
Photograph via snooOG

A place where LGBTeens and LGBT allies can hang out, get advice, and share content!


A place where LGBT teens and their surrounding peoples can find support and love!

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Is it too late for me to become a girl [discussion]

Haii, so I am a born male (age 19) and for the last 2 years i have been kinda feeling wrong in my body. I wanna be a women, just in my feelings i feel like a women but i dont know how all of this works how do I become one? Anyone got some Information for me and is it already too late for me cause im 19 years old, do I have to live the rest of my life as a man

15:28 UTC


I’m probably heterosexual but… [Rant] [Discussion]

i’m heterosexual, probably, i mean, i don’t have any experience with boys or girls, but i’m probably heterosexual. but sometimes, when i see a pretty girl, or for example some girl pulls closer so i could feel her perfume, or when some girl pins me down when we’re tickling each other, i feel how my heart “skips a beat” or idk how to explain, it’s like “ah 😲🫣” and then everything goes back to normal. probably i feel something similar when i see a pretty boy too, but it’s not intense. also sometimes i have dreams where i kiss a girl or we hug for a looong time. i had these dreams with boys too, but dreams with girl happen more often. maybe someone can give me some advice? maybe someone felt something similar? (sorry for mistakes, english isn’t my first language)

11:23 UTC


Labeling myself is hard, I need advice [Discussion]

Hi, I’m 14-15. I’ve been very confused about my sexuality and gender identity for some time now. I identify as an AroAce Sapphic Pangender person, but I still feel like something is missing/ I don’t feel completely right with this labeling. I have never been in a relationship, and I can only think of 1 time I’ve ever felt anything close to a crush before, and on 1 of my best friends of 10-12 years. I strongly dislike physical touch from people apart from my family. The thought of having sex with someone doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest, but I do read smut fanfiction and I have browsed r34 once. I can’t for the life of me distinguish platonic love from romantic love despite wanting to. I’d like to be in a queer platonic relationship. I know I don’t like men. I do like in some form women. I like my body most of the time. I don’t want to be male. Half of the time I feel like a mix between female and non binary. But not a Demi girl. I constantly wish I looked more androgynous and that I had shorter hair. What do I label myself as? Does anyone have advice?

05:32 UTC


[Discussion] I feel insane for thinking this

Excuse my awful grammar, but I the only one on this earth that hates/doesn't tolerate when religious people (not all of them, but it's the majority) say "I respect it, but I can't/won't support it." Like, If you don't see this as a sign to REFORM your religion, what is going on through your head?

I get that no one can single-handedly reform their religion, but It's not "flattering" when someone says that they respect me, but they don't support "my actions" as if I have any other choice (that DOESN'T involve me being unfulfilled and unhappy in life) like can we please not normalize this?

I'm not supportive of the fact that religious people aren't allowed to support the queer community, because where does that sentiment come from?

And this is different from not supporting my IDENTITY, because if I can't get your support there, that must mean you support another "identity" that you'd instead want me to be. It's treating me like I have a choice, that I can just "ignore" my queerness and live a "normal" life "happily" at any time I want, that I'm just "going through a phase"

I'm so tired of how religion is sort of "protected" from any sort of criticism, but we can just outright choose to not "support" someone based on what they cannot control, all because religious folks have been lied to about this, thinking that being queer is a choice or a "belief" and that it's a "bad thing to do" ...

There is honestly no use for this conversation, because as long as their bible says it, they'll go by it. There is also no use in saying you can't "support" a minority, just ball up some paper, shove it in your mouth, and live your own life.

17:01 UTC


I think my best friend likes me and I don't know what to do [relationships]

My best friend who I consider a brother (he's called me older brother too) has been acting a bit differently. I usually lay on him when we spend the night at each others places but last time he was rubbing my side all night. And later once all the lights were turned off he grabbed my chin and asked what'd I do if he kissed me, later I asked why he did it and he said he was curious on what'd i do. He's also just been touching my face alot and was messing with my earings which he'd never done before. I don't know if he's just being friendly or something more and if so I don't know what to do if he does like me and idk if

I could love him like that. btw idk if u guys need to know but I'm genderfluid and pan and he's bi and cis

13:54 UTC


I need your help.. [Coming out]

Any advice on how to tell your parent your nonbinary?

