
Photograph via snooOG

Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors. This is the place to seek product requests, post shopping tips, and more!


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short term auto leases / long term rentals

Hi all, I'm in a weird situation (long story) where I need a car for 6-12 months, using it 2-3 weeks/month. I've looked at traditional rentals but those will generally be like $800-1000/month. Turo is just as expensive. Flexcar would be an option, but I've been reading a lot of horror stories about their customer service.

I'm thinking I'll have to just buy a beater and then sell it again in 6-12 months, but if anyone has a better idea I haven't thought of, I'd love to hear it!

16:17 UTC


best unlimited low cost plan? (5g preferred, Las Vegas)

hey there guys, I live in Las Vegas and i'm using Mint (should be 5G but i'm getting only 4g, but with T mobile in the past I used to get 5g no problems)

Mint is charging me for now 120$ for 3 months, meaning 40$ a month
but I'm looking for something else, their internet and GPS is not well here in Vegas, and I think 40 a month it's a little bit higher than what I can get with other plans

my goal is to get unlimited data, with good call quality, with hotspot option for about 25$ a month

any reccs?

02:12 UTC


Any tips to shop more frugal for a beginner ?

Looking to shop frugal as my current life situation is demanding. Please send tips !

03:30 UTC


Cheap contact lenses?

Hi, looking for sites that sell cheap contact lenses and that preferably take insurance since I have $100 from my insurance to spend each yr. My contact lenses are precision 1, I ordered from 1-800-contacts before but lowkey it’s expensive asf if you don’t have the first time customer discount Any suggestions? I was looking into Hubble too but idk if it’s good I heard some mixed reviews

20:01 UTC


How do people get info on products online ?

How do people find information about products online, whether through customer reviews, expert blogs, social media influencers, or tools like Better Buy that grade products on factors like health, sustainability, and ethics?

23:23 UTC


I need help shopping online

I find it frustrating to keep switching between health databases, Good On You, and other platforms while shopping online to find healthier alternatives. Does anyone have any tips to make smarter shopping easier?

17:40 UTC


Cheapest non perishable food item for donation drives


I’m looking to buy and donate non-perishable food for a donation drive where the donations are counted by quantity. The more items donated, the more that will be matched.

I’m trying to maximize the impact by finding the absolute cheapest per-item options. Ramen noodles definitely seem to be one of the cheapest choices, but I’m wondering if there are other similarly affordable items I should consider.

Looking for items under .50 cents per item. If there's a back of 10, counts as 10 items.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

02:51 UTC


Looking for Deals: Free Restaurant Gift Cards!

Hi everyone, I'm on a mission to find the best deals on restaurant gift cards! I'm hoping to find places where I can buy gift cards and receive some for free with my purchase. I'm trying to buy them now because Discover is offering a 5% cash back at restaurants.

I'm open to all suggestions and appreciate any information you can share. Whether you've had personal experience with these deals or know of any resources, please let me know!

Thanks in advance for your help!

12:28 UTC


Favorite cheap coffee maker

We know it’s not the best but we frequently use coffee makers. What is a good one for under $50? We do have a Moka pot and French press we use but a coffee maker is just a bit more convenient for us. We don’t like keurigs

04:55 UTC


Portable washing machine with heated drying?

Found a dope deal on an apartment but no in unit laundry.

I've looked into the portable washing machines and dryer combo but they're spin dry .

Offer any help?

Thank you!

17:50 UTC


How can I find out where specific clothing stores sell their unsold merchandise?

I’m looking for details about where specific brands or stores send their out-of-season, unsold, or clearance merchandise. For example, in my area, clothes from Express, J.Crew, and Victoria’s Secret often end up at Designer Fashion Warehouse (DFW), where they’re sold for $5–$15 per item. Higher-end brands like Madewell, Vince Camuto, and Steve Madden are typically sent to Nordstrom Rack or T.J. Maxx.

Do you know where particular brands or stores send their excess inventory?

07:05 UTC


Not an ad or affiliated. However r/frugal won't let me post because it contains a link. Anyway I just wanted to share some amazing finds, and this fits the bill.

1 Comment
22:46 UTC


Where can I get a $50 lapt

Where can I get a $50 laptop?

I just need it for a school project.

00:07 UTC


Affordable shopping?

I like to shop from time to time but I only use apps like Temu and SHEIN because they aren’t too expensive and some of their things are of good quality. I want to stop using it because I know they probably partake in child labor and I don’t want to support it, but it’s hard finding sites that are affordable. any recommendations? 👀

21:25 UTC


Heated mattress pad recommendations

Hello! I was wondering what was the best heated mattress pad on the market that has no noticeable wires and a square design pattern. Thank you all in advance!!!

15:27 UTC


Good quality handheld vacuum?

