Financial advice, frugality tips, stories, opportunities, and general guidance for people who are struggling financially. No Judgement, just advice!
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6) No judgment on how people got to where they are at. Regardless of if someone was simply born into poverty, or earned it through drug use, criminal activity, gambling, having a lot of kids, working for LuLaRoe, etc. We're focused on the road forward, not the past.
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Much of the financial advice online and on reddit is aimed at people who have varying degrees of disposable income, ability to invest, lots of free time, available transportation, no kids, a partner, access to credit, and beyond. This is a place for people who do not have a lot, nor ideal circumstances, to help each other get by and hopefully move up in the world.
You do not have to be absolutely destitute to be here. Whether you are a single parent only pulling 10k a year, or a single person trying to get past student loans at 28K, you are welcome here. The goal here is to help anyone who doesn't have a lot of breathing room get to a place where they have stability, comfort, contingency, and maybe even a little luxury.
We have a comprehensive sub wiki that can help with most poverty-related topics that you can access here:
If you have suggestions/recommendations for additional content/topics please let the mods know!
At this time there are not a lot of restrictions on what kind of topics or items can be posted here, so as long as it relates to getting by when you don't have much feel free. Overtime we if/as the community develops we might start to rein in the scope this sub features.
Answer the questions asked and stay on topic. If someone asks for advice on how to 'buy' a cheap oil change, don't reply with "Just do it yourself".
The sub is not for a single financial goal, but rather to help people with a range of goals. This may include but is not limited to:
This is not a one-size-fits all venture, so please be respectful of what other people might be looking for. We are here to help each other achieve their needs and wants, not to judge their priorities. We get enough judgment from people who do not know our situation all the time, this sub will respect people's right to live their lives on their terms, not condemn them from afar.
Useful subs:
r/personalfinance - a good place, especially once you have some money to play with.
r/middleclassfinance - For when you don't want personal finance, but the next step up.
r/FrugalPoverty - For those who prefer really frugal finance.
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. And /r/UniversalScammerList - In case you need to check names against scammers.
Tangible Help:
r/Assistance - For those in need of help in more tangible ways. Account age/karma restriced.
r/assistanceanimals- For those in need of help with some food for their pets.
r/AlmostHomeless if you're almost homeless and need help.
r/homeless - if you are homeless.
r/Food_Pantry - account age/karma restricted
r/foodstamps and r/Medicaid are subreddits staffed by volunteer program experts who can help you make sense of applying/maintaining and utilizing benefits
r/frugal - a solid sub with lots of good advice
r/gardening - if you have some time and some land
r/eatcheapandhealthy - a fantastic sub with a friendly and welcoming community
r/beermoney & r/beermoneyglobal - guides to passive income, typically requires internet, spare phones, and lots of free time. YMMV
Random Acts:
r/randomactsofpetfood - Another place to get help with pet food.
r/RandomActsofDQ if you want Dairy Queen someone will pay it for you.
r/RandomActsOfTacoBell go here if you'd like some Taco Bell. Someone will pay it for you.
THIS IS LONG. Essentially my question is will I lose my spot on the voucher waitlist if I leave this homeless family shelter?
Alright so I fled a dv situation and went from dv shelter to a family shelter. I got on the waitlist for a housing voucher on top of the general housing list.
At this family shelter the first 90 days is the free emergency program and afterwards you pay 30% of your income and it maxes out at $166. they told me it would be no problem to get on the lease though I told them my bills (mostly car) exceed my cash assistance.
I kept asking to get on the lease early to officially turn on my units appliances (I switched rooms and they left them on yet I am in trouble for using them even tho it's easy to turn them on lol) and finally almost 2 months in they started the process. We did a budget and realized I wasn't lying and then told me I was too poor to get on the lease. With a month left of my 90 days.
Now my situation is very time sensitive because I am now 36 weeks pregnant I am due in 24 days and have a 3 year old. This place was supposed to be where I was able to have stable housing until I got my voucher and could leave. Now they are singing a different tune. My dad has offered to pay the rent but they refused and will not accept less or account for my cash assistance going up now that I'll have two babies and my gas going down since I moved my daughters preschool a minute down the road verses an hour away which I was driving 3x per week for the two months I've been here.