01:16 UTC


[Discussion] Being AroAce as a teen, and the things say to us.

So, we know that some people are Ace, some are Aro, and some are both. However, so many people that I tell this to immediately use this as the chance to ask some of the most invasive questions and say some really insensitive things, my friend for example, Collin (fake name), I told them that I was AroAce, and rather than asking something acceptable they said these things “so do you masturbate?”, “do you watch porn?”, and “but having sexual and romantic attraction is what makes us human”. Then there are the people who think they’re funny, “ohhh so you want to fuck and date dogs, okay”, “then you want to have sex with a corpse?”, and the one that angers me the most “so you’re not a human then”. It’s almost as if people will use any chance they can to be an ass, it doesn’t help how most people do want to date or have sex so even other LGBTQ+ people think I’m weird. It is just horrible since it’s so rare to hear anyone talk about Ace, Aro, or AroAce people, so now kids and adults like me are treated like garbage by both LGBTQ people and straight people.

19:33 UTC


[Advice] [Discussion] What's the acceptable age??

So I'm 14 and I currently have a crush on a girl who is 15 turning 16 in may. Is it socially acceptable to like go anywhere with her?? We are also 2 grade apart (9-11) and I'm not entirely sure what I should do if I should do anything at all.

12:48 UTC


I am so lost rn[coming out] [advice]

I can’t decide what to do

So I’m 13 n I can’t decide to come out or to not n to cut my hair or not. I have decent length hair right below my shoulders and dress moderately messy but not feminine I can’t figure out if I’m trans (ftm) or agender since trans doesn’t sit right but when I dress masculine or bind my chest it feels so nice n euphoric. I love doing complex hair styles but I also want short hair n don’t know what to do. None of my family knows so if I cut my hair short I’d also want to come out. My family is moderately liberal but I have a few distant family members who r gay n my family acts a bit weird abt it like everyone knows but never says anything. I also don’t know when or how since its Passover as well as a lot of other things. I’m so confused only my friends know and only one of them has come out to their family so it’s scary. Ik my family will support it but idk if I’m ready. If advice able please help.

1 Comment
02:44 UTC


Being Pansexual as a Japanese Teenager [discussion]

In Japan, i think lgbtq itself is getting more popular and acceptable. but i worry about the situation where most people don't know about pansexual unless they're one of lgbtq.

For me, i don't know how to explain about myself easily. I always say "something like bisexual" to describe it, i don't feel right. i wanna introduce so easily. or should I ignore this situation?

00:52 UTC


So I discovered I’m a lesbian… [coming out]

It was really mind-blowing for me too, haha. I’m still having some trouble accepting it though. But I did give my Finch (a self-care app) a lesbian flag as a subtle way of coming out. Haven’t told my parents due to their reactions of them seeing my searches on bisexuality…

23:16 UTC


I wonder how it feels to be in a community where LGBTQ1A is legally accepted. [Discussion]

I'm suffering living in a country that doesn't support, beat and jail people who are LGBTQ1A. It so depressing here. What I am someone who don't prefer to break laws, rules and regulations so I try harder not to get into LGBTQ1A activities but it is killing me inside.

22:56 UTC


Scared I might be bisexual [discussion] [advice]

Ok so I’ve never rlly posted on Reddit before but I’m kinda scared that I might be bisexual. I’m pretty young and I’m a girl, I’ve kinda been thinking about this for a while now but I’m starting to get nervous. I know I like boys because I’ve had crushes on them and stuff, but I’ve had dreams where I am kissing a girl or stuff like that and it makes me aroused. I’ve thought about kissing my friends who are girls before and I liked the idea of it but felt gross about it afterwards. I’m a Christian and I come from a religious family, my mom has told me before that she was “so glad I’m not gay” and that she would disown me if I was because she doesn’t agree with it. I have friends that are gay and I am not homophobic but I’m kind of scared that I will go to hell if I was bisexual. I’ve thought about telling them about it but I don’t want to make things weird. I go to a Christian school where I don’t have any friends. There is this one girl there who is really pretty and I find myself looking at her a lot and I sort of wish I could do that stuff with her but I know she’s not like that and that she has a bf. I feel pretty guilty abt thinking of people that way since I know they would probably be disgusted. I don’t think I’m gay but I’ve thought about kissing her and holding hands and stuff. I’m also scared because the girls at my school make fun of lesbians and gay people and I feel like they would be able to tell if I was idk. My first kiss was a girl when I was little, it was with my childhood bsf who I don’t talk to anymore. And we used to kind of cuddle eachother and we would kinda of talk abt dirty stuff and I kind of felt like we were both waiting to admit we liked eachother but I’m not sure if she’s was like that. Does this make me gay?

