
Photograph via snooOG

Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.

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How Does Everyone Plan their Budgets?

I'm trying to be more frugal, but realized recently that it all comes down to a budget. How intentional are you all with your budgeting?

I got YNAB (budgeting software) because everyone raved about it, but it's really overwhelming.

What's your favorite way to keep a monthly budget?

02:00 UTC


Hey all need advice to make some money stretch for food

I just started trying gig work as I’m unable to work full time or even part time somewhere to due to panic disorder so gig work is a segway into getting a real job. I’m very very low on funds. I’d like to make $15 last me about 10 days if possible. I know staples like rice and I’ve seen people mention things like bag of potatoes. Walmart has a lot of great value stuff for 98 cents. Please let me know what meals or big stews I can make that would last me about 20+ meals over the course of 10 days. All suggestions welcome. I was going to try fasting but typically after 8-10 hours my body feels very strange and it ramps up my anxiety so I cannot skip meals unfortunately. Thanks

01:27 UTC


Need suggestions on where to watch TV for free (PBS, British Mysteries, Bravo) in Canada

Hi. I live in Toronto, Canada. I am a 50 yr old single female who was a full time caregiver to a very toxic parent for 30+ yrs. I finally had the courage to leave and get a studio apartment for myself as the verbal & emotionabuse just kept getting worse. Parent is still alive. Rent is very high in my city & I am on a very strict budget. I used to love watching TV to wind down. I am taking my TV from home & someone is kindly giving me a roku stick. I know TV is a luxury so I really don't want to spend money on cable or a streaming service. I used watch 4-5 hrs a week but now since I will live on my own & can't spend money going out, TV will be my only entertainment. So I will be watching more. I am a fan of British Mysteries & Bravo. Where can I watch these shows for free? I have never had Netflix or Amazon Prime so if I don't get them, I won't be missing much.

00:59 UTC


How often does the frugal person replace mattresses?

I noticed what people spend and how often are all over the place. People are spending like $3k or more! I just got a couple of hybrids for my spare bedrooms (one was $250 the other $600 as I sleep on it often). Another spare room set is over 25 years old and still going strong. The one in master bedroom is 4 years old and shows no signs of wear.

00:09 UTC


Is paying out-of-pocket for a genuinely compassionate and concerned doctor financially sensible in the long term?

I love my Nurse Practitioner (NP), but her supervising physician is a terrible listener and often compares my health to other patients that are worse off than me. My NP excels at routine maintenance but refers me to specialists for more complex issues. I've found an endocrinologist who charges only twice my copay, but he is thorough and focuses on optimizing health. However, he doesn't accept insurance for office visits. Is it sensible to pay out-of-pocket for his care?

22:54 UTC


I keep blowing all my money on DoorDash

Looked at my spending per month for the previous year on the PNC bank app and was appalled. I found out I’ve spent about $400 on doordash/eating out per month. I’m a college student 8 hours away from home who also works a part time job and involved in other activities so even though I am an excellent cook (taught by my mom), I just had ZERO energy to cook.

I also used to be quite skinny and in perfect shape in 2023 and then I picked up a part time job and increased my credits per semester so I just kinda…let myself go. I really want better for myself this year. Financially I am irresponsible (always buying out food and shopping for unnecessary clothes) and I’m at my wits end with myself. I clearly need to set a budget on these things and start saving.

Edit: I do live off campus with no meal plan 😭 which explains the constant door dashing

21:58 UTC


My frugal win this week: Rechargeable batteries

I moved into a new place recently and have been dreading the big grocery bills of buying all the occasionals like cooking oil, soy sauce, dish soap, etc etc.

The other day while unpacking stuff, I needed batteries for a remote. I smugly remembered that I'd recently charged up some AAs, so I found them and I was good to go.

Why it felt like a win is that I bought those batteries like 6 years ago. They've been used and recharged dozens of times and still last way longer than off the shelf disposable batteries. And I think I paid like $50 for a kit of 30 something mixed batteries. I've also saved a ton of material waste!

Buy rechargeable batteries!

21:17 UTC


Do you know any wealthy people who are still frugal?

I really appreciate the psychology or mentality behind frugality. It's part of my upbringing as my parents were poor. So it's something that will always be part of me. Some of the very rich people I've read about still drive their old car, look at menu prices, and even cut their own hair. Would you still be frugal if you could essentially afford to buy your whole neighbourhood? Do you know anyone like this?

