
Photograph via snooOG

A sub-reddit for any and all things "Wilfred" on FX.

A subreddit for for all things Wilfred, on FX.

The Rules:

1) Content must relate to Wilfred.

2) Include [SPOILER] in the title of your post if it includes spoilers.

3) Any spoilers in comments must be marked with a spoiler tag. Here's how you do that: [Wilfred Spoiler](/spoiler) = Wilfred Spoiler

4) Be nice.


Where to watch Wilfred.

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9,779 Subscribers


Where can I watch for free in the UK?

I pay for almost all the majority streaming services but its not available on any here in the UK... I've had a look for streaming online and can't find anything that works either.. any suggestions?

1 Comment
23:00 UTC


Anybody got a good source for S1-2 of the Australian version?

There's a lot of torrents and such for the US version, but I'm having some trouble tracking down the Australian version for download. If any of you fine people have the files I'd love to get them uploaded somewhere modern, I'm trying to fill a hole in my Jellyfin server, but I'd also love to get a torrent up for the Australian version if one doesn't exist.


Edit: Let me know if you need a link DM'd to you, or check 1337x. The great drought of Wilfred 2007 is now torrentable

17:28 UTC


Wilfred ending

I just binged watched Wilfred for the 1st time over the last 2 weeks. Am I the only one tht feels unsettled by the ending? Poor Ryan was crazy the whole time.

06:38 UTC


Do you guys think this show was ahead of its time?

This show grapples with deep existential human problems through absurd humor and I just don't think America was thinking in those terms in 2011. In 2011 marvel movies were in there prime and the office was probably the most popular show. That said, now everything everywhere all at once was an extraordinarily popular movie, Swiss army man did ok, and bojack horseman was a popular tv show and people are seemingly more interested in this content, in my opinion. Do you think Wilfred would have been a bigger hit if it came out more recently?

23:52 UTC


New Wilfred series?

It seems that Jason Gann is (finally) shooting a new TV series, and while I'm sure that it's its own separate thing, I'm not entirely convinced it's not another season of Wilfred.

He did an interview on 9News in Australia and while he never outright says that the show has anything to do with Wilfred, it's at least mildly hinted at. And Jason has been liking comments on Instagram of people asking if it's Wilfred-related. Thoughts?

Here's the video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8D3JN8yXmS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Regardless, I'm just excited to see him acting again!

12:50 UTC


Do you think there are times Wilfred isn’t actually with Ryan

So I’m currently watching S2 E9 and they are at a work meeting sitting around a conference table and Wilfred is there, but isn’t acknowledged at all. It makes me think that Wilfred is only there for Ryan in that moment because it would be weird if he is taking his neighbors dog to work. Also, the fact that nobody even acknowledges a dog in the work place makes me think there are times Ryan sees Wilfred more than just when the actual dog is around as well.

04:22 UTC


After all these years, I thought Wilfred was a part of Ryan’s mind until I re-ran through this episode…tell me what you think

If Wilfred is just a part of Ryans mind, then this raises a question in season 3 episode 3. Ryan is babysitting Jeoffry for Kristen who is going on a date with a guy named Michael who’s a Doctor. After Ryan meets Michael, Kristen and Michael go to dinner. Wilfred later says to Ryan that Michael smelt of a womens nether regions. After the two come back from their date, Michael admits he did indeed visit a patient earlier in the night who was suffering from an infection of the nether regions.

If Wilfred is only a part of Ryan’s mind, how could Wilfred (Ryan) have known that Michael had the scent of a woman’s nether regions upon him?

I know it’s just a small loophole in the theory, but it’s really the only one I can find. Love to hear opinions, or if anyone has discovered other loopholes.

06:12 UTC


Started a Rewatch Because of Depression

I actually just started a rewatch because I was feeling suicidal… I remembered that it all started with a suicide attempt and thought it might make me feel better ❤️‍🩹 My best friend is my dog that I was finally able to get 2 years ago (I was the kid that wished at every birthday for a dog and wrote Santa for a dog every year). So when I saw his picture I knew he was my dog instantly and I couldn’t ask for a better companion. I’ve attempted suicide 3 times and stayed in a psych ward twice. I’ve even OD’ed on fentanyl twice. I’m seeing a psychiatrist and a therapist finally after the mental health care system failed me over and over. I find this show very relatable and the comedy aspect can be very helpful for a good distraction.

08:08 UTC


WIlfred Season 1 different?

So I remember watching the whole first season of Wilfred about 5 or 6 years ago.. I'm watching it again and pretty much every episode 1-3 is completely different.. The first episode is the same but 2 and 3 are new to me.. Am I crazy? Was I just drunk and I don't recognize the story lines/actors? I can imagine I was wrong.. but this show seems different than I remember.. I remember Wilfred's blonde owner.. but the bully sequence seems different

03:21 UTC


In the season 2 premiere

That was seriously funny as fuck how it took Ryan all the way to the end to recognize that the Doctor he was talking to was Robin Williams. 🤣🤣

14:16 UTC


Free download link?

Anyone has a free download link or knows where I can download It for free?

1 Comment
12:05 UTC


When did Wilfred say “Wow, you used the hard r” to Ryan?

