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What are some real life consequences the gang manages to skirt for doing dirty deeds?

Off the top of my head:

  1. The FBI would never have not investigated the Mars rover crash or Leonard having a fling with a spy (especially after Sheldon told them AND Mrs. Davis in HR).

  2. The bird in the clean room. Pretty sure it wasn’t a clipboard type sign in sheet that could have been easily erased. Plus, what happened to their scientific integrity for damaging a clean room that would affect other experiments? Nah.

  3. Sheldon setting up that foam dropping from the ceiling and presumably ruining an expensive piece of equipment, not to mention scaring the top heads of the university.

  4. Bernadette implying her company had crossed the common cold with Ebola on unsuspecting death row inmates.

  5. Kripke pranking Sheldon during his NPR interview. Similarly, Leonard implying physics was a huge waste of money with no future.

There’s sooo much more I’m sure!

Edit: added #5

14:04 UTC


What, in your opinion, is the best line from each of the main 4 dudes?

11:31 UTC


What's the worst thing anyone has ever done in the show?

Personally, I think Penny's was the worst

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06:32 UTC


Am I the only one that would have loved to see what life was like before Penny came along?

Watching the 1st episode and it’s so different than the routine, mundaneness of the other seasons. I just wondered what the guy’s life would’ve been like. Would they have been complete nerds? Would Howard have always had a creepy thing for girls? Would Raj have been more talkative? I just love the first season more due to what its uniqueness and nerdiness, and wished there had been way more of it.

17:16 UTC


Which two of the main cast has the best friendship?

Like I know Penny's and Sheldon's is sweet and special, Leonard I think see's him like a life long friend no matter what but not sure its what i'd call the best as they often bicker. Howard and Raj I think generally love hanging out with each other but Howard is a bit mean (which I like taking piss between friends but I think Howard does it too often and at the most hurtful times, him and Bernadette seem to think other peoples failings are funny sometimes, like I might make a joke that I can't bare to look at my mates face but I wouldn't do it if they were obviously ugly or just had a face injury [terrible hypothetical].

So.... I think the best friendship is Penny and Amy, they're generally (not always) nice to each other, they go to each other with their problems, and they have fun together. What do you guys think?

FYI I'm not including the couples in this as that blurs things but yes I think all the couples are friends with their partners in the show (yes I also think Penny and Leonard vibe on a friendship level), I think relationships that don't have friendship in them are obviously shit (based on sexual attraction only or based around very feminine and masculine roles only).

I'm clearly procrastinating from work as I've written an essay instead of just asking the poll question.

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15:52 UTC


Activities with the characters

Who will yall wanna hang out with? And to do what? Can be an activity they didnt do in the show.

15:20 UTC


Were the Last 3-4 seasons written by another writer?

The last 3-4 seasons have different feels. The characters have suddenly changed especially bernadette. And sheldon's line "i haven't thought of that" was not very sheldon. They alao got very cheesy and woke. It seems like a different show. I love this show but re-watching the whole series around 6-7 times already, I noticed that these seasons were the weakest of them. I've watched this show at different times of my life. When I was just starting at work, I had a relationship, got married, had a child, and I fully understand every character's dilemma. But their problems got very cheesy towards the end. I dunno. Is it just me?

15:13 UTC


Soft kitty 🐈

The rhyme originated from Poland apparently. I thought itd be fun to translate it into our native languages even if it doesnt follow the tune of the song. I'll start by translating it to Tagalog:

Malambot na kuting (soft kitty), mahimbing na kuting (warm kitty), maliit na bola ng balahibo Maligayang kuting (happy kitty), antok na kuting (sleepy kitty), purr purr purr

10:07 UTC


I ship Leslie Winkle and Leonard Hofstadter

Would it be very fun and more interesting if Leslie and Leonard wind up with each other and be part of the group from Season 1? I like it when she and Sheldon fight intelligently. She’s like Amy! Lol

07:15 UTC


I finished the show again

Finished rewatching the show again and omg I am never prepared for that ending. It’s so bittersweet I love it. I’m really sad that it ended but also I’m glad because it ended perfectly. I feel that if it were to go on for any longer the series would become repetitive and boring. And it would become revolved around Covid and then end suddenly and unsatisfactory. Kind of like how superstore was. Last episodes were all about Covid and it ended poorly

21:55 UTC


What is your feel-good TBBT episode?

Mine is S6EP6: The Extract Obliteration. It has one of the best beginnings to an episode of all time, in my opinion. Raj and Howard doing accents to each other was just comedy gold.

19:19 UTC


In 2007, weeks before the premiere of The Big Bang Theory, Jim Parsons, until then an almost unknown actor, took this photo after being super excited to see his face printed on an advertising poster for the first time.

Years later, “The Big Bang Theory” would become one of the most successful series in history and he would become one of the highest paid actors in the world, winning 4 Emmys and 1 Golden Globe for his character.


13:06 UTC

07:44 UTC


A few days ago I finished watching the show for the 2nd time

It was still as sad as the 1st time. I really felt close to the characters. They were like a family to me. I related a lot to the characters but mostly Sheldon and Amy. I saw Leonard and Penny as my parents, Sheldon, Howard and Raj as my paternal uncles, and Amy and Bernadette as my paternal aunts by marriage. I also saw a little of my real life reflected on the show. The show was really well written. I wish I could live in the Big Bang Theory universe. The show sometimes made me wish I could escape real life

23:36 UTC

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