
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Firefly, for all your Joss Whedon Sci-Fi western needs. The Reddit for everything in the Verse! Can't stop the signal. Shiny.

r/Firefly has gone dark in protest against Reddit's API changes which will kill 3rd party apps.


About Firefly.

Firefly is an American space western drama television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon. The series is set in the year 2517, after the arrival of humans in a new star system and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship.


  1. No reposts from the last month.
  2. No real-world politics. You can discuss politics of the Firefly 'verse.
  3. Posts must be directly related to Firefly.
  4. Posts and comments may be removed (or not) at the discretion of the moderators.

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Any worthwhile material besides the books?

Read the first 8, I thought they were stellar - is there anything else to read that's worthwhile? Even fanfiction. Cheers

07:27 UTC


Where would I find the story and set up cards from the anniversary game?

I have all the expansions already and have played the story’s to death. I see they made some new ones for the anniversary addition and I looked around here and online but couldn’t find details on them

21:30 UTC


Trying to get my son to watch...

But he's super stubborn, very one-track mind, hyper-focusy, ADHD and autism (diagnosed professionally, I hate that I need to make that distinction) and he's super into anime, what is the best anime to compare the adventures of our lovely crew of Serenity to?

09:38 UTC


Firefly Truck

There’s someone that lives near me that has their truck custom painted (or maybe covered) with Firefly 💛 Backend says “I aim to misbehave”. It’s awesome and I’m jealous. Possible future friend if I ever lose the social anxiety and say hi 😅

21:55 UTC


What is your favorite non-firefly show that features firefly cast?

I don’t know if anybody else geeks out about this, but I love spotting the cast members in other productions. I’ve seen several of them as guest stars in other shows, or as recurring support or main characters.

I’ve started watching The Rookie, which obviously stars Mal (sorry, I can’t think of him as Nathan, they are all always their firefly characters to me). Simon made an appearance in one episode (I almost didn’t recognize him!) and Wash had a really cool character. And this got me thinking about this whole topic.

I think my favorite little surprise was seeing Mal/Nathan in Santa Clara Diet, where he played this totally awful man trying to blackmailed a woman into sleeping with him. It was SOO different from the characters he usually plays. He played it really well, but it was still kinda hard for me to buy it/hate him because I already love him by default, you know?

What are your favorites?

19:21 UTC


Where do I go from here?

I have watched all the Firefly episodes and Serenity. Now what? Where should I go for more firefly what should I turn to in order?

14:28 UTC


Finally got my hands on the board game! So excited!

12:04 UTC


My first day in a great new job, last job was truly toxic. Then my husband gave me this. 28 years together and I fell in love with him all over again.

First day, new job and my husband gets me this. It's been a rough time for me over the past few years. Limited edition Serenity Soundtrack double vinyl Browncoat color (vs blue).

23:45 UTC


Jubal's dog

Who would he keep a photo of a dog that he killed on the panel of his ship? That doesn't make any sense.

07:40 UTC


Filming error I noticed during my rewatch.

So I decided to rewatch Firefly again and I noticed this mistake in E1 “serenity”. It was just after they escaped the reavers. I noticed Wash was supposed to be holding the steering controls but it just looks like he is giving a thumbs up. Anyone else notice this or any other mistakes.

00:34 UTC


Just caught this rewatching Superstore.

22:02 UTC


Went to a Game Con Yesterday and Got Some Shiny New Laptop Stickers!

15:11 UTC


Streaming quality!

Just bought Serenity 4k bluray so decided to binge watch for the first time in years.... only streamer I found it available on was Hulu?! Anyway, it looked and sounded terrible! Looked like 480p and hand to crank the volume to even hear it. Found it on prime (digital) in 1080p for $13. Upscaling on my Shield TV Pro and it's unbelievable! Any of you out there without the blurays... just buy it somewhere! Don't stream, they don't do it justice

1 Comment
05:16 UTC


我们该死的幸运。Shiny? (All the Chinese in the Show Translated )

Below is a comprehensive and list of every line spoken in Chinese throughout Firefly

Did I miss any?