I was given this information on Thursday that I could not get on the lease and handed an application as it is my "best bet" for another organization in passing in the most causal way like me and my childrens lives meant nothing to these people. My 90 days will end 1 week after I give birth (a planned c section) I cannot move AGAIN with a newborn and toddler by myself because no visitors are allowed while healing from major abdominal surgery of one week.
I need to make moves fast. My initial thought is to run to get settled. I can move back in with my mom and her abusive fiance or I can move in with my abusive ex. Either sounds more appealing than dealing with these b*tches at this point. They've lied to my face, say one thing to my face and then do the opposite. This is supposed to be a trauma informed plan yet they have let men in my room alone with no female present and he closed the door. Another time the maintenance man came into my unit with no warning and didn't wait for a response for a knock while I was on the toilet with the door open supposedly because he was told I wasn't there. And no one told me there was maintenance that day. I have also been denied access to emergency laundry for my daughter's puke laundry (that was a bullying incident by the night shift and possibly racial).
What I'm getting at is I am so done with the system and being treated like a low iq subhuman because I'm homeless. I do not have time to wait, I have a baby coming fast and if I have baby here I am not allowed visitors for help, will have to go down a level and ask permission for access to use the fridge and kitchen - no kids allowed in the kitchen so would have to cook 3 meals for me and my toddler working around a newborn who would be in the dining room away from me and work around four other families with one stove because they refuse to let me use appliances that are provided in my room. I would have to go down for milk/formula. Every hour I put a bottle in the fridge? Make it make sense.
Anyway if I flee to my toxic moms or ex's for the sake of more stability to give birth will I lose my spot on the waitlist for a voucher?
I ordered a moving van for tomorrow morning and have arranged for my daughter to go back to her old preschool and my family is up in arms calling me a bad mom.
Or I could wait til Monday to have a meeting with the director who says she might be able to help me get into another unit with another organization. So would have to endure living like a subhuman for another 6-8 weeks if I got in and would have to move 1-3 weeks post partum with a newborn and 3 year old by myself. Closest guarantee to an extension is if I get in to this place or if by a miracle got my voucher. No one has told me they would give me an extension otherwise. Apparently this has never happened before that someone has had a car bill!!??
Them telling me I was SOL on Halloween ruined my whole day, threw my life upside down, almost ruined the entire holiday for my daughter because I was so upset and the most sympathy for their negligence I got was "I'm sorry you feel that way" and an essence of me being some bratty princess not getting what she wants.
I am telling you I am tired and tired of all of this. I have no energy to move, I have no desire to be a single mom isolated in this place, I have already packed up most my room and I have an irritable uterus and am in fear of going into early labor. My abusive bd has been really nice since I left and is supposed to start therapy and has been sooo much better but obviously he's not cured in 3 months since I left him. I do want to be a family more than anything.
I want to be out of the system of these people who do not care. I'm tired of living like I'm sub human and low iq because a lot of these people seem to be (there's been stabbings here, child abuse, flushing diapers down the drain, calling an abulance because they had a cough). I'm just a SAHM in a dv situation who needs help. I'm rambling so you can get a better picture of the situation, my views and whatnot.
Just got started in an underpaid career field making around $27/hr in healthcare. Just signed a deal for a new economical car paying $370 a month (8% interest), paying about 900 for rent/utilities in an apartment split with my partner.
I have no retirement to speak of but am currently establishing it at my first adult job. I have about 14k in student loans with around 7% interest rate.
I’m currently in school full time online and working full time. The school is paid for by a grant and I get some refund money from that each semester. Hoping the management degree I get from this program will get me a boost in pay and benefits in a couple years.
I want to know what my aim should be. I’m currently not going out much, spending a decent amount on groceries, but planning on moving to a slightly more expensive city and renting a house instead of an apartment in the next year as the apartment contract expires.
