
Photograph via snooOG

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r/sex is for civil discussions pertaining to education and advice regarding your sexuality and sexual relationships. It is a sex-positive community and a safe space for people of all genders and orientations which demands respectful conduct in all exchanges. There is ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CREEPY/HARASSING BEHAVIOR here — in posts, comments, messages, or any other contributions. No exceptions.

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My First Experience with Inverted 69

I wanted to share an experience I had recently had. The other day, I was giving oral to a girl, and I suggested we try a 69. To my surprise, she told me she wanted me to go on top, which I had never done before.

At first, I was a bit self-conscious about being in that position. Having my (clean) asshole so close to her face was definitely a new feeling for me. But as we got into it, I found myself getting a bit excited. I could feel my balls resting on her face while she sucked my cock, and I even noticed moments where I felt her nose touch my asshole as she moved her head.

To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it! There was something about the dynamic that felt different and exciting. I guess it pushed me out of my comfort zone in a fun way.

So, I’m curious:

Have any of you tried inverted 69 before?

How did you feel about it?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

1 Comment
18:47 UTC


What position prevents queefing?

I’ve looked it up before and it seems like doggy and other all fours positions make you queef a lot. Even tho it’s my fave position 😭

But I haven’t seen anything that says what positions help you not? Anyone know? Cause I still queef in like missionary

1 Comment
18:38 UTC


is there a name for this certain type of orgasm?

Hey all, I am trying to find out if anyone else with a vulva has ever had this certain type of orgasm. I have found if I stimulate the area right under my clitoris, I can have an orgasm that I feel in my labia, and around the opening of my vagina. It's odd, I feel it building up in my clit, but the actual orgasm is not from there.

17:49 UTC


Partner doesn’t like solo masturbating

22F here discussing a 22M

I’ve been talking to this guy since February, we haven’t met yet due to distance and although it sounds stupid, I have fallen in love with him. He doesn’t know that yet but we have discussed the L word and both think it’s sensible and mature to leave things like that for when we meet in person, including being labelled as dating or ‘bf’ ‘gf’.

I suspect that a lot of people won’t understand, but I feel like I truly know him, I know what he looks like, I know his personality and we spend every free moment we have on the phone.

Anyway, of course spending so much time together and acting like a couple in a relationship, even without the label, has led to sexual activity. We masturbate together on the phone. It used to be more often, but now I would say every two days or so, we make each other cum over the phone. It’s really sexy and fun and it’s frequent enough for both of us, we’re both happy.

Now here’s the problem. We have different work schedules and both live with family, so naturally we don’t get time alone that often and it is usually at different times to one another.

I often take the opportunity to masturbate alone when my family is out, but sometimes he’s at work and doesn’t get to join me or listen in, and he seems to hate that. I tell him everytime I do it and I ask if he wants to see/hear, but he usually gets in a grump and says he doesn’t appreciate me doing it without him. He also brings up that he doesn’t do it without me.

In my opinion, this is quite immature of him…

How can I explain to him that I don’t think it’s an issue, but still respect his boundaries and wants? I want to be a good partner and technically yes I could just wait until we can do it together, but sometimes I enjoy being alone and watching the content he has sent me, then telling him about it after, often in detail when he’s open to hearing it!

Am I being selfish, or should I try to explain to him that I don’t see an issue? Help on how to have this discussion would be appreciated <3

Thanks guys!

1 Comment
18:36 UTC


I have glans pain

am 18 years old and I always had pain when my glans touches any surface and it worries me the day I have sexual relation.

1 Comment
18:33 UTC


I’m getting bored

I just am getting tired of masturbating and I just need somthing new to try like Mabye a different technique or somthing I just need some tips I’m m16 if that helps

1 Comment
18:30 UTC


I am strugling to maintain erection.

As said in title, I am strugling to maintain erection. I need constant stimulation or it drops down almost immediately. I know I am not nervous or anything and this happens in bed and even during masturbation.

Should I be concerned or how to solve this issue?

