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    Nvidia App Settings Resetting on System Reboot

    My Global Settings are resetting to default values every time I start my computer. Is this a known issue or is there a workaround?

    01:44 UTC


    How to secure a 5090 in Malaysia?

    Idk if I can get a 5090 on the resease day. Due to the ban on sales in China,I'm afraid this policy will affect sales in Malaysia. don't want to buy 5090 from scalpers at a higher price.

    01:39 UTC


    NVIDIA Broadcast randomly re-opening itself on 24H2 solution

    This has been a pretty annoying issue for a lot of people on Windows 11 24H2, but I've found a solution!

    For those unaware, once you've upgraded to 24H2, roughly every 10 minutes NVIDIA Broadcast will re-open itself without any user input. It also opens on startup, even when the checkbox inside NVIDIA Broadcast labelled "Launch when Windows starts" is off.

    Go here and find the appropriate .bat file for what you'd like to do. Make sure you run them with admin privileges!

    You should always open and close NVIDIA Broadcast using these scripts until NVIDIA provides a fix.

    These are really simple .bat files and they won't harm your computer in any way, but I understand if you're hesitant about running a.bat file provided by a redditor with administrator privileges, so here's what they do.

    The scripts start/stop a service called NVIDIA Broadcast LocalSystem Container (NvBroadcast.ContainerLocalSystem) which is responsible for opening the program at startup and randomly re-opening it.

    The scripts that disable auto-startup simply disable this service at startup.

    The scripts also open/close NVIDIA Broadcast, as it doesn't function without this service running.

    As a courtesy, the scripts detect if you're running them with administrator privileges and will tell you if you're not, as the service cannot be started/stopped without admin.

    I really hope someone at NVIDIA fixes these problems with NVIDIA Broadcast sooner rather than later, it should never come down to an end user to provide a fix like this to the community.

    01:39 UTC


    GeForce Experience/Nvidia App Beta Resizable Bar

    Hi everyone!

    Do you guys have any idea if it's possible to enable Resizable Bar for the unsupported games using the Profile inspector while using the GeForce Experience or the Nvidia App Beta?

    I can't find any difference enabling it while using any of those softwares. But if I just get the standard drivers it works great.

    GPU: 3090 OC

    Thanks 👍

    01:32 UTC


    I have a 3070ti rn and I want to upgrade sometime in the next year or so

    Do y'all think I should get a 4080 Super now or just wait till the 50 series cards come out and get one when they drop also im doing a completely new build with this so any suggestions on cpu or brands of the card is welcome and appreciated

    17:04 UTC


    Steam Hardware Survey - October 2024


    1. NVIDIA - 77.37%

    2. AMD - 15.00%

    3. INTEL - 7.31%

    The above figures include igpus (I think).

    Top 10 GPUs - % Marketshare

    1. RTX 3060 - 7.46%

    2. RTX 4060M - 5.61%

    3. RTX 4060 - 5.25%

    4. GTX 1650 - 4.71%

    5. RTX 2060 - 4.33%

    6. RTX 4060 Ti - 4.29%

    7. RTX 3060 Ti - 4.26%

    8. RTX 3070 - 4.23%

    9. GTX 1660 SUPER - 3.77%

    10. RTX 3060M - 3.65%

    Highest % change in month

    1. GTX 1660 SUPER - +1.83%

    2. RTX 3060 - +1.60%

    3. RTX 4060M - +1.24%

    Top 3 AMD dGPUs

    RX 6600 - 0.98% (+0.25) - 33rd

    RX 580 - 0.97% (+0.26) - 34th

    RX 6700XT - 0.86% (+0.23) - 37th


    4GB - 7.71% (+0.46)

    6GB - 14.09% (+1.45)

    8GB - 35.11% (-2.30)

    12GB - 18.59% (-0.78)

    16GB - 3.46% (+0.20)

    Display Resolution

    1920x1080 - 57.32% (+1.59)

    2560x1440 - 19.71% (-2.02)

    2560x1600 - 4.26% (-0.04)

    3840x2160 - 3.89% (+0.21)


    16GB - 46.75% (+1.43)

    32GB - 31.61% (-1.78)

    16:28 UTC


    4070 super and cyberpunk 2077

    Hi all, i own a MSI 4070 super ventus 2x, and since i got no idea if it's defective or if i am torturing it, i wanted to ask here how this game is performing for others that own it.

    I tried it on 4k DLSS ultra quality + FG and RT Ultra and it can achieve 57-60 fps, sometimes dips to 53, which is impressive honestly ngl, but i have huge, huuuge frame drops when exiting out of the map menu, especially if i am running on a car/bike and giving gas, and looking at MSI afterburner OSD i see that the card during these frame drops pulls 30-50 watts, and slooowly ramps up to the 200-210w that it usually consumes at max usage, and when it does that the game runs again at 57-60fps. It has a slight undervolt i gotta say (2790 mhz core clock max at 1v), but this happens also on stock settings with the card being free to pull as much voltage as it likes and using the stock curves.

