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In 2024 I had a lot of health issues, a lot of testing and waiting. This created a lot of health anxiety. Getting the diagnoses and learning to accept the diagnoses. I thought 2025 could be better but I have to give blood tomorrow and I’m super scared. I’m sitting here in my couch while my partner sleeps,crying and scared. I so disappointed in my self I told my self I would handle these situations better but I can’t. The fear takes over me and I can’t help myself. I’m so scared right now and I really wish I had someone to talk to.
I am currently in withdrawal from Mirtazapine and my anxiety is well, bad. Like really bad. What I noticed, when it gets really bad, I get body zaps? Or it feels like lightning is going through my spine. It‘s a really weird feeling. I can feel it in my neck and then it goes down my spine and my hands. I also cannot control it, I feel it coming but cannot hold it back. I am currently at home a lot (bc of the anxiety) so I do not mind. But does anyone have the same thing? I think it is because my body needs to release the anxiety and that's why it shakes me. But still, I feel weird.
Everything that’s happening around the states has been freaking me out and social media really isn’t helping especially after hearing other peoples speeches I’m just worried and scared and having a lot of anxiety rn ._. Anyone’s input ??
My new therapist wants me to come back to him with what I want to focus on. I kinda feel like I'd just like to know myself better and how to deal with my anxiety (new to realizing I have anxiety and medication), and imposter syndrome/perfectionism at work. Is that the kind of thing one does in therapy?
Going back to the not realizing I had anxiety (at 55), I already have some great tools that I didn't realize I built up over time, like a good meditation practice and an awareness of when I need to utilize meditation or deep breathing. So I'd really rather did deeper than building a toolbox if that makes sense.
Around middle of last year, I was very stressed because of a sudden and severe illness of a close family member as well as significant changes in work place. I am generally a very anxious person. During this period, i am the sole person to shoulder the care of my family member as well as taking charge of the team at work so my anxiety was up the roof. However, mentally, i felf mostly calm during that time (no panic or anxiety attack) only that my brain was tight like a wire constantly to deal with things throwing at my way. One and a half months after these events, I started feeling soreness on the left rib area, which then led to sore left arm and strange sensation on the left hand. I then experienced significant neck pain and very stiff muscles on the left side of the body, especially the shoulder, as well as strange sensation on the left foot. Sometimes the stiffness and sore switched to the right but it then revert to the left. My neck is very stiff and the joints keep cracking when i move the head. I am worried that perhaps it's MS but it also be might be because of the anxiety. Is there anyone else who suffered similar symptoms?
Hello everyone, I just need perspective. For the first time, I had an anxiety attack. I was prepping for 31st December, but our plans with the family weren’t looking very promising. I was a little dull, but I brushed it off; however when I sat for dinner, I felt like my balance was shifting. I tried walking it off, but that didn’t help either. Post that, I alerted my family, they tried talking it out, but then I felt minor blackouts and walking gave me a wave-y sensation. Then I got hit by heavy chest sensation and I felt it’s a heart attack. At one point my heart rate while sitting was 142 and I was cold and warm at the same time. Luckily, after reaching the hospital a heart attack was ruled out post an ECG but an anxiety attack is what was diagnosed. 3 days later, I’m still not being able to draw full breaths because of a feeling of heaviness in my chest. I feel like my head rolls a bit and loud sounds are making me feel angst which make my body go cold. Any help, any similar situations, anything would help.
Does anyone else deal with headaches? For the first time ever I had a headache last almost two months still going on, it just feels like pressure and sometimes pain. Also wierd swooshy feeling in my brain. I had a triggering event happen two months ago and been dealing with a lot of anxiety. I started sertaline like a week ago too and it seems my anxiety and head problems have spiked.
hi, sorry for my english, i'm not american but i wanted to see if someone had or has a similar experience!!
recently (not really) i've noticed that whenever i annoy someone or make them feel bad, i feel bad too which is the normal reaction right? but this thing of "feeling bad about it" makes me instantly think that maybe i'm victimizing myself? i don't really know how to explain it
but for example, yesterday i asked my boyfriend about a certain girl being his possible ex gf. we really haven't talked about his past relationship with THAT ex and i don't even know who she is but i really don't want to follow her by accident, so i asked him if a girl who followed me earlier was his ex gf (i asked this bc there were similarities from what he had told me and i got nervous). luckily he told me that no, that it wasn't her and immediately told me that he doesn't want me to mess with her in a certain angry-like tone?