18:27 UTC


24f feelings I’m confused about

I’m not really sure how to start this. I don’t know what’s going on in my head.

I’ve always just thought by default how my life would go - I would have a traditional “marriage and white picket fence” with a man. I enjoy and want to continue pursuing men, and I love (and I mean love) dick and could not give it up.

But I just have these thoughts and feelings where like, I don’t feel attracted to women the same as I do with men but I have these moments where I will just take a few seconds to look if I get the chance and sometimes (as I was tonight) really drawn to this woman’s vibe or sometimes it’s certain physical features.

I don’t ever see myself being in a relationship with a woman or bringing one around my family as a significant other, but I’m really drawn to the idea of having a long term partner that’s a man and having threesomes with another woman and that she’d be for me to have some extra fun with.

But I also don’t even know if this is something I could ever act on. When I think about doing it I get this sense of shame and as if I would only do it as long as I knew no one would ever find out. Which is surprising considering how open I am about my opinions on being gay being considered okay or normal. Alas, I do have this fantasy in my head of me eating another woman’s pussy for the first time and what it must taste and feel like and that hopefully I would please her.

Most people around me are very chill and laid back about it and I don’t think would judge me for it but I still get nervous about it. Like there’s a dark feeling of guilt there with the thought of it.

I really wish the world were different about things like this. I’m internally battling whether or not this “new/different kind of fun” is something worth pursuing and my mind is filled with all these thoughts that make me wish to never say anything about it.

Is it just some fantasy? Why do I want to push it down so much when I’m so openly in support of others doing what they please? What are these thoughts and feelings? Can someone explain or give insight/advice?

1 Comment
18:22 UTC


My observation on heterosexual relationship

Few years back, an incident happened with me and I started understanding sexual styles, practices and relationships between men and women. I thought about sharing it with you all. How sex feels to men and women Often both sexes ask the question to each other, am I pleasing my partner enough, how my partner is feeling about my X move or why he/she does this during the sex, well to understand it you need to understand how does sex feels to him/her. Often during the sex men play the active role and women play the passive role (in heterosexual). Being in the active role men see the sex as a reward, they feel manly and validate their manliness and find themselves worthy as a man. Whereas, women see the sex as the validation to their beauty, they consider that they're worthy as a woman and find themselves attractive. That's why often women don't make the move because they often desire, "I wish he could touch me/my hands, I wish he kiss me in the public or alone or I wish he ask me for the date."  But with being the active partner there are some drawbacks also for men. The drawbacks of being an active member during sex The advantage of being an active member during sex is, you can control the sex and pleasure but the drawback is performance pressure. With being the active member a pressure comes on you is to please and satisfy your partner. If that active member is a man then that pressure increases more as the performance of a man is often attached with man's masculinity and his identity. The pressure to make women cum, the pressure to make women comfortable and also the pressure to ask women on a date. While being a passive partner is likely a vulnerable position. Often, in this case a person sometimes fails to communicate what he/she wants. Women being passive partner mostly focus on their looks and try to please their partners by their looks.

1 Comment
18:09 UTC


I suck at flirting (and I'm pretty shy about sex, but absolutely fkn horny), what can I do to fix it?

Forewarning: apologies for the long drawn-out text, I'm not the best gifted writer, just writing as it comes to mind.

