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who else thinks a final season twelve would be amazing?

(i know its already been confirmed that season 11 was the last 😣)

i think that if we got a last season, all of these loose ends the spin-offs have created can all be tied up

and we can have a final conclusion to the walking dead universe that i don’t need to watch a million spin-offs to understand.

I know, its probably not gonna happen, but curious if anyone else agrees ig

15:24 UTC


Tell me how to watch the show

I am currently on season 6. In what order should I watch the spinoff shows? Do I watch them after completing the main story or in Between like the MCU?

12:33 UTC


simon case

i just can’t stand simon, he behaves like he’s trying to copy negan, i don’t know if he’s like this naturally but jesus it looks like he is trying to literally be him, behave like him, he even cope some body movements or accents words literally the same it pisses me off so much

11:00 UTC


simon case

i just can’t stand simon, he behaves like he’s trying to copy negan, i don’t know if he’s like this naturally but jesus it looks like he is trying to literally be him, behave like him, he even cope some body movements or accents words literally the same it pisses me off so much

11:00 UTC


Season 8, Episode 13 is so poorly done that I turned off the show and decided to stop watching it.

In an apocalyptic world, experienced people don't leave sick individuals unattended, and they definitely don't leave the doors wide open right after a fight. They had all the doors wide open. I understand in trailers because it's stuffy, but in a huge building? Why is there no one around, if not with those people, at least on watch at the gate? The Walking Dead has really gone downhill in these later seasons. Minute-long close-ups on faces just to stretch the time, dialogues that last four minutes and add nothing. Some decisions are idiotic, but I try to explain it by saying that emotions drive them. When I see such poor decisions, it can't be explained anymore.

10:18 UTC


s07 ep01-08

so i just started episode 9 and for this whole time i was wondering if carol knows about glenn and abraham, daryl being locked or no? because she ran away and i think if she knew about daryl she would be back

10:14 UTC


Rewatching the show

I used to watch the show until the later seasons where I fell away from it. Started rewatching and was really enjoying, but now I’m on season 5 episode 5 and I’m struggling. I feel S4.10 onwards is just downhill, with the exception of S5.01. I hate when they leave us hanging and you don’t see characters again for multiple episodes.

09:54 UTC


Why Some Characters Didn't Survive in The Walking Dead

I've been reflecting on why certain characters in The Walking Dead didn't make it, and I think I've figured it out. Characters like Beth, Hershel, Dale, and Carl all shared a common trait: they remained fundamentally good and didn't adapt to the harsh realities of the new world.

Beth Greene: Beth always held onto hope and her gentle nature. She tried to see the good in people and situations, which made her vulnerable. Despite the occasional show of strength, she never fully adapted to the brutality of the world around her. The reason she survived as long as she did was largely due to Daryl, who was ready to be ruthless to protect his family, including Beth.

Hershel Greene: Hershel was the moral compass of the group. His belief in humanity and the possibility of a cure kept him from embracing the ruthless measures necessary for survival. His unwavering faith in goodness was ultimately proven wrong by the Governor, who brutally killed him. Hershel's death was a pivotal moment, highlighting the end of the old world's values and the harsh reality of the new world.

Dale Horvath: Dale was another moral anchor, constantly advocating for maintaining the group's humanity. His resistance to the group's descent into brutality put him at odds with the survivalist mentality that became necessary.

Carl Grimes: Carl's journey is perhaps the most complex. While he did show signs of becoming more ruthless, his core remained good, influenced by his father's teachings and the desire to preserve some semblance of morality for the future.

In contrast, those who survived - like Rick, Daryl, Carol, and Michonne - had to embrace their darker sides. They made impossible choices and often became ruthless to protect their loved ones and themselves. This adaptability to the new world's brutal reality was key to their survival.

Survival often requires a shift in moral compass. The apocalypse strips away the veneer of civilization, leaving behind a stark landscape where traditional notions of right and wrong are constantly challenged. Maintaining your humanity usually comes at a high cost (e.g. Carl saving Siddiq and getting bitten in the process, Beth sacrificing herself for that stupid guy who should have stayed outside, Hershel trying to convince the Governor to try and co-exist together because he didn't want him to die, etc). Those who died held onto their pre-apocalypse values, which made them vulnerable.

09:27 UTC


Most unscathed?

Who, in your opinion, came through the entire main show the most unscathed, from whenever they started, to the last show?

I was trying to decide this last night and honestly couldn't choose. Be interested to hear what you think.

08:25 UTC


This is how Billy Idol deals with Walkers.. (bonus points for the Tesla Coil)

04:08 UTC


instead of having a new villain every season, what do you think would’ve been a good plot for TWD?

I hear people say TWD recycles their formula (which is true). There’s a new bad guy every season, and it’s predictable. So I ask, what would you guys do to make the story different and interesting?