then i explained to him that i wasn't planning to, that i actually wanted to avoid that situation so i thought it was a good idea to ask him about her just in case. then i asked him for forgiveness and told him to sleep well and thanked him for answering my question cuz i didn't want to fight over it or something
the next day comes and i don't receive any message from him, nothing, so i obviously panic but try to think that maybe he has things to do as he's on vacations. the day before i told him if i could call him tomorrow at 11 pm but i didn't get any text until like 10:40? then i asked him about it and (finally, to the part that i wanted to get to!) he told me that yes, he got mad about it but that he still loved me and that he just wanted to take a time for himself which i don't mind but i started crying afterwards because i didn't want to make him mad and then i felt WORSE because i was crying. it's really weird. i just need someone to tell me that they feel or have felt the same way :(
I have chickened out on my job interview for the 3rd time today, technically it's only the 2nd time but on my 1st interview on a well known school supply store (a small one, very far from my home) i got so nervous and blew it up (so cringe).
The 2nd time is on a recruitment agency, i walked for hours to get there because i don't know the city well, don't know how to commute and afraid i would miss it but when i got there, i looked at the place, the 2 receptionist laughing to themselves having a private conversation, and i was like nope, so i just walked again back the way i came and went home, this time i figured out what to ride to go back home so i didn't walk for long, could be worse, could be raining.
Now the 3rd time, i sent my resume on another branch but the one I'm applying to this time is bigger and looks more professional somehow(it's perfect, closer to my house too!), but i chickened out again! I actually went to the store and looks around (prolly looked suspicious af) while building up my courage but still ended up going home instead. I'm now sitting down on a park contemplating my cringe, I've also requested for a reschedule and sent another resume to a different branch of the same store. My life is full of adventures, hopefully i won't chicken out next time (if there will be another time that is)
Does anyone else sometimes struggle with eating dry foods because of anxiety?
I have a terrible anxiety, it's one of the main reason why I'm not giving my best shoot in interview how do I over cone this.
Please help me out.
Every day and night since Dec 2023 I have felt like I am gonna drop dead. I had a panic attack at that time and had the ambulance called. They checked me and gave me the all clear.
DPDR 24/7, Dizziness, Vertigo, Buzzing feeling throughout body, Hyperaware of floaters/visual disturbances, JELLY LEGS!!!, Shortness of breath, Chest pain, Weird feeling in body while walking, Lines in vision, Muscle weakness, Low blood sugar feeling (Blood sugar was normal), Things appear to move slightly sometimes, Feeling like I'm gonna go crazy, Feeling like I'm gonna pass out, Afterimages, Tracers, Fear of everything.
And more I can't think of.
I've gone to doctors and they can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me.
Anyone else experience these symptoms?
I recently got prescribed wellbutrin after getting diagnosed with severe depression and moderate anxiety and I’m currently on day 5. I know that it’s too early to tell but I’ve been having extreme brain fog (trouble remembering things) and I feel like my anxiety has just gotten worse I’m not seeing any of the increased mood or better focus if anything I think it’s making me even more prone to distraction.
I know that these are common symptoms but do they ever go away? and if so how long?
I have a crazy high level of anxiety but GP told me today she doesn’t know how I’m operating and how I’ve survived. One of the reasons I chose to speak to someone is because I’ve had previous relationships end because I couldn’t do phone calls, meet ups, dinners, voices messages, gym sessions together or anything because my anxiety was so bad so she left me. I’ve been talking to this girl recently and everything’s going great and but I want to be able to give her the best version of me. Will escitalopram help me be able to do these things without being in my head so much ? I just want to be able to take her out and pick her up, go to the gym with her without being scared like I’m about to die. All comments are valuable to me guys❤️
I've gone thru bouts of paranoia thru the years, although no delusions. Ive been through some pretty traumatic things though and perhaps thats why. Its only recently ive started considering if my paranoia has been more leaning towards something like schizophrenia. For example, ive had moments where ive left my coffee down at work while i went to do some work, and wouldnt drink it when i returned because i was afraid somebody could have posioned me. Ive had that same paranoia several times. The thing is everytime im aware how foolish it sounds, so like maybe thats just an anxiety thing? Ive gone down the rabbit hole of psychotic illness research months ago when i was deep in a spiral. I have been told by a psychiatric nurse and my psychiatrist that i dont have those disorders, and i dont necessarily believe i do. I guess im just afraid maybe i dont have it yet .. lol.
