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A non-denominational Protestant-only subreddit for the encouragement of Bible-believing Christians, to the glory of God. We place an emphasis on sharing biblically sound advice and content with one another. /r/Christians is also upholds the Five Solas of the Reformation, including salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. "In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity." Discord: https://discord.gg/bTCEqNW2qG


Welcome to /r/Christians, your home for uncompromising Biblical encouragement!


A non-denominational subreddit for the encouragement of Bible-believing Christians, to the glory of God. Within that goal is an emphasis on sharing biblically sound advice and content with one another. /r/Christians is also a Protestant-based forum upholding the Five Solas of the Reformation, including salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Others are also welcome to participate in respectful conversation.

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    3. Jesus as both fully God and fully man.
    4. The gospel message.
    5. Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
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    9. The Five Solas of the Reformation.

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    I'm currently going to a strict Bible college and most of my mentors are telling me I should stay... but I'm a free spirit and there's a culture here that I don't like so much. Super judgemental and stuck up. I'm not saying that they aren't Jesus's but I am saying that there's a LOT of spiritual babies here (no offense to you or anyone, we all on some spirit milk sometimes rather than that SPIRITUAL MEAT). I know I'll probably get judged here for saying some of this but I have faith that there will be some who are kind and truly understand what is like. I used to be in the occult for 5 years and many people cast me aside as an outside unless I conform and not be myself. I want to leave this oppressive places and go to Portland Oregon and be weird and serve the Lord there. Thoughts?

    -In His Blessings, Kadin

    17:07 UTC


    Why do people who speak "in tongues" off to require an audience if it's nonintelligible to average people"

    "Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air."

    Ugh. Often require an audience... I see this in the hospital with patients trying to prove how pious they are. I'm not sure why they are trying to impress me if they're speaking with the spirits. I'm not sure why they try to do this in front of me, again, if it is not about getting attention versus legitimate prayer. Can anyone explain to me why doing this in front of an audience is beneficial to anyone?

    16:15 UTC


    New Relationship

    I recently got into a relationship with a girl and I really like her. We're both in college so we are pretty busy but still make time to see each other. One issue that keeps coming up is that I do have high standards for my partner and I don't know if I'm overthinking or not. This girl is beautiful, she's sweet, she has a great family, but I think she may be lacking in her relationship with the Lord. It doesn't seem like she's very confident in herself and possibly her faith. Part of me wants to try and stay in the relationship to see if it's just her taking time to open up to me, or if it's best that we break up. I've been praying over this ever since we started dating and it doesn't seem to leave my mind some days. We've been dating for a few months now but are doing distance now because of the summer. I want to help her in her faith, but I don't know how or if that's a responsibility I should take on. She grew up going to church and was saved as an early teenager but has struggled with depression and anxiety in the past from what I understand. I was once in her position but I've since grown - especially in my relationship with God. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    15:05 UTC


    Missionary? What exactly is it?

    Hi! Ive been thinking about going and doing missions for 11 months...but someone said it's mormon? Ive never heard that before. I just thought going on mission was something people did to spread the word of God and go on mission. Maybe its a lack of knowledge, but would someone mind helping explain this to me? Thank you.

    14:44 UTC


    Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:17-21

    Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:17-21

    God is pleased when we strive to be rich in good works and do not trust our temporary worldly riches.

    Father, we praise You for saving us and giving us meaning and purpose. You are eternal, and only work done for You will last. You warn us never to be proud and never set our hopes on the uncertainty of riches. May we rejoice and rest in You, who richly provides for us. Make us generous people, rich in good works, and always ready to share the blessings You have freely given us. Give us wisdom so we will not participate in foolish babblings and false teachings that have led many astray. Father, we need You to keep us by Your mighty power. You are our greatest treasure. Conform us to Your image and guard that which You entrusted to us. Amen. Questions for reflection and meditation:

    1. Where do you find your hope and security?
    2. How have you learned to trust in the provisions of God?
    3. How are you storing up a treasure for yourself as a good foundation for the future? (Verses 18-19)
    4. How do you guard the deposit God has entrusted to you? (Verse 20)
    1 Comment
    13:50 UTC


    Private School Question

    Hence The Flair,and Just Curious like Mr.Mackey(from South Park) said:

    Who lives in Albuquerque and/or know some people who had attended “Temple Baptist Academy”?

    I ask because my oldest niece is of Pre-School age,and I do NOT want herself and her younger sister to be victims of the School in quotation marks.