22:35 UTC


being gay [coming out] [discussion]

hi i'm 17m and

I feel very bad these days , i think my parents are homophobic and they won't accept me as gay

in my country most of people hates homosexual persons , i feel vey lonely because i can't find friends

i need you're helps

16:36 UTC


Big question [Discussion]

So i am cis man and i am scared what if i am trans. So i dont feel that much as a woman. Heres how it goes i live my life happy as a man and then once a month this thing comes: What if i am actually a girl? And idk why is it keep coming back. But i start to wonder i get this wierd feeling on my chest and i am scared what if i am girl. But then i am like nah i wanna be a guy. One important thing is i am feminine guy and i would maybe like to do drag one day and lot of drag queens come out as trans later in life. Just now i watched rpdr and one girl sayd: I am actually a woman and i have been lieing to myself and to you guys. And i am like what if thats me? And idk i am gay and before i realized that i was saying i was straight too. But anyways when i think of myself as guy i am happy atleast happier but there is this voice: What if you are a girl and you are lieing to yourself? On the other hand when i think of myself as a girl i dont feel happier my legs start to get weak i feel this wierd feeling on my chest and i feel like i am gonna throw up. Plus before this thought of being trans even came i felth happier. Because really when i dont think about it i feel happier. I dont even think its that much about: I wanna be a girl. Its more about: What if i actually wanna be a girl and i just pretend i like to be a guy? So idk can you guys please help me? Thanks.

07:51 UTC


Am I transgender?! this is really long warning[Discussion]

Hey I'm 15 F? I'm DEFINITELY queer but I NEED HELP back story I have a lesbian aunt but the first time I really looked into the LGBTQ+ community is when my friend came out as non binary in the 6th grade and I looked up what it meant to be non binary because I wanted to be supportive and ask looked into it I saw something about being trans and I stared looking more in depth about trans gender people and I related to it so much I thought I was transgender so a couple of week of searching later I thought i was right so I told my best friend( not friend who came out to me ) and she said ill look into it (she supported right away) and I did some digging and I really really thought I was trans but over a couple of months the only thoughts I had was (you like girl stuff and your just a liar no way you trans your just a girl YOU ARE A GIRL?) and this went on for months so I thought maybe im gender fluid so I came out and got laughed at in a car full of people and I still thought I was gender fluid for 1 years and then I was like no I'm trans, gender fluid is not me but I had the same thoughts like you are a girl right? And i thought I was Non Binary because I was at a dead end and maybe that made sense in some twisted way so for like a year and I'm in 8th grade at this point not friends with the person who came out to me anymore and I decided to ask my old therapist about it and she asked me a question she said what makes you a girl or boy and I was stund I didn't know the answer so she asks me another question do why do you think your transgender I knew that answer so I said I always liked when people in stores always said you have a nice son you raised him well or sir will you help me, are you buying that for your girlfriend I remember when I was a young boy good luck son and more stuff like this on multiple occasions to me it felt amazing but my mom did not feel the same way and I HATED when she said my daughter or I know shes a nice GIRL (my mom is the best don't worry) then my therapist said okay so that changes things and I went back to class thinking I'm a girl RIGHT you like girls stuff you are not trans enough to be trans even if you were trans! what makes a boy? what is a boy? what defines being a boy? your a girl! if you can't answer this question you are a girl and I have said im non binary because Its easy to explain but calling my self non binary pisses me off because it JUST DID NOT MAKE SENSE LIKE WHO AM I and I'm about to end my 10th year of school. Please tell me what you think be BRUTALLY honest please 🙏