(more in the comments! help me make the ultimate master-list!)

Episode 1: "Serenity"

  1. Phrase: "妈的, 混蛋" (Mā de, húndàn)

    • Translation: "Damn it, bastard."
    • Context: Mal mutters this after seeing the Alliance cruiser.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "太阳下的雾霾" (Tàiyáng xià de wù mái)

    • Translation: "Haze under the sun."
    • Context: Wash says this as he talks about a foggy day, metaphorically referencing their current situation.
    • Speaker: Hoban "Wash" Washburne
  3. Phrase: "我们该死的幸运。" (Wǒmen gāi sǐ de xìngyùn.)

    • Translation: "We are so very fortunate."
    • Context: Mal sarcastically comments after encountering the Alliance ship.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  4. Phrase: "干嘛呢?" (Gàn má ne?)

    • Translation: "What are you doing?"
    • Context: Kaylee asks Simon this when he hesitates during an operation.
    • Speaker: Kaylee Frye
  5. Phrase: "没事" (Méishì)

    • Translation: "It's nothing."
    • Context: Mal reassures Simon about River's condition.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 2: "The Train Job"

  1. Phrase: "你最好小心" (Nǐ zuì hǎo xiǎoxīn)

    • Translation: "You better be careful."
    • Context: Mal warns Crow, one of Niska's men.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "笨蛋" (Bèndàn)

    • Translation: "Idiot."
    • Context: Mal mutters this after Jayne suggests killing the hostages.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "你是白痴吗?" (Nǐ shì báichī ma?)

    • Translation: "Are you an idiot?"
    • Context: Mal exclaims this when Jayne misunderstands the plan.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  4. Phrase: "臭不要脸" (Chòu bù yào liǎn)

    • Translation: "Shameless."
    • Context: Mal curses after a confrontation with Crow.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 3: "Bushwhacked"

  1. Phrase: "狗屎" (Gǒu shǐ)

    • Translation: "Dog shit" or "Bullshit."
    • Context: Mal curses after finding the Reaver victim.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "天啊" (Tiān a)

    • Translation: "Oh my God."
    • Context: Wash says this upon seeing the mutilated body.
    • Speaker: Hoban "Wash" Washburne
  3. Phrase: "该死的" (Gāi sǐ de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after realizing the trap set by the Reavers.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  4. Phrase: "混蛋" (Húndàn)

    • Translation: "Bastard."
    • Context: Mal curses while trying to figure out the situation.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 4: "Shindig"

  1. Phrase: "去死吧" (Qù sǐ ba)

    • Translation: "Go to hell."
    • Context: Badger says this when Mal refuses his offer.
    • Speaker: Badger
  2. Phrase: "好有趣" (Hǎo yǒuqù)

    • Translation: "So interesting."
    • Context: Mal sarcastically comments after a tense interaction.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "混蛋" (Húndàn)

    • Translation: "Bastard."
    • Context: Mal mutters this after being insulted at the ball.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  4. Phrase: "你有病啊?" (Nǐ yǒu bìng a?)

    • Translation: "Are you sick?" or "Are you crazy?"
    • Context: Mal exclaims this after being challenged to a duel.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 5: "Safe"

  1. Phrase: "该死的联盟" (Gāi sǐ de liánméng)

    • Translation: "Damn the Alliance."
    • Context: River says this while in a fugue state.
    • Speaker: River Tam
  2. Phrase: "快走!" (Kuài zǒu!)

