A place for those looking to get away from the traditional cable tv model, and move toward cheaper and legal options like over the air antenna, library collections, and streaming services.
/r/CordCutters - Say Goodbye to your Cable TV Provider!
Cordcutting news, advice, recommendations, questions, and information about the latest streaming services, devices, and antennas for cordcutters.
Guide for Getting Weather Reports & Live News during Hurricanes - 2020
NFL Guide (updated annually in late summer/early fall)
MLB Guide (will be replaced once we have an enthusiastic baseball fan who is a moderator)
Because tvfool.com has stopped updating its data, you will need to verify and consult the other sources such as FCC Digital Television Reception Map, Rabbitears.info and the Antennas Direct map websites. If you are posting a request for help with an antenna, please use one of these sites instead of tvfool.com. Unfortunately, we don't know when or if tvfool.com will be updating its data.
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Tired of paying too much for cable television? Want more choice? Join us and become a cordcutter today. Get cordcutting advice on streaming devices, live streaming services, on demand services, antennas, and OTA DVRs.
CSS by /u/love_the_heat
Hi all - I'm a bit out of my league here with trying to find an antenna and get everything to work. What I really need it for is our local Fox channel, so we can watch football. Every other game I have covered through a streaming service.
I read the mega-thread, figured out my rabbit ears report, and have been combing through this for quite a bit. But I'm a rookie stepping out on the field for the first time (haha!) and I get a bit lost.
Based on my rabbit ears report (www.rabbitears.info/s/1891377), most of my local channels are UHF. We live in a townhouse, in a townhouse community with lots of trees. We could place something in the attic, on the wall, on the roof (I may end up divorced if that's our only option).
I know from reading through everything not to buy an antenna on Amazon.
Any assistance would be appreciated. If you could talk to me like the rookie that I am, that would be even more appreciated. Thank you and Happy Wildcard Weekend everyone!
If I go to Rotten Tomatoes and click on what is available on Prime, I get just about every show from Apple, Max, Paramount, Netflix and many others. It looks like they are including shows from all the services I could get if signed up through Amazon. That is not very helpful.
Is there a way to do a search for just Prime shows?
What do these settings mean? I’ve been Googling and have yet to find out if I change any of these settings, if I can get better reception and if so, what those settings would be.
Does anyone here know?
I feel that Paramount+ has created an ideal model for networks. It offers live programming and streaming of shows on their network for a fair price. Now we just need similar all in one apps from:
ABC / Disney / ESPN
NBC Universal - Peacock is close, but limited live
Hello! Didn’t know where to post this. I am in California and the fire coverage is nonstop. It seems some has changed and I want to record it — for 6, 12 or even 24 hours. It doesn’t need to be hD I guess.
I don’t have cable, I am watching this with one of those flat antennas from air signal local broadcast.
How do I get an mp4 recorded to hard drive of a whole day? I’ve been taking pictures of my tv and screenshots and none of this would be as good as a plain old mp4 I could scroll through. I believe I have an hdmi out from TV and I have a decent desktop computer with lots of storage.
FYI, it’s not to rebroadcast or show in public, it’s just to keep track of the evacuation zone!
Hey everyone!
I’ve been using a Fire TV Stick (2nd gen) for a few years, but honestly, I’m not very satisfied with it. I’m thinking of upgrading to something better, and I’m open to all suggestions—Xiaomi, Fire TV, Apple TV, or anything else that works well.
I primarily use streaming apps like Netflix, Disney Plus, and YouTube. I’d love a device that’s reliable, offers great performance, and preferably supports 5.1 sound seamlessly. Bonus points if it’s easy to set up and works well in Turkey (since some devices aren’t officially supported here).
What would you recommend? Any advice or personal experiences would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!
Do any FAST or other TV services integrate Antenna reception into their channel guides? I think Pluto used to provide this feature, but either I can't find the setting, or I'm misinformed. Has anyone achieved this kind of integration and wouldn't mind sliding a little insight my way?
