
Photograph via snooOG

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Afraid of being religious

When I was fifteen, I attended a one-week summer camp for christian as many do in my country. After that for six years I helped to organize these camps as a volunteer. During that time I was regularly in touch with religion but I did not really practice religion as a believer. At one of the last times that I was a volunteer at a summer camp I felt a real spiritual closeness to something, if I dare say so. And I got afraid, probably because I could not explain it. After I still volunteered for a couple of years, after witch I moved on to different things. I haven't practiced religion after that, but I still do sometimes wonder about that moment and why I got afraid. Was it because of outside expectations, or something else?

Not really a question, but I thought that I would share my experiences, and I would be happy to hear your thoughts!

21:54 UTC


I messed up again…

Please don’t judge. I’m so ashamed. I messed up again. I caught myself lying again . I didn’t want to get into trouble so I did it. I knew I shouldn’t have lied. I should have just told the truth but in that case I just couldn’t. I wasn’t going to let myself get yelled at. I am trying to repent of it and just let go and let God lead me.

21:04 UTC


Sunday Check In

How was worship this weekend?

What was the sermon topic?

Did you learn anything you'd like to share with the community?

Tell us about your church experience this weekend.

20:01 UTC


The Imago Dei: Are We Reflecting Christ in How We Speak?

One of the most foundational truths in Scripture is that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). This should shape how we treat others—both in person and online.

But let’s be honest. Look at Christian spaces online, even here on Reddit. Do we see grace, patience, and encouragement? Or do political fights, harsh words, and division get more attention?

Paul warned about this:

“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1–4)

Jesus didn’t say we “ought to be” salt and light—He said we ARE (Matthew 5:13). That truth should be evident in how we engage with others.

James had to remind the early church of this same truth:

“With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.” (James 3:9–10)

So let’s ask ourselves: Does the way we speak—especially online—reflect that we are made in God’s image? Are we honoring that same image in others?

1 Comment
19:48 UTC


Movies (Question)

Hey y'all so recently I've been trying to get closer to god and be a better Christian, and that comes with giving up some things sometimes, such as music, movies and tv, etc that is sinful. One of my questions is what would you guys say western films rank on that list? I've always loved a good spaghetti western such as the good the bad and the ugly, a lot of Clint Eastwood westerns, etc etc. IMO They don't glorify sin really but like i said I would just like more opinions, thank you and god bless :)

19:48 UTC


How do I deserve forgiveness

Hello everyone, I am a 21-year-old male, and I don't believe I deserve forgiveness. I was baptized on the 26th of Jan, and the 25th I vowed not to masturbate again because I knew it was sexual immortality. I was going strong from the 25th but once the 29th came I was hit with a lustful baseball bat and masturbated. I prayed for forgiveness but once again failed on 31st. I prayed forgiveness but once again failed today.

I never believed in porn/masturbation addiction cuz I always thought "why don't you just not do it."(clearly shows my ignorance). I did it once a day sometimes twice and never thought about but now I don't even want to do it, but it feels like a need. Today while I was doing it, I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't stop. How do I ask for forgiveness when I keep making the same mistake knowingly?

To make matters better I don't even know if I want forgiveness. I wonder to myself am I praying, going to church, reading the Bible, because I really want a relationship with God or am I just doing all this to not go to Hell (Which if that's the case, I'm digging my own grave). I want to be the best man I can be for God but it's as if I'm in a struggle against myself, something else and the literal embodiment of self-doubt/confusion.

sorry if this made absolutely zero sense, I suck at explaining my feelings.

18:48 UTC


Leaving behind world music, what are we listening to?

Hey, I'm someone who listens to music a lot, whilst walking, driving, cooking, relaxing etc. I really love the music I listen to but I think that's becoming an issue because a lot of the music I like has messages that I don't agree with and I do think that the music influences the way I think sometimes which is not something that I want as a Christian.

So, for those of you who have given up world music, what did you start listening to instead to replace it aside from Christian music? Did you get more into podcasts or other genres of music?

I'm looking for any advice because I know that leaving behind the music I love is going to be hard for me.