    • Translation: "Hurry up!"
    • Context: Simon yells this to River while they are escaping.
    • Speaker: Simon Tam
  3. Phrase: "妈的" (Mā de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses when the villagers turn against them.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 6: "Our Mrs. Reynolds"

  1. Phrase: "笨蛋" (Bèndàn)

    • Translation: "Idiot."
    • Context: Mal mutters this after realizing he’s been tricked.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "你有病啊" (Nǐ yǒu bìng a)

    • Translation: "Are you crazy?"
    • Context: Mal says this to Saffron after she reveals her true intentions.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "臭不要脸" (Chòu bù yào liǎn)

    • Translation: "Shameless."
    • Context: Jayne curses after seeing Saffron's manipulations.
    • Speaker: Jayne Cobb
  4. Phrase: "妈的" (Mā de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after Saffron escapes.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 7: "Jaynestown"

  1. Phrase: "该死的" (Gāi sǐ de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses when he sees the statue of Jayne.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "臭不要脸" (Chòu bù yào liǎn)

    • Translation: "Shameless."
    • Context: Jayne curses when his secret past is revealed.
    • Speaker: Jayne Cobb
  3. Phrase: "他妈的王八蛋" (Tā mā de wángbā dàn)

    • Translation: "Damn bastard."
    • Context: Mal curses under his breath after things start going wrong.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 8: "Out of Gas"

  1. Phrase: "混蛋" (Húndàn)

    • Translation: "Bastard."
    • Context: Mal curses after being shot.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "我杀了你" (Wǒ shā le nǐ)

    • Translation: "I’ll kill you."
    • Context: Mal threatens a thief aboard the ship.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "该死的" (Gāi sǐ de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after realizing the gravity of the situation.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 9: "Ariel"

  1. Phrase: "狗屎" (Gǒu shǐ)

    • Translation: "Bullshit."
    • Context: Jayne curses when their plan starts to go wrong.
    • Speaker: Jayne Cobb
  2. Phrase: "神经病" (Shénjīngbìng)

    • Translation: "Crazy."
    • Context: Simon curses at the chaotic situation during their heist.
    • Speaker: Simon Tam
  3. Phrase: "放屁" (Fàng pì)

    • Translation: "Nonsense."
    • Context: Mal dismisses Jayne's excuse.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 10: "War Stories"

  1. Phrase: "你妈的" (Nǐ mā de)
    • Translation: "Your mother (as a curse)."
    • Context: Mal curses while fighting during

the torture scene. - Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

  1. Phrase: "狗屎" (Gǒu shǐ)

    • Translation: "Bullshit."
    • Context: Wash curses during the torture scene.
    • Speaker: Hoban "Wash" Washburne
  2. Phrase: "他妈的混蛋" (Tā mā de húndàn)

    • Translation: "Damn bastard."
    • Context: Zoe curses while rescuing Mal and Wash.
    • Speaker: Zoe Washburne

Episode 11: "Trash"

  1. Phrase: "该死的混蛋" (Gāi sǐ de húndàn)

    • Translation: "Damn bastard."
    • Context: Mal curses after Saffron's betrayal.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "臭不要脸" (Chòu bù yào liǎn)

    • Translation: "Shameless."
    • Context: Saffron curses when her plan is foiled.
    • Speaker: Saffron
  3. Phrase: "妈的" (Mā de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses when he realizes he’s been double-crossed.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 12: "The Message"

  1. Phrase: "你有病啊?" (Nǐ yǒu bìng a?)

    • Translation: "Are you sick?" or "Are you crazy?"
    • Context: Mal questions a decision made by Jayne.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  2. Phrase: "去死吧" (Qù sǐ ba)

    • Translation: "Go to hell."
    • Context: Jayne says this after a failed mission.
    • Speaker: Jayne Cobb
  3. Phrase: "笨蛋" (Bèndàn)

    • Translation: "Idiot."
    • Context: Mal curses after seeing the situation deteriorate.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 13: "Heart of Gold"

  1. Phrase: "混蛋" (Húndàn)

    • Translation: "Bastard."
    • Context: Inara curses after finding out about Mal's affair.
    • Speaker: Inara Serra
  2. Phrase: "该死的" (Gāi sǐ de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after realizing the situation has worsened.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "妈的" (Mā de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after seeing the aftermath of the battle.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Episode 14: "Objects in Space"

  1. Phrase: "神经病" (Shénjīngbìng)

    • Translation: "Crazy."
    • Context: River says this while in a trance-like state.
    • Speaker: River Tam
  2. Phrase: "你这个狗娘养的" (Nǐ zhège gǒu niáng yǎng de)

    • Translation: "You son of a bitch."
    • Context: Mal curses while confronting Early.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
  3. Phrase: "妈的" (Mā de)

    • Translation: "Damn it."
    • Context: Mal curses after Early's attack on River.
    • Speaker: Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds
04:11 UTC


Recent interview with Chiwetel Ejiofor - he mostly talks about his new film 'Rob Peace', but near the end is asked about 'SERENITY'. Sounds like a fond memory for him...

