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feeling confused

im a relatively new christian and I have dove head first into gods word, my local church, and prayer. I have been doing so for a while trying to ground myself and get a grip while in the midst of a life crisis in my career, family, and relationship. My relationship of four years ended 6 months ago out of the blue. I dont know why my ex and i broke up it truly shocked me I had no idea he was even thinking about it. I’ve obviously struggled with that alot and ive prayed that gods will be done and ive heard in my church that if you ask god to align the desires of your heart with his will he will do it and ive asked and asked and if anything I like my ex more. I havent heard a word from him since thanksgiving though and i have no idea if i even cross his mind at this point, meanwhile he’s constantly on my mind all the time everyday. I am confused why god hasnt removed my feelings for him when ive asked him to or restored our relationship. I feel like im stuck and i don’t understand and i just feel like why hasnt god heard me it feels like god has turned his back on me. And i know he hasnt because scripture says he wont abandon us but it feels like i have been abandoned and forgotten and i just feel so hurt hopeless and doubtful. I know i shouldnt be and i try not to be but i feel like true belief has a fine line with delusion and im scared of setting myself up to be hurt more. Additonally, my family is in shambles right now and i havent been able to get a job. Im applying to jobs i am overqualified for but it doesnt seem to matter. I pray everyday for hope and i invite god into my life but i just cant see him anywhere or his presence and im just so confused. I feel like i have to be doing something wrong but im just tired and exhausted and i dont get why god has left me when i need him most and when i ask him to walk with me through all of this it feels like he couldnt be further from me. I don’t understand why god wont walk with me and be there for me or work a mirscle in my life. It makes me feel again like ive been forgotten and it makes me feel like ive failed and mustve screwed up big time for god to turn his back on me

1 Comment
03:44 UTC



I (24) don’t know if this is allowed here– but I have been feeling very depressed (I don’t like to say “I am” depressed because that is an identity I don’t want to identify with) since I finished college in September and lately since settling more at my first “degree” job in February.

Things are going good in my life, and while I am having to mature before others develop, I am struggling to feel happy with where I am at.

I am a type A anagram (if that says anything). HIGHHHH need for achievement. Always looking to make progress and grow somehow (or something)

I struggle with sitting and reflecting on my successes, but I’m an expert at learning from my failures.

I know my joy is my job, I just don’t know where to start

03:36 UTC


I created an AI app for Christians!

Hey everyone, as a weekend project, I tried to put together a few simple chatbots with the hopes of helping Christians grow spiritually and share our faith.

Link: https://faith-chats.streamlit.app/

So far, I’ve included a Bible study chatbot, Christian counselor, Christian career coach, evangelism practice buddy, and one for practicing interfaith conversations.

Feedback is much appreciated!

03:35 UTC


What does this mean? Does this mean if I dont cast out demons that I am working against Jesus? That I'm opposing Jesus?

Matthew 12:30 NLT — “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.

So, how does one truly follow Jesus? I don't want to walk in darkness anymore.

John 8:12 KJV — Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

03:33 UTC


Religious OCD - rejected Holy Spirit thought

So I’m pretty sure was I’ve had this thought before but brushed it off but earlier I was trying to thought replace and I was saying that “I reject OCD” but all the sudden in my mind I said “I reject the Holy Spirit” I started freaking out! I would NEVER say that or do that!! It broke my heart and the anxiety I got was a lot! I’m so scared. I’m pretty sure I’ve had this thought before but I was trying to thought replace and accidentally thought that in my mind. Am I okay?! I’ve begged God & Jesus for forgiveness and to please not to leave me! I love them so much and I’ve been crying my eyes out! I’m trying to remind myself this was just a thought but it hurt. Also that God loves us no matter what we say, do or think. Please has anyone gone through this or had this thought?! Any advice?! Please

00:41 UTC


How do I get over lust

I've been watching a lot of adultery videos and I want to stop but I keep on lusting for it. How do I overcome the lust all help will be needed

23:55 UTC



Once I was with my ex-fiancée, and we were ignorantly doing spiritual warfare. We were studying a cult leader, and his writings, and looking for hidden messages. We were doing this because her daughter was involved in the cult.

Suddenly a terrible force entered the apartment. Our hearts felt very very heavy.

I ended up fleeing because I became afraid of her, and while fleeing, I noticed that I could barely breathe. All my strength, in a very deep part of me, was sapped.