I(M24) almost landed myself a hookup last night w this girl I work with in a small kitchen job. She doesn't come around often & she's not that hot, but fairly decent looking, so I didn't think any of it when I saw her come into work yesterday, just asked some general questions abt life & she was pretty responsive which I liked. Also that's big points for me, bc being a cook in a small busy kitchen, where you can run out of things to talk about with the same ppl, putting you midway between introvert & extrovert, it helps to wanna talk to a new face. Anyway, just general banter me & her had, nothing crazy. Then later, my other coworker's gf came by the kitchen. She's the bubbly type of girl who'll make u smile bc.. well, she's extroverted & doesn't work in a soul sucking kitchen lol. I've seen her come around occasionally & she's known the girl co-worker for years already. She's naturally flirtatious & ended up teasing my guy co-worker (who's honestly a giant depressed guy but somehow landed her, don't ask me how), which made us giggle, and we caught glances at each other a few feet away, so now attraction tension is building a little and I'm sensing some fk me eyes. it seems we're both the awkward shy type bc we both try to look at our phones bc we didn't know much to say, and then I make some more banter like "you stay in the area? How long you in town for?", questions to lead up to wyd tonight type shit. Then I ask her to help dry dishes during clean up naturally it takes me a few moments to say anything & I say "you have a curfew you gotta be home by?" She's like "no, not really, my parents are pretty loose with me" I say "You wanna hang for a bit after work?" She's like ".. What do you wanna do?" I'm like "Whatever you wanna do 😏" she's like "Um, yeah, I think I'm cool with that" SCORE! I should've had it in the bag then, but then my mind turned into the plankton meme like idk, I never thought I'd get this far. So I'm just like yeah I can give you my #, we could meet up somewhere, she's like I think i already have it on the work app thing. Spoiler alert: she didn't have it for my side of the restaurant's team 💀 didn't find out till later. 1. I should've stuck to the invisible rule & given her my # anyway, I'm such a fool lol. A little later, the next thing I failed on, which is the main Title piece, is I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FLIRT!: I froze up when she coming back and forth taking dishes, there was a few moments when. It was just us in the room, and I didn't think to ask her any flirty questions like "so what do you feel like doing when we hang?😏" etc etc. I just kept washing dishes while she dried for a bit.. what is wrong with me? Lmao. Like I want to be more confident in knowing what to say, in knowing how to make to the right moves, HOW TO FLIRT, bc I don't naturally. Like I was getting pretty horny thinking about it, but I was so nervous bc I didn't know what to say after. She ended up leaving before me, but just like moments after. I should've walked out with her and said something, but my mind just froze up on what to do next.. anyway.

1 Comment
17:45 UTC


Being watched having sex

I asked my wife to have sex with others as I watched. I love seeing her heat. We haven’t spoken since. I am not ashamed of my desires, she refuses to talk about it or anything. Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

17:43 UTC


I feel so alone, not cared for and almost used

My girlfriend of almost one year has made time to pleasure me orally a total of 3 times. 1 was the least unwillingly thing ever, and i couldn't even get off. 0 HJs as well. Mind you, we are young.

Absolutely anytime we engage in anything sexual, i finger her, give her oral, kiss her whole body, hold her tightly, grab her ass, boobs, suck on her boobs / nipples. Always at least 2-3 of these things. Absolutely ANYTIME i ask if she "wants" to suck me off, i get a "no, not today", "no, im tired" or some sht like that. This has gone on for a year now, except the 3 times, and we have been engaging in sexual things for around 8-9 months.

I tried talking to her about it once, while we were in bed at night, in the most calm way ever, and told her in these exact words: "I feel not cared for, and i feel as if you don't want to pleasure me at all. I just want the feeling of you choosing to use 3-4 minutes sucking me off, getting me off, just once in a while. I always give to you, and almost never receive"

Her response was "I want to, just not when im tired" (i thoght to myself: are you tired at ALL times, or ONLY when i want pleasure?) I told her again, i just feel not cared for, and i always want to do things for you, but you dont do it back

Her response was: "So you are mad at me for not sucking your dick?" I got so mad inside, because she took my feelings and twisted them and made me seem so silly, and dumb for even asking this. I kept my calm, corrected her, and explained my feelings to her once again, and she said "Fine, i'll do it next time" in the most non caring way possible. I told her "absolutely not, im not having you do this if you dont even want to. that is even worse than you not doing it". She then didn't respond at all, and fell asleep.

The morning after she again asked me almost teasingly (not sexually teasing) if i was still mad at her for not sucking my dick. I again got furious inside, because now she is just making fun of me, and i feel like an idiot.