03:41 UTC


17 Characters have crossed over into different Shows 3 have been in 3

Thought I'd make this for people interested

TWD = The Walking Dead FTWD = Fear the Walking Dead WB = World Beyond TOTWD = Tales of the Walking dead DC = Dead City DD = Daryl Dixon TOWL = The Ones Who Live

Rick, Carol and Jadis are the only characters to appear in 3 shows

1.Rick Grimes (TWD S1-9, 11/FTWD S4/TOWL S1)

2.Daryl Dixon (TWD S1-11, DD S1-3)

3.Carol Peletier (TWD S1-11, FTWD S4/DD S1-3)

4.Morgan Jones (TWD S1, 3, 5-8/FTWD S4-8)

5.Maggie Greene (TWD S2-11/DC S1-2)

6.Michonne (TWD S3-11/TOWL S1)

7.Judith Grimes (TWD S3-11/TOWL S1)

8.Gabriel Stokes (TWD S5-11/TOWL S1)

9.Dwight (TWD S6-8/FTWD S5-8)

10.Sherry (TWD S6-7/FTWD S6-8)

11.Jesus (TWD S6-9/FTWD S4)

12.Negan (TWD S6-11/DC S1-2)

13.Jadis/Anne (TWD S7-9/WB S2/TOWL S1)

14.RJ Grimes (TWD S9-11/TOWL S1)

15.Alpha (TWD S9-10/TOTWD S1)

16.Lydia (TWD S9-11/TOTWD S1)

17.Hershel Rhee (TWD S10-11/DC S1)

18.Dr Edwin Jenner (TWD S1/WB S2)

Only Walking dead characters have crossed to different series, who else you wanna see cross over?

Realized hershel should be included as well so 18 characters have

03:39 UTC


what ruined Twd

One of the biggest reasons to what ruined the show is killing off characters,I get killing some of them to make it more realistic and sooner or later someone would have to die but Glenn,Abraham,Carl,Jesus,Beth where all unnecessary deaths that shouldn’t have happened.the introduction of negan was amazing but it was too much with the killing of Glenn and Abraham 40% of Twd watchers stopped after that episode.

ricks disappearance in s9 which resulted in him not appearing for 2 damn season!.I’m not interested in Judith’s story or anyone else’s story we are obviously most invested in the main characters story Rick and removing him just ruins the whole thing. I mean might as well consider Rick dead as he doesn’t appear for the rest of the show (except for the last ep obv).

The last reason is over stretching and milking the hell out of the show.The walking dead should NOT be 11 seasons,the show should’ve ended earlier on and you can’t convince me otherwise.

03:24 UTC


Lance hornsby

Am i the only who has a crush on lance hornsby? Idk, i found him so interesting and charismatic. It's obvious that he has feelings for Pamela because her father is a chauffeur, and he has been seeing Pamela since he was a child, maybe she's just 10 years older than him. I mean, he doesn't have a wife, child, or relationship in Commonwealth, which means he really likes Pamela even as they grew older. It's just a waste that Pamela abused Lance's feelings. If I were a member of Commonwealth, I would smash Lance right away LOL.

02:46 UTC


What do you think the villains did pre-apocalypse?

We know:
Negan was a gym teacher
Beta was a country singer
Jadis was an art teacher
Joe was a mechanic
Dawn was a police officer
Simon was a mortgage salesman

We don't know:
The Governor

Am I missing anyone? What do we think the other villains did before the apocalypse?

23:32 UTC


It seems odd how michonne sometimes leans on her sword like a walking stick as she stands up

Like that can't be practical, who would do that with the weapon they rely on to protect their life? In a sheath sure but just the blade? they never actually show the sword tip on the ground afaik but a few times it looks like she presses the point into the soil and puts her weight on it to stand up, like near the start of s4 ep9. How on earth would that even work? Wouldn't the sword just sink into the soil really easily, or get a bluntened or bent tip if the ground was actually hard enough to support her? I wish I could see like a behind the scenes vid of her doing it so I can see if she is actually using it as a walking stick or if it's just made to look like that, and whether it pierced the ground or flexed or damaged the sword at all.

22:02 UTC


Zombie protection

Ok Michonne and Andrea both demonstrate walking with mouth less and fingerless zombies and using them to ward off other walkers. But why? If that actually worked then anyone can walk with a herd and that isn’t possible.

21:10 UTC


this was so undeserved

21:08 UTC


I feel strangely sorry for Neagan after learning his back story!

How do you feel about Neagan?

20:48 UTC


Random TWD facts. Day 4

Welcome back to my mini seiries where I post a random TWD fact everyday. Here’s day 4.

Did you know during season 3 when T-Doc sacrificed himself to save Carol, Carol was originally supposed to be the one to die?

The decision was changed by directors as Carol was a liked character and T-dog wasn’t very liked or popular among fans.

20:22 UTC

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