I can’t remember the context, and I’m trying so hard to find it. I’m not sure I’m remembering the quote exactly right either, but i remember it was hilarious! Please help!!

06:47 UTC


Pint Glass

Any idea where to find one of these? They were available when the show was running (I think on the FX website). I bought one for myself and one for a friend. His broke years ago, but mine somehow lasted over a decade. I am super bummed about this! I've looked all over, but I can't even find proof they ever existed.


01:31 UTC


S4 E7 Responsibility

Did anybody realize that they changed the mom character?

19:19 UTC


It's definitely the third watch through that gets you in a disturbing way

The first watch through is mostly a "is he real/not real/real in a weird metaphysical way

The second is you feeling terrible, seeing his mental stability and a lot of the things putting fire to flame

The third you realize, this dude hung his neighbors dog, bought it to a kill shelter, almost abandoned him in the woods. Got him neutered as a joke, and used him to cope with a somewhat cruel and cold inner nature when treating others like nothing

02:05 UTC


Monologue about train crash Wilfred love life

There's an episode where he describes a whole horrible scene and follows it up with "so I'm single again". I think he was like describing his love life? I did a scan through the two episodes I thought it was but I think I thought wrong. Anyone know offhand?

16:32 UTC


How did Ryan afford his house while unemployed in the first season?

18:36 UTC


Obvious spoilers but... God damn this show is depressing on rewatch

Like first I feel like a fool for not realizing all the hints, but also knowing for sure it is all in his head and he is crazy makes it much less funny. Still great show and a fun rewatch

Edit: Also the amount of celebrity cameos on this show is amazing

12:16 UTC


Does Ryan ever tell Jenna he talks to Wilfred and sees him as human?

I can’t remember if this happens, I know he tells her about the other stuff.

20:08 UTC


What if Ryan decided to confide in Spencer about Wilfred for some reason, instead of getting rid of him? What if this had led to him becoming a main cast character? What if Cinzia was just luring Ryan to her boat in Italy to extract his liver and sell it on the black market?

14:27 UTC


My take on the ending.

It’s all about perception. Sure, everyone else sees Wilfred as an ordinary mutt, but Ryan perceives Wilfred in his own special way. Is Ryan’s perception any more or less ‘real’ than anyone else’s ? Not at all.

We are but perceivers, and then there is the material world. It takes all of our senses to navigate and explore our reality in order to make any sense of it…

Just because everyone else sees a dog doesn’t make Ryan’s version of Wilfred any less valid.

We all see things in our own unique way.

Ryan’s perceptions of Wilfred are but one of many complex ways through which to see the world 🙃

Ryan’s version of Wilfred is no less valid than Jenna’s interpretation of her pet.

The show is permanently anchored from Ryan’s perspective, so Ryan’s Wilfred is our reality as well.

Here we are 10 years later and still so many relevant applications in these current times of political unrest.

I loved the show and how they managed to wrestle some tough philosophical questions into the format of a 20 minute sitcom.

This was my first watch through and I plan to visit the Australian version next!

Dog bless you Jason Gann for being the original Wilfred since 2002.

04:37 UTC


Pride hits different after the first viewing.

I mean let's just talk about the episode for a second.

"In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes." (Steven H. Coogler)

Ryan gets in a car accident because Wilfred pulls the wheel. Let's say the actual dog jumped at him or put his paw on Ryan's arm, when driving with an animal you should have a lot more of a grip on the wheel than normal because that's a possibility. So. There's that, but he probably pulled the wheel on his own because of the conversation.

He gets in an accident, sees Raffie in the back with Beth's kid, goes to her office at the time she says to be there, and hits on her.

He proceeds to wine and dine her with Wilfred(?) just at her house, and humps the kids giraffe toy. Tbf Raffie has the longest throat in the stuffed animal kingdom, but goddamn.

After watching this show who knows how many times, I don't think Wilfred was actually there, just Ryan's version of Wilfred. And I think that makes the entire thing even worse.

Like obviously the entire situation is terrible. Beth is basically presenting him with "fuck me/eat me out or pay me a shit ton of money", and then "negotiated" anal cunnilingus into the contract Ryan wrote up post accident. I understand that the point is that Ryan needs to decide at what point he'll drop his prideful act and ask for help, and that one of the greatest mistakes referenced in the quote at the beginning of the episode is his approach to "fixing" his problem.

But basically, this is my most hated episode of the series. Raffie deserved better. Beth sucks.

01:18 UTC


Wilfred was similar to fight club

When following the show I was expecting Wilfred to be super natural. Maybe they’d throw us off by showing Wilfred outside his costume, or Ryan would become someone else’s Wilfred. It ended up being all in his head. I watched fight club and it had a similar ending where the side character was completely imaginary.

A lot of fans of this show were able to call the ending before it was revealed. I wonder if fight club had some influence.

04:07 UTC


Does Ryan’s cope work?

I do something the same as Ryan to help me with hard times or challenges. I talk to a made up being who knows more than me and makes me do the right. Even the small things like get out of bed and be useful.

But the question is if it’s helpful. I think it is since it’s like having someone to talk to that you can really say the most messed up things that you hate to think about. I prefer it to be something magical like Wilfred since it feels like I have undeniable help with what I need. Iam not humping giraffes like Ryan tho it doesn’t control me.

19:31 UTC

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