20:25 UTC


Crazy Electric Bill - Tips

Last month my electric bill was $400, and I used 3,300kWh. For reference, I live in a relatively small house ~1,000sqft, maybe less. I don’t use very much electricity otherwise, I normally use around 600-900kWh, and 900kWh is on the high end.

This upcoming billing cycle, I’m already close to 4,000 kWh, so I know my bill is going to be even worse than last month 😭😭

We keep the temperature set to~66-68°, we have curtains in most windows, as well as blinds.

I need any advice on how to lower my electric bill, because I can’t keep paying $500+ for heat in the winter!

20:11 UTC


Subscription services with the best family plans

In an effort to save my family (aka my partner, my parents, my sibling and their partner) some cash each month, I've been looking into family plans for many of the services that we've all been paying for on an individual or couple basis. While Netflix is cracking down on account sharing, many other services actually seem to encourage it, even for those not living at the same address.

While investigating, I found that a couple of services actually allow you to share features with family at no extra costs at all. My partner and I were both paying for additional Google Drive storage, even though Google One now allows family sharing at no additional cost. I also discovered that the Steam Family system is particularly excellent - it only came out this past Fall, so if you have an older Family Sharing feature set up, you should absolutely look into transitioning.

What subscription services do you use that have great family plans?

My list so far:

ServiceCost for single user planCost for family planMax number of usersNotes
1Password$3.99/month$35.88/year$6.95/month$59.88/year5May be option to add users at additional cost??
Pandora Music$4.99/month Pandora Plus$10.99/month Pandora Premium$17.99/month6
Spotify$11.99/month$19.99/month6All users "should" be under one roof, but user location probably isn't tracked after signup.
Google One$1.99/month or $19.99/year for Basic (100GB storage)$9.99/month or $99.99/year for Premium (2TB storage + other features)$19.99/month for AI Premium (2TB storage + AI features)Family sharing at no extra cost.6All paid Google One plans allow Family sharing at no extra cost.
Apple One$19.95/month$25.95/month ($37.95/month for Premier level)6Family includes iCloud+ 200GB, tv+, Music, ArcadePremier includes iCloud+ 2TB, tv+, Music, Arcade, Fitness+, News+
iCloud+$0.99/month for 50GB$2.99/month for 200GB$9.99/month for 2TBFamily sharing at no extra cost.6All paid iCloud+ plans allow Family sharing at no extra cost.
Microsoft 365$6.99/month$69.99/year$9.99/month$99.99/year6Each user gets 1TB of storage plus Office apps etc.
Disney+ & Hulu$10.99/month for Duo Basic$19.99/month for Duo PremiumExtra Members (not located within Household) can be added at a discount.Unlimited within Household.Household is primarily determined via internet connection.
Netflix$6.99/month for Standard with Ads$15.49/month for Standard$22.99/month for PremiumExtra Members (not located within Household) can be added for $7.99/month. Can add 1 extra member on Standard, 2 on Premium.It's complicated.Household is determined primarily via internet connection.
Duolingo$83.88/year$119.99/year6Pricing is different per country, and difficult to view without subscribing.
Amazon Prime Household$14.99/month$139.00/yearFamily sharing at no extra cost.2 adults, 4 childrenPayment methods are shared across all users. Check terms and conditions.
Steam FamilyFreeFree6Okay obviously games aren't free, but sharing what you already own is!

Note: /month always refers to the charge when paying monthly, /year always refers to the charge when paying yearly. Since the goal is to look at ways to save money when paying as a family vs solo, I'm not breaking down cost per month when paid yearly. No scope drift here!

20:06 UTC


How to last one week on $10

I need to figure out how to last a week with only around $10. I’m a college student who is barely making ends meet at my current job, I have a few things in the fridge and pantry (sugar, flour, milk, butter, eggs) but that’s honestly about it. Right now, I don’t care about taste or nutritional value, I just need to find a way to make my few dollars last me until my next paycheck.

19:57 UTC


Minimalism: Methodology to Reduce and Find Clarity

One thing I have found in my life over the years is to stop collecting things. I was never really that bad, but one time I decided to get rid of like 70% of what I owned. Went through the whole house.

You can also declutter your phone time. The average American spends 4 hours on their phone with something like 2.5 hours in non-essential. That like a month a year. Think if that was re-directed to a new skill or something.

19:39 UTC


1000 sqft apartment in the south cooled with windows units. Summer electric bill estimates?

