
Photograph via snooOG

Breaking free of the work/spend/borrow cycle in order to live more fully, sustainably, and cooperatively.

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How can I find peace and simplicity in life?

Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'll try to be as breif as I can as to not waffle too much. I am seeking a simple life away from the overstimulation of tech, the stress of the 9-5 and the irritation I feel with the dramatic people I often find myself around, whether it's family or freinds. I'm exhausted by it all. I also had a hysterectomy 7 weeks ago after many years of illness, aneamia, fibroid etc. plus I had a stroke 2.5 years ago due to stress. I'm only on my mid 40s.

I've been through so much and I'm craving a simple life. I enjoy being around people who are mentally healthy and calm like myself. I did a lot of therapy to get to this point. Yet the world seem so crazy and chaotic. I don't want to go near it.

I am in a stable marriage with a wonderful calm and intelligent loving man. I have a great relationship with my son and a couple of sane family members. I have just been given my life back with this surgery. I feel so much gratitude. Yet I also feel so much fear. Fear of the insanity out there, online, with family and when I eventually get back to working.

I just want to feel peaceful when I have to deal with these things. I want a simple life. How do you guys manage it?

00:03 UTC


Having Weekdays (Wed/Thu) Off

Growing up I have always thought of having a regular Mon-Fri 9-5 office job. I spent more than 12 years doing school from Mon to Fri, Sat/Sun off. My parents had the same schedule for their work too. And we would go on a trip somewhere in the summer, occasionally in winter too if the budget allows it. That was my routine.

Now I am a 25 year-old full-time employee; I have Wednesday and Thursday off, and I love it. I work as a call center agent, and my contract postulates that the company can put me in any shift as long as they give me two days off in each week. At first sight, this contract felt saddening but as a 23 year old who was in desperate need for a full-time desk job, it was the job that I had to take. I signed it and started the job a year ago. They decided my days off are weekdays: Wednesday and Thursdays.

My friends and families were extremely worried and argued that I would stop seeing them as often because I had a different schedule than their regular (Mon-Fri) one, but I found some bright sides in having weekdays off.

  • weekday vacations are cheaper (especially hotel prices are cheaper)
  • weekday errands: less crowds in the street, in grocery store, and your favorite restaurants. Less crowds, more products in shelf; fewer customers, more relaxed smile in waiter's face.
  • working on weekends might give you less workloads: my company deal with other businesses, which means that when other companies are on holiday, typically Saturdays and Sundays, we have less workloads than weekdays. We still have work to do, but I love that weekends are so chill.
  • easier access to medical care: hospitals and clinics are packed, or worse yet completely closed on weekends. But weekdays are less busy and therefore you are likely to get faster access to medical care if needed. Imagine you get to the clinic and not having to wait more than 10 minutes!

And for social activities, I found a solution:

  • use PTO for seeing your friends: if you are in a nation that provides you with paid time off, you can use it for weekend events. For example, I can apply for paid time off for October X (Sunday), and you'll meet up with your friends on that day. You will have to be selective about which days to have PTO because you cannot have every Sunday off. Selecting which days I really want to take my preciously-earned PTO allows me to cherish social activities more. As a weekend worker I cannot attend every party, but I can attend the most important one. I cannot go watch movies with my nephew every Saturday, but I can go watch the one that she's been waiting for like 1 year. I honestly don't need every weekend off just to feel content. I am content and grateful for the people that are there for me, and PTO that my full-time job affords me.

Funny benefit

  • you'll be in demand: despite the benefits above, most people still prefer the regular Mon-Fri 9-5 contract if they have a choice. This means that the regular schedule is popular, and there's a scarcity in positions that work weekends. From time to time, I am thanked by colleagues and bosses for working weekends just because my position fills in the gap (where the regular workers do not clock in). You feel respected and useful. Caution: this is true probably only for small- to mid- size boring company like ours (not a huge corporation where thousands of employees are willing to clock in 24/7).