Maybe im just venting, but i just need some advice with what im doing wrong and why is she acting like this. I just feel stupid and not cared for.

Extra info;

I have no problem pleasuring her, fingers, orally, i love doing it all, but it gets repetitive after 1 year of no returning acts.

Her "excuse" is always "im tired, another day" but it NEVER happens another day.

I DONT pressure her at all. I am so calm about it, and say "its all good baby, you dont have to do it if you dont want to", she asks again if im sure, i reassure her again, and its over.

I cum from PIV extremely early, maybe 5 strokes, its so annoying. It is one of the reasons for me wanting to cum once b4 be have PIV sex. It is not satisfying me in any way to go for 5 strokes and be done. I cant imagine it is for her either.

17:37 UTC


i want to encourage my partner to share his kinks. what are the best ways to make him more open about them with me?

a little background context - the day my boyfriend and i got together, he explained that he believed he was somewhere on the ace spectrum and wasn’t all that into sex, said he didn’t have any fantasies, and warned me that it would probably take him a very long time to venture into anything around that territory, though he was open to exploring. despite this, i found out pretty early on that he had a thing for bondage, and this quickly became a major kink for me too. since then we’ve developed a pretty great sex life, he’s become much more confident and accepting of his sexuality and we get it on just about every time we see each other. however because of his initial discomfort around sex, ive always tried to be extremely reserved about the topic. even a year into the relationship i find myself feeling guilty and worried if i think ive done or said something too obscene, and i stop myself nearly every time i dominate to make sure he’s not feeling pressured or uncomfortable, and i always wait for him to initiate things instead of coming onto him myself. because of this, ive never learned how to naturally and sexily inquire about his wants (or explain my own, for that matter). i have a strong feeling he has more kinks and fantasies that i havent fully learned about yet, and i have zero clue how to encourage him to share them. for example, when hes really into what we’re doing and a little more lost in pleasure he’ll say things that are a bit kinkier and less conventional than what ive become used to (like referring to me possibly fighting back and even physically hitting him while trying to escape my binds, or generally hinting that distress is a turn on in some way). i find it really sexy whenever he indulges in these slightly darker concepts, but he seems scared of letting that side out at risk of weirding me out. ive tried many times to ask if he has more fantasies that im not clearly aware of yet, but the things about fighting and struggling have only slipped out during the heat of the moment. is there anything else i can try to bring this side out of him more often? i dont want to pressure him, of course, and his usual shyness and concern for my comfort is wonderful and sweet, but i want him to know im totally into the less wholesome stuff too!

TLDR i want my reserved and timid boyfriend to stop worrying about his kinks being too weird or dark to share, but straight up asking if hes into anything that im not aware of yet hasnt worked much

17:33 UTC


Feeling Confused and Bad about my Reactions to Sex

I feel bad for my boyfriend (19M) because he wants to pleasure me in the scope that we do so badly but I (19F) struggle.

Firstly, we are a new couple and we decided that underwear coming off was something we weren’t gonna do so we’ve been doing literally everything that doesn’t require you to take your underwear off.

He’s really sensitive and just kissing down his happy trail and kissing his ears makes him go crazy. He cums without underwear even having to come off which some might say is embarrassing but I think it’s hot.

And I have always struggled with feeling anything from stuff like that. Yeah, I like to watch him suck on my boobs and kiss my neck, and feel his downstairs area on mine but like it doesn’t “do” anything for me. Like it’s hot and I get wet and everything but I just don’t feel like the pleasurable feelings he gets. I know he wants to make me feel that way so badly and we’ve tried so many things and I feel bad that I’m just not able to. I’ve always been this way.

I’ve never had penetrative sex but even when my ex boyfriend did oral on me I felt nothing. I don’t know if the guys I’ve been with are just bad at it or if there’s something wrong with me. Sometimes I question if I’m asexual but I’m able to masturbate and even do multiple in a row and it’s good but I just don’t know how to recreate that effect with someone else. I don’t even really know what I like.

