
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to /r/latterdaysaints, a sub for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons). This sub is dedicated to faithful discourse on church topics.

Welcome to /r/latterdaysaints, a sub for members and friends of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly known as Mormons). This sub is dedicated to faithful discourse on church topics.


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I need help

Hello everyone,

I’m not sure if this is the right place for this topic, and I hope it won’t be removed because I really need help from my brothers and sisters.

I know it’s considered unethical to mix psychology with religion, and during a therapy session, a therapist saying, “Pray and try to listen to the answer God will give you” wouldn’t be seen as professional. However, I’ve been struggling with some issues for a while now. I’ve tried therapy and even had psychiatric support, but I often feel uneasy with the way modern psychology tends to justify every action as acceptable if it’s linked to past trauma. I don’t fully agree with that perspective.

With that in mind, I wanted to ask if anyone could recommend a website or platform where I could find LDS psychologists or therapists, preferably offering online counseling. I would really like to speak with someone who shares the same spiritual beliefs and speaks the same “spiritual language” as I do.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

23:08 UTC


Military Garments

So I leave for boot camp (navy) soon and I was wondering how garments and the military work, do I purchase the garments before hand or just wait till after basic?

1 Comment
22:57 UTC


Why does a lot of misinformation about church exist?

I wanted to ask this question because I have a class at school where we learn about religions from around the world. For some reason, some of my classmates were talking about ‘Mormons’ (which is no longer the correct term) and saying that our gospel is crazy. They claimed that we don’t believe in Jesus Christ or God and that we only worship Joseph Smith or the present prophet, along with some other things I couldn’t hear properly. Even my teacher was speaking bad about our gospel with them.

I felt really offended, but at the same time, I didn’t say anything because: • I’ve never spoken to those people before • They were on the other side of the room.

But now that I think about it, maybe Heavenly Father gave me that opportunity to defend my beliefs. I wasn’t born into the Church, but I have been a member for five years now, and I’m still confused as to why so many stereotypes exist, not just about the gospel but also about its members. They were also saying that we only believe in the Book of Mormon, which they referred as a “fiction book”.

22:54 UTC


How to have a relationship with Jesus Christ without praying to Him

Hi friends,

I have been a member for 15 years. I know the restored gospel is true and I have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ as my savior.

I come from a trinity-believing background (I was baptized into the Church at 18). I switched from praying to God exclusively from praying to Jesus. I have a testimony of the Godhead vs. trinity.

Even after all these years, I still struggle practically and logically with how to have a personal relationship with Christ when I don’t pray to Him. I can’t talk to Him, so how do I develop a personal relationship with Him?

Thank you for your insights.

20:27 UTC


I was just sent a survey by the Church. It centered entirely on identifying official Church media (books, podcasts, videos). I got the impression that the Church may be considering how to be clearer in their branding, or maybe there will be an initiative to help members identify good information.

Of course we know that finding true information is getting increasingly dodgy on the internet but it makes me wonder if the Church is noticing a problem with members relying on unofficial sources for doctrine that may dabble in speculation or push the occasional false doctrine.

One question in particular asked if I've ever encountered a website that I thought belonged to the Church but wasn't. Is it possible that there are anti groups out there developing imposter media that claims to be official Church sources but aren't?

One critique I could offer is that if members are relying on unofficial sources for their study, then maybe that is indicative of the official Church sources. Maybe there needs to be more, or different kinds.

I don't know. I just thought the whole thing was curious. Thanks!

19:39 UTC


How accepting is the Church to converts

Hi I am strongly considering converting to LDS, I have been reading the Book of Mormon and been speaking with members for a couple of months I was just wondering what the general vibe is towards converts from your own perspective?

19:06 UTC


(LDS related-promise). Ladies AND gents, what are your thoughts on makeup?

Edit: thanks for your comments everyone

Idk where else to post this because I am worried if I post it anywhere else, I'm going to get answers that put down my beliefs in God and also put down the opinions of men when it comes to makeup. I appreciate all input from either gender, and I'd love to hear from those who are boyfriends/fiancees or husbands.

So, my husband and I do not agree on makeup. He loves how I look without it and doesn't think I need it. And that's so sweet. I know Heavenly Father loves how I look because He made me and he doesn't care about makeup or beauty. It's a worldly thing, right? When it boils down to it yes. And so is any fashion. But anyway my husband and I have gotten into a lot of arguments over it. I feel like he doesn't get it. Makeup as a woman kind of feels like a rite of passage in a way.

Anyway, If I said I wear makeup just because I like it and not because of insecurity I'd be lying to you. BUT I used to be in a place where I would HAVE to put it on even to just go to the store. Now I'm a mom and don't always have time, so I've become a bit more comfortable with just not putting it on when i have to run to the store or do some other errand. Or even if I'll be around friends sometimes. Lately I put it on for church, dates with my husband or friends, holidays, and big get-togethers. And sometimes I put it on even if my husband and I are just going out to get groceries but it's usually minimal nowadays.