    So i was wondering if this means that these settings are just too much for my gpu, or there may be something else, maybe my cpu? I've got no idea who is the real bottleneck when i close the map (or other) menus and go back to the 3d world. Searching through google i saw that it has happened in the past for AMD cpu owners, and that it is now fixed, but i've a 14700 intel cpu on 012b microcode.

    Messing with the settings i noticed that with RT turned off (at 4k) this frame drop doesn't happen at all and the game is playable, even though i'd have loved to have played with RT.

    At 1440p DLSS ultra + FG and even path tracing the game runs well, i got it capped at 60 fps (card can do prolly 15-20 fps more than that at these settings) and the menu fps drop doesn't happen at all and gpu watts go rapidly to the amount the card needs, i guess, but it looks honestly worse than 4k dlss ultra + fg and RT (no path tracing because that would lead to a 30 fps experience with dips lol), it's just that the DLSS quality on 4k is very good and gives such a clean image so i'd prefer that. I've tried turning down the DLSS from quality to performance on 4k but it doesn't change much, it's the RT that is giving these "strokes" to my system at 4k, if i deactivate RT the frame drops do not happen.

    So, sorry if i sound ignorant, i have the suspect that the card just can't do that, even though it can reach from 53 to 61 fps on 4k + RT ultra (after it recovers from the frame drop) which made me lose time on trying to fix that so i'm just asking here for other owners, am i just asking too much, or is maybe my cpu bottlenecking it in that particular scenario, my psu maybe?

    10:30 UTC


    Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Performance Fix

    Looks like this game uses an old version which is 3.5 DLSS and DLSS Frame Generation just download the latest 3.7 version on Techpowerup make sure to backup before replacing those files


    NVIDIA DLSS 3 Frame Generation DLL 3.7.10 Download | TechPowerUp

    NVIDIA DLSS DLL 3.7.20 Download | TechPowerUp

    06:27 UTC


    Asus Strix 3070 for $220. Is that a good deal?


    04:08 UTC


    Can I get away with a 4080s with a 600w PSU?

    Looking to upgrade slowly and found a good deal on a 4080s. Current specs:

    MSI B550m-vc wifi Ryzen 5 5600X Rtx 4070 600w Thermal lake Smart 80+ Gold

    Edit: I didn't expect so many people to comment. Lol

    From what I can gather I have a few options. I'll sit on it for a few days and make a decision. Someone mentioned upgrading the motherboard too, which makes sense. I might as well just rebuild everything for the ground up, then, and put in a new CPU too and newer ram. Thanks for the input.

    00:44 UTC


    Upgrade from 3060 Ti

    Which GPU should I get and be settled for years to come?

    This one was doing fine job for some games, but I wanted to play Horizon Forbidden West and got 20 fps on max settings. Best I could do is reach around 60 with lowering the settings but I kinda want the game to be pretty.

    CPU is Ryzen 7 5800X.

    I have considered Zotac RTX 4090 AMP Extreme Airo

    Would this be an overkill?

    On one hand I am not much of a gamer but on the other when I do play something I want it to look good and be playable.

    Also important note is my monitor is 4K 49".

    22:23 UTC


    Recommended 4080 Super and which 4080 super to avoid

    Looking to get a 4080 super however I don't know what brand is good or bad or which one I should avoid. I was more leaning towards the MSI X Slim or Gigabyte Gaming OC

    20:16 UTC


    Upgrade from 2070 Super/Ryzen 5 3600X

    Hi, i wanna ugprade my setup but i cant decide/i dont know all too much about pcs to decide what to upgrade. Should i focus more on upgrading the gpu, and if so what would be a good upgrade that is worth doing, or should I focus on my cpu, and then again what would be a worthwhile upgrade?

    I mostly do gaming, i edit videos sometimes but not that often that it would matter.

    My most demanding game is probably apex legends, Warframe at times aswell in some situations, and i have a 144hz monitor. I find myself dipping below 144fps alot esp in apex when theres alot of fighting and i play in 16:10 res. (reason behind why i wanna upgrade)

    Thanks in advance!

    15:00 UTC


    Is it worth it upgrading from an RTX 3090 to a RTX4080/4090 for non-gamers?

    As the title says...I use my 3090 mainly for ML tasks and encoding/decoding of 4K videos. CPU=14900K, btw.

    Edit: I seem to have left out some bit of crucial information. I was hoping to sell the 3090 and use these funds towards a reasonably priced 4080/4090 once the 50-series are released.

    The 14900K was a free RMA upgrade from Intel due to the Vmin shift bug form my much older 13900k. They had run out of 13900K cpus, hence the 14K free replacement.