Things might change in the future, but this past year of having weekdays off has been quite... relaxing.
I am grateful that my life experience has taught me what it's like to have typical schedule like school, as well as rare one like my current work.

11:22 UTC


Staying up to date while maintaining your peace

Hi all,

I could use a bit of advice about keeping up with information. I'm mostly off of social media at this point, but it created an issue of disconnecting myself from things I actively care about. For example:

Some friends of mine are touring their music and recently released a single. These are all good friends who I keep in regular contact with, but my wife filled me in. Then one of those friends mentioned other details already shared on social media, but I'm 5 days behind.

So aside from texting every person I know "hey, what's the news I've missed", how are you keeping up with desired information? Bands on tour, fun events in your area, specific news you want without being bombarded?

Are we back to RSS feeds or is it really just a matter of making peace with missing important information?

Edit: removed some language that communicated this was only about keeping in touch with friends.

05:09 UTC


Corporate job, simple life

Working a corporate job is how I’m able to enjoy my definition of a simple life right now, but god I want out so bad. I’m burnt out. First world problems for sure, I grew up in an underdeveloped country so I’m always grateful. I’m only 28 years old, I have to keep doing this for the next 30 years?

Anyway just venting, glad to have found this sub. People really miss out on the simplest things trying to chase a fast life, myself included.

03:55 UTC


Have started to simplify my life. Trying to find happiness with mundane tasks. What mundane tasks or simple things/activities give you happiness?

Also if travel budget is limited due to financial and time constraints, what do you all recommend as I totally love to travel ? What can I replace travelling with ?

05:51 UTC


How do I find more time to relax? Too many hobbies and obligations

Hi, long time lurker. I'm 30f and I have a very full life... Maybe too full? Hoping you can help me with my time management. I can't figure out how to eliminate anything from my life to make time for my goals

My Goals:

  • read more books
  • play more video games
  • sleep more
  • make local high quality friends and spend time with them
  • get a new job (for my profession that involves a lot of extra curricular work)
  • start drawing again

My current non-negotiable obligations that take up my entire life

  • work 40hrs m-f, 2 hours of commuting a day
  • make food for my husband and I (he helps)
  • clean house 1x/week
  • sleeping 6-7 hours a night
  • dumbbell weight training 5x/week (I'm taking a week off rn)
  • 20 min daily stretch
  • Friday night games night with friends
  • volunteer web design position
  • family time every few weeks
  • grocery shopping 1x/week

I'm trying to figure out ways to combine goals or to remove ones that aren't needed. I try to get my social butterfly out by having a lot of casual conversations but I can't really go deep or hang out with my (mostly male) coworkers. Sometimes I think it would be nice to find a local board game club or book club but I literally don't have time to drive to and from these events on a regular basis. I also want to maximize calm rest time.

I feel like I'm missing out and I wish I could focus on doing like 2 things but I really want to do it all, I got sober like 3 years ago and I have a big love for experiencing life but it might be too much love. I've read and listened to a lot of books that have themes of simple living but nothing really feels simple.

I mostly miss playing games and getting lost I them, if I'm going to be honest. My husband plays them a lot more than me and I can't seem to find the time. As soon as I start playing, I get sleepy.

To anyone who even read this, thank you for your time.

23:48 UTC


Am I the only one who thinks living in a smaller house is better or that a big house doesn't really matter?

I always thought bigger the better but since it typically costs more I've been looking at smaller houses that are more affordable. If I had more than 2 kids it would be more difficult but otherwise you do the same activities, have a roof over your head, and sleep at a cheaper price.

23:50 UTC



Anyone still do this? As a mindfulness/spiritual practice?

21:21 UTC


Newbie to Simple Living - where have cleaning schedules been all my life??

I just finished my first week having a cleaning schedule and I can't believe I went 40 years of my life without having one. I have a more mild case of OCD and Severe anxiety that I take medication for and see a mental health professional.