Is this normal? What can my boyfriend do to make me feel that way? What can I do? I’m just so confused and I feel like I’m missing something so it’s be nice to hear if anyone else is having the same issue and if anyone knows how to solve it. Thanks.

16:52 UTC


How to initiate sexual contact and improve intimacy in relationship

Hi there! I’m 23(f) and my partner (boyfriend) is quite a bit older than me and has more experience and I’m quite inexperienced with only two partners previously. My previous two partners made me self conscious and upset that I wasn’t good at anything and make me afraid to initiate stuff because they always made fun of how I did things because I was shy.

My current partner and I used to be intimate quite a lot but he would usually initiate it. However, he started apologizing after we would sleep together saying he didn’t want to seem like he was taking advantage of me, and stopped initiating things later in our relationship. I just want some tips on how to initiate things because I’m afraid he thinks he’s taking advantage of me just because I don’t know how to make moves lol, and in reality I’m just shy. Sorry for such a long post I’m new to the Reddit posting thing.

We’re both satisfied with how things go down when they do it’s just getting it started I’m having trouble with lol

16:34 UTC


Are there sex positive hostels/accomodations in Europe?

It's a weird question but I'm wondering if there are hostels or similar places in Europe that accomodate kink events, or have a sex positive culture, or hostels that are open to nudists?

I've never heard of anything like this but would love to travel more and encounter more kink friendly people!

This question also extends to hostels with kink-friendly features like showers that are exposed to the rest of the room, etc. I've never heard anyone talk much about their experiences with hostels in a kink capacity so I thought I'd lose the question here and ask whether there are resources for this?

As travelling can be hard in this context from a networking and safety perspective!

16:13 UTC


Feeling asexual except when I’m high (long graphic read)

I’m so anxious that I’m practically asexual; I only become sexual when I’m high. I pretty much live in my head, and someone recently remarked on it. I don’t want to, but no matter what I do, it seems I’m predisposed to being off in the clouds and not present.

I have social anxiety, and when I’m out and about, I generally feel quite anxious and sometimes have to really monitor my breathing to avoid getting overwhelmed.

I specifically seem to have difficulty reconciling my sexual desire, and I would say I’m quite sexually frustrated. When I’m out, I’ll see attractive women and think to myself, “Wow, she looks sexy,” or “What an amazing body,” but I never act on it. In fact, I’ve repressed it almost all my adult life. I think I subconsciously feel like a pervert or something if I pursue someone purely with sexual intent or make it obvious. Maybe I’m scared of rejection too, but I also feel scared of coming across as a sexual pest and having my reputation ruined because of it.

It doesn’t help that I live in a place with very weird social norms. People are generally quite distant and cold to each other, and I’ve become very used to living in that kind of environment. Specifically, it’s London. The only time we let loose here is when we drink, but drinking doesn’t agree with me.

In all fairness, I know it’s not normal to approach women and tell them you want sex, but I think I’m so shut off and anxious that I deny myself opportunities because I’m so socially awkward. I’ve never had a girlfriend or spontaneous sex with someone I’ve met out, nor have I met a future girlfriend at any social event. I’m not a virgin; I’ve had around a dozen encounters and, at times, situationships, but I can count them all on one hand. Usually, they’re rare moments of chance rather than me actively pursuing them.

I’m not new to having anxiety; I’ve had it for as long as I can remember. I know how to regulate it—I know that working out, eating healthily, getting enough sleep, and occasionally doing things like yoga and meditation help me feel grounded and okay. But I still haven’t figured out how to express my sexuality in the outside world.

Today, I smoked weed for the first time in about four months. My mind slowed down, and my body unclenched. I usually feel very physically uptight, with knots in my body. I do stretches and yoga to try to overcome this, but I don’t feel much in my body most of the time.

Most of the time, my dick feels like a gummy—I can’t feel it unless I experience a rare, intense sexual desire, which tends to happen when I’ve gone weeks without touching myself. But by now, I’m so sexually frustrated that I’m almost permanently stressed, which only worsens my anxiety.