In New York, there’s been a ton of news about the subway coming out like people being lit on fire or someone being stabbed and it’s terrifying me. My mother takes the train pretty much everyday for work, and my father has recently too because someone stole his bike.
It haunts me understanding that this is a possibility, and it’s been keeping me up. I’m scared, and thinking about it has genuinely hurt me into potential anxiety attacks.
Even now, when I’m home alone I’m terrified. It scared me, and I would really just like someone to tell me I’m being irrational and the chances are low, but again, managing my anxiety is difficult. My last conversation with my therapist was about death, and he told me something along the lines of “it’s just in my head” and it calmed me down for a while but this is something that I’m really struggling with.
My moms the only one I can talk to about this, and I should, but I’ve been all over the place lately with my depression that I feel like a constant burden.
I’m really struggling with paranoia lately. I have experienced this since I was a kid. I think it stems from two specific instances in my life, it was enough to really affect me and my anxiety. Tonight I’m home alone and a van is parked near my house which is normally not there. It’s also passed multiples times. A few hours earlier a stranger (most likely a solicitor) knocked on my door too. I can’t help but completely spiral. My paranoia has a lot to do with distrust in strangers. It’s worse at night, but lately I’ve noticed it to affect my ability to go places alone even during the day. Or when I do go places alone during the day I can’t help but think that people have malicious intent towards me. I even carry a knife on me when I walk my dogs partially due to fear of passing by others on a trail and not being able to defend myself if they tried to hurt me. I don’t know who to open up to about this (other than my BF who I fully trust) without sounding unreasonable. Tonight it’s bad because I’m alone, but I’ve also learned lack of sleep and stress really affect this as well. And I’ve been struggling with both.
about a month ago I fell and hurt my back, and it's been hurting and i thought it was getting better but it still hurts and I'm worried it's not gonna get better. it's in the middle of my back in a muscle right next to my spine but it hurts, and right now its really hurting and I'm scared.
any reassurance would be amazing
i keep randomly having these panic/anxiety attacks recently. I’m just on tiktok and i suddenly feel like i can’t breathe almost like my lungs won’t work, idk how to explain. And then i feel like a warm rush in my body and i feel like im gonna faint. I know it’s panic attacks, i simply don’t understand how it comes out of nowhere, like i said im just on my phone in my bed. Advice?
Monday, the panic hit again when I was in bed. I'm not sure why it came up, maybe the Stuffed nose with my CPAP? Not sure. When I get a panic attack, it turns into rolling waves that last from days to weeks. Past two days I thought I was over it. Felt better.
Suddenly last night it hit again. I jerked awake right as I was falling asleep due to stopping breathing. My CPAP is on, so for all I know it could be a night terror or something. Now, I'm dreading to sleep again. My stomach is in knots, chills hitting, throat closing, the usual. All I can think is when I go to bed, it's gonna hit again.
Im on Trintellix, Busiprone, and Busproprione. The spelling is probably wrong. Not helping this past week unfortunately. Mellatonin, 3.5 before I sleep to see if it helps. No good.
I really wish I had a sedative for nights like this. Just so I can sleep. Actually close my eyes and drift away.
Panic hit again.
after all the recent news (new orleans etc) and whats going on around the world i am super concerned ill be caught in one of these accidents. i think the fact that i am thinking this could happen to me now means it will happen to me bc my mind is saying it and it is scaring me. i am a huge geo politics nerd so i like to read the news but trying to hold off on that and read books instead. i feel like my brain has all this excess noise and thoughts taking me away from the present and its unbearable.i just keep over thinking. tips?
Hi guys! :) i have been recently diagnosed with GAD and major depressive disorder last october, im having my clinic appointment this monday. im very scared cause i’ve heard bad stories of side effects of medication and side effects. Is there any information i should know going into this appointment? i’ve chatted with friends but it doesn’t work cause they all have different disorders and such. i’m very nervous for this appointment as well because i’ve strived to get on meds for a VERY long time but now it feels weird like i want to back out. but i wont. Any advice i should know? Thank you and have a good day!
Im torn between getting help from a professional or just live with it and hoping it’ll just get better. I’m not diagnosed but I’m having anxiety symptoms. I can say because my course is related to medical field. Also these symptoms being restless, easily irritated, insomnia, always nauseous, have tingling in my fingers too and my friend checked my vitals and my pulse rate are abnormal so is my SPO2. Even when I don’t think of something thats been hunting me for a while. Am I just over thinking things?