I've been wanting to buy a Handheld vacuum for a while now but haven't really known where to start looking. I am looking suggestions on products with good suction and long lasting life for a decent price, preferably $100 and under :)

01:52 UTC


Dd discount Ross Decorating Set Deal

This is a frugal shopping find group so look what I found. All three are 1.49 I only needed one so I don't walk out with nothing or being judged. I can't find any clearance pants under 5$ budget 8 metal piping icing tips stacked on each other so the package makes it look like there's only one. Compare to Joan fabrics USA store or Dollar tree USA store, be like 1.25$ or more per piece icing bottles and piping tips. So 1.49 for all 14 piece is a steal! 6.52 ringgit Malay, 1.16 pound sterling UK, 2.27 Australian dollars,229.68 Japanese yen. 10.70 Chinese yuan. Is it cheaper in your region? Brand doesn't matter.

15:16 UTC


Dash car for front and rear

Any suggestion which is good to buy with better battery life or that works when you park in woods 2/3 days.

21:02 UTC


Halloween Costumes

Where does everyone get affordable costumes? Trying to let my kid pick her own but not break the bank.

1 Comment
22:07 UTC


Cheap Absorbent Towels

Hi, I'm looking for towels to soak up water during the occasional flood in my apartment. Any ideas?

23:57 UTC


Looking for decent inexpensive washer and dryer

Hi all. I'm looking for a washer and dryer as I recently (well, last December) bought a house. It came with no appliances whatsoever, so I ended up buying an oven and refrigerator from Best Buy on a Best Buy credit card, which is now a bit less than half paid off with a 24-month no-interest financing plan. I've been doing laundry at a friend's house, but that tends to eat most of my Sunday every week between me and my partner's laundry, plus her washer kind of sucks. In the interest of getting my Sundays back and putting less strain on my friend's appliances and water bills, I'm looking to buy a washer and dryer myself.

Since I have the Best Buy card I'm most likely going to be looking at Best Buy; it has $1650 available credit to use before I hit the limit. I also have some money in savings, and we are going to be having a third person move in in a few months who has offered to help pay as well. Still, I'd rather spend as little as possible for a decent product, which is why I'm here.

I'm looking for something that will last at least ten years, as I plan to sell the house and move out west at that point. I'd prefer for it to be from Best Buy, and I don't mind if it's open-box or scratch and dent or whatever. I'm looking more for functionality than aesthetics. I've heard that their store brand Insignia is sketchy so I'd prefer to stay away from that one. If anyone has any recommendations I'd greatly appreciate it.

If it matters at all, I'm in the Pittsburgh PA region. Some of their stuff is only available in local stores (or it seems NOT available in my local stores), so that might be a factor as well.

17:27 UTC


Phone plan for 1 user?

I have seen some requests about phone plans around here but I'm not sure if they fit me so I was hoping if anyone else more knowledgeable can share

I'm interested in a phone plans for 1 user (in the u.s.)

  • it has to do calls ofc and if international calls are doable that's a plus
  • my main requirement that it's an unlimited data with the fastest data rates bc I have one with metro rn and it's only 2gb I believe for 30-40$?
  • please have it be from a trustworthy company

I've seen mint mobile's advertising and idk if its worth it or even any good

so anyone with more experience or knowledge, I beg of you please help

01:14 UTC


Best way to remove scratches on car?

Has anyone used the scratch remover kits? Do they work?

02:46 UTC


Best low-cost unlimited data phone plans?

My current cell phone plan is with T-Mobile, which includes data for my iPad and Apple Watch, and protection plans, totals out to $190 a month. That's an insane amount to be paying each month and I'm looking to cut down on costs.

Here is what I would like to have with my service:

  • Unlimited high speed data
  • Hotspot
  • Ability to stream Netflix, YouTube, etc. in 1080p. At the very least, I can deal with 720p.
  • Protection for devices


  • Data plans for iPad and Apple Watch preferred, but I've decided I can do without these.
  • International plans preferred, or at least cheap roaming charges, but not entirely necessary since I can just use an eSIM for this. At the very least I would still like to be able to talk/text internationally.

That said, what are my options? I'm trying to gather as much data as possible on this and would like some suggestions. Thanks!

00:54 UTC


Componibili Find

16:37 UTC


Where to buy new "men blazer suit for less than 70$" . I live in Chicago if that helps.

Was considering online stores like Shein but not sure about quality and fit, looks like more hassle rather than walking into store and trying.

Some of places might be Burlington, Marshalls, Ross.

Thank you !!

16:54 UTC


Medical or Dental Tourism - care outside of the US?

Have you ever traveled outside the US for healthcare or dental care? not as a resident of that country, but as a medical or dental tourist? Would you mind sharing the details? quality of care? cost difference? would you repeat the experience? Any details would be appreciated.

13:16 UTC


How can I find a certain piece of clothing.

I bought a leather jacket at the Reserved store, but I have lost it. Can you tell, are there any websites where I could search for it, including second-hand options? It is this model I am looking for 6653H-99X.

1 Comment
14:05 UTC


Want to make my own sugar wax but I’m seeing I need a borosilicate jar/beaker/bowl… where to find cheap one?

I may have found a bowl on FB marketplace but I still need to hear from them about how much it holds 🤔 that I need a borosilicate jar or beaker… where would I find a cheap one?

19:58 UTC

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