Today, when I smoked, I could feel the physical sensations of desire rising through my balls to my whole body. Normally, that entire area just feels numb. I haven’t had a sex drive in what feels like a year. Sure, I get sexual thoughts, and when I feel really sexually frustrated, I’ve gotten used to masturbating with porn to quell whatever desire I have. But today was the first time in a while I’ve felt like, “Wow, I really want sex; I want to fuck the crap out of someone for rounds and rounds.” I also suddenly feel like I can make human connections and sit with and feel my emotions, whereas normally, I’m quite numb and scared of social interactions.

I never feel as good as I do when I’m high. I think most people see me as really pent-up and uptight. But when I’m high, it feels like I instantly realize it’s not that serious.

I’ve tried all sorts of things to combat this, from yoga and meditation to going to the gym, but nothing works like weed. The worst thing is, I’m not even ugly. Women tell me I’m very sexually attractive when I get close enough to them to reach that stage. I’m ripped, I have a big dick, and I know how to use it—I’m very confident and intense in the bedroom. That’s what they’ve said.

But I think because I’m so uptight, nervous, and gloomy, I repel most of them, and it sexually turns them off before I can get anywhere.

I’ve thought about just going somewhere where weed is legal and taking a holiday where I spend two weeks high and try to get laid as much as I can. I’m 28, and my best years are slipping away from me. I’m still yet to have a “sexual awakening” or a period where I have frequent sex as much as I and my partner want.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I’m thinking about how I can overcome it. I want to give therapy another try; it has helped me contextualize my thoughts and realize how I make things hard for myself, but nothing has given me the physical and mental relief that weed does. The benefits of therapy, to me, seem more existential—a sense of understanding and peace.

I’m not necessarily looking for a relationship because I have some work to do on myself spiritually and financially before I feel comfortable giving a woman the life she deserves.

15:24 UTC


Her vagina constantly pushes my penis out

I usually dont have this issue with most women but so far i've experienced 3 women that has this type of vagina.

Basically whenever i try to insert my penis for intercouse, their vagina keeps pushing me out and also it's very hard to get inside.

It's not an arousal issue because i always rub their clit until they're leaking wet before i enter but the wetness doesnt make the entry any easier

Even when i do finally manage to get inside their vagina, the sensation feels noticeably different than most vaginas that i've been in. Like the angle inside just feels sort of weird?

And i have to work very hard just to stay inside or else their vagina just pushes me out.

My size is pretty normal btw. 6 inch in length and 5 inch in girth and my penis is straight.

Does anyone know the reason for this and is this some sort of condition?

I remember one of these women got frustrated one time uttered to herself "why does this always happen to me?" (Meaning this also happened with her previous partners)

15:54 UTC


Was she rude?

I (21 F) had sex for the first time ever. It was mostly us eating each other out. After my GF and I had sex, she blatantly told me I was awful and "the worst she's had." Now I'm too nervous to have sex again because I was already worried about my performance.

15:38 UTC


I have trouble with BJs

I’ve only given one once and he came in my mouth. His cum was just so rancid and foul that it felt like it was burning my throat. Tasted kinda like something gone bad too. I’ve never been able to do it again. Anytime a dick even gets close to my mouth I immediately gag and lose all arousal like I want to stop immediately 😭😭. I feel so bad telling partners I don’t want to give oral but enjoy it myself. I also feel bad saying the reason because idk talking about how gross an ex was seems really unkind. Anyways what do?

15:36 UTC


He (43m) voice recorded us having sex (27f)

.Technically it was a video but it was dark and his phone was just on the bed next to him. I was on him reverse cg then going into doggy I noticed his phone next to him was recording! He denied having anything to do with it but when he realized he was banged to rights he apologised. I wouldn’t have even minded if he’d just have asked! I got him to delete it anyway. Wondering if tried he got any footage of me with my back to him but it was dark so probably not. Is this a massive betrayal of trust?

