The first rule of KnifeClub is to talk about KnifeClub! Bring a friend!
This Subreddit is based off of r/knives with a few changes. There will be multiple moderators not just one all powerful mod. Rules will be fair and opinions will be listened to.
Feel free to engage in discussion on anything with a blade. Show off recent purchases or ask for advice.
The first rule of KnifeClub is to talk about KnifeClub! Bring a friend!
This Subreddit is based off of r/knives with a few changes. There will be multiple moderators not just one all powerful mod. Rules will be fair and opinions will be listened to.
Feel free to engage in discussion on anything with a blade. Show off recent purchases or ask for advice.
New here? Welcome! Read Our Welcome Thread.
Want to see our sub's traffic stats? They can be found here!
Check out our past design contest, here are the winners.
Sharp Swap#1, #2, #3, and #4 were fantastic! Thank you to all those who helped, and we look forward to another one soon!
Goods and services offered by KC members
KG's [International Package Re-Routing service]
Join us on IRC. Use #knifeclub to join our channel.
Join us at the official Yet Another Knife Server on Discord
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Check out the Behind the Edge podcast by some of our users! (unofficial)
Want to link up with fellow knifeclubbers on Instagram ? Use #knifeclub.
Official Rules
Keep it relevant. This sub is for knives and other bladed objects of interest. If you think your post would be better suited in another sub post it there. No your weedwacker is not a knife. Memes / Macros etc are SUNDAYS ONLY
No harassment of any kind. This includes posting personal info such as Facebook and trolling.
No spam. If you want you can post your website or blog but do not let it get excessive. No Amazon referral links unless you make it clear that you are using one.
Abide by reddit's terms of service.
No URL shorteners.
Mark any posts with any type of injury (knife related or not) as NSFW and properly flair the post as injury/gore.
Use Imgur
Put effort into your submissions
Don't simply post a picture, add context with it
Engage in mature discourse
Be helpful to those of all skill and knowledge levels
Do not gang up on certain brands, there are pros and cons to every company
Write the make and model of pictured knives in title/description/comments of link posts
This is not the place for sales- head on over to /r/knife_swap!
KEEP IT RELEVANT. Posts that are memes for memes sake, injuries without reason, or low-effort joke posts will be removed.
Violations of these rules may result in a ban.
Guidelines should be followed to make the subreddit a more enjoyable place.
Other Knife Related info
Sharpening guide created by /u/ElGatoTheManCat
Visit kniferights.org to protect the right to own and carry knives everywhere in the U.S.
Our favorite knife channels on YouTube!
Other fun subs:
r/KnifeDeals Find and share deals on all kinds of knives and get up to date with all the newest knives when they come on the market.
r/Knife_Swap For selling and swapping your knives.
/r/Knifeporn For looking at strictly beautiful pictures of knives
r/Chefknives The home for chef knives of every variety
/r/knifemaking A community for knife makers
/r/SlipjointKnives A community for slipjoints!!
/r/PokeyJokeys For memes, reaction pics/gifs relating to knives
/r/Bladesmith Anything related to bladesmithing, a place welcome to everyone, from master artisans to beginners.
/r/EDC "Every Day Carry" For showing off your other tools and gadgets
/r/EDCexchange For trading things you don't keep in your pockets anymore.
/r/Flashlight Discuss quality lights of all types including: keychain, EDC, work, headlamps, lanterns, and others
/r/Wicked_Edge Tips, tricks, questions and bragging about shaving with straight, double edge or injector blade razors
/r/Axecraft Axes and saws
/r/beatupknives for beat up knives!
/r/camping All about camping and outdoors
/r/guns or /r/Firearms All about firearms
/r/lighter All about lighters
/r/paracord For lanyards, fobs, bracelets and more
/r/Balisong For all things flipping and balisongs
/r/sheathsandholsters Leatherworking with a concentration on sheaths and holsters
/r/multitools All about multitools!
/r/victorinox for all your victorinox needs!
/r/KME_Sharpeners for KME stuff!
Disclaimer: Knifeclub Mods take no responsibility for bad experiences, trades, or loss of goods/money on this or other subreddits
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Message the moderators! This community thrives on the suggestions and input of its members.
