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A place for those looking to get away from the traditional cable tv model, and move toward cheaper and legal options like over the air antenna, library collections, and streaming services.


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TV Antenna Map Websites

Because tvfool.com has stopped updating its data, you will need to verify and consult the other sources such as FCC Digital Television Reception Map, Rabbitears.info and the Antennas Direct map websites. If you are posting a request for help with an antenna, please use one of these sites instead of tvfool.com. Unfortunately, we don't know when or if tvfool.com will be updating its data.


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575,040 Subscribers


A question about watching the Super Bowl on Tubi on my Amazon Fire television.

I have my Tubi account (on my Amazing Fire television) set on timer for the Super Bowl.
For it to activate when the time comes, do I :

  1. Have the ability to have my TV switched off leading up to the event, and the TV will automatically switch on when the time comes?

2. Need to make sure my TV is switched on, on any channel, leading up to the event, and it will make itself go to Tubi when the time comes?
3. Both need to have the TV on, AND need to have the Tubi app open, leading up to the event, so that Tubi will show the event when the time comes.
In other words, I am not sure just exactly how much needs to be done in preparation, leading up to it, for things to load when the time comes.
As I said, I have it on timer. Suppose I am gone from the house all day until 7:00 PM. When I walk in, would the game be on there on Tubi, having activated on its own?

13:23 UTC


Big Antennas

13:16 UTC


Ways to watch TV via Traditional Channel Up/Down navigation?

Looking for boxes, apps or Operating Systems that provide the following type of UX.

Key things:

  1. TV is always running content.
  2. Channel Up/Down moves between live running TV content without waiting for anything to load.

Broadcast and Cable TV have always worked this way and it's wild that streaming TV doesn't do the same thing. So far I've found one Android box that almost does what I'm looking for, "CiborTV". I'm guessing there's a bunch of other ways to do this but I'm not aware of any search terms that nicely sum up what I'm looking for.

05:59 UTC


Can I use this as a over the air or satellite receiver..or anything else

01:01 UTC


Amazon Prime

How long until Amazon splits Prime Video and Amazon Prime shipping?

The savings on shipping alone pays for the membership.

How many would pay for Prime Video as a standalone streaming product?

02:46 UTC


Xfinity Now (Plus streamsaver) vs. Philo

I just wanted to give a quick little review of Xfinity Now vs. Philo if anyone is interested or finds it relevant. I recently had Philo for a few months, but switched to Xfinity Now Plus Streamsaver just a couple weeks ago because they finally became compatible with Roku. I figured this was a good comparison because they are at similar price points and have a similar channel lineup.

Xfinity Now TV is only available to Xfinity Internet subscribers, so obviously that is not a choice for everyone. I personally can't get any mobile WiFi offerings at my house, so I still have Xfinity Internet only at $30/Mo for 24 months, about a year into it. I went about a year without any skinny bundle, but ultimately missed having some cable to watch.

Philo: $28/mo for new subscribers, includes AMC+.

Xfinity Now TV plus Streamsaver: $30/mo includes Netflix with ads, AppleTV+ and Peacock premium.

Item for item comparison. Channel lineup: Very similar, both carry much of the same traditional networks, but Philo does have the overall advantage because they have Comedy Central, Smithsonian, Nickelodeon channels, and a bit more. You can look up the side by side, they are competitive, but Philo is better. This isn't much of a surprise, because Philo is $28, whereas Now TV is only $20 if you don't want Netflix and Apple TV+.

Fast channels: Philo has a better lineup of Fast channels integrated. There isn't much that on either of platform that you can't easily find on other Fast platforms, but if you want more things on one app, one DVR, then Philo is better in this category.

Functionality and navigation: Both are quirky in various ways and both have opportunities for improvement. Overall, Philo is better. It's easier to get to the next episode in a series if you are watching on demand. It also easier to scan the guide on Philo while watching your current channel.

DVR: This is where Philo has a massive advantage. You can save far more content on DVR, can rewind live programming without saving in advance, even if you tuned in after. This is a major weakness (or opportunity for improvement if you are an optimist) for Xfinity.

Ads: This is where I was very frustrated with Philo. So much repeating of the same few ads over and over and over, oftentimes back to back. It seemed like they had just a few advertisers every week, and ran those ads incessantly regardless of what you were watching. This was the main reason I happened to look to see if Xfinity now was available on Roku yet because these ads were getting to me.

Total content value: Xfinity Now TV with Streamsaver has the clear advantage. While coming up a bit short on live channels, the combination of Peacock, Netflix and AppleTV+ makes the total package an easy win for Xfinity. Perhaps there are some people out there who are big fans of AMC+, but imo it's not even close to the Xfinity trio, and personally I wish I could go back to the $25 Philo without AMC, because it's not worth the $3.