I know emergency fund should be established first. Should I be paying off my student loans and car asap before or immediately following? Or should I be saving for a house? I have minimal knowledge about the finer details of the economy. I know we don’t have the means to buy a house anytime in the next couple years.
I’m 30 years old and only have about 5k in savings, nothing in retirement, but I’m eager to learn how to catch up as quickly as I can.
TLDR; 30 years old. 5K in savings. Making $27/hr, 1500 for car/rent/utilities. 14K student loans, 20K new car debt. What do I do first?
Especially frustrating because they aren't open tomorrow and a late fee of $200 shows up on the 3rd.
Also the only other payment option is credit/debit, which works but has a $77 fee that they claim is posted by the company doing those transactions, not them.
I can't decide if this is a ploy on their part because we are behind, or if they're doing it against everyone.
We've had a struggle with paying on time, but these idiots can't figure out legally providing notice to save their lives, so we haven't had eviction fallout. But they also haven't tried to get us to re-sign our lease which went up in Sept.
On 4k a month ( me and my husband combined) until I finish school and get a higher income. How can I afford a home? I really want us to have our own place and we are in Houston area. Needs to be big enough for a child and not be in the hood… do I have a chance?
I'm graduating from school in the spring, and in a situation where I'm probably gonna lose both of my roommates around the same time when my lease is also up. I'm employed at a tire chain, but the specific store I'm at has really great management/I'm on track to get promoted, so I don't intend to transfer to another one. My two options here are to either rent a room in a house/apartment with completely new people, or move to my grandma's house about an hour away from my job. Going rate for a bedroom in my city is between $500-$700 depending on the neighborhood, where my grandma has graciously offered to let me stay with her for free.
I'm leaning pretty hard towards going with my grandma's offer, but I just wanted other people's input on spending 2+ hours a day commuting. The apartment I live in currently is only 5 minutes away from work.
My husband started a new job after a long time unemployed making $12/hr. Now granted he works about 24-26 hours per week, so he’s really part time. But he got his first paycheck today and it was $464. I was quickly jolted into reality of how privileged we are with my income. Even if he was working full-time… I just don’t see how this is sustainable for the average American or how people do it. And as a privileged person, what can I do? Volunteer at food banks or free clinics (I’m a nurse)? I guess I just feel kinda guilty and sickened that people have to barely scrape by.
Lease in Miami ends in January. I make $2,400/month remotely, but rent is $1,950, leaving me just $136 for groceries monthly. Gainesville rent averages $1,250, but I'd need about $2,200 to cover move-in costs, plus $700 for a U-Haul. Should I move early, lose the deposit, or wait until January? Any advice on making this move financially doable?
I’m 26. Most of my money goes to rent and other bills. I work as a pizza delivery driver and my transmission went out. It was $2300 to fix it. I have the $2300 but that’s basically a year’s worth of savings. I’m at the point of just wanting to start over. My lease ends in December so I’ll have enough money to cover everything this month. Only catch is that I’m taking classes and if I were to move back home I would get charged out of state tuition.
a lttle less than 2 years ago My daughter and I bought her a car. I say "we" because in order to get the loan, we put the loan in my name with her as a "co-borrower", the car is titled in both of our names. I know this was stupid. I had helped my older daughter out similarly and she made every payment, on time and paid extra to pay the loan off early. My younger daughter never even made the first payment. i told her clearly that I could NOT afford this car. She promised on everything that you could imagine that 'they' (her and her boyfriend) would make the payments. So, I have been shouldering $413/month plus the insurance for almost two years. Her boyfriend has the car 99% of the time and treats it like it's his car, and the car is basically trashed, inisde and out. Her and her daughter were living with me, until very recently. I was FULLY financially supporting them both (my daughter and grand daughter) wtih the idea that my daughter was going to get back to work, maybe at a daycare...just SOMETHING to contribute.
