
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for those who are trying to Unfuck Their Habitat to ask questions, show before and afters, and in general become better at not letting their house become a pig sty.

Welcome to /r/UFYH!

Unfuck Your Habitat is based on the popular website and tumblr. It is a mindset that can help you reclaim your space and get rid of the clutter in your life.

UFYH Discord (UPDATED LINK 5 Aug 23)

/r/UFYH Rules

  • Don't be a jackass
  • No spam/self promotion

UFYH Welcome Kit

The UFYH Basics

  • Make your bed
  • You can do anything for 20 minutes. Then take a 10 minute break.
  • No marathon cleaning
  • Take breaks
  • You are better than your mess

UFYH Master List of Helpful Information

UFYH at Persephone Magazine

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Cooler conundrum

So last fall I went camping. Got home, was exhausted, had to go feed horses, said I would deal with cooler in a bit.

Did not deal with cooler.

Time passes, I am afraid to open the cooler, so I put it outside. I tell myself that on a cold day I will open it and deal with it because the contents will be frozen.

Did not deal with the cooler.

It’s now at the end of April and I want my balcony back. I need to deal with it but I’m so afraid to open it in case it’s really gross. I don’t remember what was left in it, only that there was stuff. Part of me wants to just throw it out, but it’s a really nice cooler my parents got me as a gift.

Help how do I do this this with the least amount of gross

20:02 UTC


What do you think of my insight?

I had a well-duh moment today: decluttering will not work until everything in the clutter has a designated permanent home [which could include the garbage can]. Therefore, before starting [other than garbage] examine the pile and consider where home is for each item, the more specific the better. What do you think? Would that help? Or not? Thanks.

03:45 UTC


Today's unfucking is brought to you by the letter P - Pantry, Plates, Plastic, Planners and Paint

After a few days off unfucking my house because it was such a mess after I finished the letter F, I'm now ready to start on the letter P. I know it's not by alphabetical order, but I have a lot of P projects that I'd like to get done, so that's the way I'm going to roll for now.

I'm trying to go for a few short term goals as well as a couple of long term goals. The short term goals will help me feel like I am making progress while I'm also working on the longer term goals.

The things that I am planning to work on for the letter P include:

Short term unfucking:

  • Pantry
  • Plates
  • Plastic containers

Long term unfucking:

  • Planners and stationery supplies
  • Paint work

If it feels too overwhelming, I will break it down into steps, or reduce the number of areas that I want to unfuck.

I also asked Gemini to give me some further ideas about things to unfuck things starting with the letter P. It gave me some great answers, so I am noting these below.

Unfuck your possessions

  • Paperwork
  • Pots and pans
  • Pillows
  • Plants
  • Purses or bags

Unfuck your digital space

  • Photos
  • Passwords
  • Programs
  • Playlists

Unfuck your habits

  • People pleasing
  • Perfectionism
  • Procrastination

I particularly liked the "Unfuck your habits" section, so I'm going try to integrate at least some of these as I go along.

What other letter P ideas can you think of that you would like to unfuck, and would anyone like to join in with a letter P goal? I thought that we might find it motivational if we support and cheer each other on. We could set a timeframe for doing a report back (e.g. weekly) and aim for unfucking our letter P goal in four weeks (say if we made it Sunday, 19 May, which is 4 weeks from now).

What do you think? Does anyone want to play?

04:28 UTC


Finally making progress!

After a year of motherhood, I think I finally figured out how to actually get some chores done while being a SAHM and learning better ways to deal with my executive dysfunction and sleep deprivation. It's still a real challenge and I'm exhausted quick but all the laundry is under control now! We're mostly on top of dishes, just have to work on hand washing my own water bottles, which I definitely need as I am not drinking enough with just a cup. I also decluttered my side of the dresser, finally put away the last of my maternity clothes (keeping until we've made a decision on a second kid or not). Lastly I organized and decluttered my bedside table and put things back where they should go. And I cleared the "floordrobe" as well. Did minor tidying of my desk but it still needs quite a bit of work.

That was all in the last two weeks, I started with the laundry and table. Tomorrow needs to be the dining table since the tablecloth got stained with baby food. It's also a stress point for me. I want to clean up the whole kitchen as it's all a disaster but we'll see! I do have help while hubby is home in weekends but our weekends have been so busy and he did our yard work last week (so at least our front yard is no longer an eye sore).

Anyways I'm glad I found this place and a bunch of podcasts to get to this point!

01:51 UTC


My husband died 2 years ago and I still haven't cleaned his office

He was seriously disorganized, and a bit of a hoarder.

I started on it and managed to get the top of his desk and underneath it cleared and then got stuck. Like really stuck.

So to give you an idea of what he was like, he had tried to organize before his unexpected death. There's a mound of small boxes about 3 feet high next to his desk. Each box contains random tiny interesting objects. There's no rhyme or reason to what's in each box. And it means you have to sort through all these things one at a time.