Anyway, he's been worried about my daughters seeing me out my makeup on. He's so worried I'm teaching them that I need it and that they will need it too, and that comes from a place of love and concern. He wants them to feel valued and understand they are daughters of God who lives them, and thats the most important. Which i get! When we get into talking more about it, he claims I always put it on just to go to the store or else I feel like I "can't go" shopping. I tell him all the time that it's not true. It used to be. But that isn't me anymore, for like 99 percent of our trips or my trips alone to the store. Again, there are days where I feel insecure about my patches of acne so I cover it up. But I have improved and sometimes just go "whatever, it's acne....people get acne and I just should be ok with it" and I feel like he doesn't see it. Also I literally always tell my daughters "you don't need makeup to be pretty. Mommy likes to do makeup and it's fun, and I like to do it for when I'm getting ready for church dates or parties." I just leave it at that because they are very young and I don't want to do a deep dive with kids who aren't even in grade school yet. However I feel like I'm half lying to them. I'm not trying to.... I do enjoy putting on makeup! But I also have insecurities that I want to change too. Not as bad as before. But still! I don't want to point it out because I don't want them to feel like they should cover up their insecurities. It's complicated!

Anyway I hope this is allowed to ask on here. I needed people with a Christian/LDS perspective because I would love some insight based off the fact that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me no matter what I look like. Beauty is not a concern to him at all. At the same time I don't see makeup as much different from wearing a cute outfit or doing my hair. I do indeed enjoy it and I love enhancing my eyelashes with mascara, and making my eyes pop with eyeliner. I love it! But maybe I'm getting too vain with it??? Idk.

I'd love some insight from both men and women on this issue. At the end of the day I want to continue to do makeup when I want because I feel confident, feminine, and put together when I put it on. But is that too worldly of me?

17:13 UTC


D&C 58:9-11 - preparing for the supper

Can someone explain this verse.

"Yea, a supper of the house of the Lord, well prepared, unto which all nations shall be invited. First, the rich and the learned, the wise and the noble; And after that cometh the day of my power; then shall the poor, the lame, and the blind, and the deaf, come in unto the marriage of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, prepared for the great day to come".

Is this the Marriage Supper or another supper?

14:08 UTC


Why do you believe/know?

I'm interested in knowing why you believe in the doctrines of the restoration? I recently returned to belief after an almost three years faith crisis and I haven't been comfortable saying "I know the church is true". I studied the history, the controversy, the evidences and ultimately decided I could choose to believe since I didn't find anything to prohibit that reasonably. I've felt the spirit in context of the church, which is one reason I believe, but I'm not comfortable saying "I know". Any thoughts?

14:46 UTC


Land Acknowledgements in Canada

In my ward we don’t do land acknowledgments. They’re made at other churches and a lot of events across Canada. I don’t see it as a political or social statement—more as a simple act of respect and kindness. Have you seen any wards incorporate this, or is it not something the Church typically does?

06:09 UTC


Book of Mormon

I was wondering how I could receive a copy of the Book of Mormon. I’m not ready to meet with missionaries and I have been told that they can be pretty persistent and not ready for that.

06:03 UTC


The Ancient Tradition Podcast

Has anyone else been listening to this podcast? It is… interesting to say the least. I really enjoy it.

And here’s the but. But there are some points about the Bible that Dr Jack Logan gets wrong. Small things that I cannot remember right now, but some.

I can guess that she is an English professor based on her emphasis on symbolism and her ending quote of Shakespeare, but other than that, no clue who she is. The ex Mormon board thinks she is LDS and she does allude to some of our beliefs.

I don’t know. I was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the podcast and might like to discuss it.

05:13 UTC


Sin and degrees of glory

Will there be sin in the Terrestial and Telestial kingdoms?

04:36 UTC


Missionary sponsor.

I have a question. I have been asked by an acquaintance, church member that I have known for years to help him find a "sponsor" for his child who serves in England. I know he couldn't pay for his mission in full so the church probably paid most of it, also because my friend lives in a less developed country. $10K would be his income for two years. So I got a message from him asking if I can help find a sponsor. I said to him that mission provides missionaries with everything from health insurance to accommodation and food but he said there are other expenses his child has to pay.

So my question is: is this true? Like did the mission rules has changed? Do missionaries need a sponsor nowadays? It's been decades since I return from my mission and back then church paid for everything and we got a modest allowance that was enough for our daily needs.

21:23 UTC


New LDS Music Artists?

looking for music artists that are lds! LMK! Want to listen to more members.