Thanks in advance!

18:57 UTC


i am sinning a lot (i need advice)

i am catholic btw but these too are basically the same thing. anyways. i have went a year or two straight with no porn no jerking off n stuff. as i thought i have gotten my relationship stronger with God. today that was broken. (no jerking off). i saw a nsfw thing on the reddit feed and i was trapped in a infinite loop i couldnt escape. i pray every night on my knees (sometimes im too tired and ik its wrong but i pray lying down in my bed). every prayer mentions like "i pray that you forgive me for all my sins" but i feel that isnt enough. i have some weird intentions cuz i am so in love with a woman rn (she knows) but we arent dating. maybe its puberty or smth cuz its been so long since i have felt like this. please help. i need advice n stuff.

18:51 UTC


Does anyone else find the bible confusing?

I have tried reading genesis and just finished listening to a half an hour of exodus but I think the way it is written very confusing. I find it hard to study even when listening to MEV. Like especially the bits when it’s going over families like “Noah lived to be x his children were so on” I really wanna study this but it’s hard any advice is appreciated thanks

18:25 UTC


Did Irenaeus regard texts like The Shepherd of Hermas as equal to the Holy Scriptures?

While reading a book about the early church today, I came across a passage that caught my attention:

"The last Apostolic Father accepted here is The Shepherd of Hermas. It is believed that its author was the brother of Pius, who was the bishop of Rome between 140 and 145 AD. Hermas holds a special place in our history because, during the process of determining the Holy Scriptures, this document came the closest among all Christian writings to being included in the New Testament but ultimately was not. In various lists proposed in the second and third centuries, it was placed either among the inspired books or among secondary Christian writings that provided edification. The great Church Father Irenaeus of Lyon accepted Hermas as part of the Holy Scriptures; in the third century, Clement of Alexandria and Origen likewise regarded the text in the same way. Even the great Athanasius initially accepted it, but later removed it from his list in his Easter letter of 367. Undoubtedly, The Shepherd of Hermas had a significant influence among Christians living in different regions of the Roman Empire after the apostolic era. Nevertheless, today, many Christians are hardly familiar with it in any meaningful sense."

What should we make of this? Did Irenaeus, who is regarded as a saint by many Christians, make a major error, or is the book providing incorrect information?

17:35 UTC



Hello, here’s the contact, recently I received a break through my relationship, thanks to God! And moment I have breakthrough and then memory of something he said that bother me. That I love the idea of him, and just his company!! Now it’s making me worry! Since I always don’t have the feeling of love every now and then, I hope this I’m loving him really Chris does! Is that a thought straight from the enemy trying to destroy our relationship?

16:58 UTC


Is it wrong to like fictional characters based on the devil/demons as a Christian?

My favorite fictional character is Lucifer Morningstar from The Sandman comics, which are part of the DC universe. There’s also a live-action Netflix series based on the character.

I know it’s just fiction, but the character is literally meant to be the devil. However, in the show, his story is one of redemption and personal growth—by the end of the series, he becomes selfless, loving, and willing to sacrifice for others.

I relate to his journey of change and self-improvement, and I also enjoy his fashion sense, humor, personality, and powers.

From a Christian perspective, is it wrong for me to have a character like this as my favorite, considering he is named Lucifer Morningstar and is originally based on the biblical devil?

My question would also extend to other fictional being such as games, is it wrong to enjoy playing game if the main character was a demon or something similar?

15:49 UTC


God Speaking/Showing in dreams

So I have come back to the faith within a year... I believe that the Lord is trying to show me something but I'm not sure

I had a dream that I've never had before, it was like I was stuck in a schoolyard battling a typhoon and I could barely move forward before getting blown back a little more, ever step i took, I was set back a few steps. Im not sure how I feel about this dream, i am going to pray and focus on this and seek discernment, but anyone ever had this happen before?