    I honestly think this School persecutes.

    I propose on my YT Gaming Channel to use RedWing Simulations Airship Showa(Hirohito) for a truth raid,way long before the place opens for the day. How? Drop Holy Water from The Ballasts over The Playing Field,and leaflets.

    If there is anything else you can do for me. Please pray for these types of Schools to continue teaching the real and true good things,along with help me plan the raid.

    13:27 UTC


    Why do people make fun of the Pentecostal church?

    I just read Acts chapter two and it talks about the disciples/apostles receiving the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. If it’s in the Bible how come so many people (sometimes even Christians) make fun of the Pentecostal church or when they see people dancing/speaking in tongues?

    12:56 UTC


    Question to christians who think all people who aren’t christians are gonna go to hell

    How is it morally justified that someone who dies before gaining the knowledge of Christ and to know how to repent from sin deserves to be eternally tortured and burned in hell?

    10:07 UTC


    Whats the difference between taking justice in our own hands and letting God handle it?

    Let’s say someone does something bad to my kids (I don’t have any, it’s just an example) and I go to that person with the intention of hurting them then why if I do it its bad in God’s eyes but He does it is ok?

    07:25 UTC


    Boldness to spread gospel.

    Christians. I've shared gospel 2 times in Church and it was tough because i would think what would others think of me. I need a little advice. How can i start having boldness and how can i share a gospel correctly(im afraid i might make mistake). Any advice for my both questions. Thank you.

    07:19 UTC


    God told me to preach to homeless today at downtown. Then had me call my church brothers, which then God used to have a sister have God tell her about my hatred for my father….and Right now me and my Father made up. And The Church has been stirred to reach downtown and help pray, feed the homeless.

    I……Man….God told me earlier today to go to downtown hartford, CT. I was scared cuz last time He had me do alot of awesome but scary stuff.

    And today He did it again and though scared I went. And so throughout Bushnell Park was homeless, who I first ran away from interacting with. But God ultimately lead me back to them and lead me. And I prayed for many homeless and shared Jesus and heard their stories. I met a women cursing at me and Jesus but God gave me peace and I said empowered by God,” Jesus loves you, you have purpose You do not have to keep that anger.”

    Long story short, God put a thought in my head to call my church brother David. And He called other leaders and such which stirred tje church to be motivated to go do God’s will and walk with Holy Spirit. But God had them pick me up after all of this and God used David and a sister named Brittany to minister to me.

    God through her revealed a true secret I tried avoiding. I hated my Father. Past tense, because We just MADE UP!! And he’s proud of me’ and …..wow….All I thought God was gonna do was have me reach 1 person. Its like He used me to reach so many. I even met Church people at downtown after asking God to let me meet people also obeying Him and fighting to save souls!

    05:21 UTC


    Will God bring me and my ex back together in the future?

    My ex (22M) and I (21F) broke up last week. There were issues early on that were not effectively communicated and ultimately led to a slow bleed out of our relationship, these issues are ones that came out of just being young and naive. During our break up he’s been as kind and respectful as anyone could be, even with me reaching out to him today with severe anxiety. I have never loved someone the way we love each other. We both still love each other but given the issues that came up and the impending distance for grad school it just isn’t right, right now. He and his family brought me closer to God after I had been afraid of that connection from growing up in a Roman Catholic household. His mom is currently helping me to start my own Bible study as to seek some help from Him in this time of grieving. I pray that He gives me and my ex the strength to grow into more caring and better expressive people. Should I hold onto hope that God will bring us together after grad school? Seeking some advice

    02:54 UTC


    The battle within between good and evil

    Do I petition the Lord Jesus Christ with pleas for mercy, and a faith that manifests hope everlasting, or do I question Him for my circumstances and a hidden loathing that stinks of death?

    Is He the hero of my story, or have I made Him the villain, not recognizing that the true evil one has spun a web leading to my deception?

    Or is it a mix, a battle going on within, and I haven't made a choice because I'm not willing to let go and put all of my Trust in Jesus Christ? It's hard to let go of that kind of control, but it gets easier when I realize there are only two sides, good and evil. Everything not on the side of Jesus Christ is evil, even if various degrees and shades.

    So it begs the question, more of the same or finally being truly honest with oneself and submitting to Something greater than myself?