Growing up, we cleaned on the weekends, both my parents worked out of the home, so everything was done on the weekends, When I grew up, I just followed their lead, but it lead to constant stress, we have 5 kids so the house never stayed clean enough throughout the week to not cause major issues in my mind. I would get overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start, what tasks were most important, and then I would rush to get them finished in the two days off I had from work to clean, do laundry, and spend time with the family.

This week though, I scheduled it out so it was only one or two chores a day and made the schedule in Excel and taped it to my fridge. My stress dropped SO MUCH through out the week. Not only did my house appear cleaner throughout the week, I also generally did a much better job cleaning because I wasn't rushing through trying to finish. I have found I have way more time during the week because I'm not constantly frozen with overwhelming anxiety. I even was able to bake fresh bread for the week with the saved time!

**edit: I didn't think this would be so popular, lol I don't know how to add a pic, but here is my schedule:

Monday: clean kitchen, clean guinea pig cage

Tuesday: Clean Bathroom, Dust

Wednesday: Laundry, take Sourdough starter out of the fridge

Thursday: Vacuum, Sweep, Mop, start sourdough

Friday: Bake Sourdough and Cookies for school lunches

Saturday: None

Sunday: have kids Clean their Rooms and bathroom

Everyday: quick sweep of house picking up anything that may have been left out.

16:35 UTC


Going apple picking 🍎

My yearly tradition of apple picking helps me remember to enjoy the simple things in life. I’m going to an orchard 45 minutes outside the city on a weekday to avoid the crowds. I’ll fill my box with apples fresh off the tree while enjoying the view of rolling hills and fall leaves and smelling the fresh air.

When I get home tonight I’ll cut and freeze 1/3 of the apples to make homemade apple sauce. The rest will be saved to make homemade apple pies, apple cake, apple crisp, and to eat fresh with yogurt. Tonight I’ll use an apple or two with our dinner to complement the marinated steak and asparagus I’m cooking.

Life is so beautiful.

14:50 UTC


Having a boring life

This past year so far (2024) has been very difficult on me. But tonight, right now, I am doing my laundry all alone at my RV parks laundromat. I’m drinking a Dr Pepper and really savoring the taste. It’s pleasantly quiet right now. I’m feeling pretty happy about this which sounds super boring. But it’s the simple things right? I wish life was always this calm.

02:15 UTC


Looking for a place to share tiny,simple accomplishments

Just coming out of a yucky feeling time where it was hard to take care of myself. I've always been a simple life kind of girl, but dont have many simple life people arou d to share the little things... so here's mine from today.

I walked to the market and bought healthy simple food. I made carrot juice, and turned the pulp into a chai spiced quick bread, and my dishes are done.

Thanks for listening. 💗💫💗

00:52 UTC


Remember to look at the clouds

Lately I've been looking at the clouds a lot. I never hear people talk about the clouds in the sky. They're literally gigantic sacks of vapourized water that are floating above our heads in a beautifully blue tinted canvas. It's like a constant unfinished painting that is being painted right before our eyes. So please, next time you're staring out the window or when you're outside sitting or walking, look up and witness the art that is in the clouds. Thank you and have a nice day.

14:13 UTC


Advice for lost 30s person

I can’t help but feel to like something is telling me to simplify my life as I have slowly gravitated more towards Taoist and Buddhist ideas over the years.

I am unemployed and living with family, had a lot of complex short lived tech related remote jobs during covid where I was overwhelmed to say the least. I’ve worked just about every type of entry level job, but it just seems like I’m being pushed in a certain direction. I’ve had some creative successes, small but things I’ve wanted to attain for a long time, however nothing to survive on.

I don’t have much, however I recognize this as a chance to create a more fulfilling and simple life. I wanted to move to Europe and teach but my certification without a degree made it tough. I went and stayed in multiple countries there for a while but nothing really panned out. I thought I’d post this to see if anyone has found themselves in this awkward spot in life and how to find a positive forward that feels “true” so to speak.

