
Photograph via snooOG

r/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine.

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About Us

/r/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together in unity by the bonds of the Gospel to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine. Due to our place among other subreddits of Christian leaning, we also recognize a privilege and responsibility to simply maintain a gospel witness here. We welcome discussion, insights, questions, and all sorts of at least semi-relevant posts here.

Our Wiki Page - lots of resources on various topics.

Notes on Posting and Comments

For detailed information on our rules, see our rules wiki

  • Rule #1 Deal with Each Other in Love
  • Rule #2 Keep Content Charitable
  • Rule #3 Keep Content Clean
  • Rule #4 Follow Our Posting Guidelines
  • Rule #5 Maintain the Integrity of the Gospel
  • Rule #6 Keep Content Relevant
  • Rule #7 Let the Moderators Do Their Job
  • Rule #8 Keep Reddit's Rules and Respect Others Across the Platform
  • Rule #9 COVID Vaccine discussions are banned


/u/scripture_bot (documentation) - NEW

Standardsbot is out of commission. We will be replacing it soon.

The Gospel

  • At the very core of Christianity is the truth of the gospel. We understand certain doctrinal truths, which God uses as the instrument of our faith in Christ upon hearing the Word, to be essential for conversion, reconciliation to God, and deliverance from God’s justice. They summarize what we must believe in order to be a Christian.
  • The gospel is the good news that, though we have all rebelled against the God who created us, God planned a way to show mercy when we deserved judgment. The Father sent His Son Jesus, who went willingly, who Himself shared God’s very nature, into our world. Jesus was born of a virgin, taking on human flesh in order to share our nature. Jesus Christ, lived the life of obedience that the Father demanded of us but that we could not live, and He died the death that the Father required of us as sinners, though He Himself was without sin. Jesus’ death satisfied God’s justice for all those who turn in faith from idolatrous rebellion to worship Him alone.

  • Being freely and completely justified by grace through faith alone, by the righteousness of Christ, alien to our own, His people, being wholly part of the invisible Bride which He bought by His own blood, are completely and fully united to Him by His death, and will never fall away by the power of the Spirit who is the seal and guarantee of our future complete redemption.

  • His resurrection declares the Father’s acceptance of his sacrifice and our hope of resurrection as well. God’s grace offers eternal life in his presence to all who receive this work of Jesus Christ by confessing Him as Lord.

  • This is the one gospel; this is Christianity. (See the wiki for scripture references)

What Does it Mean to be Reformed?

  • 5 Solas
  • Creedal (Apostles', Nicene Creed, etc)
  • Confessional (WCF, LBCF, Heidelberg, Belgic, Canons of Dordt, 39 Articles)

What is TULIP?

Affirmations - This subreddit community (in general) agrees with these additional statements:

Note that your participation in this community is not dependent on affirming these or other creeds. All are welcome here.


56,477 Subscribers


Question for Cessationists

Whilst watching content on cessationism I heard 2 people, in reference to 1 Corinthians 13:10 regarding the perfect, say it's arbitrary to the debate as cessationists and continuationists can agree on what the perfect is but reach different conclusions.

Question: How do cessationists believe "the perfect" to be referring to Christ's second coming?

It seems backwards as if you believe the gifts will cease at Christ's second coming... Wouldn't that make you a continuationist?

I understand there are many views on what the perfect are e.g. canonization of scripture etc but only concerned with this one view.

08:33 UTC

08:09 UTC

07:24 UTC


PCA GA mp3s

With PCA GA coming up I wanted to catch up on old GAs, but didn't want to sit down and watch them at 1x speed, so I downloaded all the videos, converted them to mp3 so I could import them to my podcast player and listen as I had time. It was a good bit of work so in case anyone else wants that, thought I would post them here. This is 2021 through 2023, I have everything since 2016, but haven't uploaded it anywhere. If anyone is interested in those older ones, drop a comment and I'll work on uploading those as well. https://drive.proton.me/urls/D136GK9TWM#FrVB1STmsHjE

02:42 UTC


Reformed Churches in London

I’m going on a trip to London in a few weeks and I would like to visit a church while I’m there. Does anyone know any reformed churches in the Westminster or Paddington area?

1 Comment
02:09 UTC


Someone suggested I post this here so this is copied from r/AskAChristian: My parents want me Baptised, and I very much do not want to be. If I were to go along with it anyways, is it valid?

Both my parents are Christian to a degree. We don't go to church but we used to when I was much younger but also only on Christmas and Easter. I know my mom is baptised and I'm pretty sure my dad was too. Personally, I would consider myself somewhere between Agnostic and Atheist. My mentality religion wise is that if there is a higher being then great whatever, if there isn't then also great whatever. Now, I don't mean this in any mean spirited manner, I really just don't care.

Anyways, my parents, specifically my mom it seems, want to get my baptized. I don't want to be but I probably have to concede anyways. I'm not sure exactly why I don't want to be baptized but I just don't.

I've read varying things about the validity of an unwilling baptism. The consensus I found was that, no, it's not valid. But, I thought it wouldn't hurt to get other opinions for my own sake. (I'm not in a position where I can tell my parents no to the baptism.)

00:53 UTC


Question about total depravity

Hi, I have a question I was hoping someone could answer. How do we reconcile total depravity with the idea that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27)


22:08 UTC


Question about taking communion

I was baptized at birth by my father in the name of the trinity but I haven’t made a large profession of faith and or gone to church in many years. I’m going this Sunday and just want to ask to see if anyone assuage my worry a bit. I was not baptized into the reformed tradition but when we all did go to church it was a reformed church. Thank you for any and all responses.

21:35 UTC


Listen, pastor, I know you have an MDiv and have been shepherding this church for forty years, but I need to explain to you why you're actually a heretic.

16:23 UTC


Where they at?

16:01 UTC

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