    02:23 UTC


    Pray for my salvation in case I'm not saved

    I don't know if I'm saved even though I once loved Jesus more before and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour. 2 Peter 1:10 says to make our calling and election sure, and that's what I'm trying to do now. 

    I've been a Christian for a long time, but I'm not sure if I was saved to begin with.

    I feel like the devil has got me in a stronghold because I'm caught in my sins and I'm worried that I'm in the situation that is mentioned in Hebrews 6:4-6 (“it is impossible to renew them unto repentance”).

    I know that salvation can't be lost due to sin, but I'm just concerned that I was never saved to begin with.

    Pray that Jesus will save me and help me overcome sin because no one can come to Him unless the Father draws him.

    Thank you again for praying! I appreciate it. 

    01:47 UTC


    Prayer request for me to feel better

    I feel dreary today. I want to please God with my life and among other things, not feel depressed and bland. Thanks again for praying!

    23:40 UTC


    Prayer request...

    Hi everyone,

    I (as many other people in this economy) have been having a really hard time financially. I was laid off, and found out that my unemployment benefits are being delayed. Prior to getting laid off, I was already living paycheck to paycheck and wasn't able to save much. I have a small business that's been hard to get off the ground since I can't allocate much money towards it, and have student loans (federal and private) I haven't been able to pay and are ineligible for deferment. I still owe 2022 taxes and am in danger of a levy being issued against my assets. My credit is shot and my credit cards are maxed out. My family helps where they can, but the situation is dire.

    I did a modified Esther fast (water and tea since I don't fast often and wanted to ease myself into it) about a month ago, asking for God's clear guidance and for a financial miracle/job. Immediately after breaking my fast, several unfortunate things happened to me. The stress I've been under is insurmountable and I now have stress rashes all over my upper body. Financial stability is something that I've been praying for the past 4 years (more intensely this past year), and I feel like I've been moving further away from it. Although my faith in God is not waning, I am growing more tired and impatient. Thinking of a financially stable life feels more and more unrealistic for me... especially as I'm getting job rejection letters on a near daily basis.

    So, can you all pray that I'm blessed with a financial miracle very soon?

    20:21 UTC


    Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:11-16

    Prayer based on 1 Timothy 6:11-16

    A call to fight the good fight of faith and to run the good race. And a reminder of the absolute power and infinite grace of God.

    Father, we praise You, for You are sovereign over all things, and You delight to give life to all who cry out to You. You call us to flee all ungodliness and to joyfully pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. (Galatians 5:22) We are to lay aside everything that hinders us from fighting the good fight of faith so we may take hold of eternal life. (Hebrews 1:2) Father, we thank You; and praise You for Your calling. We are grateful and confident in You, for You will complete Your sanctifying work in us. (Philippians 1:6) Paul, urges Timothy to “keep the good confession he made in the presence of many witnesses.” Paul then reminds Timothy of Jesus's good confession, which He made before Pontius Pilate: For this purpose, I was born, and for this purpose, I have come into the world that I should bear witness to the Truth. (John 18:37) Paul then charges Timothy to keep this commandment unstained and free from reproach until the DAY Your Son return. What a charge! Paul then appropriately reminds Timothy of who You are! You are the Sovereign One, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who alone has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light. All Honor, Glory and Power belong to You and You will bring about all that You decree! Father, may we not give up because the bar is so high or foolishly believe that all we need is sincerity and hard work. May we realize that our best works cannot meet Your righteous requirements. May we rejoice in the righteousness that You provide to all who humbly live under Your authority in the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Questions for reflection and meditation:

    1. What charge did Paul give to Timothy in (verses 13-14)?
    2. Why did Paul remind Timothy of the great character of God in (verses 15-16)?
    3. What purpose did Jesus have for living? (John 18:37)
    4. How do you bear witness to the truth or suppress the truth?
    5. Do you tell others of the mighty works that God has done? (Psalm 105:1-2)
    6. What ungodliness have you fled from, and what fruits of the Spirit have you experienced? (Galatians 5:22)
    7. What makes it possible for you to rest confidently in God's salvation? (2 Timothy 1:12)
    18:01 UTC


    Dreamt of Jesus and the Father an hour ago.