23:02 UTC


Hot take: inara and mal chemistry = 0, inara and kaylee chemistry = 100. Thoughts?

Heading. Thoughts?

15:42 UTC


Graphic Novels, Comics, Novels and books oh my

So I need a list of the books/novels/comics released, and I seem to confusing myself, which honestly isn't that hard. but I have followed the list below


I don't know whether I am overthinking it or I am just that dense, the only way I can describe it is a nesting doll of stories.

I NEED CLARIFICATION! Please look below and see if I am understanding this right!

Firefly #1, Firefly #2, Firefly #3, Firefly #4 = Unification War Vol.1 - 4 SEPERATE COMICS
Firefly #5, Firefly #6, Firefly #7, Firefly #8 = Unification War Vol.2 - 4 SEPERATE COMICS
Firefly #9, Firefly #10, Firefly #11, Firefly #12 = Unification War Vol.2 - 4 SEPERATE COMICS

Firefly Unification War Deluxe Edition = All of the above #1-#12 all seperate comics?

The reason I need clarification is I am looking at buying these and am getting confused as to whether I am looking for all individual comics or am I looking for 1 book/item containing 4 different stories? I apologise for my longwinded post, I am really confused and would like someone to explain it really simply for me.


10:15 UTC


Wanted to do this for awhile.

17:49 UTC


Rewatching on CWTV.com - Summer Glau is...

...awesome. Dollhouse is on CWTV as well so I've been watching them both side by side and it occurred to me for the first time how good she is at some pretty tough roles.

14:05 UTC


When you go in and support the sterile processing department.. Two by two, hands of blue.

13:19 UTC


I finally finished watching Serenity with my brother…why

My brother asked you guys if he should warn me because of my favourite characters. I finally finished everything…I miss Wash and Shepherd already

12:37 UTC


Unpopular opinion: The Train Job was a good episode

It was written at Fox's demand last minute, but I think it's as good an episode as any.

I also love Serenity and the books (except the ghost machine)

05:46 UTC


Finally got a Firfly tattoo

22:51 UTC


2015 upper deck “the verse”

Are there any collectors of this card set out there?

05:55 UTC


Plot weakness in "The Message"

I've been rewatching Firefly and noticed what seems to be a plot weakness in the storyline of "The Message."

When the crew is deciding what to do since they're pinned down in the canyon by the rogue cop, Mal and Book talk cryptically about letting them board their ship. Why didn't they fill Tracey in on the plan, rather than let him assume the worst, thinking they planned on handing him over? If they had filled him in, Tracey wouldn't have panicked and gotten himself killed.

04:02 UTC


Which one of you is this?

20:56 UTC


Someone decided to join me for my yearly binge watch

03:06 UTC


Just binged Firefly...

So. I knew there was this little SF with a cult following that was probably worth watching at some point. This weekend I had some spare time, so I did.

It's the best thing I watched.

The characters all feel like human beings, with flaws and with so much depth going on under the persona (like Jayne telling Book that God should take care of all dead equally.)

The chemistry between actors is unbelievable.

The dialogue is imaginative and snappy and the action beats are spot on.

Writing is great. Sometimes in the same episode (like Jaynestown), I'd be laughing so hard my ribs would hurt and then, suddenly, everything would get reframed and I'd realize the underlying tragedy and poignancy of it all.

Villains (the rogue Companion, Niska, Early) are scary and larger than life in completely different ways.

The world is unique, immersive, crazy enough to be believable, and feels lived in.

I don't think I ever loved a TV show this much. I just itched to tell someone. Thank you for reading :)

18:42 UTC

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