15:25 UTC


pubic hair irritating my partner

since me (f19) and my bf (m19) have been dating i have not once shaved or waxed or done anything to my pubes. he prefers it hairless but doesn’t care either way, but for a while now it’s like i’m giving him rug burn on his penis because of the friction. i seriously doubt that he can enjoy himself, and sometimes we have to stop because the pain is too much. it’s definitely a sensitive area and i’m not offended by having to stop or take a break, but i’m not really sure what to do about my pubic hair because one of the reasons i stopped shaving was that i found it’s irritating and itchy and the stubble can be sharp which hurts, and because it’s just a hassle in the first place i don’t see the point. but clearly not shaving it is also an irritant to the area, and i don’t know what to do?! can i condition it like my scalp hair? is there a way to avoid irritation?

15:22 UTC


How To Decide What To Masturbate Too?

I'm a bisexual man in a polyamorous relationship. My boyfriend is asexual but does desire sex on occasion. I'm on the low end of sexual desires, but I do want it definitely more than my boyfriend. And we're polyamorous so I have options.

Right now though, I don't have other partners and because of some life stuff, I'm not really looking at the moment. I'm fine at the moment with just masturbation.

The issue is, while I am sexually desiring right now, I don't know what I want. I seem to go through fazes of more desire for women or men. But, right now, I don't know if I want to fantasize about another dick or a vagina... I'm horny, but I don't know what for!

I'm curious if anyone else has ever felt this way? And if so, any tips?

Also, I do desire intimate, emotional sex, even with friends with benefits. But my emotional sex drive has kinda been unsteady lately because of loss of a wonderful partner. I WANT to fantasize about intimate sex, but it's been difficult lately with the loss of one of my partners (maybe with them again in the future, but who knows). I know this is an influence to my undecided current self so I thought I'd add it in.

I'm horny, I wanna get off, but I feel emotionally lost when I try to at the moment

08:30 UTC


Husband went on phone during bj and went soft

Ive been w my husband for a year, and our sex life has been great up until two months ago when we had a fight. It was mostly him upset with me, but we still had pretty good sex throughout that time.

I go down on him every other day, but a couple weeks ago i asked him if i could suck his dick and he said yes. Then while im working, he grabs his phone and starts looking at it, then went soft. I felt rly hurt bc why would u say yes then go on the phone? He was browsing ig or texting his family in a group chat

He already apologized for it. I haven't given him a bj since until tonight, and idk.. he seemed to like it but i couldnt get into it even tho i tried to. I cant help but think maybe im not good enough or hes bored. My mind keeps going back to that one time. Idk if i can ever enjoy sucking his dick like i used to. I feel so sad about it.

09:06 UTC


Every single man I've been with hasn't been able to get an erection when it comes time for penetration. Is it me?

I (20F) have been with five sexual partners. Every single one (other than when I was assaulted, not counting that) have had erection issues and had difficulty penetrating. At first I was like "Yeah, he's nervous, totally get it", but I've started to get in my head about it a bit now that I've realized it's been everyone. Things get better the more times I have sex with the individual guy, but jeez it'd be hard to say it's not a bit of a blow to the self esteem. And, just to be clear, I don't shame anyone for it as I know that it's not their fault if their body decides not to cooperate with them in that moment. I'm more than happy to be eaten out for a bit if we can't have PIV sex. I'm just wondering if there's something I can do, or at the very least if I'm just off putting I'd like to know.

14:45 UTC


I can no longer stimulate the G-Spot?

I always had the issue of not being able to reach the spot myself. My fingers are short and apparently im quite long from the inside. Toys that were design to touch it were also never able to stimulate it.
However others were always able to get to it and stimulate it.

I hadn't had someone else do it for a while and the last few times I tried to do it with another person... I felt nothing. I know he did everything right but it didn't feel like he hit the spot, even though he should have.

I know there is no scientific evidence for that spot, but I certainly know what it felt like when I was younger. It makes me sad because I liked it a lot. And now I can no longer enjoy it, no matter what I try.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?