The paper clutter is the same way. I've had to look at one page at a time. He didn't make chronological piles like I do. You could open up a notebook from 2012 and find a note from 2022 in there. So you can't just toss papers based on age. And there is paperwork I'm really in need of that I have yet to find. Such as the title to his car.

I've read the standard advice here to just go around with a trash bag. But this won't work at all in this situation. Every time I go in there, I just nope myself right back out.

Some people say to break it down into steps. There's so many steps that that advice makes me feel more overwhelmed.

Plus it's just so sad in there...

21:22 UTC


Hoarder! Landlord is coming next week. Need advice

No judgement please. My landlord is coming next week for some general work on the building. My place is practically a landfill, filled with trash all over. I have 72 hours to clean everything.

I have severe executive dysfunction which makes it difficult to clean. Then the city changed the garbage pick up and limited to a single trashcan and a single recycling bin, and suddenly the trashcan and recycling bin I'm forced to share with the next door tenant (because the city only gave us 1 for two units and refused to give me my own) was constantly full with their trash so I just gave up. I cannot count on anyone to help me and I don't have a car. How should I proceed? Room by room or task by task? Should I got from the door to the furthest room?

Edit: I'm gonna stop replying to comments and disable my notifications for now so I can focus on cleaning with all the good advice you all gave me. I'll try to update you all in 24 hours with my progress.

Update: I haven't made any real progress. I broke down and contacted people to help me. They're on the way

02:18 UTC


Hi! I'm almost crying that this place is here!

I need this so badly. Just wanted to say thank you

14:35 UTC


What is this and how do I clean it? (weird stuff in washing machine door)

I initially thought it was like the pink slime that grows in the bathtub, except it's not slimy at all? More hard and course. Since it's right by one of the metal screws I'm wondering if it's some combination of mold and limescale? I really want to remove it but I'd like to know what it is so I can choose the best cleaning product.

14:17 UTC


My dad and I might have to move out of our house in 3 months. How do I tackle rooms filled to the brim with garbage, clutter, laundry, and furniture.

My dad hasn’t been able to find a job even after hundreds of applications and interviews because he’s old and companies around us only want to hire younger people. So we might have to sell our house in 3 months.

Our house is filthy to be honest. We have bags and boxes of stuff, and every room in our 2 story house (12 rooms total including bathrooms and such) is completely filled. I just moved back home after my mom died so my room is completely furnished now and I have no clue how to tackle packing everything up and moving out in such a short timeframe. Someone please give me advice. Give me a step by step or anything that’ll help. Anything is appreciated. TIA

03:08 UTC


Epiphany regarding my house

I’m fairly new to this sun on Reddit, but I’ve followed similar groups on other platforms and had an epiphany today that I want to share.

I just read a post where someone mentioned having multiple trash cans around their house in places where they tend to leave trash. In a similar vein, my epiphany is this:

Why can’t I have multiple brooms and dust pans placed strategically around my home (wood/tile floors) within easy reach in each room?

The first thought I have when seeing a pile of dirt or dog fur that has materialized (seemingly out of nowhere), is that it’s too much effort to find where I left the broom and pan because if I’m going to sweep that one thing, might as well sweep the whole room as I KNOW there’s more dirt there. Getting up to find the cleaning items feels like more work than the actual task which is where my pain point is.

And then, since I didn’t sweep when I first noticed, the dirt/fur multiples to an unholy amount overnight (or maybe a week or 2 or month) and then I’m upset with myself for allowing my home to look so disgusting.

I’ve already ordered new brooms and pans be delivered and they’ll be here by the end of the week. Sharing in case someone else might be helped by my own epiphany.

01:28 UTC


I know that other parts of my house are still a disaster, but not THIS small part!

14:02 UTC


Advice for getting adhesive squares off wall?

18:13 UTC


What do you do on your 10 minute cleaning breaks?

Edit: Title is worded poorly, sorry. I mean what do you guys do on the 10 minutes breaks from cleaning during the 20 minutes on/10 minutes off ufyh schedule.

00:18 UTC


[update; 25 days later] Unfucking my Laundry Pile! Slow progress is still progress 🐢

08:41 UTC


Advice for packing while in a small space

Hello all, I am moving in May from an apartment to a house (eep) and I know I should start packing early but I worry about not having room for the boxes in my apartment. I imagine accidentally barricading myself in the kitchen surrounded by boxes of dishes. Any tips?

Update: I've gotten some boxes from friends who just moved and have begun the long process of packing, small space be damned. I have also booked my movers. Wish me luck!

21:30 UTC


You all inspire me!!

I just wanted to let you all know how much you guys have inspired me to unf*ck my space. I get easily overwhelmed by clutter, and since moving into my house last year, between renovations and unpacking life has been hell - mainly executive function shutting down.

Anyway, I came to say that I've gotten 90% of my unpacking done, hired an organizer to help me go through stuff and declutter my main spaces, and I've started a purge pile of things I plan to sell or donate. I've also been throwing away stuff that I don't need to hold onto because it's broken or useless.

Seeing you all power through your messes really has helped me tame mine. So thank you all!

13:09 UTC

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