Things got ugly, she assaulted me and that was the end of it. I told her she had to leave. She left and took the car. I have put her things in a storage unit (my sisters have helped *tremendously, and paid for the storage unit for three months) I separated my car (which has been paid off for over two years) from hers on the insurance and lowered everything that I possibly could to get the insurance on 'her' car down by about $75/month. The boyfriend has racked up tolls, tickets etc, that I stopped paying a long time ago, now we got a notice that the registration/vehicle license is being revoked by the state. My sister (who works in insurance) said "let it happen" I am getting message to my daughter to tell her that she MUST take up the payments on the car loan, next payment due 11/14. I intend to TELL her that if she doesn't pay it, that I am NOT paying it and the car will get repossessed. I HIGHLY doubt she's going to pay the car note.
My savings is nearly gone, my credit card bills are high from having to use them here and there in between paychecks, and now I have almost nothing left after I pay bills and buy food. I did just get a raise, so I can start putting some money towards the credit cards. Do I let the loan go into default, and the car possibly get repossessed and let my credit get tanked? I already work 60-70 hours a week, I don't know that I can survive a second job mentally.
You know what I mean? You always hear people whining about spending money at Starbucks or door dash but that shit isn't even on my radar.
Like I could never imagine spending 3x the price to have food delivered when that's enough food for a couple weeks for me. How can I buy a $5 coffee when a can is $3?
Does this make any sense? If your struggling to pay bills how is grub hub even a idea in your head?
I’m desperately trying to obtain a small personal loan but I just get declined every time.
I only need a small amount less than $200.00 I know a lot of lenders have a minimum so I would be willing to take more if I’m able to get one.
My credit is isn’t just bad it’s a total train wreck 470-490
The other issue I run into is because of my banking situation because I don’t have a traditional bank account and bank with netspend.
With all that being said… is it even a realistic possibility that I could ever get approved? If so can anyone point me in the right direction lender wise?
Holidays are coming up and my mom is constantly overdrafted. I also have a surgery scheduled for my rabbit soon that I need money for. Groceries in the house would be very cool, spaghetti every day apparently isn't everyone's forte.
I've tried doing doordash and my area is just too low activity for it. In two hours I made about $20 and most of the went to gas. I think the grocery store apps like shipt don't hire in my area as there's very little demand. Is there any online work I could do? I'm a preschool teacher during the day so I would have to do things in the evening. Also minimal talking with other people would be appreciated as I'm so socially drained after 3-4 year olds all day. Any advice would be appreciated.
Quick question for anyone who can answer. I work at a step down treatment center for substance abuse and mental health. The clients come here after a 28 day program and they have more freedom like access to their phones. I have a client here who is doing her recertification for SNAP and she recently left her job before going into treatment but doesn't want SNAP/EBT to know she lost her job and plans on either writing up a fake letter from her previous employer or uploading old paystubs with the date changed to the last 4 weeks. I have advised her that this is a HORRIBLE idea but there isn't a way to prevent her from doing it. What will happen to her if she does this? Is SNAP notified when you lose your job? Do they have access to her exact wages and will they see that her actual earnings are $0 for the last 4 weeks bc she hasn't worked? Any info on this is greatly appreciated.
P.S We're in Connecticut.
Edited to add: Other than this mess she’s a really sweet woman with 2 kids so I don’t want to see anything bad happen to her. If she will most likely end up fine I’ll back off but if there’s a chance she’ll face consequences, I’ll work harder to deter her from doing this.
My partner and I are in the process of getting our lives back together after an eviction. What would be the quickest way to obtain an apartment within the next two-three months? We both have jobs, I just recently started my job if that matters and will eventually have to stop temporarily to give birth/recover because I’m currently 7 months pregnant with our firstborn.
I’m moreso desperate for advice on to do/where to start as we’re currently staying with some family on his side and the living conditions are less than ideal for my pregnancy/raising a child. His grandpa lives here and has gotten verbally aggressive with me in the past/constantly complains anytime I use the kitchen to cook anything (i’d like to reiterate i’m pregnant, pregnant people tend to need to eat and we’re saving money for the move so I have to cook). Grandpa also heavily smokes indoors and likely will not stop/cause an issue if asked. His older younger siblings live here as well as a family friend’s kid and they are always loud at any hour of the night (I feel like rest is important considering we are working to save money) and often eat our groceries if they assume it’s something my partner’s mom has dropped off for them.