Edit: I should mention that I’ve left all of my friendships, no longer party etc. and have no sort of relationship or family tying me down (by this I just mean having a spouse and children, my family is pretty understanding and lets me do whatever) so I’m just curious to see opinions or feelings on those with similar experience as I feel like a blank slate once again.

09:51 UTC


Do you ever feel like there's too much media in general?

(DISCLAIMER: This is 100% venting and complaining)

I just finished hanging out with some friends in a hangout that degenerated quickly into surfing the YouTube algorithm in search of disturbing videos. We ended up watching a bunch of fetishy ASMR stuff--basically intimacy simulators for lonely guys-- and got a few laughs out of it. A lot of the time I can get a kick out of that sort of thing, but tonight I just found myself feeling deeply weary of media. I would have much preferred going for a walk with these guys and shooting the shit and having a real conversation, but it seems like a lot of the people around me don't do much conversation anymore, or if they do the subject is just media.

So, so many conversations that never quite manage to touch real life. And pop culture these days is so fragmented, I feel like half the time I'm sitting on the sidelines listening to conversations about media that I've never heard of, or even meta-conversations about the online discourse surrounding the media.

I remember as a kid being shocked that my Icelandic grandparents didn't have a clue who Darth Vader is. So out of the loop! Now as an adult, I think that's kind of badass. My grandpa's mind was full of information about how to carve wood and how to gut fish, along with old stories and legends. That all feels so much more right than whatever the latest exhausting media spectacle is.

I know so many people with an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture, but no real curiosity about history or science or anything real, and it drives me crazy that any discussion about "real life" is just like, walled off. And when we do manage to get onto any discussion about the real world, be that politics or culture or whatever, the level of cynicism is off the charts, even if the person I'm talking to doesn't have much experience in the real world to base that off of. And there's such a rush to make moral judgments... I hear so many people parroting sayings and attitudes they got from media, and rarely does it contain anything joyous or life-affirming. Much of it feels sickly to me.

It feels like pop culture and media form a parallel world that people's minds are trapped in. Maybe that sounds banal, but that's how it feels. I have friends who spend as much time as possible in fictional worlds, whether it be video games, or collecting pokemon merch, or what have you, and something about it just feels so goddamn tragic to me. And I get it, I've been there myself at various points in my life.

I'm not really a hater of media in general-- I love music and movies and I'm a voracious reader and an artist. But I feel so alienated by the onslaught of it all, and the cynicism that seems to exist in this overstimulated culture. And I grant you that I live in LA, where people really overidentify with the media they consume, which makes it all a lot worse.

I know it's not all people and not all the time. And I don't mean to come off as superior here. I have a lot of great friends and many things to be thankful for, but it can really get to me sometimes.

I'd like to end on a positive note, because the flipside to media overexposure is that it's easier than ever to find beautiful obscure stuff. I just wrote most of this while listening to this gorgeous piece of music and I'd like to share it with you guys: https://youtu.be/fJDCC9IK2tY?si=00KWgnkcHJDQoeJv

04:29 UTC


How do you guys balance life?

Here’s the updated version with that addition:

I’m an 18-year-old male, using my sister’s account because I can’t be bothered to switch to mine on my PC (I promise I’m not lazy!😭). I hope she doesn’t mind.

Anyway, how do people balance their lives so easily? I’m currently in my first year at university, studying software engineering. On top of that, I’m working, going to the gym, and taking driving lessons. It just feels so overwhelming.

I’m already struggling with my course since I have absolutely no prior knowledge of software engineering, and my lectures assume we all have a solid foundation. This means I have to put in twice the effort compared to students who already know what they’re doing. Please pray for me!

To make things worse, my driving instructor speaks broken English, so half the time I have no idea what he’s saying. The reason I’m stuck with him is because my mum vouched for him—he helped her pass her test since she also speaks broken English, so my parents pushed me to take lessons with him. Plus, he’s really cheap, and with the financial situation my family is in, I can’t afford to switch to another instructor.

