from being "gay".

Fifth, my therapist is Christian and also recommended me "Gay Girl Good God". I just stopped seeing her this week which very much hurts. I want to seek an LGBT councilor but my sister tries to pursuade me away from it because I want to seek someone who "agrees" with me.

Sixth, my discipler (who is great) completely believes being gay is a sin (in a loving way) and got us reading "People to be Loved" together. He's also very involved with the ministry I do.

Seventh, my family is mostly conservative, especially my dad. He is very against anything "woke" and def hates gay people. I'm sure me being gay would be a very big problem.

Eighth, my somewhat secular friends, who are not Christian, are pretty edgey and would likely be uncomfortable with me being gay.

Ninth, my church is VERY adamant about not affirming same-sex relations and don't believe they can be Christians either. They make it VERY VERY clear.

Gonna keep it real, I'm not here to place false reactions or emotions on people around me. I don't fully know where they all stand. But from my findings over 21 years this is what I've found. I'm pretty "theologically" sound and don't believe it's a sin, and pretty convincingly. I don't feel persuaded by them that its a sin either. However, the outcome of it if I was to come out is honestly destroying me. I'm SCREWED if I do. Very, very screwed. I've been stuck in the non-denom Christian train for a VERY long time and nearly all my relationships have been built around it.

This morning this realization hit me like a truck. Comments of support appreciated. I don't know what to do.

12:54 UTC


My Testimony And My Road To Ministry!

My name is Minister Dino Puglia and I became an Ordained Openly Gay minister in.2017 through Universal Life Church Ministries and I battled depression and also my sexuality for years so a friend of mine told me I should start a ministry and today I don't struggle with mental illness and I finally except my sexuality as a gift from God and Iam a blessing. The Lord has blessed me and healed me with a Face Book ministry with over 800 people and also a new life with a wonderful career something I thought would never happen again . The Lord really healed me as my past was controlled by demonic depression and sexual lust with horrible depression If you're looking for a loving church home then you will find it with us so click this link to be in the family https://www.facebook.com/share/h49BU2gk18XMvSVU/?mibextid=A7sQZp

01:50 UTC


"The time has come" Marc 1:15 šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ āœļø #RainbowingTheBible

14:15 UTC


Gay/Queer Christian Mental Health career?

Hello everyone! I'm curious, what is everyone's knowledge on counselling career paths for someone who is Queer and Christian and looking to support other Queer Christians ?

  • Is it possible to be a generalist counsellor with a focus on both Queer and Christian affirming practices?

  • Is it possible to practice these outside of LGBTQIA2S+ spaces ie outside of churches? does anyone know if spaces like hospitals or corporations have space for these frameworks?

  • Have you yourself ever seen a counsellor who is both Christian and Queer?

I hope I am posting appropriately in this subreddit if not please direct me elsewhere!

thank you so much!

18:36 UTC


Judgment is around every corner

I feel doomed to be a black sheep. I live in North Carolina and it wasnā€™t always this way. Nowadays it seems I canā€™t really go anywhere without being met with looks of disdain and hateful stares. Thereā€™s nothing I do that I feel should garner this attention. I wear pretty typical clothes and have a pretty typical hairstyle and facial hair. Iā€™m pretty quiet and respectful. But Itā€™s like they can smell the gay on me. Maybe itā€™s my walk. A lot of times itā€™s when I open my mouth. Instant judgement.

Every church Iā€™ve been to has been this way too. Without knowing anything about me, they hold such disdain for my simple existence. Itā€™s really discouraging. Feeling unaccepted by Christianā€™s when I only want to learn. As if I havenā€™t prayed about something like my sexuality everyday hoping for answers. Feeling hated amongst those communities. And just by the general public for something they infer about me. It makes it impossible to not feel like a ā€œlukewarmā€ Christian.

In a way it emboldens me too. To feel like the hatred I face might mean something one day. To be hated by the world feels like a reminder of his sacrifice. But idk. I feel like thereā€™s no place for me anywhere. Even amongst fellow lgbt I constantly feel judged. Either for not being a cookie cutter or for holding beliefs. I have so much love in my heart, I only wish I could share it abundantly with community and not only friends and fam.

Itā€™s kind of hard to admit, but sometimes I even feel shunned by God. Iā€™ve seen the beautiful testimonies by so many near to me and far. But I never find such blessings though I try not to expect them even in the face of adversity. All I ever ask for are whispers. To know Iā€™m on the right path. Doing the right thing or just something. But I receive silence. I canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s much easier to be forgiven and even loved for some than others. And itā€™s something that doesnā€™t sit well with my soul.

15:21 UTC


It makes me feel so upset.