While driving, I was having trouble focusing on the road. Then the gray spots that you normally see behind your eyes, began to bleed over into the real world. These spots began to flash: first red, then blue. Red, blue. I saw the flashing from inside my own head.

Just then I passed by a police car that was parked on the side of the road. I had slowed down due to the lights that I saw. He let me go.

That night still terrifies me to think about to this day.

I sometimes hear audible voices, and they always have an air of condemnation to them.

Will you please pray for me? My name is David.

22:57 UTC


He was my first everything, I’m just unlucky #13

Both he (23M) and I (20F) are Catholics- which also has a big influence here. I had never had issues with RJ (retroactive jealousy) even when talking to/ almost dating people with extensive pasts - but they were not religious and did not know better/ expect “virginity” out of a partner.

As I got deeper in my own faith I met a like minded man- my current partner, and ofc this convo came up. He confessed that he regretfully had what he suggested to be around 1-3 partners from his dumb teenage years which I had accepted- he seemed like a guy with strong morals and actual regret. It of course bothered me both from a faith and RJ perspective but I ultimately worked through it, until six months into the relationship when he confessed that the real #.

I would never have knowingly ended up with a “Catholic” like this, let alone given my own virginity knowing the true extent and he lied since he knew that would be the case.

Though it has a big part I don’t think my feelings here are only RJ, but doubt of his morals from a religious standpoint. I truly want to get over this, he’s such an amazing guy otherwise, but I genuinely don’t know if I will ever be able to. I always wanted to wait until marriage and have that magical mutual first time together, will I ever get over that not being the case let alone by this much? Not only that, he sleep talks and says sexual things inclusive of girls he’s been with in the past- Im scared I will forever be haunted by this. Is there a chance at me ever overcoming this?

22:20 UTC


Can I fully trust God to help me?

So I’m at a stage in my life where I am very conflicted and rather confused. I don’t know what to do about this one thing anymore. It brought me so much pain, but a few weeks ago I decided- I trust God. Just like from now on, I will just trust God. He will help me. He has helped me before, and so He will help me again. I basically now live by Proverbs 3:5-6…

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight’

But, can I fully trust in God? I do trust Him, but I also wonder whether I deserve his help. I am trusting Him to make everything ok and for me to go down the correct path, but I feel like I am not worthy of His help. I don’t think I’m a bad person, but I don’t think I’m a good one either. I mean, we’re all sinners. I try to be a good person every single day, and I mostly am, but there are still ways in which I sin. Even though I pray for forgiveness every night, I find myself ‘leaning on my own understanding’ as I don’t think I am worthy of God’s help.

So, does God truly help all? Will He help me through this even if I sin every now and then. I want to fully submit to Him. I want to be a puppet that He controls. Am I worthy of His love and help? He has helped me so much and I just feel ungrateful and undeserving of any more help. I’m just one guy. Does God really help all?

TL;DR: I want to fully trust and submit to God, but I feel unworthy of His help as I sometimes sin. Does He truly help all, and can I absolutely and utterly place my trust in Him?

21:56 UTC


Should I fast from all types of music, even Gospel?

I have always loved music. Gospel music is what initially led me to Christ. However, I have realised that when I am listening to music, even if it’s gospel, i engage in maladaptive daydreaming. I don’t know if this is a sin? I feel like it is.

Anyways, I am very aware it’s very bad, regardless. I can do it for hours on end. I have tasks and assignments due, I need to read my Bible, I need to go to bible study, I need to go shopping, but instead I’m sat listening to music and just daydreaming for hours, constructing a made up plot in my head with made up characters. I tend to sit but most of the time i’m running up and down my room with my AirPods in. For literal hours. I can imagine this is even bad for my knees with how long I run and daydream for. But I’ve struggled with it for the past 6 years. Before I came to Christ I already knew it was bad but I wasn’t really bothered and not willing to stop. Now, however, I feel awful and feel like I should stop. I do maladaptive daydream anyway, but music is definitely a trigger and whenever I want to start doing it I always put some music on.

Do you think I should fast from music, even gospel to combat this? I am thinking of deleting Spotify. For some time. Please pray for me and give me your thoughts on this please🙏

21:49 UTC


Addicted to Social Media

I gave my life to Christ not long ago, around 5 months ago. But one thing i still struggle with is self control. However, i feel like I can’t relate to anyone. Because when it comes to self control I feel ashamed to talk about it because people tend to commonly relate it to their struggles with sexual immorality, stuff like swearing etc.. But for me it’s such strange things, I feel so stupid typing this.