What knife has recently really impressed you?
Handling this was jaw dropping. Brought me back to my original Jerry Moen Blue Max Flipper.
I was mildly disappointed that I got one that doesn't ting, but I noticed it does a little in really absorbent environments, and more when it closes than when it opens. Got me thinking about how the sound comes from blade reverberation, so maybe a little pivot tension would put more energy into it on deployment. Worked like a charm, I'm in love with this thing all over again!
After a month and getting my knife back the problem still persists, There is some ridges on the spine of the blade that i beileve is causing it, and was told that the knife went through 100 actuations without a problem, this happened out of the box when they dropped this color last month,
Thys Meades Mini Native!
I keep hearing people talk about adhering to knife laws (3” blade and under, no otfs, no gravity, etc.). I’m confounded on what situation someone would encounter where a cop would stop you, make you do a pocket check, take your knife, and fine or arrest you. I’m 53 and have carried a knife for 4 decades. I’ve traveled with knives. I’ve even been pulled over twice and had to show cops concealed knives that I know didn’t comply with the local laws. These were the only times a cop ever asked me to see my knives/weapons, btw, and I didn’t get into any trouble whatsoever(for the knives at least - I probably got a speeding ticket).
Has anyone here gotten in trouble for carrying a knife that didn’t comply with the local or state knife laws (knife confiscated, fined, arrested, etc.)?
(For those interested, left to right, top to bottom: WE Attor, WE 10th Anniversary coin, Divo Tall Boy, WE Solid, Ketuo Beetle, Kansept Kratos, Winterblade Factor 8ight, Spartan Harsey “Mayan”, DailyCarry Co TiSlide, Avery Knifeworks Hunter, Cold Steel Spartan, Crescent Moon Knife - Pakistan’s finest!)
Thanks to this sub for all the wonderful info. My first Esee came in the mail and I see what all the fuss is about. What a nice knife. Perfect for what I need it for and I'll definitely be getting another. The sheath fits nicely in the pocket with the clip adapter. More Esee please.
This is for a large animal/livestock dissection over the lab portion of an anatomy course, so basically a throwaway knife.
My program specific a 5” semiflexible curved blade. This came in a flimsy cardboard sheath that did not protect it or me at all. I tried a 6”x2” guard as recommended by a size chart and the curved tip pops out and attempts to skewer me through the palm no matter which direction I put it on.
I don’t want to spend twice the price of the knife for an actual scabbard/leather sheath that will get super gross anyway. Send help. Something makeshift would be fine too, I just don’t know what to use that would be safe to toss in a backpack or locker.
I’m looking to buy the Helle Utvaer knife as a bushcraft knife that I will have for a long time. I am definitely set on the idea of wood handle and I wondered if anyone had experience with Helle knives or that one in particular?
I saw Strider is not continuing the colab with Protech. Well FOMO kicked in and I went over to White Mountain Knives and picked this one up before I couldn't. I really like the Smokey Grey DLC on the blade.
This knife is a clone of a Strider SNG by the Evil Eyes company, it is in fact an integral knife and is probably my favorite in my collection. I’d say it’s almost custom level.
Boker Plus Nessmi Pro, small fixie designed by Voxnaes. D2 steel and brown burlap micarta over red g10 liners. I carry it horizontal in a leather belt sheath
Kizer’s clutch lock is easily one of the best out there right now, imo
Hi all,
Have a special request and hope to find the answer here.
Thinking about pulling the trigger on a Quiet Carry Drift or Drift large but am a bit torn between the two sizes.
Does anyone have both by chance and could post a few pics comparing them to a Caly 3.5 (which I own)?
That would be fabulous!
Brian Nadeau Arch Nemesis. This is my favorite knife of my entire collection. I have a few higher dollar pieces but this just hits me different. It's magical to hold and open. I searched pretty far and wide for one and if they ever popped up on the secondary, they were gone quick. I happen to score this bad boy from him and it's become my most favorite to hold. I know daggers have a very niche use, but I love them, and this is one of the ultimate grails for me.
I'm looking to buy either the liner or button lock version of the Civivi Praxis and am wondering if there's any advantage to the liner or button lock. Is one stronger or more ergonomic than the other? Thanks