Conclusion: I'm sticking with the Xfinity deal, at least for as long as I have no viable alternatives to Xfinity Internet. While Philo has a much better app functionality and DVR, the overall package with the streaming trifecta will keep me. Obviously, ymmv based upon your tastes, and I know people on here are inherently anti-comcast, but if you are limited to Xfinity Internet already, the choice is easy. Hopefully Philo can fix the aggravating ad problem.

20:34 UTC


Looking for tv tuner for laptop

Hey guys, I’m in Ontario and live in a basement. I want to pick up common channels like PBS and Fox. Looking for a laptop TV tuner with a compact antenna that doesn’t take up much space. Torn between Hauppauge and MyGica—any recommendations?

I tried looking for a relevant post about laptop TV tuners in the megathread but couldn’t find anything.

Thank you

00:07 UTC


So these bundles

Seems everybody is bundling everybody else .. Disney + / Hulu / .... Amazon /Hulu ... etc.

Is there a diff in these $ wise? Is it cheaper to bundle or just convenient to be able to see Hulu stuff inside Amazon?

The other thing ... now I have several independent .. I was told an advantage of that is you can pause a service when you're done watching it for a while ... can you do that if you bundle? I would assume not so that would be a downside ?

23:20 UTC


Any chance I can improve my reception?

Hi there. I'd appreciate any advice on improving reception for ABC and NBC. RabbitEars shows those both as "fair" at my location, but they're practically impossible to watch. I live on the first floor of a 3-story building facing another 3 stories to the south. My antenna—Channel Master CM-4001HDBW—is on that south wall about 6 feet off the ground. I had it up around 9 feet (as high as it can go), but that didn't make a difference. Am I just out of luck, or would a different antenna help? Thanks.


22:36 UTC


Looking for antenna recommendations. 2 story house

17:38 UTC


Not sure how to read rabbitear.info


It shows all the major channels like Fox, NBC, cbs, and abc as getting good signal but I must have tried half a dozen different indoor antennas from Amazon. I can only seem to pick up NBC.

Any suggestions?

17:32 UTC


Hulu TV or Sling TV for live service with locals.

Got rid of Spectrum and have a local fiber supplier.

My wife really was comfortable with the Spectrum TV app. And so far the Sling TV app is overwhelming. Can't really see how Hulu TV app operates since I only have streaming and didn't want to sign up for live TV if Sling TV is better. We mostly watch local and some AMC, TLC and ID. So the blue package for sling seems like what we would want.

Any recommendations for local live TV?

Edit: Sling seems like it's out since they don't offer my local channels. Was told Spectrum let's me use their app for like $45 so I will look into that. Save money per month use the same streaming TV service. Might be a win/win.

15:44 UTC


Cheapest tv bundle with no ads?

Hi folks, I’m trying to recover from the hemorrhage that is our streaming bill. We have Amazon, Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Max and Peacock. What is the most cost effective way to roll these accounts together without ads? Disney had been in our Verizon internet bill, and I just removed it, so now all are standalone. Well actually now we don’t have Disney until we bundle.

02:04 UTC


Recommendation for indoor antenna for condo

I cut the cable cord in November just before Altice took away sports (which is what I watched most). I have a firestick although that mysteriously stopped working yesterday. In the primary bedroom, I have a Mohu leaf and firestick but we rarely watch TV in there. The leaf is hung upside down in the window, it gets some channels. We hide it in the roller shades so that might be impacting reception.

Now looking to add an indoor antenna to the living room TV. The building is brick, 2 stories high. We can't do a roof antenna or attic antenna unfortunately. HOA doesn't like window antennas either.

According to rabbit ears, the signals are weak.


Was thinking about either of these 2:



Any suggestions?

01:36 UTC


I screwed up by not waiting....

I cancelled YoutubeTV and signed up for SlingTV Orange and Blue. I got the promo price for the first month ($30.50) but I failed to notice that YoutubeTV would still be active until 2/25. I could have waited almost 4 weeks, so now I'm paying for both this month. On the brite side I've been wanting to watch the latest season of Alone so now I can watch it on demand from the History App. Anyway, if you're thinking of switching check when the subscription date would end on your current service.

00:18 UTC


Rabbit Ears or Indoor Leaf as options?

Fed up with the streaming fees continually climbing, so I’m wondering if any indoor antenna options might help. Here’s the link to the report:


Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!!

22:55 UTC


Do you rotate Live TV streaming services?

I know many of you switch on-demand services every month or few months but how many of you rotate your live tv streaming services from one to the other regularly? I ask because unlike cable, there aren’t any contracts or cancellation fees or anything like that and most of the major services offer some sort of discounted pricing at different times of the year.