Things that make me think I'm transgender and making me think I'm making sht up for "funnzies

1tried to pee standing up on multiple occasion till I was told to stop growing up 2. Refused to be a girl in any games we played house, dolls ect 3. Always prone to boys more than girls like as kindergartner my mom told me I always had to do what the boys did 4. Wished I had a ding dong 5. Acted like I had a ding dong 6. Refused to tell me mom I had gotten my period because I just hated the thought of having one (not that is grosses me out) I have 0 cramps and pretty medium flow 7. started to cry after my mom questioned my gender (before I new what trans was) 8. dream about being a man with a nice beard and a good life 9. wish for no boobs 10. I have takin almost ever am I or are you trans quiz on the planet

But I asked girls like 2 or 5 of these questions and they agree to some of these AND I AM SO FUDGING TIRED OF ASKING MYSELF THIS 24/7 HELP ME BE BRUTALLY HONEST I just think I am making fun of the trans community by faking or saying something just because do I just look stupid for thinking this because nobody DOES THIS am I right? or am i leaching of my ex friend i am just stupid ?! Give me some insight or advice?

06:49 UTC


Need thoughts/Advice [Rant] [Advice]

Long time reader, first time poster. On a throwaway account. I really need some outside help. I (19f) have been together with my girlfriend (18f) for a year and 5 months. We’ve had more than our fair share of issues. We’re almost always arguing about something, whether minuscule or relationship ending. Recently, we went on a trip together with a mutual friend and her family. This was only my second time being this far away from home and for this long (the first time was only 5 months prior with my girlfriend and her family). While on the trip, my girlfriend iced me out. We barely talked, we argued more than half the time. I was so uncomfortable. It was my first time genuinely meeting my friend’s family(We met through my girlfriend, they’re best friends), and I’m a very anxious person. And I had talked to my girlfriend prior to the trip asking her to help me through it, and make sure I’ll be okay. My friend brought her boyfriend along as well. So when my girlfriend was icing me out, I couldn’t go to my friend, but she has a younger sister. I never really talked to her before, but since she was staying in our room for the trip, I started talking and getting to know her. We became pretty close friends on the trip and I felt good about being able to make a new friend. Sometime towards the end of the trip my girlfriend came up to me and showed me the most affection she had shown me for a few days. And she started asking if I still love her, and if even if someone else likes me, I’d still be with her. And at the time, I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just answered everything normally. When we got back from the trip, the sister and I continued to text and talk. Girlfriend at one point finally told me she thinks that the sister likes me. Now we come to today. Girlfriend and I’s relationship feels very stagnant to me. We barely text or call anymore. She doesn’t really try and make time for it if she doesn’t have too (it’s one of our biggest issues). And I have mixed feelings towards the sister. I do think she’s very pretty, but I never really thought of anything more. But with how my relationship is right now, it feels good to have some attention. I have someone to talk too. I recently moved out and quit my old job and got a new one. I feel very good about my decisions in life so far. And it’s taken me very long to get here. I recently started medication for anxiety and depression. My girlfriend has been with me every step of the way. It feels wrong that I’m thinking our relationship is stale, but it is. And at the same time I’m getting attention from someone else. So I don’t know if I might like the sister, or I just like the attention I’m getting because I haven’t been getting any. Any advice is welcome and appreciated. Thank you in advance!

05:28 UTC


Questioning [Rant]

Heya! Teen in questioning here! Just wanted to talk about my confusion that's all. I am male, 14. I have been aro/ace for what I've known to be all of my life. I never been interested in any type of dating, yet I'm still very involved in the LGBTQIA+ community. I watched a lot of people seem very happy as they are and who they are, watched a lot of OJ, laughed at michael, maple and paul, wishing i could be that happy. Yet i'm still in the closet. I have never felt fully comfortable with myself, who I am, what will I do. I never thought about being trans, but I always wished to become a girl in my next life if I have a next life. My mom is a single mother, and the only marriage she had was recent, this marrige went downhill very quickly. She fights hard every single day to provide for her and me, and she tells me that it's ok, that whoever I like it will be ok and she will be there with open arms. Yet she has shown me some videos like Ava's situation. (Kris from Mr beast) and that they left their wife and it just says negative things. This makes me so insecure about myself. I have tried to hint that I was aro/ace, but the ace spectrum is not known as much as it should be. I've felt that I would be free as a girl. Then I could live my life shackle free. (is this why I like blåhaj so much?) I've been a "prestigious" child and now the weight of being perfect is pressing down on me. I will go to high school soon, applying to a very good school, on which my life will go uphill if get in, but also put even more pressure on me. I still feel scared. Of everything. Of who I am, Of if I can make it through life this way. When I get to high school I'll break. The only thing that might go lower than my GPA will be my will to live. I am looking for reassurance, and hopefully I find some. Thank you for reading this far. Now I can get some steam off of myself. Love you all <3

