
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for fans of the show New Girl. Discussion of, pictures from, and anything else New Girl related.


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29 birthday cake

I am NOT a baker so it’s not very good but made this for my sisters 29th birthday… just couldn’t help myself 😂 TWENTY NOINE

17:59 UTC


Do we ever hear anything about Evil Winston again? I haven't finished the show

13:50 UTC


First Rhonda prank season 2?

I'm rewatching the show (for the hundredth time lol) and I noticed this in the flashbacks of nick talking about never crossing the bar. A woman named Rhonda left her pet ferret and I'm wondering if that cauld be one of her pranks?

10:56 UTC


On what streaming platform do you watch New girl?

I’m so bummed ever since it left Netflix. Where do you watch?

04:11 UTC


Let’s pretend Liz Meriwether taps you in and gives you full creative license to come with the plot(s) for a New Girl episode—what does your episode look like?

It can be during any season! If you had the creative control to come with an idea for a New Girl episode, what would you come up with? You can write just an A plot or also add B and C plots, it’s completely up to you!

I’m gonna think on what my ideas would be and leave them in the comments! What are your ideas?

23:26 UTC


Genzlinger Trips

Hi Guys, why have u never seen this before. I’ve watched the show like 30 times, it’s a comfort show. Anyway, He trips on the stairs and grabs jess HAHA

22:38 UTC


Elizabeth love

I’m rewatching and I love the Elizabeth character and I kind of hate the writing for her. The actress is so good and sweet and they just treat her so badly and plainly. Obviously that’s the arc for Schmidt but I just love her.

20:07 UTC


What is this reference in Quick Hardening Caulk?

In Quick hardening caulk when Nick and Jess is talking and Jess says "I'm really happy her name is Shane, what's next, Cody, Tex, The Sheriff?" What does this mean and who is she referring to? I don't know this reference and Google couldn't give me the answer.

19:47 UTC


Jess interferes in everyone's lives so much! Or does she...

On a recent rewatch I decided to tally up every single time one of the 5 main characters interferes in someone else's life. Scroll to the end for results. What I included: -Every time a person butts into a person's life in an unwelcome way, regardless of whether or not that person was "in the right" or justified in some way. For example, Nick making Jess confess her feelings to Russell was unwelcome, but arguably justified because they did date for a while, and it has been included. -Any time one of the main characters butts into a minor character's life. For example, Jess and Cece trying to ruin Bob's relationship with Ashley is included. What I did not include: -Any time a person asks for advice or receives advice that they welcome. For example, Jess running into the bar and asking everyone to help her decide whether to choose the teaching job or the museum job was not included as an interference. -Anyone outside the 5 main characters. I was primarily trying to find out who butts in the most, so I didn't include any returning characters like Coach, Reagan, or Ally because they weren't in enough episodes to possibly win. For example, Bob trying to make Nick propose faster is not included. Here is every single offense out of all 146 episodes: S1E1 Schmidt makes Jess get a rebound after her breakup with Spencer Nick makes Schmidt and coach go save Jess at the restaurant S1E2 Nick, Schmidt, and Winston force Jess to stand up to Spencer S1E3 Schmidt and Winston refuse to let Nick get back with Caroline S1E5 Cece tries to make Jess talk to Nick about their possible feelings for each other S1E15 Jess forces Nick to see Sadie when he hurts his back S1E17 Nick makes Jess confess her feelings to Russell S1E22 Jess blows up at nick that he shouldn't backslide to caroline S1E23 Schmidt and Winston force nick to watch his DVD in hopes that he won't go back to caroline S1E23 Jess convinces Jen to accept Paul's proposal and take him back

S2E3 Winston convinces nick to stop going out with jess S2E11 Winston fake dumps Jess so that she is forced to talk to sam S2E14 Nick forces Jess to investigate Edgar S2E17 Schmidt insists that the loft dynamic is ruined and the only way to fix it is to kiss jess S2E18 Winston tries to ruin Jess' budding relationship with Jax S2E21 Jess makes Winston and Nick take a picture of Shivrang's penis S2E25 Schmidt ruins Cece's wedding