    For those unfamiliar with student funding woes in graduate school (working towards my PhD in Biomedical Engineering), sometimes you have funding, hence that's when I could afford to buy a new 13900K based desktop PC, when my 7 year old laptop suddenly and completely died on me once sunday afternoon, in the middle of my work, for no apparent reason 4 years ago. The pain and panic was insane!!! Thankfully, I had steady funding to afford a $1,500, 13K based desktop.

    And sometimes the funding goes away (3 times so far), so you are forced to borrow from Uncle Sam and live on the remaining crumbs after all tuition for that semester is paid off. In the meanwhile, you are desparately searching for other funding sources from other professors, which is difficult to get. Everyone is either broke (have no funds) or its all used by their current crop of graduate students.

    I say all the above to remove impressions that I was somehow 'rolling in money' and could readily afford these expensive

    05:38 UTC


    A budget build using some older items.

    00:14 UTC


    TUF 4070 Super or 4070 ti Super

    Guys I need help here.

    I've been looking at both Asus Tuf models but it seems like the TI Super is extremely just a overrated card

    So is it just smart to get the tuf 4070 Super and be done with it?

    I'm looking at a few other cards but everyone always says the tuf Asus models are the best and to NEVER pick up the gigabyte versions. Is the MSI versions worth a damn either?

    21:59 UTC


    3080 vs 3080 TI


    I currently have Asus ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3080 Gaming in my computer. There is possibility for me to switch to Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Gaming OC free of charge. And i still cant make up my mind, i know that the card as more VRAM and overal little higher performance. But i love the look and the "premium" status that the ROG card holds. Which card would you keep. Thank you for your opinions.

    20:26 UTC


    4070 or 3080

    should i buy a used 3080 10 gb for 500 $ or a new 4070 12 gb for 600$? Or should i go for a 3080 ti around the same pricerange?

    19:55 UTC


    Upgrade my GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Turbo 11GB to what exactly?

    I bought my system in 2018, with the following specs:

    • CPU - Intel® Core™ i7-8700K Processor (6x 3.70GHz/12MB L3 Cache) - Intel® Core™ i7-8700K
    • Cool- Corsair Hydro Series H55 120mm Liquid Cooling System - Standard 120mm Fan
    • GPU - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ASUS TURBO 11GB
    • MB - ASROCK Fatal1ty Z370 GAMING ITX/AC -- 1x PCIe x16, 1 x Intel® Thunderbolt™ 3, 6x USB 3.1 Gen1, WiFi
    • RAM - 32 GB [16 GB x2] DDR4-3000 Memory Module - Corsair Vengeance LPX
    • Pow - 750 Watt - Thermaltake Toughpower Grand RGB - 80 PLUS Gold, Full Modular
    • STR0- 1 TB Samsung 860 PRO SSD -- Read: 560MB/s, Write: 530MB/s - Single Drive
    • STR1- 4 TB Toshiba Hard Drive -- 64MB Cache, 7200RPM, 6.0Gb/s - Single Drive

    Lately, I've been noticing frame rates are actually quite low. The Forever War is completely unplayable, the first time I've hit issues playing a game. Now, Hunt Showdown is starting to stutter, and I'm thinking it's time to do an upgrade to the video card. Given the components, I am a bit nervous of just swapping out the video card. Back in the days I was building custom rigs (2000-2010), a swap on GPU would require a Mobo swap, which would require a CPU swap and RAM swap, and so on.

    Is there a good affordable replacement to kick my system back into shape I should look into?

    19:45 UTC


    NVIDIA RTX 2000E Ada Generation

    Sweet little AV1 Encoder and it's perfect for me. Would love to get it one day once the price goes a bit down. Can anyone share their experience with this card?

    12:53 UTC


    P1000 nvidia quandro

    Can i have two p1000 nvidia quandro work in dual mode to see image in 8 screens?

    How i can make this happen??

    11:41 UTC


    Looks like the 4060 and 4060 TI made quite the comeback

    In May only 2.82% of Steam Users were using an RTX 4060. In the latest Steam Hardware Survery however this number went up to 4.58%. The basic 4060 is now the 2nd most used GPU and even the 4060 TI is at 4th place now.


    10:44 UTC


    Tech Support and Question Megathread - November 2024 Edition

    We're consolidating all tech support posts and questions into this monthly tech support and questions megathread.

    It should be noted, r/NVIDIA does not represent NVIDIA in any capacity unless specified. There's also no guarantee NVIDIA even read this subreddit, if you have an issue, criticism or complaint; it's recommended to post it on the official GeForce forum.

    All Tech Support posts that do not include sufficient information will be removed without warning

    Before creating a Tech Support post, please see our additional resources section, it solves a lot of common issues.