I get not everyone will agree but I wish it was okay to love a girl like a boy. Iā€™m a teenager and I came out to my parents and they support but I know some people wonā€™t and theyā€™ll say ā€œyou havenā€™t found the right man, youā€™re just confused.ā€ And stuff like that but Iā€™m not confused. And I donā€™t want to make it a big deal. And thereā€™s this girl and I like her so much, but Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s straight but I wish I could tell her how I feel. Iā€™ve never felt this way about anyone, sheā€™s just different and that sounds really stupid. Later in life I know some Christianā€™s will say Iā€™ll go to hell for being gay and I have to be straight and it sucks. So many donā€™t agree and I feel bad because Iā€™m gay and what if God wonā€™t accept me? What if God doesnā€™t love me anymore because I like women and what if theyā€™re right I will go to hell for it. I donā€™t wanna burn for eternity because of it but I donā€™t want a man I want a woman. I wish I could just stop being gay.

05:50 UTC


any advice? - feeling lost.

I wanted to share a bit about the struggles l've faced reconciling faith with my identity. For a long time, religion was a big part of my life, I grew up in the church, attended a christian school etc, but I started feeling disconnected due to the attitudes towards homosexuality in many religious institutions.

The teachings on homosexuality within churches, Bible apps, and even societal norms can create a sense of conflict and isolation for individuals like me (or us I should say). It's disheartening when the very places meant to offer spiritual guidance can feel unwelcoming or judgmental based on who we are.

I've grappled with feelings of being lost and torn between my faith and my authentic self. The cliquey nature of some religious communities can further exacerbate this sense of isolation. It's challenging to navigate a path back to God when faced with these obstacles.

Despite these struggles, I believe that God's love is all-encompassing and unconditional. I'm learning to embrace my identity as a gay person while also nurturing my spiritual connection.

I'm curious to hear from others who may have similar experiences or insights to share. How have you navigated the intersection of faith and identity as a gay Christian? What resources or support have been helpful for you in this journey?

20:20 UTC


ā€œYouā€™re actually not gay and Christian. Thatā€™s impossibleā€


Like hello, my deepest apologies dear homophobe, but I do in fact exist. Are you telling me Iā€™m just lying about Jesus Christ saving me? Or that I donā€™t deserve to be saved because Iā€™m gay? Or that Iā€™m just pretending to still be gay becauseā€¦itā€™s fun? Yes, I am gay, and yes, I am Christian. I literally do not know what else to tell you.

Anyone been told this? How do you respond?

18:51 UTC


Queer Heroes of Faith

I'm working on a sermon and would like to reflect Pride month coming up. Does anyone have any stories of queer influencal Christians that might be good to highlight?

18:32 UTC


Affirming Bible Study and Church

Hi everyone!

I wanted to reach out and let you all know that we are an affirming church and we host a Bible study on Thursday night, at 7:30 PM central standard time.

If youā€™re interested in joining, please private message us and we can provide the zoom link. Video and participation is not required, but we would love to have you join if you are looking for a safe place to attend. Our lead pastors are gay and married, and we are so grateful that God has provided place for us to share the gospel with other believers.

We are asked all the time if everyone is accepted and welcomed, & the answer is: yes! You are loved, and God has a place for you in His kingdom. We hope to see you tonight if you can join! Hope you all are having a blessed day. ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¼

1 Comment
21:39 UTC


Happy National Day of Prayer!

Whatever intentions or prayers you have, today is the day we stand united in faith and bring them to Jesus.

14:46 UTC


"and I will bless you [ā€¦] and you will be a blessing" Genesis 12:2bd šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ āœļø #RainbowingTheBible

1 Comment
08:43 UTC


How did you develop a genuine relationship with god despite the world we live in?

I have OCD, and if you know about OCD you probably know that it makes life a lot harder than it has to be, especially when it comes to staying true to what you believe. At the end of the day, as much as I believe in a god that loves us all equally and wouldnā€™t condemn anyone for being gay, etc. Everywhere I turn, I am corrected and told that I am wrong, and so after everything that has happened in my life recently Iā€™ve truly hit my breaking point with my faith. How am I supposed to have a genuine close relationship with Jesus in a world that tells me he wonā€™t want me to be with him in the afterlife unless I change part of who I am? A world that tells me god views me as an abomination, I am his child! I long to be loved by god in a way I will never long to be loved by any earthly being, and why should I have to feel longing for gods love just bc Iā€™m gay? donā€™t we deserve to feel loved as we are? It makes no sense to me, for anyone to say that god created us all in his image and we are who he designed us to be, but yet as soon as someone is gay, that all goes out the window bc somehow that didnā€™t come from god that came from the enemy. It doesnā€™t matter how much I glorify god or what good I do, most Christianā€™s will literally always see me as someone who is living a satanic lifestyle, and that hurts more than I can put into words. There are so many nights I cry myself to sleep bc I feel like I will never be able to have the close relationship with god that Iā€™ve always wanted/needed to have, in this lifetime or any lifetime, and that terrifies me, it haunts my nightmares, it makes me feel worthless, the list goes on. I canā€™t imagine how different my life would be if LGBTQ+ people were accepted in the Christian community, if we werenā€™t seen as abominations. Me and god would probably be best friends, and I still hope that will somehow be possible, im trying really hard to connect and build a relationship with him without letting all of that other stuff pull me away, but itā€™s so hard!

Itā€™s hard bc how am I supposed to do that when all around me, these are the things I hear and experience in one way or the other, every single day.