Due to the grandpa, siblings, and family friend’s kid living here also, we are left with the smallest room in the house and can‘t even walk around the bed due to lack of space so I am almost certain we wouldn’t be able to fit any baby items that our baby will definitely need. The trailer we’re staying in is super old and roach infested so when we do move we will have to replace a lot of personal things due to this and I personally don’t want to bring my newborn home to this/ risk roaches touching her. It’s also a house full of men, I don’t feel like that’s the best environment for me to be raising a baby girl in.
I would also like to point out due to us having to move to the trailer without it being something preplanned I am grateful for the roof over our heads, but I feel it unfair to the people who also live here that they potentially will have to deal with my newborn screaming at all hours or becoming a burden because babies need a lot.
I typed all that so maybe you’d get a sense of why I am desperate to move in such a short time frame and hopefully I get some good tips/advice. If not, at least I got this off my chest. I’ve mentioned some of this to my partner but he reassures me no one will be upset because of the baby and will be happy to help but I still don’t feel 100% comfy about it and would prefer to have my own place plus I don’t want to come off as ungrateful. Either way thanks for reading.
I don’t know what to do fucking do and how to move forward. I failed, I’m worse than my mom when I promised myself that I will never disappoint my kid if I ever have one. And yet, here I am.
We were just happy because of how many candies she’s gotten from trick or treating. Now it feels like the world is collapsing and I have no one to lean on. She was taken by a social worker today after I failed to have our water restored and running. I am doing my hardest. I have been working so hard for the past weeks doing odd jobs on the weekend to make sure that my kid would stay with me. But all my hard work wasn’t fucking enough.
Our light and water were disconnected after several months of non payment. I was in between jobs for a long time. Did cleaning gigs while I was looking for a new job but I injured myself so I couldn’t work for 2 months and bills and debts piled up.
Had an unannounced social worker visit 2 weeks ago to check on my kid’s welfare. Everything was shit during that time since we have no running water and lights but I managed to get our lights back on by taking several payday loans and working my ass off doing all the odd jobs that I could do. Unfortunately, when they visited last Monday I was still unable to pay the water back on and they took my kid away today. She has been kicking and crying and I couldn’t do anything.
I am doing my hardest to make sure that my kid is fed, just had series of events where I ran out of luck that resulted in our utilities being shut down. I don’t know what to do next. Just started my new job very recently and I have been working a lot of overtime to keep up with the bills but I really can’t do anything at the moment since I wont get paid for another 2 weeks but im not even sure if that would cover the rent since I am behind on that tok.
Social worker wont tell me anything whether my kid would stay on a shelter or on a foster home. I am freaking out. She’s scared and a very shy kid. I pray that she stays strong until I get everything back on track. I can’t even blame whoever reported it coz I know that they have the best intentions but I wished that they talked to me first.
Was told that I could possibly reunite with my kid back soon as I could take care of the bills but where on Earth would I get it? I took all lot of payday loans already to pay our light bill.
Edit: Havent checked my phone for hours and thanks for the people blaming me that I deserved what happened! People literally DM’ed me calling me names and telling me how I dont deserve to be a mom that I left out some details. Well, news flash, I didn’t. When you’ve never been in someone’s position, it’s best not to jump into conclusions. Our house isn’t filthy, my kid is fed, we can shower thanks to my neighbor.
We all know times are tough for so many, and it may be a struggle, or even impossible, to work holiday gifts into your already tight budget. At r/stressfreexmas, we exist to help families in need with gifts for their children.
We do require an application, and acceptance is not guaranteed. You can learn more about that on our wiki. The process and requirements are there. SFX is open to families in the US, UK, & Canada. Gift requests are for children only.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. Making your Christmas/Hanukkah magic possible is the magic of the season for us. My children are all grown up, and it’s truly a gift to me to see the joy I’ve helped create, particularly for those young enough to believe in Santa Claus. I know the other mods and many of our very generous Santas at SFX feel the same way.