...both no longer offering traditional cable/coaxial TV. All about offering fiber streaming and cell phone services. At&t did this 10+ years ago. Very hard to order a traditional phone line anymore with the old 'dial tone'.
Wonder how long before Comcast/Xfinity goes that route..
Any idea or suggestions where you may believe the 'coaxial cable tv' providers are headed in near future. How many will still be operating in 5-10 years?
I had YouTube TV but I just cancelled it because they raised their prices yet again. I still want to get local channels though mostly for major sporting events that are on ABC/NBC/CBS.
Ideally, if it will work based on my signals, id like an indoor antenna, but if that's not possible, I can do a setup in the attic or outdoors.
I did a rabbit ears scan that I saw was recommended on other threads: https://www.rabbitears.info/s/1889915
Flexible budget.
Thank you in advance!
Outdoor antenna, roof mount, 218°SW for best reception in my area. 18% and already have 84 channels. Now for OTA Networked DVR, should I go with Tablo or AirTV?
i'm thinking of creating a small app that allows you to "switch" subscriptions with just 1 button click. so if you had Netflix and wanted to switch to Disney+ for a month to watch Mandalorian, the app would automatically cancel your Netflix subscription and start the Disney+ subscription.
I think there's something interesting about cherry-picking the best stuff from each platform.... but I'm not sure how useful this would be, so would like some feedback.
Hey everyone,
Recently moved into a house with an antenna already set up (supposedly pointed in a direction that maximized channels on a different TV) and trying to increase the number of channels we can pick up. Don't know a whole lot about antennae but based on my limited googling I think the rabbit ears/antennae info and direction may be useful for anyone to provide some tips/solutions?
We get the abc/fox signal clearly on the TV but would like nbc and cbs if feasible. (TV does not even scan these two). CW comes in a little garbled which seems odd to me as it's listed as one of the strongest signals from the north, so maybe I'm not understanding something there. My (albeit limited) understanding suggests with an outdoor antennae we should be able to pick up most signals in the poor range coming from the north.
Antenna is the GE Outdoor Ultra Pro HD Antenna (model 33685) and the image shows it pointing NNW. Wondering if turning it true north might help?
Rabbit Ears link:
As if they don't get enough from me every year.
But I'm thinking of ponying up $3 on a monthly basis -- when I'm actively watching shows on the channel -- to get rid of the ads. So annoying.
Do you pay for their ad-free tier?
It used to be $4.99 a month it went up to $9.99 .
Thats forsure a real jump if any Canada using it just a warning
Will it cause any reception problems or slow down the box?
I live in a floor level apartment. I'm not home that often, so I don't want to waste money on cable or satellite. I would like to have TV to watch sports and I like channels like Laff. I was hoping to gain some wisdom from people who might also live in my area and have experience with equipment that works best in this area. Thanks in advance.
I used one on my laptop in the past but can't find it..
My rabbitears link is here: https://www.rabbitears.info/s/1889177
The settings don't let me place my antenna below 13 feet but I am unfortunately renting a home and cannot actually stick anything on the roof and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it even if I could (we have solar panels up there). I bought a cheap $10 rabbitears antenna and have run the signal scan multiple times - I get 0 channels. The antenna cable is really short and can't actually reach the nearest window - which is pointing north and has a house directly in front of it, so I have it sitting on the media center desk because it literally can't go any further. I've been researching and googling and while I could go by a coax cable to extend the length of the antenna, I'm pretty sure that would degrade my signal quality even more. Literally all I want is news channels so I don't feel like a caveman with no idea of what the heck is going on outside my door, so I come to you all for help. Could someone help a guy out?
I live about just under 40 miles east of NYC on Long Island. I tried a dozen antennas (under $60) and most were crap, except one leaf antenna, which does give me 62 local tri-state area channels. Why is the ABC signal from NYC is elusive? Help? Anyone recommend an antenna?