For example, I have no self control when it comes to spending hours on Instagram / TikTok, so i decided to delete them both. However, i’m really concerned that I may be addicted - I have had Instagram since like the age of 10, and TikTok since I was around 9. (I’m 18F now by the way). I’m afraid it may have become a part of me. It had a negative impact on my mental health (mostly Instagram) because I found myself always comparing my lifestyles to others, comparing my body, clothes etc. I was soooo invested in other people’s lives and their posts, people that were no longer even in my life or just simply couldn’t care less about me. I felt the need to always post myself & my life to get validation, and I would hyper fixate on the number of likes my story / posts got, feeling upset if they didn’t get “enough” likes. I feel so much better when I don’t post, and I’ve realised people don’t care about your life as much as you think they do. I honestly value my privacy & have promised myself to never post on Instagram or TikTok again. So as you can see I am clearly better off without social media.

However, it’s been just over a week since I decided to delete Insta and TikTok, but I found myself redownloading them almost every single day of that week. It’s so hard when I get bored, or finish a task. My mind starts to wander. Then before you know it I’ve re-downloaded and spent hours (literally hours) just scrolling and watching stories. Even whilst i’m scrolling, I know what I’m doing is wrong and tell myself to stop but idk why i don’t. Then the guilt sets in, I repent and end up crying (quite literally) to God and delete them again. Now it’s become a cycle. It sounds so stupid typing it on here but it’s a real struggle. I decided to delete my actual TikTok account, instead of just the app, so that maybe the next time I get tempted to redownload it won’t be so easy to just log in, as I’ll have to go through the whole process of making an account. I think it’s helping. But For some reason I feel so scared to do this for my Instagram account, I think because of how permanent deleting it would be and I’ve had this account since 10 years old, with lots of followers (I was going to put friends but realistically speaking they’re just people I went to school with watching my life lol) from many stages of my life, so maybe I’m holding on to it because of that.

I feel so awful because I know that this is laziness, addiction and procrastination is not what God wants for my life. Does anyone know how I can break this cycle? This is really hard for me to talk about so please don’t be mean lol.

21:31 UTC


Hey I need help and prayer 🙏

I met this Christian girl who is a Christian herself (17m and 17f) and long story short she invited me to her church one time,2x my bad the first week, we kissed and we started face timing to this a lot (3 weeks) we are both virgins, she is so sweet and understanding and her eyes, ok she charms me as she admires me too…. First love type deal for the both of us….

I am athlete and she is very smart… I see a friend and someone I can kiss lol… but I been through a lot when I am alone

But I am a strong case of a narc tendencies or maybe be one how I became one simple abuse from mother and father that goes along way…. I told her I fear abandonment, something’s bother me but I been trying to pray we both pray and overcome and we plan to pray soon… before I also ask her out to be my gf…. I don’t know I prayed a lot for peace, I went through brain injuries in my past still prayed and even for this girl I prayed over and she prayed for me as God stopped me from losing my virginity from other girls just for her that’s my idea…. I just feel super anxious 😬 like I know limerance can turn to love with our communication and we both agreed to place God before ourselves and she challenges me, gives me verses….. and she is willing to learn more but I am scared!!

I need prayer for peace in the soul and us please…. I pray for a nice relationship with God but also her…. If anyone can talk that be nice…

Yeah…. I don’t want to lose someone valuable but also we both know we want I just have self defeating behaviors from childhood I been aware of for 2-3 years but still fudge

21:31 UTC


From a Biblical perspective, should Christians vote?

So this will be the first US presidential election I’ll be old enough to vote in. Last election I had no second thoughts about whether I would vote or not but now that I am old enough to vote I’m not entirely sure if I should or not from a Biblical perspective. Since we aren’t specifically told whether we should or shouldn’t, I see why a Christian would choose to vote while others chose not to.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

20:31 UTC


What could be the reasons for my suffering?

My health issues and suffering become worse, the closer I come to God.

20:11 UTC


If I have sex before marriage with my partner, and we go on to become married (in a Catholic Church of course), does God still see that sex as immoral?