I live in a gated neighborhood. I have a dog in my room. My house doors and bedroom door is locked. My windows are locked. I sleep with a gun in my beside table.
Why does every single tiny noise make me think I’m one step away from death. I’m so tired of it. I just want to sleep. I take measures to protect myself but every time I try to sleep I imagine being woken up by somebody jumping onto me with a knife or something, and I’ll have no time to react. My dog breathing makes my stomach sink. I know it’s stupid but it feels very real and it’s like the more afraid I get, the more my mind tells me “that’s your intuition, listen to it” then I stay up thinking tonight’s the night and I should be ready.
Hi all! This is my (41F) first post. I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced what I experienced when trying Prozac for the first time.
I had been on Lexapro (10-20 mg) for 8 years and don’t recall having any side effects initially. Over the years, I noticed I was experiencing fatigue and lowering of libido, but those were my only side effects.
This past year, I’ve had a lot more stress due to life circumstances, causing my anxiety to increase quite a bit. I had also been experiencing acute depression due to life circumstances as well that I just couldn’t shake and it was causing major fatigue and lack of motivation.
I decided maybe I should try a different med as Lexapro was the only anxiety med I’ve ever tried. I switched to Wellbutrin (150 mg XL) and LOVED the energy and boost of motivation it gave me. It seemed to help my mood and helped get me out of my depressive funk. However, over time I noticed it wasn’t really touching my anxiety and I was more anxious than I’d been in 8 years since starting Lexapro.
I then added Prozac (20 mg) on top of my Wellbutrin and the side effects I experienced were AWFUL! I had all-day heart palpitations and couldn’t slow down my racing heart, all-day nausea, no appetite, GI issues, brain fog, no ability to focus, and fluctuated between being incredible anxious for no specific reason to staring into space for minutes at a time feeling nothing. It was awful. By day 8, when all these symptoms were still going strong, I stopped the med after talking to my psychiatrist. I’ve heard that med can take time for the side effects to go away and that it gets worse before it gets better, but I was an absolute mess. I could barely work let alone get anything else done.
Within 24 hours after stopping, my heart palpitations went away, and then gradually the other symptoms all went away.
I then decided to try out Lexapro again but with Wellbutrin on board to hopefully mitigate the few minor side effects I experienced on Lexapro (which in hindsight weren’t bad at all considering what I experienced on Prozac!). I started on 5 mg, then increased to 10 mg after a week. The only side effect I had was a little morning nausea for the first week, and then that went away.
It hasn’t been long enough yet to know how this combo will work for me yet, but I’m just happy to be back on something my body agrees with. I wish they made one-size-fits-all anxiety meds that work for everyone! I have two friends who are both on the Prozac/Wellbutrin combo and they’ve done great on it and never experienced this, so the side effects I experienced were definitely a shock to me!
Anyone else have this experience with Prozac?
It has been such a bother. Sometimes the shaking is just so heavy like it would make a sound and that’s the time I would notice it. Even if I’m at bed or standing up I’m shaking my legs. Idk how I can stop this :((
I’m on meds btw (but idk shaking and hand tremors has been really bad for the past 2 weeks)
I’ve never truly been “drunk” because of anxiety. I’m too scared of being out of control of myself and i dont know if I want to feel that. I have been tipsy before, have had a few drinks here and there, but some part of me gets super anxious just after one drink and I immediately stop and try to “sober up” (I’m not even tipsy at this point, but I’m terrified of losing control). I hate how I feel after just a drink or two of alcohol as my anxiety is through the roof for the rest of the night. Sure I want to know what it feels like to be drunk, but my anxiety is prohibiting me. I’m just curious as to if that terrible anxious feeling goes away after a few more drinks? I know a lot of people say that alcohol kinda takes away their anxiety, and I guess I haven’t given it enough of a chance to see what I would feel like.
also, as far as other substances go, I have smoked weed and have been high multiple times and have had the most intense panic attacks during the high and for weeks after. I definitely know that me and weed don’t get along, so I’m glad to have that ruled out. but as for alcohol, I’m not saying I am super eager to just start drinking, but I’m just curious, maybe a bit embarrassed snd frustrated, as to why I can’t enjoy myself and why I’m so incredibly anxious after a few drinks. if anyone has similar feelings or opinions or thoughts to share feel free ! take care all.
Has anyone noticed a change in Teva? I still get them during the shortage but they seem like they’ve changed and are less effective. My doctor won’t listen about switching to a different kind of benzo even though I’ve been having issues for months. Everything was fine until this shortage started.