Please give me some advice, because I seriously need it😭.

19:34 UTC


I (31F) would like to change my way of living but my gf (30F) doesn’t

We’ve been together for 6 years, each have a full time job, we have 2 kids (1.5 and 2.5 years old) and a house. I’m currently going through an existential crisis where I’m thinking a lot about our modern industrial society. If I was single, I think I would go live in an ecovillage, it seems like the most natural and normal way to live for humans, directly working on caring for all our needs, in respect of nature, animals and others, instead of working a job to earn money to then buy things to satisfy our needs, creating other needs and other problems (isolation, homelessness, climate change, all of the current problems). The only positive things I find in our current society is the medical field, I love that for us humans. My girlfriend says she is materialistic, she loves our society, she loves to work and have things and watching TV. I think TV, social media, all those distractions make sense in a way that they numb us from connecting and recognizing that our society does not work. I think I could totally continue on our current path, and numb myself too and stop thinking about all of this. My father urges me to think about my kids and the stability they need. Another part of me thinks that I only get one life to live. I would like to find a middle ground and compromises between my girlfriend’s and my views, and try to make things as good as I can for both of us. Do you have any ideas or thoughts about all this?

TLDR; My girlfriend and mother of my toddlers is very happy in our capitalist money-centered, ressources-wasting, meat-eating world, and I dream about living in an ecovillage. I’m trying to find compromise options. Thank you

17:44 UTC


Depression/anxiety caused by inactivity

I know the title is a bit vague, but I couldn’t accurately articulate what I’m trying to ask in a limited number of characters.

I’ll provide a little background and then hopefully explain what I’m feeling and how I’m hoping simple living may be able to help.

I’m in my early 30s and I’m very lucky to have a loving partner, solid career, and strong family ties with my parents/siblings. My job is very flexible in that most days when I’m not in meetings or traveling, I can spend my time doing things I enjoy or chores/errands.

I work out in some capacity every day and try to eat healthy, but admittedly my diet is probably the area in my life I’m weakest. I enjoy playing sports, video games, watching TV, and seeing my friends on the weekends.

Recently I’ve been feeling a little empty. At least I think that’s the best way to describe it. I’m not sure I would say I’m depressed because I’m the whole have a lot to be happy about. Or more accurately I don’t have much to be depressed about. Maybe extremely bored is a better way to to describe it.

Most days if I don’t have a heavy workload I have a lot of free time. Once I’ve worked out, and done any chores/errands I need to do, I feel like I don’t know what to do with my extra time.

I’ve struggled with this in the past and still don’t feel I’ve found a good balance. On the one hand I’ve tried being what I feel like is “ultra productive”. If im not working I’m trying to improve in some skill. Drawing, sports, reading some sort of non fiction to learn something new, taking online courses, etc.

I’ve never gone full couch potato but I know the other side of the coin isn’t a state I’m super comfortable with either. If I tried to just game all day or watch shows for 6 hours, that would eat at me too.

I know this post is all over the place, and maybe simple living isn’t the right place to post this, but has anyone else felt this way? Has anyone found good strategies dealing with this bored empty feeling I have?

Thanks I appreciate any feedback.

19:42 UTC


Just realized


Read that post and it made me think: The typical warning about social media when it first came out (for me around highschool) was that it could lead to dangerous situations with strangers online. If someone had phrased it to me like “it can become a debilitating addiction/can have lasting impacts on your mental health” I might not have ever used it.

1 Comment
06:15 UTC


How to apply simple living to work

Took some time off work due to burn out and it was the best time of my life. I woke up slow, spent my time reading and moving my body and nourished myself.

Unfortunately reality is I need a job to keep living so I'm back in a role. However it's hard to not get fully sucked in. Over a third of my day is spent at work and we get so sucked into the politics, drama and things that are out of our control. I no longer feel the "simpleness" and it's making me anxious going back to work again. It's hard not to get sucked into thinking about career all the time when it's all we spend our time doing.