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having a blessed day. I’ve been worrying about this a lot for a long time now. My and my partner are both young adults and we have been together for around 3 years now and, well, this is something that of course comes with a relationship in most cases. One thing I have wondered for a while now is, if I marry this girl (I of course plan to), and of course get married Catholically, does God still see this as sinful? Because of course, sinning wilfully means I should expect God’s judgment and indignation. I don’t want to wilfully sin at all either though. I want to please god because I know I want to marry this girl, and so if I am to marry her, will I be forgiven by God, or will I be rebuked? I have asked for forgiveness from my Lord and saviour, and I am trying to become a better Christian everyday, but I know it wouldn’t make sense for me to repent when it is a normal thing to do in a loving, committed relationship. I do not want to displease the Lord though :(.

May God bless you all and thank you for reading :) I also apologise for the subject, I know it isn’t a very light hearted or polite topic.

19:06 UTC


Recommitment to purity confessional

This is really hard for me to share but I need Godly wisdom and advice more than I have ever needed it before.

This past Saturday I cheated on my boyfriend of 10 months. I feel SO much shame and guilt for doing this. For the past month, I have been really unhappy with my boyfriend and have not had the courage to talk to him about it. I finally talked to him last night about the things that I am unhappy with in my relationship with him and I thought that it would make me feel better and continue to want to be with him but it didn’t.

I do not want to be with the guy I cheated with and I also don’t want to be with my boyfriend anymore. My boyfriend is long distance. We are 10 hours apart and he’s so sweet but he has led me to so much sin in my life but at the same time has helped me grow and become a better person. When we started the relationship, I said that I wanted to commit purity but of course, since we were long distance, and the way that we spend time with each other spending the night at each other’s houses that did not end up happening.

At several times in our relationship, I have said that I would like to re-commit and then he ends up having sex with me anyways and I know that it’s a two-way street but he’s not willing to read the Bible as much as I’m trying to read the Bible and go to church as much as I’m trying to go to church and so I feel like we’re not equally yoked.

He says that he is willing to commit to purity with me and read his Bible more but every time he says that he never does. He knows that I’m actually serious this time and so I feel like he’s really going to try but I don’t know if I want to stick around for that. I feel so insanely guilty because I’m the one who cheated on him and I am so in the wrong for doing this to him and he treats me really really well I just feel like being with him does not uplift me spiritly and I feel a call to end it with him but I don’t know if this is my own voice or God‘s voice.

After cheating on him, I felt really bad and it was like the biggest conviction I’ve ever felt in my life. That experience has weirdly made me feel the holy spirits presence more than I have felt in a while and I just don’t know what to do.

Does anyone have any advice or is anyone gone through something similar? That could help me?

17:48 UTC


Looking for feedback on a couple videos for a college final project

Hey everyone,

I am a college sophomore, and I am currently tasked with creating videos to gain interaction from a specific community. I am a Christian, and something I have always wondered is what atheists use to ground themselves morally. As Christians, we refer to the Bible with moral questions, and as a reference to guide ourselves through tough decisions, but what about atheists? I have noticed a large amount of non-believers using biblical values, and I decided to create content to ask them the question of why they ground their morality in the Bible, or if they do at all.

I created two videos to bridge this gap between theists and atheists, in hopes of sparking curiosity in those who don't believe, while still making it approachable. I appreciate any feedback because it helps me clean up the project before submission, I would also appreciate hearing from the Christian community.

Thank you!

Link for the profile: https://www.tiktok.com/@biblical\_morality

17:30 UTC


My life

My life is depressive asfk. I entrusted God to lead the way and still i didnt receive an answer. (question is if i should stay in uk or leave to my country)(question what should i do in life)

Ive completely lost, everyone around me achieves what they want . like my friend is leaving to go back to his country, my other friend achieving stuff with money wise. and then theres me who got a certificate from volkswagen for passing a fkin test which wont help me. im unhappy with my life, i hate myself every bit. i loose control over anger and cant be calm when everyone fkin around me passes by. Ive trusted God thats his way of teaching me to be calm. but i cant. i feel like an empyt bag with nothing but hatred. felt this way when i had great idead to which led to nothing. i have no friends and no respect from no one. if theres a Bible verse to which would ease my mind. would be okay.

17:17 UTC


Please Pray For My Mind

My name's William Beltran. Please I ask that you pray for my Mind, I recieve spiritual attacks regularly and I've also had family members speak word curses over me. And as far back as I can remember I've been attacked spiritually. I feel like my life is chained up, like I'm not truly free.