22:47 UTC


Feeling Lost and Depressed

At the risk of violating rule 4, i won’t dredge up the details or specifics, but… I’m scared of the future and things to come, and want to ask my fellow church-goers what you do for comfort and sanity when it seems like no matter what happens, everything is on a collision course to destroy itself, be it politics, environment, people, society at large;

Throwing a request here to see if anyone has any feedback on “how to maintain sanity and comfort from the spirit in today’s world”

21:44 UTC


Struggling with faith

Lately I feel like I have been doing a lot praying everyday and reading scriptures but I still feel lost, how can I make the church make sense. I’ve heard and read a lot of stuff like there being no archeological evidence and I’m having a hard time understanding why Joseph smith practiced polygamy, I looked in the gospel library but I feel a personal answer would help more. Thank you

19:04 UTC


Why do we pray to Heavenly Father and not Jesus?

Jesus performed the Atonement and therefore has perfect compassion and understanding. We are supposed to be able to rely on Him. So why do we pray to Heavenly Father instead of Jesus? I get that they are one in purpose--but we are told not to pray to Jesus nor to pray to both of them. We are explicitly told to pray to the Father. Why is this?

18:19 UTC


Would You Marry an LDS Woman Who Doesn’t Want to Be a Homemaker?

In LDS culture, it’s common for women to be homemakers. However, some women choose to pursue careers and become financially independent.

For those who are married or planning to get married, do you prefer a wife who is a homemaker or one who has a career (like a CEO, businesswoman, etc.)?

Does this preference affect your perspective on marriage, family dynamics, or gospel principles? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

16:35 UTC


Bishop meeting

So I got baptized like 3 weeks ago and last night the bishops secretary texted me to arrange a zoom meeting on Tuesday for an interview with the bishop. I already got my temple recommend from the bishop so I’m kinda nervous for why the bishop might need to speak to me about.

15:21 UTC


Future Missionary Resources?

Hi Reddit Ward! Does anyone have book recommendations or helpful resources for future missionaries, especially aimed at teenage boys? My son, who has basically been inactive for the last few years, has decided he wants to serve a mission. I’m shocked to say the least, but so happy for him. But he definitely has some preparing to do. Thank you!

15:09 UTC



I’ve been going to church since November 14, so a little over two months. This Monday, I truly felt the Spirit and the desire to get baptized this Saturday. I was so ready to go into the water, make that covenant, and strengthen my faith. But apparently, it was too short of a notice, and they suggested waiting two weeks.

The thing is, in two weeks, someone else is also getting baptized, and it just doesn’t feel right for me. I was so ready, and it felt like the exact timing I needed to make that covenant with God just like when Jesus Himself was baptized at the right time for Him (Matthew 3:13-17), not according to a set schedule or human timing.

I really want to take the time to fully experience this moment with God and make it as meaningful as possible. I wanted to feel that Spirit for me… but now I just feel anxious about it. Maybe it sounds ridiculous to stress over a date, but this is how I feel. And now, I just don’t understand and I don’t know what to do.

14:47 UTC


Marriage and sealing

Hi everyone,

Dumb question here but need some clarification, if I'm getting married this year is it okay for us to get married civilly (via the courts for legal stuff) a few weeks before the sealing and wedding reception due to them only having certain dates available to do it civilly?

Like is that okay in the church? Cause at that point legally she's my wife right and we can like move in stuff? Or do I have wait until after the sealing before we start being a married couple? Just need some someone to help me clarify that

13:00 UTC


I love this sub

I’m so glad I found this subreddit, with so much negativity and wickedness throughout the world, social media especially. It’s great to be connected with like minded Latter Day Saints. Thank you and shalom

07:20 UTC


Heavenly treasures?

What would you think these treasures we are supposed to lay up would be? Personal traits?

Matt 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

03:32 UTC


How to get Student Manuals on PDF or kindle?

Does anyone know where to get the student manuals as a PDF or a kindle? Thanks for any help.

01:31 UTC


Solo visits?

I'm struggling to decide whether I am making excuses for myself, or if most people feel the same way as me. I am currently the elders quorum president and it is very very rare that anyone in my presidency will come out and go on quorum visits with me. Unless I have an appointment, I feel uncomfortable going out to visit people I don't already know without a companion. I think my hang ups are based on general safety (I don't like knocking on doors in the dark by myself), social awkwardness (it's so much easier to meet and greet if you have a companion with you), and I feel like generally speaking the church prefers things to be done NOT alone (two deep leadership, ministering companionships, etc.).

All this to say, I have been struggling to get myself out and about doing quorum visits without someone coming with me. And it has been very difficult to find anyone to come with me.

So tell me, fellow reddit saints, am I just being a pansy? Or am I justified in my reluctance to go out by myself?

For added context, many areas in my ward get pretty sketchy at night, especially the lower income apartments. And it is winter where I live, so the sun is fully down before I even get started on visits.

23:21 UTC


Youth Question

I’m a youth Sunday school teacher and I’ve had my students ask me questions of areas they are struggling. One asked me if Heavenly Father ever stops forgiving us for the same sin we do over and over. Sounds like they are struggling with something and feeling like at some point Heavenly Father will just be “done” because they keep messing up.

I’m hopeful for some thoughts, scriptures or experiences I can share to help the class.

Appreciation in advance.

20:16 UTC

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