Love the sinner hate the sin

Homosexuality is an abomination

If you turn away from your sins then you will have eternal life

Those desires are from the enemy

God didnā€™t make you this way

Comparing being gay to rape and murder (this is the worst one imo)

Acting like we havenā€™t read the Bible

Claiming they say these things out of love

Mind you, these arenā€™t just people who are Christianā€™s, those who are in high power in the church, they say even worst things than the people who donā€™t work for the church.

Did anyone see the clip of Bishop Mari saying that homosexuality is pure evil and that is why god burnt down Sodom and Gomorrah? Even though those people were literally trying to rape angels! It makes my heart hurt, bc it just seems so cruel. That one especially struck me hard, I cried about it for days.

Anyway, I apologize for how long this post is but for those of you who genuinely have a solid relationship with god, please give me some advice, insight, anything really. Bc I want that more than anything but I have no idea how to get there. Having OCD makes it even harder bc my brain thinks every TikTok I get in my feed about homosexuality being a sin is a sign Iā€™m not going to go to heaven, and maybe it is Iā€™m scared, I just donā€™t know what to do.

05:54 UTC


The UMC now allows openly LGBT clergy

02:09 UTC


I need advice

Iā€™m a 18 year old gay man and I donā€™t want to ever have actual sex. It scares me and I just donā€™t want it. But I do want romance in my life. Iā€™ve heard a little bit of gay couples that are celibate. Is it possible for me to have a romantic relationship with a man without the sexual aspect? Is there any hope? Iā€™m scared that Iā€™m going to be all alone or Iā€™ll have to try to be okay with being with women. Idk

21:40 UTC


This verse really resonated with me ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹

20:14 UTC


Is there a point of even being a Christian anymore??

I myself 26F isĀ  currently in the process of reconciliation btw faith and sexuality. I formerly held a side B stance after consuming content from jackie hill perry, becket cook, preston sprinkle, and samuel Perez. It also helped that I was in school and focused on other things. But at the age I am now I realized that I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. It's also unfair that people like me are told we need to be. Even though this subreddit has helped with my faith, I often wonder what's the point of even being christian sometimes.

I guess im just tired of hearing the same things from conservative christian evangelicals who make comments like

  1. " Even though Jesus befriended sinners doesn't mean he condoned there behavior "

  2. Love the sinner, but hate the sin

  3. "Jesus told the adulterous women to go and sin no more"

  4. Comparing homosexuality to alcohol and drug abuse

  5. Blaming sexual abuse in childhood for the reasoning of homosexualityĀ 

  6. Your identity should be in christ and not a label

  7. Labeling our relationships as a "lifestyle"

Idk it's hard to have to justify your existence with people like this. They sit there and take any ex gay testimony as a blueprint of how we should live our lives. Also I'm getting really tired of people claiming to be ex gay but still experience SSA. A change in behavior but not attraction still makes you gay lol. It's like you can only be accepted if you stay celibate and say that you struggle with SSA.

Also when it's comes to LGBT stuff some of these Christians are out here doing the most and protesting at pride events but don't keep the same energy for people at the strip clubs, people having pre martial sex, divorcees, having kids out of wedlock ,or even pastors sexually abusing members of there own congregation. These people are still considered real Christians, but if you dare admit that your a gay christian, people will debate if your truly saved or not which is messed up.

Sorry for the long post. I want to know how the rest of you deal with comments like this?

16:43 UTC


In need of an affirming church but not ready to go in person check us out

I wanted to post for anyone in need of a safe place to either explore their faith or further their journey with God without feeling condemned. This is an affirming Church that God has placed for anyone of all walks of life because the Kingdom of Heaven is for everyone and anyone who puts their faith in His Son Jesus. There gospel is not for a select few but rather it is inclusive for anyone who believes! God placed this ministry in my heart and it was birthed out of a need that I had being gay and loving God. I need a safe place to be loved and accepted and shown the love of God. I went through a lot to get to where I am today. But now I have the honor of offering this safe place to anyone who has felt like me. Whether you are questioning your faith because of your sexuality or identity you have a place here. We are here for you. The name of the Church is Safe Haven Church and its a safe place where its ok to not be ok people misunderstand why we say that it has nothing to do with sexuality or identity but rather that this is a safe place that if you feel broken or lost we won't judge you but rather help you and love you through it. I needed a place like this for so long and I pray that when you see this ministry you see that God is building His Church were everyone is welcomed and loved and that he Is for us and not against us. I will post my story below and the church site. I pray you see this and see that God is doing a thing.






Church page


16:40 UTC


Prayers needed

I have been feeling really stuck in my life lately, but most is quite personal. There are these negative voices telling me what I should and shouldn't do, but I'm hesitant to listen because I fear it might throw away my happiness or my future. Growing up in a strict religious environment has left me questioning my existence at times and why I'm here in the first place. Additionally, dealing with low blood values leaves me feeling exhausted and dizzy, adding to my personal stress. I'm constantly worried and I am trying to find peace. I would appreciate it if you could keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

11:07 UTC

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