    TL;DR: DO: Use the template. DO NOT: "i have driver issue please help not 60fps!!"

    For Tech Support Posts

    Please use this template below - posts without adequate information will be removed, we can't help you unless you provide adequate information.

    Status: UNRESOLVED/SOLVED - please update if your issue is resolved

    Computer Type: State if your computer is a Desktop or Laptop and the brand/model if possible, e.g Desktop, custom built

    GPU: Provide the model, amount of VRAM and if it has a custom overclock, e.g. GTX 1070, 8GB of VRAM, no overclock

    CPU: Provide the model and overclock information if possible, e.g. Intel Core i5 6600k, no overclock

    Motherboard: Provide the model and current BIOS version if possible, e.g. MSI Z170A GAMING M9 ACK, latest BIOS (1.8)

    RAM: Provide the model and overclock information if possible, e.g. Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) DDR4 2400MHz, XMP enabled, no overclock

    PSU: Provide the model and its rated wattage and current output if possible, e.g. EVGA 850 BQ, 850W, 70amps on the 12v rail - for laptops you can leave this blank

    Operating System & Version: State your OS and version, also please state if this is an upgrade or clean install, e.g. Windows 10 build 1607 64bit, upgrade from Windows 8.1

    GPU Drivers: Provide the current GPU driver installed and if it’s clean install or upgrade, e.g. 376.33, clean install

    Description of Problem: Provide as much info about the issue as you possibly can, images and videos can be provided as well.

    Troubleshooting: Please detail all the troubleshooting techniques you’ve tried previously, and if they were successful or not, e.g. tried clean install of GPU drivers, issue still occurs. Please update this as more suggestions come in

    For Question & Answer Post

    Additionally, this thread will be used to answer general questions that may not warrant having their own thread -- this could be questions about drivers, prices, builds, what card is the best, is this overclock good etc…

    Please don't downvote questions for the sake of helping others. We will also sort the post randomly so every question can be seen and answered.

    If you don't have any tech support issues or questions, please contribute to the community by answering questions.

    Here are some additional resources:

    Again, it should also be noted, r/NVIDIA is not a dedicated Tech Support forum and your question/issue may not be resolved. We also recommend checking out the following

    • r/TechSupport - A Subreddit dedicated entirely to answering Tech Support related questions/queries
    • GeForce Support - answers to the most common questions with a knowledgebase available 24x7x365
    • Official GeForce Forum - Posting your complaints, criticism and issues here will increase the chances an NVIDIA employee sees it.
    • NVIDIA Support Includes live chat and email

    If you think you’ve discovered an issue, it’s crucial you report it to NVIDIA, they can't fix an issue unless they know it exists.

    Here’s a guide on how to submit valuable feedback

    And here’s where you submit feedback

    If you have any questions, or think this template post could be improved for future use, please message the /r/NVIDIA moderators

    Want to see previous version of this thread? Click here

    05:00 UTC


    Dual NVENC = Do both work together?

    I have this deadly doubt although it makes me believe so because the GPU monitoring informs that both encoders are at more or less 20% activity. I think I received incorrect information that only one encoder would work per stream, now for example I am doing a test through OBS in which I activated the bandwidth test mode, in OCCT it is saying that both NVENC are being used. Enhanced Broadcasting is activated, I did the test by turning it off and even so both continue to be used.

    Could you tell me how these Dual NVENC actually work?

    If I do a live stream on Twitch (1080p or 720p with H.264) with Enhanced Broadcasting, will both be used?

    If I do a live stream on Twitch (1080p or 720p with H.264) without Enhanced Broadcasting, will both be used?

    I'm really confused and NVIDIA's articles don't explain this much to me, maybe because I couldn't understand it.

    02:03 UTC


    Zotac NVIDIA 4070 super 12gb

    Ich habe noch nie irgendetwas übertaktet. Nun reise ich seit Stunden durch Google und finde keine Werte die mich weiter bringen. Ich brauche Hilfe

    CPU: AMD ryzen7 7800x3d GPU: ZOTAC NVIDIA 4070 super RAM: 32gb Mainboard: Msi b560-s wifi

    Ich habe 3dmark runtergeladen Msi afterburner auch installiert und schraube herum..

    Wieso ich auf die Idee kam? Bei bo6 flog ich manchmal raus Und heute habe ich starwars outlaws gestartet und fliege nach 5min jedesmal raus aus dem Game. Unspielbar und ich kann es mit meinem neuen pc nicht wahrhaben. Alles bis jetzt Stock und nicht OC. Ich habe bei Msi auf Leistung eingestellt CPU boost bei bios gedrückt und bei NVIDIA experience BETA auf Autotune also oc eingestellt aber bringt trotzdem nichts.

    Stock ist die gpu bei 2745mhz Auf wieviel kann ich höher und auf was müsste ich achten ?

    02:43 UTC

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