(I know I'm struggling with lust the biggest ever since coming back to God)

15:38 UTC


Advice on broken relationship…

We were together 3.5 years. Broken up for 6 months. I know it’s been 6 months (8 technically) but my heart is still grieving. I miss him a lot. I ruminate, a lot, too. Just part of the process I guess… One particular thing I ruminate about though, is a story his dad told me about when my ex was younger. His dad had this story written in a journal and showed it to me in our first year of dating. The story went on about how when my ex was little he was overheard talking about how he’s going to marry a insert my ethnicity girl called insert my name. All the years later and I came in to the picture, the same name, the same ethnicity. I can’t help but wonder if it’s prophetic or not. I’ve reached out to my ex 3 times during this 6 months to be met with silence. Yet my heart just isn’t letting me drop it.

Any gifted prophetic strong Christian’s out there that can give me advice?

14:38 UTC


I used to see demons as a child.

I know this sounds absolutely crazy, but I need to know if I'm the only one or if I truly imagined it. It started when I was about 4-5 ish and lasted maybe two ish years. I would see the same demon every night, usually around midnight or somvery late time. I shared a room with four other sisters, there wasn't enough space for my bed so I had a mattress for my bed. I would wake up, and see a very tall man, around 7-8 ft if I had to guess. He would look over at me with a smile that would make me instantly start sobbing. I would try to pace my room to try and calm myself, but be quiet so I wouldn't wake my sisters but he would follow me back and forth. I remember always keeping my head down so I wouldn't have to look at him, so I stared at his feet. I would very often wake my sisters us crying because he wouldn't leave, but none of them saw him an just told me to go to bed. Often times I wouldn't stop crying so they had to go get my mom. She would pray for my and rebuke the demon, but he always stayed for a while. Eventually he would leave but the next thing would happen a few days later. I was talking to my mom recently and it got brought up, and she said that I probably have a gift for discernment. I don't know what that means, I don't know what that really means, but I feel like I can sense them within certain people or I can tell if something bad is happening near where I am. Am I the only one?

08:37 UTC


need guidance

I’ve been struggling when it comes to my faith. I want to have a relationship with God once more but I always have doubts. To begin with, I always considered myself as a Christian when I was younger. But then when I grew up, I found out about hell and that’s what pushed me into dwelling into my belief more.

While I studied more about it, I ended up knowing and fearing more about hell to the point that I took a long year break, avoiding religion because it was causing me too much fear and anxiety to even find comfort in my own belief.

It got worse to the point that I believed every day was the end times, I was scared knowing my family and I was more likely to go to hell. As of now, I’m not as deep into my faith as I was back then. I’m scared to even go back since I know I broke most of the commandments, possibly even committed mortal ones, and I’ll probably end up doing it again and again.

As a teenager, I can’t even enjoy music, video games, or literary work because I’m scared it’ll send me right to hell. Overall, the thought of Christianity to me is more on about hell rather than God’s love as some would describe.

I want to find comfort in Christianity but the thought of afterlife keeps holding me back.

(this is also my first post and all so I’m sorry if I broke a rule or if there’s a few mistakes)

1 Comment
10:23 UTC


Question for men who grew up to have a healthy and biblical understanding of sex

What were some of the things your parents said or did growing up that helped you? If you struggled in this area what were some unhelpful things or things you wish were done differently?

Bonus: given the widespread availability of pornography and sexual materials, was there anything your parents did that effectively protected you or helped you to fight temptation? If not, what do you wish was done differently?

10:59 UTC


02.02.25 : Exodus 10-12

Today's Memes & Themes reading is Exodus 10-12.

For more information on this project, please see the pinned post at the top of the sub.

What do you think are the main themes of today's readings?

Did anything in the readings challenge you? Encourage you?

What do these readings teach you about the nature of God or humanity?

Did these readings raise any questions for you?

Do you have a resource you recommend for further reading on this? Please tell us about it. If you share a link, please be sure to include a link destination/source and content description in your comment.

Did you make a meme in r/DankChristianMemes related to today's readings? Please share a link in comments.

Do you have any songs to suggest related to today's readings? Please tell us about them.

10:02 UTC


Yo rq question

Is there biblically a reason why in getting high everyday and why im doing it like I think I intentionally know cause I wanna I like the feeling but I heard deeper meanings like I'm running away from something or I'm having a lot of stress and I'm just curious also is it a sin

09:41 UTC


Internalizing forgiveness?