It also doesn't matter how turned on I am in the beginning or if my bladder is full or not.

09:43 UTC


The more my GF enjoys sex, the more her muscles contract, but the more her muscles contract, the more it hurts me

Yesterday my girlfriend and I had a really hot make out session and she was willing to jump me hard.

I'm not the strongest guy physically, and she's quite strong for a girl. So when we get passionate, it sometimes gets really intense. And I kinda freak out, partly due to fear of her accidentaly hurting me, partly because of performance anxiety I guess. (That passionate buildup causes me to want to "keep up with that energy" but I'm not sure my penis can handle it sometimes.

When we have sex, I usually enjoy it very much, but I guess I'm quite tender (maybe because subconsciously, I don't want to get her in the mood "too much" because when she's in her passionate mood, I'm cautious she might hurt me?), and I guess she misses the rough element of sex.

It also brings her mood down very much because sometimes it gets really hot between us in foreplay, and then I kinda freak out and want to "take a break" and she's left laying there, not knowing what to do with all that energy that's built up inside her.

One of the problems is, when I was young, I sort of injured my penis (self harm while masturbating) and while I dont have problems with erection, I sometimes fear that pain that I've experienced when young.

I dont know what to do. Part of me (and my girlfriend) believes that i can work this through (i've worked through many of my hangups about sex in this relationship and became a lot more confident as a result) and i'd like to think that this is a mental problem, but I dont know. I really freaking love this girl and she loves me. It would be tragic if something like this broke us up.

Do you have any advice? Perhaps it would work if during her contractions I kept my penis deep inside her instead of thrusting hard?

14:49 UTC


My gf (21F) told me sex feels different before and after her having a kid

After a long talking stage with my now girlfriend which means we just recently started dating and having sex etc. Prior to dating when we were friends, I knew she had a kid from a pervious relationship and mind you that I am only 21 as well, and not very sexually experience. One night we were talking to each other then we began talking about her past, she mentioned that sex for her felt different before she had a kid, It didn't hurt, or feel bad but nor did it feel as pleasurable oppose to now where it feels good (which is true but bias) but it hurts or she feels a pressure in the back of her vagina when I go deeper mid intercourse but it is not really an issue for her, we kind of just made a phrase or code that I am going to go ham and it might hurt or pressure a bit and I am average size (about 6 inches and a half) with 2 girls that I used to sleep with in the past who never had this problem with me, sure it hurt for them but that kind of her hurt was the new to sex kind of hurt, and both were non mothers because of our ages and lifestyle at the time but with this girl? Its just the way she said it and the fact that it is my girlfriend, but this is not a problem for me or her by no means, just a question because I do not know much on all of this, could it just be her too? She is also one of those girls that aren't very sexual either.. Or could this mean something a bit more, little concerned for her and the mental state of our sex life but ya, thoughts?

14:31 UTC


I wanna try new/different stuff in bed but bf doesn’t follow through

Hi all, my (26F) bf (29M) and I have standard vanilla sex most of the time. It’s usually a combo of going down on each other and then penetration (almost always missionary). This is fine but it’s gotten old pretty quick and I find myself bored and not really turned on.

Ive communicated multiple times that I wanna try different positions, new kinks, just anything different. This ranges from role play to a new position like doggy. He’ll agree when I tell him about it and seem interested but then we have sex a week later and it’s a similar thing. It’s almost like he’s comfortable with how we’re doing it now and doesn’t wanna change.

I’ve initiated these new things at times- and when I initiate we usually do it. But I’m frustrated with his lack of initiation and taking charge and I fear I’m headed towards losing all attraction to him as a consequence. Any advice?

14:26 UTC


Pain after pounding

My boyfriend absolutely railed me deep this morning and I think he bruised my cervix. This was pleasurable to me during but now I am currently experience cramps, pretty severe low back pain, tingling in hips and legs, honestly some gas. Is this normal?? Or did I rupture an ovary or appendix. lol.

05:14 UTC

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