For example, I was on a $69.99 per month offer with DirecTV stream choice for 3 months. Then I signed up for a YouTube TV offer for $49.99 per month for 2 months. I might go back to DirecTV stream and take advantage of their $49.99 mysports package for 3 months or half off the first month of Sling. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t need a live service at all but there are a few channels that I want to have access to regularly that I can’t get anywhere else. And like on-demand services, it’s easy to cancel and then later restart or sign up for a live tv service.

I think a lot of people have the same cable mindset where they believe they have to stay with one provider over a long haul. With prices constantly going up, it just seems less than ideal to stick with one service when you can get a discount on another for similar channels and features. Thoughts?

22:04 UTC


TGIF Block Uncut. Does it Exist?

The weather sucks tonight. This week sucked at work. My kid has the flu. Our cat just died. My wife is on her period.

Does anyone know where I can find an unedited 2 hour block of TGIF from the 90s? I want to go back in time. I can't find anything on YouTube or basic Google searches inbetween Zoom calls.

Thanks all.

21:19 UTC


Need help with getting good signal


I tried this antenna from other posts recommendations but it was very pixelated and the signal would go in and out all the time. Any recommendations without having to put an antenna on my roof would be appreciated!

The antenna: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BLNWZHS

Here is my rabbit ears https://www.rabbitears.info/s/1920230


21:12 UTC


How long does the 80$ deal for Airtv Anwhere via Ontech last?

Considering getting it but don't have 80$ right now

20:52 UTC


What’s the downside of watching the superbowl on Tubi?

Haven’t had cable in years so I planned to burn my Fubo free trial to watch the superbowl, but I just learned it will stream on Tubi for free. Is there a downside? Will it be the exact same broadcast - announcers, commercials, etc? I know it sounds silly but I want the “full” Super Bowl experience, and not some weird broadcast crew or second rate commercials.

20:27 UTC


4K Broadcasts OTA on ATSC 1.0

I would encourage everyone keeping tabs on ATSC 3.0 to watch Tyler the Antenna Man's video from June of last year about the true capabilities of ATSC 1.0 on U tube using the following search terms:

TV Station Launches Multiple 4K Broadcasts OTA on ATSC 1.0

I can't link it here but gist of it is 4k and 1080p broadcast are possible on the current standard by using more efficient broadcast codecs than MPEG2. The downside is you need a more modern TV (the last 3 to 5 years) that have these codecs baked into them.

TLDR: ATSC 3.0 is a future restrictive money grab by broadcasters.

20:11 UTC


Flex Quatro and Win 7 HDFX-4US

I have an old Silicon Dust 2 tuner model (1036Cbad Dual) which works fine on my old Windows PC. I would like to upgrade to the 4 tuner Flex Quatro (not the 4K ATSC 3 one). I'm concerned that there might not be Silicon Dust drivers for Win 7 systems. Anyone have experience with this setup. I'm using Win 7 because of the Windows Media Center. I record OTA TV and don't use PlayReady.

1 Comment
19:33 UTC


How are the DVR Features on Sling AirTV?

I'm tired of paying $80+ just to occasionally watch a live (or recorded) broadcast TV event (major sports event and annual awards show for example). I'm watching a streaming service all the rest of the time and don't need 200 other live broadcast channels (I'm sure I'm not alone here.)

My questions is, when I used YouTube TV, it was sure pretty nice saying recording everything for this sports team, or this sport, or this game show. Granted for something like The Oscars, I still needed to hunt it down in the schedule and schedule the recording.

I'm assuming with AirTV, you have to schedule everything "old school" and hunt down every individual broadcast in the schedule to schedule the recording. You can't just tell it to record all airings on your local station of your local sports team? That may be a deal breaker for me as YouTube TV spoiled me and I'm not good at remembering to keep scheduling recordings.

18:57 UTC


Which tv box/ streaming device with focus on cloud gaming

I havent found answer to this on google search, and dont know exactly where this question goes., but i want to use xcloud/luna and geforce preferably on my tv, easy way is to use my macbook everytime i want to game, but if a streaming device could solve it, that would be better for me.

17:05 UTC


What type of OTA attenna should I get, kind of live out in the sticks

My parents do have cable but I would prefer an OTA system. Got a new TV. https://www.rabbitears.info/s/1920654 here's the signals around me.

16:17 UTC


Giving up on the NFL

After not being able to watch games without spending $100s per year to subscribe for what used to be ad supported and freely available, I’m just giving up. I’m done, it’s just become too expensive to be a fan. The NFL is pricing themselves into irrelevance. And don’t even get me started on astronomical ticket prices.

16:11 UTC

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