So many thanks to the mods here for allowing us to post again this season!!
This is my new answer whenever someone at work is asking whether I am dating or having fun this weekend / holidays 😂
Using debt payoff planner to help manage debt, but my only challenge is you can’t enter in reoccurring payments such as car insurance, internet etc to actually plan out entire finances. Does anyone have tips or tricks to work with that?
Basically am short this week and I need money for gas and doctor appt I have next week. I downloaded the app but it says $0 available. I don’t want to change my doctors appt because it will push it in to 2025 and I will did a medication refill before the .
I own 3k on one credit card, 2k on another and about 1k on the last one. I know it’s very dumb that I did this to myself. I had undiagnosed bi polar and I would go on a spending spree during episodes. I also just wasn’t taught financially responsibility. I’m getting the help I need and I’m looking to make this right for myself. I make about 21 an hour. I take home between 1200-1500 a check depending on OT. I put away about 550-600 for bills and rent a check. Any advice?
Asian Parents (55M and 57F) are low middle class in the US and have three biological kids. The three kids comprise of: oldest is 30F, middle is 22M, and youngest is 20M. Parents worked minimum wage jobs last 30 years due to lack of education and extreme language barrier, but managed to overcome financial instability. Parents never relied on food stamps, begging, or immoral shortcuts for money, but worked 12 hour shifts on a 6 days/week. Oldest child (30F) worked jobs on the weekend through 4 years of college. Graduates college in at 23F, tuition split between her and family. They also gave the oldest and her husband money to purchase a house. Oldest has a stable family and is financially contributing 20% of her wages as well as managing bills of parents due to knowledge gap. Middle child (22M) worked his first job for four years after high school and now receives workers disability due to an accident. He’s currently going to college (Parents financially assisted him with partial payment for his first car). He is splitting his workers disability/part-time salary to help pay family bills while going to college. Middle child role is something of a physical caretaker for parents. Is currently living with parents. Youngest child (20M) feels overshadowed by his two siblings, creating a sort of inferiority complex. Youngest does not have job experience but is going to college with tuition paid for by family. Crashes back home time to time, lives primarily with friends. As the parents are slowly reaching retirement age and plan to collect welfare in their 60’s. Both parents want their 3 kids to return the favor for jumpstarting their lives. Oldest believes they deserve to live independently and will only pay off the “mental debt” they’ve accumulated. Middle believes that he is the one that will take care of their parents until of old age and is content with it. Youngest also wants to live independently but does not believe he has to pay their parents back, as he was never asked to be born. Parents have never smoked or gambled, purely dedicating salary to saving and investing into their children.
I've been having trouble paying down my credit card debt (16k). I was looking into opening a balance transfer card but I only have ~$100 left at the end of the month and I'm concerned it'll save me money in the long run but increase my monthly payments in the mean time. That being said I also have a relatively small (1k total, 600) bill that came up unexpectedly. I'm still hoping my insurance will change its mind and pay the majority of it but that probably won't be decided for a few weeks and I need the money before I can get my permanent crown. I'm wondering if it's worth getting care credit or just doing the new card anyway. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
So my husband 27M & I 23F have a 2022 Kia Soul that we financed the beginning of this year. At the time, we knew the insurance rate would definitely increase compared to the 1997 Honda he was driving previously but we needed a more reliable family vehicle & there were various mechanical issues that were becoming to expensive to fix.
He was initially insured through Geico (just for context I do not drive so i'm listed as a non driver) & we were paying around $400 a month. I know this already seems fairly high despite my husbands age due to the fact he has had two previous accidents in the past 5 years (one at fault & one was not).
We recently moved into an apartment complex about 25 minutes from where we lived previously (we did live in a house previously for context as I know this can affect rates) & upon changing our address Geico wanted to put our premium up to $ 750 a month which we can in no way afford. I tried searching around for insurance but couldn't find many places that would insure him without it being an astronomical price (talking around $1000 a month). The only cheapest place I could find is with progressive for around $500 but this requires us having one of the driving tracking devices which we are both not super huge fans of having & very high deductibles as if we made them lower it would of also been crazy expensive.
