
Photograph via snooOG

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Why are modern games so hardware demanding?

So I work as a backend software developer and I don't understand the reason for increasingly high hardware requirements (for PC games). If you look at games from like 2015 (Witcher 3, fallout 4, AC: Syndicate etc) I don't really see any dramatic difference in graphics or mechanics that would require a much better CPU/GPU to run modern games. Yet most modern games struggle to run on my (to be fair, rather mediocre) setup that can easily handle any of the slightly older games. Am I not understanding something about modern games or is it all about modern games being unoptimized due to investers' demands and deadlines?

22:00 UTC


Trailer of our short horror game Kizuyami | 刻闇. Available for purchase on Steam!

16:21 UTC


What’s your thoughts.

So I gather this may be a tad bias as this is a PC gaming community but I’m just curious. I’ve had consoles for however long I remember, PlayStation in particular. But I’m just thinking now about switching up to PC specifically for the KBNM side of things as I just think it’s way more beneficial than a controller (correct me if I’m wrong). I’m a total novice to PC gaming as I never have before but can anyone tell me whether this is a wise idea or not or has anyone else experienced the same switch up and how did it go? TIA :)

15:57 UTC


Which new games have dedicated servers?

Reposting without the spelling errors. Currently taking a dump and had a toilet thought, or more of a memory. I got into multiplayer gaming with the fiery first CoD and Medal of Honour where, through GameSpy you could join servers with custom maps and also dedicated servers with real-time maps rotations. Also, the first few battlefields had dedicated servers.

I can't think of any (new) games which have dedicated servers. Are there any games/are there any sources to point me towards a list of games that have a dedicated community with dedicated servers?

15:56 UTC


COP BASTARD - solodev FPS demo is OUT! My game is inspired by action movies from John Woo and Japan yakuza movies from 90s era. You can check it from steam now!

Hi, i am solodeveloper targim and i am developing classic fps game COP BASTARD.

I've long wanted to make a game where you participate in non-stop action, without being distracted by completing quests, puzzles, and walking through labyrinths. Where the character doesn't have any perks, super abilities, and so on, where you only need to destroy your enemies.

My game mostly inspired by movies from 80-90s era by John Woo and Takeshi Kitano.

Game inspiration by such fantastic games as - F.E.A.R, Max Payne, SoF and Black.

You can download game from steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1742440/COP_BASTARD/

If you like dont forget to wishlist!

Feel free for post your feedback here.

Youtube demo trailer

15:11 UTC


Inside Indiana Jones and the Great Circle: The Ray Tracing Breakdown

14:50 UTC


MEATSHOT Trailer 4K (New Max Payne/The Matrix Inspired Game 2025)

14:05 UTC


my Road-Journey, Vehicle-Building game: No Gasoline

12:15 UTC


Tech Support and Basic Questions Thread - December 21, 2024

Previous Threads

Welcome to the /r/pcgaming tech support and basic questions thread! Having troubles with a game or piece of hardware? Have a question about a PC game, hardware, or something else related to PC gaming? Post here and get help from fellow PC gamers.

**When asking for help please give plenty of detail:**

* What your computer specifications are. If you don't know them please follow this guide.

* If you're using a laptop we need to know the make/model as well as the specs.

* What operating system you're using.

* What you've tried so far in order to fix the issue.

* Exact circumstances to replicate the issue you're having.

**Check out these resources before asking for help in case you can troubleshoot further:**

* /r/PCGamingTechSupport

* /r/techsupport

* Toms Hardware Troubleshooting

* PC Gaming Wiki

**Common troubleshooting steps:**

* Restart the system

* Update your drivers

* Update game/software

* Re-seat any new hardware to ensure a proper connection

* If your peripherals are malfunctioning, swap ports and check that the specific USB port itself works.

**Special User Flair**

**🛠️ Tech Specialist** flairs are given by the mod team to users who repeatedly help their fellow community members by answering questions and giving sound advice!

For immediate help visit us on our Discord server!

07:00 UTC


Does anyone else realise they don't really enjoy competitive games anymore?

So i have hit masters in OW, near CE in WoW, diamond in league, and around diamond+ in several other games. But nowadays its just boring. Hackers, exploiters, poor balance, throwers, smurfs, etc etc its just boring now. I been having a ton of fun recently playing things like cyberpunk 2077, dungeons and dragons, BG3, palworld and grounded then i have in competitve games in the last few years.
I'm 28 so maybe im just bad now because im old but idk. Just feel burned out from mostly the people in these games nowadays.

04:26 UTC


Tower Factory: Gameplay Update + Christmas Event + First Discount!

23:38 UTC


Two Sides of Hell | Run and Gun with lots of blood and bossfights | New Major Demo Update

We're eager to announce an important update for the demo of our game, Two Sides of Hell!

It's a run and gun with lots of blood and bossfights, where the action takes place in a sci-fi setting on an extraterrestrial planet.

Think of it as if Doom and Metal Slug had merged into a single, action-packed 2D sidescroller with infinite replayability thanks to the procedurally generated levels and roguelike elements added as a cherry on top.

If you're into heavy music we've also got you covered, we're sure you'll enjoy our arcade-infused metal soundtrack!

If you're interested into the game, you can find it at this link: https://partner.steampowered.com/app/details/2569650/

If you want a quick sneak peak at a short clip we recorded internally about this game's demo, here's a youtube link.

Just remember to wishlist it if you like it! And on the other hand, if you find any bugs or don't enjoy certain aspects of the game, feel free to leave us your feedback here in the comments, we're always on the lookout to improve everything we've got to offer. We're just a team of three developers trying our best, and we're really grateful even if you've read this wall of text so far!

The new update includes:

  • New level generator, coded from scratch to improve randomization and overall difficulty progression of the game
  • Revisited look and feel of generated level components
  • New Arena system
  • New Hangar (pre-game area) look
  • New starting environments, so that each level feels fresh but always familiar
  • Nerfed the "Screamer" miniboss so that its difficulty is comparable to the Blood Summoner
  • Revisited what plasma weapons are present in the demo
  • Flamethrower is not in the demo folks, but we have it ready for the full game!

Thank you for giving us a shot!

22:28 UTC


Share steam games

Why dont people just buy separate games and make a family to have a big ass library ???

20:28 UTC


Red Hook (Darkest Dungeon) Are Hosting An AMA Now

Not sure if we're allowed to cross-post in this way, but I just saw over on r/Games that Red Hook are about to do an AMA on the Darkest Dungeon franchise.

Really enjoyed the first, and it looks like there's a new update coming for the sequel that makes it more like the original? (maybe?)


20:16 UTC


Stardew Valley 1.6.15 is now available on PC, Android, and iOS

18:41 UTC

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