01:04 UTC


In love with my friend [crushes]

I’m a junior in high school and I’ve known him since 9th grade. I’ve had a crush on him since but recently it’s gotten a lot stronger. I want him so bad but I don’t think he’s gay. He never talks about girls and I don’t think he’s attracted to any that I know of. Idk anything about his preferences. He likes fishing and some hunting so that makes me think he’s straight. He also is just like a man man, he likes cars and sports and shit. But sometimes he gives me flamboyant vibes but that doesn’t mean anything. What do I do? Do you think there’s a chance?

19:15 UTC


I don’t know if he likes me or if he’s just messing with me [Crushes] [Advice]

So for context, I’m male and live in a pretty homophobic country and in my class being LGBT is treated as a “joke” by my male classmates, they sometimes joke about acting gay or whatever. The thing is that there’s this cute guy that tries to “”flirt”” with me in a “”non serious” way (it’s all a joke, or at least that’s what I think it is). Of course, I’m expected to “”flirt”” back, because if I didn’t or if I ask him to stop I think it would be seen as if I was taking it seriously and that might imply that I’m actually bi. For reference, like two or three years ago when he didn’t “flirt” with me as often as he does now, I asked him if he was flirting with me and he said “do you think I’m gay?” or something along those lines with a serious tone.

The problem is that I really like this guy and now that he’s “flirting” with me way more often, flirting back is often difficult because I don’t know what the line between actually flirting and “”not-actually”” flirting is. I still try my best and just do what he does, which is usually hugging, casual compliments, etc. He also asks if he can touch me or kiss me and I just joke around and say “not now” or whatever. The thing is that lately we’ve been getting closer and I actually want to be his friend and maybe something more but with this “flirting” thing it feels like if I’m just edging the whole thing.

He’s sometimes really nice with me and I don’t know if I just have a bias and think that he has changed since the last time I asked him and want him to actually like me or if it’s all a joke to him, and I can’t ask him now because that would mean that I’m taking all of this seriously and that might make him think that I’m actually bi. He sometimes acts like that with other guys but he’s the only one who acts like that so often with someone in the whole class and it confuses me so much. Sorry if this is really stupid but this has been bothering these past weeks and I’ve been feeling depressed lately because of it. Should I just continue playing around, ask him to leave me alone or if he’s serious or not…., what should I do?

TL;DR: There’s this guy I like in my classroom and he flirts with me in a non-serious way but it’s different with me than with anyone else in my class and I wonder if he’s actually serious or not, but If I ask him or tell him to stop he might think I'm taking it all seriously and wonder if I'm actually bi (I asked him three years ago when he flirted less often and he said “do you think I’m gay?”), so what should I do? continue playing around or what? (sorry if broken english lol)

1 Comment
15:37 UTC


Feels like im falling behind. [Relationships] [Rant]

Hey, so im sixteen and practically all of my straight friends have already done yknow.. type of things. Whereas I haven’t even had my first relationship. I feel like im being left behind as I don’t know any other gay people, yet I want to experience young love before I become an adult.

What can I do or what should I do, because I just feel so bored and left behind. Every house party I go to I just have to take care of my girls and make sure they’re okay as they all have fun with guys. Like how do I even find someone?