S3E3 Jess forces Schmidt to tell Cece that he's cheating on her S3E4 Schmidt tries to break up Jess and Nick S3E5 Jess pays Nick's bills S3E10 Nick makes everyone go camping/into the wilderness S3E17 Jess tries to make Abby move out S3E18 Cece tries to prevent Schmidt from dating Abby S3E20 Jess makes Nick assemble the toy S3E23 Cece, Schmidt, and Winston force Jess and Nick to communicate

S4E3 Jess and Cece try to prevent Bob from marrying Ashley S4E7 Schmidt tries to prevent Cece from getting a breast reduction S4E15 Nick forces everyone to go on his bar crawl S4E16 Schmidt tries to set Cece up with Jake Apex, much to her embarrassment S4E17 Jess tries everything to set Cece up with Nick S4E19 Jess makes Cece and Coach come to the wake of her date S4E21 Jess interferes in Coach and May's relationship, calling herself a "love doctor"

S5E5 Schmidt interferes with Nick's decision to give (or not give) his sperm to his cousin S5E9 Winston and Schmidt force Cece to go to her audition S5E11 Cece quits Jess's job for her S5E13 Jess won't leave sam alone S5E15 Nick butts into Jess's car buying and goes rogue

S6E1 Jess inserts herself into Cece and Schmidt's house buying S6E3 Schmidt and Cece push Jess to date Robby S6E7 Schmidt and Nick go to Ann Kim's house to convince her to come to Thanksgiving S6E17 Nick makes Jess Rumspringa S6E20 Schmidt and Cece insert themselves into everybody's relationships because they are "married homeowners"

S7E5 Jess calls Winston's "father" Nick inserts himself as Ruth's godfather S7E8 Jess makes everyone reminisce about their memories in the loft

The results: Cece: 7 Winston: 8 Nick: 10 Schmidt: 15 Jess: 16

Jess does butt in the most, but not by nearly as large a margin as I thought. Overall, the characters interfere a whole lot, 56 times total in 146 episodes and that's not including minor characters' offenses. Season 1 has the most total. Schmidt won the title in seasons 1, 5, and 6, and Jess won the most in seasons 3, 4, and 7. Winston won in season 2.

What do you think? Did I miss any? Did I include any that were unfair? I am willing to be proven wrong.

19:03 UTC


write an r/AmITheAsshole post as a character from the show and we’ll try to guess who it is!

16:56 UTC


Positive reaction about the Mess Around podcast??

Is there anyone that actually likes the podcast? I feel like there is an overwhelming negative reaction from it and it’s interesting how I haven’t seen anything positive.

Ofc everyone has their own opinions, but I honestly think the pod is pretty funny and I don’t really mind that they don’t talk about the episodes in great detail. I just enjoy Lamorne and Hannah’s chemistry and that makes up for the lack of BTS content. I guess it can’t be classified as a rewatch pod, but, for just a podcast, it’s funny and that’s all I need🤷🏾‍♀️

everyone’s different though, but did anyone have anything positive to say about it?

04:36 UTC


On rewatch number I don’t even know and I know there’s a lot of hate for season 7.

But Ruth and Nick are the best thing ever. Agree with many that want a R&N spinoff. A lot of shows suffer from intro of kids but Ruth worked well and drove story in a fun way that worked with the core characters.

01:07 UTC


Almost broke my ankle running to the comments to see if someone quoted Nick Miller

23:53 UTC


They look like South Park characters here 💀

23:51 UTC


The age old question. Was the show better off without Jess? Especially when Megan Fox was on the show for the first handful of episodes in season 5.

19:30 UTC


Remind me how the smush pain description goes?

18:02 UTC


Congratulations to Winnie the Bish! Lamorne Morris is an Emmy Nominee!

16:04 UTC


Can someone pleaseee edit Bohemian Rhapsody to have Winston scream-singing “FOR MEEEEEE” from his infamous scene where he needs an ambulance?