16:37 UTC


Important prayer request for my health

I’ve been experiencing recurring headaches since last Sunday, recently noticed my pupils keep dilating differently and they’re odd and asymmetrical shapes which they usually aren’t . I went to the ER Saturday night- yesterday morning but unfortunately the second doctor I saw didn’t believe me about my symptoms (they come and go and weren’t present when I saw her), despite the nurse who had been monitoring me having written up that she also noticed the change in size. I haven’t been able to get testing because of that (the first doctor I saw was considering one) and I’m honestly scared, I would go back but I don’t think my parents will let me. My mum said she might get me a private clinic scan but they can take weeks or even months to get in my country, so I’m stuck with worsening and scary symptoms and nothing to do about them. Please pray that God will keep me protected from serious harm, thank you

1 Comment
16:09 UTC


Tornado dream interpretation?

Can anyone give me some insight of what this dream may mean? I feel like it means something which is why I am here.

Backstory: I grew up in a house that didn’t talk about God. We only prayed at thanksgiving and Christmas meals. This year, at 31, I found Christ! Easter Sunday of this year, I got baptized and invited my parents. They both came. My dad is a believer while my mom has a lot of anger towards God for situations that have happened throughout her life. They have both been saved and baptized at younger ages.

Dream: My mom and I were outside and we noticed a tornado was coming towards us. We tried to run away from the tornado but ended up getting caught in the winds and floating in the air. I was on my mom’s back with my arms wrapped around her (like a backpack). My mom was panicking and I began to pray out loud and hard. During my Prayer, my mom was silent. I asked God to protect us from this, and let us walk away unharmed and telling Him how much I trust in Him and to please be with us. As soon as my prayer was over, we dropped back down to the ground on our feet gently and that was it.

Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
14:57 UTC


Fasting: How do it with school and possible medical problems

I apologize in advance for making another post, yet this was a general theme to fast in the last post.

I tend to give out easy especially at school. My legs will give out and I lose the ability to walk for a few hours. I almost never eat breakfast btw.

This has been a reoccurring issue. What do I do?

14:52 UTC


Do you think we will be able to collect rocks as a hobby on New Earth?

Like maybe from all different eras or something? Its fun to see all the different kinds of rocks there are

14:30 UTC


Controversial take but how do I stop caring about Body Count

I (19M) am a virgin. I have dated many girls but never had sex. Before I gave my life to Christ, one of my preferences for a relationship was for her also to be a virgin. This wasn’t a major thought but more of a background thought,I just wanted to on the same level. Now that Ive became a Christian, I can understand how judgmental that actually is. I understand that we are made new under Christ and that Christ forgives our past ,so we should also forgive eachothers past. My problem is that my mind refuses to accept it. Every time I remind myself not to judge any partners past when It comes to new dating, I just get super anxious and uncomfortable. I know that I may be operating off of sone insecurities but I don’t know how to stop that. It doesn’t help that the Christian public is often divided by this topic also. Some says Body count doesn’t matter, some says it does, I just don’t know what the right way to think. I need clarity because its honestly driving me insane.

13:49 UTC


Is Jesus also omnipresent just like the Father and the Holy Spirit, given that He is in human form?

Before He ascended to heaven, Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit who will be with us forever and who will guide us and remind us of His teachings. Does that mean that He left all those responsibility to the Holy Spirit?

Or is Jesus also with us right now, hears our every prayers and every thought, and is looking down at us from heaven 24/7?

13:27 UTC


Im Norwegian, should i be Catholic or protestant?

Ive recently started believing in god after a long time of being an atheist. I want to go to church, but Im not sure which kind. What are the differences between catholicism and protestantism and what should i be?

13:25 UTC


What is your prayer before worship?

It’s always good to pray before you worship. At least I feel that way personally. I’m new to it and need supernatural help. I asked the angels to worship the Lord with me yesterday.. and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, the angels and the Holy Ghost were in the room. What do you pray before you begin worship?


12:10 UTC


I’ve sinned?

I straight up can’t shower properly without feeling a presence watching. I’ve tried rebuking it numerous times but now it’s leading to sloth. I just curl up into a ball. I’m gonna repent for it don’t worry.

09:57 UTC


Any Christians here nudist as well

Just asking the group if being a christian and nudist has caused anyproblems with other Christians?

09:55 UTC


Thoughts on Jerusalem bible?

I have the Douay-rheims and it’s a very difficult translation

09:36 UTC

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