Im also still closeted, but its like so obvious im gay i’m just embarrassed to explain to everyone and admit it

13:15 UTC


My mum is acting like I never came out [Family/Friends]

I came out to my mum on the 19th of March, she supported me and even changed my name in her contacts. But now she still refers to me as a girl, deadnames me, and uses she/her to me... I don't correct her because it feels awkward and I don't want her to get angry (even though she probably won't, I just get really anxious about this stuff). But I'm thinking of talking to her about it tomorrow and asking her again to call me my preferred name and pronouns. I don't know if she's secretly transphobic or just completely forgot I even came out

12:44 UTC


[Crushes] What do I do.

I’ve got an intense crush on this guy that I’ve been friends with for three years. I don’t know if I should confess how I feel because I’m afraid that it’ll make him uncomfortable and he’ll distance himself from me. And my biggest fear is the fear of losing him if I tell him. I know he’s not homophobic because I told him I was gay and he was supportive. I just don’t know what to do right now because how I feel is eating me up and makes me feel like I’m lying to him about something. I also don’t want to ask him if he’s straight or not because I came out to him a month ago and me asking that would 100% tip him off.

1 Comment
10:48 UTC


A little (lot )confused [rant]

TW (slight, slight, mention of sui*cide)

So I’ve always been feminine since the day I can remember. Actually, my parents recently told me they knew I was gay since I was six because while I was playing baseball, I got on all fours on the field and started “twerking”🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️. But anyways, as I’ve grown into me, (my voice, appearance, personality, mentality) I’ve started to “realize” (more like feel as though) the world will always look at me as a joke. I don’t feel as though I fit in anywhere or ever will. I will painfully admit, that even with the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t find myself aligning with it. I don’t know what it is about that. Maybe I have some internalized phobia that I need to work on, or if it has more to do with the fact that I don’t want to be perceived as gay. I don’t even feel as though I fit in there. I’m also mixed (white&black) and don’t feel as though I fit in with either groups, whether if it’s because I’m gay or not.

What I think is weird is that I present and carry myself very well, always emphasizing how comfortable I am in my skin, but it’s a lie. Someone could simply ask me if I’m gay (literally just from hearing my voice) and it makes me want to literally claw my throat out so that I never have to speak again. I’m so embarrassed of who I am. (I’d like to emphasize that sui*cide or anything like that has never crossed my mind. I am extremely big on experiencing as much as possible in life while being safe.)

As a kid, I didn’t care about how I acted (as most kids do). I went to a charter school that was heavy on equality and balance between all people from k-6. I was extremely flamboyant at this point and was ACTUALLY comfortable in my skin. When 6th grade ended, I went to a private catholic school. The school is actually huge on social justice and equality (which is amazing) but the students are not. Through my middle school years, I had taken on so many comments and defended myself so many times that by high school, the only way people could tell I was gay was from my voice.

As I started to “appear more masculine” a lot of kids felt comfortable making outright homophobic or offensive jokes towards the community (not me). And this is the part that I severely regret. I would agree with the kids, but not because I actually did. I genuinely just felt as though I needed to be accepted by people that were not apart of my family. But while doing that, I damaged the only community that truly accepts me and I still feel so incredibly guilty. At this point, kids call me the “cool gay” or the “gay guy that doesn’t make it his personality” and I’ll just smile and laugh but I want to, not cry but like, idk cry without crying (⁉️). I just don’t want to be perceived as gay at all. I think about ways to deepens my voice constantly, ways to appear more masculine, ways to “appear more normal”.

I think to add on top of all this, I have OCD and am on the lower spectrum of autism so I over analyze every single thing I do. From the way I move my eyes, to my every step, to my every single little movement. I want to literally crawl out of my body. The OCD is truly the killer, I am in my head, constantly zoned out, fantasizing about being straight. I don’t know what to do at this point. I obviously am gay, I am without a doubt attracted to men, but I don’t want people to be able to guess that just from hearing me speak.

Can anyone relate I feel like I’m going crazy 😫

1 Comment
04:43 UTC


[Rant] [Discussion] I have always wanted a typical family, but I like girls too.

