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We discuss flashlights of all types!
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Of course you probably didn't make a spreadsheet or anything, but as a guesstimate how many times have you turned on a light while pointing it in an unfortunate direction
I have a lumintop gt3 and a thrunite tn36 limited as potential candidates both mcpcbs are in the 12v configuration. ( I assume on the tn36 the mcpcb leads receive 16v) the main reason of this post which host would be best for the fll707A emitters to not over amp them. fireflies specs are "Emitter voltage: 6V 7.2A / 12V 3.6A" and Jackson Lee specs are "6V 6.5А 8A MAX" and since the emitters are in a 12v parallel configuration and I'm going to be using Sanyo NCR18650GA batteries to limit the current to not overdrive the emitters.
My current favourite light is a Sky Lumen T2vn with the SFT40. I read that the DriverVN4 it has (programmable UI) is a FET+1 driver from MTNElectronics with the guppy3drv firmware. Some people seem to not like FET drivers, I'm curious why as I can't find anything wrong with it. Is it simply that the output drops off as the cell discharges? I don't notice any flicker in any of the modes all the way down to moonlight.
Thinking of getting said flashlight as a very primitive night vision, when combined with my phone. What wavelength should I get for this application? Is the output (when viewed through a phone) comparable to a standard C8 I know there are probably a lot of variables, but so far I couldn't find any beamshots of the IR version.
Hey all, I recently fell down the rabbit hole here trying to find a good keychain light (went with the Rovyvon Aurora A3, loving it and bought 3 more as gifts). But now, I'm looking for a better light to live on my desk at home. I find myself using my $5 AliExpress Philips one constantly but it's not bright enough, has a really ugly hotspot, and a greenish tint on the edges.
Right now, I'm torn between a D4V2 with a domed 519A 3500K emitter and a basic Wurkkos FC11C, but I'm open to others. This probably won't be an EDC since I have the Aurora on me at all times, so size isn't a big concern. A nice finish is a big plus too, since I'll be looking at it a lot.
Ideally, I'm looking to not spend over $50 shipped, before batteries. I'm wanting something with a nice even beam that's not super throwy since it'll pretty much exclusively be used indoors for random household and electronic tasks with occasional screwing around outside, ideally with a temperature at 4500K or warmer. I'm drawn to Convoy lights like the C8+ and M21B but the ones I like seem too throwy for what I'm wanting at the moment.
Any recommendations? I'm sure I'll like the D4V2 but I'm not sure if it's worth paying twice as much for a light that's much better than what I need it for. On the other hand, I think I'll be a bit underwhelmed by the simplicity of the FC11C and want to upgrade quickly. I've got some time to decide with Chinese New Year, but any input is appreciated.
What a great light for the price. The weight and hand feel of brass is enjoyable, but the weight is also a con for pocket carry.
Vapcell 18350 battery and I added the illuminated tail switch. I’m sad I can’t have the pocket clip and tail magnet installed at the same time.
4000k 519a is pretty much the perfect tint for me.
Hey All,
I have an Hd01 Wurrkos and I really like it for EDC as a rotation with my others (Acebeam, Arkfeld, Lumintop). I have deep carry clips on my other lights, but I don't see one for this on the web. I checked Wurrkos site, and did some search engine looking. Just wondering if others have found some anywhere?
I’ve seen some good recommendations for headlamps in general on here. Wondering if anyone has suggestions for my evening runs? Maybe a chest light instead? Preferably something that doesn’t bobble too much. Thanks guys
Hey all, what convoy light matches the TD01?
I've been in the hobby for a relatively short time but have picked up (what I think is) a decent number of lights (9).
Since buying them I've discovered that I simply can't live without aux lights whether it's a lit switch or LEDs in the reflector. If I have to grope around in the dark to find a flashlight I really start to consider it having an inferior design. A flashlight quite simply MUST be easy to find when you need to find it
There are lights where it doesn't matter, for instance I have a SC18 in my tool box for working in the garage and a IF22a for when I'm trying to light something up from a distance, but to watch my wife dig in her purse trying to find her SP10 in a dark restaurant drives me nuts. A simple lit switch would totally fix that.
So I guess my pet peeve is general use or EDC lights with no aux. I really doubt I'll buy one again without a very compelling reason.
Do you have anything that immediately makes you lose interest in a particular flashlight
$13.99 on Amazon prime and got it overnight. Smallest light I own
Only problem it’s the Chinese new year. Should I still place my order anyways? Is there anything on this order that you guys would change? I lean towards liking my lights a little more on the throwey side.
Literally EVERYTHING is “sold out”.
Fenix PD32R and Nitecore SRT6i
I’m trying to find a less functional GT Nano lookalike for my kid. They don’t need the throw and I certainly don’t want that much power in their hands, yet. Is there a name for that type of flashlight look with the head almost double the width of the body?
If I can’t find anything like what I’m searching for I may just buy a cheap light and customize it to fit inside a 3D printed housing.
I haven’t really been paying attention to new ooights isn’t it any good ?
welp, i'm in deep now. need a thrower! I've been enjoying my sofirn models and they got a good sale on the SF26 right now, their supposed long range thrower light, and I'm very tempted but I also see the convoy L21 recommended very often. However the convoy shop is on vacation for the lunar new year.
Should I wait it out and order an L21 or go with sofirn?
Top row, left to right
Bottom row, left to right
Cloud Defensive MCH 2.0 EDC
Sofirn F1 (emergency car light #1)
Convoy T5, 519a 5500K (emergency car light #2)
Convoy S8, W1
Fenix E28R (the light that started this whole obsession)
Convoy T5, 519a 5500K (backup emergency light)
Sofirn F1 (backup emergency light)
Not pictured, Sofirn H25LR headlamp + 4 weapon lights (which are currently mounted)
In the mail, 2 Convoy M1, SFT25R, 8A Bucks (because why not)
Case Amazon Link
The car lights are waiting on some NiMh batteries, then they'll be in the glove box on a 3 month battery rotation. Just haven't bought the batteries yet.
My surefire e1e clone body using the vme concepts/malkoff head and the m61ll drop in
Malkoff mdc head on a old sf backup