    I dreamt that Jesus came down on earth and I followed him his whole life. He would speak to me and say beautiful words. He looked like how you would expect him to look. There was times Jesus was walking and I would just hold on to him and the feeling I had was pure bliss. Like an innocent child swinging on the arms of his parents with full faith they wouldn’t let go. I’ve never felt… the amount of incredible love I have before. I can’t even explain it. He told me follow him, and I would feel like this forever. Towards the end, Jesus was walking towards traffic with many cars driving by and I can hear people in cars saying “Jesus, Jesus.” I somehow knew he was leaving earth and I was going to cling onto him when all of a sudden, the father appeared right behind me. He looked like Jesus, but you can immediately tell he was his Father. He looked older, just as majestic, and was draped in this beautiful clothing. He knew I didn’t want Jesus to leave and told me that it’s going to be okay. He pointed over at the many cars driving by and said most of them will go to hell since they don’t follow him. He asked me who will I follow, and I immediately pointed at him, and he smiled, and then I woke up. When I realized what just happened, tears started coming out. Now, I’m aware it’s just a dream and I’m not saying this is an omen or a prophetic vision, but, this is a dream I’ll treasure for the rest of my life.

    14:06 UTC


    Marriage after Adultery then Divorce or Widowhood.

    If a man or woman commits adultery, then gets devorced or becomes a widow or widower should he or she be forbidden from marrying the person with whom they committed adultery? By law, they are not, but I am talking about in t he church.

    Edit: I thought it said somewhere in the OT that if you commit adultery you were not allowed to marry the person with whom you committed adultery even if you divorced or your spouse died.

    13:09 UTC


    The Pharaoh's heart is hardened

    I live with family due to a divorce. I was born again late last year and have been going to church since. My family is not Christian. My father is very much against Christianity. I also have been wearing Christian t-shirts and hoodies. Yesterday after me and my kids got home from church my father told me that he is offended by my shirts/hoodie because Christianity was used by people to (in their minds) justify slavery and because of certain accounts in the bible where the isrealites destroyed other nations. He slowly became very upset and said I cannot wear my Christian clothing around the house because ot's hus house and it's not a Christian home. I'm not in a financial position to leave yet. Should I look for ways to leave sooner rather than later or just stay to try and witness to him? Thank you in advance for any responses. God bless.

    10:29 UTC


    I feel like a failure

    Please pray for me as I’m very discouraged and angry. (This is a long one)

    I’ve experienced a lot of hardship in my life, beginning in childhood. I’ve had health problems from the time I was 4 years old. My parents were divorced and I had a verbally/emotionally abusive stepfather. He hated me simply because I was not his child. My mother repeatedly told me my then-stepfather loved me and it was just discipline he enforced. Really it was gaslighting. I became chronically ill at age 21. I had a lot of memory problems which made it difficult for me to go back to college. I was partially paralyzed and had to learn to walk again. I managed to earn a bachelor’s degree, which my stepfather discarded as a waste of time and a foolish decision that only incurred debt. After, I had multiple abusive relationships, including an abusive marriage. A counselor told me that I engaged in abusive relationships because I was told this was normal due to stepfather’s actions. I now feel like I’m being discriminated against in the workplace as I’ve been released from several temporary jobs. My friends are thriving and my mom is comparing me to my friends that have married into “money” or married to spouses with distinguished careers (doctors, lawyers, etc). I’ve had so many medical bills from the time I was 21 and was making minimal income. I’ve been broke for so many years because of this.

    I’m not at the social status of my friends. My mom has reiterated this and it’s crushing. I feel like a loser in my family’s eyes

    If my friends experienced these hardships, I doubt they would prevail the way I have. However I’m reduced to “not meeting standards.” Please help me get past this stigma. I’ve tried counseling and I felt it hasn’t helped

    08:55 UTC


    Question: How can I find out what is considered a dead horse topic in this subreddit?

    Title says it all

    1 Comment
    08:03 UTC


    Have any of you worn two piece swimwear like bikinis or other clothing?

    And what do you think of these items of clothing? Have you ever worn them as a Christian and how do you feel about them?

    05:13 UTC


    Is Need For Speed a game christians should/can play if it involves cops?

    What's going on people. I've been studying my Bible left and right and need help with this. I follow the Bible and everything but it seems there seem to be a situation I'm mentally stuck in. I like games like NFS Heat and Unbound but don't know if I should be playing it because of the cops. Yet it isn't the real world and have no intention of committing sin in real life either. What are yalls opinions on this subject?

    04:52 UTC


    Is this a sin?

    Hi guys, I bought a devotional book, but to my dismay, it uses The Passion Translation in a lot of sections.