I’m looking at rental properties, and trying to make a decision. I’m close to signing a 1000sqft apartment, but there’s no central cooling (there is central heating). Roughly much are the window units going to cost my electric bill during the summer? It’s in Georgia. I know it’ll be rough, but not sure how rough. Willing to only cool the bedroom at nights, and keep the place 75+ while I’m away at work during the day. This decision could make or break which property I choose to lease

18:28 UTC


If you had $50 to spend, what snacks would you get for the car?

If you had $25 to spend, what would you get for the car? I'm in the car all the time, and looking for dome good car snacks, and I'm sure you all have some great ideas. I'm really curious to hear what yall snack on.

Even if it's not in the car I would love to know what your favorite snack is. I love learning about everyone's favorite foods!

17:31 UTC


Need cheap toilet paper, paper towels, printing paper

**Need cheap toilet paper, paper towels, printing paper.

What are the cheapest Need cheap toilet paper, paper towels, printing paper that I can buy online? Can you share some links to products that are very cheap? I'm looking for the cheapest possible items**

16:16 UTC


Moving cross country and need advice

I have a Toyota tundra with about 200K miles on it. Second owner, great condition. I’m moving from Tennessee to the Bay Area where I will not need a car. I have a dog, so I’ll be making the move via car regardless. So my question is do I sell before I move and drive a uhaul or drive my truck and rent a trailer? It will save me money to just rent the trailer and not the whole truck, but I’m unfamiliar with selling in a different state or what market value or demand is state to state.

07:00 UTC


What are the items you’ve purchased that now have the lowest per-use cost

When I buy things, I always think about how many times I need to use them to bring the per-use cost down to a reasonable amount. For example, the daily use cost of my $40k car was $109 at the end of the first year, but after 10 years of ownership, it’s down to just $11 per day.

This mindset has helped me avoid impulse purchases, like an expensive bicycle I wouldn’t use often enough to justify the cost. If I were to buy one for $7000 (electric Specialized Creo 2, non essential, hobby item), the first ride would cost $7000, the second ride $3500, and so on. I love cycling, but thinking about it this way, it’s exhausting to imagine how many times I’d have to force myself to ride just to avoid feeling guilty about the purchase.

Looking back on the things I’ve bought, here are a few that have truly paid off:

Express waist belt: $50, 18 years. 0.7 cents

Ray-Ban sunglasses (replying to comments, this was with prescription and i was ripped off at LensCrafters): $500, 13 years, 10cents

And they are still in great shape, not worn out.

What are the items you’ve purchased that now have the lowest per-use cost

06:21 UTC


Is it worth buying old-generation iPhones nowadays?

The iphones I am using now and used to use:

  • 1, I am useing iphone x now, 256g, and i only use less than 128g.
  • 2, i used to use iphone12 mini before, 128g, and i was over the storage usually many times.

So, it is okay for me to use small screem, maybe 128g, and buy the icloud.

The iphones I am thinking now: iphone X/XS/XMAX, 11, 12, because I don't think I need more founctions like the lately iphones.

My concerning are:

  • 1, the eSIM and physical SIM card. It seems like the esim is a trend now, and the lately iphones' designs are abandoning the physical sim card's room more and more.
  • The batteries. the old iphones' batteries are dead faster than new iphones.
  • Safe and locked or unlocked risk. it is difficult to buy a safe old iphone( I guess...?)

Why I want to buy old iphones:

  • I don't want to chasing the trend that everyone likes new things.
  • I like the old camera style
  • I don't need too many new functions.

Why I need to change my phone:

I lost my 12mini in the sea, i guess it is in some sharks' stomach. Anyway, it is a long story... Then, my uncle gives his old iphone which is the one i am using to me. i don't want to take his benifit, so i will return to him.

I am wondering if anyone can give me some advise, like how and where buy a safe and good deal old iphones, what i should be carful. Also, for the batteries, which old generation is worth to buy now?

05:05 UTC


If I canceled my Xfinity, use a different service for maybe a month, and come back through a different person in the house, can I get the new customer package?

Xfinity's deals are extremely great for a new 2 year package so thinking how I can try to get back to that. Unfortunately every other provider where I live have absolutely horrible plans compared to Xfinity so there's no one worth changing permanently to. Im month to month right now so Im wondering if I just close my account, wait a month, then have someone else in my home sign up, will that be enough to get that new customer package? I assume since Ill still be recent in their systems, it wont work if I just do it. Maybe I dont need to wait the full month either. Ive been told just to ask them for a deal again but best I could get was like 10$ less a month.