How do you balance work and living a simple life?

12:52 UTC


Creatives/hippies/bohemians/spiritual people etc that tend to want to live simply?

How are you affording it with the price of housing and the cost of living what it is now ? What are you doing? Tell us your story?

00:27 UTC


How does "love" factor in to simple living?

Curious to see everyone's thoughts on this

Personally, I think that the idea of "love" itself stems from simplicity but it can be manifested in different ways.

For one, it has lead me to write pages upon pages of hardcore poetry which, in turn, has given my life a 'simpler' turn if that makes sense. Just me, my thoughts, and destiny.

03:03 UTC


Morning Books

Does anyone read in the morning as an alternative to scrolling on social media, news, etc? If so, what are you reading? Maybe something that encourages gratitude, simple living, feel good vibes?

02:51 UTC


Film recommendation: Perfect Days by Wim Wenders

07:27 UTC


How to achieve goals while balancing friendships and dating? I want to live simply

I (28M) live in a large and dense metro city with lots of opportunity to meet people -- it would be easy to plan something every single night. My challenges:

  • I lead a community that constantly has new people join I'm interested in getting to know better (sometimes)
  • I've met so many people that I needed a database to keep up with everyone, and juggle ~20+ text/IG conversations daily
  • I've begun dating and now juggling potential romantic partners makes balancing time with closer friends even harder

My life in the south was simple, I only had ~3-5 close friends. I seek a balance.

My biggest goal is getting a new job, but I struggle maintaining all of these friendships and relationships at the same time... I would love your thoughts.

00:46 UTC


I am jealous of people who lived their life without social media.

I have just turned 18 and have realized that i know too much. I think too much too an extent where I don't enjoy the moment. I have seen many people around me who haven't used social media at all, who are just oblivious to many of the things that I know as obvious. And the things that I know due to social media are not able to make me happy. "I am 2 steps ahead" or "MrBeast is now in grave danger" etc. These things neither make my life better nor make me happy. I want to live a simpler life where I don't have all these information floating around in my mind, but instead just be able to live in the moment and document it so that I can look back and just see happy life. I want to leave social media and have a more involved life. I want to live a simple life filled with family, friends and happy memories. How to get rid of all the clutter I have accumulated from using social media since the last 9 years. Any tips would be helpful. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

I want to live a life filled with memories & experiences away from all the information overload and complex style of life that many people of my generation are opting towards. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

10:39 UTC


l am turning to simple living lifestyle

with passing time l have become more and more averse to going for Vacations. For me it feels like waste of money , time and energy. I feel content in my comfort zone aka home.all day m busy with various stuff . But my family all the Time keeps pushing me for going for expensive vacations , sometimes in other countries as well. I told them very bluntly whats my take on that , after few weeks again the topic comes back in circles . Whats your take on travelling and Simple living ?

Edit: forgot to mention, l have told them bluntly that they can carry on with their travel and exclude me . l am just done with it.

16:00 UTC


What simple things help boost your mood/refresh you during your workday?


Thanks everyone I woke up with bad morning anxiety today. It makes me dread the day. I survived!

15:07 UTC


How to cope with dwindling socialization

As someone struggling with anhedonia, I find myself having no interest in chasing trends, climbing the corporate ladder or over-consumption as these things does nothing for me. Staying home with my cats and husband is ideal for me as it is peaceful and low-cost. I prefer activities like doing crafts, reading and one-on-one deep conversations. But I have become the outlier in my social groups. Even with friends whom I have known for many years, I find myself having almost nothing in common with them anymore and our interactions dwindling over the years, down to probably once or twice a year meeting up in person. I understand as life paths diverge, sometimes it's inevitable that friendship sometimes fades into acquaintanceship. Does anyone else experience the same thing? Any advice will be appreciated

22:13 UTC

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