    I would argue TPT is not a translation at all, but a re-writing of scripture.

    Anywho, would it be wrong of me to use this devotional book?

    00:59 UTC


    You CAN topple the giant of pornography and cut it’s head off

    I just pulled over from driving to write this and encourage you who are struggling with pornography.

    You CAN and you WILL overcome this. It is NOT impossible, because ALL THINGS are possible with God. You have the power of the Spirit within you to resist the devil, his wickedness and fiery darts.

    I’m sorry that you are going through this. I go through it at times too. It’s everywhere. God’s grace is magnanimous towards you. You have no idea how much he loves you and cherishes you, how he looks out for you and provides ways of escape, how he’s routing for you. He is the best friend you’ll ever have so get to know Him through his word and prayer and meditation. Forgive your father and your father’s father for exposing you to it. Go back to that time when you found that magazine or VHS, that DVD under his bed. Go back to that time when you went to that website and clicked instead of closing out. Forgive yourself. Stop being so hard on yourself. Rest in the finished work of Jesus and take his yoke.

    Brothers, we need you. The church needs you. The world needs you. Resist the enemy and rest in the work, but fight like mad against sexual sin. Look away dear brothers. Go the other way. Sing hymns and songs to yourself. Remember your first love. As our Lord said, “Remember Me.” See him high and lifted up, bloody and beaten on his cross. Look and see what he did for you to save you from the sin that is so easy to commit. Sisters, run from it. Turn it off. Throw that book away. Your husband is being trained and tested by God. Your church community is coming. They need you and you need them. Wait on the Lord.

    Pray together because a cord of three is not quickly broken. There is strength in numbers. He has a life for you after pornography and sexual sin. You will be clean, spot and wrinkle free. You will be like him. Keep persevering.

    You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. (Hebrews 12:4)

    And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation 12:11)

    00:13 UTC


    Does God want me to just conform to my family, by taking the abuse, forgiving, and going along like everything is fine?

    I’m finally at a part in my life where I am standing up for myself and setting boundaries. I no longer want to except the chaos in my family and being pinned as a problem when I “rock the boat” for not going along with what goes on in my family. My cousin told me I was just bitter and that I need to be reminded of what Jesus went through. but I just don’t want to deal with this anymore. I don’t want to be manipulated and discarded when I go against there “normal” of just excepting everything and putting it under the rug. I’ve been the scapegoat my whole life and I’m tired of being seen in a negative light when I take a stand against things that are wrong in my family. I don’t want to put up with abuse anymore.

    00:10 UTC


    Church wasn’t what I thought

    I’ve been transformed by the Holy Spirit and have endured many trials, spiritually and emotionally. Some things include letting go of people around me who were poor, spiritually, or just mockers of the faith as a whole. I’ve faced many financial difficulties and saw and praised God for His miracles in my life.

    For a while now (maybe 6 months), I’ve been convicted of finding a church and being a part of it. My daughter brought up she wanted to go to church the other day and that was the final step for me. “Okay, we’ll go this Sunday!” I said.

    So we went to a church today. It was… big and modern and gorgeous. It had all these commodities like a gift shop and coffee stands and people. I was pretty amazed. I walked into the hall and just made it for communion and worship, so I joined. It was pretty nice.


    Then, the pastor came. And his message was hardly biblical. It was surrounding self, with “God is on my side” and all that borderline prosperity gospel stuff. Hilariously enough, the message was “confront reality, make a plan, execute the plan.” ‘Wow, confront reality, huh? Like as in.. don’t be fooled by all your churches commodities and witness the unveiling that is your church isn’t sound, scripturally?’ I thought.

    Ugh. So disappointing. It’s like… Christian themed motivational speech. But I’m looking for Spirit-filled teaching.

    Off to keep looking for a real church.

    20:29 UTC


    You don’t need degrees

    I have come across so many believers that are spirit led but are not able to get into ministry because of the lack of “education” like an M-Div or seminary. I have pondered this and wonder is it really necessary to have the education to hold a position within the church? My opinion is that having this type of attitude stifles a church from hearing God. Any thoughts?

    19:47 UTC


    Why should I repent of my sins to be saved?

    I’ve been told to repent of my sins to be saved, but I honestly can’t find this in the Bible. Can anyone find a passage for this? I’m fully convinced it’s the blood of Jesus alone that atones for our sins. I only see believe unto Jesus to be saved.

    16:21 UTC

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