I've been a Christian a few months and I'd say it is one of the best decisions I've ever made. One night I had what now looking back seems like the Holy Spirit convincting me of my sins. From that point, I've made numerous positive changes to my life and my entire way of thinking feels different. I feel a lot of love and desire to help others that I haven't felt to this degree before. That being said, I can't say I'm mentally in a good place, I'm suffering from intense shame and anxiety that comes in waves because I can't stomach some of the things I've done nor can I fully tolerate the awful thoughts I want to be rid of. I feel really grateful for the positive changes of mentality I've had, but I am still suffering with the negatives as well. I've come to understand that the blood of Jesus redeems us and forgives our sin, but I don't totally FEEL forgiven I can't seem to internalize it. Perhaps seeking a feeling like that is foolish, I'm not sure.

The ongoing unwanted thoughts in my head almost feel like continuous sins I'm committing, even though it doesn't seem like thoughts themselves are sinful in scripture. It's like I feel I'm living a sinful life because my mind is on rapid fire with awful things, even though my actions are ok. This is probably why I can't feel forgiven or at peace. I feel like I can't even pursue making friends anymore because if they knew the stuff I've done or the stuff that goes through my head they wouldn't accept me, let alone want to be friends. It makes me wonder if I even deserve friends. Sometimes my future just feels so grim now that I've been convicted and realized/acknowledged my actions and issues. I used to be ambitious and genuinely happy in my ignorance. I know that having that stuff brought to clarity in reality is a blessing it just feels so painful.

Anyway, this may have been a sort of outlet post for me. I'm not sure exactly what questions I have besides if anyone has had some similar experiences, or if anyone has some thoughts on the matter, I'd love to hear your input. Thank you all, God bless.

07:08 UTC


I’m struggling in my church

I (22F), am struggling in my church. Everyone is really nice, but I have a little nagging feeling in my head like I don't fit in, and I just can't talk to anyone. I've always felt a little awkward in most every church I've gone too, but I don't know what to do here.

Has anyone gotten past church awkwardness?

07:05 UTC


Relapsing in Sin

I can’t lie, when I say I am struggling, so bad. I’ve never been this in the dark, this in my sin. I had been clean for months, and then my grandmother died. I relapsed in sin after that. Day after day, night after night, I’m in an awful cycle. I don’t know how to stop. I feel convicted, but I can’t find the scriptures I need. I’m overwhelmed with fear and anger at myself, but I hate yearning for this sin. I hate feeling this way. I feel like I’m drowning in a river of bad decisions, issues. I need God, and I need him so bad. But I can’t escape the shame that grips me. It seems like such a small sin, because everyone struggles with it, but I feel so awful. Like I’m undeserving of grace. I keep going on TikTok to find some sort of bible study, something to help me and give me the motivation, and all I’m met with, are videos saying that I’m going to hell. That God won’t forgive me. I’m struggling so bad. Please give me some advice.

07:00 UTC


Prayer Requests

Please reply to this post with your prayer requests this week. Be advised that prayer requests may be NSFW and may contain disturbing content.

Help keep prayer requests easily accessible for those who want to pray for you. Leave them here in comments. Let others know you're praying for them by upvoting their comment or replying with encouragement.

Please remember: Prayer Requests regarding finances are not allowed in this sub.

Please also be advised that isn't a place for receiving crisis assistance. While people here care and wish to help, we aren't experts.

If you're in crisis, we urge you to reach out to someone who is better equipped to provide you with professional care and/or connect you with other useful resources.

If you're in the United States, you may call or text the Suicide Crisis LifeLine at 988, or text “CHAT” to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. If you're a young person in the LGBTQ+ community, you may also text “Start” to 678-678 or call 1-866-488-7386 to reach The TREVOR Project. If you're a US Veteran, you may text 838255 to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

If you're in Canada, you may also call or text 988 to reach the Suicide Crisis Helpline.

If you're in the UK, you may call 116 123 to reach Samaritan's free 24/7 help line.