Dumped Dish awhile back and have been using dis/hulu+live for TV. With recent price increases, I am slowly inching up on where I was for Dis+ and Dish. I am thinking of moving to Philo, since they have the largest number of channels we like for the lowest price, and dumping the “Live” portion of the Dis/Hulu package. This would get me back to around $48/month. I will lose my local networks though, and that’s how I watch football. I have been looking at whole home OTA solutions. First off, I will clarify, I don’t care about having DVR capability. I simply want a cordless way to distribute OTA to the TVs. What is the most cost effective way to do this?
I was hoping to be able to pull in "local" channels, but being halfway between Richmond and DC, I am pretty sure the cost would be a bit much.
Let alone the WAF.
What is the general consensus based on what my location looks like?
Hey there!
I’m installing an antenna next week and wanted to see if there were any good ATSC 3 network tuners out there? I’m running a Plex DVR.
I haven’t heard of any that can deal with the drm, but I haven’t check in over the past few months. Am I stuck with 1.0?
I'm not aware of any ad blockers on my ipad or internet, but the CW app will not load any videos. It loads well on my android phone, but never loads on my iPad. Advice?
Here's my dilemma - my 86 year old mother is slowly losing her cognitive abilities and memory. She's pretty much bedridden in a nursing home, and TV is one of her only comforts and entertainments.
I got her a Roku TV 2 years ago to expand her options - it's especially great that so many old shows are available. The problem is the navigation is too complicated for her.
I was able to set up her Live TV channel listings with all her favorites in a row as soon as she brings it up (I deleted dozens of other channels to clear some of the clutter.
But for iSpy (a favorite) she would have to go to FilmRise, then Classic TV, then navigate to iSpy. Same with other shows on other channels. There's a "add to queue" option on Filmrise but you have to open it and scroll down to find her queue list.
I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it is a lot for an elderly woman with both mental and physical challenges.
Any ideas on how to make it easier? Ideally one list of channels, or little picture buttons on the screen for different shows?
Any suggestions to watch Jeopardy live, which is on ABC in my area. I have streaming apps but none of the "live" options. I've been considering Roku, Sling, and possibly antenna option?
My parents large mountain flat screen TV is fully functional and has an HDMI port.
Really just need it for streaming YouTube and netflix from a phone. Maybe I would actually stream a ripped movie from my Windows machine.
The Fire Express is only $18.
The Fire Express 4K plus is $36. What is the difference?
Amazon Fire stick is $30.
After reading a lot of posts on this forum I see that that Apple play is the best- but that is not in the price range that I'm looking at. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I am open to other brands.
I'm trying to be nice, but I am extremely frustrated. I have no way to directly connect my powerful attic antenna to my main living room TV, and I recently saw a commercial for Tablo TV, and it sounded like the answer to my problem. Connect your antenna to the Tablo puck, and it will stream your OTA channels to the app on your TV; at least that's what they say it will do.
I couldn't even get the Tablo to connect to my wi-fi. It kept trying to connect to a "temporary" network that it created, but not my home wi-fi. Other people online wrote that apparently, Tablo has a very weak wi-fi chip and the ethernet connection is the way to go, but that's not an option for me.
I read a lot of negative reviews about Tablo, and I thought I might've been able to be one of the good ones, bit it is a piece of junk (for me) and it's going back.
fyi, for anybody who's been trying to get the Chicago Sports Network CHSN with an OTA TV antenna but could only get the audio with no video, that problem has been fixed by the broadcaster, WJYS channel 62.
WJYS ch 62 has apparently given up their shortsighted adoption of MPEG4 video and gone back to what most ATSC 1.0 tuners are looking for. Thank you, WJYS!
So try another scan of CHSN on WJYS 62.2 and you should have success now getting the audio AND the video!
If you thought maybe you needed a new tv antenna that's absolutely NOT the case. ANY antenna, old or new, will work with any digital or analog signals. If you're getting other OTA digital antenna channels that means your antenna is working and should now work properly on WJYS channels 62.2 and 62.3.
You would that think they would prominently mention this somewhere on their website but there does not seem to be any discussion of it, including in their FAQ area.
Good luck!