05:03 UTC


Downsized to a 1Bed apartment.

Today me and my husband decided to downside the a 1bed apartment. We have no kids it's just us and we are tired of paying $2500 for a luxury 2bed apartment. We found a nice 1 bed often apartment for $1300 in a nice neighborhood had a washer dryer in unit a huge pantry and a huge kitchen. Nice bathroom and walk in closer it's literally perfect for exactly what we need right now.

We have so many goals we are working towards and living in a luxury apartment really was hindering us! Even with paying the one months rent fee to terminate the lease early we still are saving almost $6000 for the rest of the lease term. It was like a weight was lifted off our shoulders! Now we can things done we always wanted to financially!

Do not be afraid to downsize! Like I always say downsize so you can UPSIZE!

04:37 UTC


Can it be more frugal to lease vs pay cash if the lease is cheap enough ($200/month $0 down). Here are 2 scenarios to find out

You can frequently find these deals on EVs like the Fiat 500e or Nissan Leaf or occasionally, very basic cars like the Nissan Versa or Kia Forte. In some states, evs can be had for even lower like $150/month effective payment. I feel like even in perpetuity, $200/month to always drive a new car under warranty and not have to worry about repairs and even maintenance sometimes is frugal

Here are 2 scenarios

200/month+tax for 10 years =$24000 (we will exclude the cost of fuel and insurance). This is assuming you drive the 10000 or 12000 alloted miles per year. Add $100/year in oil changes and you spend $25000 in cars and maintenance in 10 years

Alternativly, you can buy a 1 year old Honda Civic with 10k miles for 22000+ tax. Add $100/year in oil changes, 1 set of tires at $1000 and one set of brakes at $1000. And you spent $25000 over 10 years. When you go sell you car, you can still get $7000 total you spent $18k to own it for 10 years (with no other repairs).

Even if you keep the car for 5 years until the warranty is up, you can still li. get $13k for it. For a total ownership of 10500 over 5 years 160/month assuming just oil changes and a set of tires, which still comes out ahead. So to conclude. Owning long term is cheaper than even leasing the cheapest leases. You can have a transmission go out In 10 years and still be ahead

This also assumes that the new car you pay cash for is reliable and keeps its value. like Toyota Honda Mazda and Subaru. Doing this with a Chevy Ford Kia Nissan or VW may result in higher repair csts and lower resale value.

03:32 UTC


Dollar Tree Deoderant, Is It Any Good?

Edit: thank you everyone for the advice. I just got access to a dollar tree like a year ago so it's a new frontier.

How is the random never heard of in your life brand deoderant at dollar tree? Is it going to give me a chemical burn or just not work and be a waste of my $1.25 CAD? They seem to have an extensive variety of choices, any better than others? The shrinkflation of main brand deoderant is out of control and I can't abide it anymore lol. But Idk $1.25 CAD for a full stick of Deoderant seems too good to be true and surely is a trap right? Lol. Would appreciate some advice

02:44 UTC


Cheapest way to fix leaky sink pipes? Silicone tape?

Edit-I am going to get pics tomorrow when I am there, figure out exactly where the leaks are from, then post to a plumbing sub. Thanks for the reassurance that even at my budget, I might be able to actually fix it instead of just kick the can down the road!

I'm trying to make my mother's house livable cos I have nowhere else to go, but it's been about 20 years since any real maintenance was done, plus she's a hoarder. Multiple sinks leak from the pipes underneath. My budget for fixing this is about $20. I see self fusing silicone tape on amazon, would this work at least for a while?

02:40 UTC


Boil pots of water in the winter. Thank me later

Sharing a savings tip. Instead of spending gas to drive to the store to buy gallons of distilled water every week for humidifiers that barely work, just boil a large pot of water. It will increase the humidity in your home for more comfortable breathing and it will make your home feel warmer so you can turn down the thermostat. Plus you help the environment because you will not need to toss the plastic jugs.

02:37 UTC


(CPD) Calories per dollar

Regardless of the situation I am a slut for a good deal. But especially when I get fast food/takeout. My go to’s are Taco Bell and McDonald’s. If you go to either you need to exclusively order through the app or at least use it to checkout. If you don’t you are missing out. I’ve always felt that Taco Bell had the best CPD The luxe cravings box can be modified to net you 212 calories per dollar (excluding drinks) but I’ve recently learned that McDonald’s has a 237 CPD order. (BOGO 4 a $1 Mcchicken)

Would love to hear some other locations or variants to the menu!