I just wanted to see if there's any advice on what we could do / where we could look to try & get a cheaper rate as we will need full coverage insurance due to the finance?
The title
EDIT IM fine 'm not tryna beg but like a girl hungry
NYC got the Jets free big mac for free with 2 min purchase and med fry with $1
I got 75 cent so 3 flat is what need to feel better. I'm usually on top of this shit but homelessness is rough this time of year with medical bills coming up.
EDIT IM FINE some kind soul fixed the problem :)
My mother in law is disabled, and not able to work. She gets social security disability and lives in a house we are fortunate enough to be able to provide for her. We try to help her out with random expenses when they come up, but we have kids that take most of our disposable income already.
While we are happy to be able to help, she believes she in entitled to more. She thinks we have a lot more money than we do and that we should be able to give her more.
It all came to a head a few months ago when she was out of money again and we started looking through her finances in detail. She had thousands of dollars of high interest credit card debt for non-necessities (i.e. frequent eating out, new clothes regularly, QVC, HSN, etc). We’ve been trying to work with her to get her spending under control, but she struggles with the idea of need vs want.
How do I get it through to her that she has to live within her means? I can’t cut her off, but I also don’t have more money to throw at the problem.
Hello! A few days ago I asked for some assistance with where to put my money. Here is what I came up with, I have my total take home of $4000 and I split it up by paycheck with what is left over each check. I'm one of those people that like to have "leftovers" and seeing this makes me anxious even though I have $200 "leftover" each paycheck. To help keep my on track, I want to put different categories into different bank accounts. Non-negotiables like rent, renters, internet, etc into one bank account, fun money like eating out/misc in another account, and savings in a third account. Whatever is leftover for the month will be transferred into savings. What are some thoughts?
Take Home: $4000 ($2000 each paycheck
Total: 3929
Here is my split per paycheck:
Check 1:
Total: $1972 out of $2000
Check 2:
Total: $1957 out of $2000
I am borrowing my dad’s car to get to work but he wants me to get my own car soon. I have some savings, roughly $5000 set aside for a car. Is that enough to get anything that can actually run decently? I make $18 an hour at my job and pay rent and I have roughly $300 left over each month that I can put towards saving for a car. I know a lot of people recommend paying cash for cars which is what I want to do.
I’m a 26 year old. I just got my license in May for the first time but had my permit since 16 & took the permit test a few times to keep it updated. I’m in Massachusetts I HAVE AN 06 Toyota Corolla sport. The thing is nearly 20 years old? Just got quoted $580 a month for basic insurance. Nearly a grand down payment.
My rent is 1800. I am making it by the skin of my teeth, but have to put off the electric bill for another month. I’m a human being trying to work & pay everything, and I simply can’t do it. Don’t even get me started on electric bills or gas. I used $1.29 worth of gas this month & was still charged $67 for “delivery” WHOS DELIVERING THIS GAS SANTA CLAUSE ??
Because why is it so expensive. I cannot live, I can’t survive. I’m working 2 jobs now, I have a good education, certifications & volunteer work. I’m a social worker & am doordashing & serving because there’s no jobs in my field. On my indeed I have 147 application filled out and calls, emails, texts. Nothing. Sometimes I get a “we’ve moved onto the next candidate” and yet their ad stays open & says they’re active every few days.
And if there is? They are paying people with Masters degrees $20 lousy dollars an hour. I was just working at Amazon as a driver for nearly $24 an hour. McDonald’s is hiring for $21 starting pay.
What the actual fuck is happening right now in America. What are we supposed to do? How can we get ahead? I had to go to the DTA office yesterday afternoon & cried the whole way there. I want to work, I want to pay my bills & live indoors. But no matter how I play my cards, it seems to be impossible.
I’m glad I have my landlord who is very understanding & reasonable & has been very gracious with me. If I didn’t have that, i would have already been homeless.