If you're in Australia, you may call 13 11 14 or text 0477 13 11 14 to reach Lifeline.

1 Comment
06:01 UTC


Need advice

I just moved for college so, I have to find a new temporary church while I'm in college. And I found it and I really love it. However, for the past 6 months, I still feel like outsider in this new church community evethough the people are so nice (they always ask if I will go to the church or not so they can provide the transportation etc) but I still feel there's a distance. Because of that, I started to not coming and make excuses and prefer online sunday service which makes me feel bad. That's why I confused right now and need advice, what should I do.

(I never tell my parents about this because they are so religous that when I tell this, instead of giving advice, they will mad at me for not going to church that's why I am asking you guys)

05:15 UTC


Any believers from Vermont here?

Just wondering if anyone here is from or in vermont, looking for fellowship with other believers in the least christian state in the nation

1 Comment
04:21 UTC


Genuine questions and concerns about sinning

A genuine concern and question about sinning

I have an uncle and his partner (who is a women) living together and not married. Then my uncle’s son (from his 1st and only marriage) who is living with his partner (again is a women) who had a child together. I also have another two cousins on my mom’s side who are 1) living together as boyfriend/girlfriend and 2) living together who are engaged. Idk their personal devotion/relationship time with God but would it be sinful to keep living in their situations? 1 Corinthians 11:3 (idk about their repentance in that aspect)

Isn’t true that anything outside of God’s design for marriage Genesis 2:24 is considered sinful? living with a boyfriend and girlfriend, fornication, cheating, divorce?

I only ask out of love and concern and wanting them to have eternal life and no I do say anything to them out of Matthew 7:3-5 and that I am not close enough with them to ask about it directly. There are some other past issues with my uncle/cousin around marriage that makes sense as to why they don’t marry (I’m not mentioning for the sake of protection).

I don’t post this as a blasting and pointing fingers I am really concerned about them not genuinely trying to repent. As far as Ik if a Christian knows they are doing a sin and wilfully or purposefully continues doing that sin is liable higher than a non Christian and can go to hell.

02:12 UTC


Odd forehead feeling during church

I went to mass a few hours ago. Shortly after communion, I had this weird feeling during the communion hymn. It felt tingling on my forehead, above the nose, and maybe an inch inwards.

The only times I've felt this have been during mass or just now while I write about it. Is this a spiritual sensation, or is this a medical issue that coincidentally happens during mass?

01:58 UTC


when God closes every single door, what do you do?

So it seems as if everything I do, God slams another door just in my face. I have wanted to be a esthetician since i was 16, for 13 years I have waited for a school near me to offer this course and one finally has. I have not been sitting around for these last 12 years; i graduated high school, went to work in supply chain for a hospital cause i thought the medical field was what God wanted for me ( I hated it to the point of wanting to remove myself from this earth at one point), then moved on to warehouse work ( hated that as well), then I got into a sewing career because I like sewing and figured maybe God wanted me to purse that( had to leave thay job because of work instability-- ie: no sales ment no job for me), so now I am back in warehouse work, and seen that a local beauty school was finally offering esthetician training so I go for a tour and all of that just to find out - they have no class availability, and I cannot afford tution. So what am I supposed to do? I feel like something I have wanted for years just got completely snatched out of my hands and as if God just does not want me anywhere, and because of that I feel like I have no sense of direction of what to do and like God just keeps slam doors in my face like a giant middle finger.

01:07 UTC


Missing church

Is it wrong for me to miss church to study? I have 3 exams this week and really need to study.

00:37 UTC


Can he forgive me?

Hi guys can you help me on how to get forgiveness from god? Maybe you can hear that i am somewhat "new" (idk??) and i feel really disappointed about my sins and kind of hate myself or at least dislike myself for my sins and can't imagine how god can be that forgiving for somebody that sinfull. I think or at least hope that i became better in terms of sinning over the last few months but i more and more discover on how sinfull i am. How can somebody be THAT forgiving? Pls help me on how to ask for forgiveness, hopefully get forgiven and how to become better.

00:30 UTC

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