I’m in Missouri so my prices are far cheaper than coast states and large city’s so keep that in mind. All CPD is calculated before tax and without drinks

00:32 UTC


Actually meal prepping instead of buying food at school!!!

I'm a new college student who's been struggling with unemployment/low income for months. After two days on campus, I can already tell that vending machines and campus restaurants are gonna be a problem for me. So I nipped the problem in the bud, got myself a lunch box, and cooked up some food to take with me tomorrow. Chicken cheese quesadilla, spicy edamame and granola bars.

Just wanted to share my small victory :)

23:33 UTC


Where to print Pictures

Hey guys I am looking for a cheap way to get some of my nice digital pictures to print in a variety of sizes. Is Walgreens really the cheapest? I feel like there have to be other photo services maybe in bulk is better?

I don't need high quality paper or anything just the images. I was also thinking staples or some office store. Thanks for any advice

23:04 UTC


Tips on how to build Frugal habits in your spouse or loved one

Looking on some help from more of a philosophical and educational perspective on how to help my partner grow to be more self sufficient and educated with her finances. I feel she is somewhat interested to learn, but maybe the problem here is more about her mindset then about specific content. Not looking for a silver bullet solution, but overall looking for others who have gone through similar challenges and may be able to offer insight into how they've handled the situation where one party in the relationship has a better handle on spending habits. The rest of my post below will be details about myself and the current situation.

I grew up with a fairly Frugal family that definitely enforced in me the limited nature of things and helped me to ensure I was getting value out of what I spent my money or time on. I wouldn't say I am overly frugal, as some of my family members are with gifts, tips and other behaviors that may seem a bit more on the selfish side. But I certainly know how to avoid getting into a tough financial situation fairly well despite varying life events and other factors.

As for my spouse, it's very clear to me that she is easy pray to the wave of promotions, product marketing and other predatory incentives to keep you spending money. Despite coming from a lower middle class situation, she hardly ever demonstrates a Frugal mindset or thinks of the long-term consequences of her spending. With us eventually hoping to combine finances, I want to have more faith in her spending patterns and philosophy on money. But it's obviously a difficult situation to address fully.

A few more details:

  • We've had open discussions about my thoughts on her spending, and she has acknowledged and accepted ownership in the past
  • She's mentioned before that talking about money scares her and she doesn't like to talk about finances
  • She doesn't want to feel like she is having her spending micromanaged
  • Credit Cards are dangerous for a spender like her
  • She get's easily tricked into keeping subscriptions open
  • Clothes are the biggest area of spending, and borderline an issue with hoarding instead of organizing and having a clear picture of what parts of her wardrobe need to be expanded
22:39 UTC


I had a large collection of bread heels in my freezer so I made “ugly croutons”

I dried them out, broke into pieces and tossed with olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper. I didn’t bother cutting them into cubes because some of the heel slices were really thin. My kids ate them for a snack and I had some in my salad today :)

20:03 UTC


Making one's own (non-pasta) savory or sweet sauces, such as sweet & sour, bbq, honey mustard, etc. to save money.

A large proportion of my food is greatly enhanced by sauces. I don't mean marinara type sauce for pasta/Italian food, but sauces such as:

  • Sweet and sour sauce
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • BBQ of various sorts
  • Sriracha
  • Honey mustard
  • pad thai/tamarind type
  • Curries
  • General Tso's
  • Etc.

But I've noticed that these are often a bit expensive for how long they last me given what they're made of--and that's even when buying the cheaper offerings. ALDI has sweet and sour sauce in a 14.5 oz bottle and I think it's about $2. I alone can blast through that in a few days (not even putting a lot on each dish), so that alone could be $20-$25/month in just the very cheapest sweet and sour...when really it's mostly just water, sugar, vinegar, corn starch, and some fruit/tomato juice/paste. Other sauces are even more expensive.

Plus, I have to keep re-buying additional bottles each month, dealing with getting the last bits out of each little bottle, recycling all the bottles, etc. It seems like making a big batch at home and keeping it in a large plastic jug in the fridge might be cheaper and (in some ways) easier.

Have any of you started making large batches of your own sauces? Do you think it's worth it? And do you know of any online resources for doing this sensibly?

20:04 UTC

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