Just imagine…

Oh mama mia, mama mia

Mama mia let me go

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for meeeee

For meeeeeee

(And then Winston screaming) FOR MEEEEEEEEEEE!

15:18 UTC


My favourite couple

I love the dynamic of Jess and Russell, I don't like it when his ex wife comes into the mix but i think they are great together. So yes they are my favourite couple (except for nick and jess of course)

10:39 UTC


Favorite drunk/high/stoned moment?

I’m not particularly the hugest fan of when a TV show uses something like weed to give the characters an excuse to do and say whatever for the whole episode - I think it’s usually funnier when characters end up in crazy scenarios and got themselves there fully sober - but goddamn, if this show doesn’t write it’s under-the-influence moments well.

For me, nothing will top:

“I was just thinking of this impression. [licks lips] Who am I doing?”


“Who am I doing?”

“…Al Pacino?”


07:09 UTC


Jess and Furguson

For all the love Jess has for cats, I don't think I can recall any scenes with Jess and Furguson! Except when she acknowledges him when Winston first brings him at the apartment.

03:20 UTC


Help with quote?

There's a Schmidt quote, probably to Nick where he goes "How do you know blank but not know blank?!"

I can't remember the danged words or the context and it's really bugging me! Anyone know?

01:43 UTC



“You really think that cat knows Winston exists?” All the story arch’s with Winston’s cat makes me laugh cry, I personally love it. However I can’t hear Only Time by Enya without making a high pitched, closed-mouth scream while tearing up. Please share your favorite Furguson related moments/quotes.

EDIT: as commenters have pointed out it’s ‘Furguson’ but I can’t edit the title, my mistake! Thanks for the fun new catch though, makes it such a better name because it’s a pun.

01:24 UTC


When I say sometimes, you say teal!


00:58 UTC


The best couple in the entire show. Winnie the Bish and his Wife Aly. That’s it. That’s the post. Love them both. 😊

22:09 UTC


Thoughts on The Mess Around podcast?

I listened to all the episodes of “welcome to our show” the original re-watch podcast with Hannah, Lamorne, and Zooey and posted on here about how I didn’t love the podcast. Lamorne and Zooey could not stay on topic and I felt like we weren’t getting deep dives into the episodes like other well done re-watch podcasts (office ladies.) when I saw it was just Lamorne and Hannah, I got excited because Hannah is the best at staying on topic, but I’m pretty disappointed by the first two episodes.

First of all half the podcast is ads, not sure if I’ve ever heard so many ads on a podcast. Second, they still barely are discussing the episode. They just put one out about the pepperwood episode, which is one of my favorites. The pogo plot, Nick being protective over Jess, etc. They do briefly gloss over things in the episode, but a lot of it was Lamorne going off on a tangent about one of his roommates? Don’t get me wrong I love Lamorne and think he’s hilarious, but why was the mess around question “have you ever had a crazy roommate?” You have JAKE JOHNSON ON THE PODCAST!! Ask him about his fucking character!!! “What are some character traits of Nick that are similar to you” or “what scenes do you remember not being able to get through because of how funny the writing was?” Or “what is your favorite improv line that made the Final Cut”?

It just feels like they aren’t listening to fan feedback. If they are for some reason reading this, here are some tips:

-have a more detailed break down of the episode so you can talk through it scene by scene . This way you won’t get off topic and it will spark memories of filming -don’t spend more than 2 minutes talking about the bear -spend more time coming up with questions for your guests that are….. ABOUT NEW GIRL -get away from iheartradio because these ads are embarrassing -overall just have a plan for the show because it’s very obvious to all of us that you two have done no prep besides watching the episode

21:29 UTC


Help why was Schmidt dressed up?

A random scene popped up in my head when Schmidt was dressed up for a bootcamp but I can't remember what it was for, I feel like it was for something dumb and nick got disgusted or something but I can't remember if that even happend, anyone know?? I think it was in the earlier seasons

21:27 UTC


Miller family!!

19:56 UTC

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