I’m 18F. Lately, my driving fuel is the future family I want. I’ve always known I liked girls, but I’ve put that aside because I can’t picture a family with two mothers. What if my kids hate me or have some sort of resentment for choosing to be with a woman, rather than a man? Would they struggle more in life without that male figure in their life? (My dad and brother can only do so much for them, I imagine) I’ve started to realize that I would be doing myself a massive disservice and inevitably put myself through years of regret if I pushed aside the part of me that likes women. I’ve always seen being with a woman being much more beautiful than being with a man. I love women for what they are and it’s such a beautiful thing, but I’ve yet to grow or find that appreciation in men. What is it like to grow a family with a woman? Would I have to deal with the slight disappointment of my family, since I’m the only daughter and granddaughter? Do I date a woman, only to have to end it knowing I might not get the picture-perfect family I’ve dreamed of? Is that vision possible with another woman? I guess what I’m trying to spark up here is, if anyone who replies to this has same sex parents or dealing with something similar, what are your thoughts?

P.S.: “Good Luck, Babe” by Chappell Roan brought on this ‘identity crisis’. 😭

04:29 UTC


Am I inlove with my bsf? [crushes]

Hello, I am 15F and been confused about my sexuality for awhile now and I don’t have anyone to talk about it so im looking for answers here.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my sexuality because i think im inlove with my bsf. She’s the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and has an amazing personality and I think about her a lot.

But she’s not the only one I’ve thought about like that, i had past girl crushes but thought they were normal and that every girl thought about another girl like that at least once in their lifetime. But the reason i am confused is that i also like boys and had crushes on them before and even kissed one (although i was like 5-6?).

I also sometimes think that my bsf may also be gay? The reason i think that is because when were kids (7-8) we made out and were too intimate with one another i still remember it clearly and sometimes i wonder if she remembers it too but what really stuck to me is that once i was at her place and i showed her a picture of me where i felt pretty and she said “ if i were a boy I’d have a crush on you” i internally screamed and thought to myself “you don’t have to be a boy” . I know that sounds straight out of a fanfic but i think about it all the time.

She confuses me so fucking much with all those mixed signals because she kisses me sometimes on the cheeks in public but also privately and every time she does my heart beats soo fast and she often smells me (on the neck) and tells me i smell good and I then i get nervous/sweaty.

anyways what do yall think about this? advice is appreciated. (forgot to mention that she’s christian)

03:54 UTC


[Coming Out] Funny interaction I had

I was talking with two friends and one asks the other (neptunic* nb asking a cis girl)

“Would you date a girl?” She replied “Depends on the girl.”

I said “Wait, I thought you were straight?”

She replied “I am, but I would date a girl.”

I wasn’t out to her as pan, but I’m always up to put myself out for a “joke”

“Well for me, it depends on the boy too.”

She got wide-eyed and said “WHAT?!”


*: neptunic is the attraction of people who do not identify as men, (women and enbys)

03:34 UTC


[Rant] Wearing a suit to prom

I finally did it. I convinced my mom to let me wear a suit to prom after months of begging she finally gave in. Being a closeted trans man we never really seen eye to eye about how I present myself.She recently started letting me wear what I want but she would always have something to say about it. I just hope she’ll let me wear one to graduation.

1 Comment
03:09 UTC


telling the difference between feelings is hard [rant]

I (17) have a very hard time telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings that I have towards other people. Recently, I have gotten a couple of new friends, and my silly little brain has made me think that I have a crush on them. I am getting so sick of this.

I know that I am queer, and I think I am somewhere on the asexual spectrum. I think the ace-ness (if that’s even a word) is the bulk of the issue with this, but I think it may also have something to do with not having true friends before, and all of a sudden having people in my life genuinely like being around me.

I’ve always heard the “can you imagine kissing them” but that just doesn’t work. I don’t know if it doesn’t work because I’m ace or because I genuinely don’t feel like that.

I’m so fed up with this. It’s so annoying.

00:52 UTC


If i dream about kissing girl am i bisexual [discussion]

Hi i am 18f Last night I dreamed that my best friend and I were going somewhere and that her dad called her to ask what was wrong with her because she had to go fix the car. She said that she went somewhere with me, and then dad asked her if I was in love with her because it seemed so to him, she didn't answer him, but when they ended the call, the two of us sat next to each other and talked for a while. She first kissed me 2 times in a flash and later we continued kissing. It's not the first time I dream of kissing her, so what do you think?

21:57 UTC

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